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Speedfarming Builds Tier List

Last Updated: July 10th 2024

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Season 4 - Loot

This Speedfarming Tier List compares the current meta builds in easy, outdoor and open-world content. This includes Tree of Whispers, Helltide, Zone Events and typically doesn't require killing large Boss monsters frequently. Mobility and AoE damage play the largest part in whether a build is considered high tier.

The arrows indicate where an item has moved since our last Tier List update.
Builds are ranked from top to bottom, left to right within tiers.

S Tier

iconArc Lash Sorc
iconBall Lightning Sorc
iconFireball Sorc
iconLeapquake Barb
iconUpheaval Barb
iconDouble Swing Barb
iconTwisting Blades Rogue
iconBarrage Rogue
iconWhirlwind Barb
iconPenetrating Shot Rogue
iconRend Barb
iconHotA Barb
iconFlay Barb
iconHeartseeker Rogue
iconBlood Surge Necro
iconBone Spear Necro
iconShred Druid
iconFrozen Orb Sorc
iconLightning Storm Druid
iconBlizzard Sorc
iconPulverize Druid
iconChain Lightning Sorc
iconAndariel Puncture Rogue

A Tier

iconFirebolt Sorc
iconWerewolf Tornado Druid
iconFirewall Sorc
iconMeteor Sorc
iconRapid Fire Rogue
iconIce Shards Sorc
iconLandslide Druid
iconShadow Step Rogue
iconBoulder Druid
iconInfinimist Necro
iconBlight Necro
iconBone Spirit Necro
iconThorns Barb

B Tier

iconDeath Trap Rogue
iconFlurry Rogue
iconStormclaw Druid
iconWind Shear Druid
iconMinion Necro
iconHurricane Druid

C Tier

iconSever Necro
iconShadow Minion Necro
iconCompanion Druid
iconShadow Surfer Necro
iconGrenade Rogue

D Tier

iconBlood Lance Necro

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