Evade Eagle Spiritborn Endgame Guide
Welcome to the Evade Eagle Spiritborn Endgame Guide. This build Evades through content at top speed. While most Spiritborn builds have good mobility, this one specializes in high Movement Speed and Evasion making it one of the fastest builds in the game. It deals damage almost exclusively from the Primary Spirit Hall Eagle Storm Feathers and spamming Evade. The base cooldown is 5 seconds which conveniently matches the Evade cooldown reduction from Thunderspike.
The Evade Eagle Spiritborn stacks much more than 1000 Armor to hit the cap for Unyielding Hits which grants up to 1500 extra Weapon Damage and can nearly triple your damage by overcapping Armor. The Seeker is also used due to its damage scaling from Vulnerable and more importantly Critical Strike Damage thanks to the Rank 5 bonus. Critical Strike Damage from Redirected Force is reflected in your character sheet, making The Seeker Rank 5 bonus skyrocket.
While Sepazontec can allow for infinite Evade thanks to Thunderspike, Sepazontec provides no real damage boost for the Evade Eagle Spiritborn. General Cooldown Reduction affixes like on Harlequin Crest apply to Evade as well, providng a very comfortable build excelling at Speedfarming.
Requirements for this build
- Sepazontec
- 4+ Evade Charges
- 59%+ Total Evade Cooldown Reduction
This build guide assumes you have a Level 60 Character and unlocked Torment 1. To get there, level up with one of our Spiritborn Leveling Guides. To see how this Build compares against others, check out our various Build Tier Lists.
Witchcraft Powers
Season 7 is the Season of Witchcraft. It features two separate borrowed power mechanics in the forms of Witchcraft Powers and Occult Gems. Both Seasonal mechanics are unlocked and improved by new NPCs found at the Tree of Whispers after collecting resources from Headhunt Zones, Seasonal areas similar to Helltide that appear across Sanctuary.
There are 25 Witchcraft Powers, 6 of which can be equipped at a time. Each Power belongs to one of four Schools (Eldritch, Growth & Decay, Psyche, and Lost), tags that promote synergies within themselves and with Occult Gems. Each School has a single Unique Witchcraft Power, only one of which can be equipped at a time. These Unique Powers max out and gain an additional effect at rank 5, while the other Powers max at rank 21 and gain their bonus effects at various levels. To unlock and improve Witchcraft Powers, defeat Headrotten or complete Whispers within the Headhunt Zones to collect Restless Rot. Lost Powers are an exception, requiring you to randomly encounter a Forgotten Altar in Dungeons to unlock them.
Best-in-Slot Witchcraft Powers
- Soul Harvest - This Power dramatically increases Core Stats based on monster density and is a reliably strong choice, especially after grouping mobs together.
- Hex of Shattering - The Damage Reduction is great and it is the most consistent way to apply a Hex. Also a damage boost for Dust Stone.
- Aura of Lament - Applies a massive slow in an area to activate Binding Morass and an additional damage boost for Dust Stone.
- Aura of Siphoning - An additional damage boost for Dust Stone.
- Aura Specialization - The larger Aura radius is nice but the Critical Damage Multiplier that comes with levels is even better and applies to all your damage.
- Vengeful Spirit Servant - Primarily taken to activate Mind Wreath but also grants you some protection by aborbing damage for you. This also allows better uptime on Viscous Shield.
Alternate Witchcraft Powers
- Piranhado - This power can be used as an alternative way to group mobs.
- Purging Touch - An additional damage boost to The Seeker.
- Aura of Misfortune - This power increases your movement speed, increasing the damage gain from Brilliance if you are not capped.
- Twilight Warding - Gives a large Barrier periodically and reduces Barrier Generation requirements to maintain 100% of Max Life as Barrier for Viscous Shield.
- Hex of Whispers - Grants you Damage Reduction through Fortify. Can clear Tormented Boss stacks making this a very powerful cleanse.
- Hex Specialization - While you only use one Hex, the Evade Eagle Spiritborn needs a bit more Critical Strike Chance to hit the cap. This also synergizes well with Hex of Shattering to further increase your Damage Reduction.
Occult Gems
Rarely, Headrotten Bosses appear with a still-attached Fugitive Head stolen from the Tree of Whispers. Slay these enemies and return the Heads to Gelena to unlock and upgrade Occult Gems. These Gems are socketable in Jewelry and each provide +160 Armor and +8% Resistance to All Elements so be sure to slot them in for the defensive stats even if they don't synergize with your chosen Witchcraft Powers. More importantly, each Occult Gem grants a unique effect that synergizes with your equipped Witchcraft Powers to provide a variety of Offensive, Defensive, and Utility-based bonuses.
Best-in-Slot Occult Gems
- Mind Wreath - Allows Armored Hide to be cast more often to keep you at 100% Block Chance
- Voice of the Stars - An additional damage boost for The Seeker
- Dust Stone - This build uses 3 Auras and Hexes that feed into this damage boost.
Alternate Occult Gems
- Friend of the Bog - Extra Core Stats improve skill damage, Armor, and Resistances, Maximum Life improves defense, and becoming Unhindered helps you move through groups of mobs while also activating Unrestrained Power. This is a great all rounder gem.
- Heart of Anima - Boosts the duration of Aura of Lament and the Damage Reduction from Hex of Shattering
Learn more details about the season theme in our full Season Guide.
Skills & Gameplay
- Thunderspike provides a source of Vulnerable, and the 3rd hit resets your Evade cooldown. Therefore, when you Evade Accelerated Thunderspike resets your Evade cooldown. If not, cast Thunderspike to reset your Evade cooldown and repeat.
- Scourge provides you with a Slow as well as a damage buff against Crowd Controlled enemies. It can also be a source of healing through Adaptable Scourge.
- The Seeker provides stacks of Supremacy to increase your damage. It can also do a good amount of damage to high priority targets you encounter, and has a short cast time so you can continue using Evade.
- Armored Hide is your source for Unstoppable and Resolve. More stacks of Resolve means more Block Chance from Redirected Force.
- Counterattack increases Critical Strike Damage by up to 30%[X] based on the number of Close enemies. Paired with Mirage, dodging also boosts your Critical Strike Chance almost all the time.
- Ravager allows you to use Potent against Bosses, however Eagle Primary Spirit Hall Feathers do not activate Ravager hits.
Skill Rotation
- Start with your buffs Ravager and Armored Hide followed by The Seeker.
- Always cast Armored Hide second to ensure Intricacy resets the cooldown and activate it as soon as it ends to maintain 100% Block Chance
- Cast Scourge when ever it is off cooldown.
- Spam Evade to deal damage and reduce Defensive skill cooldowns thanks to Alacrity.
- (On Bosses) Before you start the boss fight:
- Spam The Seeker to stack Supremacy.
Spirit Halls
Primary: You bring the thunder, Eagle brings the lightning, or in this case the Storm Feathers.
Secondary: Eagle activates Loyalty's Mantle and grants a large Critical Strike Chance boost before you are capped.
Learn more details in our full Spiritborn Spirit Hall Guide.
Paragon & Glyphs
Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 at level 15 and from 4 to 5 at level 46. Some of them cannot be activated before reaching these thresholds! Progress through The Pit to rank up your Glyphs.
Use the slider to see progression steps. At around Paragon 200, leveling slows down significantly and all important Rare clusters, Legendary nodes and Glyph sockets should be unlocked. Afterwards, you can min/max your build with minor tweaks and by picking up additional smaller nodes.
Evade Eagle Spiritborn Endgame Paragon
Some Glyph position swaps, board changes and other pathing adjustments may occur as you unlock your full potential. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build before spending additional points that do not significantly impact your character's power.
Glyph Leveling Priorities
To Level 15
- Fulminate
- Jagged Plume
- Talon
- Spirit
- Canny
To Level 46
- Jagged Plume
- Spirit
- Fulminate
- Talon
- Canny
There are a total of 328 Paragon Points. After reaching level 60, you gain up to 300 Paragon Levels, 24 from Renown and 4 from Altars of Lilith. Check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.
You can have up to two Runewords in your setup, each consisting of one Ritual and one Invocation Rune. Socket them in Two-Handed Weapons if your build calls for them, otherwise place them into your Armor pieces to replace normal gems. The Evade Eagle Spiritborn focuses on the following combos:
Best in Slot
- Bac + Que - For extra defense & offense through Viscous Shield
- Cem + Tzic - Casts Concussive Stomp giving you Unyielding Hits for 3 seconds.
Alternative choices
As long as you haven't unlocked the final setup or found the top runes, you can also benefit from these options:
- Gar - grants additional Critical Strike Chance
- Wat - Decrepify helps with stagger, defense and allows you to execute enemies at 10% HP.
- Zec - Reduces your Ultimate cooldown allowing for you to take advantage of Intricacy more often. Armored Hide must always be active.
- Cir - Periodically grants a large amount of offering.
Learn more about Runes and how they work in our dedicated Runewords Overview and Runewords Tier List.
Mercenaries are unlocked during the Vessel of Hatred campaign and assist you in battle. There are 4 separate Mercenaries to choose from, each with their own skill trees and abilities. You can have one hired (permanent) mercenary during solo play and a reinforcement who assists you from time to time in certain situations.
Hired: Raheir
He provides you with insane amount of survivability with Valiance. Raheir's Guard gives you Resistance to All Elements from Raheir's Aegis. Bastion and Ground Slam both grant damage bonuses when hitting enemies from the Inspiration passive.
Reinforcement: Varyana
Call Varyana, the Berserker Crone to cast Earth Breaker when you cast any skill in combat to repeatedly knock enemies down and build stagger.
Learn more about Mercenaries and how they work in our dedicated Mercenaries Overview.
Stat Priorities & Item Progression
To enable the Evade Eagle Spiritborn to perform optimally, hunt for these stats on your gear with good rolls and aim to Temper ⚒️ & Masterwork Crit ↑ them accordingly. Keep in mind that certain stats, such as Armor, Resistances, Extra Size Tempers, Attack Speed and more, have caps that may affect your priorities according to the items and Paragon points available at that moment.
Recommended Endgame Stat Thresholds
- 60%+ Critical Strike Chance
- 2000+ Dexterity
- 8,000+ Life
- 400%+ Storm Feathers Potency
- 59%+ Total Evade Cooldown Reduction
- Armor Capped 5,000 (For Unyielding Hits)
- Resistance Capped 70%+
Item Progression Goals
Before you dive into the Endgame with the Evade Eagle Spiritborn, take a look at this overview of the items used in the build. See below for further details about the different progression steps and variants. Some of your Skill Tree choices depend on what Legendary Aspects and Unique items are available to you. Keep in mind that while we can guarantee that everyone has access to the same Codex of Power Aspects, the exact progression is different for everyone.
Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.
Build Variants
This section is designed to guide your Evade Eagle Spiritborn from a fresh level 60 into the very late endgame using the three variants Starter, Ancestral and Mythic. At the final step, you should be fully decked out with a great all-rounder build. From there, follow the other min/max variants if you want to optimize around certain activities such as Pit Pushing, Speedfarming and more.
If you are fresh in Torment 1 coming from a leveling guide, you will need to acquire Sepazontec before starting this build. Since only some Aspects can be guaranteed from Dungeon unlocks for the Codex of Power, focus on acquiring the additional aspects via gambling with Murmuring Obols.
Gear & Skills
- Early on in your progression, focus on armor & resistances to survive. Each Torment difficulty adds a 250 armor and 25% all res penalty and it's recommended to keep both capped (1000 armor, 70+ res) at all times. As you unlock higher power gear, masterworking levels and more paragon points, you naturally scale your character into the higher difficulties and can start replacing some of these rolls with offensive or utility stats.
- Focus on acquiring Sepazontec before starting to play this build. With this item every Thunderspike does its 3rd strike which resets evade cooldown. It is only used to reset Evade so the affixes do not matter.
- Sepazontec lets you Evade endlessly while Thunderspike is on your skill bar. Each Evade grants the 3rd attack bonus of Thunderspike, reducing your Evade cooldown by 5 seconds each time.
- Sepazontec does not add much damage to Eagle Primary Spirit Hall so you should seek to add Cooldown Reduction and Evade Cooldown Reduction tempers to reach 59%+ Total Evade Cooldown Reduction.
- Unyielding Hits turns your defense into offense. Overstack armor to get as much damage out of it as possible.
- You need to have 2 charges of Evade. Acceleration provides an extra charge.
- Tzic casts Concussive Stomp which activates Unyielding Hits.
The goal here is to progress through the Torment difficulties as you unlock Ancestrals, Paragon points, all Legendary Aspects, Temper mods and the most important Uniques to pilot this build. Some Legendary Aspects are used temporarily to fill slots that may be replaced with more Unique items later on.
Gear & Skills
- As you upgrade your gear to ancestrals with more masterworking levels and reach higher paragon, you can focus more and more on replacing armor & resistance rolls with better stats.
- You don't have enough cooldown reduction to keep Armored Hide always active, so you use Interdiction to provide you with Block Chance to increase your damage from Redirected Force.
- Loyalty's Mantle requires using Eagle Secondary Spirit Hall. It will give a large boost to your damage since many damage multipliers in this build focus only on Critical Strikes
This is the final version of the build's progression, including all regular Unique items, Mythic Uniques, Legendary Aspects, Temper mods and Masterworking, leaving you with a great all-rounder build for all content in the game. Additional variants use this as a baseline to optimize around certain activities.
Gear & Skills
This setup will not work without 59%+ Total Evade Cooldown Reduction.
- Wushe Nak Pa grants up to 300% Eagle Primary Spirit Hall Potency, when casting The Seeker. Cast it as often as you can to maintain maximum Supremacy stacks. Keep in mind the implicit affix to reduce cooldown only applies when hitting enemies with actual skills, not just Storm Feathers. Get in close while evading to reduce d4-skill id=1663204]The Seeker[/d4-skill] cooldown.
- Harlequin Crest grants you significant Cooldown Reduction for all skills and makes uptime on previously timed buffs much easier. It also reduces the cooldown of Evade.
- Shroud of False Death gives you +1 to all passives, granting a significant amount of damage.
- Keep an eye on your Armor. If it reaches 5,000, you may move Unyielding Hits from your Amulet to another piece of gear.
This Speedfarming variant optimizes the build for easy activities like Helltides, Whispers, Nightmare Dungeons and lower Pit Tiers after you have finished the Mythic variant and reached a plateau in your progression.
Gear & Skills
- No changes from the Mythic build as this build is already ridiculously quick
This setup optimizes the build to push the highest possible Tiers in The Pit after you have finished the Mythic variant and reached a plateau in your progression.
Gear & Skills
This setup does not work without 59%+ Total Evade Cooldown Reduction. This requires high rolls and Masterwork Crits on Evade Cooldown Reduction tempers.
- When fighting monsters in high tiers of the Pit, remember that after Crowd Controlling elites for 5 seconds, they become Unstoppable for 8 seconds. This may be the right moment to start kiting them around because your damage done goes way down and they can freely retaliate.
- Heir of Perdition is a tremendous damage boost but the tradeoff is a loss of Armor and Cooldown Reduction for your skills.
- Soul Harvest snapshots the buff amount from first activation. Try to pull many enemies together to make the most of the buff. It caps at 64.
- Potent is a great damaget boost, however it only stacks when directly hitting with a skill. Eagle Primary Spirit Hall does not count as a Jaguar skill and does not activate Ravager meaning you need to stay in close to enemes and directly hit with Thunderspike when evading, or any other skill.
- Swap to Gorilla Secondary Spirit Hall as you should be at 100% Critical Strike Chance without it. Gorilla grants permanent Unstoppable while granting a bit more Damage Reduction through extra Resolve stacks.
FAQ & Mechanics
Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how we are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.
The build works really well when you decimate everything in seconds, but may get overwhelmed if fights are long against high level monsters. There are several adjustments you can make when you have trouble with more difficult content:
- Check if your Armor & Resists are capped.
- Use defensive consumables.
- Roll Maximum Life instead of offensive stats on as many pieces as possible.
- Kite enemies when they become Unstoppable.
Evade Eagle Spiritborn have multiple ways to trigger Unstoppable. Keep Armored Hide up 100% of the time gives you Unstoppable.
Generally hardcore and softcore share the same builds. Outside of being more prudent in your gameplay, you can also tweak the setup slightly to raise your survivability:
- Armor & resists, making sure that they are always capped especially as you transition into higher torment difficulties.
- Maximum life rolls, for example replacing DPS stats like main attributes, attack speed, critical strike chance and additive increased damage rolls. Also masterwork life more than normal if no other crucial stats have priority.
- Adding defensive skills, passives and paragon nodes first as you level up.
- Play on a slightly lower difficulty than normal, don't push into difficult territory. As long as you can deal with all enemies swiftly, they can't retaliate.
- Include a source of Unstoppable if possible to get out of crowd controls.
- Use defensive elixirs and incenses instead of offensive ones.
Harlequin Crest
- Pros:
- Faster than Exhilaration as it doesn't rely on Lucky Hit Chance to restore Evade charges.
- More damage than Sepazontec build due to Spirit Hall Potency Temper and Redirected Force.
- Cons:
- Hardest to gear as you need enough Cooldown Reduction to have 100% up time for The Seeker and Armored Hide.
- Pros:
- Faster than Exhilaration as it doesn't rely on Lucky Hit Chance to restore Evade charges.
- Easiest to gear as you only need Sepazontec and the affix rolls do not matter.
- Cons:
- Deals less damage as you don’t have Spirit Hall Potency Temper and Redirected Force on your weapon.
- While all the exact mechanics are much more nuanced, there are two separate Attack Speed Bonus caps of +100% that apply to all builds for a total potential of +200%. For Spiritborn, these two caps are distributed in the following way:
Cap 1
- Gear rolls
- Paragon nodes
- Elixirs
- Moonrise
- Artillery Shrine
Cap 2
- Adaptive Stances
- Rapid
- Ferocity
- Accelerating
Read up more on Attack Speed in our dedicated guide by Ava.
Bosses are immune to Crowd Control (CC) effects and instead take Stagger Damage when hit by one. The amount of stagger damage dealt depends on the type of CC and is proportional to its duration. After being hit by a CC effect, the Boss will temporarily take less Stagger Damage from a CC of the same type.
Effectively, this means that when you're just spamming one type of CC you don't need to spam any more of it than what you need to keep a normal enemy permanently CC-d. To stagger the Boss quickly you need to use as many different types of CC as possible. After the Boss is staggered it gains a certain amount of stacking Stagger Damage Reduction for the rest of the fight:
- After 1st Stagger: 20%
- After 2nd Stagger: 40%
- After 3rd Stagger: 60%
- After 4th Stagger: 90%
Bosses naturally regain 1% of their Stagger HP every second and when that regen is combined with 90% Stagger Damage Reduction it becomes borderline impossible to Stagger the Boss again unless you bring a serious amount of crowd controls.
Video Guide
Evade Eagle Spiritborn is a fun highly mobile build that's great for speed farming, and strong enough to push pits! This might be the most fun build I've seen in a long time. Who needs to stop and attack when you can Evade, Soar, and sprint through all of the content!
Go now, and slaughter... the demonic horde.
Written by DeezyTheMonster
Reviewed by Wudijo