Karma is a system that increases your character's power through raw stats and Ark Passive points. It is designed to be an endgame gold sink that provides a significant damage boost through two layers. You can access this system directly from the Ark Passive window: Karma Levels Each Ark Passive...
is a possible drop from the . Participate in the Island Event to obtain . Quest GiverQuest NameRewardsColorful HoneybeesSource of Sweet SmellGuard BeeA Small Sweet Kingdom x2Guard BeeRoyal Guard Examinations x2 To unlock the quest below, you have to complete Royal Guard Examinations and get the...
Once you are familiar with the Ark Passive System and have defeated Aegir, you would naturally start wondering when you should enable this system. The answer to this is uniquely tailored to your character and all of its aspects, from and , to Combat Level and . However, there are a few universal...
Normal ModeHard ModeMonster TypeWeaknessTauntable1660 Item Level1680 Item LevelAncientNoneNo Battle Items: of your choice or This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class. Learn about Aegir Gate 1. Raid Rewards GoldMaterialBonus LootBonus Loot...
Normal ModeHard ModeMonster TypeWeaknessTauntable1660 Item Level1680 Item LevelDemonNoneNo Battle Items: of your choice or This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class. Learn about Aegir Gate 2. Raid Rewards GoldMaterialBonus LootBonus Loot...
Dear Adventurers, AGS has given us 25 codes to give away to celebrate the release of the Ignited Update. Each code contains the following items: x30 x40 Click on the banner below and like & retweet the tweet to enter the giveaway. The winners will be chosen in 48 hours. The code can be claimed...
Dear Adventurers, with the release of Season 3 and Tier 4, we are introduced to exciting new content and systems, as well as adjustments to existing systems and item level thresholds in order to ensure a smooth transition for everyone! We are also thrilled to welcome new and returning players...
Welcome to the Lost Ark Tier 4 checklist. This checklist utilizes a new feature called "Milestones." This list will help you navigate through the daily and weekly content in Season 3. If you would like to provide feedback or suggestions for further improvement, please join and comment on this...
Introduction Argeos is the first Raid Level 8 Guardian, with an Item Level requirement of 1640. He drops Tier 4 , , and Upgrade Materials, as well as rare drops including Engraving Books and a new Rune. Recommended Battle Items: , , and Weakness: Light This Guardian guide assumes you know the...
Introduction This guide looks to detail the most important aspects of the region named North Kurzan. This guide will cover the Adventure Tome, Traveling Merchant, Hidden Quests, and Mokoko Seeds. The first section contains general maps of each zone in North Kurzan; the purpose is to give you a...
Raids are the core content of Lost Ark, providing the hardest challenges and some of the most memorable moments in our journey. Raid difficulty is a common topic that is constantly talked about with every raid release, and as Lost Ark continues to evolve, balancing raid difficulty and rewards has...
Introduction This article covers the changes that came with the balance patch released on the Korean Live Servers in September. Warrior GunlancerDestroyerSlayerPaladin Gunlancer Lance Training Fortified Precision Combat Readiness Empower Efficiency Lone Knight 3 Levels +5/10/15% +6/12/18% Damage...
Arkesians, it is time to face Behemoth, an epic battle of unprecedented scale. To tackle and master this challenge, you need to assemble a team of 16 brave souls. Will you be able to work as a team with 15 other adventurers to slay the foe, or will you descend into chaos and fail miserably? Show...
The seconds gate of Behemoth is relatively straightforward and is a 16 player raid. Beating Behemoth will unlock the Transcendence system for your weapon. Gate 2 is similar to Gate 1's system, there will be a few more patterns and attacks to watch out for though. Normal ModeMonster...
The first gate of Behemoth is relatively straightforward and is a 16 player raid. Beating Behemoth will unlock the Transcendence system for your weapon. This raid will also have 8 revive tokens. Normal ModeMonster TypeWeaknessTauntable1620 Item LevelAncientNoneNo Battle Items: of your...
Announced way back in June, released in KR in July, and making its way to the West on October 9th, Tier 4 brings a significant amount of new content and changes with it. We've been covering the news on this topic since LOA ON, followed by a KR Dev Letter, and even the Game Director's Livestream in...
This article goes over the details of the Ark Passive system, which comprises a large portion of your character's strength through a granular setup, allowing for a high degree of customization and reallocation. It consists of three separate trees (or tabs), each interacting with different parts of...
On August 23rd, Lost Ark Director Jeon Jae-Hak held a livestream to address some of the concerns the Korean community had about recent releases and the Ark Passive system as a whole, as well as present the upcoming changes and content releases for the game. If you haven't caught up with the recent...
Introduced in the "Calm Before the Storm" update on August 14th, Chaos Purification rewards you for completing Chaos Dungeons, at specific milestones. The aim of this system is to reduce the fatigue induced on players by the feeling that you must complete your Chaos Dungeons daily, so as to not...
Introduction Island Rewards x4 x2 x3 x5 x6 x600,000 Island Token Acquisition is a possible drop from any of the 3 Dungeon Bosses on the island. Island Quests Quest GiverQuest NameRewardsObjectA Voice Calling for Help x2 x30,000Blue SharkA Place to Protect x3 x50,000Blue SharkYour Work is...
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