LOA ON Winter 2024 Summary

LOA ON is an event that takes place twice a year in Korea, where the director of Lost Ark and key members of the production team put on a showcase regarding past content, the state of development on previous promises, as well as the future direction and releases of the game. Without further ado, here's what happened at LOA ON on December 14th 2024!
New Continent: Rimeria
The time has come for adventurers to head into Rimeria, the land of the Yoz. This is the home of characters like Shandi and Zakra, as well as the origin place of Specialist classes. Get ready to explore a whimsical continent full of illusions and fantastic wildlife!
New Classes
Joining the ranks of Specialist classes, Wildsoul follows a druid archetype where you have the option to summon fox and bear companions to fight alongside you, or shape-shift into them and unleash your wild side. This class uses a Scroll as a weapon and will release on January 8th in KR.
Female Paladin
Teased right at the end of the presentation, a new support class joins the fray in summer in KR. This will be a gender unlock for the Paladin class, likely following the same theme and support/DPS build availability. It was mentioned that it will have a comprehensive Ark Passive tree, but no other details were given.
New Raids
Kazeros Raid: Act III
Following the events of Act II, where adventurers defeated Abyss Monarch Narok and foiled Brelshaza's plans in her fortress of ice, we are now headed into a full-scale war with Varkan and his followers, as well as a rematch against Thaemine, and an encounter with Abyss Monarch Mordum, featuring unique mechanics and a familiar arena style. This raid features three gates, with moderate difficulty and entry requirements set at Item Level 1680 for Normal Mode and 1700 for Hard Mode. The release date is January 8th for KR.
Kazeros Raid: Epilogue

As the end approaches, so does our inevitable fight against Kazeros himself. This raid marks the finale of the first chapter of our story, and its difficulty is said to surpass that of Thaemine's Legion Raid. Brace yourself for a confrontation of historic proportions! Further details were not revealed, but it is slated to release before summer in KR.
Strike Raids

This is a new type of raid that was teased in previous presentations. It's meant to serve as a more casual activity, and it's currently unclear whether it will be a permanent feature or an event. But it was mentioned that you will have the choice between an 8-man raid with mechanics that aims to keep you on your toes, or a 4-man raid with significantly lower difficulty. The first edition will take place in Shaa, the capital of Rimeria, and is set to be released towards the end of March in KR.
Guardian Raid: Drextalas
Joining the ranks of Arkesia's former protectors is one of Varkan's followers, Drextalas. This guardian combines elements of old design with new features to deliver a fearsome encounter. Alongside it, Kurzan Front, Ebony Cube, and Chaos Gate will also receive a new bracket.
System Changes
Elixir System
This system has been heavily simplified. Instead of choosing all five options, each elixir now comes with four options pre-picked, and the fifth one being selectable from a list. Here's a list of the other changes:
- Some redundant effects have been removed.
- Chaos and Order node stacking has been removed.
- Animations have been sped up significantly.
- Available options have been simplified.
Transcendence System
This system has gone through a major overhaul. The existing minigame got scrapped entirely, being replaced with one similar to board games, where you roll a die and advance a specific number of tiles. The goal is to reach the end in a certain number of rolls, with special tiles along the way to assist your progress. All special tiles have beneficial effects, and while the system still features a random outcome to some degree, the time spent on it has been heavily reduced.
Solo Raids
Solo raids have been the primary conduit for new players to experience the game at their own pace, and the director wants to further expand that direction through some changes.
- Thaemine and Echidna have been added to the roster of available solo raids.
- Kakul-Saydon's Bingo phase has been removed.
- New random buffs have been added to the raids, in addition to the ones you select at the start.
- Solo raids now feature in-game guides to help players learn the encounter.
- The amount of materials awarded for clearing solo raids has been increased.
Quality of Life
The following changes will be implemented in order to address varying pain points across the game:

- The Kazeros War Map (ALT + Q) now features the latest content available for your character. Chaos Dungeon and Una's Tasks have been added to this list, and the map now displays Rest Bonus.

- Tier 3 Chaos Dungeons can now only be attempted once per day, similar to Kurzan Front. The rewards and duration will be adjusted accordingly.

- Gold acquisition can now be changed within the raid itself, instead of having to do so before entering.

- Battle Item Presets and Pet Security Division have been added to Mass Presets (ALT + E).

- Certain buffs have been condensed into a single icon on your buff bar.

- Four new hairstyles have been added.

- Some character features, stances, and postures have been updated to better reflect reality.
- The option to display multi-hit skills as a single damage number has been added.
- Challenge Guardians, Challenge Abyssal Dungeons, and Platinum Field have been removed from the game.
Other Content
Music System
This system was previously showcased, and is now heading into the live version of the game! After release, you will be able to band together with other adventurers and create musical memories together. Several instruments are available, and the possibilities are only limited by your creativity!
New Island: Urnuzan

Serving as a training ground for young Yoz illusionists, Urnuzan is located near Rimeria, and features stunning visuals, a new story, and valuable rewards!
Nukman's Illusion Stones

Nukman, the first Elder Yoz, once created powerful Illusion Stones that allow their user to peer into important events from the past. These stones have been scattered across Arkesia, and you can now set out to find them and uncover the truth about the history of the world! This is a new collectible item that features potentially valuable rewards.
Mokoko Express

A new edition of the Mokoko Express has been revealed, and is set to take your character to Item Level 1640. Unlike previous iterations, this one will grant you incredible rewards upon completion of hallmark raids on your journey. It's been mentioned that by the end, players can acquire Light of Salvation - Awakening 24, among other things.
Ark Pass

A new Ark Pass has been unveiled, featuring new skins and valuable rewards.
Gold Nerfs
The following raids have received changes to their Gold reward structure. Please note that the change to Behemoth only affects KR, as the Western version is already different.
Content | Before | After |
Ivory Tower (Hard) | 14,500 | 10,500 |
Thaemine (Normal) | 13,000 | 10,000 |
Thaemine (Hard) Thaemine (Gate 4) | 20,000 21,000 | 15,500 8,000 |
Behemoth | 21,000 | 18,500 |
Written by Raeinor
Reviewed by Perciculum