The joyful chaos of the 22 Nights of Terror Event returns for the holidays this year from December 13th until January 4th. You can expect the same events from last year, which we list off after the official statement below. 22 Nights of Terror Event The air stirs with whimsey, perhaps even magic, adventurer. However subtle, a joyous invocation permeates Sanctuary, casting a ray of holiday celebration upon its inhabitants. . . or is this demonic trickery? This magic from beyond is not cause for a ceasefire in the unremitting conflict between demon and mortal, but its nuances can still be […]
It’s almost time to go back and play Diablo 2 Season 5! While this Ladder may not have any major changes, we are still here to provide you the critical information to have a fun and effective ladder start! See all our great Leveling Guides, End Game Build Guides and Tier Lists below to aid in your fight against the demons of Hell! Ladder Start Times Season 5 starts on the following date/times: Date: Thursday, September 28 Time: NA (2:00 p.m. PDT) – EU (11:00 p.m. CEST) – Asia (6:00 a.m. KST) Leveling Guides The first Character of a Ladder […]
At long last, D2R Ladder Season 5 is Coming Soon! This season is more of a straight reset compared to previous seasons. For all the information, check out the official post below. We knew you would return traveler…and so did Hell’s minions. Countless demons have met their timely demise at the end of your weapon, yet their onslaught doesn’t relent. Sanctuary needs its savior! Return on September 28 to wreak havoc among the Burning Hells’ ranks in Ladder Season 5! Read further to glean pertinent information about the Season. Ladder Season 5 Our previous Ladder Seasons for Diablo II: Resurrected have showed […]
Believe it or not, there are many types of Magic rarity items that are worth keeping in Diablo 2 Resurrected. This post helps you quickly identify useful, tradable Magic items. Organized into several categories based on item type, this gear can have anywhere from Low, Medium, to High value (and sometimes Very High value!). Hopefully this post inspires you to pick up all of the potentially insane Magic items people normally leave on the ground! [inplace_ad 1] Charms Several types of Grand Charms, Small Charms, and yes, even Large Charms, can be quite valuable. Out of all of the types […]
All 33 Runes in Diablo 2 are listed below in order of Trade Value from highest to lowest. Rune value is mainly a function of their rarity and what Runewords they are most commonly used in (see our Runeword Tier List). Keep in mind that the Relative Value of runes changes over the course of a Ladder season. Runes listed with Very High, High, Medium, or Low values are typically easy to trade. Runes listed with a value of None are practically worthless past the very beginning of a Ladder reset, but some can be traded in bulk for Crafting […]
The Maxroll Team has been updating everything impacted by the Patch 2.6 changes behind-the-scenes. These posts are now live and ready for you to explore! Enjoy our new Build Guides, updated Guides, Tier Lists, Resource posts and the updated D2Planner. Have fun playing around with it and get ready for Ladder Season 3! Build Guide Update Highlights We reevaluated all of our guides and updated them based on the changes coming in Patch 2.6. Check out our list of guides that received major updates: With the changes in Patch 2.6, there are some clear winners that pull ahead in the […]
The final patch notes for Patch 2.6 have just been revealed! There are many exciting changes to the 8 (9 really) Runewords that were available for testing on the recent PTR. A lot of new information on Terror Zones, Sundering Charms and some great balance changes have been added in Patch 2.6 which will go live on February 15 at 10AM PST (7PM CET, 3AM KST on February 16). Ladder Season 3 Details Ladder Start Times As announced previously, Ladder Season 3 will start on February 16th (17th for Europe and Asia). As Diablo 2 Resurrected allows for cross play […]
Update 01/30: Ladder Season 3 starts on February 16. Read the official post here. We just received word that the Patch 2.6 PTR will start Tuesday, 24th January, at 10:00 AM PST (7:00 PM CET). The focus of this PTR is to test the 9 new Runewords that have been revealed by MacroBioBoi, Dbrunski, LuckyLuciano, and Kano. It will end 7 days later on Tuesday 31st January, at 10:00 AM PST (7:00 PM CET). Around 2 weeks ago we already got word about the start of Ladder Season 3 which will be in mid-February. Looking at our previous resets, we […]
A new wondrous Holiday Event for Diablo 2 Resurrected has just been announced. Playing in all online game modes except Classic, every 24 hours some change takes place in Sanctuary that rewards powerful loot, brings a dash of terror, and an overall completely surprising experience. This holiday even lasts from December 13, 11 am PST to January 4, 11 PST. We will cover every day’s special occurrences in throughout the holiday event! December 13 The first special comes for The Secret Cow Level. It is terrorized for 24 hours. Take out your Javazons and Necromancers and enjoy blasting the Hell […]
Ladder Season 2 Ladder Season 2 starts on October 6th (7th for Europe and Asia). As Diablo 2 Resurrected allows for cross play between the regions Americas, Europe, and Asia, the Ladder starts at the same time for everyone. Taking into account the different time zones of course. NOTE: Because of the most recent changes to how Sunder Charms and / work, we have updated all relevant verbiage and recommendations across our Build Guides / Tier Lists to account for these changes! Leveling Guides The first Character of a Ladder Season is always exciting. It needs to farm for itself […]
Introduction The Maxroll Team has been updating everything impacted by the Patch 2.5 changes behind-the-scenes. These posts are now live and ready for you to explore! Enjoy our new Build Guides, updated Guides, Tier Lists, Resource posts and the updated D2Planner. Have fun playing around with it and theory craft your first build in Ladder Season 2! New Build Guides The Sundering Charms of Patch 2.5 allows us to add a couple of new build guides for your enjoyment! Updated Build Guides We evaluated the use of Sundering Charms on ever build and added a dedicated Sunder Charm Setup when […]
The “EXP” Terror Zone Tier List ranks possible Terror Zones based on the average amount of Experience they generate per hour for a fully built High Level Character (94+) with Mobility (all Player Counts considered). Number of Elite Groups, Monster Types, Monster Density, and Ease of Access to Mobs or the Area itself all factor into this. Learn more about how to make Terror Zones part of your farming routine. Note: This list takes into account the Terror Zone changes made in Patch 2.6. Terror Zones have been added, combined, moved up or down, and removed as a result.
Patch 2.5 introduced a set of 6 new Unique Charms with a new keyword: Sunder. Learn everything you need to know about the new Sunder effect that breaks any Immunity in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Simply equip the Sundered Charm designed for your damage type and the pesky “Immune to xx” text is gone. If used correctly, these Charms allow almost every Character to farm anywhere! What is a Sundered Charm Sundered Charms are a set of 6 Unique Charms designed to break the Immunity of one Element: Sunder: If a Monster is Immune to a Damage type, its Resistance is […]
These zones are selected from a specific list and communicated via the in-game chat window. If the game creators opts-in, every game created has these Terror Zones terrorized for the entire length of the hour. These zones increase Monster Level (mLVL) by increasing the Area Level (aLVL) in randomly chosen zones! Monster in these zones can reach a maximum level of 99 in Hell difficulty. How to Identify a Terror Zone There is a Terrorized Zone on the hour, every hour. The list is selected from randomly and there is no way to know which Zone may be up next […]
Diablo 2 Resurrected has just been updated to Patch 2.5! The final Patch Notes give some information how to unlock Terror Zones and introduce some tweaks to the Sundered Charms we saw on the PTR. While you can immediately experience the Terror Zones, Sundered Charms are a Ladder Only feature, so you can’t find them until Season Ladder 2 starts on October 6th! The patch notes also show what happens to your current Ladder Season 1 Characters and Loot. Terror Zone Changes Terror Zones are for Ladder AND Non-Ladder, and are currently active on both. It is not available for […]
The PTR for Patch 2.5 of Diablo 2 Resurrected has just been announced! It introduces a new feature – the Terror Zones. In the most recent PTR update post, we’ve learned of a new Unique that can only drop in these Terror Zones, with the new Keyword “Sunder“. These new items completely change how we approach Immunities in Season 2! We also got the start date for Season 2, October 6th! So mark your calendars, and dig into the new mechanics described below! “Sunder” Charms The “Sunder” keyword is a new addition to the D2R lexicon. It can be found […]
The PTR for Patch 2.5 of Diablo 2 Resurrected has just been announced! It introduces a new feature – the Terror Zones. These zones deliver more Experience farming variety for the community instead of endless Diablo, Nihlathak and Baal kills to reach that allusive Level 99! The List of Bug Fixes is EXTENSIVE, make sure to check the official post linked above to see them all! Our Experience Calculator is already outfitted to calculate the increase in Monster Level’s effect on your farming efficiency. Terror Zones Terror Zones are a new game-option, that is OPTIONAL, that increases Monster Levels (mLVL) […]
Diablo 2 Resurrected recently received patch 2.4.3, which was focused on overall Lobby and Gameplay Quality of Life changes… but also included a MASSIVE rework to the Skill ! Magic Find Weekend For the first time in Diablo 2’s history, a temporary buff of +50% Magic Find is granted from June 30 to July 4. This buff is added to the Magic Find on your Characters to increase your chance for Magic, Rare, Set and Unique Items! For new or returning players, this is a great way to jumpstart your character’s progression. Making it much easier to get your hands […]
Ladder Ladder Season 1 in Diablo 2 Resurrected began on April 28, 2022. In a massive team and community effort, the first Character “Teo_Unsullied”, played by Teo1904, reached Level 99 with a Lightning Fury Amazon. This feat only took 7 days and 10 hours! A Tribute To Unsullied Your Deeds of Valor will be Remembered! Thank You Community The strategy of this race to Level 99 relied heavily on community support. We’d like to say thanks to every single one of you! Without all of you, this journey would have taken a lot longer than it finally did! Special Thanks […]
There are many amazing Unique and Set items that you may come across in your travels throughout Sanctuary, RNG willing of course. A sizeable portion of these are incredibly valuable, either due to their rarity, or their use in many of the best builds in the game. Generally, targeting Elites and Bosses with high Magic Find in Low Player Count (/Players1-3) games is the most efficient way to acquire Sets and Uniques. This listing helps you to quickly identify which are worth to keep for Trading, use on your Character’s build, or if they are “Trash” tier useless. Trade Value […]
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