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Kazeros Raid Brelshaza Gate 2 Guide

Last Updated:February 4, 2025

In Kazeros Raid Brelshaza Gate 2, you have to defeat Brelshaza, the Phantom Legion Commander. Learning the unique patterns of each of the 4 phases is the key to success.

Normal ModeHard ModeMonster TypeWeaknessTauntable
1670 Item Level1690 Item LevelAncientLightningNo

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Dark Grenade / Whirlwind Grenade
  • Sacred Charm
  • Atropine Potion or Stimulant

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.

Learn about Kazeros Raid Brelshaza Gate 1.

Raid Rewards

GoldMaterialBonus LootBonus Loot CostAuctionFirst Clear
Gate 18,5004x 4x 3,80020x 3x 10x 20x
Gate 216,5006x 4x 6x 5,2005x
Total25,00010x 4x 10x 9,000
Gate 110,0008x 8x 4,500
Gate 220,50012x 6x 12x 7,20010x
Total30,50020x 6x 20x 11,700

Main Mechanics Overview

x335 HP - Colors/Stagger
Phase 2
x145 HP - Clockwise Orbs
Phase 3
Phase 4 - Hard Mode Exclusive

Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, use the “cheat sheet” during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all Legion Raids on one page.


Raid Mechanics

Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.

Mark/Meteor Meter
Black Hole
Clone Attacks (No Counter)
Clone Attacks (Counterable)
Non-Clone Attacks

Fight Start

At the very beginning of the fight, Brelshaza will summon 3 waves of Scythes that you must dodge. After the third scythe spawns, get ready for a Guard!

Puddles + Donut + Safe Spots

During the raid, puddles will spawn around the field. When hit:

  • Players will receive a mark under their character.
  • Boss will get an attack buff that lasts for 40 seconds (Max stack: 4)

At the end of the Puddles, the boss will perform a Donut attack pattern that spreads through the map.

It can chain this pattern with the Safe Spots pattern.


  • After several patterns, the boss will stand still and raise up her hand.
  • Meteors will fall on players who have the mark from the Puddles.
    • Bring them outside, the meteors do damage and leaves fire on the map.

Boss will teleport to the middle and spawn in moving scythes.

  • Avoid the initial AoE around her and continue to move towards the center.
  • Avoid the Black Hole in the middle.
  • When the last red donut AoE ends, Guard.

Certain attacks will spawn a clone and add another mechanic/attack. These attacks are not counterable.

Safe Spots

The boss will create a circle that pushes out players and spawn 2 safe spots.

  • After the safe spots end, yellow AoEs will spawn. Dodge them or you will be gain a debuff (this debuff will silence for 10 seconds if you use any skills x5).
  • Clone Attack: clones will spawn and imprison players. Stick close and free them.

Tentacle Perfect Block

The boss will shoot out tentacles in 4 directions around her, slowing players and pulling them in if pulled. The tentacle also lowers your defense.

  • Clone Attack: clones will spawn after tentacles spawn and will require a perfect block when the yellow flash happens.


The boss will shoot out orbs and call them back. If the orbs are spawned further away from the boss, she will move first before calling them back.

  • Clone Attack: Red puddles will spawn and bleed players when hit.


The boss will attack in a Pacman pattern and then teleport to a player to attack again.

  • Clone Attack: Red puddles will spawn and bleed players when hit.

Certain attacks will spawn a clone and add another mechanic/attack. These attacks are counterable.

  • When Countered: Clones will not attack for the next 25 seconds.

Charge + Counter

The boss will charge and leave rings across the field.

  • Clone Attack: A clone will spawn looking at the boss. You will need to Counter him.


The boss will launch a sequence of pizza patterns that will indicate the safezones.

  • Clone Attack: A clone will spawn on the 2nd safe zone spot during the pizza pattern and will need to be countered.

Front Beam

The boss will shoot a beam in front. This will also be followed with an outer ring explosion.

  • Clone Attack: A clone will spawn in front of the boss, requiring a counter.

Backstep + Counter

The boss will perform a backstep and explode around her.

  • Clone Attack: A clone will spawn on her side, requiring a counter.

Front Back Cone

The boss will create a Cone attack in the front and back.

  • Clone Attack: A clone will spawn on her side, requiring a counter.

Dark Beam

The boss jumps and creates an AoE around herself. Rain will fall and beams will shoot around the boss. Getting hit will inflict darkness debuff.

Diamond Beams

The boss will spawn several lasers that will create a diamond shape. Avoid getting hit by standing very close to the boss.

Yellow Meteors

The boss will spawn meteors around herself.

Main Mechanics

Main mechanics occur at certain HP intervals.

x335 Colors/Stagger
Phase 2 Patterns
x145 Clockwise Orbs
Phase 3 Patterns
Phase 4 Patterns (Hard Mode Exclusive)


  1. The boss starts a cutscene and creates an AoE around the map.


Hard Mode

There will be two rings. An outer ring with 12 circles spread around, each containing one out of four colors (Blue, Purple, Yellow, White). An inner ring which will contain 4 circles each indicating one specific color to look for in the outer ring.

  • Party 1: Go to x3 + 1 position and call out colors in order
    • Player 1 will go to position 5 o clock and look at (4-6)
    • Example call out: ("5 W P P") = 5 o clock, white, purple, purple
    • Listen to the Party 2 color callout and step on your respective color, this will spawn a clone.
    • Colors can repeat in the same quadrant, so you will need to ping and get helped accordingly.
  • Party 2: Call out color in the inner circle.
    • Colors will constantly be rotating through as you stagger the clones.
    • Repeat this process until you stagger 3 - 4 Clones then Stagger the Boss.

Normal Mode

Just stagger the clones and boss, no need to worry about colors.


  1. The boss is now weak to Lightning attacks.
  2. Outside of the map is now a freezing field.


Ice Field

  • The outside of the map is now an ice field.
  • Stepping on the field will give you a freeze debuff (3x = frozen status)
    • Keep boss in the middle.

Sidereal Strategy

  • Use Sidereal: Azena for DPS. Use her 2nd cast if you can (4 bars) for maximum output.
  • Ninave (3 bars) is really good during the Boss' special pattern for Crystal break. (1 bar) can also be burned for general damage.

IQ Test

The boss teleports to the center with scythes that swing. The boss will then show 3 white and 1 purple color pattern. Whites will indicate the safe zone. The sequence of the safe zones will be shown as the white circles appear.

  • Hard Mode: When the purple is shown, the white on the opposite side will be the safe zone (diagonally).
  • Normal Mode: Ignore the purple and follow the white sequence.

Crystal Break (Enhanced Attack Pattern)

  • The boss will teleport to the center once the boss meter at the top left is full and spawn scythes. Spread out and prepare for the typing test.
    • Hard Mode: Random key will need to be pressed.
    • Normal Mode: Space bar will need to be pressed.
  • After the typing test, players will be randomly marked with a puddle that will spawn a giant Crystal on the player's position. Gather them at the 6 o clock position.
    • Players will have to break this Crystal to prevent a raid wipe. They have a lot of HP so do not save skills or buffs.
    • You can also use Ninave (3 meter) during this to destroy the Crystals and hit the boss (use it after the first wave of AoEs come out to deal damage to the boss at the same time).

Gravity Pull

The boss will appear in the middle, hold up her hand, and dash in a direction with a vortex.

  • Stepping into a puddle or being pulled by the vortex (being in front of her) will set the player's HP to 1.
  • Stay behind her.

Hide and Seek (Hard Mode)

The boss will disappear and spawn clones. The real clone that you will need to hit will be in a Cross Shape Pattern (12, 3, 6, 9 o clock positions). Care for ice shards and don't try to cross the beams if you are too slow.


  1. The boss will teleport to the middle and swing scythes.
  2. The boss will then AoE the middle platform while spawning ice field on the outside.


The goal is to destroy 5 orbs as you rotate around the map safely. In the end, up to 6 players will freeze themselves by walking to the ice field to create a safeguard from the final explosion.

  • Get into 3x & 3x + 1 clock positions.
    • Everyone will have puddles, so spread out.
    • Do not go into the ice field on the outside.
  • The goal is to destroy 5 orbs that periodically spawn around the map.
    • Rotate clockwise as you destroy orbs while avoiding AoEs.
    • The orbs can either be on inside ring or outside (on the ice field)
    • You can destroy the orbs with just auto-attacks.
    • Orbs that are not destroyed will blind the person behind you (this is cleansable)
  • When your puddle debuff reaches ~33 seconds, DPS will move outside into the ice field to get frozen.
    • Supports will get behind the frozen players to avoid the explosion.
    • Free at least two players and stagger the boss.
    • This will begin Phase 3.
  • Hard Mode: Scythes will need to be dodged during the mech.


  1. The boss will teleport to the middle and the ice field will be gone.
  2. You can now fall off the map.


Sidereal Strategy

  • Use Sidereal: Azena once available.

Scythe Guard

This happens around 30 seconds into the phase. Scythes will fall onto the field and an X shape AoE will appear.

  • There will be 2 scythes that face each other, you will need to go onto the safe zone that doesn't have the scythes.
  • Parties will need to split into their own respective lines.
  • 2 people will have puddles, stack on top near the boss and have supports DR.
  • The other 2 players in the party should guard the scythe as it comes into them.

Typing and Clone Stagger (Enhanced Attack)

When the boss meter is filled, she will teleport to the center.

  • Everyone should go to x3 position and prepare for the typing test.
  • 4 clones will appear in random directions, only 1 will be real while the other explodes.
  • Call the real one and ignore the rest (the real one will have debuffs applied to them)

Freeze AoE Guard

After about 4 minutes, the boss teleports to the center and charges with her hands for a guardable freeze AoE.

  • Guard right before the yellow reaches the end of the map.
    • If someone fails it, they will freeze and the boss will teleport and launch a wave attack that will push players toward the edge with a typing test.

Clone Guard

Periodically, she will teleport to the center with her clone and will attack the top and bottom part of the map.

  • After ~1.5 seconds from the flash, you will need to Guard the attack.

Ice Orbs

The boss will teleport and launch out waves of ice lines, while spawning ice orbs.

  • Players need to touch the orbs to remove them.

6 Orbs

The boss attacks 2 times and shoots out orbs. She will also launch a crescent attack.

  • If she backsteps while shooting out the orbs, she will follow up with 3 crescent strikes. The 3rd one can be countered.

Tornado Counter

The boss will carry a spear and aggro onto a player with a mark. She will then perform a tornado dance towards the player.

  • Stay close to her and counter.

Dark Orbs

The boss will summon puddles and dark orbs that will need to be destroyed.

  • Dodge the puddles and destroy dark orbs.

Screen Break

The camera will zoom out and 2/3 of the arena will be marked as dangerous.

  • Move to the safe zone or use push immunity and damage reduction skills to tank the damage.
  • Multiple lines will appear through the screen. If you get hit by one of them, you won't be able to heal for 20 seconds.
  • This patterns always happens at the start of Phase 3 and repeats every ~3 minutes.


  1. When the boss hits 0, Phase 4 begins.


Players will need to go to the outer edge while dodging scythes.

  • After the 2nd explosion from the boss, move in.
  • When a player touches the outer field, the part of the map will break after 5 seconds.

Sidereal Strategy

There is a special interaction with Azena during the Medusa pattern after she releases the Dark Orbs. This will allow players to deal tons of damage.

  • For this timing to work out, you will need ~ 2 bars of Sidereal before going into Phase 4.
  • This pattern can also happen ~ 30 second berserk timing too if you don't have it for the initial mechanic.

Freeze AoE Guard (Enhanced Attack)

This is similar to Phase 3 pattern and occurs once the boss meter is full.

  • The boss will launch a series of AoEs that will need to be guarded.
  • If everyone fails the guard, the outer field will break.
  • If you succeed the guard, you will receive a debuff that will not allow you to guard anymore. This will be problematic when this pattern happens again in the future, this is how you handle it:
    • Players will move to the same outer ring segment as the mechanic happens and come in after the 2nd explosion.
    • Players can use their Hyper Awakening to avoid the mechanic.
    • You can use Time Stop Potion.

Medusa (~3 minute berserk time)

Brelshaza's meter will lock and she will perform a medusa pattern while backstepping and spawning in dark orbs, look away and destroy the dark orbs. Alternatively, use secret sidereal Azena.

Secret Azena

Typing minigames (~1:30 minute berserk time)

She will spam the cone attacks that trigger the typing game while scythes fly around.

Counter Patterns

Pacman Ice Field
Fog Wall + Coop Counter


  • The boss spreads out an ice field in front.
  • If the shape of the ice field is a pacman, she will shortly teleport to it and can be countered.


  • A blue telegraph will appear. You can spacebar it right as it reaches the outer part. If you fail to dodge it, you will get frozen.
  • Brelshaza will proceed with a Coop counter requiring at least 2 successful counters.

Guard Patterns

Medusa + Scythes
Guard and Stagger
Crescent Guards


  • The boss spawns in two medusa ice explosions, then follows it up with scythes. This can be guarded "G".
  • Guard or move out of the way. If you get hit, you cannot be healed for 1 minute.


The boss will hold both hands up and spawn puddles on random players.

  • Bring the puddles out.
  • Stagger boss while perfect blocking if she aggros onto you.


There will be a screen flash and Brelshaza will hold her hands above her head for a few seconds. Then, she will proceed to send 3 Crescent Strikes in front of her.

  • Each one of the attacks will be a Guard pattern and will aggro a different player.
  • Failing to Guard will deal massive damage.

Notable Patterns

These patterns are present in all phases.

Energy Blast
Scythe Fence
Ice Lines


  • The boss charges an energy ball in her hand and explodes it. Then dashes again and explodes it once more.


  • The boss surrounds the map with scythe attacks and shoots out waves 2x at players.
  • Can follow up with a crescent strike.


  • The boss will spawn lines on the field. Stay away from it.


  • The boss spawns Icicles around her and shoots it. Stay close.

How did you feel about the difficulty of Gate 2?

Very Hard
Very Easy


Written by Starlast
Reviewed by Perciculum, Sekwah
Video Footage from Saintone

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