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Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build Guide

Season 6 - Season of HatredEndgame

Last Updated:October 7, 2024|Change Log|FAQ

Welcome to the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Guide! This build combines fun, speed and raw power into one package to cruise through all challenges the game has to offer! Constant spinning, potent explosions and incredible pace are the on the menu for Dance of Knives!

Dance of Knives feels very fluid and satisfying to play. You spin through dungeons and pull enemies together with Shroud of Khanduras to blow them up with Victimize. The synergy from Evading with Flickerstep allows us to permanently have Shadow Clone available.

Our main skill Dance of Knives with Star Shards is primarily used to trigger Victimize explosions on Vulnerable enemies through Lucky Hits. Therefore, we try to get as much Lucky Hit Chance as we can, through Uniques like Fists of Fate. As Dance of Knives spends Charges instead of Energy, resource management is a lot easier than on other builds.

If you have used the Dance of Knives Rogue Leveling Build before, ensure to swap your Key Passive from Momentum to Victimize now. Once you ramp up your Vulnerable Damage and Lucky Hit Chance, you will be stronger than ever! Let's Spin2Win!

Requirements for this Build:
  • A source of applying Vulnerable for Victimize such as the Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable affix.
  • If you do not have it, you need to imprint Accursed Touch instead of True Sight as a band-aid solution.
  • If you do not have Fists of Fate yet, you may imprint Accursed Touch on your Gloves instead as shown in the Starter Variant.
Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Setup

This build guide assumes you have a Level 60 Character and unlocked Torment 1. To get there, level up with one of our Rogue Leveling Guides. See how this Build compares against others with our various Build Tier Lists.

Season Theme

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

Season 6 is the Season of Hatred Rising. It features the Zakarum Remnants faction which hunts Realmwalkers, massive behemoths that roam outdoor zones and beckon Mephisto's hellspawn. Participate in these zone events and take down the Realmwalkers to spawn a portal to a Seething Realm. There you can acquire Seething Opals, new consumables that stack with Elixirs for a XP buff and the chance to gather extra rewards when defeating enemies. The types of Opals are:

  • Seething Opal of Equipment
  • Seething Opal of Gold
  • Seething Opal of Materials
  • Seething Opal of Torment
  • Seething Opal of Socketables

Use these Opals at all times to earn reputation with the Zakarum Remnants faction and unlock further rewards.

Learn more details about the season theme in our full Season Guide.

Skills & Gameplay

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue


  • Dance of Knives is a channeling ability that throws knives at a constant rate at your enemies. Attack Speed does not influence the speed at which you throw the knives, but instead increases your base damage with them. In this build, Dance of Knives barely contributes to damage. Instead, you use it as an effective conduit to trigger Lucky Hit Effects for Victimize and Fists of Fate. Therefore, we leave it at Rank 1/5.
  • Shadow Step grants you mobility and the ability to break out of control impairing effects via Unstoppable.
  • Smoke Grenade helps you to crowd control enemies and adds a powerful damage modifier.
  • Dark Shroud is your main defensive tool and is activated without having it on the skill bar through Umbrous on our Pants. If you do not have it yet, take Dark Shroud on your skill bar instead of Poison Trap.


  • Poison Imbuement allows you to utilize synergies to further amplify your Lucky Hit Chance through Alchemical Advantage and damage through Noxious Ice. When Dance of Knives is imbued with Poison, it only uses one Imbuement Charge until you stop channeling. Any Victimize explosion it triggers also counts as Poison. The Mixed Poison Imbuement upgrade reduces the Cooldown significantly.
  • Poison Trap allows you to knock down enemies for Retribution and increases your Poison damage.
  • If you want to go faster, pick up Dash instead of Poison Trap as shown in the Speedfarming Variant further down.

Ultimate and Key Passive

  • Shadow Clone allows you to have a consistent source of Unstoppable to keep spinning without being interrupted.
  • Victimize is your Key Passive and main damage dealing ability. To get the most out of it, you need to stack Vulnerable Damage and Lucky Hit Chance on gear.
  • You pick up damaging passives such as Malice to fuel your Victimize multiplier. Frigid Finesse increases your damage against Frozen enemies and is activated by your Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze Tempers and Fists of Fate.
  • You sustain your Health through Siphoning Strikes.
Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Skill Tree

Skill Rotation

  • Activate Poison Imbuement whenever it is ready to have your Dance of Knives imbued at all times. This also activates Eldritch Bounty.
  • Use Shadow Clone when it is ready to activate No Witnesses.
  • Engage enemies with Shadow Step when your Shadow Clone is not on Cooldown or with Dash if you are farming easier content.
Engage with Crowd Control
  • Follow up with an Evade to pull mobs together with Shroud of Khanduras. Evading through enemies with Flickerstep also reduces your Ultimate Cooldown. The totem from The Umbracrux counts as an additional enemy.
    • Keep the mobs grouped up at all times for big Victimize explosions.
    • The Shadow explosion from Shroud of Khanduras has Lucky Hit Chance and can trigger Victimize. This is why you will sometimes immediately blow up a pack after pulling it together.
  • Toss Smoke Grenade into Elite Packs to amplify your damage against them and score additional Lucky Hits with it.
  • Use Poison Trap for the Knockdown and increased damage on Elites & Bosses.
  • The Umbracrux spawns a totem whenever you use Smoke Grenade or Poison Trap. This totem acts as an additional target to score Lucky Hits on and trigger Victimize explosions.
  • Start spinning by holding down Dance of Knives while fighting enemies.
  • Drink a Potion every 10 seconds for Unstable Elixirs.
  • Keep an eye on the stagger bar from Bosses and prepare to time your Inner Sight Gauge and activate Shadow Clone right when it fills.
Inner Sight and Shadow Clone
  • When Inner Sight is full and Shadow Clone is active, you start spinning significantly faster and deplete Imbuement Charges almost immediately. Make sure to stand in your Bursting Venoms pool and activate Poison Imbuement again if you ran out of Charges. You do not need to spam Poison Imbuement when circling around in the pool, just tap it once until the pool runs out.
  • Inner Sight has a 4 second internal Cooldown. You can manipulate this to your advantage on Bosses if you spawn a totem with The Umbracrux beforehand to time the gauge being full exactly for when you stagger the Boss.
To Evade or not to Evade
  • Use you Evade to engage the enemies and group them up with Shroud of Khanduras.
  • As long as your Inner Sight gauge is not full and your Shadow Clone is on Cooldown, Evade through enemies as often as possible to get it back up through Flickerstep.
  • When Inner Sight is full, do not Evade unless you absolutely have to keep mobs grouped.
  • You can quickly reset your Evade via Rapid Gambits and Smoke Grenade.

Rogue Specialization

Inner Sight - Fill your gauge quickly by attacking marked enemies.

You can utilize this for more Critical Strike Chance and unlimited Dance of Knives Charges. Inner Sight has a 4 second internal Cooldown before it can activate again after being full.

It is also required to unlock the interaction with Shadow Clone, allowing you to throw more knives per second. This specific interaction is further explained in the FAQ & Mechanics section.

Inner Sight

Learn more details and how to unlock this system in our full Rogue Specialization Guide.

Paragon & Glyphs

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 at level 15 and from 4 to 5 at level 46. Some of them cannot be activated before reaching these thresholds! Progress through The Pit to rank up your Glyphs.

In the Paragon we pick up important damage multipliers and use Glyphs that benefit our Vulnerable Damage for Victimize. A lot of Rogue's power relies on enemies being Crowd-Controlled so key items like Fists of Fate are important to apply them.

Use the slider to see the progression steps. At around Paragon 200, leveling slows down significantly and all important Rare clusters, Legendary nodes and Glyph sockets should be unlocked. Afterwards, you can min/max your build with minor tweaks and by picking up additional smaller nodes.

← Use the slider for progression steps →
Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon

Some Glyph position swaps, board changes and other pathing adjustments may occur as you unlock your full potential. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build before spending additional points that do not significantly impact your character's power.

Glyph Leveling Priorities

To Level 15

  1. Exploit
  2. Fluidity
  3. Headhunter
  4. Devious
  5. Control

To Level 46

  1. Exploit
  2. Control
  3. Fluidity
  4. Devious
  5. Headhunter

There are a total of 328 Paragon Points. After reaching level 60, you gain up to 300 Paragon Levels, 24 from Renown and 4 from Altars of Lilith. Check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.


Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

You can have up to two Runewords in your setup, each consisting of one Ritual and one Invocation Rune. Socket them into your Armor pieces to replace normal gems. The Dance of Knives Rogue focuses on the following combos:

Best in Slot
  • Bac + Ohm - Invokes War Cry after traversing. With our high mobility, we keep this up nearly all the time.
  • Noc+ Tzic - Whenever we inflict a hard crowd-control, which happens even more frequently with Fists of Fate, we invoke Concussive Stomp. This stomp knocks down enemies and also can trigger Lucky Hit Effects like Victimize.
Alternative Choices

If you haven't unlocked the final setup or found the top runes, you can also benefit from these options:

  • Cem - We evade frequently so that is a good alternative to Noc.
  • Yax - We drink a potion frequently to keep Unstable Elixirs up, so this rune can also be beneficial.
  • Lac - Invokes Challenging Shout for more defense.
  • Kry - To group up enemies before having access to Shroud of Khanduras.
  • Wat - Decrepify helps with stagger, defense and allows an execute at 10% HP, can be combined with Xol in your other Runeword to generate large amounts of offering.
  • Mot - You can use this before you have access to Umbrous in addition to taking Dark Shroud on your skill bar.

Learn more about Runes and how they work in our dedicated Runewords Overview and Runewords Tier List.


Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

Mercenaries are unlocked during the Vessel of Hatred campaign and assist you in battle. There are 4 separate Mercenaries to choose from, each with their own skill trees and abilities. You can have one hired (permanent) mercenary during solo play and a reinforcement who assists you from time to time in certain situations.

Hired: Subo

He reveals all enemies and materials on the minimap, allowing you to farm Iron Chunks and Bundled Herbs easily. The highlighting is very useful to spot out Elites in Dungeons, as you will recognize the pattern for elites quickly after getting used to it.

You gain a multiplicative increase to your Lucky Hit Chance whenever Subo attacks an enemy through his Ambusher passive. This greatly benefits your Victimize procs.

With how frequently we want to drink Potions for Unstable Elixirs, Share a Drink helps us to generate more.

Reinforcement: Raheir

We choose Bastion for extra defense when having our main damaging window active through Shadow Clone.

Dance of Knives Rogue Mercenaries

Learn more about Mercenaries and how they work in our dedicated Mercenaries Overview.

Stat Priorities & Item Progression

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

To enable the Dance of Knives Rogue to perform optimally, hunt for these stats on your gear with good rolls and aim to Temper ⚒️ & Masterwork Crit ↑ them accordingly. Keep in mind that certain stats, such as Armor, Resistances, Extra Size Tempers, Attack Speed and more, have caps that may affect your priorities according to the items and Paragon points available at that moment.

  • 100%+ Lucky Hit Chance
  • 50%+ Critical Strike Chance
  • 1500%+ Vulnerable Damage
  • 2000+ Dexterity
  • 30%+ Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable
  • 50%+ Inner Sight Duration
  • 4+ Extra Poison Imbue Charges
  • Armor Capped 1,000
  • Resistance Capped 70%+
  • 6,000+ Life
  • 160%+ Movement Speed
  • 6+ Total Ranks of Malice
  • 50%+ Chance for Dance of Knives to Deal Double Damage (helps clearing straggler mobs)

Item Progression Goals

Before you dive into the Endgame with the Dance of Knives Rogue, take a look at this overview of the items used in the build. See below for further details about the different progression steps and variants. Some of your Skill Tree choices depend on what Legendary Aspects and Unique items are available to you. Keep in mind that while we can guarantee that everyone has access to the same Codex of Power Aspects, the exact progression is different for everyone.


Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.

Build Variants

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

This section is designed to guide your Dance of Knives Rogue from a fresh level 60 into the very late endgame using the three variants Starter, Ancestral and Mythic. At the final step, you should be fully decked out with a great all-rounder build. From there, follow the other min/max variants if you want to optimize around certain activities such as Pit Pushing, Speedfarming and more.

Pit Pushing

If you are fresh in Torment 1 coming from a leveling guide, this is where you begin. Since only some Aspects can be guaranteed from Dungeon unlocks for the Codex of Power, focus on acquiring the additional aspects via gambling with Murmuring Obols.

Gear & Skills

Starter Dance of Knives Rogue Gear
Starter Dance of Knives Rogue Skills
  • Early on in your progression, focus on Armor & Resistances to survive. Each Torment difficulty adds a penalty of -250 Armor and -25% to all Resistances and it is recommended to keep both capped (1000 Armor, 70%+ Resistances) at all times. As you unlock higher item power gear, Masterworking levels and more Paragon points, you naturally scale your character into the higher difficulties and can start replacing some of these rolls with offensive or utility stats.
  • Umbrous is an important survivability tool for many Rogue builds. As long as you have not found it, use Mot and/or Dark Shroud on your skill bar for extra defense.

Vulnerable Source

  • A source of applying Vulnerable for Victimize such as the Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable affix is mandatory to have.
  • In the Starter Variant, we ensure this by imprinting Accursed Touch on your Gloves, which are later replaced by Fists of Fate.
  • If you do not have Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable on one of your Rings by the time to equip Fists of Fate, make sure to imprint Accursed Touch on a Ring instead of True Sight until you find one or enchant it successfully.
  • Tempering Chance for Dance of Knives to Deal Double Damage is mostly a quality of life feature to kill straggler mobs and does not influence the damage we deal with Victimize.

The goal here is to progress through the Torment difficulties as you unlock Ancestrals, Paragon points, all Legendary Aspects, Temper mods and the most important Uniques to pilot this build. Some Legendary Aspects are used temporarily to fill slots that may be replaced with more Unique items later on.

Gear & Skills

Ancestral Dance of Knives Rogue Gear
Ancestral Dance of Knives Rogue Skills
  • As you upgrade your gear to Ancestrals with more masterworking levels and reach higher paragon, you can focus more and more on replacing Armor & Resistance rolls with better stats, but ensure to stay capped at 1000 Armor and 70%+ Resistances for the difficulty you're currently in.
  • Once you acquire Shroud of Khanduras, grouping up mobs via Evading is a habit you need to get into. Do not over-spam Evade, as it hurts your damage output and costs you a new charge of Dance of Knives every time you have to start channel it again.
  • Flickerstep reduces your Shadow Clone cooldown each time you Evade through an enemy. The totem from The Umbracrux counts as an additional enemy.
  • Fists of Fate help us greatly with staggering and taking down bosses in addition to offering a sizable damage bonus.
  • If you do not have Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable on one of your Rings by the time to equip Fists of Fate, make sure to imprint Accursed Touch on a Ring instead of True Sight until you find one or enchant it successfully.
  • Tempering Chance for Dance of Knives to Deal Double Damage is mostly a quality of life feature to kill straggler mobs and does not influence the damage we deal with Victimize.
  • You socket in Grand Diamonds in your Helmet until you have enough Glyph Levels in Headhunter and others that boost Attribute Nodes to activate your Rare Nodes on Boards 4 and 5.

This is the final version of the build's progression, including all regular Unique items, Mythic Uniques, Legendary Aspects, Temper mods and Masterworking, leaving you with a great all-rounder build for all content in the game. Additional variants use this as a baseline to optimize around certain activities.

Gear & Skills

Mythic Dance of Knives Rogue Gear
Mythic Dance of Knives Rogue Skills
  • Heir of Perdition is the best in slot item for this build. The insane Lucky Hit Chance benefits Victimize greatly and the damage multiplier on top is excellent.
  • Make sure to check out the Speedfarming and Pit Pushing Variants to find out how to tweak the base version for different activities.

This Speedfarming variant optimizes the build for easy activities like Helltides, Whispers, Nightmare Dungeons, Kurast Undercity and lower Pit Tiers after you have finished the Mythic variant and reached a plateau in your progression.

For Speedfarming, we drop Poison Trap for Dash you can either choose the Knockdown for better Malice and Retribution uptime or the additional Charge upgrade based on your damage output.

Gear & Skills

Speedfarm Dance of Knives Rogue Gear
Speedfarm Dance of Knives Rogue Skills

This setup optimizes the build to push the highest possible Tiers in The Pit after you have finished the Mythic variant and reached a plateau in your progression.

For pushing we drop Shadow Step for Caltrops for more DPS and Stagger on Elites & Bosses.

Gear & Skills

Pit Push Dance of Knives Rogue Gear
Pit Push Dance of Knives Rogue Skills
  • When fighting monsters in high tiers of the Pit, remember that after crowd controlling elites for 5 seconds, they become Unstoppable for 8 seconds. This may be the right moment to start kiting them around because your damage done goes way down and they can freely retaliate.
  • In high tier boss fights, beware that many of your conditional damage and damage reduction modifiers cannot activate outside of stagger phases. This means they generally deal more damage against you than regular monsters and you have to prioritize dodging the attacks from shadow bosses while you can barely scratch them outside of stagger bursts.
  • Remember to use Consumables when Pushing:
    • Elixir of Advantage II for more Lucky Hit Chance.
    • Elixir of Fortitude II if you have trouble surviving.
    • Queen's Supreme
    • Soothing Spices
    • Chorus of War

FAQ & Mechanics

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how we are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.

What can I do to improve survivability?

How can I trigger Unstoppable?

My damage is low, what is happening?

Why are we not stacking Attack Speed?

Which adjustments should I make on Hardcore?

I run out of Dance of Knives Charges a lot, what can I do?

Why do we play Inner Sight and Shadow Clone?

Does Fists of Fate's Aspect work with Victimize?

Why are we not playing Combo Points for Star Shards?

I can not find an Amulet with the listed stats, what can I do?

Which Elixir and Incense should I use?


For more even more in-depth information about specific Rogue Mechanics and Interactions, check out the Rogue Compendium by Avarilyn.

Dark Shroud Mechanics

Victimize Damage Formula and Scaling

Victimize Damage Backloading and Internal Cooldown

The Umbracrux

Lucky Hit Chance Breakpoints

Stagger Mechanics

Video Guide

Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue


Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

The Dance of Knives Rogue is a fun to play, fast-paced and explosive build that performs outstandingly well in almost any scenario. With high mobility and tankyness you will best any challenge thrown at you.

  • Master the timing of your Inner Sight Gauge and Shadow Clone uptime for optimal damage output.
  • Stack as much Vulnerable Damage and Lucky Hit Chance as you can.
  • Remember to always have a reliable source of Vulnerable application such as the Lucky Hit: Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable affix.
  • Use your Evade to group up mobs with Shroud of Khanduras and also reset your Shadow Clone Cooldown through Flickerstep.
  • Do not waste time after you have engaged mobs with Crowd Control, they become Unstoppable after 5 seconds.
  • Position your The Umbracrux totem strategically for an additional target.
  • Try to stagger Boisses as fast as you can to have all your impactful multipliers active.
  • Keep attacking to stay alive with Siphoning Strikes and Dark Shroud triggered from Umbrous.
  • Keep moving while channeling Dance of Knives to not run out of Charges. Spin2win!


Season 6 - Season of Hatred
Dance of Knives Rogue

Written by M1PY

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