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Pulverize Druid Endgame Build Guide

Last Updated: March 6th 2024

Season 3 - ConstructS-Tier

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Welcome to the Pulverize Druid Endgame Guide! This build combines massive, ranged AoE damage with a simple playstyle that crushes at-level and pinnacle content alike!

The combination of Pulverize and the Shockwave Aspect deals damage in a cone shaped area in front of you. To improve single target damage, find the sweet spot between its own radius and the created shockwave to hit enemies twice with each cast. This build takes advantage of as many as 4 guaranteed Overpower sources and multiplies their damage with the Ursine Strength Key Passive.

Between Trample and Earthen Bulwark, you have high uptime on Unstoppable! In addition, you are fully Fortified in almost all situations with Debilitating Roar, Bolster, and Safeguard.

Except for Shockwave, all essential Legendary Aspects for the Starter version of this build can be found in the Codex of Power, meaning it only takes one item drop to get going! The Pulverize Druid scales to the very end through impactful Paragon progression and Unique item acquisition, making it a great choice both early and late game.

In this guide we teach you all you need to know to be successful with the Pulverize Druid in Diablo 4. Let's dive into it!

Pulverize Druid Endgame Gear

This build guide assumes you have a Level 50 Character and finished the Campaign. Level up with our Pulverize Druid Leveling Guide. If you are looking for a different Druid playstyle, check out all of our Druid Guides.

SpeedfarmingVery Fast
NM DungeonsStrong
DefenseVery Good

Season 3 - Season of the Construct

In Season 3, you obtain the Seneschal Construct through the Season Questline, then collect Governing Stones or Tuning Stones to add attacks and augment them to support your build. Only certain Tuning Stones work with a particular Governing Stone. Look at the bottom of any Tuning Stone tooltip to see if it is compatible with your Construct's currently equipped Stones. Lastly, they can be leveled up by getting duplicates to max out their power. Check out our full Season 3 guide for more information.

  • Tempest - A ranged attack with great coverage.
    • Arcing - Improves the coverage and range of Tempest
    • Poison - Allows easy access to Envenom and Damage Reduction from Poisoned Enemies.
    • Efficiency - Provides a massive Critical Strike Chance bonus, which benefits our many Critical Strike Multipliers and Banished Lord's Talisman.
  • Gyrate - A quick, AoE melee attack
    • Initiative - Helps the Construct quickly close the gap
    • Resource - Without Tibault's Will, our Resource generation is limited in Season 3. This should help close the gap.
    • Breaking - Instantly destroying Barriers is great and this Tuning Support helps sustain the Vulnerable debuff after Exploit expires.
Pulverize Druid Seneschal Construct

Alternative Stones

  1. Gripping - Druids of all classes know how effective grouping mechanics like this one can be.
  2. Mockery - If this affected Bosses, it would be best-in-slot for all Constructs. Still, it's a strong defensive choice.
  3. Safeguard- An all-around solid defensive option.

If you are lucky enough to find Genesis from Uber Malphas, replace your Gyrate setup with Flash of Adrenaline - Duration - Tactical - Genesis. Then replace Arcing on Tempest with Resource. Evernight doesn't make the cut in this build, except for Bossing.

Skill Tree & Gameplay

Active Skills

  • Wind Shear serves as a ranged Spirit generator that provides Movement Speed for each enemy hit. It additionally procs Natural Balance, Shapeshifter, and Inner Beast when cast.
  • Pulverize is your damage Skill. When using the combination of Umbral, Ursine Horror, and Quicksand, it also generates Spirit. Try to hit as many targets with it as possible!
  • Cast Earthen Bulwark to gain a massive Barrier and prevent or break Crowd Controls. We utilize Mending Stone to drastically improve our Unstoppable uptime and maintain Ghostwalker.
  • Blood Howl provides a reliable Heal that is frequently available in density thanks to Enhanced Blood Howl. It also recovers a modest amount of Spirit.
  • Debilitating Roar greatly reduces enemy damage in a screen-wide range, Fortifies by itself and through Bolster, and can also proc Umbral with its Slow. Use it as an opener or in moments of high danger.
  • Trample is your primary mobility Skill and can be used to break Crowd Controls and activate Ghostwalker while granting a large burst of Spirit.


  • Ursine Strength is the Key Passive of choice, both for the added toughness and to synergize with the build's many guaranteed Overpowers.
  • Two of these sources come from our Skill Tree in the forms of Provocation and Enhanced Pulverize.
  • Envenom provides a massive Critical Strike Damage bonus to Poisoned enemies, but is only activated in this setup by the Seneschal Construct's Poison Support.
Pulverize Druid Skill Tree
Pulverize Druid T100 Vault Showcase (Season 3)

Spirit Boons

Druids can choose 5 out of 16 Passive bonuses (Boons) from 4 different spirits. You have to bond with one of the Spirits in Túr Dúlra to activate two of its Boons. The remaining Spirits can only have one Boon each. Use the following Boons:

Deer Spirit: Wariness
Eagle Spirit: Avian Wrath
Wolf Spirit: Bolster
Snake Spirit: Obsidian Slam

Bond with the Eagle Spirit and activate Iron Feather

Pulverize Spirit Boons

Learn more details and how to unlock this class specification in our full Druid Spirit Boons Guide.

Resource Management

Managing your Resources is crucial to the success of this build.

-Early endgame versions of the build use Umbral to generate tons of Spirit. Any freshly applied Crowd Control activates it, but this build primarily does this with:

  • Pulverize through the combination of Ursine Horror and Quicksand.
  • Innate Debilitating Roar with its screen-wide Slow effect.
  • Trample knocks back enemies in its path to generate Spirit.
  • Petrify's Stun.

-We take advantage of the Reclamation Node on the Ancestral Guidance board to generate up to 4 Spirit on kill. While we prioritize this Node early into the Paragon Board progression, it is moved to a later board on the level 100 respec to improve efficiency.

-Inner Beast provides massive Spirit Cost reduction to those versions of the build that shift out of Werebear form. It stacks and refreshes duration each time you Shapeshift, including shifts to Human form.

-Blood Howl is an alternative to Petrify used to provide a modest amount of Spirit regen with a cooldown that can be recovered quickly through kills thanks to Enhanced Blood Howl. The shift into Werewolf also helps stack Inner Beast.

Paragon Board

Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 when they reach level 15!

Late Game (Level 93+)
← Scroll to Level →
Final Paragon Board

Level the Paragon Board by scrolling. Each step optimizes progression.


We need to level up our Glyphs to increase their power and activate their Additional Bonus with surrounding nodes. Glyphs have a radius of 3 by default; this increases to 4 at Glyph level 15. Complete Nightmare Dungeons to obtain Glyph experience.

Note: There are some Glyph position swaps and a few adjustments to surrounding Paragon nodes once they reach level 15. See the last steps in the Paragon progression above. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build.

Undaunted is a placeholder glyph in our leveling board and will be replaced. Don't waste your XP on it!

Level 15

  1. Exploit
  2. Outmatch
  3. Dominate
  4. Earth and Sky
  5. Shapeshifter
  6. Werebear

Level 21

  1. Outmatch
  2. Shapeshifter
  3. Dominate
  4. Earth and Sky
  5. Exploit
  6. Werebear

For the Grizzly Rage variant, additionally level Spirit. For Bossing and the Gauntlet, level Fang and Claw as well.

Also check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.

Endgame Gear & Skill Progression

When you start diving into the Endgame, you don't have all the tools available to achieve the final build versions. Let us guide you through different progression points to give you a smooth transition from our Leveling Guides to the final build version.

Progression Goals

Some of your Skill Tree choices depend on what Legendary Aspects and Unique items are available to you. These are listed in priority order:

  1. Unlock the following Aspects from Dungeons:
  2. Find the following Legendary Aspects either as a random drop or by gambling with Obols:
    • Shockwave: Gamble Totems.
      • Until you reach World Tier 4, put this Aspect on your Amulet.
      • If you find a second version, put it in your stash.
      • If you find a third version before you unlock World Tier 4, put the weaker version on a Sacred Staff. Keep the strongest version in your stash for an 880+ Item Power Staff!
    • Natural Balance: Gamble Totems.
    • Raw Might: Gamble Totems.
  3. Acquire the following Unique items either as a random drop or by farming specific Boss drops:
    • Insatiable Fury
    • Banished Lord's Talisman
    • Godslayer Crown (used for Bossing / an alternative to Harlequin Crest)
    • Tibault's Will (Speedfarming)
    • Vasily's Prayer (used in the Grizzly Rage variant)
  4. If you're lucky enough to obtain the following Uber Uniques, they're useful for the build. See the attached Planner to see how to incorporate them.
    • Harlequin Crest
    • Ring of Starless Skies

Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.

Progression Setups

Early Endgame
Grizzly Rage (HC)

Once you have completed the leveling guide, only the Codex of Power Aspects are guaranteed. With this setup, you can farm the Legendary Aspects and Unique items you need for the next progression point.

In this section, we are still attempting to acquire the all-important, drop-only Shockwave Aspect, as it massively improves our AoE and damage. As soon as you acquire this aspect (or if you already have it), proceed to the "Early Endgame" tab.


  • Put your Defensive Aspects on your Pants (Mending Stone) and Helmet (Disobedience).
  • Place Quicksand on your Chest. This massively improves our Spirit generation when paired with Umbral and Ursine Horror.
  • Umbral can only be placed on a Ring.
  • Put Ursine Horror and Crashstone interchangeably on your second Ring and Gloves.
  • Place Ghostwalker on your Boots.
  • Retaliation goes on your Weapon for maximum damage increase.
  • Use Rapid on your Amulet to increase your Spirit generation.
Pulverize Druid Starter Gear


Optional changes:

  • If you're struggling to maintain Spirit, replace Petrify with Innate Blood Howl. This skill generates a small amount of Spirit on a Cooldown which can be recovered by kills.
Pulverize Druid Starter Skill Tree


  • For now, Pulverize is a melee ability with a small AoE, so make sure to group up and hit as many enemies as you can with each use!
  • Use Wind Shear frequently to proc Might and bolster your Movement Speed.
  • Cast Debilitating Roar when facing numerous enemies to quickly generate Spirit with Umbral and decrease incoming damage.

In this setup, you have access to all Legendary Aspects, allowing you to pilot a much stronger version of this build. Additional Legendary Aspects are used to fill slots that may be replaced with Unique items later on.


  • Finding your first Shockwave increases the power of this build dramatically. Your end goal is to slot this on your 2H weapon, but if you are still upgrading your weapon often, instead put this valuable aspect on your Amulet for the time being.
  • Swap the positions of Retaliation and Shockwave when you feel you have a weapon that you can keep for a long time or when you have access to a spare Shockwave.
  • Spirit generation is a top priority, but Umbral is rare. Only put a 3 or 4-Spirit Umbral on a Ring with 3 or more best-in-slot stats.
  • As available, replace Crashstone with Natural Balance. The latter can be activated by using Wind Shear and is effective against bosses, unlike its Codex-only counterpart.
  • As you approach the Earthen Devastation Legendary node, Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies becomes a priority stat on Weapon and Rings.
Pulverize Druid Early Endgame Gear


  • Shockwave allows you to use Pulverize at range. Make sure to hit as many enemies as you can with it to generate extra Spirit with Umbral.
  • The Shockwave effect and Pulverize have a small area in which their damage overlaps. Use this sweet spot when you are facing single targets!

This setup utilizes 3 additional Unique items to achieve some of the highest burst damage available to the Druid Class. The Grizzly Rage Variant has lower gear requirements and can get you deep into the endgame without these additions, but for those that want to realize the maximum damage potential for this build, this section (and the Bossing variant) is for you.

Be warned, however, that this unrivaled power is not without its drawbacks. This variant moves slower and is more Spirit intensive when using Banished Lord's Talisman over an amulet with Movement Speed and Spirit Cost Reduction. Further, it's a bit squishier, foregoing the passive Damage Reduction from Grizzly Rage and occasionally leaving Werebear form, losing the corresponding Armor bonuses. Trust when I say, though, that the tradeoffs are well worth it.


  • Aim for a defensive pair of Pants with high rolls of both %Armor and %Armor While in Werebear. If these rolls and the roll on your Insatiable Fury are high enough, you'll be able to reach the Armor cap against level 154 mobs (approx. 13,440) without the need for Disobedience. This frees up a Defensive aspect and, more importantly, our Helmet slot.
  • For the Helmet, we ideally want to wear Harlequin Crest for its Damage Reduction, Ranks to Skills, and outstanding stat line.
    • If you don't have this Uber Unique or while bossing, opt for Godslayer Crown for its high burst damage potential. To activate Godslayer reliably during clears, either use Raw Might on a Ring or switch to Raging Pulverize.
    • If you have neither Unique or your Armor values fall short of the mark, a Legendary Helmet with %Armor and Might should do the trick.
  • Replace your Amulet with Banished Lord's Talisman. This amulet provides a 4th source of guaranteed Overpower to the build and applies a staggering multiplier to Pulverizes that Critically Strike and Overpower.
  • To make up for the loss of Werebear Armor on our Amulet, we leverage the extra value from Insatiable Fury.
  • Over Umbral, place either Retaliation (with Harlequin Crest) or Raw Might (if clearing with Godslayer Crown). However, Ring of Starless Skies received a massive buff at the start of Season 3. If you're lucky enough to find one, it proves best-in-slot here.
  • By late game, the Paragon Board should largely account for all necessary Resistances. They are dropped as a stat priority on our Boots and Helmet, and we instead use Diamonds in our Jewelry.
Pulverize Druid Best in Slot Gear



  • Petrify (2 Points)
  • Innate Debilitating Roar (1 Point)


  • Blood Howl (3 Points) - As we move away from Quicksand, Umbral, and a Spirit Cost Reduction Amulet, Blood Howl bridges the gap by recovering Spirit on use and proc'ing Inner Beast.
Pulverize Druid Best in Slot Skill Tree


  • As discussed, this is a squishier version of the build that leans all the way into Overpower procs. Utilize your ranged advantage and play around Overpower timings to make the most out of this setup.
  • Use Wind Shear as sparingly as possible to generate Spirit. This skill takes us out of Werebear form and pauses the counter of Provocation but helps proc and maintain both Natural Balance and Inner Beast.

The traditional Grizzly Rage setup is recommended for Hardcore Players and those who would otherwise prefer a more defensive setup. It stays in Werebear form permanently and gains the passive damage reduction from Grizzly Rage. However, Bossing can be a struggle, as it lacks the burst potential from Natural Balance, Petrify, and Banished Lord's Talisman.


  • For your helmet, wear Vasily's Prayer. This helmet enables you to use both Earth Spike and Earthen Bulwark while in Grizzly Rage.
  • Natural Balance is exchanged for Rampaging Werebeast to improve Grizzly Rage uptime.
  • Because we can't safely fit Tibault's Will, we employ the combination of Quicksand on our Boots and Umbral on a Ring to regenerate Spirit.
  • Banished Lord's Talisman is viable on this Variant, but the loss of Cooldown Reduction, Movement Speed, and offensive Aspect and Passive Ranks make this a fairly lateral move.
Grizzly Rage Gear


  • Earth Spike allows you to generate Spirit at range and is available during Grizzly Rage thanks to Vasily's Prayer.
  • Grizzly Rage is a massive damage increase over its duration due to its natural scaling and ‍Rampaging Werebeast. It also provides a short burst of Unstoppable and Damage Reduction for its duration, so we go to great lengths to reduce its Cooldown!
Grizzly Rage Skill Tree

Spirit Boons

We'll use a different set of Spirit Boons that make more sense when using Grizzly Rage.

Deer Spirit: Wariness
Eagle Spirit: Avian Wrath
Wolf Spirit: Calamity
Snake Spirit: Obsidian Slam

Bond with the Snake Spirit and activate Calm Before the Storm

Grizzly Rage Spirit Boons

Paragon Board

Inner Beast and Shapeshifter don't have any value, so we make some adjustments to the Paragon Board.

Final Paragon Board (Grizzly Rage)

The Speedfarming setup compiles a series of adjustments to reach Movement Speed cap and drastically improves Spirit generation at the cost of Damage and Defense.


  • Move Ghostwalker to your Amulet and put Slaughter on your Boots (preferably do each of these on a piece of backup gear). Banished Lord's Talisman is overkill for Open World content and low level Nightmare Dungeons.
  • Relocate Mending Stone from your Pants to a Rare Helmet and equip Tibault's Will. Note that Tibault's grants Resource only when you newly gain Unstoppable, so Trample is more effective at generating Spirit when Earthen Bulwark has fallen off.
Pulverize Druid Speedfarming Gear



  • Iron Fur (3 Points)


  • Digitigrade Gait (3 Points)
Pulverize Druid Speedfarming Skill Tree

The Bossing setup stacks as many multipliers as possible in an attempt to instantly eliminate most endgame bosses. This setup is not intended for general play, but on high gear, a Crit/Overpower in Season 3 should net you between 60M-120M damage, enough to burst down Uber Lilith, 2-player Duriel and T100 bosses. See below for a list of changes, big and small, to achieve this output.

117M Opening Hit vs. Uber Lilith (No Snapshots or Genesis)
200M Hit against Training Dummy (inc. Survival Instincts)


  • Equip all of:
    • Godslayer Crown
    • Insatiable Fury
    • Tibault's Will
    • Banished Lord's Talisman
  • Optionally, go for a pair of boots with Ballistic and All Stats in place of Movement Speed after Killing an Elite.
  • On rings, we'll use Natural Balance and Retaliation. If possible, drop Resource Generation from these in favor of Overpower Damage.
Pulverize Druid Bossing Gear



  • Circle of Life (3 Points)
  • Blood Howl (3 Points)
  • Safeguard (1 Point)
  • Innate Debilitating Roar (1 Point)
  • Fierce Wind Shear (1 Point)
  • Crushing Earth (2 Points)


  • Petrify (2 Points)
  • Resonance (1 Point)
  • Quickshift (3 Points)
  • Preserving Earthen Bulwark (1 Point)
  • Heart of the Wild (1 Point)
  • Wild Impulses (3 Points)
Pulverize Druid Bossing Skill Tree

Seneschal Construct

Since we're dealing almost exclusively with single-target situations, we minimize Tuning Stones centered around increased coverage. Tempest is used to apply our most important debuffs over a longer duration. Alongside it, we use Flash of Adrenaline and the Unique Tuning Stones to boost our damage tremendously!

Pulverize Druid Bossing Construct

Boss Rotation

Before the fight begins, utilize your buff bar to manipulate stacks of Ancestral Guidance, Provocation, Enhanced Pulverize, and Banished Lord's Talisman to have a 30% multiplier and 3 guaranteed Overpowers ready to go. While doing this, spam both Debilitating Roar and Earthen Bulwark to build up Fortify for Retaliation.

  1. As you approach the boss, cast Debilitating Roar then Earthen Bulwark to top off your Fortify. The latter grants Unstoppable, preventing any potential start-of-fight knockbacks and activating Tibault's Will.
  2. Once the boss appears, use Petrify for its 7-second, 50% Critical Strike Multiplier.
  3. Wind Shear through the Boss to proc Vulnerable with Exploit and activate Godslayer Crown and Natural Balance. Note that these multipliers have a 3-second damage window. This action sets up additional multipliers from Resonance, Natural Disaster, and Quickshift.
  4. Spam Pulverize in rapid succession, hoping to Critically Strike alongside your guaranteed Overpowers to benefit from Banished Lord's Talisman.

Our Gauntlet setup combines elements from both the Speedfarming and Bossing sections of this guide to target the appropriate blend of Offense, Defense, and Utility appropriate for T70 content. Many of these adjustments are interchangeable and may feel better or worse depending on your specific situation, so here's a brief summary of the changes from our Best-in-Slot version:


  • A Ghostwalker / Envenom Amulet paired with Slaughter Boots to reliably reach Movement Speed cap. This change kicks out Banished Lord's Talisman.
  • Tibault's Will
  • Digitigrade Gait over Iron Fur


  • Petrify in place of Debilitating Roar
  • Fang and Claw in place of Werebear
  • Natural Disaster over Heightened Senses


Aside from the gear changes recommended above, there are some additional considerations:

  • As you receive a hefty number of shrines, Shrine Buff duration is a very impactful stat for the Gauntlet. Get it on Amulet and Boots if you can.
  • Ring of Starless Skies remains a viable option over Retaliation if you have it
  • The new Blood Boiling Aspect introduced in 1.3.3 was considered for this setup and across the guide. However, an extra Overpower every 20 seconds (which can be consumed by any damaging skill) didn't appear to be higher value than existing Offensive Aspects.
Pulverize Druid Gauntlet Gear


  • Utilize Petrify to dispatch Bosses and tough Elites.
  • Switch your upgrade on Pulverize to Raging Pulverize to reliably proc Godslayer Crown.
  • If you want to go for even more mobility, swap Blood Howl for Shred.
  • A note on Bestial Rampage: This Key Passive was buffed significantly in 1.3.3 and is worth consideration even on Pulverize Druid. However, utilizing this Passive requires a shift in playstyle. To make the most of it, after you've finished a pack and are moving to the next, you'll likely have recovered the cooldown of Blood Howl. Cast it and allow yourself to stay in Werewolf form for 2 seconds to gain the Werewolf Attack Speed Bonus before engaging the next pack. This results in higher DPS, provided the shift to Werewolf doesn't impede your clear.
Pulverize Druid Gauntlet Skill Tree

Build Scaling & Stat Priorities

Learn about the important build scaling mechanics and stat weights.

  • Overpower: This build boasts 4 different ways to guarantee an Overpower: Enhanced Pulverize, Provocation, Obsidian Slam, and Banished Lord's Talisman. When we do, the damage dealt is bolstered by Vasily's Prayer, Insatiable Fury, Dominate and Ursine Strength. The build revolves largely around these procs so, when possible, try to avoid consuming them with your generator or Trample.
  • Critical Strikes: Our Critical Strikes provide a multiplier by themselves, which is further amplified by the Earthen Devastation Legendary node. This node prompts us to optimize our damage bonus to Crowd Control enemies to 150% or more on gear, which is covered by Oppress and its adjacent Magic Nodes, the implicit and explicit rolls on our Staff, and a single affix roll on ring. We add additional Critical Strike Multipliers in Natural Balance, Avian Wrath, Envenom, and Petrify.
  • Vulnerable: You have a 3-second damage window with Vulnerable thanks to Exploit, which should be more than enough time to clear non-boss enemies. For longer fights, we'll be relying on Breaking and a small chance from Enhanced Wind Shear.
  • Crowd Controls: Every hit of yours slows enemies with Quicksand. Damage Affixes that deal extra damage against Crowd Controlled enemies are a great way to make use of this, both on your gear and on your Paragon Boards.
  • Positioning / Monster stacking: Being in the "sweet spot" where Pulverize and Shockwave Aspect overlap is the goal when facing a single target.
  • Don't Get Hit: Make use of your range advantage and hit enemies from afar. By stutter stepping on the edge of your range, you can avoid most projectiles that come your way.
  • Fortify: This build has a multitude of ways to generate Fortify, getting you to the Fortified status in a short time. Increase this status' effectiveness by adding Damage Reduction while Fortified to your gear and Paragon Boards.
  • Armor: A great deal of defenses comes from your Armor. The Aspect of Disobedience massively increases the effectiveness of it, though by endgame we'll move away from this Aspect. Make sure to get as much Armor on your gear and Paragon Boards as possible.
  • Unstoppable: You have multiple ways to become Unstoppable. Earthen Bulwark, Trample, and possibly Grizzly Rage are used to maintain the benefits of Ghostwalker and Tibault's Will.
  • Resistances: Capping these will prove to be a balancing act through the leveling process between your gear and jewelry sockets and everyone's situation will be different. This problem is eventually solved by the Late Game Paragon Board. With a high level Outmatch and Shapeshifter Glyph and high item power Jewelry, you will be able to cap your resistances using Royal Diamonds, Ancestral Fortitude, and passive bonuses from Intelligence.

Our Damage Explained article explains how to scale your Offense.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Stat Priorities

Choosing the right stats for your gear can make or break your build. You won't always find perfect stats (also known as affixes or modifiers) though, and you may need to make a tough choice between two good pieces of equipment. Use the following list of priorities to compare your gear and pick the best.

  • Helm: Harlequin Crest
  • Otherwise Look For: Godslayer Crown
    1. Maximum Life
    2. Cooldown Reduction
    3. % Damage
    4. Crowd Control Duration
  • Otherwise Look For: Might
    1. Maximum Life
    2. % Total Armor
    3. Cooldown Reduction
    4. Willpower
    5. All Stats
    6. Basic Skill Attack Speed
  • Chest Armor: Insatiable Fury
    1. Total Armor while in Werebear Form
    2. Damage Reduction while Fortified
    3. Overpower Damage
    4. Physical Damage
  • Otherwise Look For: Quicksand
    1. Damage Reduction while Fortified
    2. Damage Reduction against Distant Enemies
    3. Damage Reduction against Close Enemies
    4. Damage Reduction from Poisoned Enemies
    5. Maximum Life
    6. Damage Reduction
    7. % Total Armor
    8. Willpower
  • Gloves: Ursine Horror
    1. Ranks to Pulverize
    2. Critical Strike Chance
    3. Attack Speed
    4. Willpower
    5. All Stats
    6. Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
  • Pants: Mending Stone
    1. %Armor While in Werebear
    2. %Armor
    3. Damage Reduction while Fortified
    4. Damage Reduction from Poisoned Enemies
    5. Damage Reduction against Distant Enemies
    6. Damage Reduction against Close Enemies
    7. Maximum Life
    8. Damage Reduction
    9. % Total Armor
    10. Willpower
  • Boots: Ghostwalker
    1. Movement Speed
    2. Spirit Cost Reduction
    3. Movement Speed after killing an Elite
    4. Willpower
    5. All Stats
    6. Resists (as needed)
  • Amulet: Banished Lord's Talisman
    1. Critical Strike Chance
    2. Resource Generation
    3. Overpower Damage
    4. Ranks of All Core Skills
  • Otherwise Look For: Natural Balance (put Umbral on a ring)
    1. Spirit Cost Reduction
    2. Movement Speed
    3. Cooldown Reduction
    4. Ranks to Envenom
    5. Ranks to Crushing Earth
    6. %Armor While in Werebear Form
    7. Damage Reduction while Fortified
    8. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
    9. Damage Reduction from Distant Enemies
  • Rings: Natural Balance, Retaliation or Raw Might
    1. Critical Strike Chance
    2. Maximum Life
    3. Resource Generation
    4. Physical Damage
    5. Critical Strike Damage
    6. Critical Strike Damage with Earth Skills
    7. Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies*
  • 2H Weapon (Staff): Shockwave
    1. High Damage per Second
    2. Willpower
    3. All Stats
    4. Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
    5. Overpower Damage
    6. Overpower Damage with Werebear Skills
    7. Core Skill Damage
    8. Damage to Close Enemies
    9. Vulnerable Damage

*You need a total of 150% Damage vs. Crowd Controlled enemies to cap the bonus of Earthen Devastation. Besides your ring and weapon, the remainder should be made up by your staff implicit and the Oppress rare node. This stat is otherwise undesirable on gear.

This build benefits a lot from the following Consumables:

  • Elixirs: Elixir of Fortitude, Elixir of Cruelty, Elixir of Combatant Fortune, Elixir of Magic Resist, Heady Precision Elixir, Crushing Elixir
  • Incense: Song of the Mountain or Reddamine Buzz, Soothing Spices

FAQ & Mechanics

Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how we are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.

Why is a Staff recommended?


Learn all you need to know about how to scale this build in the endgame.

Shockwave Aspect

Grizzly Rage & Rampaging Werebeast

Hungry for more Guides?


The Pulverize Druid is a ranged powerhouse pairing incredible AoE-damage at range with massive defenses. With this ranged playstyle, you can dive deep into Nightmare Dungeons. However, the single target can feel underwhelming unless you specialize in Overpower and multiple rare Uniques.

  • Shockwave is THE build-enabling Aspect.
  • Stay at range and position yourself to hit as many enemies as possible with each cast of Pulverize.
  • Use Evade and Trample to reposition yourself in combat.


Written by IBoilerUp
Reviewed by Jymnaisum, Binashole

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