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Bone Spear Necromancer Endgame Build Guide

Last Updated: March 9th 2024

Season 3 - ConstructS-Tier

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The Bone Spear Necromancer is the natural endgame build from our great leveling guide! Critical Strikes? Never ending Essence? Satisfying Lucky Hits on the whole screen? Yes! With this Bone Spear Necromancer build you will have all of this and more.

Of course, you continue the brand of Bone Spear by making (almost) everything on the screen Vulnerable. With the right gear, you can get lucky and swim in seas of Essence.

Necromancer's fatal flaw is its movement speed. But you can add a movement speed boost with Wind Striker into your arsenal of death, allowing you to speed you through the entire game on crits.

If you are looking for a ranged build, becoming the God of Death while keeping maximum distance to your enemies and never having to worry about Essence ever again, you have come to the right place!

Bone Spear Necromancer Late Endgame Gear

This build guide assumes you have a Level 50 Character and finished the Campaign. Level up with our Bone Spear Necromancer Leveling Guide. If you are looking for a different Necromancer play style, check out all of our Necromancer Guides

NM DungeonsExcellent

Season 3 - Season of the Construct

In Season 3, you obtain the Seneschal Construct through the Season Questline, then collect Governing Stones or Tuning Stones to add attacks and augment them to support your build. Only certain Tuning Stones work with a particular Governing Stone. Look at the bottom of any Tuning Stone tooltip to see if it is compatible with your Construct's currently equipped Stones. Lastly, they can be leveled up by getting duplicates to max out their power. Check out our full Season 3 guide for more information.

  1. Tempest - Incredible single-target attack with fast attack speed.
    1. Resource Support - Helps out with generating Essence during combat.
    2. Breaking Support - Provides you with Vulnerable and additional instant Barrier destrruction.
    3. Arcing Support - Spreads your Breaking Support and therefore Vulnerable on multiple enemies.
  2. Flash of Adrenaline - Permanent damage multiplier after a certain Governing Stones and Tuning Stones level.
    1. Duration Support - Helps making the combo permanent.
    2. Tactical Support - Helps making the combo permanent.
    3. Safeguard Support - Provides additional Damage Reduction and can also be up permanently.
Bone Spear Seneschal Construct Setup

Alternative Stones

Many other options are possible to support this build, including different Governing Stones to apply the effects. Feel free to experiment!

  1. Efficiency Support - Increases your critical strike chance tremendously.
  2. Mockery Support - Helps defensively by taunting the enemies and grouping them on your Seneschal Construct.

If you are lucky enough to get either Evernight or Genesis from Uber Malphas, you want to swap them in on your Construct for their powerful effects. Evernight will be part of the Tempest combo instead of Arcing Support, while Genesis will become part of the Flash of Adrenaline combo instead of Safeguard Support.

Skill Tree

Active Skills

  • Bone Spear is your main damage and hits enemies with both the main hit and reflected shards. The secondary damage component can make positioning important when fighting elites or bosses.
  • Bone Splinters for Essence generation. Your Best In Slot generation setup with Exposed Flesh keeps you completely full.
  • Decrepify coupled with your high Lucky Hit Chance is going to help you reduce all of your cooldowns at a fast pace and is going to provide additional safety through occasional Stuns.
  • Bone Storm gives you Critical Strike Chance, Damage Reduction, and survivability with Shielding Storm.
  • Corpse Tendrils Slows, Stuns, and pulls every monster (except Bosses) into a single space so that all of your AoE damage becomes more effective. It also triggers Grasping Veins, which is handy from time to time for extra damage. NOTE: In the Late Game and Uber Uniques Variant you are relying on unlocking your Corpse Tendrils by acquiring Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul or having +xx Ranks to Corpse Tendrils on your boots. This way you can save a Skill Point since neither the additional Slow, nor the Vulnerable are beneficial since that is handled through Decrepify and Splintering.
  • Corpse Explosion serves you as a support skill by activating your Flesh-eater damage multiplier.
Bone Spear Necromancer Late Endgame Skill Tree


  • Ossified Essence and Serration scale your damage with maximum Essence.
  • Inspiring Leader offers attack speed.
  • Compound Fracture, Evulsion, Imperfectly Balanced, Fueled by Death, Death's Reach, Memento Mori offer big damage multipliers.
  • Stand Alone offers damage reduction.

Book of the Dead

The Bone Spear Necromancer does not rely on its minions at all and powers up by making use of the sacrifice bonuses. You can choose between sacrificing Skeletal Warriors - Skirmishers and Skeletal Warriors - Defenders depending on how your resistances look or how much Critical Strike Chance you already have from other sources.

Book of the Dead

Learn more details and how to unlock this class specialization in our full Book of the Dead Guide.

Resource & Cooldown Management

One of the most important parts of your endgame journey is acquiring enough Essence to destroy your enemies. Having a grasp of the essentials of how your Essence works is key to your progression. There are many ways of generating resources, but below are some of the most important and relevant ones for the Necromancer.

Bone Splinters

This endgame build starts with Bone Splinters as a primary generator, and also relies on Exposed Flesh. Even though this skill stays on your bar, how you use it changes dramatically as you level up. It's definitely not as fast as the constant stream of endless Bone Spears that are punctuated by Corpse Tendrils, but you always have a skill to reach for to generate something, even on bosses.

Exposed Flesh

This aspect is usually extremely rare compared to other aspects. However in Season 3 it is unlocked by completing Chapter 2 of your Seasonal Journey. It gives Essence on Lucky Hit for any enemy you hit that is Vulnerable. This makes the vast majority of your Essence gain automatic, but you need other sources to top you off from time to time. Make sure you're properly grouping enemies with Corpse Tendrils in order to have more efficient fights.


Oddly enough, Torment gives you a constant stream of Essence at endgame compared to early leveling. The constant Critical Strikes mean that the Essence generation is up always, so this is better than it might look at first glance!

Grim Harvest

During leveling this was a small to medium source of your resource. Now however, it is a small, pitiful and slow way to generate essence, and only really useful to top up on Essence during or after a fight. Still, having an extra way to generate Essence on bosses or in edge case scenarios is handy and helps you stay alive. More importantly, it's a side-effect of eating corpses, so it is still useful for your build.


Each Crowd Control effect that you inflict upon enemies triggers this aspect. This means that you can stack multiple different Crowd Control Effects in order to get incredible Essence generation. However, using the Codex of Power version of this aspect isn't good enough at endgame. Keep in mind that this also doesn't work on bosses! You need to find a 4 Resource version of it from a drop. Try to gamble rings at the Purveyor of Curiosities to get this item. Important effects that can trigger Umbral include:

  • Corpse Tendrils Slow, Stun
  • Decrepify Slow

Paragon Board

Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 when they reach level 15!

← Scroll to Level →

Level the Paragon Board by scrolling. Each step optimizes progression.


You need to level up your Glyphs to increase their power and activate their Additional Bonus with surrounding nodes. Glyphs have a radius of 3 by default, this increases to 4 at Glyph level 15. Complete Nightmare Dungeons to obtain Glyph experience.

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15

  1. Essence
  2. Control
  3. Corporeal
  4. Exploit
  5. Sacrificial

Level 21

  1. Essence
  2. Exploit
  3. Control
  4. Corporeal
  5. Sacrificial

Also check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.

Endgame Progression & Variants

When you start diving into the Endgame, you don't have all the tools available to achieve the final build versions. Let us guide you through different progression points to give you a smooth transition from our Leveling Guides to the final build version.

Progression Goals

Many of your Skill choices depend on what Legendary Aspects and Unique items are available to you. These are listed in priority order:

  1. Minimum Requirements
  2. Unlock the following Aspects from Dungeons:
  3. Find the following Legendary Aspects either as a random drop or by gambling with Obols:
    • Exposed Flesh
      • Unlocked in Chapter 2 of the Seasonal Journey this time around.
    • Serration - Gamble Focus
      • Great damage multiplier for your Bone Skills.
    • Shielding Storm - Gamble Pants
      • This is the most important defensive Aspect for the build. It continuously generates Barrier while in close combat. The more enemies, the faster the Barrier generation.
    • Conceited
      • Increases your damage while you have a Barrier. Barrier can be applied through your Seneschal Construct or Shielding Storm.
  4. Acquire the following Unique items either as a random drop or by farming specific Boss drops.
    • NOTE: You cannot gamble Unique items with obols!
    • Deathless Visage
    • Lidless Wall
  5. If you're lucky enough to obtain the following Uber Uniques, they're useful for the build:
    • Harlequin Crest fits well onto Bone Spear Necromancer. This item increases Essence generation tremendously and will skyrocket your damage. Replaces Might.
    • Ring of Starless Skies is a close contender for best uber unique for builds that use Resource. Replaces Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul.
    • The Grandfather is a great Uber Unique for Bone Spear Necromancer since it further increases your main way of dealing damage through Critical Strikes but is only viable in easier content since you can't give up your permanent Shielding Storm. Replaces Serration.
    • Doombringer is not necessary for any type of content currently available since it is more so a defensive tool.

Learn more details and how to farm Legendary Aspects and Uniques in our General Farming Guide.

Progression Setups

Early Endgame
Late Endgame
Gauntlet CE + Bone Spear
Gauntlet Bone Spear
Uber Uniques

Once you have completed the leveling guide, only the Codex of Power Aspects are guaranteed. With this setup you can farm the Legendary Aspects and Unique items you need for the next progression point.


  • Don't underestimate Movement Speed early on. As Bone Spear Necromancer you don't have access to movement skills, so putting this on boots and amulet is critical to your success.
  • Essence generation is your key to success. Make sure to focus your efforts there because your damage at this point is bound by how many Bone Spears you can cast and not necessarily min-maxing your damage multipliers.
  • Exposed Flesh is available to you instanyl after completing the second Chapter of your Seasonal Journey.
Bone Spear Necromancer Starter Gear

Skill Tree

  • Iron Maiden acts as one of two Essence generators during early stages of progression.
  • You also use Bone Spirit to re-fill your Essence in the early stages of your Bone Spear Necromancer career. Make sure to only use this when you are at or close to 0 Essence.
Bone Spear Necromancer Starter Skill Tree


The skill rotation here is critical to keeping the damage flowing.

Skill Rotation

  • Start the fight using Bone Splinters to activate the 8% Critical Strike Chance. It's important to keep up your Essence and to occasionally cast Bone Splinters as this keeps up your optimal Critical Strike Chance buffs.
  • If you are fighting multiple enemies, use Iron Maiden instead to refill your Essence.
  • Empty your Essence by spamming Bone Spear.
  • Use Bone Spirit to re-fill your Essence when you are at or close to 0 Essence.
  • After you generate your first Corpse, either by killing an enemy or proccing Hewed Flesh, you group up your enemies by using Corpse Tendrils for additional safety and to hit more enemies at once.
  • Use Corpse Explosion on your way out of the fight to finish off remaining enemies and activate Reaper's Pursuit to get to the next pack faster.
  • When fighting regular mobs, you engage with a run-and-gun style that's fast and free. But when fighting a tough elite pack or boss, you want to carefully engage from a distance. You can shoot offscreen, or stun using Corpse Tendrils on a far away corpse before spamming down the pack.
  • If you run into an elite pack or boss, it's best to engage them near a wall, column, or other environmental object that you can reflect your Bone Spear off. This enables all of the shards to hit the one mob you care the most about.

In this setup, you have access to all Legendary Aspects, allowing you to pilot a much stronger version of this build. Additional Legendary Aspects are used to fill slots that may be replaced with Unique items later on.


  • Exposed Flesh is availabe in the Seasonal Journey which makes the gearing process of Bone Spear Necromancer extremely easy. Apply this to a ring as soon as you have completed the second Chapter of your Seasonal Journey.
Bone Spear Necromancer Early Endgame Gear

Skill Tree

  • You get rid of Iron Maiden because your Essence generation is now high enough due to having enough Lucky Hit Chance.
  • Bone Storm is now also available to you, which gives you powerful buffs during its duration as well as Shielding Storm.
  • Last but not least you invest 3 points into Grim Harvest to unlock that tiny bit more Essence generation on command.
Bone Spear Necromancer Early Endgame Skill Tree

In this setup, you have access to all Unique items. This variant can also be used as the Speed Farming variant.


  • Exposed Flesh is a hard requirement to enter your final state of calcium perfection.
  • Our Late Endgame variant has access to Uniques. Should you be lucky to find a Deathless Visage you can equip it. Move Shielding Storm to Pants and replace Might. Deathless Visage's only use is to squeeze out a bit more Essence generation for a cost of defense. Essence is generated through Deathless Visage's echoes procing Exposed Flesh. If you have the items described in the planner, you won't have Essence problems, therefore you don't need the additional Essence generation from Deathless Visage and can instead choose a Helm lilke this Exploiter's Runic Skullcap.
  • You now have more freedom to swap around Serration, Splintering, and Grasping Veins on Weapon, Amulet, and Gloves slots, depending on your playstyle and current goals.
  • You exchange your Two-Handed Sword for a Wand for the added Lucky Hit Chance due to its Implicit, move the Aspects accordingly and equip Lidless Wall in your Offhand.
  • Lidless Wall gives you permanent Barrier uptime together with Shielding Storm and provides a permanent Bone Storm.
Bone Spear Necromancer Late Endgame Gear

Skill Tree

  • You drop the point in Corpse Tendrils because it is now unlocked by Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul or by having +xx Ranks to Corpse Tendrils on your boots even without investing one skill point in the Skill Tree.
  • Bone Splinters' last point is also not needed anymore because you will constantly be at the Critical Strike Chance cap of 100% during Grasping Veins uptime.
  • These 2 points go to Unliving Energy and Blood Mist.
Bone Spear Necromancer Late Endgame Skill Tree

Paragon Board

← Scroll to highlight changes →
Bone Spear Necromancer Late Endgame Paragon Board
  • You adjust minor things to squeeze out more Elemental Resistances to cap those and grab the incredibly useful Tenacity cluster on the Bone Graft board. NOTE: Scroll the paragon board to highlight changes!

There are currently two possibilities for the best Bone Spear Gauntlet build. You can check out both in the tabs above. These two builds appear in no particular order.

The Gauntlet variant is designed to provide the highest damage possible, while constantly moving at high movement speed. Furthermore the optimizations made in this variant aim at reducing button presses, that do not deal damage, to maximize clear speed.

Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Gear

  • It is incredibly important to squeeze every little bit of damage out of your gear. You can accomplish that by incorporating stats on gear pieces which usually prioritize damage reduction or utility such as your Chest or Helmet slot.
  • You also get rid of all Lucky Hit Chance stats on your gear to incorporate more damage. Essence generation will be taken care of by your Seneschal Construct and Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul together with Grim Harvest.
  • Make sure you are Movement Speed capped at 200% total Movement Speed. If you are not, you use +% Movement Speed After Killing an Elite on Boots and if that is not enough you also run it on the Amulet.
  • Since Shrines will be present during your Gauntlet runs, Shrine Buff duration on Boots and Amulet are highly important.
Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Gauntlet Gear

Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Uber Unique Gear

  • Harlequin Crest provides an incredible boost to basically everything a build needs which in turn makes it an auto-include in almost every build. Replaces Hardened Bones.
  • Ring of Starless Skies skyrockets Essence efficiency as well as damage. Replaces Accelerating.
Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Uber Unique Gauntlet Gear

Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Skill Tree

  • To achieve constantly high movement speed you need to incorporate the new passive Death's Approach.
  • Your Seneschal Construct takes care of most of your Essence generation. The remaining part is taken care of by including Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul together with Grim Harvest which in turn also allows you to profit off of Fueled by Death.
Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Gauntlet Skill Tree

Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Uber Unique Skill Tree

  • Since Harlequin Crest gives you +4 Ranks to all Skills you can take out the points in Blood Mist and Decrepify and put them into Unliving Energy and Inspiring Leader.
Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Uber Unique Gauntlet Skill Tree

Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Seneschal Construct

  • If you are missing Evernight replace it with Gripping Support.
  • If you are missing Genesis replace it with Initiative Support.
Corpse Explosion Bone Spear - Gauntlet Seneschal Construct

Paragon Board

Gauntlet Paragon Board
  • You adjust some things on the Gauntlet Paragon Board compared to the usual Paragon Board to squeeze out as much damage as possible.

There are currently two possibilities for the best Bone Spear Gauntlet build. You can check out both in the tabs above. These two builds appear in no particular order.

The Gauntlet variant is designed to provide the highest damage possible, while constantly moving at high movement speed. Furthermore the optimizations made in this variant aim at reducing button presses, that do not deal damage, to maximize clear speed.

Bone Spear - Gear

  • It is incredibly important to squeeze every little bit of damage out of your gear. You can accomplish that by incorporating stats on gear pieces which usually prioritize damage reduction or utility such as your Chest or Helmet slot.
  • You also get rid of all Lucky Hit Chance stats on your gear to incorporate more damage. Essence generation will be taken care of by your Seneschal Construct.
  • Make sure you are Movement Speed capped at 200% total Movement Speed. If you are not, you use +% Movement Speed After Killing an Elite on Boots and if that is not enough you also run it on the Amulet.
  • Since Shrines will be present during your Gauntlet runs, Shrine Buff duration on Boots and Amulet are highly important.
Bone Spear - Gauntlet Gear

Bone Spear - Uber Unique Gear

  • Harlequin Crest provides an incredible boost to basically everything a build needs which in turn makes it an auto-include in almost every build. Replaces Hardened Bones.
  • Ring of Starless Skies skyrockets Essence efficiency as well as damage. Replaces Accelerating.
Bone Spear - Uber Unique Gauntlet Gear

Bone Spear - Skill Tree

  • To achieve constantly high movement speed you need to incorporate the new passive Death's Approach.
  • Bone Prison gives you 6% Movement Speed during its effect since it provides 6 Minions for Corporeal.
Bone Spear - Gauntlet Skill Tree

Bone Spear - Uber Unique Skill Tree

  • Since Harlequin Crest gives you +4 Ranks to all Skills you can take out the points in Decrepify and Corpse Tendrils and put those into Blood Mist.
Bone Spear - Uber Unique Gauntlet Skill Tree

Bone Spear - Seneschal Construct

  • If you are missing Evernight replace it with Initiative Support.
  • If you are missing Genesis replace it with Gripping Support.
Bone Spear - Gauntlet Seneschal Construct

Paragon Board

Gauntlet Paragon Board
  • You adjust some things on the Gauntlet Paragon Board compared to the usual Paragon Board to squeeze out as much damage as possible.

In this setup, you have access to the fastest gear and skill tree setup and try to move constantly at Movement Speed cap.


  • The chest and ring slots has become more offensive to guarantee more one-shots.
  • You will be running quadruple Movement Speed coming from the amulet and boots slots.
  • If you are lucky enough to find a Harlequin Crest your damage will skyrocket and your Essence generation will be insane. Move Shielding Storm to Pants and replace Might.
  • Ring of Starless Skies is also a tremendous addition to the build. To fit this, you unfortunately have to get rid of Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul. This will cause you to having to manually cast Corpse Explosion to trigger Flesh-eater.
  • In the Speed Farming setup we can easily fit The Grandfather because we generally fight less deadlier enemies than in T100 Nightmare Dungeons.
Bone Spear Necromancer Speed Farming Gear

In this setup, you have access to all Uber Unique items, unleashing the strongest version of this build. Be prepared to grind to access some of these highly sought after items!


  • If you are lucky enough to find a Harlequin Crest your damage will skyrocket and your Essence generation will be insane. Move Shielding Storm to Pants and replace Might.
  • Ring of Starless Skies is also a tremendous addition to the build. To fit this, you unfortunately have to get rid of Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul. This will cause you to having to manually cast Corpse Explosion to trigger Flesh-eater.
  • Unfortunately you can not fit The Grandfather since you have give up too much survivability. It fits in a Speed Farming setup for easier content though.
Bone Spear Necromancer Uber Uniques Gear

Skill Tree

  • You drop the point in Corpse Tendrils because it is now unlocked by Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul or by having +xx Ranks to Corpse Tendrils on your boots even without investing one skill point in the Skill Tree.
  • You drop the points in Grim Harvest to a minimum since you now have to manually cast Corpse Explosion to trigger Flesh-eater which drastically reduces your Essence generation coming from Corpse Explosion. This is intended and will not be a problem due to your Uber Uniques. These 2 points go to Unliving Energy and Inspiring Leader.
Bone Spear Necromancer Uber Uniques Skill Tree

Hardcore Adjustments

Hardcore requires you to build into more defenses. Here are some tips to successfully navigate this build through potentially dangerous situations:

  • During early-game progression you should fit Blood Mist in your build for more survivability by removing Bone Storm. As soon as you have enough Essence regeneration through a combination of Exposed Flesh and a high Lucky Hit Chance you instead remove Bone Splinters to fit Blood Mist.
  • Make sure to stack more survivability stats on your Chest, Pants and Amulet by using Maximum Life, Damage Reduction and Total Armor stats.
  • Make sure every engagement starts with Decrepify, and that you have an eye on your Blood Mist cooldown. Ensure that Blood Mist is always off cooldown before heading into a big engagement.
  • Don't prioritize damage over survivability. I like to call this vanity damage. Bigger crits might look nice, but ain't so nice if you're dead.

Check out our dedicated in-depth guide to learn more survival tricks in Hardcore.

Build Scaling & Stat Priorities

Learn about the important build scaling mechanics and stat weights.

  • Essence: This build relies heavily on fast Essence generation as well as Maximum Essence to scale. You should always be close to full Resource.
  • Critical Strike Chance: Bone Skills in general have high Chance to Critically Strike and the Skill Tree empowers this further with Serration. Stacking xx% Critical Strike Damage allows for massive damage dumps when successful. Prioritizing 100% Chance to Critically Strike is priority number one.
  • Offensive Aspect of Grasping Veins is important to trigger as much as possible allowing you to further push your Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage to the limits!
  • Vulnerable: You get Vulnerable procs via the Splintering Aspect. This way everything except the first target hit will be Vulnerable. Therefore you need to swap to Bone Spear on Bosses that do not spawn adds or rely on your Seneschal Construct.
  • Crowd Control: Since all of your damage occurs in an area, pixel pulls and grouping of monsters becomes a direct damage scaler. This also allows you to benefit from every "Damage to CC'ed Enemies" affix in the game when Corpse Tendrils.
  • Resistances: As you approach lategame, you focus on capping all of our elemental resists at 70% through rolls on Armor pieces, Paragon nodes and Jewelry sockets. The goal is to cap all of these at 70% by around level 80 (120% total because of the 50% penalty in World Tier IV). Use Paragon nodes and Jewelry sockets to shift Resistances around as needed. You may have to divert from the exact stat distribution described below to achieve this.
  • Armor: Similar to resistances, you aim to hit the 85% damage reduction armor cap (~9200 vs. lvl 100 monsters, ~13500 vs. lvl 154 monsters) to be well protected against any damage type.
  • Don't Get Hit: Since you're at range, it's easier to stand back and simply dodge projectiles.
  • Damage Reduction Stats: Especially our Chest & Pants offer tons of defensive rolls which help you to survive.
  • Unstoppable: You only have one way to gain Unstoppable and that's from Blood Mist. Cooldown Reduction helps to "scale" this defensive mechanic by making it available more often.

Our Damage Explained article explains how to scale your Offense.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Stat Priorities

Choosing the right stats for your gear can make or break your build. You can not always find perfect stats (also known as affixes or modifiers) though, and you may need to make a tough choice between two good pieces of equipment. Use the following list of priorities to compare your gear and pick the best.

  • Helm: Shielding Storm
    1. Maximum Life
    2. Lucky Hit Chance while You Have a Barrier
    3. Maximum Essence
    4. +xx% Total Armor
  • Chest Armor: Disobedience
    1. Maximum Life
    2. +xx% Total Armor
    3. Damage Reduction
    4. Damage Reduction from Close Enemies
  • Gloves: Grasping Veins
    1. Ranks to Bone Spear
    2. Critical Strike Chance
    3. Lucky Hit Chance
    4. Lucky Hit: Chance to Restore Primary Resource
    5. Attack Speed
  • Pants: Might
    1. Maximum Life
    2. +xx% Total Armor
    3. Damage Reduction
    4. Damage Reduction from Distant
  • Boots: Wind Striker
    1. Movement Speed
    2. Essence Cost Reduction
    3. Intelligence
    4. All Stats
    5. Ranks of Corpse Tendrils
  • Amulet: Splintering
    1. Movement Speed
    2. Essence Cost Reduction
    3. Ranks of the Evulsion Passive
    4. +xx% Intelligence
    5. Cooldown Reduction
    6. Lucky Hit Chance while Barrier You Have a Barrier
  • Ring 1: Ring of the Sacrilegious Soul
    1. Unique Effect
    2. Lucky Hit Chance
    3. Maximum Essence
    4. Maximum Life
    5. +x Ranks of All Corpse Skills
  • Ring 2: Exposed Flesh
    1. Critical Strike Chance
    2. Lucky Hit Chance
    3. Maximum Essence
    4. Maximum Life
    5. Critical Strike Damage
    6. Vulnerable Damage
  • Main Hand: Serration Implicit: Lucky Hit Chance (Wand)
    1. Intelligence
    2. Core Skill Damage
    3. All Stats
    4. Vulnerable Damage
    5. Critical Strike Damage
  • Off-Hand: Lidless Wall
    1. Maximum Essence
    2. Chance to Restore Primary Essence
    3. Attack Speed
    4. Maximum Life
    5. Unique Effect Chance

This build benefits the most from the following consumables:

  • Elixirs: Elixir of Combatant Fortune, Assault Elixir
  • Type I Incense: Sage's Whisper
  • Type II Incense: Soothing Spices to cap Resistances, Reddamine Buzz
  • Type III Incense: Chorus of War

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Once a guide is released, many players have questions on why and how you are approaching certain choices. In this section you can find the answers to the questions that have been asked the most.

I'm dealing very low boss / single-target damage, what do I do?

Why not put Grasping Veins on a Two-Handed Weapon?

How can I hit 100% Critical Strike Chance?

I'm having Essence issues, what do I do?


Learn all you need to know about how to scale this build in the endgame.

Abhorrent Decrepify


Video Guide

Bone Spear Necromancer Season 3 Build Guide Video


  • Bone Spear makes almost everything Vulnerable. You lean into this strength and trigger effects off it. Don't forget this while adjusting and swapping your build around!
  • Don't forget movement speed on your boots and amulet! It's possibly one of Necromancer's most important stats on those gear slots.
  • You need an Essence battery to make more Bone Spears. Exposed Flesh and Torment have a well rounded approach to Essence generation.
  • Zoning enemies is important because you don't have ANY movement skills. Corpse Tendrils keep enemies locked up and stunned.
  • Happy blasting 🚀!

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Maintained by Chronikz

Originally written by Echohack
Reviewed by MacroBioBoi

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