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Heartseeker Rogue Build Guide

Last Updated: June 24th 2024

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Season 4 - LootS-TierSpecialized

Welcome to the Heartseeker Rogue Specialized Guide! This is a brand new build for season 4 made possible by the new itemization changes. The build focuses around buffing the basic attack skill Heartseeker with other abilities, passives and multiplicative aspects while building around the Victimize key passive for massive area of effect damage. Victimize is the hero of the build with our ability to scale this passive to insane amounts of damage. This pairs nicely with Heartseeker and its ability to hit multiple times per cast and good base lucky hit chance to proc the key passive.

We use the Inner Sight specialization for additional critical strike chance when activated. This setup is straight forward, easy to play, and the first of its kind on Maxroll. Great for those looking for something different. Learn everything you need to know on how to make the most out of this build!

Our Specialized Builds are Endgame builds with specific requirements and purposes. In order to play them, you are expected to already have specific items and effects available. To get there, we recommend you use one of our existing lvl 50-100 Endgame Build Guides.

Requirements for this build to function:

  • All listed basic attack aspects.
  • Chance to cast heartseeker twice on 2 handed weapon.
  • A way to proc Vulnerable (Exploit glyph with either Accursed Touch or "Chance to make enemies Vulnerable" stat on ring/glove)
Base Setup
With Uber Unique
(Harlequin Crest)
Pit Pushing 130+
Giga min-maxed
Pit Pushing 140+

This is the original setup with no uber uniques, designed to tackle all content with no necessary changes. Easy mode.

Gear and Skills

Heartseeker Rogue
Heartseeker Rogue Skills


Paragon point allocation, and the correct Glyphs you should use for the Heartseeker Rogue. Note: The Paragon Boards are the final setup with no steps.

Level 21 Glyphs required:Control, Exploit, Ambush, Fluidity, Pride, Chip

If you're having issues capping resistance early, use Diminish in place of Ambush on the Leyrana's Instinct Paragon board.

Heartseeker Rogue Paragon Board

Same setup, but with Harlequin Crest. There are no other uber uniques that are useful for this build.

Gear and Skills

Heartseeker Rogue with Shako
Heartseeker Rogue Skills with Shako


Paragon point allocation, and the correct Glyphs you should use for the Heartseeker Rogue. Note: The Paragon Boards are the final setup with no steps.

Level 21 Glyphs required:Control, Exploit, Ambush, Fluidity, Pride, Chip

If you're having issues capping resistance early, use Diminish in place of Ambush on the Leyrana's Instinct Paragon board.

Heartseeker Rogue Paragon Board

This is the Pit Pushing variant. We drop Shared Misery for Inner Calm, as we're standing still more often and the additional crowd control spread is not needed.

This is taking what you already have with a few adjustments and going for a personal best push with gear obtainable by just playing the game with a few pieces traded from friends.

Gear and Skills

Heartseeker Rogue Push
Heartseeker Rogue Skills Push


Paragon point allocation, and the correct Glyphs you should use for the Heartseeker Rogue. Note: The Paragon Boards are the final setup with no steps.

Level 21 Glyphs required:Control, Exploit, Ambush, Fluidity, Pride, Chip

If you're having issues capping resistance early, use Diminish in place of Ambush on the Leyrana's Instinct Paragon board.

Heartseeker Rogue Paragon Board

This is the Ultra Giga Pit Pushing variant. This assumes you already spent lots of gold and time trading for the absolute best pieces of multiple GA gear possible and have accepted the fishing aspects of pushing to find the right clearing scenario and boss. There are no substitutes and it's absolutely critical you reach the 15 frame breakpoint by following exactly what's shown.

This also assumes having Elixir of Advantage II permanently.

Gear and Skills

Ultra Giga Push
Ultra Giga Push Skills


Paragon point allocation, and the correct Glyphs you should use for the Heartseeker Rogue. Note: The Paragon Boards are the final setup with no steps.

Level 21 Glyphs required:Control, Exploit, Ambush, Fluidity, Pride, Chip, Devious

Giga Push Board

All Maxroll Content Creators have their own "personal" version of the builds they create that fit their style of play. Below is my version that you see me play live on my streams/youtube videos.

As someone who likes to play very mobile with lots of stutter stepping, this is geared towards a glass cannon style of play where we neglect defense for more offensive while using micro to avoid dangerous situations that would otherwise kill you. I opt for Crossbow as I like the chunkyness of the Heartseeker sound. Personal preference, but the weapon type does not matter at all.

If you like running around with 1/2 ply gas station toilet paper for toughness while dishing lots of damage, this may be for you!

Gear and Skills

DiEoxidE's Heartseeker Rogue Setup
DiEoxidE's Heartseeker Rogue Skills


Paragon point allocation, and the correct Glyphs you should use for the Heartseeker Rogue. Note: The Paragon Boards are the final setup with no steps.

Level 21 Glyphs required:Control, Exploit, Ambush, Fluidity, Pride, Chip

If you're having issues capping resistance early, use Diminish in place of Ambush on the Leyrana's Instinct Paragon board.

Season 4 - Loot Reborn

In Season 4, the Season Theme revolves around helping out the Iron Wolves. Compared to past themes, this one does not offer any borrowed power as the entire game has been redesigned with new itemization and crafting options, increasing player power substantially across the board. Instead, you can gather reputation similar to the Vampire Bounty Board from Season 2 to unlock rewards that supercharge your leveling journey to 100 with extra items, crafting materials and eventually even a Resplendent Spark to craft an uber unique.

We recommend to follow the seasonal questline until you unlock the reputation system, check which rewards suit you most and then follow your regular leveling path. To learn more, check out our full Season 4 guide for more information.


The Heartseeker Rogue is a straight forward shooter of a build. It's high in mobility and damage modifiers. Below explains how to best get the most out of each skill on your bar.

  • Heartseeker is the main skill. You can start most engagements with this nearly off screen and kill trash mobs in the open world before they can get near you.
  • Use Concealment to engage safely when elite hunting and to get out of sticky situations.
  • When things get a little tough, you want to dropCaltrops to stack buffs and deal more damage.
  • Use Smoke Grenade whenever you see an elite pack to disable them. This also gives a nice multiplier and synergizes with Concussive Strikes which allows you to burst them down quickly.
  • Both Dash and Shadow Step are here for mobility and to get out of sticky situations. Use both liberally to put yourself in the best positions possible.

Gear and Stat Requirements

The Heartseeker Rogue requires specific Aspects, Affixes, Masterworks and Tempers on your gear to perform well. Unlike some of the other specialized builds, The Heartseeker Rogue can come online a bit earlier due to its less strenuous requirements. See below:

  1. Legendary Aspects:
    • Elements
    • Edgemaster’s
    • Retribution
    • Rapid
    • Concussive Strikes
    • Frostbitten
    • Umbrous
    • Might (This gets replaced if you find a Harlequin Crest)
    • Adaptability
    • Moonrise
    • Accursed Touch (Use this in place of Elements
    • if you do not have the % chance to make enemies Vulnerable as a stat on ring).
    • Undying
    • Inner Calm (Pit 130+ variant in planner instead of Elements)
    • Shared Misery (Speed farming Content/Pit)
  2. Uniques:
    • Harlequin Crest (Not required)
  3. Elixirs: Elixir of Advantage II Stock up on this and/or craft a lot of these. The attack speed and lucky hit chance boost is godlike for this build.

Recommended Stat Thresholds

  • 20%+ Critical Strike Chance
  • 30%+ Attack Speed
  • 8+ total Ranks of Dark Shroud
  • 10+ total Ranks of Heartseeker
  • 1500%+ Damage to Vulnerable Enemies
  • 80%+ Chance to Cast Heartseeker Twice
  • 25%+ Lucky Hit Chance
  • % Chance to make enemies Vulnerable (on ring)
  • Armor Capped 9,230
  • Resistance Capped 70%
  • 40,000+ Life
  • 30%+ Chance to Freeze
  • 15%+ Chance to Stun/Daze
  • 150%+ Movement Speed
  • 100%+ Caltrops Duration
  • Helm: Might
  • Direct swap for Harlequin Crest if you find one.
    1. Lucky Hit
    2. Dexterity
    3. Maximum Life
    4. Armor
    5. Cooldown Reduction
  • ⚒️ Dodge Chance
  • ⚒️ Chance to Freeze/Stun/Daze
  • Chest Armor: Umbrous
    1. Ranks to Dark Shroud
    2. Armor
    3. Dexterity
    4. Maximum Life
  • ⚒️ Dodge Chance
  • ⚒️ Chance to Freeze/Stun/Daze/Slow
  • Gloves: Concussive Strikes
    1. Lucky Hit Chance
    2. Critical Strike Chance
    3. Attack Speed
    4. Vulnerable Damage
    5. Dexterity
  • ⚒️ Vulnerable Damage
  • ⚒️ Chance to Freeze/Stun/Daze
  • Pants: Shared Misery
    1. Ranks to Heartseeker
    2. Dexterity
    3. Dodge Chance
    4. Maximum Life
    5. Armor
    6. All Resistances
  • ⚒️ Dodge Chance
  • ⚒️ Chance to Freeze/Stun/Daze
  • Boots: Frostbitten
    1. Movement Speed
    2. Dodge Chance
    3. Maximum Life
    4. Dexterity
    5. All Resistance
  • ⚒️ Movement Speed
  • ⚒️ Chance to Freeze/Stun/Daze
  • Amulet: Adaptability
    1. Ranks to Exploit (double dips)
    2. Ranks to Malice (Double dips)
    3. Ranks to Frigid Finesse
    4. Lucky Hit Chance
    5. Ranks to Weapon Mastery
    6. Critical Strike Chance
    7. % Dexterity
    8. Attack speed
  • ⚒️ Vulnerable Damage
  • ⚒️ % Armor
  • Rings: Rapid & Retribution.
    1. Lucky Hit Chance
    2. Critical Strike Chance (swap with #4 on one ring)
    3. Attack Speed
    4. Chance to make enemies Vulnerable (swap with #2 on one ring)
    5. Vulnerable Damage
    6. Dexterity
  • ⚒️ Vulnerable Damage
  • ⚒️ Agility cooldown
  • Bow/Crossbow: Moonrise
    1. Vulnerable Damage
    2. Dexterity
    3. Maximum Life
    4. Critical Strike Damage
  • ⚒️ Heartseeker Chance to Cast Twice
  • ⚒️ Vulnerable Damage
  • Main Hand: Elements
  • Replace this with Accursed Touch if you do not have "Chance to make enemies vulnerable" stat on a ring.
    1. Vulnerable Damage
    2. Dexterity
    3. Maximum Life
    4. Critical Strike Damage
  • ⚒️ Caltrops Size
  • ⚒️ Vulnerable Damage
  • Off-Hand: Edgemaster's
    1. Vulnerable Damage
    2. Dexterity
    3. Maximum Life
    4. Critical Strike Damage
  • ⚒️ Caltrops Duration
  • ⚒️ Vulnerable Damage

FAQ & Mechanics

When I can transition to this build?

Bow or Crossbow? Which is better?

Sword vs Daggers. What's the deal?

6 Boards or 7 Boards? Which should I use?

Which Elixirs?

Topaz or Sapphires in Weapons?

Do I have to use Concealment or Poison Trap?

Getting multiple passives on an Amulet is really hard. Any other options?

Are any Uniques useful for this build?

How are Dark Shroud stacks generated for this build?


Learn about the mechanical details that make the build tick.

Dark Shroud Scaling

Attack Speed Caps

Victimize Damage Scaling

Dodge Mechanics

Smoke Grenade Mechanics

Video Guide

Heartseeker Rogue Video Build Guide


Written by DiEoxidE
Reviewed by wudijo

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