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Solo Raids Guide Collection

Last Updated:February 21, 2025


Welcome to the Solo Raids Guide Collection. On this page, you can check out the Cheat Sheets and the Main Patterns of every available Solo Raids on the Western servers.

Disclaimer: The guides below only list the Main Patterns of each gate. Majority of the normal patterns are identical to the Normal Mode. If you want to learn more about those patterns, click on the links in each tab.


Solo Raids give a reduced amount of gold compared to the traditional difficulties of a raid. However it is still quite a lot of gold to help you on your journey! The gold obtained from Solo Raids is bound gold, that means it is untradable and used primarily for character progression.

RaidGate 1Gate 2Gate 3Gate 4Total Gold
Ivory Tower1200160024005200


Gate 1
Gate 2

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Panacea
  • Sacred Charm or Atropine Potion
  • Dark Grenade or Whirlwind Grenade
x30 | x15 Orb Phase

What To Do

  1. Collect colored orbs in alternating order.
  2. Stagger after collecting all 4 orbs.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Time Stop Potion
  • Flame Grenade
  • Corrosive Bomb or Destruction Bomb
x160 Armor Break Phase
x130 Wipe Pattern (Balthorr)
x110 Pillar Hug
x85 Stage Break + Pillar Hug
x65 Counter Attack
x35 Stage Break + Pillar Hug
x17 Ghost Transition (Balthorr)
x40 Ghost Phase + Counter (Thirian)

What to do

  1. Lead Valtan to charge at a pillar with blue orbs.
  2. After the crash, use a Destruction Bomb (Bound).
  3. Collect Blue Orb for x130 mechanic.

What To Do

  1. Dodge pizza pattern.
  2. Make sure you have a blue orb before this phase or use Balthorr if you don't.

What To Do

  1. If you are the player targeted by the red zone, make sure to not point it towards a pillar. Place it right between 2 pillars and “wiggle” around until it stops tracing you. Once that is the case, either try to get fast behind a pillar in the yellow zone or simply move away from the red zone and use Time Stop Potion.

What To Do

  1. Dodge stage break and hug pillars.
  2. Aim target at 2 pillars and dodge accordingly.

What To Do

  1. Counter Valtan when he's about to charge.

What To Do

  1. Dodge stage break and hug pillars.
  2. Aim target at 2 pillars and dodge accordingly.

What To Do

  1. Move to the left.
  2. Dodge first strike and go back to the same place.
  3. Either use Sidereal: Balthorr to ignore the follow-up patterns, or run the path as shown in the footage.

What To Do

  1. Focus during this phase more on dodging attacks and countering the clones. Dealing a decent amount of damage is more than enough to kill Valtan with the help of Sidereal: Thirian.


Gate 1
Gate 2

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Time Stop Potion
  • Flame Grenade
  • Swiftness Robe
x120 Clone Rotation
x65 Clone Absorption

What To Do

  1. Pick up purple orb.
  2. Follow wing pattern.
    • Red: Open Wings ⇾ Half ⇾ Closed
    • Purple: Closed ⇾ Half ⇾ Open Wings

What To Do

  1. Block Orbs going into Vykas.
  2. The clone will pulse red or black pattern.
    • Block black pulses
    • Avoid red pulses

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Time Stop Potion
  • Whirlwind Grenade
  • Sleep Bomb
x170 | x75 Swamp
x135 Key Input
x120 Throne
x102 Stagger Check
x55 Tentacles
x5 Last Struggle

What To Do

  1. Drop speed puddle outside.
  2. Go to rally point.
Vykas Mechanics 6 477 X 506

What To Do

  1. Cleanse seduction gauge at north orb.
  2. Input keys.

What To Do

  1. Place puddle and stand on it to get 100% gauge.

What To Do

  1. Kill monster spawn.
  2. Stagger Vykas.

What To Do

  1. Keep Seduction Gauge above the 70% mark, but avoid reaching 100% Seduction Gauge.
  2. Destroyed the tentacles.

What To Do

  1. At around x5 HP, use a yellow orb at the edge of the map to reduce your Seduction Gauge to 0.
  2. Deal damage to Vykas to trigger the Last Struggle pattern.
  3. Go to center and find the real Vykas. (Check Mini Map)
  4. Follow center clone's shockwave towards the real vykas and go behind her.
  5. Use Sidereal: Wei and deal Stagger Damage to deplete her Stagger Bar.


Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Whirlwind Grenade
  • Swiftness Robe
  • Atropine Potion
x130 | x65 Break
x110 | x25 Heart
x85 Simon Says
x45 Roulette

What To Do

  1. Use Stagger skills where there is no purple shield.

What To Do

  1. Go near the clones that spawned in the four diagonals.
  2. Three of them will either emote a gun with their fingers, or a heart with their hands.
  3. Look at the odd one.

What To Do

  1. When Saydon does an emote facing you, you must match that emote by using the correct skill emote.
  2. When Saydon does an emote facing away, you must use any skill emote that does not match.

What To Do

  1. Match your suit/symbol with the correct background to the correct spot on the roulette after each spin.
  2. After the 3rd roulette, get out as the roulette will explode.

What to Do

  1. After the dice lands, a suit/symbol with a certain color is shown above the dice.
  2. Floating cards will move towards you, you need to make them collide with the correct NPC (match the symbols).

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Dark Grenade
  • Swiftness Robe
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
x125 Saydon Appears
x110 Curtain of Madness
x95 | x30 Flip
x75 Maze
x55 Pizza

What to do

  1. Dodge the Circus Balls / Explosions created by Kakul until he lands again.
  2. Saydon will periodically perform attacks for the rest of the fight that can knock you off the map. Pay attention to yellow telegraphs.

What To Do

  1. Go inside the safe spot that matches the color of the Clown Icon you have on top of your head.

What To Do

  1. Stand on one of the cards and bait Saydon to smash it with his Hammer.
    1. Tip: Saydon's Hammer Smash can reveal up to 3 cards at the same time
  2. Find the card in which Kakul is hiding under, and bait Saydon to smash it.

What To Do

  1. Smash the pedestal in the middle of the room
  2. Check your suit under your feets. It can be ♦️, ♣️ or ❤️.
  3. Smash 3 enemies with the same suit as you.
    1. Avoid getting hit by the horizontal/vertical Clowns, as this will reset your stacks and you will need to smash another 3 enemies.
  4. When the timer reaches 1:30, exit portals with the corresponding suits will spawn. Go into yours.

What To Do

  1. Pay attention to the direction in which the stars around Kakul spin. It can be clockwise or counter-clockwise. They will spin 3 times and you need to memorize it.
  2. Rotate around the boss in the correct directions. Each rotation starts and ends at 12 clock position (North).
  3. Tip: you can use Innana to have an easier time during this mech.

Check out the G3 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Sacred Charm
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
  • Whirlwind Grenade or Dark Grenade
x155 Mario °1
Iron Maiden °1
x90 Showtime
Iron Maiden °2
x55 Mario °2

What To Do

  1. Use the circus balls or the fire turrets to gain Madness meter until it's almost full.
  2. When the portal opens in the middle of the arena, fill your Madness meter fully to get transformed and go into the portal.
  3. A clown symbol will appear over your head, indicating you which color you're assigned. Knowing this color, smash the 3 matching balls inside the minigame and then go out the portal at the very end.
Kakul Saydon Gate 3 Mario 1st Ver 3

What To Do

  1. You need to get to the other side of the arena and stagger Kakul-Saydon.
    • Dodge the saws moving from vertically as they do high amounts of damage.

What To Do

  1. Dodge the yellow telegraphs, bombs and Kakul-Saydon's bullet spray.
  2. Aim the yellow cones correctly at the two big bombs that spawn around the boss, to destroy them.
  3. Dodge the crosshair following you until it disappears.

What To Do

  1. You need to get to the other side of the arena and stagger Kakul-Saydon.
    • Dodge the hooks as they can grab and drag you around for a long time.

What To Do

  1. Use the circus balls or the fire turrets to gain Madness meter until it's almost full.
  2. When the portal opens in the middle of the arena, fill your Madness meter fully to get transformed and go into the portal.
  3. A clown symbol will appear over your head, indicating you which color you're assigned. Knowing this color, smash the 3 matching balls inside the minigame and then go out the portal at the very end.
Kakul Saydon Gate 3 Mario 3rd Ver 3


Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3
Gate 4

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Panacea or Atropine Potion
  • Whirlwind Grenade, Frost Grenade or Flash Grenade
  • Destruction Bomb or Sleep Bomb
x85 Safe Zones
x45 Counters

What To Do

  1. Go to any of the safe spots in the cardinal directions. NPCs will cover the remaining ones.
  2. Wait until the Boss slams the ground with his hammer, then you're safe to move.

What To Do

  1. Suggestion: Use Sidereal: Azena to kill the summoned Elite Monsters in the four diagonals.
  2. Follow the boss as he moves around, and Counter him when he turns blue. Repeat this 3 times.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Swiftness Robe
  • Whirlwind Grenade or Dark Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
x145 Meteors
x105 Medusa
x45 Shapes
x0 Red & Blue Spears
Star or Pentagon
Gate 3 Meteors
Meteor positioning

What To Do

  1. Once the boss teleports to the center, go into one of the Meteors to trigger a Typing test.
  2. Complete it and stagger the boss.

What To Do

  1. Stagger the boss while looking away from the Medusa eyes around her.
Brelshaza Gate 3 V 2 477 X 506
Star, Square, Diamond spawn locations

What To Do

  1. Wait for the shapes to spawn and break only one pair of them.
  2. Look for the symbol above your head.
    • If your symbol is a Diamond, stay away from the NPC.
    • If your symbol is a Square, stay near the NPC.
Gate 3 Spears
Spear positioning

What To Do

  1. Go into any of the spots and wait a bit to consume that color.
  2. Go into the spots that appear afterwards with your matching color, wait until they are cleared.

What To Do

  1. Periodically the boss will teleport to the center and darken your screen a bit. Near her, a floating symbol will appear showing either a Star or a Pentagon.
  2. Two floating orbs with either forms will appear around her. You need to "lure" the matching symbol by going close to it (but not touching it!). Make it collide with the boss.
  3. If you did the previous step correctly, yellow zones will spawn in her diagonals. Go into one to gain a shield to survive the pulses afterward.

Check out the G3 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Swiftness Robe
  • Whirlwind Grenade or Dark Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
x95/x20 Stagger 1&2
Gate 4 Red
Red Mechanic

What to do

  1. Go into the safe zone in front of the boss to survive the laser beam and avoid a wipe.
  2. When you're free to move, stagger the boss and grab the pyramid-looking buff then get back inside the safe zone.
  3. Repeat it one more time to finish the mech.
Gate 4 Blue
Blue Mechanic

What to do

  1. Stagger one of the cubes that spawn around the arena.
  2. Complete the typing test afterwards.
  3. Dodge the front/back laser the boss will use.
Gate 4 Yellow
Yellow Mechanic

What to do

  1. Destroy the yellow sphere to obtain a shield.
  2. Move close to the boss and catch the small yellow orb spawned from the destroyed sphere.
  3. Stagger the boss.

What to do

  1. You will have limited time to stagger the boss while dodging normal attacks.
    • You can use Innana to create a long-lasting safe zone, allowing you to stagger ignoring most attacks.
    • Alternatively, use Wei to deal massive stagger damage quickly.

Check out the G4 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Whirlwind Grenade or Dark Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
x212/x28 Dream World
x188 Golden Meteor
x112 Black Hole
Blue Meteors

What to do

  1. Go behind the boss and dodge the incoming projectiles.
  2. Stay inside the safe tiles. Move when they change, and remember the safe zones.
  3. Once outside dodge the incoming projectiles again and then move to the safe zones you previously discovered after each explosion.
  4. Important: The second time this mech happens, your controls will be inverted for the 1st and 3rd explosions.
Brel Solo G 4 Yellow Meteor
Example initial position

What to do

  1. Move to one of the corners of the map and wait until the meteor starts falling.
  2. Move away as the tiles near the explosion will disappear.
Brel Solo G 4 Shandi Mech
Example Orb distribution

What to do

  1. Boss will disappear and a cinematic will start. You need to move to the central tile and dodge the Pizza-shaped explosions twice.
  2. Wait until Brelshaza lifts her hand, then move outside the inner circle as Brelshaza will open a Black Hole.
  3. Find a tile with a small black orb on top (and avoid it for a little bit). You need to collect 2 yellow meteors to gain a buff.
    • Suggested: Use Sidereal:Shandi to have an easier time dodging the small meteors falling into the black hole.
  4. When the small black hole starts shivering, move inside of it to get transported to the other dimension.
  5. Small Brelshaza clones spawn on top of some tiles. Move on top of them to check where the Real clones will spawn.
  6. Counter or Stagger the clones and then collect the small orb they drop to gain a buff to survive the following explosion.
    • You need to do this correctly at least once.

What to do

  1. Periodically you will receive a blue aura which, after the timer runs out, drops a blue meteor. Place these meteors in the outer tiles avoiding to break them (by placing them repeatedly in the same tile).

What to do

  1. Ocasionally (previous to Dream World mech) Brelshaza will spawn several tornados which move from one side of the map to the other. You will receive a buff that you need to keep until the end of the mech by dodging the tornados.
  2. If you managed to maintain the buff, you will be transported to a new dimension with a small blackhole in one of the corners of the central tile. Destroy it.
    • Failing to do so will spawn a big blackhole which hinders your movement and last for a while. It can be dangerous if you receive a Yellow/Blue meteor during this period.


Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Dark Grenade
  • Sacred Charm
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
x55 Dodge Minigame

What To Do

  1. Dodge AoEs.
  2. SpaceBar spear as he throws it towards you.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Panacea
  • Atropine Potion
  • Whirlwind Grenade or Dark Grenade
Elemental Weakness
x62 Rotating Elements
x42 Counter/Stagger
x20 Rings
SpaceBar Spam


  1. During raid, colored (elemental) shapes will spawn.
  2. Depending on the color, you will need to break the color that beats that color.
  3. You can thnk of it has Blue = Water, Red = Fire, Green = Grass.
    • Red < Blue < Green < Red...

What To Do

  1. Depending on the mechanic, you will need to destroy the element that is strong against the element shown on the boss/mechanic.
Image 372 900 X 382
Water beats Fire, Grass beats Water, Fire beats Grass

What To Do

  1. Collect orbs from reaching elements.
  2. After the boss stops launching orbs, check for the element shown underneath the boss.
  3. Destroy the element that is strong against it.
    • If Blue destroy Green
    • Red destroy Blue
    • Green destroy Red

What To Do

  1. Counter a soldier.
  2. Stagger the boss.

What To Do

  1. Pay attention to ring colors:
    • Green Ring = destroy Red
    • Blue Ring = destroy Green
    • Red Ring = destroy Blue


  1. SpaceBar prompt will appear.

What To Do

  1. Try to keep SpaceBar meter just before finishing.
  2. Finish the bar when the boss emits a black explosion.

Check out the G3 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
  • Flame Grenade or Dark Grenade
x180 Explosions/Break Egg
x135 Light Delivery
x100 White Orbs/Sunlight
x60 Pillars/Clones
Final Phase

What To Do

  1. Dodge 3 explosions.
  2. Go close to one of the eggs at the edge of the map and wait for the boss to spawn at you.
  3. Turn the boss slightly to make the glass shield touch the egg.
  4. Move away when you hear a glass breaking noise to dodge the laser.
    • Aim the laser at an egg in case the glass shield isn't able to touch an egg.
  5. Break the egg, while standing close to it, to be granted a damage buff for 2 min.
  6. You will need to constantly lure the boss to hit eggs to refresh this buff.

What To Do

  1. Guide final laser to boss. Watch out for teammates puddle.
  2. Use auto attacks to help guide the laser.

What To Do

  1. Get 5 white orbs.
  2. Go to safe spots in the shadow after 5 white orbs.
    • You don't need white orb shield until final mech (after 2 sunlights).
  3. If you cannot make it to the safe spot, you can use Time Stop Potion.

What To Do

  1. Stagger pillar with runes.
Image 369
Source: Inven

What To Do

  1. Kill boss quickly to avoid stacking debuff.
  2. White glowing rune in the center indicate the next sunlight safe spot location.
  3. Boss will pull you in as the sunlight safe spots happen.
    • To avoid the pull mechanic, when you receive the purple debuff text "Intense Gaze", wait until the text/debuff goes away, then immediately press a movement skill (spacebar) to nullify the pull. You can also use Time Stop Potion instead.


Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Sacred Charm
  • Panacea
  • Atropine Potion
  • (Purify)
x140 8 Tumor Orbs/Spear
x128 Cleanse Yellow
x112 Orb Grab
Time Attack
x75 Stop Mobs
x50 Inanna Stagger
x20 Shield/Bells
Final Fight


  1. Boss jumps to center and summons 4 green orbs and 4 black orbs.
  2. Shortly after, the boss will drop spears that will be safe zones.

What To Do

  1. Break either a Black or Green orb to get your Tumor Debuff.
  2. Stay still and wait until the other orbs explode.
  3. Spears will be summoned shortly after.
  4. Touch the spear when the boss jumps back down. (safezones).
  5. The spears does % HP damage, so be careful if you touch it early.


  1. Boss will emit a green explosion with a stagger bar.
  2. During this period, you will get a green debuff that will turn into a yellow debuff.
  3. Yellow debuff = Less Stagger
  4. When the yellow debuff is cleansed, it will turn red.
  5. Red debuff = More Stagger.

What To Do

  • Option1: Use Sidereal: Wei to complete the stagger.

  • Option2: Wait for the green debuff to turn yellow.
  • Use a Panacea potion to cleanse yourself.
  • Stagger the boss with red debuff.
Image 412

Green Debuff


Image 413

Yellow Debuff


Image 414

Red Debuff



  1. Boss will jump to the center of the map.

What To Do

  1. A green or black orb will spawn around the boss.
  2. If the orb is the same color as your chosen orb at the start, → destroy it and get grabbed by the boss.
  3. If it's not your color, ignore it and stagger the boss afterward.
  4. Small Orbs will spawn around the map. Destroy Orbs that match your color with Auto Attacks.
    • Destroying 3 incorrect orbs will kill you.
    • Every Orb that touches the Boss will grant him more HP for the next phase.


  1. Boss cutscene will bring you to another arena.
  2. A 1 min timer will appear in the top left.

What To Do

  1. You will need to bring the Boss down to 90x HP before the timer runs out.
  2. Stick close to the boss, as raid patterns can be hidden with the water.


  1. The area will flood and a cutscene appears after 90x HP.

What To Do

  1. Go to the correct path when reaching the crossroads.
  2. The incorrect path will be marked with debris/dust dropping on top of the stairs.
  3. When you finally reach the top, before using the G Key to interact, wait till the water covers the last remaining stairs to avoid bad patterns from the boss.
    • Jumping too early will cause bad boss patterns.
Image 404


  1. Boss will summon 2 spears, a large mob, and several small mobs.

What To Do

  1. Kill the large mob.
  2. Eliminate the remaining small blobs, getting hit by 4 or more will petrify you, so be careful.
  3. When the black fog comes out from the boss, touch the spear for the safe zone.


  1. Boss will jump to center and create a stagger bar.

What To Do

  1. When the boss stands up, use Innana.
    • This will prompt a special interaction and will make this a free DPS phase.
    • Not using Innana will make doing the stagger much harder. As you will need to avoid his patterns while staggering (there is a counter at the end as well if you do not Innana).


  1. Boss will turn into a cacoon and emit a green puddle.
  2. Standing inside the green puddle will give you debuff stacks.
    • At 10x stacks, you will die.

What To Do

  1. You will need to bring down his shield to make the next phase easier.
  2. Killing 3 small bugs will grant you an addtional shield damage buff.
  3. Dodge small circles that spawn.
  4. When the bell rings, the boss will get a shield that you will need to break.
    • Get into the green puddle and DPS the boss.
    • When you have around 7x stacks, step out and wait for the debuff to cleanse.
    • repeat the process.


  1. Boss will queue the final cutscene for the last fight.
  2. No more main mechanics, but pay attention to the patterns to avoid death.

New Patterns

  1. Green Aura: The aura around the boss lowers movement speed & stagger.
  2. Imprison: A player will be imprisoned and after freeing them, others around will be imprisoned as well.
  3. Counter Attack: The boss flies up and spawns circles. When he lands he can be Countered.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion
  • Sacred Charm (or Camouflage Robe)
  • Corrosive Bomb or Destruction Bomb
x175 Tentacles
x160 | x55 Ghost
x140 | x85 | x30 Red Hole
x110 Hide
x0 Destruction


  1. Occurs at or near x175 bars and randomly below x85 bars.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center and summons a poison aura around him.
  3. Green ground explosions occur at random spots.
  4. Tentacles spawn at random locations.

What To Do

  1. Avoid staying too close to the center.
  2. Destroy the tentacles spawning around the boss.


  1. Occurs at x160 and x55 bars.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center and summons a poison aura around him.
  3. A skull shaped object spawns at a random location.
  4. One red and two green ghosts spawn. One additional green ghost spawns on Hard Mode.
  5. Periodically, random players get a disease aura, which summons a puddle after a few seconds.
  6. Counterable Akkan clones appear randomly at the edge of the map on 3x+1 spots. (Only Hard Mode)

What To Do

  1. To survive the mechanic, you need to prevent the red ghost from reaching the skull for a certain duration.
    If the red ghost touches the skull, it is a raid wipe. If the green ghost touches a player, the player is forced to walk towards Akkan's green aura in the center and receives massive damage.
  2. Pick up the skull, move to the 5 o'clock position and throw it inside the yellow marked circle on the ground.
  3. Once the skull and the player are at the correct position, wait for the red ghost to walk a few steps towards the skull before picking it up and start running clockwise.
  4. Optional Camouflage Robe strategy: Activate Camouflage Robe shortly before picking up the skull and go clockwise. As long as the player is invisible, the red ghost will stop the chase. Once visible, wait for the red ghost to get closer before throwing the skull to yellow marker to cleanse yourself. Pick up the skull and proceed clockwise repeating the same actions.
  5. The skull carrier gets a stacking slow debuff, which is why that player needs to throw the skull to the locations at 5, 7, 11 and 1 o'clock by pressing “Q”.
  6. The puddles left behind by the disease aura deal damage and increase Disease Meter of players standing on top of it. Furthermore, these puddles reappear in the exact same location once the mechanic repeats at x55 bars. So make sure to place the puddles at the edge of the map, while avoiding the green ghosts patrolling that area.


  1. Occurs at or near x140, x85 and x30 bars.
  2. Akkan summons a red hole in the center.
  3. In certain intervals, a ring shaped explosion occurs either close to the red hole or at the edge of the map.

What To Do

  1. While fighting Akkan, avoid touching the red hole or standing in the ring shaped explosions, since these increase your Disease Meter heavily.
  2. After the 3rd explosion, Akkan disappears and teleports to a random player to perform a 1-hit frontal attack. Dodge it by moving away or behind Akkan.
  3. Optional: The raid lead can use Sidereal: Innana between x160 and x140 bars.
  4. This mechanic at x85 bars is slightly different. The 1-hit attack occurs right at the start of the mechanic. So group up at 6 O'clock and wait for Akkan to reappear before moving/dodging away. After that, the raid lead can use Sidereal: Thirain in front of the boss to trigger a special sidereal interaction, which deals high damage and provides the players with a big window to deal uninterrupted damage.


  1. Occurs at or near x110 bars and afterward in specific intervals.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center, draws a circle around him.
  3. A big shadow appears at the back of the boss.

What To Do

  1. The goal is to stay always in the moving shadow of Akkan. Getting exposed to Akkan increases the damage the player takes.
  2. There is one skull on each side of the boss. A glowing skull indicates in which direction the boss is about to turn. From the player's point of view, if the right skull glows, the boss will turn left. If the left skull glows, then Akkan will turn right. So pay attention to the skulls and follow the shadow closely to survive this mechanic.
    • This pattern can be split into 3 rounds. Each round consists of 3 individual “turning moves” except for the 3rd segment, which is always a 180° rotation to one side and slowly rotating back to the default position.
    • Tips: The first time the turning direction changes during the first 2 rounds, the boss always rotates 180°. So this means there are only a limited amount of patterns which can occur during the first 2 rounds. [90°⇾90°⇾180°] or [90°⇾180°⇾90°]
  3. The boss can also perform a rotating laser attack. Akkan's red lantern glowing is the indicator for this pattern. Make sure to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise with the shadow to avoid getting hit by the laser.


  1. Occurs once boss reaches 0 hp.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center and summons a ring shaped poison fog covering the outside of the battle area.
  3. A crosshair appears on the boss, indicating that “destruction” is possible.
  4. Counterable Akkan clones appear randomly at the edge of the map.

What To Do

  1. To succeed this mechanic and the raid, you have to deal a certain amount of Weak Point damage within a short duration. If you fail to do so, Akkan does a map wide 1-hit attack and heals back multiple bars. You can survive this by using Time Stop Potion, but in most cases, you won't have enough time to get Akkan back to 0 bars, before the boss enrages.
  2. Once the crosshair on the boss appears, use Destruction Bomb and skills with Weak Point damage on cooldown.
  3. Use Sidereal: Thirain as soon as it is available to assist with the destruction.
  4. Counter the clones on the outer edge of the arena.
  5. Successful counters increase the Sidereal Meter by 50% and reset your skill cooldowns, which is why it is important to not miss.
  6. During this entire mechanic, the following patterns can occur, which you need to avoid while leading Weak Point damage to the boss and countering the clones.
    • Cone-shaped shockwave: Follows a player briefly before shooting a shockwave, which 1 shots most players.
    • Cross lasers: Avoid standing in the cross shaped area.
    • Ground Explosions: These have different shapes, move to unaffected safe spots to avoid getting hit.
    • Tentacles: Dodge tentacle's attacks and destroy it.

Check out the G3 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Sacred Charm or Sacred Bomb
  • Dark Grenade or Destruction Bomb
  • Atropine Potion or Time Stop Potion
x200 X Stagger
x165 Line Delivery & Stagger
x140 Star or Hexagon
x139-31 Random Party Gimmicks
x30 Arena break / x0 Destruction
200 X Stagger

Player - Intercept orange lasers, stagger Akkan


  1. Occurs at or near x200 bars.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center and summons a poison aura around him.
  3. Four towers spawn that shoot an orange laser at Akkan forming an X shape.
  4. A stagger bar appears below the boss.


  1. Find the location that is not being blocked by NPC's.
  2. Stand in front of the laser to break the link between the tower and Akkan.
  3. If all four links are severed, Akkan can be inflicted with stagger damage.
  4. The stagger bar will not decrease if you're not blocking the laser.
  5. You will gain a slowly stacking debuff that increases the damage they take from the laser.
  6. If the damage you receive becomes too large move out until the debuff stacks run out, then go back.
  7. Dangerous attacks marked with red telegraphs will periodically spawn and try to interrupt the process.
  8. Anyone hit by them will instantly die, so it is important to avoid them first and then proceed with the stagger.
Line Delivery Stagger 1

NPC's - block orange lasers from reaching Akkan and green from reaching 9 o'clock.

Player - intercepts purple laser and deliver it to Akkan.


  1. Occurs at or near x165 bars.
  2. Akkan teleports to the 3 o'clock position on the arena.
  3. Additional towers are created at the 12, 6 and 9 o'clock positions.


  1. To complete the mechanic, you must stagger the boss, but to be able to do that you must carry the purple laser towards Akkan from the far left.
  2. Rub your character against the laser at the 9 o'clock position to pick it up, then proceed to drag it across the arena towards Akkan at 3 o'clock.
  3. While dragging the purple laser, you will gain a movement speed reduction debuff that stacks to 3. If it reaches 3 stacks, your character will get dragged back to the starting position.
  4. An NPC will be standing in the center of the arena, blocking the green laser. Carry the purple laser to him and attach it to the NPC.
  5. Once the purple laser is attached to the NPC, wait until your debuff times out. Then re-take the laser from the NPC and finish dragging it over to Akkan and attach it to him.
  6. Then stagger Akkan and you're done.
Hexagon Or Star


  1. Occurs at or near x140 bars.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center, draws a large green area around him.
  3. Six towers spawn on the arena at 11, 12, 1, 5, 6 and 7 o'clock positions.


  1. Your goal is to recognize which of the two shapes you must create, either Star or Hexagon. Then turn them in the right direction to create the required shape.
  2. The shape can either be a Star or Hexagon.
  3. Go to the towers that are facing the wrong way and interact with them by pressing "G" to turn them clockwise.
  4. Once all lasers are targeted to the correct direction and the shape is formed, the mechanic gets resolved.
  5. Be very careful not to stand in the path of the black lasers for too long, as they inflict large amounts of damage very quickly. On the contrary, white lasers do minimal damage.
  6. If you take too long to assemble the required shape, the raid will die to a periodical aoe explosion that Akkan is performing during the mechanic.

Three Shape Safespots

3 Safe Spots 2


  1. Akkan teleports to the center of the arena.
  2. Flashes a large green pentagram on the ground.


  1. Avoid the first attack by moving to either the 5 or 7 o'clock position when facing his backside.
  2. Then go directly behind him but stay at a large distance.
  3. And for the final safe spot, move inside, but avoid his small green aoe zone.

Four Curses


  1. Akkan places a green pentagram below him.
  2. Assigns players from the raid with a random curse.
  3. Finishes with casting a laser towards a non-cursed player.


  • Blue Curse

Stay close to Akkan, your character will run outwards, if it runs out of the marked area you die.

  • Black Curse

Stay close to Akkan and make sure not to get knocked outside the zone by his attacks.

  • Red Curse

Move away from Akkan, you will get pulled in. If you touch Akkan during this pull you'll die.

  • Green Curse

Move away from the boss. Periodically, green explosions will occur under your feet. Wait for them to appear, then move to a safe spot and repeat this process 3 times. The explosions leave poisonous areas behind for a short period of time.



  1. Akkan teleports to the center of the arena.
  2. Places a green pentagram below him.
  3. Green & White skulls move across the arena and from Akkan itself.


  1. Move to the outer edges of the arena.
  2. Focus on dodging the green colored skulls, as they do not alter their trajectory.
  3. White skulls coming from Akkan aggro onto players and fear you if hit, but they do not reach the outer edges of the map.

Slimes & Tentacles


  1. Akkan summons multiple tentacles on the arena, accompanied by a slime.
  2. Focus on killing the slime first. On its death, it creates a blue telegraphed explosion. Do not stand in it!

Plague Wave


  1. Akkan suddenly dissapears and reappears at the edge of the map either at 3/6/9 or 12 o'clock.
  2. Quickly move to the opposite side of him to avoid this attack.
  3. Group up with your teammates as a horde of monsters will approach you.
  4. After this attack, Akkan will teleport to one player and perform an Execution attack.


  1. Occurs at or near x30 bars.
  2. Akkan teleports to the center and slams the ground in front of him repeatedly.
  3. He breaks the outer edge of the arena and despawns all disease puddles.
  4. A pack of monsters ambush and try to prevent you from dodging.


Arena Break

  1. Your ideal safe spot during this entire mechanic is the back side of Akkan at all times.
  2. He can perform a frontal, side and a rotating laser during this phase, getting hit by them will knock you off the ledge.
  3. If your Sidereal gauge is ready, use Wei at x15 HP or lower, this will initiate a special sidereal attack that immediately completes the fight and brings Akkan to x0 HP skipping the final mechanic.


  1. If you deplete his HP to x0 naturally, you must complete a destruction check similarly to gate 2 of Akkan.
  2. During this destruction Akkan will explode areas on the ground, always repeating the same pattern: Center, Middle, Sides. Use your Paralysis or Push immune skills to not get knocked off the ledge.
  3. Utilize Sidereal: Inanna to prevent random deaths from falling off.

Ivory Tower

Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Flame Grenade or Dark Grenade
  • Sacred Charm or Sacred Bomb
  • Atropine Potion
x85 Catch/Stagger
x45 Orbs/Fire


  1. After x85 boss will spawn plants on the outskirts of the map that grab players.

What To Do

  1. Avoid yellow AoEs or destroy them.

What To Do

  1. Catch green seeds and avoid purple seeds.
  2. Green seeds will increase your stagger, while purple decreases your green stacks.
  3. Stagger boss after getting seeds. Avoid AoE attacks.

What To Do

  1. Boss will reflect damage for 45 seconds, do not attack until it is over. (Blue debuff icon under boss)
  2. Player will be targeted and attacked by the outside plants.
    • Lead the plant attacks onto the golden powder to destroy them.
    • Not destroying golden powders will sleep player if nearby.
  3. Attack purple orbs until 15 stacks.
  4. Wait until 45 seconds DR (Blue debuff icon under boss) is gone, then use Flame Grenade or any fire skill on the boss.
  5. If you do not pass in time, the boss will become more dangerous for the rest of the fight.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Traps
  • Destruction Bomb (Bound)
  • Atropine Potion or Marching Flag
Armor Stacks
Blood Orbs
Clone x95
Marathon/Stagger x30
Final Phase


  • Pick up traps before starting the battle and move it to your combat item slot.
  • The best time to throw the traps is either at the start of the raid or after a successful stagger check.
    • NOTE: It's important to toss the trap right after the stagger happens.
      • Tossing it early will cause the trap to be destroyed from his red AoE roar.
      • Tossing it late will cause him to do a backflip, avoiding the trap.
  • Boss will generally perform a counter/stagger pattern ~9:30, 8:30, 7:00, 5:30. So you can save your traps then.
Image 500


  • Over time, the boss will gain "Armor Parts" that stack up to 5 different icons.
  • If the boss reaches 5 armor, the raid will wipe.
  • After Destruction, Boss will be immune to Traps for ~40 seconds.
  • It will take 2 traps to get to his Destruction phase where you can break off his Armor.
    • Use Destruction Bomb (Bound) and skills with Weak Point affix to succeed the destruction check.
  • Generally you want to destroy the Armor when the boss is around 3-4 stacks.
Image 502
Image 517
Armor Stacks
Image 524
Trap Immunity


  1. Around ~155x, blood orbs will spawn around the boss.
  2. Picking up these blood orbs will grant massive buffs for 15 sec (CDR, Regen, Speed).
  3. Getting hit during this buff will cause you to bleed to 10% HP and drop red orbs.
    • Do not pot before your HP reaches 10% or you will keep bleeding till 10%.
    • Pick up orbs after reaching 10% or use HP pots.
  4. Not picking up orbs will heal the boss when it touches. They will also blow up periodically if not taken.
Image 504


  1. After landing a trap, the boss will periodically perform stagger checks.
    • Each stagger check will get harder.
  2. Generally, by the 3rd stagger, you will fail it, and a scripted event will happen:
    • He will do a fire AoE around him, avoid it.
  3. Boss will also perform a Counter Pattern every ~1.5min into the fight, that's when the party will usually throw another trap.
    • NOTE: if your damage is high (Boss HP ~110HP after 2nd stagger) throw a trap to go right into Destruction Phase. You can even do it after the first stagger if stronger.
Image 516 900 X 446
Boss will have trapped arms to indicate # of traps.
Image 515 900 X 152
Rotation can vary, just try to keep the stacks in check.
Image 506 900 X 151
Note these are just common combination examples.


What To Do

  1. Go to the clone.
  2. Go to its front and use a counter skill.

What To Do

  1. Go to center.
  2. After he lands, move to the opposite side to avoid the AoE.
  3. Wait to avoid fire breath.
  4. Move towards boss, while dodging red orbs.
  5. After the Stagger check, dodge the AoEs around him while moving towards the center

What To Do

  1. Move to center and throw a trap on top of you as soon as it gets unlocked.
  2. Dodge away as soon as the boss moves/jumps towards you.
    • If you fail to trap the boss, repeat step 1 & 2 once the boss moves goes to the edge of the arena.
  3. Throw another trap right after the 2nd Stagger check to get into the Destruction phase.
  4. From here on, the boss will do more damage and your goal will be to kill it.

Check out the G3 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Destruction Bomb
  • Dark Grenade or Whirlwind Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion, Atropine Potion or Stimulant
Stage Destruction
x110 Mirror Counter
x40 Rage Phase
Double Cone Counter

What To Do

  1. Certain patterns of the boss can destroy the outer part (tiles) of the octagon shaped arena.
  2. Broken tiles have red effects on them. If you get pushed on those tiles, you will die.
  3. Some patterns allow you to recover broken tiles, which then turn purple. Purple and normal tiles are safe, you won't die if you get pushed on top of these tiles.
  4. To recover destroyed tiles, do as followed:
    1. Deplete the normal Stagger bar of the boss first.
    2. Succeed the Destruction check.
    3. Guide the big red orb, which spawns at the boss and follows the closest player towards a broken tile.
Pizza (Part 1)
Stagger (Part 2)

What To Do

  1. Once the pattern starts, go to the 3 O'clock position to the right of the boss.
  2. Dodge the first 2 slices and the mirror attack first before guiding the 3rd slice towards the mirror on that position.
    • The slices are easier to dodge and readjust, the closer you are to the boss.
    • Don't panic because of the yellow explosions caused by the mirror. It always explodes first before the 3rd slice locks on a position. So you can safely dodge that explosion first and should still have a second left to readjust the 3rd slice.
  3. Rotate clockwise towards the next mirror and repeat step 2. Upon completion, rotate one final time clockwise towards the next mirror to repeat step 2.

What To Do

  1. Stagger the boss first.
  2. Stagger at least the two bottom mirrors by using Whirlwind Grenade and stagger skills.

What To Do

  • To succeed this mechanic, you need to Stagger the boss.
  • The required Stagger is high, but by countering the correct mirrors, you get a Stagger buff to assist you.
  • Countering the wrong mirrors or missing the Counter timing increases the Stagger difficulty and deals high damage.
  • Counter Mirrors which the sword pierces.
    • Ignore mirrors which aren't pierced by the boss' sword.
  • Upon successfully countering the correct mirror, your counter skill will reset.
  • Attack the boss after each counter, to reduce his stagger bar!
  • Tips
    • Boss always stabs 2 mirrors and pretend to stab 2. (4 in total)
    • In case you forgot, the color of the thorn helps to differentiate between the correct and wrong mirror to counter. Red thorn indicates the correct mirror and purple one only comes out of the wrong one.
Sword Destruction (Part 1)
Guardian Fight (Part 2)

What To Do

  1. Use Destruction Bomb on the Mirror at 6 O'clock position, to destroy it.
  2. Stagger boss and use Whirlwind Grenade if needed.
  3. Use skills with Weak Point affix on the sword to destroy it.

What To Do

  1. Move to the front of the boss after the 2nd circle spawns below you, to get grabbed.
    • Ignore the 3rd circle, since the boss will grab you before it explodes.
  2. Kill the Guardian.
  3. Stagger the boss.

What To Do

  1. Method 1: Ignore the mirrors and focus on dealing damage to the boss. Since 4 tiles will be destroyed because of the mirrors, you need to play carefully to avoid getting pushed into those.
  2. Method 2: Destroy the Mirror at 6 = O'Clock and try to fight the boss at the bottom part of the arena. This gives you more space to fight, but you have to sacrifice some damage during the transition to stagger the mirror.

What To Do

  1. Try to use a Counter skill as soon as he flashes blue.
  2. Failing this counter leads to destruction of all tiles hit by the cones.


Gate 1
Gate 2
Gate 3

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Destruction Bomb
  • Dark Grenade
  • Atropine Potion or Stimulant
Cleansed Organism
Frenzy & Endorphin
x145 & x55 Tentacle Destruction
x144-100 Three Craters
x100 or 2 Crater Stacks Destroy & Grab
x38 Eye Safe Zone



Blood Orb

Blood Orb

Organ Stacks

  • Upon Staggering or Countering the boss, it will spit out Organs onto the ground.
  • These can be destroyed, spawning a Blood Orb in its place that can be collected, giving you an Organ Stack (max 10).
  • If the Organs aren't killed or the Blood Orbs aren't picked up, they will return to the boss slowly.
  • Letting this happen gives the boss 20% damage reduction for 10 seconds.

Cleansed Organism

Cleansed Organism

Each stack provides:

  • +10% damage
  • +4% stagger
  • max 10 stacks

Additionally, you gain: +1 Weak Point and +10% damage versus staggered foes.

  • Organ stacks you've accumulated can be utilized during the fight and the Eye Safe Zone (x38 HP) mechanic.
  • If you have at least 1 Organ stack and are under the effect of Sidereal: Balthor, stacks get transformed into a 30-second damage buff (Cleansed Organism) and the boss enters Frenzy & Endorphin state.



Excessive Bleeding

10 Stackbleed
  • Getting hit by most of the boss attacks will inflict an uncleansable Bleed debuff to you for 30 seconds (max 20 stacks).
  • When reaching 20 stacks, your character will become stunned for 10 seconds, Excessive Bleeding.
  • This will cause the boss to perform a special attack.


Eyes 1

Eye Gauge

Eye Gauge
  • In the second phase of the fight, you will see Eyes spread out on the floor.
  • These move towards you players.
  • You can walk over them, this will detonate the area beneath shortly after.
  • Your character will be brought to 1 HP if caught within this explosion.
  • If you remain next to an eye for too long, you will begin to build up Gauge below your feet.
  • At 100% Gauge, your character will get rooted, and the Eye will accelerate towards you.



The Boss Movement and Attack speed is increased by 250%.



Players receive Status, Push & Bleed Immunity and have increased Movement Speed.

  • If everyone has at least 1 Organ stack and is under the effect of Sidereal: Balthorr effect, then Frenzy & Endorphin is triggered.
  • The boss converts x15 HP into a shield, which must be broken within 25 seconds (Frenzy).
  • Utilize Dark Grenade and Atropine Potion
  • You get an insanely large shield during this mechanic that can ignore all attacks.
  • Endorphin - While this buff is active, players hit by the boss receive debuff stacks.
  • If her shield is destroyed, the buffs/debuffs get removed and the mechanic ends.
  • If not destroyed in time, the debuffs stacks accumulated during Endorphin slowly decay and deal massive amounts of damage that is impossible to survive.
X 145 Tentacle Destruction 3


  1. Occurs at or near x145 bars.
  2. The Boss teleports to the center of the arena and spawns blue telegraphed lines in all directions.
  3. A stagger bar appears below her feet.


  1. Run to the outside of the map while avoiding the blue telegraphs.
  2. Getting hit by the attack will stun you.
  3. The Boss gains 36 stacks (tentacle connections)
  4. Throw Destruction Bombs and use long range skills on the tentacles to eliminate at least 6.
  5. When the connection is severed, yellow telegraphs will spawn and pull anyone caught within them to the boss, making them unable to move, avoid them!
  6. The remaining stack amount decides the difficulty of the stagger required to break her.
  7. Run to the boss and stagger it quickly.
  8. When successful, she will bombard the arena with falling rocks for a few seconds, simply avoid them.
  9. Getting hit will stun your character.
Gate 1 Crater 3


  1. Occurs after Tentacle Destruction.
  2. Three crater locations are spawned on the arena.


  • Successfully countering or staggering the boss will mark you with a Red Spike shape.
  • You need to stand in one of the three craters in the ground and bait the boss attack onto it.
  • The chosen crater gets 1 stack towards the mechanic and needs to be targeted a second time the same way whenever possible.
  • Doing so will initiate the Destroy & Grab Main Mechanic, even if the boss HP hasn't reached 100 lines.
  • If you fail to stack 2 explosions into the same crater or your group's damage is too high to have the opportunity to do so, you must use Sidereal: Balthor for the x100 HP mechanic to not wipe.
100 Destroy Grab 3


  1. Occurs at x100 bars or when 2 Crater Stacks have been reached.
  2. The Boss teleports to the center of the arena, exploding the 3 craters locations on the ground.


Hidden Balthorr Method

  • Utilize this method if you failed to stack the same crater twice, or you pushed the boss to x100 too quickly.
  • After the crater areas have exploded, a text pop-up of Wei appears, the raid leader should use Sideral: Balthorr here.
  • This will cause the mechanic to proceed normally, check the Regular Method for more info.
  • If your Sidereal gauge is not ready, this will result in a wipe, make sure not to push x100 before that.

Regular Method

  • Don't stand near the crater areas (especially the large one), as they will expand and explode when the mechanic begins.
  • A tentacle marked with a red orb will appear.
  • Run next to it and throw a Destruction Bomb on it, this will break the red orb and spawn a yellow telegraph that pulls you up to the boss.
  • You must be caught within the yellow telegraph.
  • If you got pulled up to the boss, you will survive her wipe attack and complete the mechanic.
Eye Safe Spot X 38


  1. Occurs at or near x38 bars.
  2. The hands on the boss transform into claws.
  3. All eyes on the floor stop moving and point towards a location.


Regular Method

  1. The boss starts performing multiple dashes.
  2. Look at the eyes and go to the spot they are pointing at.
  3. This general location will be the safe zone after the dashes.
  4. Before the 3rd dash, the eyes disappear, and a safe zone appears.
  5. Quickly go inside it and dodge the final dash of the boss with either space bar or a push immune skill.

Balthor Method

  1. Use Sidereal: Balthor to trigger the special Frenzy & Endorphin Raid mechanic, if you have collected Organ Stacks from killing blobs on the ground until this point.
  2. This will let you ignore the Eye Safe Zone and just tank the pattern.
  3. Deplete the shield of the boss within 25 seconds to complete this mechanic.
  4. Utilize Atropine Potion, Dark Grenade (and your Hyper Awakening) to make it in time.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Sacred Charm
  • Dark Grenade
  • Panacea (Bound)
x135 Counters
Hidden Azena
x72 Black or Blue Stagger
x18 3 Monster Waves


  • Lasts 20 seconds
  • Cannot be cleansed
  • Damage received is increased
  • max 5 stacks
  • Getting hit with various attacks that have a blue telegraph will inflict 1 Weakness stack to you.
  • If you get electrocuted while having Weakness stacks, your character creates an explosion around you that does massive damage based on your stack amount.
    • Getting electrocuted without Weakness stacks just stuns you with no side effects.
  • Play safe if you've got many stacks and wait out their duration.


  • 4 second debuff timer
  • This is an ongoing mechanic during the final Phase.
  • If you are affected by this debuff, you must run to either 12 or 6 o'clock before the timer runs out.
  • When the timer expires, a puddle is created beneath them.
  • Place it at the edge of the map and return to the fight.
  • Make sure to not overlap the puddles with each other!


  1. Occurs at or near x135 bars.
  2. A cutscene is shown and the side of the arena breaks off.


  1. Go to the bottom side of the bridge and counter the orb flying towards you.
  2. After you counter the orb, go to the boss and wait for him to glow blue before countering him.
  3. Move the safe spot at the bottom between the 2 yellow telegraphs.


  1. Briefly after you enter the new arena, the Boss raises his wings and emits a shockwave from his sides.
  2. Use Sidereal:Azena shortly after it to freeze and deal high damage to him.
Black Or Blue 3


  1. Occurs at or near x72 bars.
  2. Thirain's text popup appears on the screen, and the Boss teleports to the center of the arena.
  3. A stagger check is required.


  1. Pay attention to the color that is swirling around the boss (Black or Blue), as this indicates which orb needs to be used.
  2. Attack the opposite color orb, while facing the boss with your character.
    • Make sure not change your direction too quickly, otherwise the orb may take an incorrect path.
    • The same color orb can be attacked to push away from the boss for more space.
  3. This will fling the orb at the boss and inflict large amounts of stagger damage.
  4. Manually complete the remaining stagger damage needed if some orbs were missed.
  5. Failing to stagger in time is a raid wipe.
  6. Use Hyper Awakening once available.


  1. Occurs at or near x18 bars.
  2. The Boss disappears, and the arena is surrounded in black and blue fog.


Three waves of monsters will spawn that need to be killed within a time limit of around 1minute.

Wave1: 8 weak monsters

  • Stay in the center, wait for the monsters to approach and group up, then blow them up.

Wave2: 4 elite monsters

  • The monsters do lightning strikes that can trigger your Weakness stacks, so be careful.
  • Use Dark Grenade to kill them quicker.
  • Utilize skills with crowd control effects.

Wave3: 2 boss monsters

  • At 3 and 9 o'clock, dragons will spawn.
  • Stay at the center.
  • One of them will perform a counterattack, do not counter it!
  • This dragon will charge towards you. Dodge towards top or bottom side.
  • Go behind this dragon and use Sidereal: Thirain towards both dragons.
  • This kills one of the two dragons and leaves the remaining one with low HP.
  • Finish off the dragon to complete the mechanic.

Check out the G3 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Panacea (Bound)
  • Dark Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion/Stimulant
Mortal Wound
Shadow Clone
x300 Sword Fight 1
x275 Albion
x255 Sword Fight 2
x225 Safe Spot
x210 Shield + Clash
x210-90 Stage Break + Clash
x90-x55 HP - Fog
x55 HP - Safe Spot
(Inverted Controls)
x55-x0 HP - Fog + Clash
Back dash + Grab
Slash + Grab
Multidash & Slash

Thaemine's Identity

Team Meter

This is a special gauge that can be seen in the top left of your screen when fighting Thaemine.

  • This gauge is divided into 5 different parts.
  • Automatically builds up during the fight.
  • Every 40 seconds 1 part is filled (30 seconds "The First")
  • If a part is filled, the boss proceeds to do a special AoE attack.
    • Normal or Enhanced (check below).
  • If the gauge is fully filled, the boss does 2 special AoE attacks with impaired vision.

Normal vs. Enhanced

The type of attack Thaemine performs is based on his current HP. It is crucial to let your team know what kind of special attacks to expect, so people can dodge them correctly.

  • x300 - x255Normal AoE
  • x255 - 1st Arena Break Enhanced AoE
  • 1st Arena Break - x90Normal AoE
  • x90 - 0xEnhanced AoE


  • Normal - Vertical sword, strikes left.
  • Enhanced - Sword above right shoulder, strikes in front.
Cube N H 2


  • Normal - Horizontal sword, stay in between the red.
  • Enhanced - Stand behind, front or on the sides.
Circle N H


  • Normal - Flies in the air and puts sword behind his head. Stay in the safe spot for 2 explosions.
  • Enhanced - Stay in the initial safe spot, then move to where the explosions happened.
Star N H 1

Special Attack

  • When the Identity meter is full, Thaemine performs 2 random special patterns back-to-back.
  • All players are affected by Darkness, you must know the safe spots based on the animations to survive.
  • Darkness cannot be cleansed.

Mortal Wound

Mortal Wound

Getting hit by many of Thaemine attacks inflicts this debuff, each stack applies:

  • +20% incoming damage
  • Lasts 2 minutes
  • Cannot be cleansed



Getting hit by certain attacks from Thaemine inflicts you with Darkness.

  • You lose the ability to see boss telegraphs for its duration.
  • Some major raid mechanics inflict an uncleansable version of this debuff so watch out.
Clash 2

Clash is a new mechanic in Lost Ark that requires the player to press "G" and enter a timed minigame. These occur at specific moments in the raid after Thaemine emits a very bright flash of light.

  • A total of 5 Clashes are available in gate 3.
    • 6 if you include Hidden Nineveh as one.
  • Perfect - greatly increase the damage you deal through Clash.
  • Good - normal damage.
  • Bad - stops the Clash and inflicts damage to you.
  • Perfect Clash increases your ATK Power by +10% for 25 seconds per stack.
  • 2 Clashes for x210 HP mechanic.
  • Up to 3 Clashes + Hidden Nineveh for x210-90 HP
  • 1 Clash for x42 HP
  • A Clash must be initiated with the "G" key at designated locations.
  • There is a training area for them in Trixion.

Dark Aura

Dark Aura

Dark Mark

Dark Mark

Dark Aura

  • Thaemine raises his hand holding a blue energy orb, then explodes it.
  • Then he teleports, slams in front of him and shoots a blue beam.
  • He spins either 180 or 270 degrees counter-clockwise and strikes the ground twice.
  • Roughly every 60 seconds, he does this pattern if he's not interrupted by main mechanics.
  • He marks and inflicts you with a Dark Mark debuff for 6 seconds.
  • You have a small blue sword above your heads. You must place it on the outskirts of the stage and return to the fight.
    • Don't overlap these, as they create advanced puddles that do continuous damage and inflict darkness if you step on them.
  • Right before the Dark Mark disappears, all existing Shadow Clones will shoot red telegraphed blades towards a random person that inflict Mortal Wound and do a lot of damage.

Blue Sword(Dark Mark)

Blue Sword

Shadow Clone

Shadow Clone


  1. Occurs at the start of the fight.
  2. The Boss sits on his throne in the very back of the arena.
  3. He raises either his left or right hand.


  1. Go to the same side that Thaemine indicated with his raised arm (from your perspective).
  2. Wait on the outskirts until he throws his energy ball and it explodes.
  3. Proceed to stagger the sword and inflict as much damage as possible.
  4. Damage you've inflicted will persist for the 2nd Sword Fight later.
Albion 1 408 X 506
Albion Patterns


  1. Occurs at or near x275 HP bars.
  2. Thaemine teleports to the center of the arena.
  3. Starts walking downwards while surrounded by a red tornado.
  4. Floats into the air and emits a darkness wave.


  1. Try to space bar the darkness wave if possible, otherwise cleanse or use purify.
    • Players affected by the darkness debuff won't see the ground pattern.
  2. Thaemine shows a series of red telegraphed attacks on the ground,
    • Remember the safe spots and walk to all of them to be safe.


  1. Occurs at or near x255 HP bars.
  2. Thaemine surrounds himself in a blue shield and creates a donut shape attack below him.


  1. Thaemine's sword spawns in the center.
  2. A Red pizza attack is visible, and tracks your movement.
  3. The Red telegraph explodes at the very end of this pattern.
  4. After this, the player with the aggro should run to 9 o'clock, as the sword will charge after him.
  5. This is to create space between the boss and the sword.
  6. Deplete the HP of the sword to x0 to finish this phase.
  7. If you struggle during this phase, check the Sword Pattern section in the normal guide.
  8. All Identity attacks become enhanced when below x255 HP. This lasts until the first stage break happens.


  1. Occurs at or near x225 HP bars.
  2. Thaemine teleports to the center of the arena, kneels down, and emits a darkness wave.
  3. The field gets flooded with red telegraphs.


  1. Use your spacebar to avoid the darkness wave.
    • You won't be able to see safe spots if you get hit with the debuff.
  2. Choose a safe spot anywhere on the bottom side.
  3. Cutscene happens and the mechanic ends.


  1. Occurs at or near x210 HP bars.
  2. A cutscene happens.
  3. Thaemine reappears while on his horse with a massive shield of x40 HP.


  1. Thaemine rides in a "U" shape across the arena (avoid his front), returns to the center, and emits a bright flash (Clash).
  2. Press "G" in the white glowing spot to initiate the clash.
    • Perform 3 sets of 1 key press each.
  3. Use Sidereal:Inanna here so that the red ground attacks don't interrupt you while dealing damage to the boss.
  4. Skippable: After a few seconds, Thaemine will teleport to the center and flash again (2nd Clash), if you didn't break his shield yet.
    • The spot is once again slightly in front of where the flash happened.
    • Perform a set of 1 key → 2 keys → 2 keys in succession.
  5. If the shield is depleted in time, the mechanic ends.
  6. If you fail, it's a raid wipe.


  1. Occurs between x210 - 90 HP bars.
  2. Every 45 seconds, Thaemine teleports to one edge of the arena.
  3. Shows a yellow telegraph splitting the stage in half.


  1. Clash 3: Take the clash near the center of the map in front of the boss.
    • Perform 2 sets of 1 key press each.
  2. Break: After 45 seconds, Thaemine will try to break the stage again.
    • Since you can't Clash on two stage breaks in a row, you must let him break the stage this time.
    • Do not stand near the part where the arena gets split in half.
    • All Identity attacks become their normal version once the stage is broken, this lasts until x90 HP.
  3. Clash 4: Take the clash near the center of the broken arena in front of the boss.
    • Perform 2 sets of 1 key press each.
    • If your DPS is high enough to reach x90 HP quickly, then Hidden Nineveh can be used in front of Thaemine to skip Clash 4.
  4. Break: After another 45 seconds, Thaemine will try to break the stage again.
    • If you didn't use Hidden Nineveh to skip Clash 4 then use her by standing in front of the boss here.


  1. Occurs at or near x90 HP bars.
  2. The fight happens on a new stage.
  3. All Identity attacks are the enhanced version until the end of the fight.
  4. Black Fog starts to spread from the outer edges, reducing the playing field.


  1. During this phase, it is advised to stack the Shadow Clones on the same spot to reduce the attacking area of them, as the playing field gets smaller.
  2. DPS the boss until x55 HP and avoid all the regular attacks.


  1. Occurs at or near x55 HP bars.
  2. Thaemine teleports to the center of the arena.
  3. The field gets flooded with red telegraphs.


  1. A typing mechanic must be completed while the red telegraphs appear.
  2. Solve the typing test and move to a safe spot (not red).
    • Movement controls are inverted.
  3. If you succeed, you are teleported to a separate room, where you must kill a clone (Inverted movement is still active here).
  4. After killing your clone, you are brought back out where you can DPS the boss with a 50% damage reduction.
  5. Dodge a pizza pattern, and the mechanic is complete.
  6. After this mechanic, use Sidereal:Wei as soon as you can to skip to the final mechanic.


  1. Occurs at or near x55 HP bars.
  2. Black Fog starts to spread from the center to the outer edges, reducing the playing field.
  3. The Fog expands 3 times: 20, 70 and 120 seconds from the start.
  4. The playfield will shrink to just the edges of the map eventually.


  1. Once you reach x43 HP, the 5th Clash happens, ready yourself to press "G" in the correct spot.
    • This spot is behind the boss.
    • Perform a set of 1 key → 2 keys → 3 keys in succession.
  2. Bring Thaemine to x0 HP and you've completed the raid.
  1. Thaemine dashes backwards, kneels down and slowly thrusts his sword forwards.
  2. Then releases a long range frontal attack that grabs anyone in its path.
  3. Dodge to the sides as soon as you see him dashing backwards.
  1. Thaemine slashes forward twice.
  2. Teleports his sword to his back and tries to grab you.
  3. Then slams the left side of him.
  4. Avoid being directly behind him during the grab and never be on his left.
  • Thaemine jumps multiple times in a sequence of Dash → Slash → Dash → Slash → Dash → Targeted Swords.
  • During the final attacks, you must kite it in one direction.


Gate 1
Gate 2

Check out the G1 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Whirlwind Grenade
  • Atropine Potion or Stimulant
x180 First Encounter
x162 Run Phase
x135 Clone Split
x110 Invasion
x90 Mini Boss
x50 Final Phase


  1. Mobs spawn between the players and the Boss. Some mobs can stun the players. (Blue Telegraph)
  2. The Shadow of a big dragon flies over the battlefield, followed by a flame breath attack.
  3. Periodically, small dragons fly over the battlefield and try to grab players. (Yellow Telegraph)
  4. An elite mob connected with a line to the boss prevent him from taking any damage.


  1. Run to the elite mob, and try to kill it as soon as possible.
    • While doing so, dodge the stuns and grabs of the normal mobs. And avoid standing in the flame breath path.
  2. After killing the elite mob, use Ally Skill: Azena on the Boss after his shield gets taken down by Avele.


  1. Boss teleports away.
  2. A timer appears on the top left of your screen.


  1. Use the jump interaction on the right side of the battlefield to move towards the new area.
  2. Kill mobs on the way and avoid getting hit by AoEs.
  3. Upon reaching the big dragon, stay close to it, while dodging its attacks and kill it.
  4. After reaching the boss, deplete his stagger bar.
  5. Whenever you have at least 3 segments on the Ally Skill Bar, use Ally Skill: Azena on the boss.


  1. Boss teleports to the center and disappears.
  2. Two waves of lines appear. Each wave has one line, which has a different color than the rest.
  3. At the end of each wave, a clone runs through the field on each of the lines, followed by a big AoE attack.
  4. After the second wave, boss appears at a specific spot and requests a counter.
Echidna Gate 1 Clone Split SM


  1. To avoid taking damage from the AoE at the end of first wave, stay on the odd colored line, which creates a safe spot after getting hit by the running clone.
  2. During the 2nd wave, pay attention to the flow direction of the odd colored line, since it points towards the location where the boss will appear for the counter.
    1. Once you stand on the line, move towards the flow direction until you reach the edge of the circle.
    2. Wait for the clones to run past the lines and prepare to counter the boss.


  1. Armen speaks and his dialogue is displayed at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Mobs spawn outside the Battlefield and rush towards the players.
  3. After a short duration, surviving mobs on the field explode and hit players in a big area.


  1. As soon as you see Armen's dialogue, use Ally Skill: Avele while standing close to the boss.
  2. Wait for the mobs to move closer to the Boss and use the Follow-up Ally Skill.
    • Make sure to cast it within 20 seconds after using Ally Skill: Avele.
  3. If mobs survived the Ally Skills, focus and kill those fast, before they explode.


  1. A Cutscene plays.
  2. You are teleported to the mini boss.


  1. Use Whirlwind Grenade (Bound) and stagger skills on the Mini Boss to succeed the stagger check.
  2. Bring the mini boss' hp to x50 to trigger the final phase.


  1. Cutscene gets played.
  2. A red fog surrounds and shrinks the battlefield.


  • Touching the red fog deals damage to the player.
  • Bring down Boss' HP to x0 to clear this gate.
  • Use Ally Skill: Azena or Avele whenever it is ready.

Check out the G2 Guide for additional information!

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Flame Grenade
  • Atropine Potion or Stimulant
Charm Tiles
Charm Meter
Charm Chains
x210 Mirror Counter
x137 Huge Echidna
Basement Meter
x120 Basement Clash
x50 Mirror Stagger


Grafik 12

Certain mechanics and patterns apply on hit a charm debuff stack to players, which lasts for 30 seconds and is displayed above their head.

Upon reaching 3 stacks, the player gets charmed briefly and gets a Atk. Power reduction debuff.

The entire Battlefield consists of multiple hexagon shaped tiles. They can be either in clean or corrupted state. Some patterns and interactions can change the state of each tile from clean to corrupted or vice versa.


Grafik 9


Grafik 10

Corrupted tiles get activated during certain patterns and will start to glow red.
Touching those tiles will increase your charm stacks.

If a tile fully gets surrounded by other corrupted tiles, a gigantic flower will bloom on it. Once this happens, the affected and the surrounding tiles will give charm stacks to players stepping on it.

Grafik 11

The Charm Meter displayed on the top left of your screen fills up over time. Additionally, every time a player get charmed, it gets a slight progress boost.

Once the Charm Meter reaches certain thresholds, the following forced patterns will occur.

Tile Flip


  1. This pattern occurs once the Charm Meter fills up to 25% or 75%.
  2. You get a ring below their feet, which slowly fills up. Once full, the tile the player stands on will be corrupted.
  3. At the same time, you will be marked with a crosshair above your head and will be shortly after traced by a big line attack.


  1. Don't step on the red glowing corrupted tiles to avoid getting charmed.
  2. Ignore the line tracing you, and focus first on placing the corrupted tile on a spot based on the following conditions:
    1. It needs to be a clean tile.
    2. It is either a tile which is on the connecting path between the 2 blue highlighted tiles, or on a blue highlighted tile, as long as it is clean.
    3. Avoid overlapping it on a corrupted tile.
  3. After corrupting a tile, calmly move until the line stops tracking you, and stay away from it.

At any given time, there are two randomly selected blue highlighted tiles at the edge of the battlefield. You need to be aware of the position of those two tiles for this pattern.

Cleansing Mirror


  1. This pattern occurs once the Charm Meter fills up to 50% or 100%.
  2. The camera zooms out, and you view the battefield through a mirror.
  3. The Boss teleports to one of the blue highlighted tiles. A mirror spawns on the other blue highlighted tile.
  4. You get a big pink circle around you.
  5. After a short delay, you will be imprisoned. The mirror shoots a laser, which bounces from you to Echidna.


  1. The goal is to create a path from the mirror to the boss and force the laser to hit the boss.
  2. Stand on a tile between the boss and the mirror.
  3. If done correctly, it turns all corrupted tiles the laser passed through into clean ones. So the ideal path the you create consists of as many corrupted tiles as possible.
  4. The following criteria should be paid attention to, to avoid mistakes:
    1. Avoid forcing the laser through a clean tile, since it flips it into a corrupted one.
    2. The laser bounces to the boss as long as she is close to you. But if she is too far away, it won't bounce at all, which leads to failing this mech.
  5. After successfully completing this mechanic, 2 other tiles at the edge of the battlefield will be randomly selected as blue highlighted tiles. Scout for these for future tile flips.

If you fail to complete this mechanics for the second time, it leads to a raid wipe.


  1. This pattern re-occurs periodically after the first occurrence.
  2. Boss sits on a swing and gets lifted above the ground.
  3. A NPC dialogue window appears, and all corrupted tiles glow red until this pattern gets resolved.
  4. The players' vision is limited by a pink fog.
  5. Flowers start to bloom on random tiles closer to the boss, which give charm stacks to nearby players.
  6. Blue telegraphs appear below player's feet. After a short delay, a flytrap spawns on that spot and grabs players standing on it and deals 240% of their Max HP as damage.


  1. As soon as you see Echidna sitting on the swing, run towards the farthest edge of her.
  2. Once you see the blue telegraph below your feet, move to the next clean tile. Repeat this process until no more blue telegraph appears below you.


  1. This pattern occurs once per encounter, mostly around the 5 minutes mark.
  2. Echidna teleports to a nearby edge tile, sits on a swing and gets lifted above the ground.
  3. A big red telegraph expands from her position, followed up by an explosion.
  4. The players' vision is limited by a pink cloud, and all corrupted tiles glow red until this pattern gets resolved.
  5. Pink butterflies fly around the map.
  6. A chain connects you with Echidna, which periodically applies a stacking debuff.


  1. As soon as you see Echidna teleporting to an edge tile and sitting on the swing, move close to her and wait for the explosion to occur.
  2. As soon as you get connected to Echidna by a chain, you have to start running to be at least 6 tiles away from her to break the chain.
    • If you are too slow, you will get charmed.
    • While creating distance, avoid getting hit by the butterflies, otherwise you will fall asleep for 10 seconds.


  1. A cutscene happens.
  2. Waves of seven mirrors in a line slowly approach the players, while leaving a trail of pink puddles behind.
  3. One mirror glows blue.


  • The goal is to survive the waves by countering the correct mirror with echidna's portrait, which looks at a different direction than the other 6 mirrors, and glows blue.
  • The damaging pink puddle trails left behind by a line disappear as soon you counter the correct mirror.
  • After successfully resolving this mechanic, the boss gets staggered. Focus on dealing damage and use Ally Skill: Azena.


  1. After a short cutscene, you will be teleported to a different area.
  2. A gigantic Echidna appears at the top side of the area.
  3. Two waves of mirrors appear on each side, which shoots lasers. The laser stuns the player on hit.
  4. Echidna shoots 3 times a laser to a side, with shorts intervals between each shot.
  5. The boss raises her right hand and requests a counter.
  6. After a while, Echidna blows a kiss, sends out flying hearts and initiates a clash opportunity.


  1. To resolve this pattern, you need to deplete the hidden stagger bar of Echidna.
  2. The laser between the mirrors turns off for a few seconds so that you can pass through.
  3. Dodge the lasers shot by Echidna to avoid getting a charm stack.
  4. Use Ally Skill: Thar as soon as it is available by standing close to echidna.
  5. Succeed the counter, which gives you a stagger buff. Upon success, Echidna will collapse and give a short window of opportunity to deal damage & stagger.
  6. As soon as she blows a kiss, move to 6 O'clock (back side of the battlefield). As soon as the blue circle appears, press “G” and succeed the clash.
  7. After the clash, keep using your skills to do stagger damage until you move to the next phase.

After resolving the x137 HP Huge Echidna Mechanic, you will be teleported to the basement, which leads to the following changes:

  • Max Ally Skill Segments are increased by 1. (5⇾6)
  • The battlefield gets surrounded by walls. If Echidna's abilities hit and force players to collide with the walls, the Charm Meter gets a progress boost.

Big Snakes


  1. This pattern occurs once the Charm Meter fills up to 50%.
  2. Ren speaks, and her dialogue is displayed at the bottom of your screen.
  3. The boss opens her arms and looks towards the sky, while being surrounded by a pink aura.
  4. Multiple red telegraphs expand from the walls, followed by giant snakes after a short delay.


  1. Common Method: Once you see Ren's dialogue, use Ally Skill: Ephernia to burn all walls and skip the rest of this mechanic.
  2. Uncommon Method
    1. Locate at the closest wall, which displays a red outline upon hover.
    2. Use Flame Grenade on that wall to delay its red telegraph.
    3. Wait for the other wall's snakes to pass through. Afterward, move away from the burning wall's telegraph.

Small Snakes


  1. This pattern occurs once the Charm Meter fills up to 100%.
  2. Boss disappears into the ground and summons multiple clones performing a cone-shaped attack.
  3. Echidna reappears in the center and gets stationary. She occasionally targets you with a cone attack.
  4. Small snakes spawn at the edge of the battle and move towards the boss.
  5. Towards the end of the pattern, clone's of Echidna spawn and attempt to stun you.


  1. Dodge the clone's attack.
  2. From the moment Echidna reappears in the center, you should avoid looking directly at her until this pattern is over. Otherwise, you will obtain charm stacks.
  3. If you get targeted by Echidna's cone attacks, try to move away from that area as soon as it locks and an expanding blue telegraph appears. This attack charms on hit.
  4. Pay attention to the mini-map, which highlights snakes with a red dot.
  5. Prevent the snakes from reaching the boss to avoid a raid wipe.
    • Snakes die after they got hit a certain amount of time. Flame Grenade are effective against this type of snakes.
  6. Dodge the clone's attacks by moving away from their front.


  1. Occurs at x120, x100 and x80 HP.
  2. Echidna floats back, disappears and reappears close to the wall at 11 O'clock.
  3. A blue clash circle appears on her left side, followed by a white snake lunging towards that spot.


  • The goal of this pattern is to prevent the stage destruction and complete the snake clash. Killing both snakes gives a permanent 30% Damage Increase buff.
  • Moves close to the first blue clash circle, press “G” to take the clash. Succeed it.
  • At x80 HP, the 3rd clash occurs, upon success it gives the permanent 30% Damage Increase buff.


  • Echidna disappears and summons a big mirror in the center, surrounded by small mirrors at x3 and x3+1 positions.
  • A stagger bar appears below the big mirror and will keep repeating the steps below.
    1. The big mirror turns slowly, either clockwise or counterclockwise, and performs an attack which imprisons players looking at it on hit.
    2. Shortly after, the small mirrors at it's back will use the same attack and imprison player's looking at those.


  1. Simply follow the back of the big mirror while looking at it, and keep attacking it until you deplete the stagger bar.


Written by Perciculum
Video Footage from Raeinor

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