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Brelshaza Gate 3 Legion Raid Guide

Last Updated:August 4, 2024

Just like in Brelshaza Gate 2 the ability to resolve and recognize the correct mechanics quickly will be crucial. Positional requirements and fulfilling party assignments play a big role during Brelshaza Gate 3.

Enemy Information

Normal ModeHard ModeMonster TypeWeakness
1500 Item Level1550 Item LevelAncientHoly

Battle Items:

  • HP Potion of your choice
  • Swiftness Robe
  • Whirlwind Grenade or Dark Grenade
  • Time Stop Potion or Atropine Potion


GoldMaterialBox MaterialBox CostAuction MaterialFirst Clear
Gate 110004425030
Gate 2100044300
Gate 31000554005
Gate 416007760015
Gate 112006640030
Gate 2120066400
Gate 31200775005
Gate 42000101080030

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.

Learn about Brelshaza Legion Raid Gate: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

Raid Assignments

Before starting Gate 4, your party needs to set up specific position and role assignments for things to go smoothly during Main Mechanics.

  1. The Raid Leader can rename Party1 & Party2 to specific colors present on the map that will help players identify their positions during the raid.
    • Party1 (GGWW) → Green (For yellow mechanic) | Green+White (For blue mechanic)
    • Party2 (BBPP) → Blue (For yellow mechanic) | Blue+Purple (For blue mechanic)
  2. Players need to decide on who will be responsible for the Orb Destroyer, Orb Catcher & Stagger roles. This will be important when facing the Yellow Cube Mechanic. The Orb Catcher should be the support player, while the dps with the least stagger takes the role of the Orb Destroyer.
    • 1 player: Orb Destroyer
    • 1 player: Orb Catcher
    • 2 players: Stagger

Cheat Sheets

The color of the cube when the fight begins will determine the starting main mechanic, e.g. if the fight starts with Red, then at x170 HP you will have to do the Red mechanic. Furthermore, color transitions can never land on the same color they were before. In our example, we would receive either Blue or Yellow at x165 HP.

Main Mechanics

  • x170 HP - Red/Blue/Yellow Mechanic
  • x120 HP - Red/Blue/Yellow Mechanic
  • x95 HP - Stagger 1
  • x60 HP - Red/Blue/Yellow Mechanic
  • x20 HP - Stagger 2

Cube Color Transitions

  • x165 HP
  • x135 HP
  • x95 HP (Transition after stagger 1)
  • x65 HP
  • x40 HP
  • x20 HP (Transitions after stagger 2)

Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, use the “cheat sheet” during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all Legion Raids on one page.


Hard Mode Changes

Solo Mode Cheatsheet

Raid Mechanics

Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.

Damage Stacks
Encroachment Stacks


  • Getting hit by certain notable attacks increase the stacks of the boss. (Brands, Wall, Fire)
  • These stacks provide the boss with a damage buff. When it reaches 10 stacks, it wipes the raid.
  • Stacks can only be removed by using Innana on top of the boss.


  • Leaving the main arena and entering the swamp area gives the player Encroachment stacks.
  • When these reach 8 you will die.
  • Stacks can only be removed by using Innana.

Main Mechanics

Stagger 1&2
Red Mechanic


  1. Can occur at x170,x120 or x60 HP.
  2. Red lasers will shoot out of the cube, covering the entire playfield in red.


  1. A yellow dome will be generated in the direction the boss is facing.
  2. One player needs to enter this dome, getting frozen in the process.
  3. 7 other players need to stagger the boss. When successful, this will spawn 1 yellow orb on the arena.
  4. Players with the lowest stagger should try to grab this orb and run inside the initial dome.
  5. The stagger process will repeat two more times, spawning 2 yellow orbs each time now.
  6. Once 6 players have entered the yellow dome with their orb, the mechanic will resolve.
  7. The remaining 2 players outside the dome must be careful not to stand in front of the boss to dodge the laser.
Blue Mechanic


  1. Can occur at x170,x120 or x60 HP.
  2. Red lasers will shoot out of the cube, spawning 4 smaller cubes on the map.


Players have to quickly understand in which direction their assigned color spot is located and head over there.


  • Player1 → Green
  • Player2 → Green
  • Player3 → White
  • Player4 → White


  • Player1 → Blue
  • Player2 → Blue
  • Player3 → Purple
  • Player4 → Purple


  1. Four squares with stagger checks are generated at the color positions on the minimap: White/Green/Purple/Blue
  2. Move to the position assigned in your party order.
  3. Break the squares with your best stagger damage skills as quickly as possible.
  4. A defensive shield will be applied to everyone who successfully breaks the square.
  5. Then 1 of the 2 players will get imprisoned while the other will have to do a typing test to break free.
  6. Free your teammate from the imprisonment and dodge the attack the boss is trying to perform.
  7. Head & Back attack positions are not safe until the lasers have been fired!

Note: Once players have obtained the defensive shield, they can choose to quickly group up in the same location, so that breaking people out of imprisonment is quicker. Flame Grenade can be used before the typing mechanic starts to instantly break people out!

Yellow Mechanic


  1. Can occur at x170,x120 or x60 HP.
  2. Red lasers will shoot out of the cube, with 2 balls spawning on opposite sides of one another.


Players have to quickly understand in which direction their assigned color spot is located and head over there. The Orb Catcher should be the support or dps with weak stagger, while the dps with the least stagger takes the role of the Orb Destroyer.

Party1 → Green

  • Player1 → Orb Destroyer
  • Player2 → Orb Catcher
  • Player3 → Stagger
  • Player4 → Stagger

Party2 → Blue

  • Player1 → Orb Destroyer
  • Player2 → Orb Catcher
  • Player3 → Stagger
  • Player4 → Stagger
  1. On both Blue & Green side, a huge orb will spawn on the outer edge of the arena.
  2. Orb Destroyers have to be positioned there ahead of time and break it when it spawns.
  3. Once destroyed, they will get a protective shield that they need to use to block purple bullets shooting out of the pillars to the side.
  4. The destroyed orb will shoot a yellow ball towards the center of the arena. This ball has to be intercepted by the Orb Catcher near the boss. Doing so creates a large AoE on the ground, providing increased stagger for whoever stands inside of it.
  5. This will provide the Orb Catcher with a protective shield around them. They need to utilize this to block the purple bullets shooting out of the pillars on the opposite side of the Orb Destroyer.
  6. The two remaining players responsible for stagger have to enter the yellow area created by the Orb Catcher and stagger the boss.
  7. When the boss is staggered, the mechanic gets resolved!


  1. Occurs at x95 & x20 HP.
  2. Golden lasers will shoot out of the cube, and it will rematerialize, changing its shape color to white in the process.


  1. A time dial will appear beneath the boss indicating how much time you have to stagger the boss.
  2. Throw your Whirlwind Grenades and use your strongest stagger skills to break the boss before the time runs out.
  3. Sidereal: Innana can be used to cleanse Damage Stacks and prevent damage taken & knock back attacks.
  4. Sidereal: Wei can be used for a large amount of immediate stagger damage.
  5. Staggering the boss will resolve the mechanic.

Red Phase

Red Transition
Blue Memory


  1. The Red Cube transition initiates a guaranteed attack.
  2. Two lasers will shoot from the flat sides of the cube.
  3. Staying at either of the 4 cube edges is safe.


  1. The boss will flash the arena surrounding it in a blue telegraph with safe spots.


  1. Locate and remember the 3 safe zones while they are being shown.
  2. Afterwards, go to the 3 safe spots in the correct order to survive.
  3. Getting hit by the telegraph will imprison you.
  4. Break free your teammates, before the boss fires a laser and kills them.


  1. Yellow lines will radiate from the cube to the outer layer of the arena.


  1. Spread out, so the lines don't overlap each other.
  2. When they disappear, an orb will float towards the boss from the outer edge.
  3. Pickup the orb to prevent creating Damage Stacks on the boss.
  4. Taking more than 1 orb will kill you!


  1. The outer edge of the arena gets surrounded by towers that target players with lasers.


  1. The lasers are locked onto players.
  2. Try to manipulate the path of the lasers by walking to a safe location.
  3. Once the laser locks on, you're free to move and dodge the remaining patterns.
  4. Random Meteors will spawn, dodge them.
  5. Projectiles will travel across the created laser paths.

Blue Phase

Blue Transition


  1. The Blue Cube transition initiates a guaranteed attack.
  2. A huge cube shaped pattern will explode from the boss.
  3. Staying at the edge of the arena while facing either of the flat sides of the cube will be safe.


  1. All players will radiate a red beam from their character, while surrounded by a star pattern.


  1. Stack up and place them on the edge of the arena.
  2. If you can't group up in time, simply place it away from everyone else at the edge.
  3. Quickly dodge away from the explosion and avoid the fire on the ground.
  4. Standing in the fire will generate Damage Stacks for the boss.


  1. 8 Towers will spawn around the boss, with meteors falling nearby.


  1. Towers will shoot projectiles that you need to avoid.
  2. Big meteors will fall in telegraphed areas, as well as random small ones near your location.


  1. The boss spawns 8 protective orbs spread evenly across the arena and lights up the entire playfield in blue.
  2. Followup spots are showed for a brief moment right after.


  1. Players should spread out and grab one protective orb each.
  2. Taking an orb protects you versus the initial imprisonment.
  3. Remaining players who didn't grab an orb in time should try to group together.
  4. If you have a shield, and you stand close to a person without one, you will get imprisoned too.
  5. Those who took orbs should dodge the second imprison pattern and break free your teammates.
  6. If you fail to break out your teammate, the boss will shoot a laser at them, dealing very high damage.

Yellow Phase

Yellow Transition
Half Blue


  1. The Yellow Cube transition initiates a guaranteed attack.
  2. Four towers will spawn in cardinal directions.
  3. Simply avoid the projectiles coming from them.


  1. Meteors will spawn from the sky, with towers spawning through the center of the arena.


  1. Quickly go to the side of the arena and avoid meteors & projectiles.
  2. Support players should keep track of their dps players and keep them alive.
  3. Avoid dashing through the wall since additional projectiles will be shot there.


  1. A permanent wall dividing both sides will be present during the fight.


  1. Running into the wall without using your spacebar will stun you.
  2. This will give Stacks to the boss and deal damage to you.


  1. Half of the arena will flash blue.


  1. If you're standing on this side, you need to dash over to the other side quickly.
  2. Use spacebar at the correct time to dash through the wall.
  3. Remaining on the blue side will imprison you.
  4. Break free your teammates before the boss can fire a laser at them.

Notable Patterns

Rotating Beam
Red Memory


  1. Arena will slowly get covered in a yellow color.


  1. Watch for the yellow zone expanding to the outer edge.
  2. Once it is close, use a skill with Paralysis or Push Immunity to prevent knockback.


  1. Two circles with a red outline will spawn and rotate clockwise.


  1. This is a retaliate attack.
  2. Attacking the boss will trigger raid wide damage and knockback.
  3. Stop dps and avoid the red circles going towards you.
  4. Resume when they disappear.


  1. A wall of yellow beams is formed that rotates counter-clockwise around the arena.


  1. Avoid them.
  2. You can spacebar or use skills with paralysis immunity to go through the beams and avoid knock back.
  3. While this is happening, circles will be created beneath the players, which explode shortly after.


  1. A sequence of 3 red lines and pizza slices is shown.


  1. Remember the sequence and head over to the open gap in the pizza pattern.
  2. Dodge the red lines as they appear and proceed with the fight.

Solo Mode Main Mechanics

Most of the attacks the boss does are exactly the same as in Normal mode. There's only a couple exceptions in the main mechanics.

x95/x20 Stagger 1&2
Red Mechanic

What to do

  1. Go into the safe zone in front of the boss to survive the laser beam and avoid a wipe.
  2. When you're free to move, stagger the boss and grab the pyramid-looking buff then get back inside the safe zone.
  3. Repeat it one more time to finish the mech.
Blue Mechanic

What to do

  1. Stagger one of the cubes that spawn around the arena.
  2. Complete the typing test afterwards.
  3. Dodge the front/back laser the boss will use.
Yellow Mechanic

What to do

  1. Destroy the yellow sphere to obtain a shield.
  2. Move close to the boss and catch the small yellow orb spawned from the destroyed sphere.
  3. Stagger the boss.

What to do

  1. You will have limited time to stagger the boss while dodging normal attacks.
    • You can use Innana to create a long-lasting safe zone, allowing you to stagger ignoring most attacks.
    • Alternatively, use Wei to deal massive stagger damage quickly.


Written by Choilicious
Reviewed by Perciculum
Updated by Sekwah

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