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Season 7 Week 1 Guide Updates & Thoughts

Last Updated:January 31, 2025

Season 7: Season of Witchcraft and the patch 2.1 have been released a week ago! With that in mind, it's time for the Maxroll Team to share their Season 7 Week 1 thoughts, findings and guide updates!

Updated Build Guides

Since the Season 7 start, the Maxroll Team worked hard to keep updated Build Guides for every Diablo 4 class with all the informations discovered live!

Find all the Build Guides and search for your favorite here!


Predictions for the Barbarian class have been pretty spot on, with everything Earthquake-related currently dominating the meta - the most prominent builds being Leapquake, Whirlwind, and oddly enough, Lunging Strike? Interestingly, the item we thought would be build-enabling, the Mantle of Mountain's Fury, hasn't made too great of an initial impression. It started out pretty much doing nothing at all, got fixed, and well... still felt pretty lackluster and often unnecessary. Subsequently, Hammer of the Ancients is slowly finding itself unworthy of being on our skill bar, and it isn't impossible that its premiere unique item may soon share the same fate.

As far as other builds go... wait - are there other builds? Yeah, they're in the dust and destruction over there, somewhere, surely. But seriously, Earthquake is "it" right now. Even with a random assortment of skills, the Tec Rune combined with all of its massive multipliers can make just about any build work. It's a great time to get creative and enjoy the power while we have it. In the coming weeks when the dust has settled, we'll be revisiting our old pals (those "other builds") and see how they're holdin' up, and hopefully resist the urge to slap Earthquake stuff on them.


Updated Build Guides:

Many leveling guides have also been updated!


As anticipated, Cataclysm is DOMINATING the druid meta, offscreening hordes of mobs and ladder bosses alike. Though slightly weaker than projected, we still foresee a Pit 150 clear on the horizon for this build, and it's more than sufficient for any content short of this, regardless of the infinite damage scaling bug hotfixed last week. If you're still debating whether or not it's worth it to learn the prerequisite snapshot mechanic for this build, it absolutely is.

Though there's a considerable gap between Cataclysm and the next build, there are still plenty of viable endgame options on Druid. Boulder's zooming through content with its newfound ability to cast while moving. The Shred Druid keeps pace with the best of them, but, in the end, may be lacking in overall damage compared to its peers. Landslide, Lightning Storm, Companion, Hurricane, and Pulverize are all meeting or exceeding pre-season expectations, and Tornado and Stone Burst are notably trailing the pack. We're still anticipating that newcomer Lacerate can rise to the top of this group, but are currently working on the finer details of making this build both accessible and reliably strong. Expect an update later this week!


Updated Build Guides:

Many leveling guides have also been updated!


We haven't seen many shifts in Sorcerer builds on the tier list. With Incinerate enchant losing its benificial bug and retaining the harmful one, the build goes down a tier. On the other hand, Meteor Sorcerer now based around Meteorites from Aspect of Shattered Stars, turned out slightly better than we expected and went up to B tier. Higher tiers are only open to Greater Fireball + Shatter bug builds and those are very uncomfortable to play and can't do much besides Pit pushing.

That being said, it's not all doom and gloom for the Sorcerers. While our builds are very weak compared to top classes, the inter-class balance is quite good. Lightning Spear, Meteor, Ball Lightning, Fireball and a few more are all decently strong builds that feel completely fine in Torment 4. With enough investment they can even oneshot Lair Bosses and level their Glyphs to level 100.


Updated Build Guides:

Many leveling guides have also been updated!


It turns out the Necromancer is just as powerful as the speculation made it out to be... with one sad realization. A pretty massive bug has basically cut endgame Minion Necromancer's power in half. While it's still an amazing leveling strategy, the endgame version is not currently up to snuff. The Ring of Mendeln is not properly interacting with damage multipliers on Aspects and elsewhere. The developers are aware.

Surprising no one, Blood Wave Necromancer made a huge splash, with our very own LordxSaura already clearing a Tier 150 Pit, along with other big names in the community. Blood Spear is proving to be a hilariously fun and powerful return for Bone Spear enjoyers, and every other build you could want to play is piloting super well in this Season.


Updated Build Guides:

Many leveling guides have also been updated!


For Rogue, Shadow Clone is definitely a great addition to many builds, but unfortunately has a few bugs barring it from being used in Twisting Blades. Instead we focus our TB build to be around pure Poison Imbuement now with the additional benefits from Rain of Arrows and Word of Hakan. These are mainly used to trigger other damage buffs and increase Imbuement Ranks so Rain of Arrows itself does not steal TB's show by overshadowing it's damage output. In general the Rain of Arrows build still tops the charts with its damage output, but is not quite as fast to farm with due to it's slow moving arrows.

Death Trap turned out to be a real surprise and is an excellent build to get your Glyphs to 100 or speed through Nightmare Dungeons. While it is not quite as fast as Dance of Knives in blasting through the open world and Witchtide, it packs more damage and is quite easy to play. Speaking of Dance of Knives, our build for it got a massive update, improving the damage output and therefore making the transition to Torment 4 a lot easier. We have also included an optional No Snapshot version in the Variants Section.

While Dance of Knives does not have the pushing power deep into the 100s, it certainly still is of the best choices for most farming and T4 activities out of all classes. Another small surprise is Shadow Step Rogue. While very difficult to gear, it's an absurdly fast and strong potent build once you get the Cooldown down low enough! Shadow Clone is definitely carrying this one and other direct damage builds, so look out for these.


Updated Build Guides:

Many leveling guides have also been updated!


Spiritborn, as expected, have lost a lot of their former power thanks to some major bug fixes going into Season 7. However, it turns out that not all is just doom and gloom. They are still as adept at speedfarming as ever with various setups simply flying through endgame content and multiple builds capable of raising their glyph levels all the way to 100 without breaking a sweat.

In addition to the arsenal of builds that the class started with in Season 6, we have also seen some newcomers emerge. An ultimate-based The Seeker build has shown great promise, pushing way beyond T100 pits with ease, as has an Andariel's Visage based setup going for Noxious Resonance (now added as an extra variant in our Quill Volley Endgame guide). Overall, it appears Spiritborn is in a pretty good spot, sitting in the middle of the pack among the other classes for pushing performance while being faster than most of them for farming.

Updated Build Guides:

Many leveling guides have also been updated!

What's Next?

We hope you enjoy the Season of Witchcraft with the aid of our Season 7 updates. Our focus for the start of Season 7 is to make sure our Build Guides are solid with all the new Item updates, new features and mechanic changes. We're continuing to work on more updates for D4Planner!

With that said, head over to our Discord to stay up to date with our content development and to make the most of your Season 7 experience! Also don't forget to check out our Youtube channel!

Written by: Maxroll Team

Season 7 Week 1

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