Barbarian Compendium
Last Updated:February 27, 2025|Changelog
ARPG titles like Diablo 4 are notorious for their specific niche interactions that make or break builds. This Barbarian Compendium aims to catalog all the known and discovered interactions, allowing you to make more educated decisions when building your character. Due to this being an ever-living document, it will be updated as soon as possible to reflect the most up-to-date information available in the community.
A rule-of-thumb is that anything mentioned in this compendium has been tested and verified. If an interaction is not mentioned, assume that it has not been tested and catalogued.
Newest Findings
This section contains our Barbarian findings from the latest PTR cycle. Keep in mind any of these findings may be changed or be invalid when the next season starts. They should also be viewed in context to the patch 2.1 PTR notes found here.
DISCLAIMER: PTR findings will be incorporated into the rest of the compendium once they've been verified on the live server.
Important Mechanics
Berserking is a vital mechanic for the Barbarian, securing high Berserking uptime with your build is often essential to making your character as powerful as possible.
- Berserking provides a global 1.25[x] damage multiplier (1.6[x] with the Unconstrained key passive) and 25%[+] movement speed.
Working sources and interactions of Berserking
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Anger Management
- Berserk Ripping
- Burning Rage
- Skills and Passives
- Aggressive Resistance
- Battle Fervor
- Prolific Fury
- Unconstrained
- Combat Lunging Strike
- Furious Double Swing
- Violent Upheaval
- Enhanced War Cry
- Warrior's Death Blow
- Fighter's Steel Grasp
- Wrath of the Berserker
- Supreme Wrath of the Berserker
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Carnage
- Glyphs
- Ire
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty
- Ugly Bastard Helm
- Stats
- Damage while Berserking temper and paragon nodes
Interactions that do not work with Berserking
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Fortify can be seen as an extra layer of defense that acts alongside your health. It's built up through various skills, glyphs, passives and paragon nodes and can reach the same value as your max HP. While you have equal or more Fortify than your current HP, you have an additional 15% generic damage reduction.
- It should be noted that damage reductions are applied through inverse multiplication, which means if you're taking 1000 damage from a hit without being Fortified, you will take:
1000*(1-15%) = 850
damage if you instead were Fortified. If you for example are Fortified and have an additional 10% damage reduction against Close enemies, you will instead take:1000*(1-15%)*(1-10%) = 765
damage from Close enemies. This is how all separate damage reduction sources function in Diablo 4. - Fortify is a dynamic damage reduction. This means that if you have more HP than Fortify, but the next hit will bring your HP below your current amount of Fortify, the game will look at how big the incoming hit is compared to your current HP and Fortify amount and calculate how much of the 15% Fortify damage reduction should be accounted for. We can set it up a general equation which given your current HP, current Fortify and the damage you will take from the incoming hit without being Fortified ("dmg" in the formula below), will calculate your remaining HP and whether to account for a partial Fortify damage reduction:

- The above equation covers all 3 damage taken cases of:
- Your HP is lower or equal to your Fortify amount (full 15% reduction)
- The incoming hit will take you below your current Fortify amount (partial reduction)
- The incoming hit will not take you below your current Fortify amount (no reduction)
Interactions that work with Fortify
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Steadfast Berserker's
- Numbing Wrath
- Tempering Blows
- Assimilation
- Skills and Passives
- Enhanced Bash
- Strategic Rallying Cry
- Strategic Iron Skin
- Mighty War Cry
- Defensive Stance is additive with the 15% base damage reduction of Fortify
- Thick Skin
- Counteroffensive
- Irrepressible
- Legendary Nodes
- Warbringer
- Stats
- Damage while Fortified paragon nodes
- Fortify Generation paragon nodes (are multiplicative, separate nodes are additive with each other)
- Damage Reduction while Fortified paragon nodes (separate DR from being Fortified, separates nodes are inverse multiplicative with each other)
- %Thorns while Fortified temper
Interactions that partially work with Fortify
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintuitive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Glyphs
- The additional bonus from the Undaunted glyph does not work as expected. The additional damage reduction is not applied based on the amount of Fortify you have before you take a hit, but by the amount of Fortify you have after you take a hit. If you for example have 100% HP and Fortify before taking a hit, if you have 50% Fortify after taking that hit you gain 50% of the Undaunted bonus, e.g. 10%*50% = 5% damage reduction for that hit.
Interactions that do not work with Fortify
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Basic Skills
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Bash. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Rapid
- Basic Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
45 | 0.9 | 0% | - |
44.5 | 0.911 | 1.3% | - |
44 | 0.923 | 2.5% | - |
43 | 0.945 | 5% | - |
42 | 0.956 | 6.3% | - |
41 | 0.988 | 9.8% | - |
40.5 | 1.005 | 11.7% | - |
40 | 1.012 | 12.4% | - |
39 | 1.033 | 14.8% | - |
38 | 1.066 | 18.4% | - |
37 | 1.087 | 20.8% | 0% |
36.5 | 1.116 | 24% | 1.5% |
36 | 1.125 | 25% | 2.3% |
35.5 | 1.154 | 28.2% | 4.9% |
35 | 1.163 | 29.2% | 5.7% |
34 | 1.183 | 31.4% | 7.5% |
33.5 | 1.224 | 36% | 11.3% |
33 | 1.233 | 37% | 12.1% |
32.5 | 1.261 | 40.1% | 14.6% |
32 | 1.272 | 41.3% | 15.6% |
31.5 | 1.298 | 44.2% | 18% |
31 | 1.303 | 44.8% | 18.5% |
30.5 | 1.349 | 49.9% | 22.6% |
30 | 1.354 | 50.4% | 23.1% |
29.5 | 1.391 | 54.5% | 26.4% |
29 | 1.407 | 56.3% | 27.9% |
28.5 | 1.446 | 60.7% | 31.5% |
28 | 1.457 | 61.9% | 32.5% |
27.5 | 1.505 | 67.2% | 36.8% |
27 | 1.512 | 68% | 37.5% |
26.5 | 1.548 | 72% | 40.7% |
26 | 1.576 | 75.1% | 43.3% |
25 | 1.632 | 81.3% | 53.8% |
24.5 | 1.692 | 89.7% | 55.2% |
24 | 1.707 | 96% | 60.4% |
23.5 | 1.764 | 98.1% | 62.1% |
23 | 1.783 | 105.8% | 68.4% |
22.5 | 1.852 | 106.4% | 68.4% |
22 | 1.858 | 106.4% | 68.9% |
21.5 | 1.933 | 114.8% | 75.7% |
21 | 1.966 | 118.4% | 78.7% |
20.5 | 2.041 | 126.8% | 85.6% |
20 | 2.061 | 129% | 87.4% |
19.5 | 2.147 | 138.5% | 95.1% |
19 | 2.167 | 140.8% | 97% |
18.5 | 2.307 | 156.3% | 109.7% |
18 | 2.312 | 156.9% | 109.7% |
17 | 2.421 | 169% | 120.1% |
16.5 | 2.563 | 184.8% | 133% |
16 | 2.605 | 189.4% | 136.8% |
15.5 | 2.783 | - | 153% |
15 | 2.807 | - | 155.2% |
14.5 | 2.983 | - | 171.2% |
14 | 2.998 | - | 172.% |
13 | 3.207 | - | 191.5% |
Interactions that work with Bash
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Adaptability
- Moonrise
- Edgemaster's
- Rapid
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Endless Fury
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Bash
- Battle Bash
- Combat Bash
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Paingorger's Gauntlets
- Ring of Starless Skies with Shard of Verathiel
- Shard of Verathiel
- Stats
- Bash Cleave temper stat (multiplicative, capped at 100%)
Interactions that do not work with Bash
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- The Bleed portion of Flay only uses weapon variance:
, while the initial hit uses both skill and weapon variance:[dmg*0.9*0.8,dmg*1.1*1.2]
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Flay. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Rapid
- Basic Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Sword AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
45 | 0.9 | 0% | - | - |
44 | 0.911 | 1.3% | - | - |
43.5 | 0.923 | 3.8% | - | - |
43 | 0.945 | 5% | - | - |
42 | 0.956 | 6.3% | - | - |
41.5 | 0.981 | 9.0% | - | - |
41 | 0.988 | 9.8% | 0% | - |
40.5 | 1.001 | 11.2% | 0.1% | - |
40 | 1.012 | 12.4% | 1.2% | - |
39.5 | 1.027 | 14.1% | 2.7% | - |
39 | 1.040 | 15.5% | 4% | - |
38 | 1.058 | 17.5% | 5.8% | - |
37.5 | 1.084 | 20.4% | 8.4% | - |
37 | 1.093 | 21.4% | 9.3% | 0% |
36 | 1.115 | 23.9% | 11.5% | 1.4% |
35.5 | 1.148 | 27.6% | 14.8% | 4.4% |
35 | 1.158 | 28.7% | 15.8% | 5.3% |
34.5 | 1.181 | 31.2% | 18.1% | 7.3% |
34 | 1.192 | 32.4% | 19.2% | 8.3% |
33.5 | 1.220 | 35.6% | 22% | 10.9% |
33 | 1.227 | 36.3% | 22.7% | 11.5% |
32 | 1.256 | 39.6% | 25.6% | 14.2% |
31.5 | 1.297 | 44.1% | 29.7% | 17.9% |
31 | 1.307 | 45.2% | 30.7% | 18.8% |
30.5 | 1.338 | 48.7% | 33.8% | 21.7% |
30 | 1.348 | 49.8% | 34.8% | 22.6% |
29.5 | 1.383 | 53.7% | 38.3% | 25.8% |
29 | 1.408 | 56.4% | 40.8% | 28% |
28.5 | 1.430 | 58.9% | 43% | 30% |
28 | 1.444 | 60.4% | 44.4% | 31.2% |
27.5 | 1.485 | 65% | 48.5% | 35% |
27 | 1.505 | 67.2% | 50.5% | 36.8% |
26.5 | 1.544 | 71.5% | 54.4% | 40.3% |
26 | 1.552 | 72.4% | 55.2% | 41.1% |
25.5 | 1.626 | 80.7% | 62.6% | 47.8% |
25 | 1.634 | 81.5% | 63.4% | 48.5% |
24.5 | 1.709 | 89.9% | 70.9% | 55.4% |
24 | 1.720 | 91.1% | 72% | 56.4% |
23 | 1.779 | 97.7% | 77.9% | 61.8% |
22.5 | 1.861 | 106.8% | 86.1% | 69.2% |
22 | 1.883 | 109.2% | 88.3% | 71.2% |
21.5 | 1.949 | 116.6% | 94.9% | 77.2% |
21 | 1.957 | 117.4% | 95.7% | 77.9% |
20.5 | 2.054 | 128.2% | 105.4% | 86.7% |
20 | 2.078 | 130.9% | 107.8% | 88.9% |
19.5 | 2.156 | 139.6% | 115.6% | 96% |
19 | 2.164 | 140.4% | 116.4% | 96.7% |
18.5 | 2.289 | 154.3% | 128.9% | 108.1% |
18 | 2.314 | 157.1% | 131.4% | 110.4% |
17 | 2.428 | 169.8% | 142.8% | 120.7% |
16.5 | 2.587 | 187.5% | 158.7% | 135.2% |
16 | 2.600 | 188.9% | 160% | 136.4% |
15.5 | 2.761 | - | 176.1% | 151% |
15 | 2.816 | - | 181.6% | 156% |
14 | 2.974 | - | 197.4 | 170.4% |
13.5 | 3.201 | - | - | 191% |
13 | 3.253 | - | - | 195.7% |
Interactions that work with Flay
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Adaptability
- Moonrise
- Edgemaster's
- Rapid
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Endless Fury
- Gushing Wounds
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Flay
- Combat Flay (the Damage Reduction is 5 separate sources of 4% each, the thorns is additive)
- Battle Flay (does not affect the bleed of the first hit where the 15% dmg increase is applied)
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Paingorger's Gauntlets (only initial hit, not Bleed)
- Ring of Starless Skies with Shard of Verathiel
- Shard of Verathiel
- Shattered Vow (DoT duration is multiplicative with Flay Duration temper)
- Stats
- Flay Duration temper stat (not capped)
Interactions that do not work with Flay
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Fists of Fate does not affect the bleed portion of Flay
- A Frenzy attack has 2 separate hits that each deal half of the skill's damage, which can Critical Strike independently of each other, but both will Overpower if an Overpower is triggered on the skill cast.
- Fury is gained on the first of the two Frenzy hits.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Frenzy. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Rapid
- Basic Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Frenzy
- Battle Frenzy
- Battle Trance
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | Dual Wield AS% |
24 | 1.760 | 60% |
23 | 1.779 | 61.7% |
22 | 1.865 | 69.5% |
21 | 1.956 | 77.8% |
20 | 2.064 | 87.6% |
19 | 2.168 | 97.1% |
18 | 2.294 | 108.5% |
17 | 2.430 | 120.9% |
16 | 2.587 | 135.2% |
15 | 2.763 | 151.2% |
14 | 2.963 | 169.4% |
13 | 3.204 | 191.3% |
Interactions that work with Frenzy
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Adaptability
- Moonrise
- Edgemaster's
- Rapid
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Endless Fury
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Frenzy (only active after 4th hit, not 3rd)
- Combat Frenzy (the Damage Reduction is separate source of 5% each, the Movement Speed is additive)
- Battle Frenzy
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Paingorger's Gauntlets (only the first of the 2 Frenzy hits)
- Ring of Starless Skies with Shard of Verathiel
- Shard of Verathiel
Interactions that do not work with Frenzy
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Lunging Strike. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Rapid
- Basic Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace/Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Sword AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
45 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
44 | 0.917 | 1.9% | - | - |
43 | 0.940 | 4.4% | - | - |
42 | 0.958 | 6.4% | - | - |
41 | 0.988 | 9.8% | 0% | - |
40 | 1.013 | 12.5% | 1.3% | - |
39 | 1.031 | 14.5% | 3.1% | - |
38 | 1.066 | 18.4% | 6.6% | - |
37 | 1.086 | 20.7% | 8.6% | 0% |
36 | 1.125 | 25% | 12.5% | 2.3% |
35 | 1.157 | 28.6% | 15.7% | 5.2% |
34 | 1.184 | 31.5% | 18.4% | 7.6% |
33 | 1.229 | 36.5% | 22.9% | 11.7% |
32 | 1.269 | 41% | 26.9% | 15.4% |
31 | 1.303 | 44.8% | 30.3% | 18.5% |
30 | 1.355 | 50.5% | 35.5% | 23.1% |
29 | 1.409 | 56.6% | 40.9% | 28.1% |
28 | 1.446 | 60.7% | 44.6% | 31.5% |
27 | 1.508 | 67.5% | 50.8% | 37% |
26 | 1.581 | 75.7% | 58.1% | 43.8% |
25 | 1.629 | 81% | 62.9% | 48.3% |
24 | 1.708 | 89.8% | 70.8% | 55.3% |
23 | 1.764 | 96% | 76.4% | 60.4% |
22 | 1.859 | 106.5% | 85.9% | 69% |
21 | 1.968 | 118.7% | 96.8% | 78.9% |
20 | 2.043 | 127% | 104.3% | 85.7% |
19 | 2.169 | 141% | 116.9% | 97.2% |
18 | 2.314 | 157.1% | 131.4% | 110.4% |
17 | 2.419 | 168.8% | 141.9% | 119.9% |
16 | 2.606 | 189.5% | 160.6% | 136.9% |
15 | 2.816 | - | 181.6% | 156% |
14 | 2.976 | - | 197.6% | 170.5% |
13 | 3.256 | - | - | 196% |
Interactions that work with Lunging Strike
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Adaptability
- Moonrise
- Edgemaster's
- Rapid
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Endless Fury
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Lunging Strike (Damage increase only works against Healthy enemies)
- Battle Lunging Strike
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Paingorger's Gauntlets
- Ring of Starless Skies with Shard of Verathiel
- Shard of Verathiel
Interactions that do not work with Lunging Strike
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Enhanced Lunging Strike with Berserk Ripping
Core Skills
- A Double Swing attack consists of 2 separate hits from each side that both deal damage straight in front of you. Both hits can Critical Strike independently but both will Overpower if an Overpower is used on the skill cast.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Double Swing. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | Dual Wield AS% |
37 | 1.1 | 0% |
36 | 1.128 | 2.5% |
35 | 1.155 | 5% |
34 | 1.177 | 7% |
33 | 1.210 | 10% |
32 | 1.258 | 14.4% |
31 | 1.299 | 18.1% |
30 | 1.343 | 22.1% |
29 | 1.379 | 25.4% |
28 | 1.452 | 32% |
27 | 1.494 | 35.8% |
26 | 1.554 | 41.3% |
25 | 1.642 | 49.3% |
24 | 1.694 | 54% |
23 | 1.769 | 60.8% |
22 | 1.843 | 67.5% |
21 | 1.916 | 74.2% |
20 | 2.060 | 87.3% |
19 | 2.153 | 95.7% |
18 | 2.263 | 105.7% |
17 | 2.379 | 116.3% |
16 | 2.595 | 135.9% |
15 | 2.762 | 151.1% |
14 | 2.944 | 167.6% |
13 | 3.145 | 185.9% |
Interactions that work with Double Swing
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Double Swing
- Furious Double Swing (up to the max Berserking Duration)
- Violent Double Swing
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Mother's Embrace
- Ring of Starless Skies
- Twin Strikes
Interactions that do not work with Double Swing
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Hammer of the Ancients. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating
- Carnage
- Warrior's Rupture
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace AS% |
52 | 0.900 | 0% |
51 | 0.920 | 2.2% |
50 | 0.925 | 2.8% |
49 | 0.958 | 6.4% |
48 | 0.970 | 7.8% |
47 | 0.988 | 9.8% |
46 | 1.017 | 13.0% |
45 | 1.040 | 15.5% |
44 | 1.058 | 17.5% |
43 | 1.094 | 21.5% |
42 | 1.116 | 24.0% |
41 | 1.139 | 26.5% |
40 | 1.157 | 28.5% |
39 | 1.206 | 34.0% |
38 | 1.233 | 37.0% |
37 | 1.256 | 39.5% |
36 | 1.310 | 45.5% |
35 | 1.337 | 48.5% |
34 | 1.373 | 52.5% |
33 | 1.436 | 59.5% |
32 | 1.472 | 63.5% |
31 | 1.508 | 67.5% |
30 | 1.580 | 75.5% |
29 | 1.625 | 80.5% |
28 | 1.670 | 85.5% |
27 | 1.715 | 90.5% |
26 | 1.827 | 103.0% |
25 | 1877 | 108.5% |
24 | 1.944 | 116.0% |
23 | 2.075 | 130.5% |
22 | 2.151 | 139.0% |
21 | 2.228 | 147.5% |
20 | 2.403 | 167.0% |
19 | 2.507 | 178.5% |
18 | 2.615 | 190.5% |
Interactions that work with Hammer of the Ancients
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Hammer of the Ancients
- Furious Hammer of the Ancients (Crit dmg amp is a global multiplier for Critical Strikes while the Crit chance is additive)
- Violent Hammer of the Ancients (does not snapshot Bleed)
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Bloodfeeder
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Mantle of Mountain's Fury
- Mother's Embrace
- Ring of Red Furor
- Ring of Starless Skies
Interactions that do not work with Hammer of the Ancients
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- The Bleed portion of Rend only uses weapon variance:
, while the initial hit uses both skill and weapon variance:[dmg*0.9*0.8,dmg*1.1*1.2]
. - Frontal cone attack that covers 180 degrees centred in front of you.
- Enhanced Rend adds 2 seconds to the Vulnerable timer on an enemy, does not seem to have a cap time-wise.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Rend. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Sword AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
43 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
42 | 0.911 | 1.3% | - | - |
41 | 0.934 | 3.8% | - | - |
40 | 0.963 | 7% | - | - |
39 | 0.990 | 10% | 0% | - |
38 | 1.015 | 12.8% | 1.5% | - |
37 | 1.041 | 15.7% | 4.1% | - |
36 | 1.067 | 18.5% | 6.7% | - |
35 | 1.098 | 22% | 9.8% | 0% |
34 | 1.135 | 26.1% | 13.5% | 3.2% |
33 | 1.166 | 29.6% | 16.6% | 6% |
32 | 1.209 | 34.3% | 20.9% | 9.9% |
31 | 1.241 | 37.9% | 24.1% | 12.8% |
30 | 1.290 | 43.3% | 29% | 17.2% |
29 | 1.320 | 46.7% | 32% | 20% |
28 | 1.377 | 53% | 37.7% | 25.2% |
27 | 1.442 | 60.2% | 44.2% | 31.1% |
26 | 1.487 | 65.2% | 48.7% | 35.2% |
25 | 1.561 | 73.4% | 56.1% | 41.9% |
24 | 1.614 | 79.3% | 61.4% | 46.7% |
23 | 1.697 | 88.5% | 69.7% | 54.2% |
22 | 1.792 | 99.1% | 79.2% | 62.9% |
21 | 1.859 | 106.6% | 85.9% | 69% |
20 | 1.977 | 119.7% | 97.7% | 79.8% |
19 | 2.053 | 128.1% | 105.3% | 86.6% |
18 | 2.195 | 143.9% | 119.5% | 99.6% |
17 | 2.303 | 155.9% | 130.3% | 109.4% |
16 | 2.479 | 175.4% | 147.9% | 125.3% |
15 | 2.608 | 189.8% | 160.8% | 137.1% |
14 | 2.838 | - | 183.8% | 158% |
13 | 3.109 | - | - | 182.6% |
Interactions that work with Rend
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Rend
- Furious Rend
- Violent Rend
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Mother's Embrace
- Ring of Starless Skies
- Ring of the Ravenous (does not cast 2 Rend's, just applies 2 stacks of the Bleed part)
- Shattered Vow (DoT duration is multiplicative with Ring of the Ravenous duration)
- Stats
- Rend Size temper (scales area, capped at 100%)
Interactions that partially work with Rend
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Rend Bleed sometimes gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier. This means Rend Bleeds with GW has the 3 outcomes of:
- No crit:
- No crit but has CSD in the additive bucket:
<-- shouldn't happen - Crit, has CSD in the additive bucket and the GW multiplier:
- No crit:
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Rend Bleed sometimes gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier. This means Rend Bleeds with GW has the 3 outcomes of:
Interactions that do not work with Rend
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Fists of Fate does not affect the bleed portion of Rend
- Legendary Nodes
- Enhanced Rend extending Vulnerable duration on an enemy does not refresh the first bonus of the Decimator legendary paragon node.
- Frontal cone attack that covers slightly less than 90 degrees centred in front of you.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Upheaval. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating
- Carnage
- Warrior's Rupture
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace/Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Sword AS% |
81 | 0.900 | 0% | - |
80 | 0.911 | 1.3% | - |
79 | 0.923 | 2.5% | - |
78 | 0.934 | 3.8% | - |
77 | 0.945 | 5% | - |
76 | 0.953 | 5.9% | - |
75 | 0.972 | 8% | - |
74 | 0.979 | 8.8% | - |
73 | 0.995 | 10.5% | 0% |
72 | 1.015 | 12.8% | 1.5% |
71 | 1.022 | 13.5% | 2.2% |
70 | 1.035 | 15% | 3.5% |
69 | 1.059 | 17.7% | 5.9% |
68 | 1.067 | 18.6% | 6.7% |
67 | 1.083 | 20.3% | 8.3% |
66 | 1.105 | 22.8% | 10.5% |
65 | 1.113 | 23.7% | 11.3% |
64 | 1.132 | 25.8% | 13.2% |
63 | 1.158 | 28.7% | 15.8% |
62 | 1.169 | 29.9% | 16.9% |
61 | 1.197 | 33% | 19.7% |
60 | 1.219 | 35.4% | 21.9% |
59 | 1.228 | 36.4% | 22.8% |
58 | 1.256 | 39.6% | 25.6% |
57 | 1.280 | 42.2% | 28% |
56 | 1.292 | 43.6% | 29.2% |
55 | 1.328 | 47.5% | 32.8% |
54 | 1.350 | 50% | 35% |
53 | 1.364 | 51.6% | 36.4% |
52 | 1.400 | 55.5% | 40% |
51 | 1.432 | 59.1% | 43.2% |
50 | 1.446 | 60.7% | 44.6% |
49 | 1.482 | 64.7% | 48.2% |
48 | 1.535 | 70.5% | 53.5% |
47 | 1.570 | 74.4% | 57% |
46 | 1.605 | 78.3% | 60.5% |
45 | 1.623 | 80.3% | 62.3% |
44 | 1.650 | 83.3% | 65% |
43 | 1.696 | 88.4% | 69.6% |
42 | 1.742 | 93.5% | 74.2% |
41 | 1.796 | 99.6% | 79.6% |
40 | 1.826 | 102.9% | 82.6% |
39 | 1.883 | 109.2% | 88.3% |
38 | 1.940 | 115.6% | 94% |
37 | 1.974 | 119.3% | 97.4% |
36 | 2.035 | 126.1% | 103.5% |
35 | 2.106 | 134% | 110.6% |
34 | 2.147 | 138.5% | 114.7% |
33 | 2.228 | 147.6% | 122.8% |
32 | 2.311 | 156.8% | 131.1% |
31 | 2.357 | 161.9% | 135.7% |
30 | 2.458 | 173.1% | 145.8% |
29 | 2.563 | 184.8% | 156.3% |
28 | 2.621 | 191.2% | 162.1% |
27 | 2.733 | - | 173.3% |
26 | 2.861 | - | 186.1% |
25 | 2.928 | - | 192.8% |
Interactions that work with Upheaval
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Upheaval
- Furious Upheaval
- Violent Upheaval
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Mother's Embrace
- Ring of Red Furor
- Ring of Starless Skies
- Stats
- Upheaval Size temper (scales area radially away from you, capped at 100%)
- Runes
- Attacks from Ceh Rune wolves grant stacks of Furious Upheaval
Interactions that do not work with Upheaval
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Furious Upheaval with Berserk Ripping
- Whirlwind can not Overpower.
- Whirlwind snapshots Attack Speed effects at the start of its channel. Buffs/effects that are procced during a channel do not apply before you stop the current channel and start a new one.
- Using Whirlwind applies a 25% penalty to your Movement Speed, meaning if you have 150% Movement Speed you'd only have
150%*(1-25%) = 112.5%
Movement Speed when using Whirlwind. Being Unhindered while using Whirlwind cancels the 25% penalty meaning you move with full speed. - Whirlwind spends 40% of the in-game tooltip Fury amount for each attack animation. For example:
- If we have 0% Resource Cost Reduction (RCR), 0% Attack Speed and assigned a 2H Mace for Whirlwind (26 frames for attack animation, you can find breakpoints in the Attack Speed Breakpoints menu below), we will drain:
25*40%*(60/26) = 23.077
Fury per second. - If we instead have 15% RCR, 30% Attack Speed and assigned Dual Wield weapons for Whirlwind (16 frames for attack animation), we will drain:
Fury per second.*(1-15%)
*40%*(60/16) = 31.875
- If we have 0% Resource Cost Reduction (RCR), 0% Attack Speed and assigned a 2H Mace for Whirlwind (26 frames for attack animation, you can find breakpoints in the Attack Speed Breakpoints menu below), we will drain:
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Whirlwind. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 BonusWarrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace/Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Swords AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
26 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
25 | 0.934 | 3.8% | - | - |
24 | 0.963 | 7% | 0% | - |
23 | 1.005 | 11.7% | 0.5% | - |
22 | 1.044 | 16% | 4.4% | - |
21 | 1.093 | 21.4% | 9.3% | 0% |
20 | 1.148 | 27.5% | 14.8% | 4.3% |
19 | 1.202 | 33.5% | 20.2% | 9.2% |
18 | 1.264 | 40.4% | 26.4% | 14.9% |
17 | 1.339 | 48.8% | 33.9% | 21.7% |
16 | 1.412 | 56.9% | 41.2% | 28.4% |
15 | 1.505 | 67.2% | 50.5% | 36.8% |
14 | 1.605 | 78.3% | 60.5% | 45.9% |
13 | 1.719 | 91% | 71.9% | 56.3% |
12 | 1.847 | 105.3% | 84.7% | 67.9% |
11 | 2.005 | 122.8% | 100.5% | 82.3% |
10 | 2.192 | 143.5% | 119.2% | 99.2% |
9 | 2.407 | 167.4 | 140.7% | 118.8% |
8 | 2.677 | 197.4 | 167.7% | 143.3% |
7 | 3.009 | - | - | 173.5% |
Interactions that work with Whirlwind
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Whirlwind
- Furious Whirlwind
- Violent Whirlwind
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Carnage
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Mother's Embrace
- Ring of Starless Skies
- Stats
- Whirlwind Size temper (scales area, capped at 100%)
Interactions that do not work with Whirlwind
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Defensive Skills
- The Lac Rune uses your current skill points in Challenging Shout to determine the amount of Damage Reduction it provides. If you do not have any skill points in Challenging Shout, Lac will provide a 38% Damage Reduction, 1 skill point 40% Damage Reduction and so on.
Interactions that work with Challenging Shout
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Fierce Winds
- Vocalized Empowerment
- Skills and Passives
- Booming Voice
- Guttural Yell
- Raid Leader
- Enhanced Challenging Shout
- Strategic Challenging Shout
- Tactical Challenging Shout (may bug out against training dummies)
- Stats
- Challenging Shout Cooldown temper
- Runes
- Lac
Interactions that do not work with Challenging Shout
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Ground Stomp retains the weapon damage of the weapon you are currently holding, i.e. the weapon used for your most recent skill cast. So if you just used Bash with a 2H Mace, Ground Stomp will use that weapons damage for its damage calculation.
- Can gain Brawling skill functionality with Tactical Ground Stomp. This mod also makes enemies Vulnerable before the hit is registered, and makes you Berserking before the hit is registered if Berserking is enabled.
- Baseline Ground Stomp can not Overpower, must have the Tactical Ground Stomp mod for it to work with Overpower functionality.
- Ground Stomp uses both skill and weapon variance:
Interactions that work with Ground Stomp
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Skills and Passives
- Battle Fervor with Tactical Ground Stomp
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Ground Stomp
- Strategic Ground Stomp
- Tactical Ground Stomp (applies Vulnerable before the damage hits)
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Decimator with Tactical Ground Stomp
- Flawless Technique
- Force of Nature with Earthquakes
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Stats
- Ground Stomp Size temper (scales area, capped at 100%)
- Ground Stomp Cooldown Reduction temper
- Ground Stomp Hit Twice temper (capped at 100%)
Interactions that do not work with Ground Stomp
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Interactions that work with Iron Skin
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Iron Warrior
- Conceited
- Skills and Passives
- Enhanced Iron Skin
- Strategic Iron Skin
- Tactical Iron Skin
- Stats
- Iron Skin Cooldown Reduction temper
Interactions that do not work with Iron Skin
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Interactions that work with Rallying Cry
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Fierce Winds
- Vocalized Empowerment
- Skills and Passives
- Booming Voice
- Guttural Yell
- Raid Leader
- Enhanced Rallying Cry
- Strategic Rallying Cry
- Tactical Rallying Cry (is additive with the base 40% Resource Generation from Rallying Cry)
Interactions that do not work with Rallying Cry
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Brawling Skills
Interactions that work with Charge
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Ancestral Charge
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Charge
- Power Charge
- Mighty Charge
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Brawl
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Stats
- Deal Double Damage temper (counts for all hits of the cast if it procs, capped at 100%)
- Charge Cooldown Reduction
Interactions that do not work with Charge
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Kick retains the weapon damage of the weapon you are currently holding, i.e. the weapon used for your most recent skill cast. So if you just used Bash with a 2H Mace, Kick will use that weapons damage for its damage calculation. This is not true for Power Kick, more on that further down.
- Can gain Core skill functionality with Power Kick.
- Enemies knocked into terrain while Enhanced Kick is selected will always take Vulnerable Damage for the Terrain Knockback damage.
Interactions that work with Kick
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Battle Fervor (using Kick gives Berserking which is active for the Power Kick hit)
- Enhanced Kick
- Mighty Kick (knocked back enemies make other enemies they collide with Vulnerable)
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Brawl
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic uniques
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus (both for normal Kick and Kick)
- Stats
- Deal Double Damage temper (counts for all hits of the cast if it procs, capped at 100%)
- Kick Vulnerable Duration Increase temper (not capped)
- Kick Cooldown Reduction temper
Interactions that partially work with Kick
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Power Kick - Is a separate hit from the base Kick hit.
- Both hits will Overpower if an Overpower ticket is available for the skill cast
- Uses the following formula to calculate it's damage:
(in other words, the tooltip lies to you, or it's severely bugged)PowerKickDmg = (9.92*furySpent+248) * (1+10%*extraSkillRanks) * (1+str/1000) * (1+additives%) * multipliers * enemyDR
- Doesn't care about what weapon you're holding in your hands
- Has no variance in it's damage
- Enhanced Kick always applies Vulnerable before the Power Kick hit registers, so Power Kick always includes Vulnerable Damage and the Vulnerable multiplier
- Using Kick below 10 Fury won't trigger a Power Kick hit and won't spend any Fury
- Power Kick - Is a separate hit from the base Kick hit.
Interactions that do not work with Kick
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Doesn't work with any Weapon Expertise effects
- Leap is not affected by Attack Speed, the animation time of a Leap only depends on the distance you're traveling.
Interactions that work with Leap
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Bul-Kathos
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Enhanced Leap
- Power Leap
- Mighty Leap
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Force of Nature with Bul-Kathos
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Brawl
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Stats
- Deal Double Damage temper (is not inherited by subsequent Bul-Kathos Earthquakes, capped at 100%)
- Leap Size temper (scales area, capped at 100%)
- Leap Cooldown Reduction temper
- Runes
- Bac
Interactions that partially work with Leap
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- [BUG] The Giant Strides aspect currently reduces the cooldown of Leap by 9 seconds instead of 7 when used on bosses.
Interactions that do not work with Leap
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Interactions that work with War Cry
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Fierce Winds
- Vocalized Empowerment
- Skills and Passives
- Enhanced War Cry
- Mighty War Cry
- Power War Cry is a separate x1.1 multiplier from the base multiplier of War Cry
- Booming Voice
- Guttural Yell
- Raid Leader
Interactions that do not work with War Cry
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Weapon Mastery Skills
- Can gain Core skill functionality with The Third Blade unique Sword, where it has no cooldown and a base Fury cost of 40.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Death Blow when you have The Third Blade equipped. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 BonusWalking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace/Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Swords AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
32 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
31 | 0.923 | 2.5% | - | - |
30 | 0.951 | 5.7% | - | - |
29 | 0.983 | 9.3% | 0% | - |
28 | 1.025 | 14% | 2.6% | - |
27 | 1.066 | 18.4% | 6.6% | 0% |
26 | 1.105 | 22.8% | 10.5% | 0.4% |
25 | 1.160 | 28.9% | 16% | 5.5% |
24 | 1.202 | 33.5% | 20.2% | 9.2% |
23 | 1.253 | 39.2% | 25.3% | 13.9% |
22 | 1.316 | 46.2% | 31.6% | 19.6% |
21 | 1.381 | 53.4% | 38.1% | 25.5% |
20 | 1.450 | 61.1% | 45% | 31.8% |
19 | 1.526 | 69.6% | 52.6% | 38.8% |
18 | 1.623 | 80.3% | 62.3% | 47.5% |
17 | 1.718 | 90.9% | 71.8% | 56.2% |
16 | 1.830 | 103.3% | 83% | 66.3% |
15 | 1.949 | 116.6% | 94.9% | 77.2% |
14 | 2.124 | 136% | 112.4% | 93.1% |
13 | 2.284 | 153.8% | 128.4% | 107.7% |
12 | 2.478 | 175.3% | 147.8% | 125.2% |
11 | 2.762 | - | 176.2% | 151.1% |
10 | 3.042 | - | - | 176.5% |
Interactions that work with Death Blow
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Unbridled Rage with The Third Blade
- Wallop
- Enhanced Death Blow
- Warrior's Death Blow
- Fighter's Death Blow
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Banished Lord's Talisman with The Third Blade
- Mother's Embrace with The Third Blade
- Overkill
- Ring of Red Furor
- Ring of Starless Skies
Interactions that do not work with Death Blow
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Enhanced Death Blow with Berserk Ripping
- Stats
- Death Blow damage temper with Berserk Ripping
- A Mighty Throw attack consists of an initial AoE hit and several subsequent AoE pulses. All hits can Critical Strike independently but all will Overpower if an Overpower is used on the skill cast.
- Can gain Core skill functionality with The Third Blade unique Sword, where it has no cooldown and a base Fury cost of 35.
- Mighty Throw pulses can Lucky Hit.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Mighty Throw when you have The Third Blade equipped. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Mace/Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Swords AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
34 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
33 | 0.911 | 1.3% | - | - |
32 | 0.945 | 5% | - | - |
31 | 0.968 | 7.5% | 0% | - |
30 | 1.008 | 12% | 0.8% | - |
29 | 1.043 | 15.9% | 4.3% | - |
28 | 1.081 | 20.1% | 8.1% | 0% |
27 | 1.127 | 25.2% | 12.7% | 2.4% |
26 | 1.160 | 28.9% | 16% | 5.5% |
25 | 1.206 | 34% | 20.6% | 9.6% |
24 | 1.270 | 41.1% | 27% | 15.4% |
23 | 1.323 | 47% | 32.3% | 20.3% |
22 | 1.395 | 55% | 39.5% | 26.8% |
21 | 1.441 | 60.1% | 44.1% | 31% |
20 | 1.520 | 68.9% | 52% | 38.2% |
19 | 1.611 | 79% | 61.1% | 46.5% |
18 | 1.710 | 90% | 71% | 55.5% |
17 | 1.823 | 102.% | 82.3% | 65.7% |
16 | 1.909 | 112.1% | 90.9% | 73.5% |
15 | 2.053 | 128.1% | 105.3% | 86.6% |
14 | 2.217 | 146.3% | 121.7% | 101.5% |
13 | 2.420 | 168.9% | 142% | 120% |
12 | 2.653 | 194.8% | 165.3% | 141.2% |
11 | 2.831 | - | 183.1% | 157.4% |
10 | 3.159 | - | - | 187.2% |
Interactions that work with Mighty Throw
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Herculean Spectacle
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Unbridled Rage with The Third Blade
- Wallop
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Fighter's Mighty Throw (Provides 5% barrier per weapon swap, 15% with the Herculean Spectacle aspect. Neither is increased by having multiple skill casts out. Extra pulses when swapping are also only generated for each original cast, i.e. with 2 casts usingHerculean Spectacle aspect you get 2 extra pulses even though there might be 6 weapons on the grounds.)
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Banished Lord's Talisman with The Third Blade
- Mother's Embrace with The Third Blade
- Ring of Starless Skies
Interactions that partially work with Mighty Throw
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- [BUG] The base Mighty Throw initial hit deals 100% more damage than expected.
- [BUG] Warrior's Mighty Throw only increases the damage of the initial hit by 50% instead of 200%, and with the Double Damage temper the increase is 33%. Stunning for 2 seconds on impact works as intended.
- [BUG] The pulses from swapping weapons with Mighty Throw deal 100% more damage than expected.
- Stats
- [BUG] With Mighty Throw, the Deal Double Damage temper only gives a 50% damage increase on the initial hit and weapon swap pulses.
- [BUG] With Warrior's Mighty Throw, the Deal Double Damage temper only gives a 33% damage increase on the initial hit.
Interactions that do not work with Mighty Throw
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Doesn't work with any Weapon Expertise mechanics except swapping to a Polearm after a Mighty Throw cast for a 15%[x] increased damage while Healthy multiplier on any remaining pulses (or initial hit as well if you swap fast enough)
- Stats
- Mighty Throw Double Damage temper does not work
- Can gain Core skill functionality with The Third Blade unique Sword, where it has no cooldown and a base Fury cost of 60.
- The Bleed portion of Enhanced Rupture only uses weapon variance: [dmg*0.8,dmg*1.2], while the initial hit uses both skill and weapon variance: [dmg*0.9*0.8,dmg*1.1*1.2].
- The additional scaling of Enhanced Rupture that is based on how much Strength you have is multiplied on to the base
skill% of Enhanced Rupture as:70% * (1+Strength/50*35%)
. For example, with 3000 Strength the advanced tooltip of Enhanced Rupture would read:70% * (1+3000/50*35%) = 1540%
, and the "Current bonus" part would be:3000/50*35% = 2100%
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Rupture when you have The Third Blade equipped. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Axe/Polearm AS% | 2H Sword AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
104 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
103 | 0.911 | 1.3% | - | - |
102 | 0.915 | 1.7% | - | - |
101 | 0.923 | 2.5% | - | - |
100 | 0.938 | 4.2% | - | - |
99 | 0.945 | 5% | - | - |
98 | 0.950 | 5.5% | - | - |
97 | 0.968 | 7.5% | - | - |
96 | 0.974 | 8.3% | - | - |
95 | 0.981 | 9% | - | - |
94 | 0.999 | 11% | 0% | - |
93 | 1.006 | 11.8% | 0.6% | - |
92 | 1.022 | 13.5% | 2.2% | - |
91 | 1.028 | 14.3% | 2.8% | - |
90 | 1.033 | 14.8% | 3.3% | - |
89 | 1.051 | 16.8% | 5.1% | - |
88 | 1.068 | 18.7% | 6.8% | - |
87 | 1.081 | 20.1% | 8.1% | - |
86 | 1.087 | 20.8% | 8.7% | - |
85 | 1.100 | 22.3% | 10% | 0% |
84 | 1.118 | 24.3% | 11.8% | 1.7% |
83 | 1.125 | 25% | 12.5% | 2.3% |
82 | 1.139 | 26.6% | 13.9% | 3.6% |
81 | 1.159 | 28.8% | 15.9% | 5.3% |
80 | 1.168 | 29.8% | 16.8% | 6.2% |
79 | 1.188 | 32% | 18.8% | 8% |
78 | 1.197 | 33% | 19.7% | 8.8% |
77 | 1.213 | 34.8% | 21.3% | 10.3% |
76 | 1.238 | 37.5 | 23.8% | 12.5% |
75 | 1.246 | 38.4% | 24.6% | 13.2% |
74 | 1.271 | 41.3% | 27.1% | 15.6% |
73 | 1.287 | 43% | 28.7% | 17% |
72 | 1.296 | 44% | 29.6% | 17.8% |
71 | 1.323 | 47% | 32.3% | 20.3% |
70 | 1.343 | 49.3% | 34.3% | 22.1% |
69 | 1.355 | 50.5% | 35.5% | 23.1% |
68 | 1.382 | 53.5% | 38.2% | 25.6% |
67 | 1.393 | 54.8% | 39.3% | 26.6% |
66 | 1.424 | 58.2% | 42.4% | 29.4% |
65 | 1.442 | 60.3% | 44.2% | 31.1% |
64 | 1.459 | 62.1% | 45.9% | 32.6% |
63 | 1.491 | 65.7% | 49.1% | 35.6% |
62 | 1.511 | 67.9% | 51.1% | 37.4% |
61 | 1.548 | 72% | 54.8% | 40.7% |
60 | 1.562 | 73.6% | 56.2% | 42% |
59 | 1.584 | 76% | 58.4% | 44% |
58 | 1.625 | 80.6% | 62.5% | 47.8% |
57 | 1.645 | 82.8% | 64.5% | 49.6% |
56 | 1.670 | 85.5% | 67% | 51.8% |
55 | 1.710 | 90% | 71% | 55.5% |
54 | 1.730 | 92.3% | 73% | 57.3% |
53 | 1.783 | 98.1% | 78.3% | 62.1% |
52 | 1.810 | 101.1% | 81% | 64.5% |
51 | 1.832 | 103.6% | 83.2% | 66.6% |
50 | 1.886 | 109.6% | 88.6% | 71.5% |
49 | 1.911 | 112.3% | 91.1% | 73.7% |
48 | 1.947 | 116.4% | 94.7% | 77% |
47 | 2.003 | 122.5% | 100.3% | 82% |
46 | 2.035 | 126.1% | 103.5% | 85% |
45 | 2.100 | 133.3% | 110% | 90.9% |
44 | 2.138 | 137.5% | 113.8% | 94.3% |
43 | 2.170 | 141.1% | 117% | 97.3% |
42 | 2.247 | 149.7% | 124.7% | 104.3% |
41 | 2.290 | 154.5% | 129% | 108.1% |
40 | 2.375 | 163.9% | 137.5% | 115.9% |
39 | 2.422 | 169.1% | 142.2% | 120.2% |
38 | 2.465 | 173.9% | 146.5% | 124.1% |
37 | 2.561 | 184.5% | 156.1% | 132.8% |
36 | 2.617 | 190.8% | 161.7% | 137.9% |
35 | 2.670 | 196.7% | 167% | 142.8% |
34 | 2.790 | - | 179% | 153.6% |
33 | 2.847 | - | 184.7% | 158.8% |
32 | 2.980 | - | 198% | 170.9% |
31 | 3.055 | - | - | 177.7% |
30 | 3.132 | - | - | 184.7% |
29 | 3.288 | - | - | 198.9% |
Interactions that work with Rupture
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Wanton Rupture
- Skills and Passives
- Concussion
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Unbridled Rage with The Third Blade
- Wallop
- Warpath
- Enhanced Rupture (triggers for each enemy hit by the initial hit of Rupture)
- Fighter's Rupture
- Warrior's Rupture
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Banished Lord's Talisman with The Third Blade
- Mother's Embrace with The Third Blade
- Ring of Starless Skies
- Fists of Fate affects the initial hit and the bleed consumption hit Rupture
- Shattered Vow (DoT duration for Enhanced Rupture)
- Stats
- Deal double damage temper (applies to the initial hit and all Enhanced Rupture AoE bleeds from the skill cast if it procs, capped at 100%)
- Enhanced Rupture explosion Size temper (scales are, capped at 100%)
Interactions that partially work with Rupture
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- The initial attack of Rupture only Overpowers on the first enemy hit, even if multiple enemies are hit by the initial attack. If you have an Overpower ticket before casting Rupture, all initial hits will Overpower.
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Enhanced Rupture Bleed sometimes gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier. This means Enhanced Rupture Bleeds with GW has the 3 outcomes of:
- No crit:
- No crit but has CSD in the additive bucket:
<-- shouldn't happen - Crit, has CSD in the additive bucket and the GW multiplier:
- No crit:
Interactions that do not work with Rupture
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Fists of Fate does not affect the AoE bleed portion of Rupture
- Stats
- Deal double damage temper (does not work with the bleed consumption)
- Can gain Core skill functionality with The Third Blade unique Sword, where it has no cooldown and a base Fury cost of 25.
- Steel Grasp retains the weapon damage of the weapon you are currently holding, i.e. the weapon used for your most recent skill cast. So if you just used Bash with a 2H Mace, Steel Grasp will use that weapons damage for its damage calculation.
Attack Speed
The following Attack Speed % sources function for Steel Grasp when you have The Third Blade equipped. For a more in-depth explanation of how Attack Speed works, please read our Attack Speed Mechanics article.
Cap 1
- Moonrise
- Elixir of Advantage II
- Attack Speed (Gear Affix)
- Attack Speed while Berserking (Gear Affix)
- Nimble
- Enhanced Mighty Throw
- Duelist
- Artillery Shrine (100% AS)
Cap 2
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Carnage
- One-Handed Axe Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Warrior's Rupture
- One-Handed Sword Expertise Rank 10 Bonus
- Walking Arsenal
- Prime Call of the Ancients
Frames | APS | 2H Axe/Mace/Polearm AS% | 2H Sword AS% | Dual Wield AS% |
49 | 0.900 | 0% | - | - |
48 | 0.923 | 2.5% | - | - |
47 | 0.940 | 4.4% | - | - |
46 | 0.958 | 6.4% | - | - |
45 | 0.986 | 9.6% | 0% | - |
44 | 1.004 | 11.5% | 0.4% | - |
43 | 1.031 | 14.6% | 3.1% | - |
42 | 1.049 | 16.5% | 4.9% | - |
41 | 1.085 | 20.5% | 8.5% | 0% |
40 | 1.103 | 22.5% | 10.3% | 0.2% |
39 | 1.139 | 26.5% | 13.9% | 3.5% |
38 | 1.170 | 30.0% | 17.0% | 6.4% |
37 | 1.193 | 32.5% | 19.3% | 8.4% |
36 | 1.238 | 37.5% | 23.8% | 12.5% |
35 | 1.260 | 40.0% | 26.0% | 14.5% |
34 | 1.308 | 45.3% | 30.8% | 18.9% |
33 | 1.355 | 50.5% | 35.5% | 23.1% |
32 | 1.389 | 54.3% | 38.9% | 26.2% |
31 | 1.440 | 60.0% | 44.0% | 30.9% |
30 | 1.476 | 64.0% | 47.6% | 34.2% |
29 | 1.539 | 71.0% | 53.9% | 39.9% |
28 | 1.607 | 78.5% | 60.7% | 46.0% |
27 | 1.649 | 83.2% | 64.9% | 49.9% |
26 | 1.724 | 91.5% | 72.4% | 56.7% |
25 | 1.784 | 98.2% | 78.4% | 62.2% |
24 | 1.872 | 108.0% | 87.2% | 70.2% |
23 | 1.969 | 118.8% | 96.9% | 79.0% |
22 | 2.038 | 126.4% | 103.8% | 85.2% |
21 | 2.155 | 139.4% | 115.5% | 95.9% |
20 | 2.243 | 149.2% | 124.3% | 103.9% |
19 | 2.387 | 165.2% | 138.7% | 117.0% |
18 | 2.493 | 177.0% | 149.3% | 126.6% |
17 | 2.673 | 198.0% | 167.3% | 143.0% |
16 | 2.877 | - | 187.7% | 161.5% |
15 | 3.027 | - | - | 175.2% |
14 | 3.300 | - | - | 200.0% |
Interactions that work with Steel Grasp
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Accelerating with The Third Blade
- Shattering Steel (sends out 5 shards in a cone in front of you)
- Skills and Passives
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Unbridled Rage with The Third Blade
- Wallop
- Enhanced Steel Grasp
- Warrior's Steel Grasp
- Fighter's Steel Grasp
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Crusher
- Dominate
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Ancients' Oath
- Banished Lord's Talisman with The Third Blade
- Mother's Embrace with The Third Blade
- Ring of Starless Skies
Interactions that partially work with Steel Grasp
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Legendary Paragon Nodes
- Decimator can be procced by using Steel Grasp even without making enemies Vulnerable with Enhanced Steel Grasp.
Interactions that do not work with Steel Grasp
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Ultimate Skills
- Call of the Ancients can not Overpower.
- All skills used by the Ancients use damage variance associated with that skill, meaning: Leap, Frenzy, Whirlwind and Upheaval all use weapon and skill variance:
; Earthquakes and Dust Devils use skill variance:[dmg*0.9,dmg*1.1]
; Burning Ground from Upheaval has no variance.
Interactions that work with Call of the Ancients
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Skills and Passives
- Belligerence
- Counteroffensive
- Heavy Handed
- Heavy Hitter
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Warpath
- Prime Call of the Ancients (is a global multiplier while the Attack Speed is additive and belongs in cap 2)
- Supreme Call of the Ancients
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique (grants 1 stack)
- Force of Nature (Close Damage scaling for Arreat's Bearing Earthquakes, and Dust Devils spawning from Earthquakes)
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Arreat's Bearing
- Stats
- Call of the Ancients Cooldown Reduction temper
- Earthquakes and Dust Devils spawned with Arreat's Bearing equipped work with additive Earthquake and Dust Devil Damage
Interactions that partially work with Call of the Ancients
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Earthquakes and Dust Devils spawned with Arreat's Bearing equipped do not benefit twice from Heavy Hitter twice.
- Because Call of the Ancients does not have an assignable weapon slot, when you use Call of the Ancients you lose any Weapon Expertise bonuses such as Polearm Expertise Damage while Healthy until you use a skill that has a weapon assigned to it. In addition, with Arreat's Bearing equipped, whenever an Earthquake or Dust Devil is spawned by the ancients your Weapon Expertise bonuses also disappear and you have to use a skill with an assigned weapon in order to get the bonuses to work again.
- Damage from these Ancients does not work with Two-Handed Sword Expertise.
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Ticks from Earthquakes spawned with Arreat's Bearing equipped deal double the expected damage (same as other Earthquakes).
Interactions that do not work with Call of the Ancients
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Legendary Nodes
- Bone Breaker
- Stats
- [BUG] Earthquakes and Dust Devils spawned with Arreat's Bearing equipped do not benefit from additive Ultimate Damage.
- Burning Ground with Arreat's Bearing equipped do not benefit from additive Physical Damage.
- Iron Maelstrom is a 3 part skill that requires a full set of weapons to be equipped:
- When first using the skill you attack with your Bludgeoning weapon in a small AoE in front of you, dealing damage and stunning enemies. Then the skills stays active for 10 seconds where you can use the next 2 attacks.
- The second attack uses your Slashing weapon in a large 180 degree arc in front of you that deals damage and applies a bleed.
- The last attack uses your Dual Wielding weapons to hit all enemies in large AoE around you 2 times.
- Each separate attack during Iron Maelstrom counts as its own Overpower cast, meaning if you have an Overpower ticket at the start of using Iron Maelstrom only the first Bludgeoning attack will Overpower everything it hits, the remaining two attacks will not be guaranteed to Overpower.
- The rank 5 bonus of increasing the damage of Iron Maelstrom by 60% of your damage vs Healthy and Injured enemies works as the sum of the statsheet values of those two stats, multiplied by 60% :
(dmgVsHealthy_statsheetValue + dmgVsInjured_statsheetValue)*60%
Interactions that work with Iron Maelstrom
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Edgemaster's
- Tempering Blows
- Shattering Steel (the Mace and Slash attacks both send out 5 shards in a cone in front of you, while the Dual Wield attack sends out a total of 10 shards in random directions)
- Skills and Passives
- Counteroffensive
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Prime Iron Maelstrom
- Supreme Iron Maelstrom
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Bone Breaker
- Carnage
- Flawless Technique (grants 1 stack with the Dual Wield attack)
- Hemorrhage
- Weapons Master
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Wrath
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Unbroken Chain
- Stats
- Iron Maelstrom Cooldown Reduction temper
- Chance for Iron Maelstrom to Hit Twice (If it procs for Mace or Slash attack, all enemies will be hit twice by those attacks. Looks to be a separate chance per enemy hit by the Dual Wield attacks, capped at 100%)
- Casting Ultimate Skills Restore Primary Resource (works for all 3 casts of Iron Maelstrom)
Interactions that partially work with Iron Maelstrom
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Stats
- [BUG] Damage while Iron Maelstrom is active temper. Only works with the Bludgeoning and Dual Wielding attacks. Does not work with the Slashing attack or any other attack that is made in between the Iron Maelstrom combo attacks.
Interactions that do not work with Iron Maelstrom
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Supreme Wrath of the Berserker works by increasing the baseline Berserking multiplier by 25% for every 50 spent:
Total Fury spent | Calculation | Resulting damage increase of Berserking |
50 | 25%[x] * 1.25 | 31.25%[x] |
100 | 25%[x] * 1.5 | 37.5%[x] |
150 | 25%[x] * 1.75 | 43.75%[x] |
200 | 25%[x] * 2 | 50%[x] |
This works the same when using Unconstrained, just replace 25%[x] with 60%[x] in the 2nd column.
Reusing Wrath of the Berserker again before it runs out retains any Supreme Wrath of the Berserker stacks obtained during the first Wrath of the Berserker use.
Interactions that work with Wrath of the Berserker
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Prime Wrath of the Berserker (Movement Speed is additive, Fury Generation is multiplicative)
- Supreme Wrath of the Berserker
- The on-use damage from rank 5 and upwards is affected by Berserking multiplier
- Uniques and Mythic uniques
- Ugly Bastard Helm
- Stats
- Damage while Wrath of the Berserker is Active temper
- Wrath of the Berserker Cooldown Reduction temper
Interactions that do not work with Wrath of the Berserker
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
Key Passives
- Barbed Carapace is a 2-part Key Passive:
- Grant a stacking 10%[x] bonus to your Thorns when you spend 25 Fury, up to a cap of 120%[x].
- Pulse 100% of your Thorns stat to close enemies around your character for a short duration whenever you've used a skill with a cooldown, in addition to granting Unhindered during that time which lets you move through mobs just like the Ghostwalker aspect.
- [BUG] Picking Barbed Carapace and Tough as Nails at the same time nullifies the Tough as Nails multiplicative bonus in: additiveSources*(1+multiplicativeBonus%) = statsheetThorns. They both want to be the multiplicative bonus at the same time but Barbed Carapace wins out. If you only pick one of them everything is fine.
- [BUG] Using Shroud of False Death while having a point in Barbed Carapace adds a hidden point in Unconstrained making Berserking a 60%[x] multiplier (120%[x] with Wrath of the Berserker) instead of just a 25%[x] multiplier. This may require unlearning Barbed Carapace, learning Unconstrained and unlearning it, then finally selecting Barbed Carapace again when changing location (after a loading screen).
Gushing Wounds (GW) is a Barbarian Key Passive that greatly augments all of your Bleeds by letting them interact with the Critical Strike Chance (CSC) and Critical Strike Damage (CSD) stats, where Bleeds and Damage over Time effects (DoTs) in general do not get to interact with critical strike effects. Gushing Wounds uses the CSC and CSD stats directly from your statsheet to calculate its damage, meaning the tooltip description could be rewritten to reflect its actual behavior in-game as:
When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to [the "Critical Strike Chance" stat in your statsheet] to increase the Bleed by a global multiplier of 70%[x], and also add 100%[+] of [the "Critical Strike Damage" stat in your statsheet] to your additive damage bucket.
Conversely this means that any Critical Strike effects that do not interact with your statsheet will not work with Gushing Wounds.
In simple terms Gushing Wounds augments the additive bucket of the damage formulation from
... * (1 + additiveWithoutCSD%) * ...
... * (1 + additiveWithoutCSD% + statsheetCSD%) * 1.7 * ...
You can read more about damage calculations in Diablo 4 by visiting our In-Depth Damage Guide.
Interactions that work with Gushing Wounds
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Flay
- Tough as Nails
- Heavy Handed (updates CSD statsheet value while wielding a 2-Handed weapon)
- Two-Handed Sword Expertise
- Legendary Nodes
- Hemorrhage
- Glyphs
- Wrath (legendary CSD multiplier updates statsheet values)
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Paingorger's Gauntlets echo damage with Berserk Ripping
- The Grandfather
- Shattered Vow (DoT duration for Overpower Bleed AoE)
Interactions that partially work with Gushing Wounds
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Enhanced Rupture, Rend, Berserk Ripping or Gushing Wounds Overpower Bleed sometimes gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier. This means Bleeds from these skills with GW has the 3 outcomes of:
- No crit:
<-- doesn't happen for Berserk Ripping or GW Overpower Bleeds - No crit but has CSD in the additive bucket:
<-- shouldn't happen - Crit, has CSD in the additive bucket and the GW multiplier:
- No crit:
- The distribution of the above 3 cases as a function of Critical Strike Chance (CSC) is expected to follow
- 1st case:
y = (1-CSC%)*(1-CSC%)
- 2nd case:
y = (1-CSC%)*CSC%
- 3rd case:
y = CSC%
- 1st case:
- with data for Enhanced Rupture suggesting at least something resembling those expectations as seen in the below image.
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Enhanced Rupture, Rend, Berserk Ripping or Gushing Wounds Overpower Bleed sometimes gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier. This means Bleeds from these skills with GW has the 3 outcomes of:

- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- [BUG] Using Shroud of False Death while having a point in Gushing Wounds adds a hidden point in Unconstrained making Berserking a 60%[x] multiplier (120%[x] with Wrath of the Berserker) instead of just a 25%[x] multiplier. This may require unlearning Gushing Wounds, learning Unconstrained and unlearning it, then finally selecting Gushing Wounds again when changing location (after a loading screen).
Interactions that do not work with Gushing Wounds
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Two-Handed Mace Expertise (does not update CSD statsheet value)
- Glyphs
- Bloodfeeder (CSC against Bleeding enemies)
- Cleaver (12%[x] CSD does not update statsheet values)
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Locran's Talisman (unique effects do not update statsheet values)
- Fists of Fate does not affect the Overpower AoE bleed of Gushing Wounds
Appears to function according to expectations, your Core skills deal more damage but their costs are doubled (with the exception of Power Kick that doesn't get the "double cost" property). Resource cost in Diablo 4 follows an inverse multiplication rule:

where Unbridled Rage has a resourceCostReduction value of -100%. Regular "helpful" resource cost reduction stats have positive values, for example you might have a resourceCostReduction value of 8% on a ring or amulet, or a resourceCostReduction value of 50% from a fully stacked Ring of Starless Skies.
- Adds 45% Core damage to your statsheet, but that's simply the statsheet being silly and attempting to apply a damage multiplier to the statsheet where it can. You don't gain any additive Core damage as indicated by the number in the bottom of the Core damage tooltip.
- [BUG] Using Shroud of False Death while having a point in Unbridled Rage adds a hidden point in Unconstrained making Berserking a 60%[x] multiplier (120%[x] with Wrath of the Berserker) instead of just a 25%[x] multiplier. This may require unlearning Unbridled Rage, learning Unconstrained and unlearning it, then finally selecting Unbridled Rage again when changing location (after a loading screen).
Interactions that work with Unbridled Rage
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- Double Swing
- Hammer of the Ancients
- Rend
- Upheaval
- Whirlwind
- Power Kick
- Death Blow with The Third Blade
- Mighty Throw with The Third Blade
- Rupture with The Third Blade
- Steel Grasp with The Third Blade
Interactions that do not work with Unbridled Rage
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- The Unconstrained (UC) Key Passive increases the global damage multiplier of Berserking from 25%[x] to 60%[x], and while below 65% HP you are always Berserking and gain 30% physical damage reduction.
- The interaction with Wrath of the Berserker functions the same as with the base 25%[x] multiplier here, increasing the 60%[x] Berserking multiplier by 25% for every 50 Fury spent:
Total Fury spent | Calculation | Resulting damage increase of Berserking |
50 | 60%[x] * 1.25 | 75%[x] |
100 | 60%[x] * 1.5 | 90%[x] |
150 | 60%[x] * 1.75 | 105%[x] |
200 | 60%[x] * 2 | 120%[x] |
- The physical damage reduction does not have any effect on the hit that takes you below 65% HP, the physical DR is only applied to damage taken while you are below 65% HP.
- [BUG] Unconstrained raises the maximum Berserking time to 10 seconds instead of 5 seconds even though the tooltip does not indicate this.
- [BUG] Using Shroud of False Death while having a point in Unconstrained adds an additional point which adds another 35% damage making Berserking a 95%[x] multiplier (190%[x] with Wrath of the Berserker) instead of just a 60%[x] multiplier.
- The damage bonuses from Walking Arsenal (WA) are separate global multipliers while the Attack Speed increase is additive in cap 2. For the damage bonuses this means that for any number of active bonuses you gain a combined multiplicative damage increase of:
Active bonuses | Calculation | Resulting damage increase of Walking Arsenal |
1 | 1.15 | 1.15[x] or 15%[x] |
2 | 1.15 * 1.15 | 1.322[x] or 32.2%[x] |
3 | 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.15 | 1.521[x] or 52.1%[x] |
- Lingering damage effects such as Bleeds that were triggered while wielding a specific weapon slot will keep on refreshing that damage bonus until the damage effect runs out. For example, using Rend with dual wield weapons will keep on refreshing the dual wield damage bonus every time that Rend Bleed ticks for damage, effectively providing that bonus for longer than the 10s advertised by Walking Arsenal's tooltip.
- [BUG] Using Shroud of False Death while having a point in Walking Arsenal adds a hidden point in Unconstrained making Berserking a 60%[x] multiplier (120%[x] with Wrath of the Berserker) instead of just a 25%[x] multiplier. This may require unlearning Walking Arsenal, learning Unconstrained and unlearning it, then finally selecting Walking Arsenal again when changing location (after a loading screen).
Dust Devils - Earthquakes - Thorns
- Dust Devils only use skill variance: [dmg*0.9,dmg*1.1].
- You can have 15 Dust Devils active at once, spawning more will cause earlier ones to despawn.
- Dust Devils can not trigger Lucky Hit effects.
- Dust Devils can not Overpower.
Dust Devil sources and their Skill% scaling at max ranks are:
Dust Devil aspect | Weapon Damage scaling |
Windlasher | 66% |
Devilish | 84% |
Fierce Winds | 96% |
Dust Devil's | 168% |
Force of Nature | 216% |
Call of the Ancients with Arreat's Bearing | 540% |
With "Skill% scaling" we mean the value used as "Skill%" in the general damage formula found in our In-Depth Damage Guide.
Interactions that work with Dust Devils
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Berserk Ripping
- Devilish
- Dust Devil's
- Elements
- Fierce Winds
- Inner Calm
- Retribution
- Windlasher
- Skills and Passives
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Force of Nature
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Twister
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus
- Arreat's Bearing
- Fists of Fate
- Stats
- Dust Devil Damage temper
- Dust Devil Size temper (capped at 100%)
- Dust Devil Cast Twice temper (capped at 100%)
Interactions that partially work with Dust Devil
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- When you spawn a Dust Devil by any means the rank 10 Polearm bonus from Polearm Expertise drops until you use a skill that has a Polearm selected as its arsenal selection.
Interactions that do not work with Dust Devil
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Edgemaster's
- Skills and Passives
- Furious Upheaval
- Glyphs
- Dust Devil crits do not count towards Wrath Fury gain.
- Earthquakes tick for damage every 0.5s
- Earthquakes only use skill variance: [dmg*0.9,dmg*1.1].
- You can have 10 Earthquakes active at the same time (including Tec and "cast twice" EQ's)
- Earthquakes can not trigger Lucky Hit effects.
- Earthquakes can not Overpower.
Earthquake sources and their Skill% scaling at max ranks are:
Earthquake source | Weapon Damage scaling |
Earthquakes | 229% (458% with double dmg bug) |
Bul-Kathos | 260% (520% with double dmg bug) |
Call of the Ancients with Arreat's Bearing | 270% (540% with double dmg bug) |
Executioner's | 481% (962% with double dmg bug) |
Tec | 1680% (3360% with double dmg bug) |
With "Skill% scaling" we mean the value used as "Skill%" in the general damage formula found in our In-Depth Damage Guide.
Interactions that work with Earthquake
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Berserk Ripping
- Bul-Kathos
- Earthquakes
- Elements
- Executioner's
- Incendiary Fissures
- Inner Calm
- Retribution
- Skills and Passives
- Belligerence
- Counteroffensive
- Gushing Wounds with Berserk Ripping
- Heavy Handed
- Heavy Hitter
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Warpath
- Prime Call of the Ancients
- Supreme Wrath of the Berserker
- Unconstrained
- Walking Arsenal
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Flawless Technique
- Hemorrhage with Berserk Ripping
- Force of Nature
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Bloodfeeder
- Cleaver
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Rumble
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Arreat's Bearing
- Fists of Fate
- Mantle of Mountain's Fury
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus
- Stats
- Earthquake Size temper (scales area, capped at 100%)
- Earthquake Duration temper (not capped, adds another tick every 12.5% extra duration, no partial tick dmg)
- Earthquake Cast Twice temper (capped at 100%)
- Earthquake Damage paragon nodes
- Runes
- Tec
Interactions that partially work with Earthquake
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- [BUG] Earthquake ticks currently deal 100% more damage than expected compared to their tooltip.
- [BUG] The tooltip above the skill bar showing that you are standing in a Bul-Kathos Earthquake and have increased Damage Reduction, uses the Earthquake damage multiplier, while the real value for the Damage Reduction is 30% as indicated by the aspect tooltip.
- Runes
- [BUG] Earthquakes from the Tec Rune does x20% more damage than expected compared to the base value of 1400%.
- Skills and Passives
- When you spawn an Earthquake by any means the rank 10 Polearm bonus from Polearm Expertise drops until you use a skill that has a Polearm selected as its arsenal selection.
Interactions that do not work with Earthquake
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Edgemaster's
- Skills and Passives
- Furious Upheaval
- Glyphs
- Earthquake crits do not count towards Wrath Fury gain.
- Thorns is a generic mechanic in Diablo 4 that causes direct attacks to trigger damage on the attacker. Barbarians have a few ways of taking advantage of this mechanic.
- Thorns has no variance in its damage.
- Thorns can not trigger Lucky Hit effects.
- Thorns can not Critical Strike.
- Thorns can not Overpower.
- Your additive Thorns amount is multiplied by different sources of %Thorns separately (except Tough as Nails and Barbed Carapace, read more below).
Interactions that work with Thorns
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Death Wish
- Needleflare
- Sticker-thought
- Exploiter's
- Skills and Passives
- Outburst
- Tough as Nails
- Strategic Challenging Shout
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Counteroffensive
- Wallop
- Barbed Carapace
- Unconstrained
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Decimator
- Hemorrhage on the Bleeds from Tough as Nails
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Executioner
- Might
- Revenge
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Fists of Fate unique effect
- Razorplate
- Ugly Bastard Helm
- Stats
- Thorns affix
- Thorns temper
- %Thorns while Fortified temper
- Vulnerable Damage
- All Damage
- Physical Damage (w/o Ugly Bastard Helm)
- Fire Damage (w/ Ugly Bastard Helm)
- Damage vs Close
- Damage vs Bleeding
- Damage while Berserking
Interactions that partially work with Thorns
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they have buggy/unintutive interactions. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- [BUG] Picking Barbed Carapace and Tough as Nails at the same time nullifies the Tough as Nails multiplicative bonus in: additiveSources*(1+multiplicativeBonus%) = statsheetThorns. They both want to be the same multiplicative bonus at the same time but Barbed Carapace wins out. If you only pick one of them everything is fine.
Interactions that do not work with Thorns
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Berserk Ripping
- Skills and Passives
- Furious Upheaval
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus
- Aggressive Resistance provides a 4% damage reduction per point while you're Berserking.
- Does not work with Shattered Vow Berserking source.
- [BUG] The tooltip of Aggressive Resistance is currently bugged and doesn't increase past 4%, but the damage reduction is applied as it should while you're Berserking.
- Battle Fervor provides/refreshes Berserking whenever a Brawling skill damages an enemy.
Interactions that do work with Battle Fervor
- Aspects
- Ancestral Charge
- Bul-Kathos via Leap (Earthquakes, only first damaging tick)
- Fierce Winds via War Cry (Dust Devils, only first damaging tick)
- Skills and Passives
- Charge
- Kick
- Leap
- Tactical Ground Stomp
- Belligerence is a 3%[x] global damage increase per point for a short duration after damaging an enemy with a basic skill.
- This passive works on not only the duration of the positive gains from each shout but also for the Taunt duration on enemies with Challenging Shout.
- Challenging Shout health gain and taunt duration
- Rallying Cry movement speed and resource gain
- War Cry damage multiplier
- Brute Force acts as a global multiplier on Overpower hits while using a 2H weapon.
- A thing to note about Concussion is that the Lucky Hit Stun effect in the tooltip of Concussion still has value after 100%, since Lucky Hit effects combine the Lucky Hit coefficient of a skill, like the 50% base for Bash, and the Lucky Hit chance of whatever effect the skill can proc by multiplying the values together.
- If you for example have 8 ranks in Concussion, no additional Lucky Hit on gear and using Bash with a 2-Handed Mace, you have a: (50%) * (15%*8) = 50% * 120% = 60% chance to Stun with Concussion per swing.
- This passive is a dynamic (i.e. does not snapshot) global multiplier that applies while you have Fortify for more than 50% of your max HP.
- This includes Bleed pools on a target, meaning if you stack up a Bleed and hit Rupture right after you Fortify for >50% max HP, the consumed Bleed damage is affected by the Counteroffensive multiplier even though the skills you used to stack up the Bleed with weren't affected by it.
- This passive is a dynamic (i.e. does not snapshot) multiplier that applies to Bleed ticks only while the target is Vulnerable, it does not amplify the Bleed pool present on the target and thus does not amplify the consumed Bleed hit from Rupture.
- Defensive Stance adds 2%[+] extra damage reduction to the 15% damage reduction while you have Fortify. With 3 points in Defensive Stance that means Fortify gives a total of 21% damage reduction.
- Works as expected, adds 3%[+] Attack Speed in cap 1 per point when using Dual Wield weapons.
- Endless Fury increases the Fury generated by Basic skills by 12% per point.
- Expose Vulnerability is a 2-part passive:
- When you cast a Weapon Mastery skill you gain a buff
- When you then cast a Core skill you consume the buff and make anything damaged by that cast Vulnerable
- When using Weapon Mastery skills with The Third Blade you both consume and gain the buff in the same cast, so as long as you hit something with a Weapon Mastery skill every cast will make anything you hit Vulnerable.
- [BUG] Making enemies Vulnerable with Expose Vulnerability does not trigger the Decimator legendary paragon node.
- Furious Impulse grants 2 Fury per point every time you swap weapons.
- Guttural Yell provides a 4%[x] damage reduction per point from all enemies in the vicinity that are affected by your shouts.
- The Ohm (War Cry) and Lac (Challenging Shout) Runes both benefit from Guttural Yell when the Runes proc.
- Hamstring gives Bleeding damage a 15% chance per point to slow Healthy and Injured enemies by 70% for a short duration.
- Heavy Handed provides a 6%[x] damage multiplier per point for your Critical Strikes while you are holding a 2H weapon in your hands.
- This affects the statsheet in the following way. If you have 87% raw Critical Strike Damage (CSD), the statsheet will show that as: (1+87%)*1.5 - 1 = 180.5%. The way Heavy Handed works is by multiplying on to the 1.5 crit multiplier, so with 1 point in Heavy Handed the statsheet will now show: (1+87%)*1.5*(1+6%) - 1 = 197.33%. Your Critical Strike Damage is not actually 197.33% however it's still just 87%, the game just lumps damage increases on to relevant stats if it can. You can read more about damage calculations in our In-Depth Damage Guide.
- Because Heavy Handed affects the statsheet it works with Gushing Wounds.
- Heavy Hitter makes your ultimate skills deal 15%[x] more damage per point.
- Does not affect Wrath of the Berserker as it has no active damage components.
- Imposing Presence provides 5%[x] multiplicative increased max HP per point.
- Invigorating Fury heals you for 3% of your max HP per point when you've spent 100 Fury.
- Has a spillover counter for the next cast, i.e. spending 120 Fury gives you 20 Fury towards the next proc.
- Irrepressible gives you 10%[+] Fortify per point whenever you cast a Weapon Mastery skill. Seems to work as expected.
- Martial Vigor provides a provides a 5%[x] damage reduction per point against Elite and Boss enemies.
- No Mercy gives 3%[+] increased Critical Strike Chance (CSC) per point (not active in towns/when your weapons are sheathed).
- Works with Gushing Wounds.
- Outburst provides a small base amount of thorns per point and 8 thorns for every 40 additional max HP you have (so anything beyond the 400 base HP at level 60).
- Pit Fighter is a 2-part passive:
- Gives 3%[x] increased damage against Close enemies
- Gives 2%[x] increased damage reduction
- The Close damage increase affects the Damage Vs Close stat in your statsheet, meaning if you have 100% raw Close damage with 2 points in Pit Fighter your Damage Vs Close stat will read: (1+100%)*(1+2*3%) - 1 = 112%. Your Damage Vs Close is not actually 112% however it's still just 100%, the game just lumps damage increases on to relevant stats if it can.
- The damage reduction (DR) is inverse multiplicative with other damage reductions, meaning if you have another 40% generic DR source, with 3 points in Pit Fighter your total DR will be: 1 - (1-40%)*(1-3*2%) = 43.6%.
- [BUG] The tooltip of Force of Nature scales with Pit Fighter but doesn't increase the actual multiplier.
- You can read more about damage calculations in our In-Depth Damage Guide.
- Pressure Point gives your Core skills (and Weapon Mastery skills with The Third Blade) a chance to make enemies Vulnerable.
- Prolific Fury provides 6%[x] increased Fury generation per point while Berserking.
- Works with Shattered Vow Berserking source.
- Quick Impulses provides 6% Crowd Control duration reduction per point (tested by getting frozen).
- Raid Leader makes your shouts heal allies and yourself for 1% max HP per point a second.
- Stacks with multiple shouts overlapping, i.e. using all 3 shouts with 3/3 in Raid Leader will heal 9% max HP per second.
- Slaying Strike applies a x5% damage increase vs Healthy and Injured enemies per rank.
- Slaying Strike is a dynamic (i.e. does not snapshot) global multiplier. This includes Bleed pools on a target, meaning if you stack up a Bleed and hit Rupture right after the target goes below 35% HP, the consumed Bleed damage is affected by the Slaying Strike multiplier even though the skills you used to stack up the Bleed with weren't affected by it.
- Swiftness gives 4%[+] movement speed per point.
- Tempered Fury increases your maximum Fury by 5 per point.
- Thick Skin gives you 0.6% of your health as Fortify per point whenever you take direct damage.
- Tough as Nails provides a multiplicative bonus of 3%[x] per point, and makes your Thorns damage cause enemies to Bleed for 15% of their damage over 5 seconds.
- The Bleeds can crit via Gushing Wounds.
- [BUG] Picking Barbed Carapace and Tough as Nails at the same time nullifies the Tough as Nails multiplicative bonus in: additiveSources*(1+multiplicativeBonus%) = statsheetThorns. They both want to be the multiplicative bonus at the same time but Barbed Carapace wins out. If you only pick one of them everything is fine.
- Wallop gives a 5%[x] damage increase to skills using bludgeoning weapons per point vs enemies that are Stunned or Vulnerable (does not gain both on staggered bosses).
- Is dynamic, meaning if you have a Mace in your hands and the target is Stunned or Vulnerable for a Mighty Throw pulse for example, that pulse damage will be increased by Wallop.
- Works on Skills, Dust Devils and Earthquakes.
- Does not work with Berserk Ripping Bleeds.
- Warpath is a 4%[x] global damage increase per point for a short duration after damaging an enemy with an Overpower attack.
- [BUG] While the buff does work and affects your character, the icon showing you that the buff is active doesn't show up.
- The base functionality amplifies rare nodes within range.
- The additional bonus of dealing 8%[x] increased damage while wielding 1H weapons works while you are holding said weapon in your hands, i.e. swapping to 1H weapons will immediately apply the 8%[x] damage increase to any damage effects that are currently active, including Bleeds, Earthquakes, Dust Devils and Thorns.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of increased CSC chance against Bleeding enemies from Bloodfeeder does not work with Gushing Wounds as it does not update your statsheet CSC value.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of 25%[x] increased damage for Brawling skills works as expected.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected.
- The increased stats from the glyphs base functionality counts towards unlocking the additional bonus, so if your glyph has a 100% increase to normal node stats you only need to find 20 strength in range to unlock the 40 strength additional bonus.
- [BUG] The additional bonus and legendary bonus of [x]Damage vs Elites bugs out for various damage sources where it snapshots the Damage vs Elites stat on room entry.
- The additional bonus of Cleaver does not work with Gushing Wounds as it does not update your statsheet CSD value while wielding an Axe.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of dealing 20%[x] increased Overpower damage while wielding a Mace seems to be working correctly. This bonus snapshots at cast and is not dynamic when swapping to maces.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of non-ultimate skill-CDR when killing Bleeding enemies appears to be working correctly.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of gaining a free Overpower every 15 seconds appears to be working correctly.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Overpower Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of dealing 15%[x] increased damage while wielding a Polearm works while you are holding said weapon in your hands, i.e. swapping to a Polearm will immediately apply the 15%[x] damage increase to any damage effects that are currently active, including Bleeds, Earthquakes, Dust Devils and Thorns.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus that makes enemies you attack Vulnerable for 3 seconds every 20 seconds works.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Vulnerable Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of increased Potion healing by 30%[x] works on both the initial and over time heal when using a healing potion.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Damage vs Healthy stat in the statsheet).
- Every 5 Strength purchased in range of this glyph grants an amount of +Berserking Damage, which scales the Blood Rage Legendary Paragon Node.
- The additional bonus of taking 10% less damage from Elite enemies while Berserking works as expected.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Damage vs Close stat in the statsheet). Scales the Earthquake multiplier from Force of Nature.
- The additional bonus of reducing non-Shout skill cooldowns by 2 seconds when casting a Shout skill works as expected.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The base functionality amplifies rare nodes within range.
- The additional bonus of dealing 8%[x] increased damage while wielding 2H weapons works while you are holding said weapon in your hands, i.e. swapping to a 2H weapon will immediately apply the 8%[x] damage increase to any damage effects that are currently active, including Bleeds, Earthquakes and Dust Devils.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Damage vs Healthy stat in the statsheet).
- Additional bonus to be properly tested.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of enemies taking 1%[x] more damage from you per stack when taking thorns damage up to a cap of 15%[x] works as expected.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The base functionality adds Earthquake damage to your additive damage bucket based on how much strength is found in the glyph range.
- [BUG] The additional bonus of dealing 10%[x] increased damage against bosses and crowd controlled enemies for each active Earthquake up to 50%[x], is applied in steps of 10% multiplicatively and thus goes above the 50% cap for a total damage increase of: (1+10%)^5 - 1 = 61.1%[x].
- The legendary bonus works as expected and is a separate multiplier on Earthquake damage.
- Additional bonus to be properly tested.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- Every 5 Dexterity purchased in range of this glyph grants an amount of +Close Damage, which scales the Force of Nature Legendary Paragon Node.
- The additional bonus of gaining 10% damage reduction against Close enemies works as expected.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Vulnerable Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The base functionality adds Dust Devil damage to your additive damage bucket based on how much strength is found in the glyph range.
- The additional bonus of gaining a 13%[x] damage increase for 4 seconds after creating a Dust Devilworks as expected.
- The legendary bonus of increased Dust Devil damage behaves as expected
- The additional bonus of gaining up to 10% damage reduction the more Fortify you have doesn't work as expected. The damage reduction is not applied based on the amount of Fortify you have before you take a hit, but by the amount of Fortify you have after you take a hit. If you for example have 100% HP and Fortify before taking a hit, if you have 50% Fortify after taking that hit you gain 50% of the Undaunted bonus, e.g. 10%*50% = 5% damage reduction for that hit.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies All Damage stat in the statsheet).
- The additional bonus of reducing a random Weapon Mastery skills cooldown by 2 seconds when you hit an enemy with a Weapon Mastery skill works as expected. You do not get more skill CDR by hitting multiple enemies with the same skill cast.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected.
- The additional bonus of skills granting 3 Fury when they cause a Critical Strike works as expected. Does not grant multiple instances of Fury if a skill crits on multiple enemies, if a skill cast crits you gain one instance of 3 Fury.
- The Legendary bonus works as expected (multiplies Critical Strike Damage stat in the statsheet).
Legendary Paragon Nodes
- Blood Rage is a global multiplier [x] for all your damage which scales off of your Damage while Berserking stat, up to a cap of 45%[x] damage increase with 450%[+] Berserking damage.
- Bone Breaker gives you a free Overpower on your next skill cast every 12 seconds.
- The stacking damage bonus to Ultimate skills after an Overpower scales multiplicatively with each 10%, meaning with 8 stacks Bone Breaker is a
1.1^8-1 = 114.4%
damage increase instead of 80% if the stacks were additive with each other. - Skills carry Overpower tickets throughout all their non-DoT damage, meaning for example Mighty Throw initial hit and all pulses will Overpower if you had an Overpower ticket when you cast that Mighty Throw.
- Carnage Attack Speed stacks are applied whenever you deal a critical strike while you're Berserking, up to a total bonus of 16%[+] increased Attack Speed. This works even if you for example toss a Mighty Throw out and only gain Berserking after the initial hit when the subsequent damage pulses are critting.
- The Attack Speed is additive and part of cap 2.
- Decimator has 2 parts:
- When you make an enemy Vulnerable you gain a 20%[x] global multiplier for a short duration.
- When you Overpower a Vulnerable enemy you gain another separate 10%[x] global multiplier, so a total of 1.2*1.2=1.44[x] with both buffs.
- Procced by the Shaken Soul Witch Power
- [BUG] Damaging enemies with Steel Grasp gives the first 20%[x] buff for making an enemy Vulnerable even without taking Enhanced Steel Grasp.
- [BUG] The first part does not proc from:
- Expose Vulnerability
- Accursed Touch
- Lucky Hit: Make enemies Vulnerable affix
- [BUG] Gaining the 2nd buff refreshes the 1st buff.
- Flawless Technique grants stacking Critical Strike Chance up to 8%[+] when you damage enemies with a while Dual Wielding.
- You do not have to be Dual Wielding in order to keep the buff, but you do need to be attacking with Dual Wield weapons in order to stack up/refresh the buff.
- If a skill generates Dust Devils or Earthquakes and they are the first hits from that skill to damage an enemy, that Dust Devil or Earthquake will generate the 1 stack of Flawless Technique for that skill cast.
- Force of Nature is a multiplier [x] for Earthquake damage which scales off of 40% of your Close Damage, up to a cap of 200%[x] damage increase.
- [BUG] It appears that the tooltip of Force of Nature scales with the statsheet value of Close Damage (which is affected by Pit Fighter and Ire multipliers), however only the Ire glyph works an actual damage increase to the Force of Nature multiplier, ranks in Pit Fighter will increase the tooltip value but won't actually increase the actual damage output. In summary, Ire double-dips its Close Damage multiplier for Earthquakes by being a global multiplier and also increasing the Force of Nature multiplier.
- Hemorrhage is a global multiplier [x] for all your Bleed damage which scales off of your Vulnerable Damage, capped at a 45%[x] damage increase.
- It scales using your statsheet Vulnerable stat, so as a baseline Hemorrhage provides at least a 3%[x] damage increase because your statsheet always takes the 20%[x] global Vulnerable multiplier into account (15%*20% = 3%). In order to cap Hemorrhage you need either 233.33% raw Vulnerable damage or 300% statsheet Vulnerable damage.
- Warbringer provides 15% Fortify whenever you spend 75 Fury.
- Has a spillover counter and works on multiple 75 Fury uses at once, meaning if you first spend 120 Fury with 1 skill cast you gain 15% Fortify and have 120-75=55 Fury on the counter for your next Warbringer proc. On the next 120 Fury skill cast the counter will read 120+55=175 total Fury , which is enough for 2 Warbringer procs and thus 30% Fortify at once, and the counter goes down to 175-2*75=25 Fury for the next proc.
- Every time you swap weapons, i.e. you cast a skill that uses a different weapon than the one you're currently holding, Weapons Master generates 8% of your maximum Fury.
- This works even when using the different attacks of Iron Maelstrom.
- [BUG] Weapons Master applies its 30% as both an additive and a multiplicative value for damage vs Healthy and Injured enemies, meaning if you no other additive damage vs Healthy stats for instance, your statsheet value will be:
(1+additive%)*multipliers-1 = statsheetValue
->(1+30%)*1.3-1 = 69%
(same for damage vs Injured).
Weapon Expertise
The Weapon Expertise system grant various effects when you're using different weapons for your skill casts. Using is in bold because it's key to kind of understand what the Weapon Expertise system works or doesn't work with.
What it works with
Let's start with how the Weapon Expertise system works. The basic idea is that when you cast a skill that can have weapons assigned to it, also called an Arsenal Selection (Dual Wield, Bludgeoning or Slicing), that skill gains a bonus depending on the Arsenal Selection that you've made, i.e you're using a weapon when casting a skill.
However if you're casting a skill that can not have a weapon selection assigned to it, you will not gain any additional effects for that skill cast because you're not using a weapon for its cast. This difference can be seen with the Ground Stomp and Leap tooltips below, where Leap requires that an Arsenal Selection is assigned to it while Ground Stomp does not have such a requirement.
This means that if you cast Ground Stomp while dual wielding 1-hand Maces, that Ground Stomp cast will not gain 20% increased damage against Stunned enemies, while the Leap cast will gain that bonus.

What it doesn't work with
Let's take a closer look at what the Weapon Expertise system does not work with. As mentioned above, any skill that does not have an Arsenal Selection will not gain any Weapon Expertise effects when it's cast, however there are a few more cases to be aware of:
- Casting a skill that does not have an Arsenal Selection or casting Mighty Throw
- Spawning an Earthquake or a Dust Devil by any means (including ones spawned via Call of the Ancients or Force of Nature)
- Dealing direct damage with item procs (such as Ugly Bastard Helm or Frostburn)
- Gaining or refreshing the Berserking buff
Let's talk through them. Mighty Throw has several bugs associated with it being a new skill for Vessel of Hatred, and one of those bugs happens to be that it's not behaving properly with the Weapon Expertise system.
Earthquakes and Dust Devils are weird because sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't considered a skill, and in this context spawning an Earthquake or a Dust Devil is considered casting a skill that can not have a weapon assigned to its cast, hence whenever one is spawned the game thought that you just used a skill without using a weapon for it, which means the entire Weapon Expertise system simply turns off.
From testing we see that Weapon Expertise effects (in this case increased damage while Healthy) disappear from the statsheet whenever a Lucky Hit direct damage proc from items occur. This means that the Weapon Expertise system sees these procs as casting a separate skill that deals damage without having a weapon assigned to it, and thus turns off when a damage proc happens. Do note that procs from X'Fal's Corroded Signet does not show this behaviour, which is where the direct damage condition comes from.
The Berserking buff turning off Weapon Expertise effects is slightly baffling, however several tests have shown the effects turning off whenever the Berserking buff is gained/refreshed, meaning the Weapon Expertise system must see the Berserking buff as a separate skill cast that does not have an Arsenal Selection.
Dynamic behaviour of Weapon Expertise effects
Currently the Weapon Expertise effects behave differently depending on what weapon arsenal you're using for different damage types. The table below lists whether these Weapon Expertise effects:
- One-Handed Mace Expertise increased damage against Stunned enemies
- Two-Handed Axe Expertise increased damage against Vulnerable enemies
- Polearm Expertise increased damage while Healthy
- Two-Handed Sword Expertise direct damage causing Bleed damage
- Two-Handed Mace Expertise increased Critical Strike Damage while Berserking
- Dynamic - Weapon Expertise effects are active on the skill cast, and swapping to this weapon will immediately apply its effects to already active damage
- Snapshot - Weapon Expertise effects are only active on the skill cast, i.e. they are snapshotted
- Doesn't work - Weapon Expertise effect does not work with this damage type

For example in the table we see that the One-Handed Mace Expertise increased damage against Stunned enemies has the following properties:
- Direct damage from a skill only gets increased damage against Stunned enemies if you have either assigned dual-wielding weapons that include a 1-Handed Mace or have the 1-Hand Mace expertise in the technique slot at the time of the skill cast, swapping to a 1-Handed Mace after casting a skill does not apply the increased damage against Stunned enemies effect for that skill.
- Bleed damage scales dynamically with One-Handed Mace Expertise, meaning casting for instance Flay with a 2-Handed Axe, stunning the enemy and then swapping to 1-Handed Maces will apply the increased damage against Stunned enemies effect on a Bleeding target as long as it is Stunned.
- Earthquake, Dust Devil and Thorns damage do not gain increased damage against Stunned enemies via One-Handed Mace Expertise at all.
The Polearm Expertise being Dynamic with Direct hits simply means that even if Mighty Throw does not gain any Weapon Expertise effects on its cast, you can swap to a Polearm immediately after casting Mighty Throw and still gain the 15%[x] increased damage while Healthy effect for the pulses and even the initial hit if you have enough Attack Speed.
We can also imagine the following example to show the Dynamic effect of Polearm Expertise in action:
- You have a Polearm equipped and assigned to Lunging Strike and Leap while having an aspect of Bul'Kathos equipped.
- Use Lunging Strike, you should see 15% damage while healthy stat active in your statsheet while actually having 0% from gear and paragon, i.e. the Polearm effect is active.
- Use Leap and spawn an Earthquake, the Polearm bonus should immediately disappear from the statsheet.
- Now use Leap and Lunging Strike in quick succession and the Polearm bonus should be back in the statsheet and is now affecting the remaining Earthquake damage as it's ticking out.
- Now Include the Force of Nature legendary paragon node from the paragon board.
- If you now use: Leap -> Lunging Strike , you will have the Polearm bonus show for a split second until a Dust Devil spawns from the Earthquake.
- You can continue to attack with Lunging Strike while the Earthquake is up to get the Polearm bonus back, but it's gone as soon as a Dust Devil spawns from the Earthquake.
Stacking Technique selection and Arsenal Selections
One last thing to mention on the general Weapon Expertise topic. When you are wielding a weapon and also have that weapons bonus selected in the Technique slot, the first part of the Weapon Expertise effect (in this case 20%[x] increased damage against Stunned enemies with One-Handed Mace Expertise) is added together with the bonus you get from simply using a weapon during and after a skill cast.
So if you are wielding two 1-Handed Maces and also have that effect in the Technique slot you will deal 40%[x] increased damage against Stunned enemies when that effect is applicable. Same for goes e.g. Two-Handed Axe Expertise - two instances of 10%[x] increased damage against Vulnerable enemies becomes 20%[x], and 15%[x] increased Lucky Hit with Polearm Expertise become 30%[x] increased Lucky Hit (note that this is a separate multiplier from Lucky Hit on gear).
- The rank 10 bonus for One-Handed Axe Expertise of increased Attack Speed on Lucky Hit procs is not multiplicative [x] as the tooltip may suggest while below rank 10, it's a visual bug that correctly shows as additive [+] once it is fully leveled.
- The increased Attack Speed of the rank 10 bonus is part of cap 2.
- The base version of One-Handed Mace Expertise with increased damage against Stunned enemies is snapshotted for Bleed damage and does not work with Earthquakes, Dust Devils or Thorns.
- The rank 10 bonus seems to work as intended.
- The rank 10 bonus of One-Handed Sword Expertise seems to work as expected and the increased Attack Speed is part of cap 2.
- The rank 10 bonus for Polearm Expertise is a 15%[x] global damage multiplier while you are Healthy. This buff is only active while you're using a skill that has a Polearm set for its arsenal selection as well as after using that skill, i.e. while you're still holding the Polearm in your hands after using the skill which has a Polearm assigned to it.
- The rank 10 bonus snapshots for Bleeds but is dynamic for direct hits, Earthquakes, Dust Devils and Thorns.
- The base version of Two-Handed Axe Expertise is snapshotted for direct hits and Bleeds, while it is dynamic for Earthquakes, Dust Devils and Thorns.
- The rank 10 bonus of Two-Handed Axe Expertise does not work with Gushing Wounds as it does not update your statsheet CSC value.
- The rank 10 bonus of Two-Handed Mace Expertise does not work with Gushing Wounds as it does not update your statsheet CSD value, and it is snapshotted for direct hits while it does not work with Bleeds, Earthquakes, Dust Devils and Thorns.
Two-Handed Sword Expertise is part of the Weapon Expertise system that's available to Barbarians. It's made up of two parts:
- A technique part (boxed in green)
- A usage part (boxed in orange)
The technique part which is the same-ish effect as Berserk Ripping can be equipped at any time regardless of which weapon you're currently using, while the usage part which increases your Bleed damage after killing enemies only is active while you're using (holding in your hands) a 2-Handed Sword. The technique part is what's most commonly referred to when talking about Two-Handed Sword Expertise, and we'll be doing the same going forward.

Mechanically there's not much difference between Berserk Ripping and Two-Handed Sword Expertise, they both convert some percentage of the direct hits base damage to a Bleed on the target, however Two-Handed Sword Expertise is limited to the following compared to Berserk Ripping:
- Whenever you're using a skill where a weapon can be assigned, Two-Handed Sword Expertise does work on the direct base damage that the skill does, anything beyond that and Two-Handed Sword Expertise will not convert direct hits to a Bleed.
- On the other hand Berserk Ripping works on virtually all damage that you yourself do (exceptions being Rupture consuming a Bleed, Skullbreaker's aspect, as well as damage caused by Call of the Ancients).
Some notable examples to show this difference:
- Ground Stomp can't have a weapon assigned to it, so you don't get a Bleed via Two-Handed Sword Expertise, whereas Berserk Ripping will cause a Bleed if you're enraged when using Ground Stomp.
- Kick damage does not work with Two-Handed Sword Expertise, whereas it will cause a Berserk Ripping Bleed.
- Earthquakes and Dust Devils will not cause Bleeds via Two-Handed Sword Expertise, whereas each Earthquake tick or Dust Devil hit causes a Berserk Ripping Bleed.
- Paingorger's Gauntlets echo damage does not work with Two-Handed Sword Expertise, while Berserk Ripping does.
Interactions that work with Two-Handed Sword Expertise
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Skills and Passives
- Counteroffensive
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Gushing Wounds
- Legendary Nodes
- Hemorrhage
- Glyphs
- Twister 1.13x global multiplier
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Shattered Vow (DoT duration)
- Stats
- All damage affix/temper
- Physical damage affix
- Vulnerable damage affix/temper
- While Berserking affix
- While Healthy affix
- While Fortified affix
- With Bleeding damage affix
- Bash Cleave temper
Interactions that do not work with Two-Handed Sword Expertise
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Adaptability
- Edgemaster's
- Moonrise (basic damage)
- Skills and Passives
- Enhanced Death Blow
- Enhanced Lunging Strike
- Furious Upheaval
- Wallop
- Glyphs
- Twister Dust Devil damage
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus (unique effect)
- Rage of Harrogath (skill CDR on applying bleeds)
- Stats
- Basic damage affix
- Charge damage temper
- Core damage affix
- Death Blow damage temper
- Dust Devil damage temper/paragon nodes
- Kick damage temper
- Damage Vs Bleeding affix
Aspects and Uniques
- Requires you to be Berserking.
- The Berserking damage buff is snapshotted by Berserk Ripping Bleeds.
- Berserk Ripping does not benefit from attacks being either an Overpower or a Critical Strike, it uses the base damage of a skill to calculate the resulting bleed. Effects that specifically buffs Skill damage generally do not work with Berserk Ripping, while non-conditional multipliers generally do work.
- Unlike Bleeds from skills, Berserk Ripping Bleeds inherit the variance of the source of the bleed, meaning most direct skill damage uses both skill and weapon variance: [dmg*0.9*0.8,dmg*1.1*1.2], while Bleeds from direct damage procs like Ugly Bastard Helm will have no variance.
Interactions that do work with Berserk Ripping
- Aspects
- Retribution
- Inner Calm
- Elements
- Earthquakes (General damage increase)
- Skills and Passives
- Counteroffensive
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Gushing Wounds
- Dust Devil (each tick)
- Earthquake (each tick)
- Polearm Expertise (Damage while Healthy snapshots)
- Legendary Nodes
- Blood Rage
- Hemorrhage
- Glyphs
- Ambidextrous
- Executioner
- Might
- Twister 1.13x global multiplier
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Heir of Perdition (damage increase)
- Shattered Vow (DoT duration)
- Ugly Bastard Helm (damage increase)
- Stats
- All damage affix/temper
- Physical damage affix
- Vulnerable damage affix/temper
- Damage while Healthy affix
- Damage while Fortified affix
- With Bleeding damage affix
- Bash Cleave temper
- Direct Damage item procs
Interactions that partially work with Berserk Ripping
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Skills and Passives
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Berserk Ripping Bleed always gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier unless. This means Berserk Ripping Bleeds with GW has the 2 outcomes of:
- No crit but has CSD in the additive bucket:
<-- shouldn't happen - Crit, has CSD in the additive bucket and the GW multiplier:
- No crit but has CSD in the additive bucket:
- [BUG] Gushing Wounds currently has a bug where a non-crit Berserk Ripping Bleed always gains the statsheet Critical Strike Damage (CSD) in the additive bucket, but not the GW 1.7x multiplier unless. This means Berserk Ripping Bleeds with GW has the 2 outcomes of:
Interactions that do not work with Berserk Ripping
The following interactions have been verified through damage recording or footage to ensure they are not functional. Anything not listed here has not explicitly been verified during the creation of this list.
- Aspects
- Adaptability
- Bul-Kathos (EQ damage increase)
- Earthquakes (EQ damage increase)
- Edgemaster's
- Executioner's (EQ damage increase)
- Incendiary Fissures (EQ damage increase)
- Moonrise (basic damage)
- Skills and Passives
- Enhanced Death Blow
- Enhanced Lunging Strike
- Furious Upheaval
- Wallop
- Glyphs
- Twister (additive Dust Devil damage and Dust Devil multiplier)
- Rumble (additive Earthquake damage and Earthquake multiplier)
- Uniques and Mythic Uniques
- Ramaladni's Magnum Opus (unique effect)
- Rage of Harrogath (ability CDR)
- Stats
- Basic damage affix
- Charge damage temper
- Core damage affix
- Damage while Berserking affix
- Death Blow damage temper
- Dust Devil damage temper/paragon nodes
- Kick damage temper
- Damage vs Bleeding damage affix
- Weapon Mastery damage temper/affix
- Earthquake Damage paragon nodes
The new Barbarian unique for Season 7 introduces a new mechanic, in the form of being able to detonate active Earthquakes for their total damage in one big hit by hitting them with a line that shoots out from your character when you use Hammer of the Ancients. Lets look at some of the affixes.
Chance for Earthquake to Deal Double Damage. When an Earthquake is created the affix rolls a die, and if successful that Earthquake will deal double damage for all of its damage ticks and a subsequent explosion if detonated via the Unique effect.
HotA shoots out a line that explodes any Earthquakes it passes through. The explosion damage is based off of the total damage an earthquake would deal over it's duration. So if we were to write out the damage an Earthquake would deal per tick it would look like:
EQtickDmg = [wpnDmg] * [Skill%] * [1+mainstat/1000] * [1+add%] * [multipliers] * 2 * 1/8
where the 2
is from Earthquakes having a bug that makes them deal double damage compared to their tooltip values, and the 1/8
represents the damage of 1 tick (4s duration with a tick every 0.5s). The total tick damage of an Earthquake and a detonation is simply written as:
EQtotalTickDmg = [wpnDmg] * [Skill%] * [1+mainstat/1000] * [1+add%] * [multipliers] * 2 * [1+(EQduration%-mod(EQduration%,12.5%)]
EQdetonationDmg = [wpnDmg] * [Skill%] * [1+mainstat/1000] * [1+add%] * [multipliers] * 2 * [1+EQduration%]
which is roughly the same amount when we account for the number of EQ ticks only going up by 1 every step of 12.5% duration, by comparison the explosion damage scales continously with more duration. Each Earthquake tick has a separate roll to cause a Critical Strike on each individual enemy hit, where as an Earthquake detonation just rolls a Critical Strike on each individual enemy hit as it's 1 instance of damage instead of several ticks.
Some findings about the detonations:
- EQ duration affects the explosion damage.
- The unique effect on the chest has no effect on the explosion damage.
- The size of the explosion scales with increased Earthquake Size and goes further than the area covered by an Earthquake (exception being the Tec Rune where the explosion only happens within the area of an Earthquake).
- The number of exploded Earthquakes has no effect on their damage, each Earthquake tracks its own explosion damage.
- The damage of a detonation is not affected by how long an Earthquake has already been active, popping it after 0.5 or 3.5s yields the same detonation damage.
- The damage increase from Violent Hammer of the Ancients is a dynamic multiplier which means it affects detonation damage even if it wasn't active when an Earthquake was spawned.
- Spawning an Earthquake while wielding Ramaladni's Magnum Opus increases the damage of an Earthquake for all its damage ticks by an amount corresponding to how much Fury we had when that Earthquake was spawned, and this damage multiplier also carries over to when that Earthquake is detonated (i.e. it's snapshotted at Earthquake spawn).
- The weapon that you are wielding when spawning an Earthquake is also snapshotted, meaning if you're holding an ilvl 800 2H Mace compared to wielding ilvl 800 1H Swords, the Earthquake that was spawned while holding a 2H Mace will deal more damage when detonated compared to if it was spawned while wielding 1H Swords.
- The Ring of Starless Skies buff is dynamic for Earthquake ticks and is also dynamic for the detonation.
- A list of aspects and passives that are applied to Earthquake explosions include but is not limited to:
- Bul-Kathos
- Earthquakes
- Incendiary Fissures
- Executioner's
- Force of Nature
- Heavy Handed
- Heavy Hitter
- Pit Fighter
- Slaying Strike
- Wallop
- Warpath
- Weapons Master (adds +30% additive damage and a x30% multiplier vs Healthy and Injured enemies)
In general, if a multiplier snapshots to an Earthquake for its regular tick damage when that Earthquake is created, it will also be active for the detonation. See the Earthquake header for more information on Earthquake interactions.
The unique effect of Ugly Bastard Helm converts all your damage to Fire damage while you're Berserking and provides a Fire damage multiplier on top. The only exception to this is Bleed damage which stays as Physical damage but still gets the Fire multiplier on top. All other additive damage sources function as normal. In other words:
Additive damage matrix | Non-Bleed damage | Bleed damage |
Berserking without Ugly Bastard Helm | +Physical damage works +Fire damage doesn't work | +Physical damage works +Fire damage doesn't work |
Berserking with Ugly Bastard Helm | +Physical damage doesn't work +Fire damage works | +Physical damage works +Fire damage doesn't work |
- [BUG] The Fire Damage proc does not gain the Fire damage multiplier unless you are Berserking.
- The Fire Damage proc works with Berserk Ripping, and the resulting Bleed has no variance in its damage.
- The Fire Damage proc works with Ramaladni's Magnum Opus when Dual Wielding.
- The implicit stat of +44% Damage over Time (DoT) duration is multiplicative with other Bleed duration increases such as Flay duration temper and Ring of the Ravenous increased Rend duration.
- The Lucky Hit Chance to gain Berserking provides a "fake" Berserking buff that doesn't give any increased damage (where the regular Berserking buff provides a 25% damage increase). This fake Berserking buff doesn't work with every Berserking interaction in the Barbarian kit, a list so far:
- What it does work with:
- Enables Damage while Berserking stat
- Enables Attack Speed while Berserking stat
- Enables Prolific Fury
- Can proc Furious Double Swing to get the real Berserking buff if you hit something while the fake Berserking buff is active
- Battle Frenzy (have to stack up the Attack Speed stacks when the fake Berserking buff procs)
- What it doesn't work with:
- Unconstrained (since it gives 0% increased damage)
- Aggressive Resistance
- Can not proc the Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty unique effect
- What it does work with:
Written by Icytroll
Reviewed by Snail, Avarilyn