What happens when you cross a DruidWerebear with a Sorceress? You get a Werebear Sorceress! To many new and returning players whom have never encountered this build before, this might sound like a bad joke. However, this build is completely serious. The Bear Sorceress is made possible by Beast, which allows a non-Druid Character to transform into a Werebear. Equipped with a Dream Helmet, Dream Shield, and Infinity, this Sorceress is an unstoppable force of nature. While the Paladin benefits from the double Dream combination due to having the Synergies for Holy Shock, the Sorceress benefits from it due to the incredible Lightning Damage boost provided by Lightning Mastery. The Bear Sorceress boasts one of the highest single target DPS in the game, with up to 100K+ Damage per Attack. With Fire Damage from Enchant on top of the Lightning Damage from Lightning Mastery-empowered Holy Shock, and with a smidgeon of Physical Damage from the weapon itself, monster Immunities are rarely an issue for this Sorceress.
Virtually everything, including Uber Bosses, is absolutely massacred by her huge mangy paws. Also, the Werebear transformation grants bonus Life and Defense, making this Sorceress quite tanky. All of this on top of solid mobility from Teleport make the Bear Sorceress an incredibly powerful, interesting and fun build to play. A major drawback of this Frankenstein-like creation is that it is extremely expensive: multiple aforementioned high-end Runewords are required for this build to work. However, If you can manage to acquire the necessary gear, the game is going to get spanked - literally.
You Are A Bear ✔ Can Farm Everything ✔ 2 Primary Damage Types ✔ Crazy Single Target Damage ✔
❌ Dangerous Playstyle ❌ Extremely Expensive ❌ Squishy Out Of Bear Form ❌ Somewhat Clunky Playstyle
Sunder Charm Setup
Patch 2.5 introduced a new way of breaking Immunities: Sunder Charms. Any enemy that would be Immune to your damage type(s) is instead reduced to 95% Resistance, before any other Resistance reductions apply. These Charms also reduce YOUR Resistance against the sundered damage types! Check out our post on Sunder Charms to learn more about these new Charms. The following setup potentially benefits from Crack of the Heavens and Flame Rift, enabling you to deal more damage to many enemies.
Sunder Charm Setup
Sunder Charm Setup
Gear Changes
Use Crack of the Heavens when facing Lightning Immune monsters to increase your damage against them. To optimize this Sunder Charm you need as much -% Enemy Lightning Resistance as possible. Equipping Crescent Moon and Infinity on the Mercenary accomplishes this.
Use Flame Rift when facing Fire Immune monsters to increase your damage against them. To optimize this Sunder Charm you need as much -% Enemy Fire Resistance as possible. Equipping Infinity on the Mercenary accomplishes this.
Overall, Crack of the Heavens is more impactful than Flame Rift on a Bear Sorceress.
Terror Zones
The new Terror Zone mechanic opens up a wide range of farmable areas. The following list highlights the best and worst Terror Zones for this build. Since this build deals both Lightning and Fire Damage simultaneously, it farms most Terror Zones efficiently on the Standard setup. Learn more about Terror Zones here and see how they stack up in our Terror Zone Tier List.
✔ Jail - High Density, Many Elite Groups, Quick Access, Breakable Immunities ✔ Worldstone Keep + Throne of Destruction - High Density, Many Elite Groups, Quick Access, Breakable Immunities ✔ The Tower Cellar - High Density, Many Elite Groups, Breakable Immunities ✔ Kurast Bazaar + Ruined Temple + Disused Fane - Quick Access, Many Elite Groups, No Immunities ✔ Pit - High Density, Easy Mobility, Many Elite Groups, Breakable Immunities
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills: 1. Static Field 2. Telekinesis (Max Last) 3. Teleport 4. Energy Shield 5. Frozen Armor
Max out the following Skills in this order: 1. Lightning Mastery 2. Enchant 3. Warmth 4. Fire Mastery 5. Telekinesis
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Attack* is your Primary Damage Skill. It is the only Skill that can be used while the Sorceress is in Werebear form (besides Werebear itself to un-transform). Using this Skill in Werebear form makes you swing your paw once. Holding down Attack makes you repeatedly swing your paw. Attack applies on-hit Lightning Damage from your Dream-granted Holy Shock.
Static Field* is great to use against bosses and other high Life monsters. Each cast uses Lightning Damage to lower nearby monster Life by 25% of their remaining Life. This Skill can reduce monsters' Life to 1 in Normal, 33% of total Life in Nightmare, and 50% in Hell. Note: This Skill cannot be used while the Sorceress is in Werebear form!
Lightning Mastery* passively boosts your Lightning Skill Damage. This applies to the Level 30 Holy Shock granted by 2x Dreams, providing massive damage for the Werebear Sorceress.
Fire Mastery* passively boosts Fire Skill Damage (Enchant).
Enchant* temporarily grants on-hit Fire Damage and Attack Rating to a target Character (including your own), Mercenary, or minion based on its Level. Use it on yourself to apply these buffs to your melee attacks. Note: This Skill cannot be cast while the Sorceress is in Werebear form!
Teleport* is an essential Sorceress Skill used for mobility. It repositions your Character and Mercenary to your cursor's position. Repeatedly cast it to cover long distances. Note: This Skill cannot be used while the Sorceress is in Werebear form!
Telekinesis* allows you to use a Waypoint, enter a Portal, or pick up utility items (Potions, Scrolls, or Gold) from a distance. Maxing this Skill on this build boosts the effectiveness of Energy Shield. Note: This Skill cannot be used while the Sorceress is in Werebear form!
Energy Shield* is a temporary buff that redirects damage to your Mana pool instead of your Life (except Poison). While active, a percentage (based on this Skill's Level) of all received Damage results in a loss of Mana. Resistances do not apply to damage taken on Energy Shield. If you have 0 Mana in your Mana pool and receive additional damage, this buff expires and needs to be recast. Note: This Skill cannot be cast while the Sorceress is in Werebear form!
Frozen Armor* increases your Defense rating and briefly Freezes enemies that strike your Sorceress. It doesn't work against ranged attacks. Note: This Skill cannot be cast while the Sorceress is in Werebear form!
Warmth* provides you with passive Mana Regeneration based on its Skill Level.
* Faster Cast Rate Skills (FCR) * Skills that do NOT utilize either FCR or IAS
Note: This section provides you with the standard Stat Point allocation. Build Variants may require different allocations!
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to equip all of your gear. Take into account how much Strength your gear provides when equipped.
Allocate enough Stat Points into Dexterity to reach max Chance to Block (75%). More Dexterity is needed at higher Character Levels. In addition to Dexterity and Character Level, Shield Bases also affect Chance to Block.
Allocate any remaining Stat Points into Vitality after meeting Strength, Dexterity and Energy requirements.
Allocate anywhere between 50-100 Stat Points into Energy to improve the effectiveness of Energy Shield.
Gear Options
While every Stat in the Desirable Stats column is useful for this build, we highlighted the Priority Stats in Teal so you can easily identify the Most Important Stats on them.
Hover over any Item to see a pop-out with the full Item description.
Gear Notes: Any Items with specialized or niche uses have a superscript that refers here. 1) Call to Arms is optional on this build. If you want/need to increase the tankiness of your Bear Sorceress, keep this item in your inventory or Horadric Cube, and equip it on Weapon-Swap to cast Battle Command and Battle Orders prior to equipping Beast and transforming into a Werebear. 2) These items are used for optional Enchant pre-buff on this build (especially useful versus Uber Bosses). Items that grant +x to Skills/Fire Skills and/or +x% to Fire Skill Damage can be equipped prior to casting Enchant to greatly boost its granted on-hit Fire Damage. Make sure that you have enough Strength to wear any or all of this gear if you choose to pre-buff Enchant. Re-equip the standard Bear Sorceress gear after buffing. 3) Treachery is used for pre-buffing Fade for All Resistances, Curse Length Reduction, and Damage Reduction prior to taking down Uber Bosses. 4) As of Patch 2.6, you can use Metamorphosis to pre-buff "Mark of the Bear" for extra Attack Speed and Damage Reduction before swapping back to Dream.
Item Options
Desirable Stats
Crescent Moon Phase Blade Gemmed Phase Blade (6x Shael Runes) Gemmed Phase Blade (Scintillating Jewels of Fervor + Shael Runes) Gemmed Phase Blade (Scintillating Jewels of Fervor + Ber Runes) Griswold's Redemption (2x Shael Runes + 2x Scintillating Jewels of Fervor) Griswold's Redemption (4x Shael Runes) Volcanic Glowing Orb (2x 5%/-x Fire Rainbow Facets)2 Eschuta's Temper (5%/-x Fire Rainbow Facet)2
7% Chance to cast level 13 Static Field on striking +x to Fire Skills [Sorceress Only] +x% Increased Attack Speed x% Chance of Crushing Blow -x% to Enemy Lightning Resistance +x% to Fire Skill Damage +x to Enchant [Sorceress Only] All Resistances +x Socketed [x]
Dream Troll Nest Dream Tower Shield
10% Chance to cast Level 15 Confuse when struck Level 15 Holy Shock Aura When Equipped +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana All Resistances +x x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Beast Call to Arms1
+x to All Skills +x to Werebear +x to Lycanthropy +x to Battle Command +x to Battle Orders +x to Attribute
Spirit Monarch Lidless Wall2
+x to All Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x to Attribute +x Mana X Resist +x%
Dream Metamorphosis4 Volcanic Circlet of Atlas (2x 5%/-x Fire Rainbow Facets)2 Volcanic Circlet (2x 5%/-x Fire Rainbow Facets)2
Mark of the Bear 10% Chance to cast Level 15 Confuse when struck Level 15 Holy Shock Aura When Equipped +x to Fire Skills [Sorceress Only] +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% to Fire Skill Damage +x to Attribute Increased Maximum Life x% +x Mana All Resistances +x x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
5% Chance to cast Level 15 Fade When Struck +x to All Skills +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% Faster Block Rate x% Increased Chance of Blocking +x% Enhanced Damage +x% Damage to Demons +x% Damage to Undead +x% Life stolen per hit +x% to Fire Skill Damage x% Chance of Crushing Blow x% Chance of Open Wounds +x to Enchant [Sorceress Only] +x to Attribute +x Life Increased Maximum Life x% +x% to Maximum Poison Resist +x% to Maximum Cold Resist +x% to Maximum Lightning Resist +x% to Maximum Fire Resist All Resistances +x Damage Reduced by x% Cannot Be Frozen +x to Life after each Kill x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
5% Chance to cast level 10 Life Tap on striking +x to Fire Skills +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Life stolen per hit x% Chance of Open Wounds +x to Attribute Increased Maximum Mana x% Regenerate Mana x% X Resist +x% +x to Life after each Kill Poison Length Reduced by x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Arachnid Mesh String of Ears Verdungo's Hearty Cord Nosferatu's Coil Caster Crafted Belt Goldwrap Battle Belt Thundergod's Vigor Death's Guard Demonhide Sash (2-Piece Death's Set)
+x to All Skills +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% Life stolen per hit Slows Target by x% +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana Increased Maximum Mana x% +x% to Maximum Lightning Resist X Resist +x% +x Lightning Absorb Damage Reduced by x% Cannot Be Frozen x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
War Traveler Goblin Toe Gore Rider Rare Boots Caster Crafted Boots
+x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Faster Hit Recovery Adds x Damage x% Chance of Crushing Blow x% Deadly Strike x% Chance of Open Wounds +x to Attribute +x Mana Increased Maximum Mana x% Regenerate Mana x% X Resist x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Highlord's Wrath Mara's Kaleidoscope Powered Amulet of the Whale Caster Crafted Amulet Caster Crafted Amulet Volcanic Amulet of Atlas2 Volcanic Amulet2
+x to All Skills +x to Lightning Skills [Sorceress Only] +x to Fire Skills [Sorceress Only] +x to Sorceress Skills +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x Life +x Mana Regenerate Mana x% X Resist x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Raven Frost Rare Ring Rare Ring The Stone of Jordan Nagelring Ring Wisp Projector Ring Dwarf Star Ring Nature's Peace Ring
+x to All Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate +x to Attack Rating Slain Monsters Rest in Peace +x Life +x Mana Increased Maximum Mana x% X Resist x% Cold Absorb x% Lightning Absorb x% Fire Absorb x% Damage Reduced by x Magic Damage Reduced by x Cannot Be Frozen x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Sparking Grand Charm of Vita Sparking Grand Charm of Balance Sparking Grand Charm of Inertia Sparking Grand Charm Burning Grand Charm3 Serpent's Grand Charm of Vita Serpent's Grand Charm of Balance Shimmering Grand Charm of Balance Shimmering Grand Charm Steel Grand Charm of Vita Serpent's Large Charm of Vita Shimmering Small Charm of Good Luck Amber Small Charm of Good Luck Shimmering Small Charm of Balance Shimmering Small Charm of Vita Amber Small Charm of Vita Serpent's Small Charm of Vita Serpent's Small Charm of Balance Small Charm of Good Luck Small Charm of Vita Shimmering Small Charm Resistance Small Charm
+x to Lightning Skills [Sorceress Only] +x to Fire Skills [Sorceress Only] +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x to Attack Rating + Life + Mana X Resist +x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Unique Charms
Crack of the Heavens Flame Rift Gheed's Fortune Sorceress Hellfire Torch Annihilus
Monster Lightning Immunity is Sundered Monster Fire Immunity is Sundered +x to All Skills +x to All Skills +x to Sorceress Skills +x to All Attributes All Resistances +x +x% to Experience Gained x% Extra Gold from Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Reduces all Vendor Prices x% +x to Light Radius
Farming Spots
The areas below are efficient farming locations that make use of the build’s strengths. Other farming spots might not be as effective due to Immunities or bad layouts.
This build is capable of farming Uber Tristram and the Mini Ubers before (See the "Ubers" Build Variant):
Diablo's Horn
Baal's Eye
Mephisto's Brain
Mephisto, Diablo, Baal
Hellfire Torch
Your Mercenary serves an incredibly important role to the overall success of your build. They can be a front line tank, provide a pivotal Aura, and/or deal Physical Damage to kill enemies with Immunity to your Skill set.
Act 2 Desert Mercenary
The Act 2 Desert Mercenary can be hired from Greiz. He can be equipped with a Spear or a Polearm, a Body Armor and a Helmet. Every Act 2 Mercenary has access to an Aura and uses Jab as his base Attack. The Aura activates once the Mercenary has engaged in combat and remains active between traveling to and from town. The Auras available are based on what difficulty you hire the Mercenary from.
Holy Freeze Infinity
Holy Freeze Infinity
Infinity, Holy Freeze
Use a Desert Mercenary with Holy Freeze Aura for its powerful Crowd Control. A Mercenary with Might Aura isn’t used since this build doesn't rely on the Mercenary's damage or benefit much from the Physical Damage increase it provides. Equip him with Infinity to reduce enemy Resistances and Defense with its Conviction Aura, drastically boosting damage. This Aura is also capable of breaking some Immunities, including both Lightning and Fire.
Mercenary Gear Options
Your Mercenary needs maximum Resistances, Life Leech, a high damage Weapon, and high Defense and/or Damage Reduction to stay alive reliably. Cannot Be Frozen is also a great stat for maintaining Mercenary DPS and leech. Ethereal gear is preferred since it doesn't lose durability. Gear Options at each Gear Level perform equally well in different situations; choose based on Farming Spots and/or personal preference.
Gear Level
Insight Hustle
Insight Hustle
Body Armor
Smoke Lionheart Hustle Skin of the Flayed One Goldskin Rockfleece Gemmed Dusk Shroud
Treachery Duress Shaftstop The Gladiator's Bane Duriel's Shell Guardian Angel
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest Guillaume's Face Vampire Gaze Crown of Thieves Stealskull Kira's Guardian Rockstopper Cure
Andariel's Visage Andariel's Visage Guillaume's Face Guillaume's Face Flickering Flame
The Mercenary is hard to keep alive until you have the minimum gear recommended in this guide. Remember you can drag Healing Potions onto the portrait, or shift + 1/2/3/4 to directly feed them a Healing Potion from your Belt. The Mercenary also gains bonus Resistances from Thawing Potions and Antidote Potions.
If your Mercenary dies in battle, you can revive them from any of the Mercenary NPCs in each Act. This does come with an increasing cost, capping at 50,000 Gold. Keep that in mind and decide if the Mercenary is currently worth the cost.
Note:Attack and Werebear (un-transform) are the ONLY Skills that can be used while the Sorceress is transformed into a Werebear. As a Werebear, the Sorceress can benefit from passive and active buffs, including those cast while in Sorceress form such as Energy Shield and Enchant; however, Sorceress Skills cannot be cast as a Werebear.
Cast Telekinesis on Waypoints to activate them, on Town Portals to get in or out of town, and on Red Portals to go through them. This allows you to travel through the game faster. Telekinesis can also be used to open chests and pop other clickables for loot.
Before starting your Magic Find/Experience run, and while on your Weapon-Swap with Beast and Spirit, cast Frozen Armor and Energy Shield. Then cast Enchant on both your Sorceress and your Mercenary (and on any melee or ranged Party members/Mercenaries if applicable). Refresh these buffs as soon as they expire.
While still on your Faster Cast Rate-granting Weapon-Swap, Teleport to travel to your Farming Spot or between Elite Packs.
Upon encountering an Elite Monster, cast Werebear to transform into a Werebear, then swap to your main weapon loadout (with Gemmed Phase Blade and Dream) and use Attack to mow it down along with any minions.
Upon clearing all Elites and their minions in the immediate area, swap back to your Weapon-Swap with Beast and Spirit and cast Werebear to un-transform. Now you are again able to Teleport towards fresh Elite Packs.
As a Werebear, recast Werebear at any time (on Weapon-Swap) to un-transform and be able to use/cast any Sorceress Skills, including buffs.
Put a random Skill on left-click that is not Attack on your Weapon-Swap to more easily tell whether you are on your Weapon-Swap or main weapon loadout while transitioning in and out of Werebear form. Also, make sure Enchant is not on your right-click while attacking in Werebear form, or you sometimes target allies such as your Mercenary instead of attacking.
For High Monster Density:
When encountering high mob density with high Life (e.g. Baal Waves, High Player Count + any high density), and while on your Weapon-Swap, cast Static Field 1-3 times at close range. Then proceed to finish the mobs off with Attack while a Werebear on your main weapon loadout.
For Bosses:
While on your Weapon-Swap, cast Static Field 2-5 times in range of Act Bosses (such as Baal), Uber Bosses, or Diablo Clone in order to weaken them down to or near the 50% Life cap (in Hell). Then proceed to finish the Boss off with Attack while a Werebear on your main weapon loadout.
Crack of the Heavens sets all Immune to Lightning monsters to 95% Lightning Resistance, allowing any sources of -x% to Enemy Lightning Resistance to take effect (including Conviction Aura from Infinity at 1/5th effectiveness).
Flame Rift sets all Immune to Fire monsters to 95% Fire Resistance, allowing any sources of -x% to Enemy Fire Resistance to take effect (including Conviction Aura from Infinity at 1/5th effectiveness).
It is often best to skip Unique monsters that are Immune to both Lightning and Fire, or that are extremely hard to kill (combination of both high Lightning and FireResistance) even with Infinity equipped on the Mercenary.
Optional Pre-Buff
Before casting any other buffs, swap out Beast with Call to Arms and cast Battle Command 2 times and Battle Orders once. Swap Call to Arms back out for Beast once you have finished casting the rest of your buffs. Keep Call to Arms close at hand in either your inventory or Horadric Cube so that you can recast its buffs as soon as they expire (approx. every 3 minutes). While not necessary/required for all gameplay, it is highly advised to use Call to Arms and maintain its buffs when playing Hardcore.
Equip items granting +x to Skills/Fire Skills and/or x% to Fire Skill Damage (see "Gear Options" above) before casting Enchant. Re-equip the standard Bear Sorceress gear after. Pre-buffing Enchant greatly increases your on-hit Fire Damage and the duration of the Enchant buff. Even though this is not necessary/required, it makes a big difference when up against Lightning Immune/Lightning Resistant monsters or when using Flame Rift. Pre-buffing Enchant is also especially impactful when preparing to kill Uber Bosses, particularly Uber Mephisto.
You can use Metamorphosis to pre-buff "Mark of the Bear" for extra Attack Speed and Damage Reduction before swapping back to Dream. This buff needs to be refreshed every 3 minutes.
Ubers - The Bear Sorceress is among the best builds for defeating the Uber Bosses and acquiring a Hellfire Torch. Boasting arguably the highest potential single target DPS in the game, this build spanks the Ubers with the proper setup and pre-buff (see the "Ubers" Build Variant).
Breakpoints in Diablo 2 are the minimum values required to reduce the frames of an action. Below are the important breakpoints considered for this build. For more information on the mechanics involved, check out our in-depth Resource: Breakpoints.
Faster Cast Rate (FCR)
Faster Cast Rate speeds up your casting animation for spells. Aim for the 63% FCR Breakpoint on Weapon-Swap for casting Teleport on the Standard Build. Note: FCR only controls the animation speed of the Character, and not any internal Cooldowns spells have.
Increased Attack Speed (IAS)
Increased Attack Speed speeds up your attack animations. Weapon Bases have different IAS Breakpoints. Reach the 174% IAS Breakpoint on the Standard Build. Consult the d2planner for other bases.
Phase Blade
Werebear IAS
Griswold's Redemption
Werebear IAS
Faster Hit Recovery (FHR)
Faster Hit Recovery increases survivability. Aim for at least the 60% FHR Breakpoint on Weapon-Swap. Since a Werebear's attacks are uninterruptible, this stat is more important while using Teleport as a Sorceress.
Human FHR
Faster Block Rate (FBR)
Reach the 27% Faster Block Rate Breakpoint using Guardian Angel. Since a Werebear's attacks are uninterruptible, this stat is more important while using Teleport as a Sorceress.
The Bear Sorceress can become Hardcore viable with key changes to your Gear. Review the changes below before building this character in Hardcore, as some of these changes differ significantly from the Standard Build.
Gear Changes
Damage Reduction: String of Ears or Verdungo's Hearty Cord are the best options for having % Damage Reduction on a Hardcore Bear Sorceress.
Maximum Life/Mana: Because this build struggles to reach high % Damage Reduction, it is highly recommended (even more so than on most Hardcore builds) to use as many Life-granting Charms as possible. Life + Mana Charms are especially desirable for taking advantage of the buffs provided by both Werebear and Energy Shield. Also, make sure to pre-buff Battle Command and Battle Orders with Call to Arms for massive boosts to both Life and Mana if possible.
Stacking Resistances: Stack your Fire/Lightning/Cold Resistances beyond the Guardian Angel-granted maximum values of 90 each (190 total in Hell). Stacking 85 additional Resistances in Hell completely negates the Conviction Aura of any Elite Boss or the Oblivion Knight's Lower ResistCurse. Beware of encountering both at the same time! Consider the primary damage type(s) of the monsters in the area you want to farm. Boots, Jewels, Jewelry, and Charms are ideal sources of Resistances on this build.
Lightning Absorb: Equip Thundergod's Vigor when farming or Teleporting through an area where Burning Souls are able to spawn such as Worldstone Keep/Throne of Destruction. With 90% Lightning Resistance made possible by Guardian Angel, however, Thundergod's Vigor is optional. See the "Hardcore" Build Variant below for additional suggestions and visuals.
Build Variants
This is the Standard Best in Slot (BiS) Bear Sorceress featured in the beginning of the guide. It is the balanced "jack-of-all-trades" version, capable of performing the most tasks well. This variant is the point of comparison for all other variants. It carefully balances Damage, Magic Find, Defensive Stats, and Teleport mobility. Crack of the Heavens and Flame Rift increase your damage against their respective Immunities. You can also use Metamorphosis to pre-buff "Mark of the Bear" for extra Attack Speed and Damage Reduction. This setup reaches the 174% Increased Attack Speed Breakpoint with a Phase Blade, and the 63% Faster Cast Rate Breakpoint on Weapon-Swap for casting Teleport
The Standard Bear Sorceress uses an Act 2 Holy FreezeMercenary for Crowd Control. Equip him with Infinity for -85% to Enemy Lightning Resistance, -85% to Enemy Fire Resistance, and reduced monster Defense from its Conviction Aura. Fortitude and Andariel's Visage socketed with a Ruby Jewel of Fervor maximize this Mercenary's damage and survivability.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills: 1. Static Field 2. Telekinesis (Max Last) 3. Teleport 4. Energy Shield 5. Frozen Armor
Max out the following Skills in this order: 1. Lightning Mastery 2. Enchant 3. Warmth 4. Fire Mastery 5. Telekinesis
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Allocate 50 Stat Points into Energy to shore up the effectiveness of Energy Shield. Then allocate enough Strength to wear your gear and enough into Dexterity to achieve maximum Chance to Block (75%). Put all remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The Damage variant sacrifices Attack Speed and survivability for the -x% to Enemy Lightning Resistance granted by Crescent Moon. It hits slower, but much harder than the Standard Build. This setup one-shots more targets in High Player Count games (/Players7-8 in Single Player), and deals much more damage against Lightning Immune mobs with the help of Crack of the Heavens. Twitchthroe enables this build to hit the 95% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) Breakpoint with a Phase Blade, while also maintaining Chance to Block. You can also use Metamorphosis to pre-buff "Mark of the Bear" for extra Attack Speed, making it possible for you to equip Guardian Angel while still reaching 95% IAS. This setup reaches the 63% Faster Cast Rate Breakpoint on Weapon-Swap for casting Teleport
All of the Bear Sorceress variants use an Act 2 Holy FreezeMercenary with Infinity, Fortitude, and Andariel's Visage socketed with a Ruby Jewel of Fervor.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills: 1. Static Field 2. Telekinesis (Max Last) 3. Teleport 4. Energy Shield 5. Frozen Armor
Max out the following Skills in this order: 1. Lightning Mastery 2. Enchant 3. Warmth 4. Fire Mastery 5. Telekinesis
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Allocate 50 Stat Points into Energy to shore up the effectiveness of Energy Shield. Then allocate enough Strength to wear your gear and enough into Dexterity to achieve maximum Chance to Block (75%). Put all remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The Ubers variant specializes in defeating the Uber Bosses, including mini-Ubers such as Lilith. -x% to Enemy Lightning Resistance, Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, Damage Reduction, Resistances, and Life are priority stats on this setup. Crescent Moon grants a large amount of -x% to Enemy Lightning Resistance, while Verdungo's Hearty Cord provides % Damage Reduction. Goblin Toe provides additional Crushing Blow, which is especially helpful against Uber Mephisto. Thundergod's Vigor and stacked Lightning Resistance allows this build to tank Uber Mephisto. Pre-buff Fade with Treachery and Battle Command/Battle Orders with Call to Arms for massive boosts to survivability. Pre-buffing Enchant (see "Gear Options" above) makes toppling the Ubers even easier. You can also use Metamorphosis to pre-buff "Mark of the Bear" for extra Attack Speed and Damage Reduction. This setup reaches the 95% Increased Attack Speed Breakpoint with a Phase Blade.
Crack of the Heavens breaks Uber Mephisto's Lightning Immunity, allowing you to deal more damage to him. Flame Rift breaks Uber Baal's and Pandemonium Diablo's Fire Immunity, allowing you to deal more damage to them. Use Resistance Charms to counteract their negative effects. Using a Lower Resist Charge Wand before transforming into a Werebear enables you to maximize your damage output against all of the Uber Bosses, particularly Uber Mephisto. If you can afford it, you can also use a Gemmed Phase Blade with 2x Ber Runes and a Dracul's Grasp for a solid Crushing Blow approach versus Uber Mephisto or Uber Baal.
All of the Bear Sorceress variants use an Act 2 Holy FreezeMercenary with Infinity, Fortitude, and Andariel's Visage socketed with a Ruby Jewel of Fervor.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills: 1. Static Field 2. Telekinesis (Max Last) 3. Teleport 4. Energy Shield 5. Frozen Armor
Max out the following Skills in this order: 1. Lightning Mastery 2. Enchant 3. Warmth 4. Fire Mastery 5. Telekinesis
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to wear all of your gear and enough into Dexterity to achieve maximum Chance to Block (75%). Put all remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
For the Hardcore mode variant, aim for having decent Damage Reduction and maximum Chance to Block (75%) to guard against taking extreme amounts of Physical Damage. Overcap your Resistances beyond the 90% cap provided by Guardian Angel to counteract hostile Conviction or Lower Resist. If using Sunder Charms, prioritize the appropriate defensive stats to counteract their negative effects. Pre-buffing Battle Command and Battle Orders with Call to Arms is highly advised for Hardcore. You can also use Metamorphosis to pre-buff "Mark of the Bear" for extra Attack Speed and Damage Reduction. This setup reaches the 142% Increased Attack Speed (IAS) Breakpoint with a Phase Blade, and the 37% Faster Cast Rate Breakpoint on Weapon-Swap for casting Teleport. Consult the "Hardcore" section for more detailed information.
All of the Bear Sorceress variants use an Act 2 Holy FreezeMercenary with Infinity, Fortitude, and Andariel's Visage socketed with a Ruby Jewel of Fervor.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills: 1. Static Field 2. Telekinesis (Max Last) 3. Teleport 4. Energy Shield 5. Frozen Armor
Max out the following Skills in this order: 1. Lightning Mastery 2. Enchant 3. Warmth 4. Fire Mastery 5. Telekinesis
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Use the Scroll Bar to see Skill Point Progression
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to wear all of your gear and enough into Dexterity to achieve maximum Chance to Block (75%). Put all remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
Video Guide
Video Guide by DarkHumility
The Bear Sorceress requires a Beast and both a Dream Helmet and Dream Shield at a "Bear" minimum. An Infinity on the Mercenary is needed to give this build its insane power.
Achieve maximum Chance to Block (75%) with the help of Guardian Angel to take advantage of the fact that your Attacks cannot be interrupted as a Werebear.
Remember to cast Enchant, Frozen Armor, and Energy Shield on your + to Skills-granting Weapon-Swap prior to Teleporting and transforming into a Werebear.
Teleport on Weapon-Swap using your Spirit for improved Faster Cast Rate.
The Bear Sorceress can farm virtually anything. With both good Magic Find and absurdly high Lightning-Fire hybrid Damage, this build dominates practically every Farming Spot, including Terror Zones. Even farming Uber Bosses for Hellfire Torches is highly effective on this build.
We hope you enjoy this build! Spank the game at lightning speed with this one-shot wonder! Just remember...she isn't a cuddly teddy bear. She's ferocious!