Crowd Control
Last Updated:March 3, 2024|Changelog
Crowd Control in Diablo 2 can be the most powerful tool Players have to survive the trials of Sanctuary. Stun-locks, Freezing, Slows, and Knockbacks are just a few of the options you have to control the board, and give yourself the time you need to clear swaths of Demons. This article covers every type of Crowd Control and how they affect the different monsters in Diablo 2.
Skills and effects that Stun a monster cause them to become incapacitated. They are not able to attack, make AI decisions or use abilities until the Stun Length clears. The visual representation shows stars circling the head of the target, seen to the right. Stuns have a maximum length of 10 seconds, which is often not represented in Skill descriptions in game. There are many Character Skills that apply Stun Length, but there are many monsters which cannot be affected by Stuns.
- Stun Length can be applied at the same time as Curses, innersight and slowmissiles.
- Normal and Minion type monsters are always affected by the full Stun Length.
Static Units | ||
Barricade Barricaded Door Barricaded Tower Blood Hawk Nest Catapult Coldworm the Burrower | Evil Demon Hut Festering Appendage Fire Tower Gargoyle Trap Lightning Spire Prison Door | Mummy Sarcophagus Sand Maggot Egg Tentacle Beast Trapped Soul Window |
- Characters do not become incapacitated, but they are always put into Hit Recovery while the Stun Length is applied, even if no damage is dealt from the attack.
- Any new source of Stun Length replaces the current Stun Length timer on a target.
- Attack 1 applies 10 seconds of Stun Length.
- 5 seconds later, Attack 2 applies 2 seconds of Stun Length.
- The target is Stunned for 7 seconds in total, since the first Stun Length is replaced.
Skill | Stun Length (Seconds) | Ceiling (Seconds) | |
Smite | min(0.4 + (0.2 * sLVL), 10) | 10 | |
Stun sLVL 1 - 16 | 1+ (0.2 * sLVL) | 10 | |
Stun sLVL >= 17 | min(2.92 + (0.08 * sLVL), 10) | 10 | |
Maul | min(0.4 + ([90 * [(110 * lvl1) / (lvl1 + 6)] / 100] / 25), 4) | 4 | |
Twister | 0.4 + (0.4 * 0.2 * sLVL) | 0.4 | |
shockwave | min(1 + (0.2 * sLVL), 10) | 10 | |
mindblast | min(1.8 + (0.2 * sLVL), 10) | 10 | |
warcry | min(0.8 + (0.2 * sLVL), 10) | 10 |
- lvl refers to maul Skill charge level, not Skill Level.
Knockback is available on items as the Stat Knockback, and Skills which have Knockback. Skills that Knockback move the target a set distance based on the Skill itself. The Knockback Stat on items says: On a successful weapon strike that deals damage, a target which can be knocked back is moved up to 3 sub-tiles away from the attack direction and put into Hit Recovery. 3 sub-tiles is ~2 yards.
- Does not apply if the target is Frozen or killed by the attack.
- Applied by any successful Melee or Ranged attacks and the chance of Knockback is determined by the target.
- Knockback from any source on gear applies to the attack. An off-hand weapon's Knockback only applies to attacks made with that weapon.
- Chance of Knockback depends on the target size, and if the monster has Knockback animations. Typically, Size 1 targets have a 100% chance, Size 2 have a 50% chance, Size 3 have a 25% chance, and most Bosses / inanimate objects have a 0% chance. So a Size 1 Fallen is always moved, but a Size 2 Viper Magi only has a 50%.
- Bosses include Act Bosses, Ubers, Ancients, Griswold, Izual, Nihlathak and Coldworm the Burrower.
- Does not apply to Golems, Druid Vines, or Druid Spirits.
Skill | Target(s) | Knockback Chance | |
bash | Single | 100% | |
dragontalon | Single | 100% | |
psychichammer | Normal / Minion | 100% | |
Champion / Unique / Super Unique | min(50 + [[(110 * slvl) / (slvl + 6)] * 50 / 100], 100) | ||
Boss / Character | min(25 + [[(110 * slvl) / (slvl + 6)] * 74 / 100], 99) | ||
smite | Single | 100% | |
moltenboulder | Within Boulder Roll | 50% | |
leap | Within Radius | 100% | |
telekinesis | Target Within Radius | 35% | |
charge | Single | 100% | |
dragontail Kick | Single | 100% | |
dragontail Explosion | Within Radius | 100% | |
leapattack | Single | 100% | |
mindblast | Within Radius | 100% | |
sanctuary | Undead Within Radius | 100% |
Skills which cause the affected monster to either target, or be targeted by other monsters take many shapes depending on the source of the effect. This can change the allegiance of a monster, or force a monster to attack a target it otherwise wouldn't.
Causes the targeted monster, or a single monster within the radius of the Curse to become hostile to other monsters.
- A cursed monster chooses to attack other monsters if they are closer than any Character.
- Typically, only applies to Normal and Minion type monsters. Other monster types choose to attack the cursed monster if they are closer than any Character. This includes Act Bosses.
- Characters gain Experience from any monsters killed by the cursed monster, and when the cursed monster is killed.
- Friendly Auras and buffs do not apply to the cursed monster from Characters or Aura Enchanted monsters. Hostile Auras and debuffs do apply from both sources.
Causes monsters within the radius of the Curse to become hostile to other monsters.
- A cursed monster chooses to attack other monsters if they are closer than any Character.
- Typically, only applies to Normal and Minion type monsters. Other monster types choose to attack the cursed monster if they are closer than any Character. This includes Act Bosses.
- Characters gain Experience from any monsters killed by the cursed monster, but not when the cursed monster dies.
- Friendly Auras and buffs do not apply to the cursed monster from Characters, but do apply from Aura Enchanted monsters. Hostile Auras and debuffs do apply from both sources.
Causes targeted monsters to Convert, becoming a pet of the Character, and hostile to other monsters.
- Acts as a pet for the Character that causes the conversion. They are not repositioned by teleport and do not follow the Character.
- Typically, only applies to Normal and Minion type monsters.
- Characters gain Experience from any monsters killed by the Converted monster, but not when the Converted monster dies.
- Friendly Auras and buffs do apply to the Converted monster from Characters. Hostile Auras and debuffs apply from monsters.
- Converted monsters that can spawn, heal, or resurrect other monsters do not take these actions, even if the target is also Converted.
Causes monsters within its radius to Convert, becoming a pet of the Character, and hostile to other monsters.
- Acts as a pet for the Character that causes the conversion. They are not repositioned by teleport and do not follow the Character.
- Typically, only applies to Normal and Minion type monsters.
- Characters gain Experience from any monsters killed by the Converted monster, but not when the Converted monster dies.
- Friendly Auras and buffs do apply to the Converted monster from Characters. Hostile Auras and debuffs apply from monsters.
- Converted monsters that can spawn, heal, or resurrect other monsters do not take these actions, even if the target is also Converted.
Causes targeted monsters to stop all actions and walk towards the caster. Once within melee range, they only use basic melee attacks until the end of the duration.
- Typically, only applies to Normal and Minion type monsters.
- The monster advances to melee range and use a basic melee attack.
- After approaching melee range, if the Character moves out of melee range, or the monster cannot continue to approach, their AI may revert to normal functionality.
- If the Skill is cast without a target, then the closest legal target within range is selected.
Blinds reduce a monster's awareness radius to their melee range, and force them to only use default melee attacks. There are three sources of Blind which apply dimvision: The Curse itself, Hit Blinds Target, and raven. Assassin's cloakofshadows also applies Blind within its radius.
- dimvision typically only applies Blind to Normal and Minion types monsters.
- Curses any legal targets within the Skill's radius.
- Causes the target's awareness radius to be reduced to its melee range.
- While Blinded the target only uses its default attack.
- Cursed monsters within its radius, finish the last action they were performing, so they may continue walking towards the Character or finish a ranged attack / Skill.
- Hit Blinds Target casts a level 1-20 dimvision on a single target, on a successful attack.
- This does not overwrite any higher level instance of dimvision already applied to the target
- HBT's effectiveness is 50% effective in Nightmare and 25% effective in Hell.
- ravens that successfully attack a legal target, have a chance to cast a level 1-20 dimvision on that target.
Slow effects decreases a target's Attack Rate and Movement Speed by a %. There are 4 sources of Slow effects that can all be applied to the same target, simultaneously.
- Total Slow % is capped at 90% for Monsters and 50% for Characters, Mercenaries, and Summons.
- Any Total Slow % from all sources in excess of 90% is redundant on monsters.
- Chill Effectiveness is a monster Stat that reduces the effectiveness of Slow applied by Cold Damage and holyfreeze Aura.
- Chill Effectiveness determines the maximum % Slow that can be applied to the target. -10 Chill Effectiveness means a source of 50% Slow only applies 10% to that target.
- 0 Chill Effectiveness monsters cannot have Slow applied by Cold Length or holyfreeze.
- Most monsters have -50 Chill Effectiveness in Normal, with the exceptions of Act Bosses, Madawc, and powerful monsters in Act 5.
- In Nightmare, monsters have -40 Chill Effectiveness with the exceptions of monsters listed above and more from earlier Acts.
- In Hell, monsters have -33 Chill Effectiveness with the exceptions of monsters listed above and even more from earlier acts.
- Check each individual monster's Chill Effectiveness in our Monster resource, as their values change with difficulty, and it doesn't always increase.
Most sources of Cold Damage apply Cold Length that lasts between 1 - 10 seconds depending on the source of the damage. Cold Length applies the Chilled status, a 50% Slow to the target for the length of its duration.
- Multiple sources of Cold Damage add their Cold Length together as a sum for the total Cold Length applied to the target.
- Example: Dagger of the Icicle - Of the Icicle Suffix has 3 second Cold Length, and the Jewel of the Glacier has 2 second Cold Length for a total of 5 seconds.
- Applying Cold Length to the same target replaces the existing length, if the new source is equal or greater in Cold Length.
- Cold Length applied by Characters, Mercenaries, and Summons, are 50% effective in Nightmare and 25% effective in Hell.
- A Chilled monster has a 20% chance to shatter on Death, causing their body to become un-targetable by Skills or abilities.
- Cold Resistance reduces Cold Length by a % equal to the Cold Resistance value the target has.
- The Stat Half Freeze Duration reduces the Cold Length by 50%.
- The Stat Cannot be Frozen stops Cold Length from being applied.
- thawingpotion removes Cold Length when consumed.
On a successful weapon strike that deals damage, Slows the target's attack rate and velocity by a %.
- % from multiple sources on the attacker are summed. Slows Target % from off-hand weapons only apply to attacks made with that weapon.
- Slow lasts for 30 seconds unless another Slow effect is applied before it expires. Reapplication of the same source only resets the duration.
- Can be applied by Mercenaries and Iron Golem.
- Applied by any attacks, melee or ranged. Exceptions include:
- bladesentinel, bladeshield, and the additional arrows from multipleshot.
- Can only apply a maximum of 90% Slows Target to normal and minions monsters making > 90% redundant.
- Can only apply a maximum of 50% Slows Target to Player Characters, Elites, and Act Bosses making > 50% redundant.
- With enough Slow % a target's animation and action flag may take so long that the Skill or attack never occurs. The target begins its next AI check and performs its next action. This can lead to animation "locks" for certain monsters, rendering them actionless until the Slow expires.
- Example: If Baal is slowed enough, he doesn't Teleport around as long as the Slow is applied.
Applies a unique Slow % to Attack Rate and Movement speed. This is different from Cold Length, or Slows Target.
- Attack Rate and Movement speed is reduced by a % depending on Skill Level, with a maximum cap of 60%.
- Slow Calculation: min(25 + [35 * [ (110 * slvl) / (slvl + 6)] / 100] , 60)
- The Cold Damage on hit, and radial Cold Damage do not apply Cold Length. The radial Slow effect does stack with other sources of Cold Length on attacks / Skills.
- Targets with Cold Immunity and Cannot be Frozen are still slowed by holyfreeze.
- Monsters with 0 Chill Effectiveness are not Slowed by holyfreeze.
- Since monsters have a minimum of -50 Chill Effectiveness starting in Normal, holyfreeze never applies >50% Slow.
Applies 50% Slow to all targets for the Curse's duration.
- Not reduced by Chill Effectiveness.
- Because of its full Slow effect, this is incredibly powerful on Act Bosses, and more dangerous monsters.
- Stacks with all other Slow effects, up to the 90% Slow cap.
Applies up to 73% Slow to any target struck by the attack.
- Not reduced by Chill Effectiveness.
- Because of its full Slow effect, this is incredibly powerful on Act Bosses, and more dangerous monsters.
- Stacks with all other Slow effects, up to the 90% Slow cap.
The Stat Freezes Target as well as Skills (i.e. freezingarrow) apply a Freeze Length to Normal and Minion monsters. All other monsters become Chilled, applying Cold Length instead.
- Frozen monsters cannot take any actions until the end of the Freeze Length. During this time, the monster is considered Chilled.
- If they die during this time, there's a 20% chance their body shatters. Their body cannot be targeted by Skills or abilities.
- Monsters that are Immune to Cold or have 0 Chill Effectiveness cannot be Frozen, or have Freeze Length applied.
- Cold Resistance reduces the duration of Freeze Length by a % equal to their Cold Resistance value.
- Freeze Length and Cold Length can be applied simultaneously. This Freezes the target for its duration, and then applies the Cold Length's Chilled duration.
- Freeze Length applied by Characters, Mercenaries, and Summons, are 50% effective in Nightmare and 25% effective in Hell.
Skills that apply Freeze Length:
Skill | Target(s) |
bladesofice (3rd Charge) | Within Explosion Radius |
freezingarrow | Within Explosion Radius |
frozenarmor | Melee Attacker |
icearrow | On Collision |
iceblast | On Collision |
glacialspike | Within Explosion Radius |
phoenixstrike (3rd Charge) | On Collision |
There are 2 Skills which physically impede monster's ability to move. boneprison and bonewall.
- Both Necromancer Skills create a length of Wall which obstructs the monster's movement and ability to attack, to varying degrees.
- The Walls can be destroyed, they do not stop monsters that fly, and they can't intercept missile abilities that don't have physical projectiles. (i.e. lightning). There are a few monster attacks that defy logic and travel over walls. (i.e. Spear Cats)
- Although summoned, they don't count as Summons, so Act Bosses / Ubers do not deal 400% damage as they normally would.
- Because of this, enclosing Act Bosses in boneprison can very quickly "immobilize" Andariel, Duriel, and Diablo.
- Monsters without Ranged Skills or abilities attack any Wall segments that stop them from moving towards other targets.
- If one segment of a Wall is destroyed, the entire Wall length is destroyed with it.
- If a monster could easily walk around a length of Wall to continue towards a Character target, they don't stop to attack the Wall.
The Amazon Skill slowmissiles decreases a monster's projectile speed to 33% of their base.
- Many missiles have a travel duration length which, when reduced, also reduces the total distance they travel by 33%.
- This does not reduce the speed at which missiles can be fired, so the Player's screen can become completely filled with slow moving projectiles. These projectiles can still hit targets, and deal their normal damage.
- Can be applied at the same time as any other Slow effect in the game.
- Slowing missile travel speed can completely nullify high danger monster threats, like Archers and Oblivion Knights.
- Every Character has some Skill that offer Crowd Control, and should be used to keep yourself and your Party safe.
- Stuns are incredibly powerful on most monsters other than Bosses. Keep monsters stunned for super safe farming.
- Knockbacks can move monsters where you want them. Try to move dangerous monsters into the range of your damaging Skills / Party members.
- There is a Slow that can be applied to most monsters in the game. Strong enough Slows can animation-lock monsters, so they basically do nothing.
- Freeze effects are very strong on Normal and Minion monsters. Even if the monster can't be Frozen normally, Cold Length applies and Slow them.
- Physical structures made by bonewall and boneprison can stop the majority of monsters in their tracks, even some Act Bosses.
- slowmissiles often gets overlooked, but slowing down Archers and Oblivion Knights can save your life when used right.
Written by MacroBioBoi
Reviewed by Teo1904
- September 29, 2022
Fixed formatting issues
- February 4, 2022
Updated to Patch 2.4 - Added Impale to Slows Target - Updated Twister Skill Synergy Bonus