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Stony Tomb Farming Guide

Last Updated:May 24, 2023|Changelog

The Stony Tomb Level is a newly changed Area Level 85 farming spot in Diablo 2 Resurrected. These Areas contain predominately Undead Elite Groups, a Super Unique: Creeping Feature and a Golden Chest. It can drop every Unique and Set Item as well as valuable High Runes in Patch 2.4 making it a great Area for completing the Holy Grail.

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Maximizing your Magic Find as high as possible is easy since the Stony Tomb is simple to find and the monsters are relatively weak. Bump up the player count in Single Player as you progress to get better drops from the clickables and Golden Chest.

Why farm the Stony Tomb?

The Stony Tomb is an Area Level (alvl) 85 zone in Diablo 2 Resurrected. Elite Packs in this area can drop every Set and Unique item in the game, making them incredibly valuable to farm. The two Levels are compact and always have the same approximate layout. Clear the three wings on each level to maximize your drop rate.

Killing high monster density frequently rewards you with High Runes (up to Zod Rune), Charms and valuable Runeword Bases, especially on high player counts (/players 7).

Caster BuildsArachnid Mesh
Harlequin Crest
Nightwing's Veil
Griffon's Eye
Death's Fathom
Tal Rasha's Guardianship
Eschuta's Temper
Attack BuildsAndariel's Visage
Dracul's Grasp
Verdungo's Hearty Cord
Crown of ages
War Traveler

How do I find the Stony Tomb?

The Stony Tomb is located in a random spot of the Rocky Waste, just outside Lut Gholein in Act 2. The entrance is marked by a large stone tomb entrance with three burning lights outside.

Stay about ~1/2 screen away from the rocky borders of the map and travel through the wide open areas where the tomb entrance can more easily fit. As you farm here more regularly, you get a sense for where the Stony Tomb might be based on how much of the map you've explored.

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Tips & Tricks

Rerolling Maps

In Singleplayer, you can reroll your maps by changing the Difficulty to Nightmare then back to Hell. The benefit is that with enough luck, you can have the Stony Tomb spawn right next to your Town exit! This drastically cuts down on farming run-time and get you back into the action as soon as possible! Between runs with a bad layout, reroll maps until you have a better location!

Creeping Feature

Creaping Feature is always Extra Strong and Cold Enchanted. He is naturally Immune to Cold and Poison, but both are broken easily by normal means (conviction and lowerresist). He spawns with his pack of minions in the middle room of Stony Tomb Level 2 often surrounded by additional density and Elite monsters. Make sure to always clear this room to maximize the number of Elite packs killed per farming session.

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Maximize Magic Find

Super high level Unique and Set Items are the main reason to farm any max level area. Optimizing the "Better Chance of Getting Magic Items" (MF) Stat increases your chance of finding them. Since monsters in this area have very low average Life, you can get away with reducing your damage significantly.


The Stony Tomb Level 2 is always to the "Left" of the entrance and has a small static layout with a number of Elite Groups. The strength of this Area is how compact it is and the near-identical layout of the three wings to explore. Creeping Feature, a Super Unique boss, is located at the Orange Circle as a set spawn. Always open the Golden Chest that is located at the Yellow Circle.

Stony Tomb Level 1

High Player Count

A high player count increases the amount of items dropping at 3/5/7 players which increases your likelihood of dropping good Base Items, Runes, Flawless Gems, Charms, and Jewels. Play at the highest count you feel comfortable on!

Build Recommendations

The Stony Tomb has very few Immunity types and easy to kill monsters. High mobility is key to make this farming area as efficient as possible.

  • Amazon - Multiple Shot
    • The Physical Bowazon faces no Immunities in this Area. She is able to minimize the spread on multipleshot and clear every hallway in 1-2 shots. On lower Player Settings, she can easily wear more Magic Find without losing any clear speed.
    • Since she does not normally wear Enigma, she can instead prioritize massive movement speed on her gear (e.g. The Cat's Eye) to get to the entrance more quickly.
  • Assassin - Wake of Fire
    • The Fire Trapsin can kill everything in the Stony Tomb, without Infinity. With ~2 wakeoffire traps and ~2 deathsentry traps, every room should explode quickly. For any Unique monsters that spawn with extra Fire Resistance, add in fireblast to help DPS them down.
    • Burst of Speed grants great mobility at all times, making Enigma not as important to find the entrance.
  • Barbarian - Berserk
    • When it comes to Elite hunting, no build on the Barbarian is as efficient as the Zerker. When properly equipped, this guy just jumps into a pack, uses howl, and one-shots the boss.
    • Find Item adds a chance for additional drops from the boss. This increases farming efficiency of any Barbarian build by around >30%.
  • Druid - Fissure
    • With massive Fire and Physical Damage, there are no natural Immune monsters in this Area. Elite monsters can be Immune to one of these damage types in the worst case.
    • This build easily slots in an Enigma and infinity for maximum efficiency, but neither is required to begin farming this location.
  • Necromancer - Summoner
    • Corpse Explosion is a very powerful ability to clear out density very quickly. As it is a native Skill of the Necromancer, all their builds are powerful in the Stony Tomb.
    • Due to the low Life of monsters, your Summons and Mercenary are especially efficient to create the first corpse for your chain reaction with Corpse Explosion.
    • Bone Armor helps to minimize half of the damage in this Area.
  • Paladin - Fist of the Heavens
    • The FoHdin is able to break all Immunities in the Stony Tomb, and instantly delete most of the monsters. Even before Enigma this character can shred this area. His high mobility from Charge, Vigor, and Staff of Teleportation make him only marginally slower than the Sorceress in getting there in the early game.
    • While the Death Beetles in the area are not as susceptible to fistoftheheavens, any Undead are hit by the Lightning AND Magic Damage on the skill, which quickly eclipses the time lost while Elite Sniping Beetles.
  • Sorceress - Hydra
    • Hydra Sorceress obliterates every room using its fireball at high Faster Cast Rate Breakpoints. For any tankier Elites, you employ hydra to quickly burn them down.
    • Infinity can increase your kill speed significantly, but is not required at all!


  • Quickly run around the inside of the Rocky Waste, just outside of Lut Gholein, to find the Stony Stomb.
  • The Stony Tomb is a max level area with low Life enemies that can drop every Unique and Set item in the game.
  • Focus your efforts on Elite Groups, they are the reason why you are here. Kill all of them on both floors!
  • When your Area of Effect clear becomes stronger, start experimenting with a higher player count to increase your chance for Runes, Bases and Charms.
  • Always open the Golden Chest in Stony Tomb 2 after killing Creeping Feature!


Written by MacroBioBoi
Reviewed by Teo1904

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