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PTR Patch 2.4 Notes – Overview

Last Updated:May 24, 2023

Patch 2.4

Upcoming Changes

Patch 2.4 is slated to drastically overhaul the balance of Diablo 2 and welcome us into the first Ladder Season. Blizzard just released the full Patch Notes, a whopping 30 pages of new features! We cover everything you need to know to prepare for the launch in the PTR!

PTR Patch Launch

Patch 2.4 will officially launch on the PTR (Public Test Realm) on Tuesday, January 25th 2022. The entire suite of new Runewords, Skill changes, and Horadric Cube recipes are available for us to begin testing and sending feedback. Blizzard states that the focus of the PTR launch is to empower lesser-used Skills and Items to enrich the overall game experience.

There will not be a Ladder season start on the PTR. All characters currently on the server will be wiped and replaced with a new set of Characters for players to test with.

Class Balance Changes

Every Character is seeing massive changes to their lesser-used skills and Synergy reallocation to better promote build diversity. We include every Skill changes, as well as highlighting what Meta Builds will be affected, and what off-meta changes you should be on the lookout for!

The biggest universal change is Skill's with Global Casting Delays (i.e. Cooldowns) are now on individual timers. Previously Skills like Blizzard would apply a Cooldown that would stop you from using frozenorb. This will no longer happen.

From the Developer Comments:
"We are re-evaluating Casting Delays by individualizing each of their cooldowns. This means that using a skill with a Casting Delay will no longer add the cooldown to all other skills that have Casting Delays. This will allow players to use more varieties of skills and promote more gameplay." - news.blizzard.com

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Mercenary Updates

The Mercenary changes for the Act 1, 3 and 5 aim to increase their viability to better compete with the Act 2 Merc's stranglehold on the meta. Stat scaling differences across Difficulties are now normalized. Each Difficulty will grant the same total Stats at every level.

Act 1 Rogue

Cold Arrow

  • Added FreezingArrow

Fire Arrow

  • Added explodingArrow

Act 2 Desert

Can now be purchased in all variations in the Nightmare and Hell difficulty to give easier access to all Auras.

Thorns (Combat - Nightmare)

  • Thorns aura level scaling increased and will now continue scaling up beyond the highest-level threshold up to max level.

Act 3 Iron Wolf

  • Life baseline and scaling increased by about 25% (Now has Life similar to the Rogue Archer)
  • Defense baseline and scaling increased by about 40% (Now has defense closer to the Rogue Archer)
  • Resistances baseline and scaling increased by about 20% (Now has the highest resistance baseline compared to other mercenaries)


  • Now casts GlacialSpike more often
  • GlacialSpike level scaling increased
  • frozenarmor level scaling increased


  • Removed inferno
  • Added firebolt
  • Increased chance of the Iron Wolf casting fireball
  • Added enchant - Now the Iron Wolf will cast Enchant on himself, the player, and nearby allies


  • Added staticfield
  • chargedbolt level scaling increased
  • Increased chance of the Iron Wolf casting lightning

Act 5 Barbarian

  • Life baseline scaling increased (Now has the most Life compared to other mercenaries)
  • Defense baseline and scaling increased and the scaling at higher levels was reduced (Now has the highest defense baseline compared to other mercenaries)
  • bash level scaling increased and will no longer be capped at level 80
  • stun level scaling increased and will no longer be capped at level 80
  • Added battlecry

New Runewords

Runewords are a massive part of Diablo 2's itemization. In Patch 2.4 we'll receive a single change to an already existing Runeword. 7 NEW Runewords are introduced to the game for players to explore!

  • Insight can be used with Bows and Crossbows

Pattern (Claws Only)

Required Level: 23
+30% Faster Block Rate

10% Bonus to Attack Rating
+40-80% Enhanced Damage
Adds 17-62 Fire Damage

Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
+75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
All Resistances +15
+6 to Strength
+6 to Dexterity
+2 to Mana after each Kill
Socketed (3)

Plague (Swords)

Required Level: 67
25% Chance to Cast Level 15 Poison Nova on striking

20% Chance to Cast Level 12 Lower Resist when struck
Level 13-17 Cleansing Aura when equipped
+1-2 to All Skills
+20% Increased Attack Speed
+220-320% Enhanced Damage
-23% to Enemy Poison Resistance
+0.3% Deadly Strike (Based on Character Level)
25% Chance of Open Wounds
Freezes Target +3
Socketed (3)

Unbending Will (Swords)

Required Level: 41
18% Chance to cast Level 18 Taunt on striking
+3 To Combat Skills (Barbarian Only)
+20-30% Increased Attack Speed (varies)
+300-350% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
+50 To Attack Rating
+75% Damage to Undead
+50 Attack Rating Against Undead
8-10% Life Stolen Per Hit (varies)
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
+10 To Vitality
Damage Reduced By 8
+1 Light Radius
Requirements -20%
Socketed (6)

Wisdom (Helms)

Required Level: 45
+33% Piercing Attack
+15-25% Bonus to Attack Rating
4-8% Mana Stolen Per Hit
+30% Enhanced Defense
+10 Energy
15% Slower Stamina Drain
Cannot Be Frozen
+5 Mana After Each Kill
15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana
Socketed (3)

Obsession (Staves)

Required Level: 69
24% Chance to cast level 10 Weaken when struck
+4 To All Skills
+65% Faster Cast Rate
+60% Faster Hit Recovery
+10 to Vitality
+10 to Energy
Increase Maximum Life
Regenerate Mana
All Resistances
75% Extra Gold from Monsters
30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items
Socketed (6)

Flickering Flame (Helms)

Required Level: 55
Level 4-8 ResistFire Aura When Equipped
+3 To Fire Skills
-10-15% to Enemy Fire Resistance
+30% Enhanced Defense
+30 Defense Vs. Missile
+50-75 to Mana
Half Freeze Duration
+5% To Maximum Fire Resist
Poison Length Reduced by 50%
Socketed (3)

Mist (Bows & Crossbows)

Required Level: 67
Level 8-12 Concentration Aura When Equipped
+3 To All Skills
20% Increased Attack Speed
+100% Piercing Attack
+325-375% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Maximum Damage
20% Bonus to Attack Rating
Adds 3-14 Cold Damage
Freeze Target +3
+24 Vitality
All Resistances +40
Socketed (5)

Set Item Changes

Some Set Items receive a change of their bonuses:

Arcanna's Tricks

Arcanna's Deathwand + Arcanna's Flesh + Arcanna's Head + Arcanna's Sign

  • Increased +25 Mana to +50 Mana (2 Items)
  • Added Regenerate Mana 12% (3 Items)
  • Added +1 to All Skills (Full Set)

Arctic Gear

Arctic Binding + Arctic Furs + Arctic Horn + Arctic Mitts

  • Changed 6-14 Cold Damage to +2-198 to Maximum Cold Damage (+2 Per Character Level) (Full Set)

Bul-Kathos' Children

Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge + Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian

  • Increased +20 Fire Damage to +200 Fire Damage (Full Set)
  • Increased +25 Defense to +200 Defense (Full Set)
  • Added 10% Life Stolen Per Hit (Full Set)
  • Added +20% Deadly Strike (Full Set)

Cathan's Traps

Cathan's Mesh + Cathan's Rule + Cathan's Seal + Cathan's Sigil + Cathan's Visage

  • Added Regenerate Mana 16% (2 Items)

Civerb's Vestments

Civerb's Cudgel + Civerb's Icon + Civerb's Ward

  • Increased Fire Resist +15% to Fire Resist +25% (2 Items)
  • Added 25% Bonus to Attack Rating (Full Set)
  • Added 4-396 Defense (+4 Per Character Level) (Full Set)

Cow King's Leathers

Cow King's Hide + Cow King's Hooves + Cow King's Horns

  • Added 5-495 Defense (+5 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
  • Added +100 to Life (Full Set)
  • Added +1 To All Skills (Full Set)

Infernal Tools

Infernal Cranium + Infernal Sign + Infernal Torch

  • Added Maximum Mana 20% (Full Set)
  • Added Cannot Be Frozen (Full Set)

Iratha's Finery

Iratha's Coil + Iratha's Collar + Iratha's Cord + Iratha's Cuff

  • Added +24% Piercing Attack (3 Items)

Milabrega's Regalia

Milabrega's Diadem + Milabrega's Orb + Milabrega's Robe + Milabrega's Rod

  • Added Cannot Be Frozen (3 Items)
  • Added +2-198 To Lightning Damage (+2 Per Character Level) (2 Items)

Naj's Ancient Vestige

Naj's Circlet + Naj's Light Plate + Naj's Puzzler

  • Added 1-148% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items (+1.5 Per Character Level) (2 Items)
  • Increased Replenish Life +10 to Replenish Life +20 (Full Set)
  • Added +2 To Fire Skills (Full Set)
  • Added Increased Maximum Life 12% (Full Set)

Sazabi's Grand Tribute

Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer + Sazabi's Ghost Liberator + Sazabi's Mental Sheath

  • Added Poison Length Reduced by 75% (2 Items)
  • Added +1 To All Skills (Full Set)
  • Added Damage Reduced by 16% (Full Set)

Vidala's Rig

Vidala's Ambush + Vidala's Barb + Vidala's Fetlock + Vidala's Snare

  • Added 7% Mana Stolen Per Hit (2 Items)
  • Changed Adds 15-20 Cold Damage to +1-148 to Maximum Cold Damage (+1.5 Per Character Level) (Full Set)

New Horadric Cube Recipes

Players can upgrade their Normal and Exceptional Set Items to the next item tier using the Horadric Cube. This will bring some item variety to end game builds.

1 Ral Rune + 1 Sol Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Normal Set WeaponExceptional Version of Set Weapon
1 Lum Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Set WeaponElite Version of Set Weapon
1 Tal Rune + 1 Shael Rune + 1 Perfect Diamond + Normal Set ArmorExceptional Version of Set Armor
1 Ko Rune + 1 Lem Rune + 1 Perfect Diamond + Exceptional Set ArmorElite Version of Set Armor

Area Changes

  • Players now must smash the Compelling Orb to enter the Durance of Hate, instead of killing the Council. This means the Khalim's Will quest needs to be completed to use the Durance of Hate Level 2 Waypoint.
  • Monster Levels in the following areas have been increased for Hell Difficulty:
AreaPrevious Hell LevelNew Hell Level
Act 1 – Underground Passage Level 28385
Act 2 – Stony Tomb Level 17885
Act 2 – Stony Tomb Level 27985
Act 3 – Arachnid Lair7985
Act 3 – Swampy Pit Level 18085
Act 3 – Swampy Pit Level 28185
Act 3 – Swampy Pit Level 38285
Act 3 – Disused Fane8485
Act 3 – Ruined Temple8485
Act 3 – Forgotten Reliquary8485
Act 3 – Sewer Levels 18485
Act 5 – Abaddon8185
Act 5 – Pit of Acheron8285
Act 5 – Infernal Pit8385
Act 5 – Drifter Cavern8485
Act 5 – Icy Cellar8385


Patch 2.4 Deep Dive Analysis

Maxroll D2R Team

We are excited and can't wait to dive into all of these upcoming changes in the PTR. Hopefully Patch 2.4 adds a lot of variety and increases the playability of currently unused Skills. There is potential for smaller and bigger changes to our existing build guides, and we are looking forward to creating more based on them. Let us all give Blizzard the feedback they need to improve our Diablo 2 experience even further!

The D2R Maxroll Team

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