Poison Javelin Amazon Guide
Last Updated:February 12, 2025|Changelog
The Poison Javelin Amazon primarily focuses on dealing Poison Damage as Damage Over Time (DOT). This is great for being able to attack and move on to other targets, adding a consistent flow of gameplay. This build specializes in farming The Secret Cow Level which is very dense, and cows are weak to Poison Damage. Ambitious players can even venture into the Chaos Sanctuary, but she really shines in wide open areas.
Poison Javelin Amazon uses Plague Javelin for mass Area Of Effect (AOE) Poison Damage, Charged Strike for any time you need Lightning Damage, and Jab for Physical Damage. Our Passive Skills Decoy and Valkyrie provide us with decent survivability allows us to keep a distance from our enemies. In addition to protection, the Mercenary also increases our Elemental and Poison Damage with his Lower Resistance proc from the Runeword Plague.
This build guide assumes you have a Character at Level 75 before transitioning to it. Check out our Amazon Leveling Guide and our General Leveling Strategies to reach Level 75.
Relatively Safe ✔
Beginner Friendly ✔
Excellent Cow Farmer ✔
Multiple Damage Types ✔
❌ Can Lack Mobility
❌ Repetitive Gameplay
❌ Limited Farming Areas
❌ Expensive Top End Gear
Sunder Charm Setup
Patch 2.5 introduces a new way of breaking Immunities: Sunder Charms. Any enemy that would be Immune to your damage type is instead reduced to 95% Resistance, before any other Resistance reductions apply. (e.g. Conviction, Lower Resist) The Charm also reduces YOUR Resistance against the sundered damage type! Check out our post on Sunder Charms to learn more about these new Charms. The following setup uses Rotting Fissure, allowing you to farm anywhere you want.
Gear Changes
To optimize this Sunder Charm you need as much -% Enemy Poison Resistance as possible. Swap to Death's Web and Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting (Plain Gemmed Monarch works fine.) while monsters walk through the Poison cloud to increase your damage! Otherwise, use the Standard swap.
Counteract the negative effect of Rotting Fissure with an Antidote Potion or Emerald Small Charms. Poison isn't a major threat unless you remain poisoned for a while.
Terror Zones
The new Terror Zone mechanic combined with Sunder Charms open up a wide range of farmable areas. The following list highlights the best and worst Terror Zones for this build on the Starter or Budget setup. With the Sunder Charm Setup, more Terror Zones become accessible. Learn more about Terror Zones here and see how they stack up in our Terror Zone Tier List.
✔ The Secret Cow Level - High Density, Easy Mobility, No Immunities
✔ Pit - Many Elite Groups, No Immunities
✔ Kurast Bazaar + Ruined Temple + Disused Fane - Easy Mobility, Quick Access
✔ Dry Hills - Easy Mobility, Quick Access
✔ Cold Plains - Easy Mobility, No Immunities, Quick Access
❌ Tal Rasha's Tombs - Trash Mobility, Tanky enemies
❌ Stony Tomb - Slow Access, Trash Mobility, Tanky enemies
❌ Claw Viper Temple - Slow Access, Trash Mobility
❌ Durance of Hate - Trash Mobility, Tanky enemies
❌ Catacombs - Trash Mobility
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Dodge
2. Avoid
3. Evade
4. impale
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Plague Javelin
2. Poison Javelin
3. Pierce (Total 100% with Gear)
4. penetrate
5. Lightningfury
6. Lightningbolt
Plague Javelin* is your primary Damage Skill. It has a short cooldown and leaves a trail of Poison Damage behind its travel path. When the Javelin stops traveling, it releases a larger cloud of Poison AoE damage. DOTs prevent a monster from healing until the effect expires.
lightningfury* is your secondary Damage Skill. Each Javelin splits into tons of additional Lightning projectiles that target all other monsters on screen, which then split even further to multiply your damage output.
Jab* is a back-up Skill that deals melee Physical Damage with 3 attacks in rapid succession. This can be used to apply Crushing Blow to tanky Boss monsters.
* Increased Attack Speed Skills (IAS)
enchant*: increases the target's Attack Rating by a large amount and adds a small amount of Fire Damage. This buff last for over 11 minutes when cast from demonlimb. This AR is pivotal to maximize your Chance to Hit and allow your Javelin to Pierce through and spread the Poison cloud further.
Impale* is a slow attack skill that uses a lot of durability, but Always Hits and is Uninterruptible. This Skill Slows monsters by a percent. It's also used to apply certain effects like Open Wounds or Crushing Blow for niche scenarios.
Slow Missiles* slows ranged attacks in a large radius and grants Physical Damage Reduction when cast.
Critical Strike* grants a chance to double Physical Damage on Attack Skills. Though this build does not rely on this damage type, it boosts your average Jab damage.
Penetrate* gives you additional Attack Rating as a passive bonus.
Pierce* is a very important Skill for this build. It allows your Projectiles (Arrows/Javelins) to pass through your enemies and hit the ones behind as well. You can Pierce up to 5 targets.
Dodge*, Avoid*, and Evade* passively grant you a chance to dodge enemy attacks in the situations mentioned in the Skill. A dodged attack is negated completely.
Decoy* spawns a duplicate of yourself on the area you target, drawing the enemy's attention to it.
Valkyrie* also can be used like a Decoy but she acts similar to a Mercenary as it follows you and attacks monsters.
* Faster Cast Rate Skills (FCR)
* Increased Attack Speed Skills (IAS)
* Skills that do NOT utilize either FCR or IAS
Note: This section provides you with the standard Stat Point allocation. Build Variants can require a different allocation!
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to equip all of your gear. Take into account how much Strength your gear provides when equipped.
Allocate enough Stat Points into Dexterity to reach max Chance to Block (75%). More Dexterity is needed at higher character levels. In addition to Dexterity and character level, shield bases also affect Chance to Block.
Allocate any remaining Stat Points into Vitality after meeting Strength, Dexterity and Energy requirements.
Don't allocate any Stat Points into Energy. This build gets enough Mana from gear, buffs, Charms, and Mana Potions.
While every Stat in the Desirable Stats column is useful for this build, we highlighted the Priority Stats in Teal so you can easily identify the Most Important Stats on them.
Hover over any Item to see a pop-out with the full Item description.
Gear/Base Notes: Any Items with specialized or niche uses have a superscript that refers here.
1) Wizardspike is great for your Weapon-Swap, allowing you to get around faster with Teleport.
Slot | Item Options | Desirable Stats |
Weapon | Titan's Revenge Lancer's Javelin of Quickness Rare Matriarchal Javelin Maiden Javelin of Swiftness | +x to Javelin and Spear Skills [Amazon Only] +x to Amazon Skills +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Mana stolen per hit +x% Life stolen per hit +x to Attribute Replenishes Quantity |
Off-Hand | Spirit Head Hunter's Glory (3x Rainbow Facet) Stormshield Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting (4x Rainbow Facet) Gemmed Monarch (4x Rainbow Facet) Moser's Blessed Circle Rhyme | +x to All Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% Faster Block Rate x% Increased Chance of Blocking +x Life +x Mana X Resist x% Damage Reduced by x% Cannot Be Frozen |
Weapon-Swap | death’sweb Gemmed Crystal Sword (6x Rainbow Facet) Plague Crystal Sword Call to Arms Demon Limb Tyrant Club Lower Resist Charge Wand Wizardspike1 | +x to All Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate +x to Battle Orders +x to Battle Command +x to Battle Cry +x Mana All Resistances +x Level x Lower Resist [x/x Charges] |
Off-Hand-Swap | Spirit Lidless Wall Ancients' Pledge | +x to All Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana X Resist +x% |
Helmets | Rare Diadem Wisdom Shako Valkyrie Wing Crown of Ages Corona Kira's Guardian Lore Rockstopper | +x to All Skills +x to Amazon Skills +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% Piercing Attack +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana X Resist x% Damage Reduced by x% Cannot Be Frozen +x to Mana after each Kill x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Body Armor | Bramble Dusk Shroud Enigma Chains of Honor Duriel's Shell Treachery Peace Hustle Smoke Stealth | +x to All Skills +x to Amazon Skills + x% Faster Run Walk +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% to Poison Skill Damage +x to Teleport +x to Attribute +x Life Increase Maximum Mana x% +x% to Maximum Cold Resist X Resist x% Damage Reduced by x% +x to Life after each Kill x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Gloves | Lancer's Gloves of Alacrity Rare Gloves Laying of Hands Lava Gout Sander's Taboo Magnus' Skin Coral Gloves of Alacrity | +x to Javelin and Spear Skills [Amazon Only] +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Mana stolen per hit +x% Life stolen per hit +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana X Resist x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Belts | Razortail Arachnid Mesh Nosferatu's Coil Goldwrap Battle Belt Death's Guard Demonhide Sash Credendum Garnet Belt of the Whale | +x to All Skills +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x% Piercing Attack +x% Life stolen per hit +x to Attribute X Resist x% Cannot Be Frozen +x to Mana after each Kill x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Boots | War Traveler Silkweave Aldur's Advance Natalya's Soul Rare Boots Garnet Boots of Acceleration Sander's Riprap | +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana X Resist x% +x to Mana after each Kill x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Amulets | Caster Crafted Amulet Highlord's Wrath Mara's Kaleidoscope The Cat's Eye Blood Crafted Amulet Fortuitous Amulet of Luck Chromatic Amulet | +x to All Skills +x to Amazon Skills +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Increased Attack Speed +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana X Resist x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Rings | Raven Frost The Stone of Jordan Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Nagelring Rare Ring Fortuitous Ring of Fortune Triumphant Ring of the Mammoth | +x to All Skills +x% Mana stolen per hit +x% Life stolen per hit +x to Attribute +x Mana Increased Maximum Mana x% +x Life X Resist x% Cannot Be Frozen +x to Mana after each Kill x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Charms | Grand Charm Large Charm Small Charm | +x to Javelin and Spear Skills [Amazon Only] +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x Life +x Mana X Resist x% x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Unique Charms | Annihilus Hellfire Torch Gheed's Fortune Rotting Fissure | Monster Poison Immunity Is Sundered +x to All Skills +x to Amazon Skills +x to All Attributes All Resistances +x +x% to Experience Gained x% Extra Gold from Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Reduces all Vendor Prices x% |
The areas below are efficient farming locations that make use of the build’s strengths. Other farming spots might not be as effective due to immunities or bad layouts. These areas are strong without a Sunder Charm.
Anything that has a ✔ in the "Starter" column can be farmed with the Starter Variant.
Act 1
Area | Starter | Rewards | ||
The Pit | - | All Item Types Max Area Level Leveling | ||
The Secret Cow Level | ✔ | Runes Runeword Bases Charms / Gems / Jewels |
Act 4
Area | Starter | Rewards | ||
River of Flame | - | All Item Types Max Area Level Leveling | ||
Chaos Sanctuary | - | All Item Types Max Area Level Leveling | ||
Diablo | - | Uniques Sets |
Act 5
Area | Starter | Rewards | ||
Eldritch the Rectifier | ✔ | Gearing Gold Leveling | ||
Shenk the Overseer | ✔ | Gearing Gold Leveling |
Your Mercenary serves an incredibly important role to the overall success of your build. They can be a front line tank, provide a pivotal Aura, and/or deal Physical Damage to kill enemies with Immunity to your Skill set.
Act 5 Barbarian
The Act 5 Barbarian is hired from Qual-kehk. The Barbarian can be equipped with a One-Handed or Two-Handed Sword, a Body Armor and a Helmet (Including Barbarian Class Helmets). He attacks with frenzy and uses taunt to aggro monsters.
Equip this Mercenary with Plague Mythical Sword for a Cleansing Aura and a 40% Chance to cast Lower Resist when struck. Lower Resist increases your Elemental and Poison Damage dealt to enemies, and can even break some Immunities. Use Shaftstop Mesh Armor and Vampire Gaze Grim Helm for a total of 50% Physical Damage Reduction to keep him alive for more Lower Resist procs.
NOTE: While most Mercenaries want to have the highest Defense value possible, this actually reduces the chance of proc'ing lowerresist. Our mercenary needs to get hit in the first place to have a chance to proc. Do NOT upgrade base armors and AVOID Ethereal versions. This also makes this mercenary cheaper and easier to outfit!
Slot | Early-Game | Mid-Game | End-Game |
Weapon | N/A | N/A | Plague Mythical Sword |
Body Armor | N/A | N/A | Shaftstop Mesh Armor Fortitude |
Helmet | N/A | N/A | Vampire Gaze Arreat's Face |
The Mercenary is hard to keep alive until you have the minimum gear recommended in this guide. Remember you can drag Healing Potions onto the portrait, or shift + 1/2/3/4 to directly feed them a Healing Potion from your Belt. The Mercenary also gains bonus Resistances from Thawing Potions and Antidote Potions.
If your Mercenary dies in battle, you can revive them from any of the Mercenary NPCs in each Act. This does come with an increasing cost, capping at 50,000 Gold. Keep that in mind and decide if the Mercenary is currently worth the cost.
- Use Plague Javelin in dense areas with lots of monsters. With enough Attack Rating you can launch your Javelin directly into oncoming monster groups. Keep an eye on the trajectory of the cloud and as you run by. Make sure to kite monsters through your cloud as you travel to maximize the amount of time Poison Damage is being applied.
- If you notice your Javelin stopping at the first monster, your Attack Rating may not be high enough yet. When this happens, lead your throw slightly to the side of the monster pack and then move so that they have to run through the expanding cloud to reach you. You dont even need to hit a monster with the Javelin itself to apply the maximum Poison Damage!
- When traveling far distances to a farming spot, or when faced with an impassable obstacle, use teleport from Enigma to drastically increase your farming efficiency.
- Use Valkyrie and Decoy to take the heat off of you, tanking any high-danger monsters and boss packs.
- Cast Slow Missiles to slow ranged attacks and reduce the target's Physical Damage.
- While this is a ranged build and we don't prioritize having a lot of Life, you are quite tanky thanks to Block Chance and Dodge Chance. Don't be afraid to dodge and weave through monster packs if that would be the most efficient route.
- Use lightningfury, jab and your Mercenary to deal with Poison Immunes.
- Use a Wand of Lower Resistance to reduce enemy's Poison Resistance and increase your damage.
- Rotting Fissure breaks ALL Poison Immune monsters and brings them to 95% Resistance. Pair this with as much -% Enemy Poison Resistance as possible.
- When using the Death's Web or budget friendly -xx% Enemy Poison Resistance, the only prebuffing you do is to cast enchant from Demon Limb.
- When using BC/BO setup, swap to Call to Arms Crystal Sword and cast Battle Command then Valkyrie if desired. Recast Battle Command followed by Battle Orders. Switch back to your main setup.
- Use your Mercenary as an enticing piñata, making enemies group up and hit him. This gives the best chance to proc Lower Resist to help increase your Poison and Lightning Damage.
- [MIN-MAX Tech] - Immediately after you cast Plague Javelin swap to death'sweb to reduce monster's Poison Resistance and increase your Poison Damage as much as possible. After 1-2 seconds swap back to your primary swap, then rinse and repeat.
Breakpoints in Diablo 2 are the minimum values required to reduce the frames of an action. Below are the important breakpoints considered for this build. For more information on the mechanics involved, check out our in-depth Resource: Breakpoints.
Increased Attack Speed (IAS)
Increased Attack Speed speeds up your attack animations. Weapon bases have different IAS breakpoints. Values for recommended weapon options provided below. Consult the d2planner for other bases.
Titan's Revenge Ceremonial Javelin
Frames | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 |
Poison Javelin Gear IAS | 0 | 4 | 23 | 60 |
Faster Hit Recovery (FHR)
Faster Hit Recovery increases survivability. Aim for at least the 86% FHR Breakpoint.
Frames | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
FHR | 0 | 6 | 13 | 20 | 32 | 52 | 86 | 174 | 600 |
For all Hardcore gameplay, your primary concern is increasing your Resistances, Damage Reduction, Chance to Block and Maximum Life. This can mean sacrificing overall power level for a more secure playstyle.
This build is Hardcore viable. If you are unaccustomed to this playstyle, we recommend trying this build on Softcore to gain experience on how to successfully pilot it.
Stat Point Changes
- We put enough into Strength to wear gear, as well as enough Stat Points into Dexterity to maintain 75% Chance to Block with Stormshield. Everything else goes into Vitality.
Item Changes
- Be sure to keep your Resistances over capped with up to 135% additional Resistance against Conviction and Lower Resist.
- Stormshield
- Crown of Ages
- Sandstorm Trek
- Rare Ring
- Shimmering Small Charm of Vita
Build Variants
The Poison Javelin Amazon aims to get as many + to Skills for Plague Javelin. Harpoonist's Sharkskin Gloves of Alacrity, Maiden Javelin of Swiftness from Vendors, and Peace are easily obtainable sources of additional Skills.
The secondary goal is Increased Attack Speed to increase our Damage per Second (DPS) further. Other desirable Stats are Cannot be Frozen and Pierce, Faster Run/Walk, +x to Mana after each Kill, +x to Life, and x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items.
Equip your Mercenary with a Body Armor and Helmet that provides Resistances and Life. Insight is an easy Runeword to make that gives a great amount of damage and Quality of Life with Meditation. Hire the prayer Aura Mercenary for extra healing. (His Meditation double dips and also heals for as much as prayer since it's a synergy.)
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Valkyrie
2. impale
3. dodge/evade/avoid
(~40% chance on each)
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Plague Javelin
2. Poison Javelin
3. Pierce (enough Skill Points to hit 100% Pierce with Gear)
4. penetrate
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to equip your gear. Put remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The Poison Javelin Amazon uses +x% to Poison Skill Damage, -x% to Enemy Poison Resistance, and +x to Javelin Skills for more damage. Though Increased Attack Speed is helpful, we don't aim for a specific Breakpoint here. The main goal is to stay at a range, attack occasionally while kiting mobs through the Poison clouds. Use lightningfury to deal with Poison Immunes and deal Lightning Damage whenever necessary. Use Rotting Fissure instead of Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Vita to enable farming in Terror Zones.
Your Mercenary is a tank and a large source of your survivability and Damage. Equip him with Plague for a Cleansing Aura and a 40% Chance to cast Lower Resist when struck. This increases your Lightning and Poison Damage and breaks most Immunities. Use Vampire Gaze Grim Helm and [Shaftstop Mesh Armor for a total of 50% Physical Damage Reduction keeping him alive for more Lower Resist procs.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Dodge
2. Avoid
3. Evade
4. impale
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Plague Javelin
2. Poison Javelin
3. Pierce
4. penetrate
5. Lightningfury
6. Lightningbolt
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to equip your gear. Enough Dexterity to reach 50% Block Chance. Put the remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The Poison Javelin Amazon uses +x% to Poison Skill Damage, -x% to Enemy Poison Resistance to maximize our damage. We hit the fastest Increased Attack Speed Breakpoint thanks to Lancer's Maiden Javelin of Quickness. After casting Plague Javelin swap to death'sweb and Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting for a massive damage increase. Use lightningfury to deal with Poison Immunes clean up stragglers. Use Rotting Fissure instead of Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Vita to enable farming in Terror Zones.
Your Mercenary is a tank and a large source of your survivability and Damage. Equip him with Plague for a Cleansing Aura and a 40% Chance to cast Lower Resist when struck. This increases your Lightning and Poison Damage and breaks most Immunities. Use Vampire Gaze Grim Helm and [Shaftstop Mesh Armor for a total of 50% Physical Damage Reduction keeping him alive for more Lower Resist procs.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Dodge
2. Avoid
3. Evade
4. impale
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Plague Javelin
2. Poison Javelin
3. Pierce
4. penetrate
5. Lightningfury
6. Lightningbolt
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to equip your gear. Enough Dexterity to reach 50% Block Chance. Put the remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
In this variant our main focus is to stack more survivability. We accomplish this by having Crown of Ages and Stormshield for Resistances and Physical Damage Reduction. +x% to Poison Skill Damage, -x% to Enemy Poison Resistance, and +x to Javelin Skills are still important for increased damage. We aim to hit 86% Faster Hit Recovery total with our gear. Though Increased Attack Speed is helpful, we don't aim for a specific Breakpoint here. The main goal is to stay at a range and attack while kiting mobs through the Poison clouds. Use Rotting Fissure instead of Harpoonist's Grand Charm of Vita to enable farming in Terror Zones.
Use lightningfury to deal with Poison Immunes and clear any stragglers. Use SlowMissiles for more Physical Damage Reduction and Crowd Control when needed.
Your Mercenary is a tank and a large source of your survivability and Damage. Equip him with Plague for a Cleansing Aura and a 40% Chance to cast Lower Resist when struck. This increases your Lightning and Poison Damage and breaks most Immunities. Use Vampire Gaze Grim Helm and [Shaftstop Mesh Armor for a total of 50% Physical Damage Reduction keeping him alive for more Lower Resist procs.
Put 1 Skill Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Dodge/Avoid/Evade
(~50% in each)
2. impale
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Plague Javelin
2. Poison Javelin
3. Pierce (enough Skill Points to hit 100% Pierce with Gear)
4. penetrate
5. Lightningfury
6. Lightningbolt
Put enough Stat Points into Strength to wear your gear, Dexterity to reach 75% Chance to Block, and the remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
Video Guide
- Keep your Battle Command, Battle Orders and Valkyrie up at all times. Make sure to prebuff with Demon Limb to boost our Attack Rating.
- Keep your distance during combat and pay attention to the enemy’s positioning and movements as they approach you.
- Group up large quantities of monsters before casting Plague Javelin. Walk them through the Poison Cloud for maximum damage.
- Use your Mercenary as an enticing piñata, making enemies group up and hit him to increase the chance of Lower Resist procs.
- Use lightningfury, jab and your Mercenary against Poison Immunes.
- Utilize Valkyrie, Decoy, and SlowMissiles in dangerous situations.
- Insight + prayer Mercenary solves your Life and Mana problems in early stages.
- Have fun!
I hope you enjoy this build! This is a fast paced and engaging cow farmer. Enjoy making steak!
Good luck! In bocca al lupo!
Updated and Maintained by MacroBioBoi
Originally Written by BTNeandertha1
Reviewed by Macrobioboi