Gold Find Barbarian Guide
Last Updated:February 12, 2025|Changelog
The Gold Find Barbarian, also known as the GF Barb, sole purpose is to generate Gold for gambling cool items or bases for crafting. The main farming of this build is Travincal for the Council Members that drop an abundance of Gold. His kill speed by itself is not the biggest asset.
In fact, we want the Mercenary to get as many kills as possible! Together between you and your Mercenary we are stacking as much x% Extra Gold From Monsters (Gold Find) as possible. If your Mercenary gets the final blow, his and your Gold Find stacks together, granting a higher potential Gold drop outcome per kill.
The Primary Skills we utilize for this build are Berserk for damage, Leap for survivability of both you and your Mercenary, and Find Item for additional drops.
This build guide assumes you have a Character at Level 75 before transitioning to it. Check out our Barbarian Leveling Guide and our General Leveling Strategies to reach Level 75.
Beginner Friendly ✔
Fairly Chill Gameplay ✔
Best Way To Get Gold ✔
Large Potential For Drops ✔
❌ Somewhat Squishy
❌ Repetitive Gameplay
❌ Can Feel A Bit Clunky
❌ No Variety in Farming Locations
Sunder Charm Setup
This build does not use the new Sunder Charm to maintain survivability.
The Gold Find Barbarian focuses on killing the Council Members in Travincal with Physical Damage and Magic Damage from Berserk. None of his targets are Immune to both, which nullifies the positive effect of bone break.
Terror Zones
This build does not successfully farm the Terror Zones. It excels at farming Gold in Travincal. You don't want to jump into any other zones, as it is not setup to farm large areas of enemies.
Put 1 Point into each of the following Skills:
1. finditem
2. Battle Command
3. Natural Resistance
3. increasedspeed
4. leap
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Battle Orders
2. Berserk
3. Find Potion
4. Howl
5. blade Mastery
Berserk* is used typically for Physical Immunes or to speed up the run. It converts some of your damage to Magic Damage, deals additional damage, and Attack Rating. The downside is that it decreases your Defense during your attacks.
Concentrate* increases your Defense, Attack Rating, and is not interruptible.
Whirlwind* makes your Character spin and deal Physical Damage when phasing through enemies. While this Skill is active, it disables some of your abilities, like the use of Potions or moving things around in your Inventory.
Warcry* does some Physical Damage and also stuns enemies for a duration based on the Skill Level, this can also be used as a Utility Skill.
* Increased Attack Speed Skills (IAS)
* Faster Cast Rate Skills (FCR)
Leap* allows you to jump over and through objects allowing you to clear obstacles you could not pass with walking or running. It also causes a radial Knockback effect great for keeping monsters stunned. The jump distance scales with Skill Level.
Leap Attack* makes you jump to the location of your cursor and swings your weapon onto an enemy target when landing if one is in range.
Battle Cry* is an Area Of Effect (AOE) Skill used to reduce the Defense and Damage of your foes.
Teleport* lets you cover large distances over almost any gap and wall on the maps.
blade Mastery* increases your effectiveness with swords. It increases your damage, Attack Rating, and Chance to Critical Hit.
Shout* increases the Defense Rating of all party members by a percentage of their current Defense.
Battle Orders* is one of the most iconic Skills that originates from the Barbarian. This Buff grants you and your party a percentage based amount of Life, Mana, and Stamina. This is one of the best buffs in the entire game!
Battle Command* is a buff that gives you and your party +1 to All Skills.
Find Item* gives you a chance to find additional drops from slain monsters if the corpse is not consumed by other effects.
Howl* is an Area Of Effect (AOE) Skill used to scatter your enemies in fear.
Taunt* can call over specific targeted enemies to focus on you breaking attention on whatever they were doing previously. This does not affect Elite or Boss monsters.
Increased Speed* is a Passive Skill that increases your overall run and walking speed.
Natural Resistance* is a Passive Skill that increases your Resistances to all Elements and Poison.
* Increased Attack Speed Skills (IAS)
* Faster Cast Rate Skills (FCR)
* Skills that do NOT utilize either FCR or IAS
Note: This section provides you with the standard Stat Point allocation. Build Variants can require a different allocation!
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength to equip all of your gear. Take into account how much Strength your gear provides when equipped.
Allocate enough Stat Points into Dexterity to equip all of your gear. Take into account how much Dexterity your gear provides when equipped.
Allocate any remaining Stat Points into Vitality after meeting Strength, Dexterity and Energy requirements.
Don't allocate any Stat Points into Energy. This build gets enough Mana from gear, buffs, Charms, and Mana Potions.
While every Stat in the Desirable Stats column is useful for this build, we highlighted the Priority Stats in Teal so you can easily identify the Most Important Stats on them.
Hover over any Item to see a pop-out with the full Item description.
Gear/Base Notes: Any Items with specialized or niche uses have a superscript that refers here.
1) Arachnid Mesh is recommended for the use of farming with Warcry and if you lack other options.
Slot | Item Options | Desirable Stats |
Weapon | Grief Phase Blade Oath Balrog Blade Unbending Will Phase Blade Heart of the Oak Flail Blade of Ali Baba Gemmed Crystal Sword | +x to All Skills +x to Combat Skills (Barbarian Only) +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x% Enhanced Damage Damage +x All Resistances +x x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Off-Hand | Heart of the Oak Flail Blade of Ali Baba Gemmed Crystal Sword | +x to All Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate All Resistances +x x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Weapon-Swap | Heart of the Oak Call to Arms Crystal Sword Blade of Ali Baba Wizardspike Gemmed Crystal Sword Echoing Balanced Knife | +x to All Skills +x to Warcries [Barbarian Only] +x to battlecommand +x to battleorders +x to battlecry +x% Faster Cast Rate All Resistances +x x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Off-Hand-Swap | Call to Arms Crystal Sword Heart of the Oak Flail Blade of Ali Baba Wizardspike Gemmed Crystal Sword Echoing Balanced Knife | +x to All Skills +x to Warcries [Barbarian Only] +x% Faster Cast Rate All Resistances +x x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Helmets | Crown of Thieves Harlequin Crest Immortal King's Will temper | +x to All Skills +x to Warcries [Barbarian Only] +x to Attribute +x Life +x Mana X Resist +x% Cannot Be Frozen x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Body Armor | Enigma Archon Plate Wealth Goldskin | +x to All Skills +x% Faster Run/Walk +x to Teleport All Resistances +x x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Gloves | Chance Guards Rare Gloves | +x to Attribute X Resist +x% x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Belts | Arachnid Mesh1 Goldwrap Trang-Oul's Girth Immortal King's Rare Belt | +x to All Skills +x% Increased Attack Speed +x% Faster Cast Rate +x to Attribute +x Life X Resist +x% Cannot Be Frozen x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Boots | Infernostride Rare Boots | +x% Faster Run/Walk +x% Faster Hit Recovery +x to Attribute +x% to Maximum Fire Resist X Resist +x% x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Amulets | Mara's Kaleidoscope Telling of Beads Caster Crafted Amulet Rare Amulet | +x to All Skills +x to Warcries [Barbarian Only] +x to Barbarian Skills +x% Faster Cast Rate +x to Attribute X Resist +x% x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Rings | Dwarf Star Raven Frost Nagelring Garnet Ring of Greed | +x Life X Absorb x% X Resist +x% Magic Damage Reduced by x Cannot Be Frozen x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items |
Charms | Grand Charm Large Charm Small Charm | +x to Warcries [Barbarian Only] + x % Faster Run / Walk + x% Faster Hit Recovery + Life X Resist +x% +x to Attribute x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items x% Extra Gold From Monsters |
Unique Charms | Gheed's Fortune Hellfiretorch (Barbarian) Annihilus | + x to Barbarian Skill Levels +x to all Attributes All Resistances +x x% Extra Gold From Monsters x% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items Reduces all Vendor Prices x% |
The areas below are efficient farming locations that make use of the build’s strengths. Other farming spots might not be as effective due to immunities or bad layouts. These areas are strong without a Sunder Charm.
Anything that has a ✔ in the "Starter" column can be farmed with the Starter or Budget Variant.
Act 3
Area | Starter | Rewards | ||
Travincal | ✔ | Gearing Runes Charms / Gems / Jewels Gold |
Your Mercenary serves an incredibly important role to the overall success of your build. They can be a front line tank, provide a pivotal Aura, and/or deal Physical Damage to kill enemies with Immunity to your Skill set.
Act 2 Desert Mercenary
The Act 2 Desert Mercenary is hired from Greiz.
He can be equipped with a Spear or a Polearm, a Body Armor and a Helmet.
Every Act 2 Mercenary has access to an Aura and uses Jab as his base Attack. The Aura activates once the Mercenary has engaged in combat and remains active between traveling to and from town. The Auras available are based on what difficulty you hire the Mercenary from.
Breath of the Dying, Might
Might Aura provides us with a significant damage boost to our Physical Damage attacks.
[Breath of the Dying War Pike has a lot of Increased Attack Speed, damage, and a great source of x% Life stolen per hit. This combo can help take down your foes with great speed and have great survivability at the same time.
Mercenary Gear Options
Your Mercenary needs maximum Resistances, Life Leech, a high damage Weapon, and high Defense and/or Damage Reduction to stay alive reliably. Cannot Be Frozen is also a great stat for maintaining Mercenary DPS and leech. Ethereal gear is preferred since it doesn't lose durability.
Slot | Early-Game | Mid-Game | End-Game |
Weapon | Insight | Insight | Breath of the Dying War Pike |
Body Armor | Smoke Lionheart Rockfleece | Treachery Duress Shaftstop Duriel's Shell | Wealth |
Helmet | Bulwark Temper | Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest Crown of Thieves | Crown of Thieves |
The Mercenary is hard to keep alive until you have the minimum gear recommended in this guide. Remember you can drag Healing Potions onto the portrait, or shift + 1/2/3/4 to directly feed them a Healing Potion from your Belt. The Mercenary also gains bonus Resistances from Thawing Potions and Antidote Potions.
If your Mercenary dies in battle, you can revive them from any of the Mercenary NPCs in each Act. This does come with an increasing cost, capping at 50,000 Gold. Keep that in mind and decide if the Mercenary is currently worth the cost.
- At the beginning of each run buff you and your Mercenary by swapping to whichever Weapon Swap that gives you more + to Warcries and cast Battle Command 2 times, Battle Orders, and Shout. Make sure that these buffs stay active all the time, they are essential to your survivability.
- Use Battle Cry on the enemies to make the whole fight easier for both you and the Mercenary
- Before your targets die, be sure to swap to your setup with more x% Extra Gold From Monsters if possible and use Find Item as well to gain additional Gold.
Leap variant
- The main playstyle is using Leap to keep enemies pinned so that your Mercenary can deal damage. We are aiming for small leaps, leaping on top of your own location.
Berserk and Concentrate variant
- Another playstyle uses a combination of Berserk and Concentrate to assist your Mercenary in speeding up the run.
War Cry variant
- Use Warcry to stun enemies and if you're playing the damage variant of this Skill than just keep screaming at the monsters!
- If you do not have Teleport you can enter Durance of Hate Level 1 to reposition your Mercenary when you enter and leave the area.
- Leap Attack can be a great way to move from place to place requiring larger distances until Teleport becomes available.
Whirlwind variant
- Use Whirlwind to spin through as many Council Members as possible.
- Use Teleport from Enigma to move from place to place, reposition yourself, and reposition your Mercenary. Your Mercenary stands a better chance of staying alive with you in control. Your Mercenary can act as a first line of defense after you Teleport, catching incoming damage you would have taken otherwise.
Breakpoints in Diablo 2 are the minimum values required to reduce the frames of an action. Below are the important breakpoints considered for this build. For more information on the mechanics involved, check out our in-depth Resource: Breakpoints.
Faster Cast Rate (FCR) For Warcry Setup
Faster Cast Rate speeds up your casting animation for spells. Aim for at least the 105% FCR Breakpoint. Note: FCR only controls the animation speed of the Character, and not any internal Cooldowns spells have.
Frames | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 |
FCR | 0 | 9 | 20 | 37 | 63 | 105 | 200 |
Increased Attack Speed (IAS)
Increased Attack Speed speeds up your attack animations. Weapon bases have different IAS breakpoints. Values for recommended weapon options provided below. Consult the d2planner for other bases.
Grief Phase Blade
Frames | 12 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 9 |
Berserk Gear IAS | 0 | 5 | 13 | 19 | 42 | 72 |
Faster Hit Recovery (FHR)
Our primary goal is to use Leap thus avoiding being hit with the distance of you and the enemies.
For all Hardcore gameplay, your primary concern is increasing your Resistances, Damage Reduction, Chance to Block and Maximum Life. This can mean sacrificing overall power level for a more secure playstyle.
This build is Hardcore viable. If you are unaccustomed to this playstyle, we recommend trying this build on Softcore to gain experience on how to successfully pilot it.
Build Variants
The Gold Find Barbarian requires a decent amount of gear prior to being able to effectively farm. Getting things like Resistances, Life, Skills, Damage, overall survivability, and a good Mercenary setup are all pivotal to the build's ability to farm. Use Warcry's Stun with Leap, enabling your Mercenary to kill stuff for maximum gold.
To keep your Mercenary alive, equip him with Treachery and Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest for Life and Resistances. Insight is a pretty easy Runeword to find and farm that gives a great amount of damage and Quality of Life with Meditation. Hire the Might Aura Mercenary, to gain extra Physical Damage.
Put 1 Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Battle Command
2. increasedspeed
3. leapattack
4. Warcry
Max out the following Skills in order of priority:
1. Leap
2. Battle Orders
3. Natural Resistance
4. FindItem
5. Shout
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to equip your gear. Put remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The Gold Find Barbarian's main focus is to stack x% Extra Gold From Monsters (Gold Find) while maintaining some sort of survivability and damage.
Survivability comes from Resistances, Life, Damage Reduction. Your main Damage comes from Grief Phase Blade or Oath.
Note: If you need to get back to town, we use the Scroll of Town Portal on the Belt.
Might Aura works great for the Mercenary to deal massive Physical Damage in combination with Breath of the Dying War Pike. The goal is to stack Gold Find so Crown of Thieves and Wealth Sacred Armor are the main choice.
Put 1 Point into each of the following Skills:
1. finditem
2. Battle Command
3. Natural Resistance
3. increasedspeed
4. leap
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Battle Orders
2. Berserk
3. Find Potion
4. Howl
5. blade Mastery
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to equip your gear. Put remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The Leap variant's main focus is to stack as much x% Extra Gold From Monsters (Gold Find) as you can while maintaining some survivability. Survivability options include Resistances, Life, and Damage Reduction.
Leap activity is important for the success of this setup, we are relying on our Mercenary to be alive and do all our damage.
Note: If you need to get back to town, we use the Scroll of Town Portal on the Belt.
Might Aura works great for the Mercenary to deal massive Physical Damage in combination with Breath of the Dying War Pike. The goal is to stack Gold Find so Crown of Thieves and Wealth Sacred Armor are the main choice.
Leap is very important for massive amounts of Crowd Control Natural Resistance for extra Resist and Increased Speed for more speed while maintaining buffs from your Warcries.
Put 1 Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Battle Command
2. leapattack
3. Warcry
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Battle Orders
2. Leap
3. Natural Resistance
4. Find Item (Only to Skill Level 22)
5. Find Potion
6. Increased Speed
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to equip your gear. Put remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
The War Cry variant of the Gold Find Barbarian uses Faster Cast Rate and lots of yelling. Get 105% FCR while maintaining a good amount of +x to All Skills through Heart of the Oak Flail and Suicide Branch Burnt Wand. Everything else is just for stacking more x% Extra Gold From Monsters (Gold Find) and survivability.
Note: If you need to get back to town we use the Scroll of Town Portal on the Belt.
Might Aura works great for the Mercenary to deal massive Physical Damage in combination with Breath of the Dying War Pike. The goal is to stack Gold Find so Crown of Thieves and Wealth Sacred Armor are the main choice.
Put 1 Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Find Item
2. Battle Command
3. increasedspeed
4. natural resistance
5. leap
6. leapattack
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. warcry
2. Battle cry
3. Taunt
4. Howl
5. Find Potion
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to equip your gear. Put remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
There are plenty of gear options for the Gold Find whirlwind Barbarian. The main focus is to stack as much x% Extra Gold From Monsters (Gold Find) as you can while maintaining some sort of survivability and damage. Survivability can come from Resistances, Life, Damage Reduction or the use of leap. Damage comes from Grief Phase Blade or Oath. Options for the Off-Hand slot could be another Grief Phase Blade for damage or Gemmed Crystal Sword for more Gold Find. On Swap, we can have either Gemmed Crystal Sword or something like Heart of the Oak Flail for additional Faster Cast Rate and + to All Skills.
Note: If you need to get back to town we use the Scroll of Town Portal on the Belt.
Might Aura works great for the Mercenary to deal massive Physical Damage in combination with Breath of the Dying War Pike. The goal is to stack Gold Find so Crown of Thieves and Wealth Sacred Armor are the main choice.
Put 1 Point into each of the following Skills:
1. Battle Command
2. Berserk
3. increasedspeed
4. leapattack
5. Warcry
6. Find Item
Max out the following Skills in this order:
1. Whirlwind
2. blade Mastery
3. Battle Orders
4. Find Potion
5. Natural Resistance (Only to Skill Level 13)
6. Battle Cry
Allocate enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to equip your gear. Put remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
- Teleport instantly moves you to a selected square on the visible screen in which you can stand. The game will try to to place you within a small radius around your cursor even if it would be impeded normally.
- Teleport is not obstructed by walls or other impediments but can fail if your cursor is not completely passed those impediments when cast. Your Mercenary and Minions will be teleported with you, Traps will not.
- Certain Minions in large quantities can become “stuck” in position after teleporting. Move away from that position to give them the chance to spread out.
- You can “extend” the visible screen by opening UI-windows like the Inventory or the Character screen. Continuously cast Teleport and drag your mouse to the edge of your screen.
- The Mana cost of Teleport decreases with additional Skill Levels down to 1 Mana per cast.
- You can use “ESC” to open the menu in single player to pause the game after a Teleport to determine if you are safe.
- The % increase applies to base Life/Mana. This is calculated including the Bases Character Life per level, Vitality Points, and any + xx Life from items. More flat +xx Life on items equates to more bonus Life after the buff.
- Can be applied to partied Players, Pets, and Mercenaries.
- Any new application of battleorders replaces any active buffs. If battleorders is applied with additional + to Skills from any sources (i.e.Skill Shrines), recasting the Skill after the effect has run out will lower the overall effect to the current Skill level.
- Able to leap over all objects including "vented" walls (i.e. jail bars, and grates in sewers) but not over solid walls. Your landing zone can be a maximum of 20 yards away at max level.
- Melee attacks and Ranged attacks fired while the Barbarian is directly overhead can hit. Normally Ranged attacks will miss otherwise.
- The Inventory, Belted Potions, and Weapon Swap are not available while leaping.
- Leap Knockback and Hit Recovery are always applied to any monster within range of the radius.
- Activating Leap while hovering the mouse directly over the Barbarian without any monsters targeted will initiate a "short hop" which moves the Barbarian less than 1 yard and still applies the maximum knockback.
- Applies a complete incapacitation to normal and Minion monsters. Has a 10% chance to apply to Elite monsters.
- When successfully applied, the monster is incapable of taking any actions for the length of the stun. This has a maximum length of 10 seconds.
- The stun can be applied every 6 frames or .24 seconds.
- Can be blocked by monsters with Chance to Block.
- Converts 100% Weapon Physical Damage to Magic Damage. This occurs after +% Damage and Critical Hits whether it's through Mastery, Critical Strike, or Deadly Strike. Conversion also occurs prior to Resistance. Damage Reduction will not affect converted Magic Damage but Magic Resist will.
- Reflecting damage will not occur for things such as with Thorns, Iron Maiden and Spirit of Barbs. In addition, this means that there are no forms of leeching, Life or Mana in any circumstance.
- Defense debuff is applied on attack, regardless of whether that attack is successful. With continuous attacks the debuff will stay on you throughout the combat.
- Defense debuff is applied to user after +% Defense but before + Defense vs Melee and + Defense vs Missile, therefore your defense is not 0 when equipping items with those bonuses.
- Put enough Stat Points into Strength and Dexterity to wear gear and remaining Stat Points into Vitality.
- Keep your Battle Command, Battle Orders, and Shout buffs up at all times.
- Use Teleport and Leap Attack to move around obstacles and reposition your Mercenary.
- Use Durance of Hate Level 1 entrance to reposition your Mercenary.
- Leap, Leap, and Leap
- Use your Mercenary as much as possible to get the final killing blow for maximum Gold.
- Have fun!
We hope you enjoy this build! It can be a nice change of pace once you get a feel for it. Enjoy screaming, leaping, and bashing your enemies to death for Gold!
Good luck!
Updated and Reviewed by Teo1904
Original Author BTNeandertha1