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Deadeye Chaos Dungeon Build Guide

Last Updated: September 28th 2023

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The Chaos build heavily focuses on large Area of Effect (AoE) skills with low Cooldowns to clear the content as fast as possible. This content isn't difficult and can easily be completed by spamming skills.

Check out the Chaos Dungeon Guide for more information.

Chaos Dungeon Skill Build


  • Equilibrium and Death Fire are the main 360 AoE clearing skills.
  • Dexterous Shot is a mobility skill that also provides some AoE damage.


  • Last Request and Sign of Apocalypse provides a decent frontal cone AoE for mob clearing.
  • Shotgun Dominator and Shotgun Rapid Fire are the main Elite and Boss bursting skills but they also deal decent frontal cone AoE to help clear mobs when other skills are on Cooldown.
Use the Scroll Bar to see the full ideal Skill Points build


Chaos Dungeon is fairly easy to complete. A simplified rotation is used:

  1. Group mobs and Elites into a tight pack then jump in to the center of the pack with Somersault Shot or spacebar dodge before bursting them down with Equilibrium and Death Fire.
  2. If the Elites or Bosses are not dead after clearing the mobs, debuff them with Weakness Exposure from Spiral Tracker or Equilibrium then burst them down quickly with Shotgun Dominator, Shotgun Rapid Fire and Last Request.
  3. You don't have to be conservative with Awakening skill usage, the Cooldown Refresh and Cooldown Reduction buff from Elites, Bosses and Rift Cores work on Awakening skills as well.
  4. Killing Elites and Bosses grants a 40-100% Cooldown Refresh while breaking Rift Cores grants 40% Cooldown Reduction buff.

The Cube is slightly more difficult than Chaos Dungeon and usually requires a party and stage knowledge to complete. Check out the Cube Guide and Chaos Dungeon Guide for more information.

Combat Stats

Sub-stat priority is not important, as the content is easy as long as the player is using matching Tier Gear and accessories.


Runes enhance Skills with extra bonuses. All Rune drops are account bound and have limited availability, so placement of Runes on the correct Skills is important. Below are the recommend parings. Check the Rune Guide for more details.

Shotgun Rapid FireGalewind
Shotgun DominatorGalewind
Dexterous ShotRage
Death FireProtection
Last RequestGalewind
Spiral TrackerConviction
AT02 GrenadeQuick Recharge
  • Dexterous Shot is paired with Rage since it is cast multiple times per Cooldown allowing a higher chances to proc the effect.
  • If the player has the Conviction and Judgment rune combo available, proc it with Spiral Tracker then Equilibrium for a 15% Cooldown reduction.
  • AT02 Grenade is a low Cooldown skill which allows you to use it regularly in hopes of getting Quick Recharge to proc often.


  • Gather mobs and elites together, put yourself in the center of the pack and burst them down with Equilibrium and Death Fire
  • Use the Shotgun skills for killing bosses, since Deadeye's Shotgun skills have double damage when used close to the target.
  • Killing Elites, Bosses and breaking Rift Cores grant a Cooldown Refresh or Cooldown Reduction buff.
  • Use Awakening skill whenever a group of Elites is close together so the Awakening skill Cooldown can refresh and ready to be use for the next packs. Killing Bosses refreshes Cooldowns completely as well, so don't be too conservative with Awakening skill usage.


Written by Rei
Reviewed by Facefoot

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