Veskal Guardian Raid Guide
Veskal is the third Purification Level 1 Guardian, with an Item Level requirement of 1610. He drops Tier 3 He drops Tier 4 Accessories, Bracelets, Ability Stones, and Upgrade Materials, as well as rare drops including Engraving Books and a new Rune.
Recommended Battle Items: Flare, Pheromone Essence, Sacred Charm and Dark Grenade
Weakness: Fire
This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Check out the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.
Raid Mechanics
Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.
The boss will periodically use a Sonar Wave detection pattern.
If detected:
- You will be briefly stunned.
- More likely to be aggro'd.
- More likely to use dangerous patterns.
If you pass the Sonar Wave detection pattern, you will receive a buff for 15 seconds that grants 15% attack power, 15% resource recovery, and 10% skill cooldown.
What to do
- Do nothing during the AoE Sonar Waves or move away from the frontal waves.
- Avoid the head, as it will also shoot a Sonar Beam that detects players in its path.
- During the first Sonar Wave pattern, you can use a Flare (Bound) to neutralize him and receive the buff. You can only do this every first encounter (you can do it again after he runs away).
- Every 3 minutes, the boss will begin the counter pattern.
- The boss will move to the center of the map and spray black energy around the map.
- The boss will appear and will require a counter for the correct clone.
- Countering successfully will grant your team a buff for 35 seconds.
- Attack power + 30%
- Resource recovery + 30%
- Attack speed + 100%
- Movement speed + 20%
- Cooldown -40%
What to do
- Move to the center when the pattern starts.
- Look for the red aura, that will be the correct clone landing spot to counter.
When hit by the boss with certain dangerous attacks, you will be granted "stab wounds":
- At 3 stacks, when hit, you will take 1% bleed damage per second that cannot be cleansed.
- Bleeding will also make the boss more likely to aggro onto you.
Counter Patterns
- The boss will charge after preparing itself.
- The boss will quickly prepare itself and charge.
- The boss will go into the shadows and appear for a counter. Only occurs if a player got detected by a Sonar Wave pattern.
What to do
- Wait for the boss to reappear and avoid standing in front of him to dodge the grab.
- If a player got grabbed, follow the smoke and counter as soon as Veskal reappears.
- After being staggered, you have to perform a counter to extend the downed state of the boss,
General Patterns
- The boss will wrap itself in a red tornado briefly.
- He will then swing causing players to be knocked up if hit.
What to do
- Stick close to the boss to avoid the attack.
This pattern is more likely to occur right after Veskal leaps backwards.
- The boss will wrap itself in a white tornado briefly.
- He will then rush toward a player spinning violently, causing bleed stacks.
- The boss will then do an explosion slam around him (outside safe, then inside).
What to do
- Dodge left or right of the spin.
- Avoid the slam attack by staying outside, then go inside to avoid the explosion.
- The boss will look to a side.
- The boss will then slam the tail and swing.
What to do
- Move towards the front or the opposite side.
- The boss will charge with a tornado in its mouth and explode it.
What to do
- Avoid standing in front of the boss.
- After explosion occurs, dodge the small tornadoes.
- The boss flies into the air and bombards the area.
- He will then land where the red aura spawns.
What to do
- Avoid standing in the ares with the wind effect.
- Dodge out of the red telegraph to avoid the landing attack.
- The boss will slam with one wing, and then raise his other wing for a backslash.
What to do
- Dodge the frontal attack.
- Stay close to the boss.
- The boss spawns multiple blood sickles and fires them outwards.
What to do
- Avoid standing in front of the boss.
- The boss looks back in a direction and swings his wing, causing a WiFi shaped explosion.
What to do
- Stay close to the boss. Move to the opposite side.
- The boss will teleport to a player, who got detected by a Sonar Wave pattern, to bite and grab them.
What to do
- Dodge away as soon as the boss reappears.
- Even if you got bitten and grabbed, you can liberate your self by using your stand-up skill (space bar) in between the attacks.
- The boss moves forward while performing a bite attack.
What to do
- Avoid standing in front of Veskal.
- The boss will release a small sonic wave in front while looking left or right.
- Veskal turns towards that direction.
What to do
- Move away from the direction the boss looked at.
- The boss will look in one direction, lift up his wing and slam down to shoot a wind attack towards that direction.
What to do
- Move away from the direction the boss looked at.
- Slowly slams twice in front.
What to do
- Move to the sides.
Written by Starlast
Reviewed by Perciculum
Footage from Saintone