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Whirlwind Barbarian Leveling Guide

Season 7 - Season of WitchcraftLeveling

Last Updated:March 15, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Whirlwind Barbarian Leveling Guide! This is a staple from the Diablo franchise and is an amazing leveling build for Barbarians. There is no better feeling than tearing apart enemies with Whirlwind! When played correctly you can gather and kill groups of monsters and rapidly move on. Fury generation is a consideration early on, but once that's solved this build can clear anything in the game!

This build will be especially enjoyable for players looking into new abilities. We use Mighty Throw, Barbed Carapace and later in the endgame setup, Force of Nature, which are all new additions to the Barbarian kit.

Your damage comes from multiple sources, so to elevate your experience, use Ground Stomp andMighty Throw to quickly get rid of Elites and tougher enemies. Whirlwind itself is a perfect tool to rip and tear through smaller groups. Every enemy will tremble at your presence, no matter the size!

While not possible early on, switching your main source of damage to Dust Devils will highly boost your performance. If you manage to find Dust Devil's and Fierce Winds, your Barbarian will be ready to transform to the final build described in the Endgame Whirlwind Guide.

This guide takes you all the way to Level 60 so you can blast the endgame. Let's get started!

Whirlwind Barbarian Leveling Setup

This build guide takes you up to level 60 and gets you started for the early Endgame on Torment 1 difficulty. If you're looking for Endgame guides, check out our Barbarian Guides section!

  • Iconic Spin to Win
  • Beginner Friendly
  • Decent Area Damage
  • Weak Single Target
  • Difficult Fury Management
  • Heavily Dependant on Aspects

Check out our Leveling Builds Tier List to see how this build compares to others.

Witchcraft Powers

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

Season 7 is the Season of Witchcraft. It features two separate borrowed power mechanics in the forms of Witchcraft Powers and Occult Gems. Both Seasonal mechanics are unlocked and improved by new NPCs found at the Tree of Whispers after collecting resources from Headhunt Zones, Seasonal areas similar to Helltide that appear across Sanctuary.

There are 25 Witchcraft Powers, 6 of which can be equipped at a time. Each Power belongs to one of four Schools (Eldritch, Growth & Decay, Psyche, and Lost), tags that promote synergies within themselves and with Occult Gems. Each School has a single Unique Witchcraft Power, only one of which can be equipped at a time. These Unique Powers max out and gain an additional effect at rank 5, while the other Powers max at rank 21 and gain their bonus effects at various levels. To unlock and improve Witchcraft Powers, defeat Headrotten or complete Whispers within the Headhunt Zones to collect Restless Rot. Lost Powers are an exception, requiring you to randomly encounter a Forgotten Altar in Dungeons to unlock them.

Best-in-Slot Witchcraft Powers

  • Wave of Woe - This Power allows us to deal damage every time when we hit an enemy with our skills. Despite the fact that it deals minor damage, it will allow us to fully benefit from the mere fact of inflicting Eldritch based damage.
  • Shaken Soul - Barbarians usually go out of their way to apply Vulnerable consistently. That's why this Power is perfect in combination with Wave of Woe. It allows us to make every enemy we hit with any ability Vulnerable.
  • Aura of Lament - This Power grants us extra Fury generation. It comes in handy if you struggle with your resource.
  • Aura of Misfortune - Our bravery and face-to-face combat will be even more rewarding with this Aura. Every enemy around us may miss their attack and at the maximum rank, we will receive a lovely movement speed bonus.
  • Aura Specialization - Increased size of Auras lets us reach more enemies at the same time. At max rank, this Power will boost tremendously our Critical Strike Damage.
  • Doom Orb - Main duty of this Power is to kill stragglers that runs outside of area of our attacks. It is also necessary for Killing Wind to work.
Whirlwind Barbarian Leveling Witchcraft Powers

Alternate Witchcraft Powers

  • Piranhado - This power can be used as an alternative way to group mobs. Keep in mind that you require Hex and Aura to summon it.
  • Soul Harvest - Using the Power that boosts your Strength is compelling. The only downside is that this Power is stronger the more enemies are nearby and our clear is good enough already. It's better to use something that will help us with Elites or Bosses.

Occult Gems

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

Rarely, Headrotten Bosses appear with a still-attached Fugitive Head stolen from the Tree of Whispers. Slay these enemies and return the Heads to Gelena to unlock and upgrade Occult Gems. These Gems are socketable in Jewelry and each provide +160 Armor and +8% Resistance to All Elements. More importantly, each Occult Gem grants a unique effect that synergizes with your equipped Witchcraft Powers to provide a variety of Offensive, Defensive, and Utility-based bonuses.

Best-in-Slot Occult Gems

  • Dust Stone - Is the main reason why we use so many Auras. Our Barbarian will never skip an opportunity to deal more damage.
  • Hungering Void - There is no better feeling for Barbarians than closing distance to their foes. And there is no better way of closing this distance than pulling a whole screen of monsters to you!
  • Killing Wind - Since we use a number of Eldritch Witch Powers in this build, there is no way we are leaving this one out of the equation. Extra movement speed and Critical Strike chance are always welcome.

Alternate Occult Gems

  • Vile Phylactery - Possibly the strongest Gem in the game since it denies a killing blow against us. Use it in combination with Poison Frog Servant if you ever feel like dying too often.
  • Wicked Pact - Best option for the beginning of your journey this season! Cheap option to boost Eldritch powers like Wave of Woe.

Occult Gems are very strong early on due to their bonuses to Armor and Resistance to All Elements. Use them even if their power does not match your build.

Learn more details about the season theme in our full Season Guide.

Skills & Gameplay

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

Getting Started

To start off we have to put 2 points into Basic Skills to unlock the Core Skill section. Lunging Strike is a great choice because of its built-in dash to the target. It also deals more damage against enemies at full life, which makes it perfect to start the fight with.


Whirlwind is the centerpiece of this build. It is a close ranged attack that spins around you. We then take Enhanced Whirlwind, which we are in dire need of to assist with Fury management. We later take some additional ranks of Whirlwind to increase its damage.

Rallying Cry

Rallying Cry is a Shout skill that is incredibly useful at almost any point in the game. At base level, it gives us a burst of Movement Speed and a large increase to our Fury generation. With later additional investment, it provides even more Fury sustain, as well as the Unstoppable buff. While under this effect, we are immune to all forms of Crowd Control.

Whirlwind Barbarian Leveling Skills

Ground Stomp

Ground Stomp with its upgrade, Tactical Ground Stomp, deals tons of damage and also applies Vulnerable effect on enemies. Consider it your single target ability to deal with Elites and Bosses.


We'll be using Leap for some added mobility and additional Fury generation. With enough ranks, it has a relatively low cooldown and can be used frequently as a traversal tool. Paired with our speed while channeling Whirlwind, we move quickly from one pack of enemies to another.

Mighty Throw

Mighty Throw is a new ability added with patch 2.0. It is a perfect addition to our build since it is one of the best single target abilities in the Barbarian kit. It supplements our Boss damage, and the best time to use it is just after making an enemy Vulnerable with Ground Stomp.

Key Passive

We finally pick up our Key Passive Barbed Carapace, which has great synergy with Needleflare. We activate this power by using an ability with a cooldown. Try to use your abilities in intervals to keep permanent uptime. Spending Fury with Whirlwind will additionally boost your Thorns value; all of these things combined drastically speed up our leveling process and help alleviate any resource issues that may be present early on.

Final Journey to Level 60

At this point, most of the key synergies are unlocked and the gameplay loop is almost complete. As you level up, you unlock a lot of extra points that go into various offensive and defensive passives or max out certain skills. Check out the skills progression above to see where to put your points as you go, but feel free to deviate from the order displayed as necessary. For example, if you need extra defense or healing, you may pick up Iron Skin instead of Rallying Cry. If single target damage is not a problem for you and you would rather move faster, take Charge instead of Mighty Throw.

Check out our Renown Guide to unlock all your additional Skill Points efficiently. 

Barbarian Arsenal System

The Arsenal System allows Barbarians to use a specific weapon for every attack skill, each granting different Bonuses. The Technique Slot grants us 1 additional Arsenal Power of our choosing for every attack. The Weapon Expertise bonus we get from our currently equipped weapon and the Weapon Expertise bonus we get from the Weapon Technique slot stack with each other.

Unlocking the Arsenal System

The Arsenal System automatically unlocks when you reach Level 5. Opening the Expertise tab (Shift + C) shows all the different weapon types and their bonuses when using them. The Technique Slot unlocks at Level 15 via the Masters of Battle quest in the Dry Steppes which is very easy to complete. Simply walk northeast of town, kill some enemies, then walk west to a cave to slay the beast. After returning to town the Technique Slot will be yours!

How the Arsenal System Impacts Leveling

Weapon type - We assign Lunging Strike to our Dual-Wield weapons to generate Fury faster.

We assign Whirlwind to our Two-Handed Slashing weapon to benefit from Furious Whirlwind.

We keep all other abilities on Auto-Select so they deal as much damage as possible depending on our strongest weapon.

Weapon Technique - Two-Handed Axe Expertise is the best choice for this build since it grants increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. Ground Stomp is a reliable source of this status, so focus on applying it to tougher enemies to get rid of them quicker. If you find yourself wielding a Two-Handed Axe, consider using the Two-Handed Mace Expertise.

Gear & Stat Priorities

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

To get started as a Whirlwind Barbarian, focus on upgrading your weapons constantly. While the focus should be on Two-Handed Slashing weapons (like Axes, Polearms and Swords), if you manage to find a juicy Two-Handed Mace or set of nice looking One-Handers, consider assigning them to your Whirlwind. Otherwise, follow the priority list below. While you don't have all of the desired temper manuals available, simply try to get anything useful on your gear until you acquire the right ones. For example, % Damage, Damage to Close, Vulnerable Damage, etc. all work as long as you activate their conditions. Likewise, you can temper multiple defensive options such as Resistances, Life, Armor to fill gaps in your survivability. Tempering low level gear is relatively cheap and the results can be very impactful!

Tip: For the early game, Elemental Surge Weapon Tempers are very powerful due to their high base damage, especially if you are twinking. If you find these, you may want to keep imprinting them on your weapons for an easy time.

1-60 Leveling
T1 Starter

Read more about itemization in our Beginner Articles about Damage, Defense and Stats.

Legendaries & Uniques

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

The Codex of Power is a collection of Legendary Aspects you can imprint onto Rare or Legendary items at the Occultist. They unlock after completing specific Dungeons located around Sanctuary or salvaging items with these powers. Check out our Map Tool to locate these Dungeons.

For leveling, there are a few powers that can significantly help us if we have the funds to imprint them. In addition, keep an eye out for powerful Unique items you may find for this or other builds.

Must-have Dungeon unlocks

  1. Needleflare (Yshari Sanctum - Kehjistan)
  2. Slaking (Maulwood - Fractured Peaks)

Nice-to-have Dungeon unlocks

  1. Numbing Wrath (Heathen's Keep - Hawezar)
  2. Death Wish (Penitent Cairns - Scosglen)
  3. Bul-Kathos (Light's Refuge - Hawezar)

Other useful Aspects (drop/gamble)

  1. Dust Devil's
  2. Fierce Winds
  3. Devilish
  4. Anger Management
  5. Incendiary Fissures
  6. Executioner's
  7. Earthquakes
  8. Giant Strides

What to Gamble

Offensive1h Weapon, Offhand
DefensiveHelm, Chest, Pants
Utility, MobilityBoots

Great Uniques for this build

  1. Razorplate
  2. Rage of Harrogath
  3. Gohr's Devastating Grips

Jackpot Drops

As you level up, you may get lucky and find some great random drops. Some of these can massively amplify your power and speed up the leveling by switching to another build. Keep in mind that there are many more Aspects and Uniques that can be useful to multiple builds; this just lists some of the most impactful ones. While we usually recommend starting with Endgame Builds at level 60, you often can make them work earlier with these drops:

Build-defining Combinations

  1. Executioner's + Incendiary Fissures + Tec (enables the Endgame Earthquake Barbarian)
  2. Dust Devil's + Fierce Winds + Berserking Finesse (enables the Endgame Whirlwind Barbarian)
  3. Moonrise + Adaptability + Shard of Verathiel (enables the Endgame Bash Barbarian)
  4. Rage of Harrogath + Ring of the Ravenous (enables the Endgame Rend Barbarian)
  5. The Third Blade (enables the Endgame Mighty Throw Barbarian)

Learn more details in our articles covering the Codex of Power and Unique Items.


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

You can have up to two Runewords in your setup, each consisting of one Ritual and one Invocation Rune. Socket them in Two-Handed Weapons if your build calls for them, otherwise place them into your Armor pieces to replace normal gems. The Whirlwind Barbarian focuses on the following combos:

Best in Slot

  • Bac + Tec - Spawning Earthquake while moving is a perfect match for Whirlwind!
  • Yul + Lum - Using our cooldowns will generate Fury.
  • In the lategame version with Force of Nature, we replace them for Bac + Tec and Yul + Gar to gain Earthquakes while moving and extra Critical Strike Chance after using an ability with a cooldown.

Alternative choices

As long as you haven't unlocked the final setup or found the top Runes, you can also benefit from these options:

  • Moni - Very strong replacement for Bac early on. Lunging Strike has a mobility tag which makes it very easy to use with this rune.
  • Cir - Great early choice to generate offering with Lunging Strike spam.
  • Wat - Spawns Decrepify to lower the damage dealt by enemies around you.

Learn more about Runes and how they work in our dedicated Runewords Overview and Runewords Tier List.


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

Mercenaries are unlocked during the Vessel of Hatred campaign and assist you in battle. There are 4 separate Mercenaries to choose from, each with their own skill trees and abilities. You can have one hired (permanent) mercenary during solo play and a reinforcement who assists you from time to time in certain situations.

Hired: Raheir

He provides us with healing, Slows and some extra damage. His best ability, Valiance, prevents us from getting one-shot every 30 seconds. He also gives us additional resistances with Raheir's Aegis. Beware that he's not present when playing in groups - your character will lose a lot of defense!

Reinforcement: Varyana

We choose Ancient Harpoons to gather enemies so our Whirlwind can slash through them quicker.

Whirlwind Barbarian Leveling Mercenaries

Learn more about Mercenaries and how they work in our dedicated Mercenaries Overview.

How To Level

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

In Diablo 4, you can level by completing the Campaign, collecting Grim Favors for the Tree of Whispers, completing Helltide activities, grinding Dungeons, clearing Strongholds, fighting in the Undercity of Kurast or interacting with the Seasonal Mechanics. While there are many ways to level up in Diablo 4, not all of them are equal.

Campaign Leveling
Seasonal / Alt Leveling
Tips & Tricks
Speedrun Route

Campaign Leveling

  • For your first character in Diablo 4, completing the Campaign provides all the background lore information but is not necessary.
    • The Campaign is the slowest way to level, but it's worth experiencing the Campaign and Diablo 4's storyline at least once.
    • To play Seasonal Content you need to have completed or skipped the Campaign.
    • If your account is below Rank 4 Renown in each zone, focus on completing your Renown.
      • This only needs to be done once per realm (Softcore / Hardcore).
    • After finishing the campaign, you should focus on earning experience in Helltides by combining Helltide activities with Grim Favors for the Tree of Whispers or completing Gathering Legion Events.
    • Strongholds provide a big boost of experience for little time investment. Make sure to clear all of them after around level 40.

Seasonal / Alt Leveling

  • Complete the Seasonal Questline in order to progress your Seasonal Journey to unlock additional Legendary Aspects and work on your Seasonal Powers.
  • If your account is below Rank 4 Renown in each zone, focus on completing your Renown.
    • This only needs to be done once per realm (Softcore / Hardcore).
  • Complete the Dungeons needed for any Legendary Aspects from your Codex of Power.
  • From level 1-60 you should focus on earning experience in Helltides by combining Helltide activities with Grim Favors for the Tree of Whispers or completing Gathering Legion Events.
  • Strongholds provide a big boost of experience for little time investment. Make sure to clear all of them after around level 40.
  • If you're playing an Alt, make sure to use Tempers and Leveling Caches crafted from the Alchemist to speed up your progression.
  • Find the most efficient way of leveling your character in detail with our Speed Leveling Guide.

Tips and Tricks

  • Don't Imprint Your Weapon
    • It is a better idea to put your best Offensive Aspect on your Amulet, which will usually not be replaced as often as your Weapon.
  • Compare Your Items
    • Press Shift to activate item comparison. Use this build guide's Stat Priorities section to identify potential upgrades.
  • Choose an Easy Difficulty
    • Ideally, start on Hard difficulty for the extra XP modifier, then try to go higher when it's way too easy. If that slows you down noticeably, it's better to stay on a lower difficulty.
  • Use Your Materials
    • There's no point in holding on to your gold or materials for later. Use everything to speed up your journey to 60. If you're twinking, make sure to craft the Allowance Caches from the Alchemist at level 20 and if available, equip your Mythic Uniques at level 35 to make the leveling a breeze.

Speedrun Route

  • If you're looking to min/max your time spent on the way to 60 instead of following a generic guideline, you need to use a specific strategy.
  • This usually includes farming certain activities up to a specified level and then switching to other tasks while gathering XP in high density areas and pushing the difficulty as high as you can.
  • We update this strategy seasonally in our Speed Leveling Guide.

Endgame Transition

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

As you approach level 60 with the Whirlwind Barbarian, you unlock higher item power gear that represents a massive jump in character power. This is a good time to refresh your setup with new tempers and imprints.

At level 60, Paragon Levels and The Pit unlock. Work towards Tier 20 to enter Torment 1, where the Endgame begins. Focus on overcapping your Armor (1000+) and Resistances (70%+) as you receive some penalties to your character's stats:

  • -250 Armor per Torment difficulty
  • -25% All Resistances per Torment difficulty

At this point, your setup should look roughly like this before you dive into min/maxing with Uniques, Mythics & Masterworking. With better gear, more levels and Glyphs, you can push further and eventually unlock higher difficulties for increased rewards.

This step marks the end of the leveling guide. Below is the Paragon setup to get you started in Torment difficulty, but ideally, you should now transition towards the endgame version of this build or choose another of your liking.

Whirlwind Barbarian Starter Setup

Paragon & Glyphs


Carefully check your Paragon Boards to ensure correct board rotation. Glyphs go from a radius of 3 to 4 at level 15 and from 4 to 5 at level 46. Some of them cannot be activated before reaching these thresholds! Progress through The Pit to rank up your Glyphs.

Use the slider to see progression steps. At around Paragon 200, leveling slows down significantly and all important Rare clusters, Legendary nodes and Glyph sockets should be unlocked. Afterwards, you can min/max your build with minor tweaks and by picking up additional smaller nodes.

Whirlwind Barbarian Paragon

Some Glyph position swaps, board changes and other pathing adjustments may occur as you unlock your full potential. The setup displayed by default is the final version of the build before spending additional points that do not significantly impact your character's power.

Glyph Leveling Priorities

To Level 15

  1. Twister
  2. Rumble
  3. Seething
  4. Territorial
  5. Ire

To Level 46

  1. Twister
  2. Rumble
  3. Seething
  4. Territorial
  5. Ire

There are a total of 328 Paragon Points. After reaching level 60, you gain up to 300 Paragon Levels, 24 from Renown and 4 from Altars of Lilith. Check out our dedicated in-depth guides to learn more about Paragon Boards and Glyphs.

Gameplay Showcase

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

The Whirlwind Barbarian is a fun to play leveling build that scales very well into the lategame.

  • Use newly added abilities to unleash your full potential!
  • Focus on scaling generic damage modifiers instead of skill-specific effects to boost your damage.
  • Crowd control enemies to stay safe and increase your output.
  • Gather Fury per Second, Armor & Resistances on your armor pieces.
  • Mount a steering wheel on your desk and mow through the hordes of enemies!


Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft
Whirlwind Barbarian

Written by Kondyss

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