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Communication Overflow Summoner Build Guide

Last Updated:February 22, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Communication Overflow Summoner Build Guide! This build bases most of its damage on her "Pets" (Summons) —little AI-Controlled companions— which she can micro-manage to attack the desired target or move around with her by pressing the Left-Shift key.

Communication Overflow also generates Ancient Energy to call forth powerful Ancient Elementals. It's a very active playstyle with high amount of casts.

Due to the variety of creatures, Summoner brings a lot of Destruction and Stagger to a raid. It also provides Defense Reduction Synergy.

  • Ranged
  • Non-positional gameplay
  • Squishy
  • Companion AI
  • High APM


Kurzan Front

Skills Setup

  • Pauru, Elcid, Maririn, Shurdi and Igna are your Summons. Kelsion (your Awakening) is also buffed as a Summon by related effects.
  • Ancient Spear and Earth Collapse are high damage skills that generate a good amount of Ancient Energy.
  • Steed Charge and Water Elemental also generate Ancient Energy.
  • Water Elemental is your Counter skill as well as a source of mana regeneration while it's summoned thanks to MP Recovery.
  • Maririn - Charge, Pauru - Flame Breath and Igna - Breath are your summon's Active Skills. While the respective pet is summoned, you can use these skills at any time (even during other skills).

Skill Setup

  • Most of your skills have good AoE.
  • Maririn is used to draw attention of enemies
  • Steed Charge generates a lot of Ancient Energy, allowing you to spam Phoenix for AoE damage.
  • Preemptive Strike
  • Contender
  • Raid Captain
  • Cursed Doll
  • Magick Stream

This build is optimized and meant to be used only in Kurzan Front. For Ebony Cube please use a Raid build.

Identity & Gameplay

This build focuses on consistent damage through your Summons, and good utility through your Identity. Summons don't necessarily require management but knowing you can force them to attack a specific target (by pressing Shift while hovering said target) can help you focus their damage.

With her preferred stat being Swiftness, her cooldowns are low which means your pets are active all the time. Some of your Summons also have "active" skills while they're summoned, allowing you to force them to do special attacks (which they don't perform on their own).

Her identity consists of 7 "Ancient Orbs", also called Ancient Energy, and 5 different Ancient Spirits.

  • Osh: Costs 3 Orbs. Deals Destruction and low damage.
  • Alimaji: Costs 4 Orbs. Deals Destruction, Stagger and decent damage.
  • Phoenix Costs 5 Orbs. Deals Destruction and decent AoE damage.
  • Jahia & Ligheas: Costs 6 Orbs. Deals max Stagger and creates a Shield on you.
  • Akir: Costs 7 Orbs. Does decent Stagger and very high damage.

Summoner Identity

Ancient Elementals, Ancient Energy

Animation Cancelling

While this isn't exactly unique to Summoner, she has several casting skills with long animations. With specific skills that display a small blue telegraph when pressed, you can cancel the last frames of said casting skills, instantly starting the next one and speeding up your cycle. This is specifically used to cancel Ancient Spear's long animation. The skills you will often use to cancel the animations of each other are:


There is no strict rotation in this playstyle, as cooldowns are very low and desynchronized. Instead, you need to maintain your Summons active at all times and spend your collected Ancient Energy to summon your Ancient Spirits (generally Akir).


  • You always want to have these pets summoned.
  • Elcid's Deadly Poison Seed can be stacked during damage reduction mechanics or patterns. Pre-summoning it will lead to better damage as long as it can hit the boss.
  • If you are near the boss, summon Igna and Elcid first, so their cooldown can be affected by the Quick Recharge runes in your other Summons.
  • If you are away from the boss, summon Pauru and Maririn first.

Opener Rotation

  • This opener aims to cast most of your skills after your Judgment rune procs, to benefit from the reduced cooldown.
  • Remember that you can use your pet's active skills (Maririn - Charge, Pauru - Flame Breath and Igna - Breath) during the animations of other skills.


Gems are another significant aspect of your build, as they directly impact the damage and cooldowns of your skills. You can equip up to 11 gems at a time. Here are the ones you should focus on in order to maximize this build's potential, listed according to their priority.

Damage Gems

  • Ancient Spear
  • Maririn
  • Pauru
  • Elcid
  • Steed Charge
  • Earth Collapse
  • Akir

Cooldown Gems

  • Maririn
  • Elcid
  • Ancient Spear
  • Earth Collapse


Engravings are a core part of your build. You can equip up to five at a time, freely swapping between them.

Engravings are listed in order of importance.

  • Grudge
  • Adrenaline
  • Raid Captain
  • Keen Blunt Weapon
  • Cursed Doll


Tripods affect your skills directly by providing utility, damage, cooldown reduction or gauge generation. You should level up these first:

  • Shurdi:Shining Growth
  • Ancient Spear: Quick Prep, Explosive Spear, Ancient Strength
  • Elcid: Deadly Poison Seed, Elite Summoning


Bracelets provide beneficial effects to yourself or to your party members depending on the rolls they have.

The primary goal is to get the main stats used by your build. After that, you should be aiming for Special Rolls to get more damage. Here are the effects you should look out for, in no particular order:

Tier 3Tier 4
SuperiorityCrit Rate +3.4/4.2/5%. Crit Hit Damage +1.5%.
CirculateCrit Damage +6.8/8.4/10%. Crit Hit Damage +1.5%.
FervorDamage +2/2.5/3%. Damage against Staggered foes +4/4.5/5%.
HammerAdditional Damage +2.5/3/3.5%. Demon & Arch-Demon Damage +2.5%.
WedgeDamage +4.5/5/5.5%. Skill Cooldown +2%.
AssailOn hit, Weapon Power +1,160/1,320/1,480 and Att. & Mov. Speed +1%.
(max 6 stacks, 10s duration).
PreciseWeapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000.
When HP is above 50%, on hit Weapon Power +2,000/2,200/2,400 for 5s.
Weapon PowerWeapon Power +6,900/7,800/8,700.
On hit, Weapon Power +130/140/150 (max 30 stacks, 120s duration).
IntellectDamage +2/2.5/3%.
 Additional Damage +3/3.5/4%.
Non-Directional Attack Damage +2/2.5/3%.
Crit Rate +3.4/4.2/5%.
Crit Damage +6.8/8.4/10%.
Weapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000.


The recommended Elixir Set for this build is Critical.


Written by Sekwah
Reviewed by Perciculum

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