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January 2023 Korean Class Balance Patch

Last Updated:May 23, 2023

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Welcome to the January class balance patch overview of the Korean Live Servers. The Korean PTR server went offline on the 25th of January without any additional changes to the previously revealed balance patch. However, please note that these changes may be further adjusted before they are implemented on EU/NA live servers.



Header Class Sharpshooter V 1


The Specialization Combat Stat now increases the natural Hawk Meter gain.

The Specialization Combat Stat now increases the Damage dealt by your Skills while Silverhawk is summoned by a factor of 0.085.

Electric Nova

  • Replaced Electric Nova with the new skill “Hawkshot”.
  • Changed Electric Nova gem into “Hawkshot” gem.

Atomic Arrow

  • Amplified Damage fixed: The Damage buff activates now on hit.

Arrow Wave

  • Reduced PvE Damage by 14.6%.
  • Giant Whirlwind changed: Tornado width +20%. Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8% while Silverhawk is summoned.

Arrow Shower

  • Master of Evasion changed: Damage to Challenge or below foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%. This Tripod can now be leveled up to Level 5.
  • Heavy Rain changed: Attack area +20%. Damage to foes +20.0/23.4/26.8/30.4/34.0% every 1s.

Moving Slash

  • Increased the skill animation speed.
  • Wealth Rune can not be attached to this skill anymore. Already attached runes will be unequipped.
  • Silver Master changed: On hit, Hawk Meter restores by 22/24/26/29/33 every 1s for 10s.
  • Law of the Jungle changed: Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0% while Silverhawk is not summoned.

Blade Storm

  • Reduced PvE Damage by 11.0%.
  • Wealth Rune can not be attached to this skill anymore. Already attached runes will be unequipped.
  • Ranged Hit changed: AoE Radius +20%. Outgoing Damage to Challenge or below foes +50.0/57.5/65.0/72.5/80.0%.
  • Silver Master changed: On hit, Hawk Meter restores by 22/24/26/29/33 every 1s for 10s.
  • Lightning Blade changed: Element is now [Lightning]. Crit Rate +30.0/37.0/44.0/52.0/60.0%.The last attack sends of an additional Lightning Blade that spins in 4 directions, increasing AoE Radius of certain angles.
  • Master of Evasion changed: Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0% while Silverhawk is not summoned.

Claymore Mine

  • Increased PvE Damage by 21.0%.
  • Repulse changed: Crit Damage +60.0/75.0/90.0/105.0/120.0% while Silverhawk is not summoned.

Charged Shot

  • Swift Fingers changed: Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8% while Silverhawk is summoned.
  • Fast Fire changed: Charge level increases Range, but no longer adjusts Damage. Max Range -25%. Upon reaching the targeted area, an explosion occurs, dealing +50% Damage. Crit Damage +50.0/62.0/74.0/86.0/100.0%.

Evasive Fire

  • Quick Pace changed: Outgoing Damage +60.0/68.4/76.8/85.8/94.8% while Silverhawk is summoned.

Deadly Slash

  • Wealth Rune can not be attached to this skill anymore. Already attached runes will be unequipped.
  • Silver Master changed: On hit, Hawk Meter restores by 22/24/26/29/33 every 1s for 10s.
  • Kick Up, Kiss Down changed: Crit Damage +100.0/115.0/130.0/145.0/160.0% while Silverhawk is not summoned.

Smokescreen Arrow

  • Attack Range +25%.
  • Duration of Move Speed and Vision reduction duration +3s.
  • Sticky Fog changed: Move Speed debuff remains for 5.0/5.2/5.4/5.7/6.0s even after leaving the smoke area.
  • Dark Fog changed: Blind debuff remains for 5.0/5.2/5.4/5.7/6.0s even after leaving the smoke area.
  • Poisonous Fog changed: Inflict Deadly Poison on foes in smoke area. Inflicts Damage every 1s for 3s. Deadly Poison can stack up to 6 times. Stuns the foe, upon reaching 3 stacks.


  • Deals the total Damage in 1 hit.
  • Increased hit speed slightly.


  • Increased Silverhawk's PvE Damage by 196.4%.
  • Now you can cast Wings of Storm while casting other skills.
  • The "Silver Master" Tripod effect is applied even during the Silver Hawk summon animation.
  • The Specialization Sub Stat no longer affects the Hawk Meter recovery effect of the "Silver Master" Tripod.

Class Engraving

Death Strike

  • Changed: When using Last Rush, recover 50% of the remaining Hawk Meter. On hit, target Damage taken +30/40/50% for 8s.

Loyal Companion

  • Changed: Summons Silverhawk MK-II, allowing Move Speed +4%, Silverhawk's Basic AoE Radius +60%, Silverhawk skill's Crit Rate +10/20/40%, and Silverhawk's summon duration +30/60 /100%. On Basic Attack or Wings of Storm hit, foes get a Mark of Death: foe takes +3/7/12% Damage from you. Additionally, when Silverhawk is summoned Atk. Power +1/3/6%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Sharpshooter Raid Guide!

Header Class Artillerist V 1


Gatling Gun

  • If cancelled, the Cooldown of the skill is corrected more quickly when using Will of the Destroyer Tripod.


Increased the basic duration of the Firepower buff from 6s to 8s.

Reduced the Firepower Meter's decay speed by 50%.

Class Engraving

Firepower Enhancement

  • Changed: When the Firepower Meter is full, the overheat effect is activated, increasing the Damage of Normal Skills by 5/12/25%. The duration of the Firepower Meter is increased to 10/12/14 seconds. When not in Barrage Mode, incoming Damage -5/10/15%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Artillerist Raid Guide!

Header Class Gunlslinger V 1


Meteor Stream

  • Bullets won't disappear even If you cancel the skill. (Visual update only!)


  • Guardian's Breath changed: Element is now [Fire]. On hit, Burns foe, inflicting Damage ever 1s for 5s. Burn stacks up to 7 times. The last shot deals +60.0/70.2/80.4/91.2/102.0% additional [Fire] Damage.

Focused Shot

  • Enhanced Bullet changed: Damage to foes +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%, Damage to foes with less than 50% HP +30%.
  • Double Tap changed: The second shot fires a special bullet, inflicting Damage equal to +35% of the base Damage. The special bullet will only hit one foe and will not pierce them. During Kill Confirmation, on hit, Damage +50.0/65.0/80.0/95.0/110.0%. An additional special bullet is fired before the last shot when using the Quick Finish Tripod.

Perfect Zone

  • Kill Confirmation changed: Damage to foes +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%, Upon hitting Perfect Zone, Damage to foes with less than 50%HP +30%.

Spiral Flame

  • Kill Confirmation changed: Bullet Crit Rate +20.0/26.0/32.0/38.0/45.0%. +30% additional Crit Rate to foes with less than 50%HP.

Class Engraving

Time to Hunt

  •  Changed: Crit Rate +22/33/45%. Unable to use Shotgun Stance.

Developer Comment

The Peacemaker Gunslinger has been performing as intended level in recent end content since the last balance patch.
However, the stance switching playstyle in combination with the fast-paced combat led to increased difficulty. And the concept of the Kill Confirmation Tripod highly depends on the tripod level.
We have mitigated and adjusted these parts to increases the consistency.
Time to Hunt Engraving was improved to increase the Damage of the Awakening Skills. This lessens the burden on the player and helps to perform better during the battle.

Check out the current Time to Hunt and Peacemaker Raid Build!

Machinist Banner


Increased the PvE Damage of Normal Skills by 8.0%.

Command: Blockade

  • Quick Prep changed: Battery consumption -50.0/53.0/57.0/62.0/67.0%.
  • Vital Point Hit changed: Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.

Command: Flare Beam

  • Lightning Beam changed: Element is now [Lightning]. Damage to foes +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%. Crit Damage to Named or higher foes +50.0%.

Command: Raid Missile

  • Drone Missile launch speed increased. But Volley of Missiles launch speed remains the same.
  • Atk. Speed and Skill cancelling speed are increased when using Precise Command Tripod.

Command: Baby Drones

  • Drones reach the targeted self-destruct area sooner.
  • Atk. Speed and Skill cancelling speed are increased when using Command: Baby Drones Tripod.
  • Vital Point Attack changed: Damage to foes +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0%.

Class Engraving

Arthetinean Skill

  • Changed: Increases Damage of Normal, Drone and Joint skills by 15/20/25%, and increases Battery Max by 10/15/20%. Increase Move Speed by 10% when a Drone is attached to a Machinist.

Evolutionary Legacy

  • Changed: During Hypersync Mode, on hit, Sync skills inflict Damage +2/4/6% (Max. 3 stacks) and Cooldown -0.5s. Also, Hypersync Mode returns 40% of its Core Energy cost when canceled. Resets Cooldown of all Sync Skills, upon entering Hypersync Mode.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Evolutionary Legacy and Arthetinean Skill Guide!

Header Class Deadeye V 1


Meteor Stream

  • Increased PvE Damage by 12.0%.
  • Bullets won't disappear even If you cancel the skill. (Visual update only!)

Death Fire

  • Increased PvE Damage by 20.0%.
  • Infinite Decimation changed: Number of Rapid Fire attacks +3. Outgoing Damage +120.0/134.7/149.3/164.0/180.0%.


  • Increased PvE Damage by 7.0%.

Last Request

  • Increased PvE Damage by 22.0%.
  • Massive Explosion changed: Applies powerful explosive pressure. Outgoing Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%. Knocks foes higher into the air and increases the knockdown time. Damage to staggered foes +50%.
  • Execution changed: Atk. Speed +20%. While preparing to fire, moves 4 meter forward. Fires a special round. Outgoing Damage to push immune foes +10.0/16.0/22.0/28.0/35.0%.

Class Engraving


  • Changed: Can only use the Handgun Stance. Handgun Skill Damage +35/60/85%. Stagger Damage +40%. Awakening Skill Damage +20/30/40%.

Developer Comment

The Enhanced Weapon Deadeye deals high damage in the end content, I think it fulfills the expectations of the Deadeye class. However, the damage of the Last Request skill, is insufficient compared to other shotgun skills, which is why it has been buffed and the imbalance between tripods has been reduced. Pistoleer Deadeye is a Class Engraving that has been in the lower ranks for a long time. Engraving and some skills have been buffed and usability improved.


Lost Ark Class Banners Summoner


PvE Damage of all Skills reduced by 4.0%.

Class Engraving

Master Summoner

  • Changed: Reduced Wisdom Orbs cost for Spirit Summoning Skills by 1. Damage of Normal Skills and Spirit Summoning Skills +2/6/12% and Crit Rate +3/8/16%.

Developer Comment

Summoner is currently performing at a peak level in the current end content since the last balance patch. Especially, the Communication Overflow build displays the highest average damage in the end content. Since this is more than what we aimed for, we reduced the overall skill Damage of the Summoner Class.
But Master Summoner build was performing not as well as the other build, which is why we adjusted the Class Engraving numbers to slightly boost the Damage.

Check out the current Summoner Raid Guides!

Arcanist Banner


PvP Damage of all Skills reduced by 6.0%.


Four of a Kind

  • Improved reusing speed of the skill, if Swift Preparation Tripod effect activates.


  • PvP Damage of the skill reduced by 19.0%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Empress's Grace and Order of the Emperor Raid Build Guide!

Header Class Bard V 1


Increased the PvE Damage of all Skills by 10.2%.

Conviction Core

  • Replaced Conviction Core with the new skill “Sonatine”.
  • Changed Conviction Core gem into “Sonatine” gem.

Prelude of Death

  • Skill casting behavior has been slightly adjusted.

Wind of Music

  • Animation has been adjusted to better fit Agile Cast Tripod, if it is selected.

Note Bundle

  • Ruthless Release changed: No longer attacks multiple times. Musical Note Bunch speed +100%. Damage to foes +100.0/111.0/122.0/133.0/145.0%. The Musical Note bunch also attacks in 5 directions.

Heavenly Tune

  • Tune for Me changed: Outgoing Damage +200.0/216.0/232.0/248.0/265.0%. Your Attack Power is increased by +30%.

Sonic Vibration

  • PvE Damage increased by 4.5%.

Sound Shock

  • Curved Shot changed: Changes to Point mode. Throws an orb of light in an arc up to 14 meters. Outgoing Damage +80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0%.



  • PvE Damage increased by 21.0%.
  • Increased shield granting area from 12 to 24 meter.


  • PvE Damage increased by 11.0%.


Serenade of Courage

  • Cooldown reduced to 1 second.

Serenade of Salvation

  • Cooldown reduced to 1 second.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Bard Raid Guide!

Header Class Sorc V 1


PvP Damage of all Skills increased by 4.8%.


Punishing Strike

  • Unavoidable Fate changed: Changes to Normal Skill. Skill casting shortens. Attack is now diagonally striking Lightning 16 meters in front. Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.


  • Backfire changed: Casting action is reduced, and changed to a normal skill. Explodes Wildfire on the spot and deals Damage to foes in a cone-shape. Outgoing Damage +15.0/21.0/27.0/33.0/40.0%.
  • Backfire can be leveled up to Tripod level 5.
  • Skill animation speed increased when using Backfire Tripod.

Class Engraving


  • Changed: Disables Arcane Rupture, but Damage of skills (except Awakening and Movement skills) +10/15/20% and Cooldown -3/6/10%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Sorceress Raid Guides!


Header Class Deathblade V 1


Surprise Attack

  • Open Weakness changed: Upon Dual Blades attack landing, grant an Open Weakness debuff and outgoing Damage from all party members +4.0% for 6.0s. Frontal and back attacks inflict +5.0%.


  • Open Weakness changed: Upon Dual Blades attack landing, grant an Open Weakness debuff and outgoing Damage from all party members +4.0% for 10.0s. Frontal and back attacks inflict +5.0%.

Turning Slash

  • Open Weakness changed: Upon Dual Blades attack landing, grant an Open Weakness debuff and outgoing Damage from all party members +4.0% for 12.0s. Frontal and back attacks inflict +5.0%.

Class Engraving

Remaining Energy

  • Changed: Death Trance does not consume Death Orb Meter for 2s when activated. Atk./Move Speed +6/9/12% and Atk. Power +(11%, 22%, 33%)/(13%, 26%, 39%)/(16%, 32%, 48%) depending on the number of Death Orbs available when using Deathblade Surge, for 30s.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Deathblade Raid Guides!

Header Class Shadowhunter V 1


Cruel Cutter

  • PvE Damage increased by 5.0%.


  • PvE Damage increased by 3.4%.

Thrust Impact

  • PvE Damage increased by 3.4%.

Sharpened Cut

  • PvE Damage increased by 3.4%.

Spinning Weapon

  • PvE Damage increased by 17.0%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Shadowhunter Raid Guides!

Lost Ark Class Banners Reaper



  • Sped up the skill cancellation time after the usage of a skill.
  • Upon entering Persona, you gain up to 10% Atk. Speed.

Class Engraving

Lunar Voice

  • Changed: Swoop Damage +120/140/160% and Atk. Speed +10% instead of the Swoop Enhancement effect that stacks every 1s upon switching to Persona Mode.


  • Changed: Chaos Meter +30%. Atk. Power +16/22/30% when the Chaos Meter is full.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Reaper Raid Guide!

Martial Artist

Lost Ark Class Banners Glaivier

Class Engraving


  • Changed: Adds Pinnacle: Flurry/Focus I instead of the Flurry/Focus Stage 3 effect added upon changing stances while the Dual Meter is maxed at Level 3.
    Pinnacle: Flurry I/II/III: Atk. Speed +12.5/13.8/15%, Damage +13/15/17%, Crit Rate +20/22/25%.
    Pinnacle: Focus I/II/III: Move Speed +15%, Damage +16/19/22%, Crit Damage +37.5/43.8/50%.


  • Changed: Cannot use Focus stance. Flurry skills Damage +20/30/40%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Control Glaivier and Pinnacle Glaivier Raid Guide!


Header Class Berserker V 1


Reduced all Fury gain by an additional 10%.


Increased the Specialization Combat Stat scaling factor of Fury gain from 0.4 to 0.8.

Reduced the Specialization Combat Stat scaling factor of Burst duration from 1.25 to 0.95.

Increased the Fury gain of all skills except basic attacks and Awakenings by 25%.

Strike Wave

  • Replaced Strike Wave with the new skill “Overdrive”.
  • Changed Strike Wave gem into “Overdrive” gem.

Aura Blade

  • Replaced Aura Blade with the new skill “Brave Slash”.
  • Changed Aura Blade gem into “Brave Slash” gem.

Double Slash

  • Skill animation was adjusted to be more accurate.
  • Enhanced Strike changed: Attack charge up time +0.1s. Out going Damage +25.0/31.0/37.0/43.0/50.0%.
  • Swift Fingers changed: Charge up time is removed.

Crime Hazard

  • Focus changed: Ignores 40.0/47.0/54.0/62.0/70.0% of enemy Defense.
  • Burst Enhancement changed: Upon entering Burst Mode, the Cooldown of this skill is reset. Increases Damage during Burst Mode by 40.0/47.2/54.8/62.4/70.0%.
  • The Damage increase of Burst Enhancement doesn't apply if you are using Mayhem.

Finish Strike

  • Bleed Effect changed: Damage dealt increased by 8.0/14.0/20.0/26.0/32.0%.
  • Enhanced Strike Tripod name changed to “Full Strike”.


  • Fixed the cancelling animation of the skill.

Power Break

  • Increased the charge speed when using Power Accumulation Tripod.
  • Increased the animation speed when using Whirlpool Tripod.

Mountain Crash

  • Focus changed: Fury Gain +50.0/56.0/62.0/68.0/75.0%.
  • Enhanced Strike changed: On hit, Crit Rate +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.8/33.2% for 4.0 seconds.

Diving Slash

  • Attack range has been adjusted to match the skill animation.
  • Increased the attack range when using Swordswipe Draft Tripod.

Hell Blade

  • Shortened the cancel animation of the skill.
  • Lava Jet changed: Now, the element of the skill changes to [Earth] if you pair this tripod with Earth Flip.
  • Bloody Eruption changed: On top of the existing effect, the Damage of the finishing blow is increased by 55.0/63.0/72.0/81.0/90.0%, and cooldown is reduced by 12.0 seconds.

Chain Sword

  • Damage reduced by 10.3%.
  • Fury gain increased by 12.1%.
  • Mana cost reduced by 7.8%.
  • Skill Cooldown reduced from 15s to 13s.
  • Vital Point Hit changed: On hit, Crit Rate +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.8/33.2% for 3.0 seconds.
  • Quick Prep changed: Cooldown -6.0s. Outgoing Damage -50.0/48.0/45.0/42.0/39.0%.

Wind Blade

  • Focus changed: Fury gain +80.0/90.0/100.0/110.0/120.0%.


  • Skill animation modified to be more accurate.
  • The attack direction of the second attack will now align with the direction of the first attack when using Power Accumulation Tripod.
  • The time to combo into the second part of the skill has been reduced.
  • Vital Point Hit changed: On second Attack hit, Crit Rate +20.0/23.2/26.4/29.8/33.2% for 5.0 seconds.


  • The Burst duration has been reduced by 20.0%.
  • When using Mayhem Class Engraving, the Identity description updates accordingly.

Class Engraving

Berserker's Technique

  • Changed: During Burst, Outgoing Damage 16/25/36%. After Burst, Exhaustion does not occur.


  • Fury Meter remains at max, and turns into Burst Mode with the power of darkness. Burst Mode: Outgoing Damage +3/8/16%, Atk. and Move Speed +15%, all incoming Damage -70%. When Burst Mode activates, HP is reduced to 25% of Max HP; this cannot be exceeded even when Healing is applied. Can only receive 40% of healing effects and 25% of shield. Press the [X] key to cancel Burst Mode and recover 25% of Max HP, but cannot enter Burst Mode again for 30s.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Berserker's Technique and Mayhem Berserker Raid Guide!

Header Class Gunlancer V 1


The Specialization stat now increases the Damage of Battlefield Shield. Scaling factor is 0.5.

Increased the Damage of Lance Skills by 5.3%.
Increased the Damage of Normal Skills by 1.5%.


  • Ready Attack changed: On hit, Atk. Power +by 25.0% / 27.0% / 29.0% / 31.3% / 33.5% for 6.0 seconds.

Shout of Hatred

  • Open Weakness changed: On hit, Shield Meter +20%. Weakness is exposed and outgoing Damage from all party members +4% for 12s. Frontal and back attacks from all party members +5%.

Shield Charge

  • Pushes and knocks up enemies on hit in PvE.

Surge Cannon

  • PvE Damage increased by 4.3%.

Charged Stinger

  • PvE Damage increased by 3.1%.
  • Last Charge changed: Charge Level +1. Overcharge increases move distance +2 meters. Outgoing Damage +45.0%/52.3%/59.5%/68.2%/76.9%, and enables you to bombard foes, knocking them back for +30% Damage.
  • Increased turning speed while charging.

Gunlance Shot

  • PvE Damage increased by 7.1%.

Counter Gunlance

  • PvE Damage increased by 4.3%.

Dash Upper Fire

  • PvE Damage increased by 3.1%.

Fire Bullet

  • PvE Damage increased by 3.1%.

Guardian's Thunderbolt

  • Magick Control changed: MP Cost -50.0%/53.0%/57.0%/62.0%/67.0%.
  • Undying Heat changed: Cooldown -2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0 seconds.
  • Damage Luck changed: Damage to Push-Immune foes +20.0%/26.2%/32.4%/38.6%/45.0%.
  • Tough Strike changed: Outgoing Damage +30.0%/37.0%/44.0%/52.0%/60.0%.

Leap Attack

  • PvE Damage increased by 4.1%.
  • Direct Hit changed: Outgoing Damage +15.0%/21.0%/27.0%/33.0%/40.0%.
  • Quick Prep changed: Cooldown -3.0/3.7/4.4/5.2/6.0 seconds.
  • Shockwave changed: Spreads a massive shockwave from where you land. Outgoing Damage +35.0%/42.3%/49.7%/57.4%/65.1%.
  • Leap changed: Charge up and leap into the air. Cooldown +4 seconds. Enables you to travel a max of 18 meters. Damage +65.0%/73.0%/82.0%/91.0%/100.0%. Great Earthquake, Electric Field, and Shockwave range +50%.


Battlefield Shield

  • Can now be toggled off.
  • Changed: Consume all Shield Meter and move instantly to a location up to 16 meters away, ignoring collision with adventurers, guardians, and monsters.
    Upon landing, strike foes and inflict Damage to foes within a 6-meter radius, launching them into the air. Foes within a 3-meter radius of the center of impact suffer direct hit.
    Gain a shield proportional to the consumed Shield Meter, and grant Push Immunity to party members within a 10-meter radius. Any Damage to them will be directed to you for up to 5s.
    When the shield duration ends, or it gets depleted, an explosion occurs, dealing Damage to nearby foes and pushing them away.
    This skill can not be used if the Shield Meter is below 20%. When the shield duration ends, you recover up to 25% Shield Meter based on Damage absorbed for your allies.


Combat Readiness

  • Changed: Normal skills Damage +25/27.5/30%. Shield Amount +30/40/50% in Defensive Stance. Damage +2/3/4% for 10s when hit or hitting foes while in Defensive Stance (stacked up to 3 times, once every 1s).

Developer Comment

Check out the current Combat Readiness and Solo Knight Raid Guide.

Lost Ark Class Banners Destroyer


Perfect Swing

  • PvP Damage reduced by 12.5%.

Endure Pain

  • Cooldown in PvP increased from 40s to 50s.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Destroyer Raid Guides!

Header Class Paladin V 1


Increased the Damage of Punish Skills in PvE by 6.1%.

Holy Sword

  • PvE Damage increased by 2.6%.
  • Increased Stagger level.
  • Condensed Energy changed: Focuses light into a single point and fires. The AoE radius of the light narrows. Inflicts +130.0%/143.0%/156.0%/169.0%/182.0% Damage.

Executor's Sword

  • Increased Stagger level.
  • Executioner's Strike changed: Deliver an additional downward attack at the ground, inflicting 110.0%/121.0%/132.0%/143.0%/155.1% of the total Damage.


  • PvE Damage increased by 5.1%.

Class Engraving


  • Changed: Punish skills Damage +15%/22.5%/30%. When Punishment skill hits, Piety Meter gain +100%. Duration of Sacred Executioner +100%/125%/150%.

Developer Comment

Check out the current Paladin Raid Guide!


Written by Perciculum.
Reviewed by Starlast.

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