Paladin Build Guide
Last Updated:February 22, 2025|Changelog
Welcome to the Paladin Build Guide! Paladin is one of the Support classes in Lost Ark. Your role revolves around providing your party with various damage buffs, as well as keeping them safe through Shields, Damage Reduction, and Heals. Fulfilling this role is relatively easy, thanks to Holy Aura (X) allowing you to heal your allies while simultaneously increasing their damage output and decreasing incoming damage.
Paladin excels at inflicting reliable amounts of Stagger and has incredible Counter capability. However, his Destruction potential is average.

Ark Passive
- If you run into significant MP issues, you can consider switching MP Furnace with Standing Striker or Stable Manager.
Skills Setup
- Wrath of God and Heavenly Blessings are your Attack Power buffs, as well as secondary meter generators.
- Sword of Justice is your Brand (Summon Holy Sword) skill. You can think of this as your Synergy skill.
- Holy Protection and God’s Decree are your main defensive skills.
- Light of Judgment is your main meter generator.
- Holy Sword and Executor's Sword are both used as Counter or Stagger skills.
- Alithanes's Judgment is your Awakening. It is preferred over Alithanes's Light thanks to its added defensive capability.
Alternative Skill, Tripod, and Rune Options
Executor's Sword can be swapped for Holy Area, using Quick Prep, Grace, Endless Grace, and Wealth.
- This increases your meter generation and damage reduction capabilities, at the cost of the quicker one of your Counter skills, as well as Stagger contribution. This is only recommended if you and your party are experienced with the raid and its mechanics.
God’s Decree
- Brilliant Law - Helps as insurance in case you miss your Brand skill, but it makes you use this skill more offensively. Recommended if your party is comfortable with boss patterns.
- Focus - Reduces mana cost. Use this if you can't or don't want to use Conviction + Judgment.
Holy Protection
- Lingering Power - Increases the shield's duration. It should be used if cleansing debuffs is not necessary for the encounter.
Ark Passive
Skills Setup
- Execution of Justice, Executor's Sword, and Flash Thrust are your main ways to deal with large packs of enemies.
- Heavenly Blessings and Holy Sword can both deal with Elite monsters on their own.
- Light of Judgment and Wrath of God are used as fillers.
- Alithanes's Judgment is your Awakening. It is preferred over Alithanes's Light thanks to its wider area of effect.
Recommended Engravings
- Preemptive Strike
- Contender
- Raid Captain
- Cursed Doll
- Magick Stream
This build is optimized and meant to be used only in Kurzan Front. For Ebony Cube use a Raid build.
Identity & Gameplay
Paladin excels at providing high uptime Attack Power and Brand buffs to the entire party, regardless of their positioning, while also having reliable Damage Reduction, Shields, Heals and contribution to Utility checks.
Activating his identity grants your whole party the following effects for its entire duration:
- +10% Damage dealt to enemies
- -20% Damage received
- +2% of Maximum HP recovered every 1.5 seconds
Your gameplay revolves around supporting your party through various damage buffs, as well as protecting them from dangerous attacks. Here's a breakdown of how you can fulfill that role.
Paladin Identity

Goddess of Blessings + Passionate Dance
Goddess of Blessings and Passionate Dance act as a replacement for the Yearning Set. However, unlike Yearning, these effects apply in a 25m area around you, removing the need for teammates to stand beside you to receive them. Maintaining these buffs is one of your highest priorities, and they should always be up from the start of the fight until the end.
Attack Power Buffs
This buff allows you to increase your party's Attack Power by 15% of your own Attack Power, as well as granting +6% Attack Power overall. It is applied through Wrath of God and Heavenly Blessings. It is important to understand that both of these skills apply the same buff, and it does not stack. You should maintain this buff as well as you can throughout the fight. Keep an eye on your buff bar and alternate between these skills when the buff is about to expire.
This debuff causes the target to receive +10% Damage from your party. It is applied through Sword of Justice. You should be able to maintain Brand throughout the entire fight by keeping an eye on the enemy's debuff bar and using your choice of Brand skill when it's about to expire.
Paladin's identity, Holy Aura, combines offensive and defensive capabilities in a large circle around your character. It can only be used after filling your Piety Meter by using other skills, and you cannot gain more Piety Meter while it's active. Due to this interaction, you should carefully choose when to activate it to maximize your party's damage potential. However, if you or your party are not experienced enough with the fight to know when specific damage windows or phases happen, you should just use it whenever possible.
Hyper Awakening Technique
Divine Justice is an incredibly powerful buff. When cast, it grants your party +10% Damage for 10 seconds, and +20% Hyper Awakening Damage for 30 seconds. Normally, you should be using this skill as often as possible, but sometimes you might decide to hold it briefly if a specific window comes up where your teammates would cast their Hyper Awakening Skills. This varies from encounter to encounter, and identifying these windows is crucial to mastering the use of this skill.
Shields, Damage Reduction, Healing
Paladin's kit benefits from several ways of protecting your party.
- God’s Decree - All party members inside the area of effect receive a shield for a portion of the Paladin's maximum HP for 6 seconds and take -70% incoming damage until the skill ends or they leave the area.
- Holy Protection - All party members within range receive a shield for 20% of the Paladin's maximum HP as well as a Movement Speed buff. When the shield ends, 8% of the player's maximum HP is restored.
- Heavenly Blessings - All party members within range take -20% incoming damage for 8 seconds, as well as receiving increased MP regeneration for the same duration.
- Alithanes's Judgment - All party members within range receive a shield for 80% of the Paladin's maximum HP.
Gems are another significant aspect of your build, as they directly impact the damage and cooldowns of your skills. You can equip up to 11 gems at a time. Here are the ones you should focus on to maximize this build's potential, listed according to their priority.
Damage Gems
- Heavenly Blessings
- Wrath of God
- Holy Aura
Cooldown Gems
- Heavenly Blessings
- Holy Protection
- Wrath of God
- God’s Decree
- Light of Judgment
- Sword of Justice
- Holy Sword
- Executor's Sword
Engravings are a core part of your build. You can equip up to five at a time, freely swapping between them. Engravings are listed in order of importance.
Recommended Setup
- Awakening
- Expert
- Vital Point Hit
- Magick Stream
- Drops of Ether
Tripods affect your skills directly by providing utility, damage, cooldown reduction or gauge generation. These are the ones you should prioritize:
- Light of Judgment: Faith
- Wrath of God: Faith
- Heavenly Blessings: Faith
- Sword of Justice: Insight
Bracelets provide beneficial effects to yourself or to your party members depending on the rolls they have.
The primary goal is to get the main stats used by your build. After that, you should be aiming for Special Rolls to get more damage. Here are the effects you should look out for, in no particular order:
Tier 3 | Tier 4 |
Swiftness | Swiftness |
Specialization | Specialization |
Cheers | On hit, enemy defense -1.8/2.1/2.5%. Attack Power buff efficiency +2/2.5/3%. |
Dagger | On hit, enemy crit resistance -1.8/2.1/2.5%. Attack Power buff efficiency +2/2.5/3%. |
Expose Weakness | Damage +0.9/1.1/1.3% to allies that received a Shield, HP Regen, or Dmg Red. Attack Power buff efficiency +2/2.5/3%. |
Enlightenment | On hit, enemy critical hit resistance -3.6/4.2/4.8%. Attack Power buff efficiency +2/2.5/3%. |
MP Recovery | Attack Power buff efficiency +4/5/6%. |
Strength | Identity buff efficiency on party members +6/7.5/9%. |
Weapon Power | On hit, Weapon Power +1,160/1,320/1,480 and Att. & Mov. Speed +1%. (max 6 stacks, 10s duration). |
Vitality | Weapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000. When HP is above 50%, on hit Weapon Power +2,000/2,200/2,400 for 5s. |
Max HP | Weapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000. |
Max MP | Strength |
Natural Resource Recovery +8/10/12%. | |
Max HP +11,200/14,000/16,800. |
The recommended Elixir Set for this build is Luminary.
Written by Raeinor
Reviewed by Perciculum