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Night’s Edge Souleater Build Guide

Last Updated:February 23, 2025|Changelog

Welcome to the Night's Edge Souleater Build Guide! This build revolves around generating and consuming Soul Stones to fill your Edge Meter. Once full, you're automatically forced into the Soul Snatch state, where Ghast skills have very low cooldowns and increased damage.

Night's Edge Souleater is a fast-paced builder-spender playstyle with consistent damage.

  • Good mobility
  • Non-positional gameplay
  • Melee
  • High APM


Kurzan Front

You can also run one point in Unlimited Magick for extra Cooldown Reduction, in this case you would also replace Blunt Thorn with Standing Striker.

This offers a faster-cooldowns playstyle at the cost of damage per cycle.

Skills Setup

  • Guillotine Swing, Lethal Spinning, Reaper's Scythe, Harvest and Vestige are your main damage skills.
  • Harvest, Lunatic Edge, Rusted Nail, Lethal Spinning and Soul Drain are your main Soul Stones generators.
  • Lunatic Edge is your Synergy skill as well as your Move Speed Self-buff.
  • Rusted Nail is your Counter skill.

Skills Setup

  • All your Stygian skills deal decent damage to lesser monsters, and generate Possession gauge.
  • Guillotine Swing has a decent chance to reset its cooldown when killing enemies, allowing you to clear entire lines of mobs pretty quickly.
  • Preemptive Strike
  • Contender
  • Raid Captain
  • Cursed Doll
  • Magick Stream

This build is optimized and meant to be used only in Kurzan Front. For Ebony Cube please use a Raid build.

Identity & Gameplay

This build focuses on dealing consistent damage with occasional burst through Enhanced Deathlord Skills while filling your Edge Meter.

This Edge Meter is filled on cast with Normal (1 Soul Stone) or Enhanced (3 Soul Stones) Deathlord Skills by 10/30% respectively. Once the Edge Meter is full, you're forced into Soul Snatch mode which causes a tempo switch in your rotation, since it provides huge cooldown reduction and extra damage to your Ghast skills, but disables your Deathlord Skills.

Soul Snatch mode provides the following bonuses for its entire duration:

  • 20% Attack Speed
  • 10% Move Speed
  • 300% Mana regeneration
  • 120% Damage to Ghast Skills
  • 40% Cooldown Reduction to Ghast Skills
  • Disables Deathlord Skills

Night's Edge Identity

Soul Eater Ident 498 X 506
Soul Stones and Edge Meter during Soul Snatch


It's important to understand a few core concepts first. You need to remember some 3-Soul Stones combos that will allow you to adapt and adjust in case of missing skills or delayed cycles.

You also need to remember that Edge Meter decays over time, so you may have to use different amounts of Normal and Enhanced Deathlord Skills.

3-Soul Stones combos

+ +

+ +

+ + +

  • These combos are designed to avoid wasting Soul Stone generation.
  • One general guideline that these combos follow, is not using Lethal Spinning and Soul Drain in the same combo, since both are your highest Soul Stone sources.

Standard Rotation

  • In this rotation, you make use of a mix of Normal (1 Soul Stone) and Enhanced (3 Soul Stones) Deathlord Skills, which generate 10% and 30% Edge Meter respectively.
  • Remember to keep your Synergy up at all times by using Lunatic Edge.

Soul Snatch Rotation

  • During Soul Snatch, you ideally want to hit 2 Lethal Spinning and 3 Harvest, with the rest of the Ghast skills used as fillers to gain enough stacks for Soul Decapitation.
  • Using Soul Decapitation ends your Soul Snatch state, which can be used early on purpose if the boss is about to phase or enter a damage reduction phase.
  • Even if Soul Snatch ends (due to running out) during the Soul Decapitation animation, it is still affected by the damage bonus.
  • Frenzy Scythe is used mainly during Soul Snatch because of the long cooldown it has.


Gems are another significant aspect of your build, as they directly impact the damage and cooldowns of your skills. You can equip up to 11 gems at a time. Here are the ones you should focus on to maximize this build's potential, listed according to their priority.

Damage Gems

  • Guillotine Swing
  • Lethal Spinning
  • Vestige
  • Reaper's Scythe
  • Harvest

Cooldown Gems

  • Guillotine Swing
  • Reaper's Scythe
  • Harvest
  • Lunatic Edge
  • Vestige
  • Lethal Spinning


Engravings are a core part of your build. You can equip up to five at a time, freely swapping between them.

Engravings are listed in order of importance.

  • Grudge
  • Keen Blunt Weapon
  • Adrenaline
  • Raid Captain
  • Cursed Doll


Tripods affect your skills directly by providing utility, damage, cooldown reduction or gauge generation. You should level up these first:

  • Lunatic Edge: Shadow Snatch
  • Harvest: Quick Prep
  • Guillotine Swing: Feiton's Red Moon, Cross Swing
  • Lethal Spinning: Deathlord's Appearance
  • Vestige: Two Souls


Bracelets provide beneficial effects to yourself or to your party members depending on the rolls they have.

The primary goal is to get the main stats used by your build. After that, you should be aiming for Special Rolls to get more damage. Here are the effects you should look out for, in no particular order:

Tier 3Tier 4
SuperiorityCrit Rate +3.4/4.2/5%. Crit Hit Damage +1.5%.
CirculateCrit Damage +6.8/8.4/10%. Crit Hit Damage +1.5%.
FervorDamage +2/2.5/3%. Damage against Staggered foes +4/4.5/5%.
HammerAdditional Damage +2.5/3/3.5%. Demon & Arch-Demon Damage +2.5%.
WedgeDamage +4.5/5/5.5%. Skill Cooldown +2%.
AssailOn hit, Weapon Power +1,160/1,320/1,480 and Att. & Mov. Speed +1%.
(max 6 stacks, 10s duration).
PreciseWeapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000.
When HP is above 50%, on hit Weapon Power +2,000/2,200/2,400 for 5s.
Weapon PowerWeapon Power +6,900/7,800/8,700.
On hit, Weapon Power +130/140/150 (max 30 stacks, 120s duration).
DexterityDamage +2/2.5/3%.
 Additional Damage +3/3.5/4%.
Non-Directional Attack Damage +2/2.5/3%.
Crit Rate +3.4/4.2/5%.
Crit Damage +6.8/8.4/10%.
Weapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000.


The recommended Elixir Set for this build is Master.


Written by Sekwah
Reviewed by Perciculum

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