Lunar Voice Reaper Build Guide
Last Updated:March 9, 2025|Changelog
Welcome to the Lunar Voice Reaper Build Guide! This build revolves around using Shadow Skills and Dagger Skills to build Persona Meter, then utilizing that to empower a Swoop Skill, dealing highly concentrated burst damage in a fast-paced and extremely mobile playstyle.
Lunar Voice Reaper can inflict reliable amounts of Stagger and will often be in a favorable position to perform Counters. Her Destruction potential is average.
- If you want a more intense and less tactical playstyle, check out our Hunger guide.
- For more information on some of the systems that make up your build, check out the guides below:

Ark Passive
- Depending on your access to Relic Adrenaline, Crit Synergies, and Crit% effects on Rings, you have some flexibility as long as you remain as close as possible to 119.28% Crit Rate:
- Moving points from Crit to Swiftness provides some comfort in your rotation (Attack/Movement Speed, Cooldown Reduction).
- Moving points from Keen Sense to Limit Break provides more damage.
- If you have Level 3 Shadow Beast, you can opt to run Standing Striker with Stabilized Status instead of Adrenaline. This setup is closely tied in damage output and offers more consistent Crit Rate.
- Adjust your Crit Rate sources to make sure you reach 100% without overcapping.
Skills Setup
- Rage Spear, Dance of Fury, Glowing Brand, and Finishing Step are your Swoop Skills. They comprise a large majority of your damage potential.
- Shadow Storm, Black Mist, and Call of the Knife are your main meter generators.
- Shadow Vortex is your Synergy (Poison: Corrosion) skill, as well as a tool to lower the cooldown of your Swoop Skills.
- Phantom Dancer is used to activate the Incognito effect as a buff for Swoop Skills.
- Nightmare (X) is your Counter skill. This skill is part of your identity, and can also be used to quickly reposition yourself on the opposite side of the enemy.
- Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza is your Awakening. It is preferred over Solar Eclipse: Requiem thanks to its increased burst damage potential and ease of use, but both can be used.
Alternative Skill, Tripod, and Rune Options
Dance of Fury
- Weak Point Enhancement - Increases Destruction potential, at the cost of animation speed.
- Suppressed Move - Increases the skill's animation speed, at the cost of some damage and a smaller area of effect.
Glowing Brand
- Stagger Enhancement - Increases your Stagger potential, but removes the skill's ability to jump over enemies.
Rage Spear
- Concussion - Increases Stagger potential, at the cost of Push Immunity.
Call of the Knife
- Weak Point Enhancement - Increases Destruction potential, at the cost of mobility.
Ark Passive
Skills Setup
- Dance of Fury is your main way to deal with large packs of enemies, thanks to its high chance of resetting its cooldown when it kills an enemy.
- Glowing Brand and Rage Spear can both deal with Elite and Boss type monsters on their own.
- Shadow Vortex is only used to lower the cooldown of your Swoop Skills, if they happen to not reset.
- Shadow Storm and Black Mist are filler skills. They can help you get back into Chaos Mode if you happen to lose it.
- Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza is your Awakening. It is preferred over Solar Eclipse: Requiem thanks to its larger area of effect. It also helps you quickly fill your Chaos Meter in the beginning.
Recommended Engravings
- Preemptive Strike
- Contender
- Raid Captain
- Cursed Doll
- Magick Stream
This build is optimized and meant to be used only in Kurzan Front. For Ebony Cube use a Raid build.
Identity & Gameplay
Lunar Reaper adeptly utilizes her skillset in tandem to quickly go in and out of Persona, each time unleashing a powerful Swoop Skill. Several parts of her kit provide mobility, allowing you to skillfully dodge enemy attacks and reposition at the same time.
Activating her identity, Persona, puts you in a state of Stealth for 10 seconds and spawns a Shadow Illusion you can control by using the Shift key. Entering Stealth immediately grants you the following effects until you break out of it by attacking, or the duration runs out:
- +157% damage to Swoop Skills
- +10% Crit Rate
- +10% Attack Speed
- +30% Movement Speed
- -30% of Nightmare (X)'s current cooldown
- Resets your Spacebar's cooldown
Reaper Identity

All attacks with a Back Attack affix receive +10% Crit Rate and +5% Damage when they land on the target's back-side indicator. It is important to position yourself accordingly as much as possible to take advantage of this.
This build focuses on combining your skills into three consecutive cycles, each of them working to fill up your Persona Meter and unleashing an empowered Swoop Skill afterwards.
Nightmare (X) is part of your identity and your main Counter skill. Normally, a Counter can only be performed by positioning yourself in front of the enemy and timing it correctly. Nightmare is unique in this aspect: it is a two-part skill where you first toss a dagger at the enemy, and can then reactivate it to teleport to the opposite side of where you're standing. The first part allows you to perform a Counter if you are in front of the enemy, while the second part allows you to do so if you are behind.
Several of your skills provide varying degrees of momentum, and learning to use this to your advantage is a key aspect of this build. Shadow Vortex, Shadow Storm, and Glowing Brand move you forward, while Persona (Z) and Lunar Eclipse: Cadenza move you backward. Most often, you will want to cancel the backward momentum by aiming away from your enemy, effectively sending your character towards them, but this will not always be the case. Use your best judgment and improvise if needed!
Basic Cycle Combinations
- Each of these cycles is a fundamental part of your rotation. You can use Dance of Fury and Glowing Brand interchangeably, but Rage Spear should always be used first due to the Shadow Blade effect.
- When available, Finishing Step should be used with the Shadow Blade effect. You can cast Rage Spear as well for more damage in that cycle, but it should not be used with Persona in order to maintain Shadow Blade cycling.
- If the situation allows, you can empower a Swoop Skill with Incognito during a Black Mist cycle by holding it for longer and using Shadow Vortex for 1 stack instead.
- Phantom Dancer is mainly used to trigger the Incognito effect, in pair with Rage Spear / Finishing Step and the Shadow Blade effect. Alternatively, the following combo can be done if Shadow Blade falls on a Call of the Knife cycle in order to speed it up:
- If you cannot unlock the Vital Point Secured node, your rotation changes slightly:
- You can freely use your Swoop Skills in any order.
- You can enhance any Swoop Skill with Incognito, prioritizing Rage Spear and Finishing Step.
- When available, you can use Finishing Step instead of Dance of Fury for that rotation.
- Try your best to maintain your Synergy using Shadow Vortex, even if you aren't planning to attack immediately after.
Stagger Check
- Using skills in this specific order is recommended for short stagger checks. For longer mechanics, simply use your damage cycles without entering Persona. Remember you can also use a Whirlwind Grenade if you have one equipped!
Gems are another significant aspect of your build, as they directly impact the damage and cooldowns of your skills. You can equip up to 11 gems at a time. Here are the ones you should focus on to maximize this build's potential, listed according to their priority.
Damage Gems
- Rage Spear
- Glowing Brand
- Dance of Fury
- Shadow Storm
Cooldown Gems
- Shadow Vortex
- Shadow Storm
- Black Mist
- Call of the Knife
- Dance of Fury
- Rage Spear
- Nightmare
Engravings are a core part of your build. You can equip up to five at a time, freely swapping between them. Engravings are listed in order of importance.
Recommended Setup
- Grudge
- Ambush Master
- Keen Blunt Weapon
- Cursed Doll
- Adrenaline
Tripods affect your skills directly by providing utility, damage, cooldown reduction or gauge generation. These are the ones you should prioritize:
- Shadow Storm: Charge Shadow
- Shadow Vortex: Swoop Activation and Quick Prep
- Rage Spear: Ambush and Fatal Dagger
- Glowing Brand: Enhanced Swoop and Testament
- Dance of Fury: Fatal Dagger and Shadow Dance
Bracelets provide beneficial effects to yourself or to your party members depending on the rolls they have.
The primary goal is to get the main stats used by your build. After that, you should be aiming for Special Rolls to get more damage. Here are the effects you should look out for, in no particular order:
Tier 3 | Tier 4 |
Specialization | Specialization |
Crit | Crit |
Ambush | Crit Rate +3.4/4.2/5%. Crit Hit Damage +1.5%. |
Circulate | Crit Damage +6.8/8.4/10%. Crit Hit Damage +1.5%. |
Fervor | Damage +2/2.5/3%. Damage against Staggered foes +4/4.5/5%. |
Hammer | Additional Damage +2.5/3/3.5%. Demon & Arch-Demon Damage +2.5%. |
Wedge | Damage +4.5/5/5.5%. Skill Cooldown +2%. |
Assail | On hit, Weapon Power +1,160/1,320/1,480 and Att. & Mov. Speed +1%. (max 6 stacks, 10s duration). |
Precise | Weapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000. When HP is above 50%, on hit Weapon Power +2,000/2,200/2,400 for 5s. |
Superiority | Weapon Power +6,900/7,800/8,700. On hit, Weapon Power +130/140/150 (max 30 stacks, 120s duration). |
Dexterity | Damage +2/2.5/3%. |
Weapon Power | Additional Damage +3/3.5/4%. |
Back Attack Damage +2/2.5/3%. | |
Crit Rate +3.4/4.2/5%. | |
Crit Damage +6.8/8.4/10%. | |
Weapon Power +7,200/8,100/9,000. | |
Dexterity |
The recommended Elixir Set for this build is Critical.
Written by Raeinor
Reviewed by Perciculum