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World Events & Activities in Diablo 4

Last Updated:March 5, 2025|Changelog

The World of Sanctuary is filled with activities ranging from discovering Altars of Lilith to venturing into Dungeons filled with loot. These world events rewards everything from Renown to entries for your Codex of Power, and they can be found all over the world of Sanctuary. So discover these locations yourself, or use our Map Tool, and start exploring the world events of Diablo 4 and collect their rewards!

Altars of Lilith

World of Sanctuary

Altars of Lilith are hidden objects throughout Sanctuary that permanently increase all of your character's Attributes, which translates into significant power increases. You naturally come across some of them along your journey, but many of them are hard to find and require you to explore remote areas. Finding them all is definitely time well spent!

D 4 Altar Of Lilith
Altar of Lilith


World of Sanctuary

Cellars are instanced areas that work similarly to Dungeons, but are much smaller and shorter in scope. Entrances to Cellars can be found throughout the overworld of Sanctuary and completing them grants a chest filled with various rewards, including gear and crafting materials.

Cellar Map Icon
This Icon means there's a Cellar nearby.


World of Sanctuary

There are many reasons for adventurers to clear out the Dungeons found across Sanctuary. On the first completion, most Dungeons unlock a Legendary Power for the Codex of Power. They also grant 40 Renown in the zone they are located in, Gold and Experience. Dungeons tend to have a lot of Elite monsters, which translates into a ton of guaranteed loot, making them a great place to improve your gear! To finish a Dungeon you have to go complete several objectives and most have a challenging boss fight at the end.

Dungeons icons on the Map

Fields of Hatred (PvP)

World of Sanctuary

The Fields of Hatred are endgame Player vs Player (PvP) zones where you can test your might in Diablo 4. It is a battlefield ridden with carnage, blood, death, and destruction where many meet their end. The goal is to kill monsters and players to collect Seeds of Hatred and then purify them for rewards.

The Fields of Hatred combines PvP and PvE into a fun and chaotic battleground. You are constantly attacking monsters, bosses, and other players while trying to stay alive and collect experience, loot, and resources. If you are strong enough to fend everyone off, it can be quite lucrative to hold the PvP zone for as long as you can. Beware though: the more you kill, the higher the price that is placed on your death!

The Fields of Hatred in the Dry Steppes
The Fields of Hatred in the Dry Steppes

Gathering Legions

World of Sanctuary

The Gathering Legions zone event is a special event in Diablo 4. These prominently show up on the map with a timer, and you can participate simply by going there. Other players may be present and assist you as this is a big event. These Zone Events have a much larger scale than and should not be confused with Local Events that you randomly come across as you travel through Sanctuary.

Gathering Legion
Gathering Legion icon on the Map

Local Events

World of Sanctuary

Orange circles mark Local Events in the world of Diablo 4. Within the circle, you complete small tasks for rewards. These events are the primary source of Murmuring Obols, which allow you to gamble for items at the Purveyor of Curiosities. There is even a small chance at a random Boss Summoning Material for completing the mastery objective. Some of these events can be found in dungeons as well as the overworld.

D 4 Local Events Orange Circle
Outdoor Event Circle


World of Sanctuary

Strongholds are bastions of evil located around the world of Diablo 4. When you come across them, your task is to liberate them from the occupying hellspawn! As a reward, you get 100 Renown points and some turn into central hubs with Waypoints, some become inhabited with vendors and artisans, or unlock new Dungeons and Zone Events.

Moordaine Lodge Stronghold on the Map

Side Quests

World of Sanctuary

From simply cheering on soldiers to deep dives into Dungeons, Side Quests in Diablo 4 come in all shapes and forms. They tell small stories of NPC's in Sanctuary and are an integral part of your character power progression due to their rewards: 30 Renown, Experience, Gold, and the occasional cache with various contents like crafting materials or Elixirs.

Side Quests
Side Quest Icons


  • Altars of Lilith are hidden objects throughout Sanctuary that permanently increase all of your character's Attributes,
  • Cellars are instanced areas that work similarly to Dungeons, but are much smaller and shorter in scope.
  • On the first completion, most Dungeons unlock a Legendary Power for the Codex of Power and 40 Renown in the zone they are located in.
  • Fields of Hatred is the PvP mode of Diablo 4. If you play Hardcore, enter at your own risk!
  • The Gathering Legions zone event is a special event where teamwork is key, make sure to check for it on the world map!
  • Local Events are events marked by orange circles on your map. They are the only consistent source of Murmuring Obols which can be used to gamble items for all equipment slots.
  • Strongholds often unlocks teleporters on your map, as well as a lot of experience!
  • Side Quests are a great way to complete your Renown. If this is your goal, focus on the short ones!


Written by Avarilyn

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