Local Events
Last Updated:January 19, 2025|Changelog
Orange circles mark Local Events in the world of Diablo 4. Within the circle, you complete small tasks for rewards. These events are the primary source of Murmuring Obols, which allow you to gamble for items at the Purveyor of Curiosities. There is even a small chance at a random Boss Summoning Material for completing the mastery objective. Some of these events can be found in dungeons as well as the overworld. Let's jump in and see what they're all about!
Local Event Locations
There are many fixed locations where Local Events can spawn. They appear in large open areas, or in special settings like fortresses. An orange circle shows in the area when an event is available. All event objectives take place inside these circles. The circle is bigger in special zone locations.

Local Events Reward
Each Event has both a main and a mastery objective. When completed, the main objective rewards you with Gold, Experience, and a Greater Radiant Chest with further rewards like crafting materials, Gems, equipment, and Murmuring Obols. Completing the Mastery objective increases the number of Murmuring Obol drops and gives a chance to drop a random Boss Summoning Material. Most events take 2-4 minutes because parts of them are timed.

List of Local Events
There are 2 sets of Local Events that can spawn depending on the event location. The Open Area Events are smaller and have no structures in the location. The Special Zone Events have set scenes like graveyards, fortresses, and more.
Open Area Events
Here is a list of all Open Area Events:
Ancients' Obelisk
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and click on the Ancients' Obelisk.
Objective: Stand on the pressure plates to satiate them: 0/4
Mastery: Satiate the plates before the time runs out (2 min)
Complete the objectives
A timer of 2 minutes starts. Once you stand on a pressure plate, monsters spawn that attack you. Defend yourself against them and try to stay on the plates. They fill with blood, which moves towards the altar while you stand on them. Each plate takes a few seconds to become satiated. Once all plates are satiated, an Elite monster spawns. Kill it to complete the event.

Ancient Syphon
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and kill the enemies attacking the caravan, then speak to the survivors.
Objective: Survive the ambush
Mastery: Keep all the survivors alive (1:15 min)
Complete the objectives
Monsters start spawning around the caravan and start attacking the survivors. Kill them as quickly as possible. You can distract the monsters away from the villagers by attacking them once. An Elite spawns when the timer runs out. Kill it to complete the event.

Caravan Under Siege
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and kill the enemies attacking the caravan, then speak to the survivors.
Objective: Survive the ambush
Mastery: Keep all the survivors alive (1:15 min)
Complete the objectives
Monsters start spawning around the caravan and start attacking the survivors. Kill them as quickly as possible. You can distract the monsters away from the villagers by attacking them once. An Elite spawns when the timer runs out. Kill it to complete the event.

Combat Altar
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and interact with the Combat Altar.
Objective: Survive the attack
Mastery: Collect enemies' souls: 0/30 (1 min)
Complete the objectives
Once activated, you are attacked by monsters. Kill them and collect the green souls that some of them drop by running over them. A collected soul flies into the Combat Altar. Complete the event by killing all monsters that remain after the timer runs out.
Defiled Ground
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and kill the channelers to disrupt the ritual
Objective: Survive the attack
Mastery: Destroy the Construct
Complete the objectives
Monsters spawn around the construct. Kill them to prevent getting overwhelmed. Keep damaging the construct. Sometimes another monster appears to channel a shield onto the construct. Kill them and continue dealing damage to it until it is destroyed, then kill off any remaining monsters to complete the event.
e timer runs out.

Insatiable Hunger
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and kill the red-marked target moving towards the Devourer of Souls.
Objective: Survive the ritual
Slay enemies before they are sacrificed to the Devourer
Mastery: Sacrifices Remaining: 3
Complete the objectives
Monsters spawn in with a red line connecting them to the Devourer. You need to kill them before they get sacrificed (reach the Devourer). After 1:30 minutes, the Devourer wants to sacrifice you instead. You can now kill it and any other remaining monsters around to complete the event.

Jar of Souls
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle kill monsters to disturb the jar, then collect their anima.
Objective: Survive the enemy assault
Mastery: Collect 30 enemy souls
Complete the objectives
Monsters keep spawning around you. Kill them and run over the white-green souls they leave behind. Once you have collected 30 of them, an Elite monster spawns. Kill it to finish the local event.

Wave of Darkness
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and kill all monsters in the circle.
Objective: Slay as many enemy waves as you can before time runs out
Mastery: Defeat 5 waves (1 min)
Complete the objectives
A few seconds after killing the initial monsters, waves of monsters start attacking you from all directions. Kill off as many waves as you can. Finish the event by killing the wave that remains once the timer runs out.

Wayward Soul
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and kill all enemies within, then speak to the Wayward Soul.
Objective: Escort the Wayward Soul to their loved one
Mastery: Escort the Wayword Soul to their loved one before the time runs out
Complete the objectives
The Wayward Soul starts moving around with a small circle around it. Stay in the circle to keep it moving. When you leave the circle, it gets attacked and stops moving. There is a progression bar that turns red if you are behind schedule. Kill the Elite that spawns after the Soul reached its final destination.

Webbed Hatchery
Start and Objectives
Enter the circle and search the cocoons for villagers: 0/3
Objective: Protect the Villagers: 3 (1 min)
Mastery: Keep all the Villagers alive
Complete the objectives
Once you have found all villagers in the cocoons, waves of spiders spawn around you that attack the villagers. They stand up in the location they have been found, but run into the opposite direction of where they are being attack from. Keep killing the spiders to prevent the villagers from dying. Once the timer runs out, kill the remaining spiders to complete the event.

Special Zone Events
Cull the Wicked
Start and objectives
Enter the special zone event location and slay all enemies in the circle.
Objective: Defeat Elite
Mastery: 60 seconds remaining
Complete the objectives
Once all monsters in the area are defeated, an Elite monster spawns. Kill it to complete the event.

Hold your Ground
Start and objectives
Enter the special zone event location and talk to the adventurer.
Objective: Defeat the attacking waves: 5 left
Mastery: Protect the wanderer
Complete the objectives
You get attacked by ever-growing waves of monsters. Kill them and protect the adventurer at all costs! The event is completed when you kill the 5th wave.

Start and objectives
Enter the special zone event location.
Objective (Depends on Zone):
Free the captives of Lay the Spirits to Rest: 6
Mastery: Defeat Elite (60 seconds remaining)
Complete the objectives
Walk around the event area and free the captives. An Elite spawns in the middle of the zone. Kill it and its minions to complete the event.

Raze the Effigies
Start and objectives
Enter the special zone event location and destroy the structures.
Objective: Defeat Elite
Mastery: 60 seconds remaining
Complete the objectives
An Elite spawns in one of the structure locations after you destroyed all 3. Finish the event by killing it as quickly as possible!

Nahantu Events
Pillaging the Past
Start and objectives
Inspect the Seething Sarcophagus
Objective: Slay demons while Aldkin opens the sarcophagus
Mastery: Slay demons in the sigils to help power the spell
Complete the objectives
Drag nearby enemies into the red circles on the ground to gain Mastery score. Once enough enemies have been slain, the sarcophagus will open and the event will finish.

Settling the Score
Start and objectives
Hunt the beasts
Objective: Slay more beasts than Varyana
Mastery: Beat Varyana in the contest
Complete the objectives
Slay all the nearby beasts to gain points. Varyana occasionally charges a nearby location, killing all enemies in her path. Make sure to drag enemies away from the Area of Effect so she does not get the points.

Mining for Wolfram
Start and objectives
Ready the mining supplies
Objective: Slay looters while Raheir mines the Wolfram
Mastery: Slay the animated wolfram after Raheir frees them
Complete the objectives
Once all wolfram has been mined by Raheir, an Elite monster spawns. Kill it and the remaining enemies to complete the event.

Impromptu Investigation
Start and objectives
Burn damp wood to attract the killers
Objective: Slay the targets lured by the smoke
Mastery: Slay the Killers Subo calls out
Complete the objectives
Enemies keep spawning until the timer is finished. Once the timer reaches zero, clearing the final enemies completes the event.

- Local Events spawn all over Sanctuary and are marked by an orange circle.
- They are the only consistent source of Murmuring Obols which can be used to gamble items for all equipment slots.
- Objectives are contained within the orange circle and most take 2-4 minutes to complete.
Maintained by Avarilyn
Written by Teo1904