Lost Ark Tier 4 Checklist
Welcome to the Lost Ark Tier 4 checklist. This checklist utilizes a new feature called "Milestones." This list will help you navigate through the daily and weekly content in Season 3.
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1640+ Checklist
Main Characters
Use all your Cube Tickets to obtain EXP and T3 upgrade materials.
T3 Cube EXP
- Level 1 = 880,000
- Level 2 = 2,750,000
- Level 3 = 3,300,000
- Level 4 = 3,850,000
- Level 5 = 4,400,000
Clear this until you get full T4 Gear. Once you have full gear, there is no reason to run this content anymore.
Advance Hone/Temper to one of the thresholds listed below, based on available gold, T3 upgrade materials and T4 content goals (Aegir NM or HM).
- Temper to unlock Advanced Honing on as many parts as possible.
- Advance Hone first to +10 and Temper to unlock +10-20 on as many parts as possible.
- Advance Hone as many parts as possible to +20. Ideally, all parts.
Check Advance Honing section above before transferring!
Move all your alts to your Main's guild. To do so, open the guild window (ALT+U), go to the “Manage” tab, and click on “Join Roster”.
After you have transferred your gear to T4, visit the following vendors to convert your (bound) T3 upgrade materials into T4.
You should consider keeping your unbound T3 materials for a while, in case the price of those items spikes in the auction house. In that case, you could make a lot of gold.
Exchange Honing Materials
- Oreha Fusion Material
- Leapstone
- Destruction Stone
- Guardian Stone
Legion Raid Exchange
- Special Honing: Concentrated Leapstone
Convert all your T3 Gems to T4. Exceptions are the lvl 10 DMG gems of skills, which contribute to more than ~25% of your total damage.
With the release of S3, you are no longer limited to 18 max level tripods. Double check if all tripods of the active skills are max level.
Try to reach Level 70 since levels provide you additional Ark Passive points. Additionally, you will be able to upgrade your skills to level 13 (lvl 65) and 14 (lvl 70).

For the first few weeks, it is recommended on focusing Una's Tasks, which reward you with T4 Shards. If you have “+1 Una's Task” tickets, use it!
Shard Una's Tasks
- Nightmare Shadow — North Kurzan
- Befriend the Hiliaberry Thief! — Pleccia
- Birth of a Ghost Story — Voldis
- Writer's Life: Fan Meeting — Elgacia
- Endless Debris — Shadow Island
- Crook Catcher — Runaways Island
- Whale Watching — Notos Island
Clear Kurzan Frontline. Dismantle all amulets.
Slay Argeos.
1680+ (Aegir HM):
- Dismantle all accessories below 67 quality.
- Ancient 67+ quality: Hone and equip it (or sell it in AH).
- Relic 67+ quality: Sell in AH or send it to an Alt to hone and equip.
1660 (Aegir NM):
- Dismantle all accessories below 67 quality.
- Relic 67+ quality: Hone and equip it (or sell it in AH).
Ideal Stats to roll/hone (DPS):
- Necklace: Outgoing Damage | Additional Damage
- Earring: Attack Power % | Weapon Power %
- Ring: Crit Rate | Crit Damage
Ideal Stats to roll/hone (SUP):
- Necklace: Support Gauge Gain | Brand Power
- Earring: Weapon Power % | Flex
- Ring: AP Buff Efficiency | Identity Buff Efficiency
Do daily donation and research boost. Take a look at the Guild System guide for more information. The Guild System guide will be updated on the 8th of October.

We don't recommend honing your t4 gear above +21. The resources should be invested in other systems (Accessory, Gems, Advanced Honing, etc.) for a better cost/gain ratio.
Use your bloodstones in the guild shop to acquire upgrade materials and cube tickets. Take a look at the Guild System guide for more information. The Guild System guide will be updated on the 8th of October.
Check all available Event Shops and buy out all the resources you need for your character's progression.
Buy resources and materials required for your character's progression.
Recommended Weekly Una's
- Kurzan Frontline (Aura of Resonance) x2
- Cube x1
Clear 3 weekly raids of your choice based on your Ilvl. Ideally, you should prioritize raids which provide T4 materials.
For the first few weeks, you should buy the extra loot box for additional T4 materials and accessories.
Material from raids you don't need anymore can be converted at the Legion Raid Exchange for T4 material boxes.
1620 Checklist
New/Returning or Alt Characters
Clear this until you get full T4 Gear. Once you have full gear, there is no reason to run this content anymore.
Before transferring your current equipment to T4, it is recommended to temper each part using the Advanced Honing tab, if possible.
We generally don't advise investing excessive gold and resources into advance honing before transferring. Especially if you don't want to push your alt anytime soon to unlock a new content.
After a few weeks, when the prices of t4 materials go down, you can continue advance honing on your alts, if it is cheaper than normal honing.

After you have transferred your gear to T4, visit the following vendors to convert your (bound) T3 upgrade materials into T4.
You should consider keeping your unbound T3 materials for a while, in case the price of those items spikes in the auction house. In that case, you could make a lot of gold.
Exchange Honing Materials
- Oreha Fusion Material
- Leapstone
- Destruction Stone
- Guardian Stone
Legion Raid Exchange
- Special Honing: Concentrated Leapstone
Convert all your T3 Gems to T4. Exceptions are the lvl 10 DMG gems of skills, which contribute to more than ~25% of your total damage.
With the release of S3, you are no longer limited to 18 max level tripods. Double check if all tripods of the active skills are max level.
Alts you want to further hone:
For the first few weeks, it is recommended on focusing Una's Tasks, which reward you with T4 Shards.
Alts you want to keep at 1640:
Do leapstone, shards or additional honing material related tasks.
Clear Kurzan Frontline. Dismantle all amulets.
Slay Argeos.
- Send accessories to your main to dismantle via mail. (20 roster limit per day)
- Dismantle remaining accessories below 67 quality.
- Relic 67+ quality: Hone and equip it (or sell it in AH).
Ideal Stats to roll/hone (DPS):
- Necklace: Outgoing Damage | Additional Damage
- Earring: Attack Power % | Weapon Power %
- Ring: Crit Rate | Crit Damage
Ideal Stats to roll/hone (SUP):
- Necklace: Support Gauge Gain | Brand Power
- Earring: Weapon Power % | Flex
- Ring: AP Buff Efficiency | Identity Buff Efficiency
Do daily donation and research boost. Take a look at the Guild System guide for more information. The Guild System guide will be updated on the 8th of October.

We do not recommend honing your t4 gear above +21. The resources should be invested in other systems (Accessory, Gems, Advanced Honing, etc.) for a better cost/gain ratio.
Use your bloodstones in the guild shop to acquire upgrade materials and cube tickets. Take a look at the Guild System guide for more information. The Guild System guide will be updated on the 8th of October.
Check all available Event Shops and buy out all the resources you need for your character's progression.
Buy resources and materials required for your character's progression.
Recommended Weekly Una's
- Kurzan Frontline (Aura of Resonance) x2
- Cube x1
Clear 3 weekly raids of your choice based on your Ilvl. Ideally, you should prioritize raids which provide T4 materials.
For the first few weeks, you should buy the extra loot box for additional T4 materials and accessories.
Material from raids you don't need anymore can be converted at the Legion Raid Exchange for T4 material boxes.
Roster Checklist
It is recommended to get all the Combat Engravings on your main and alts slowly to legendary by using legendary Engraving books.
Slowly work towards completing the new elemental damage increase card sets. For more details, refer to the elemental alternatives in the Endgame Card Sets guide.
This is a new collectible, which will provide with later expansion additional Enlightenment points. To get the very first chart, you need to collect 5 chart fragments.
Unlock the collectible page first before you start collecting the fragments.
Chart Fragment Sources:
- Quest: A Rumor from the Sea — South Kurzan
- 80% North Kurzan Adventure Tome
- North Kurzan Field Boss
- Old Bottle obtained from Wandering Merchant Ship at Kurzan harbor. RNG drop, you can buy 10 bottles per week.
- Spearfish Hunting Guild Vessel — Kurzan Harbor
Important Unlocks:
- 70% — Enlightenment Point Potions
- 80% — Bloodclaw's Chart fragment
Permanent Enlightenment Point Potions
- 3 Points — 70% North Kurzan Adventure Tome
- 3 Points — Bloodclaw's Chart Collectibles (Currently unobtainable)
- 3 Points — Unfinished Fight Una Reputation
- 5 Points — North Kurzan Field Boss
Check frequently for the Wandering Merchant in North Kurzan to purchase “A Suspicious Map”, which is required for the North Kurzan Adventure Tome completion.
At the start of Season 3; Mushrooms, Leather, and Pearls will be removed and replaced by Life Skill Powder. Exchange this powder for T4 Life Skill materials and use it to craft T4 fusion materials.
If your main is level 62+, use the Stronghold training to passively train and level up your alts.
Important Drops:
- Legendary Poison Rune
- Enlightenment Point Potions
- Cooking Ingredient
- Bloodclaw's Chart fragment
- Relic Engraving Books
- Ancient Accessory (1680+ chars)
Important Drops:
- Tradable T4 Materials
- Legendary Fortified Rune
- Relic Engraving Books
If available, clear one of the Procyon's Compas Adventure Islands for additional materials (and gold).
Exhaust all your life skill energy by either farming materials in the open world or by using the Stronghold Farm. The Stronghold guide will be updated on the 8th of October.
Use up all your stronghold energy by crafting, expedition or farming. Furthermore, keep collecting cookies and upgrading your pets to legendary, since they can roll important new stats for the raid in the future.
Visit the Wandering Merchant Ship at Kurzan harbor to buy upgrade materials, EXP potions and 10 Old Bottles.
Slay the 3 challenge weekly guardians. They still provide only T3 rewards.
Clear the 2 challenge weekly guardians. They still provide only T3 rewards.
This Island now rewards T4 mats.
AGS senpai, please give us API. #NoTeaming
Exchange your Una's Tokens for gold.
Visit the Stronghold Exchange merchant to exchange the stronghold currency for a box to get either a speed-up tickets or pills (15,000 Stronghold Energy).
Exchange Courage Coins for upgrade materials and EXP potions.
Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Sekwah
Main Sources Wineblue, Saintone, Lost Ark Reddit Community