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Argeos Guardian Raid Guide

Last Updated:October 5, 2024


Argeos is the first Raid Level 8 Guardian, with an Item Level requirement of 1640. He drops Tier 4 Accessories, Ability Stones, and Upgrade Materials, as well as rare drops including Engraving Books and a new Rune.

Recommended Battle Items: Flare, Pheromone Essence, Sacred Charm and Dark Grenade

Weakness: Light

This Guardian guide assumes you know the basics of a Guardian Raid. Take a look at the General Guardian Raid Guide to learn more.

Raid Mechanics

Raid mechanics cover the passive mechanics that are persistent through the entire raid.

Electrocute Combo
Chaos Brand
Just Guard

Most of the laser attacks electrocute on hit. When a player gets electrocuted, Argeos usually follows up with a Jump attack.

Make sure to use cleansing skills or Sacred Charm on the crowd-controlled (CCed) player before the boss lands the jump attack on them.

Some attacks debuff the players on hit with a chaos brand, which lasts for a minute. Each stack of this debuff increases incoming damage by 20%, and it can stack up to 10 times.

This debuff cannot be cleansed. So make sure to not accumulate too many stacks.

Just Guard is a new pattern type introduced with this Guardian Raid. As an indication for this pattern, the boss glows golden. Make sure to use this fight to master it, since it will be very useful in the upcoming raids.

To succeed Just Guard, you need to face (point cursor towards) the guardian and use the “G” key at the right moment. You don't have to stand in front of the boss.

Guard Annihilation
Guard Counter
Guard Dash

This pattern occurs twice per raid based on boss' HP.


  1. Guardian jumps to the center of the battle area.
  2. Argeos holds still, glows golden and gathers energy.
  3. A red orb appears in front of the guardian.
  4. The Guardian spreads his wing and knock backs everyone who failed to guard.
  5. Argeos takes a few steps back before firing a laser towards the Orb.
    • If the laser hits the orb, it explodes and kills everyone.

What to do

  1. Group up in front of the guardian and face it.
  2. Succeed guard by using the “G” key as soon as Argeos starts moving (spreading the wings).
  3. Destroy the red orb and avoid standing in front of the boss to not get hit by the laser.
    • If you are very confident in your guard timing, you can deal damage to boss or the orb while waiting for the right guard moment.


  1. Argeos holds still, glows golden and gathers energy.
  2. The Guardian spreads his wing and knock backs everyone who failed to guard.
  3. Guardian glows blue briefly.
    • If not countered, the guardian casts a follow-up orb attack, which hits players in a large area.

What to do

  1. Group up in front of the guardian and face it.
  2. Succeed just guard by using the “G” key as soon as Argeos starts moving (spreading the wings).
  3. Use a counter skill to interrupt the boss.

Missing footage. It will be added as soon as possible!


  1. Argeos glows golden and jumps back.
  2. The Guardian disappears briefly and dashes forward.
  3. If no one succeeded Just Guard, Argeos turns around and shoots a laser.

What to do

  1. Succeed just guard by using the “G” key as soon as Argeos disappears to execute his dash.
    • If everyone failed to guard, avoid standing in the dash path to not get hit by the laser.

Counter Patterns

Frontal Orb

What to do

  • Use counter skill to interrupt the orb cast.
    • In case you failed the counter, avoid standing in front and dodge the lines.

What to do

  • Use counter skill to interrupt the dash.
    • If you failed to counter, avoid standing in the dash path to not get hit by the laser.

Laser Patterns

Most of the following patterns electrocute(CC) players on a hit. A faint red glow around his mouth indicates upcoming laser patterns.

360 Laser
Hover Laser
Side Laser
Frontal Laser

What to do

  • Wait for the first explosion, and move to that spot afterward to dodge the follow-up explosions.

What to do

  • You should closely follow the Guardian and avoid standing in front of it.

What to do

  • After the initial laser, follow and stand behind or to the right of Argeos.

What to do

  • Avoid standing in front of the boss.
    • The guardian can execute this pattern after turning 160 degrees first.

General Patterns

Most of the following patterns apply the Chaos Brand debuff on a hit.

Jump Attack
Hover Slam
Triple Slam
Tail Swing

What to do

  • Move out of the red circle.
    • Cleanse electrocuted party members first.

What to do

  • Avoid standing in front of the Guardian.

What to do

  • Stay closer to the back of the Guardian.

What to do

  • Avoid the initial hit, then move to the back to dodge the swing.

What to do

  • Move out of the small red circles.


Written by Perciculum
Reviewed by Sekwah
Footage from Saintone

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