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North Kurzan Adventure Tome Guide

Last Updated:February 22, 2025|Changelog

This guide looks to detail the most important aspects of the region named North Kurzan. This guide will cover the Adventure Tome, Traveling Merchant, Hidden Quests, and Mokoko Seeds. The first section contains general maps of each zone in North Kurzan; the purpose is to give you a brief holistic point of view of each zone. The other sections go into more detail about your Adventure Tome and other hidden parts of South Kurzan.

  10% ➜ Pheonix Plume x50
  20% ➜ Poison Rune
  30% ➜ Stat Increase Potion
  40% ➜ Ren
  50% ➜ Stronghold Crew Application: Ironblood Shez

  60% ➜ Emote: Dust Off
  70% ➜ Enlightenment Point Potion
  80% ➜ First Bloodclaw's Chart Fragment #2
  90% ➜ Structure: Northern Kurzan Miniature Map
100% ➜ Ignea Token: North Kurzan

North Kurzan Zone Maps

Select the below names in the Table of Contents directly go to the in-depth guides for each Adventure Tome section. You will find more detailed locations and methods of acquisition of each entry there.

Unique Monsters

Another Story
Hidden Story

Traveling Merchant

Abidos Garrison
Seuht Valley
Zone 1 Nkurzan
Nkurzan Seuhtvalley

Detailed Mokoko Guide

Abidos Garrison
Seuht Valley
  • Pick up a bomb at the marked location by pressing "G".
  • Throw the bomb right below it to destroy the wooden planks with "Q".
  • It will open up, and you'll be able to jump down.
  • Grab the first mokoko on the floor level, then go to the right and climb up for the second one.
Mokoko 12
Abidos Garrison
Moko 12 1 874 X 506
Pickup bomb "G"
Moko 12 2 681 X 506
Throw the bomb at the wooden planks "Q"
  • Perform excavating at the marked locations to gain a buff.
  • Get x5 stacks, so you can jump down to the mokoko.
3 Mokoko 668 X 506
  • Killing chaos monsters creates red AoE's beneath them.
  • Step on them to acquire stacks of chaotic energy.
  • Reach 3 stacks → Unerring Aura of Chaos.
  • Collect the flower marked on the map → consume it, then head to the portal for your mokokos.
456 Mokoko 1 558 X 506
  • Go to the marked spots in the correct number order.
  • Play the corresponding songs "F2" next to the marked NPC's.
    • Interact with the NPC by pressing "G" after that.
  • After playing your final song, the door will glow, and you can enter it.
  1. Song of Valor
  2. Song of Eternity
  3. Hymn of the Sun
  4. Soulful Requiem
Song Mokokos 534 X 506
Moko 78 1 807 X 506
Song of Valor
Moko 78 2 900 X 474
Song of Eternity
Moko 78 3 900 X 468
Hymn of the Sun
Moko 78 4 857 X 506
Soulful Requiem
  • Go to the mokoko location marked on the map, jump twice to a higher point.
  • Once you reach the stone bridge, enter selfie mode and take a screenshot.
  • You will get an achievement: Nerves of Steel.
  • Then you can go through and grab the mokoko.
Moko 1 1 671 X 506
Jump across twice
Moko 1 2 741 X 506
Go into Selfie Mode and take a screenshot
Moko 1 3 895 X 506
Climb down for the seed
12 Mokokozone 2
  • Climb down the cliff at this location.
  • Walk forward until you reach an NPC.
  • Stand in the lava until your HP drops to 1.
  • This will grant you a Soot title.
  • Equip it and the path will open for you to get the mokoko.
Moko 23 1 825 X 506
Jump down and walk across
Moko 23 2 691 X 506
Reach 1HP, equip title "Soot"
Moko 23 3 792 X 506
Go through the shiny entrance
  • After defeating the Field Boss in Northern Kurzan, you will receive a debuff .
  • Then you must collect 4 observation logs in the correct order from 1-4 (check image).
  • After interacting with the final observation log, a glowing entrance will appear just above it.
  • Go in and grab your mokokos.
45 Mokokozone 2 394 X 506

Colvin, Wandering Merchant Location

The Wandering Merchant can appears in both North Kurzan zones. When he spawns, he will be available in all channels and stay for 6 hours.

Miscellaneous Items
Secret Pouch: Black Bait Pouch
A Suspicious Map
Fragmented Metal Shard


Abidos Garrison
Seuht Valley
Traveling Merchant Zone 1
Colvin, Wandering Merchant
Traveling Merchant Zone 2
Colvin, Wandering Merchant

Cooking Guide

Edible Volcanic Ash Mushroom
Flameberry Slime Pickle
Ashwind Herbal Tea
Assar-Style Smoked Jerky
Soul of Magma
Flame Pudding
Steamed Vaora Root
  • Travel to Seuht Valley and explore the marked locations for the Edible Volcanic Ash Mushroom, then consume it.
Nkurzan Food 1
Seuht Valley
  • Purchase a Flameberry from the [General Merchant] in Elnead (South Kurzan) for 3,000,000 Silver.
  • Gather 30 Ooze Fluid from Mutated Ooze monsters in the area seen below, then proceed to craft the item at the chef and consume it.
Nkurzan Food 2 608 X 506
Abidos Garrison

Explore the marked locations in the map, try to find an Ashwind Herb

  • When searching, characters with immunity to status effects can save silver such as Bard's Guardian Tune, Gunlancer's Guardian's Protection etc. or a well-timed Splendid Panacea.
  • Otherwise, a Sneeze Prevention Medicine must be purchased from [General Merchant] in Elnead (South Kurzan) for 1,000,000 Silver.
    • Be quick to gather the herb after consuming it, as the protection doesn't last long.

Once found, craft the Ashwind Herbal Tea at the chef and consume it.

Kurzan Food 3
Seuht Valley
  • Purchase a Smoking Kit from the [General Merchant] in Elnead (South Kurzan) for 1,250,000 Silver.
  • Gather x45 Clumpy Lump of Meat from mutated monsters in the area seen below, then proceed to craft the Assar-Style Smoked Jerky at the chef and consume it.
Nkurzan Food 2 608 X 506
Abidos Garrison
  • Defeat the field boss for a chance to obtain Sevek Atun Lava.
  • Proceed to craft the Soul of Magma at the chef and consume it.
  • Purchase a Suspicious Map from the wandering merchant Colvin for 3,500,000 Silver.
  • You can obtain the Sai Flower by entering the secret dungeon using the map.
  • Then visit the chef and craft the Flame Pudding and consume it.
  • Vaora Grass - Rapport reward from Ren upon reaching Friendly status.
  • Lava Grape - Explore the location marked below in Seuht Valley, Lava Energy must be placed in your inventory to find it.
Sehut Valley Food
  • Lava Energy - Completion reward for reputations: "Sizzling Heat & It's Getting Hot In Here" (Can only be started with item level 1670 character, after one completion item level doesn't matter anymore).
  • Craft the Steamed Vaora Root at the Cook once you've obtained all 3 ingredients.

Vista Guide

Abidos Garrison
Seuht Valley
Vista Zone 1
Abidos Garrison
Vista Zone 2

Unique Monsters Guide

1-6 Abidos Garrison
7-11 Seuht Valley
Northkurzan Zone 1 Monsters 608 X 506
Northkurzan Zone 2 Monsters 607 X 506

Another Story Guide

Vain Daydreaming
  • ! The Main Story Quest line has to be completed for the quest to appear, specifically: "Thoughts of Those Who Form the Ranks" and "The Path to Take".

How to complete the Vain Daydreaming quest:

  • Quest begins in Elnead (South Kurzan).
  • The first two tasks can be completed immediately.
A Fleeting Daydream 1
Melancholy Holiday & Nameless Dream
  • After the daily reset has occurred, you can proceed with steps 3 and 4 of the quest.
Anotherstory 2 553 X 506
The End of the Road
  • Finally, look for a hidden object located on the ground, east of Elnead (South Kurzan).
  • Finishing it will complete the Another Story.
    • Additionally, this will unlock a new Una task within Vesper.
Anotherstory 4 711 X 506

Hidden Story Guide

Nkurzan Hs 1 Zone 1
Abidos Garrison
Nkurzan Hs 2 Zone 1
Abidos Garrison
Hidden Story 3
Abidos Garrison
Nkurzan Hs 4 Zone 2
Seuht Valley
Nkurzan Hs 5 Zone 2
Seuht Valley
Elnead + Abidos Garrison
Seuht Valley
Nkurzan Hs 6 Zone 1
Elndead & Abidos Garrison
Nkurzan Hs 6 Zone 2
Abidos Garrison
Seuht Valley
Hidden Story 7
Nkurzan Hs 7 Zone 2

Rapport NPCs


Written by Choilicious
Reviewed by Perciculum

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