Elgacia Adventure Tome
Last Updated:February 26, 2025|Changelog
This guide looks to detail the most important aspects of the region named Elgacia. This guide will cover the Adventure Tome, Traveling Merchant appearance times, Hidden Quests, and Mokoko Seeds. The first section contains general maps of each zone in Elgacia; the purpose is to give you a brief holistic point of view of each zone. The other sections go into more detail about your Adventure Tome and other hidden parts of Elgacia.
10% ➜ Phoenix Plume x30
20% ➜ Ancient Platinum Coin x50
30% ➜ Diogenes
40% ➜ Wisdom Potion
50% ➜ Menelik's Tome
60% ➜ Gift
70% ➜ Song of the Lazenith
80% ➜ Light Codex
90% ➜ Structure: Brilliant Tower
100% ➜ Ignea Token: Elgacia
Elgacia Zone Maps
Unique Monsters
Field Boss
Another Story
Hidden Story
Traveling Merchant
Song of the Lazenith

Cooking Guide
The cook is an important NPC that is available in all regions of the game. The purpose of this NPC is to help you craft some cooking entries for your adventure tome. The Elgacia cook is located in Ereonnor.

Collect Sky Bean Pods from the bushes in Hestera Garden and open it to obtain 1-4 Sky Bean(s). To craft Bowl of Sky Beans at the chef, you need 100 Sky Bean(s). Once crafted, consume it immediately, otherwise it will spoil after 10 minutes.

Buy Grape Extract for 500,000 Silver at the general merchant in Ereonnor. It ages over time into Vino Malbec. It takes around 2h 13m to fully ripe.

Kill the Turtle mobs around the marked location in Hestera Garden to collect at least 4x Crystal Turtle Essence. Once you have 4 of those, find a place where you can't get interrupted. Click on Crystal Turtle Essence and wait until a small icon/buff of this item appears above your HP bar. As soon as it appears, consume the next Crystal Turtle Essence. You have to repeat it 2 additional times until all 4 Crystal Turtle Essence are consumed. Once successfully completed, a Sunset Cloud Cotton Candy will appear in front of you, which can be collected by using the “G” key.
Missing the timing to consume Crystal Turtle Essence stuns you. If this happens, you have to start over with at least 4x Crystal Turtle Essence in your inventory.
Check the overview map of Hestera Garden for turtle spawn locations.

Collect 35 Light's Trial by clearing Kayangel Abyssal Dungeon. You can exchange it for 7 Light of Victory and exchange those once more at the NPC in Ereonnor to obtain Elavas.

To craft Beriberi Salad at the cook NPC, you need 15x Redberry, 4x Blueberry and 1x Blackberry. All 3 ingredients are dropped by the wandering giant mobs.
Check the overview map of Hestera Garden for all giant spawn locations.

To craft Golden Apple Pie, you need to collect 2x Golden Apple by defeating the Field Boss in Mount Phylantos.

Obtain ”Orphenic” by completing the Rapport of the NPC displayed below.

Flanos, Wandering Merchant Spawn Times and Locations
The Wandering Merchant appears only in 2 zones. When he spawns, he will be in all channels and stay for about 6 hours. Check out the Wandering Merchant Guide for more information.
Rapport Items
Lucky Starflower
Great Celestial Serpent Skin
Light-infused Wine
Credoff's Glass Magnifier
Ark of Eternity Kayangel
Great Celestial Serpent
Sky Whale

Hidden Quests Guide
Located near the Light Energy Lab within Erennor.

Vista Guide

Unique Monsters Guide

Field Boss Guide

Another Story Guide
Complete a 2-step chain quest that begins in Hestera Garden with the quest Long Wait.

Complete quests:Lonely Melody and
Song of the Wind to unlock the quest
The Song Goes On. Finish this quest to complete your Another Story.

Hidden Story Guide

Rapport NPCs
To unlock all NPC's you must initiate the quest Prayer to God, located within Ereonnor near the Grand Plaza.
This quest requires 3 days to be completed. After finishing the step Silence for the Truth within this questline you must wait until daily reset to continue the quest. On the third day you'll be able to continue with Another Ray of Light and finish the questline to unlock Papa, Tienis, Prophet Kirki and Prophet Euclid.
After unlocking the 4 Rapports above, you unlock the story questDisappearing Sword. Finish this questline to unlock the remaining Rapport NPC's: Azakiel and Prophet Belomet within Elgacia.
Written by Choilicious & Perciculum.
Reviewed by Starlast.