Akkan, Aeromancer and Sonavel Guides

Dear Adventurers, a new content update is scheduled to release very soon. Akkan, the new Legion Raid commander, and Sonavel, the new Guardian Raid, threaten the peaceful life in Arkesia. But note that merely enhancing your skills and using an umbrella may not be sufficient to fight back against the evil forces. That is why we will once again provide you with guidance through the articles below.
Akkan Legion Raid
Akkan joins the ranks of the Legion Raid Commander! In this Legion Raid, you have to survive floods, poison and disease as you battle your way through three Gates. The final gate even features an additional gate similar to Kakul-Saydon gate 3. Are you ready to take on the challenge?

- Legion Raids
Aeromancer Build Guides
Below, you can find the Aeromancer build guides for specific content. It's also possible for you to navigate to all of our Aeromancer guides by visiting our Build Guides category.
Drizzle Aeromancer Raid Build Guide
Windfury Aeromancer Raid Build Guide
Chaos Dungeon Guide
PvP Build Guide
Caliliogs Guardian Raid
The first Tier 7 Guardian Sonavel arrives to Arkesia. Are you ready for battle?

Other Updated and New Guides
This month's update also includes big class balance changes. We updated some of the class builds on Maxroll based on the balance changes made. The remaining builds will be updated within the next few days. Please check the Change Log at the bottom of each build guide to see if it has been updated.
On top of writing new content, we are always improving our existing articles and all of you have been a great help. Join our Discord and use the #bug-report if you notice any bugs, issues, or guide errors. We will continue to work hard to make all of our content the best it can be.
On behalf of our whole Lost Ark team - Thank you for all the feedback!