Build Guides Rework and Valtan Extreme Guide

Dear Arkesians, as we face a fresh challenge, we’ve seized the opportunity not only to create a guide for Valtan Extreme but also to overhaul all our Class Build guides. Thanks to the invaluable assistance of our three new Editors, who have recently joined the Maxroll team, we are thrilled to share the fruits of our labor with you.
Build Guides Rework
Back in December, we made a crucial decision to overhaul all our class build guides. Many of these guides were in dire need of updates, and we were determined to fix everything. To achieve this ambitious goal, we embarked on a search for new editors who would dedicate themselves to writing and maintaining these essential guides. Our criteria were clear: we sought individuals with a comprehensive understanding of multiple classes and the ability to collaborate effectively with the community to enhance the guides even further.
With that in mind, we are thrilled to introduce the perfect candidates who will elevate our guides to the next level. Please welcome our new editors: Civo, Sekwah and Raeinor. Each of them is a prominent contributor to the community guides. Since joining our team, they have worked tirelessly to revamp and update all the available class build guides. We invite you to explore the new Build Guides and provide us with your valuable feedback!
Feedback is essential! If you have suggestions, feedback, or want us to include a specific variant in your favorite class’s build guides, feel free to reach out to the author of the article in the community or on the Maxroll Discord. Your input can make a difference, and if your feedback results in significant improvements to the guides, we’ll add your name to the credits for your valuable contribution.
Build Guides Notification
Recently, the new website was launched. With that, we've updated the Pinned Pages feature and expanded it beyond members of our Maxroll Ad-Free service! This feature lets you pin ANY article, guide, etc. from ANY branch across Maxroll to your own profile. Anyone can Pin up to 10 pages, while Ad-Free users have unlimited Pins. Furthermore, when our Team updates a guide, we'll send a notification to anyone who has the page pinned.
If you want to learn more about the notification system and other new features of the website, click here!

Valtan Extreme
Valtan is making a comeback in an upgraded raid, which can be cleared once every two weeks per roster. There are two versions: Normal (Item Level 1580) and Hard (Item Level 1620). Beyond the initial clear reward, you will get a massive amount of upgrade materials! To improve your chance of slaying the Legion Commander, check out the Valtan Extreme Legion Raid Guide!
In addition to creating new content, we consistently enhance our existing articles, and your contributions have been invaluable.
Join our Discord community and utilize the #bug-report channel if you come across any bugs, issues, or guide errors. We remain committed to ensuring that all our content reaches its highest potential.
On behalf of our whole Lost Ark team - Thank you for all the feedback!