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Jade Harvester Witch Doctor Guide

Last Updated:January 25, 2025|Changelog


Jade Harvester Solo Push
View all variants

Raiment of the Jade Harvester was one of the best Witch Doctor builds at Reaper of Souls release. It has its own unique playstyle as it revolves around harvesting Damage over Time (DoT) skills to deal instant damage.

The main skill that is played is Haunt in combination with Soul Harvest to instantly consume the DoT effect left on enemies. These effects are further enhanced by Creeping Death and Quetzalcoatl.

These days it's not one of the strongest builds for the Witch Doctor, but it has a long history of being one of the most powerful sets in the entire game back from the times before seasons were released. Back then it was heavily used in T6 farming for its massive burst damage potential to oneshot Elites with Soul Harvest and quickly kill Rift Guardians with the help of Legacy The Furnace and its Crushing Blow ability.

Over time it has fallen behind other Witch Doctor builds but got updates that made it stronger with a more active playstyle by giving Haunt the ability to deal extra damage on reapplication, effectively turning it into a spammable damaging skill. Season 30 offers a welcome buff to the build by more than doubling the potential of the (6) Bonus.

This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Jade (2) & (6) Bonuses can both proc it. In its current form, Jade Harvester is playable with different elements with similar performance. Near the top end of the Jade leaderboards you will usually find Consuming Spirit more often, but Resentful Spirits allows for faster pull setups and is better for farming. Both variants can be found below. Let's get into it!

Flavourful ✔
Unique Playstyle ✔
Big AoE Damage ✔
Instant Burst Damage ✔

❌ Low Mobility
❌ Low Toughness
❌ Long Setup Time
❌ Requires Practice

Core Setup

Core Item Build


  • The Raiment of the Jade Harvester (2) & (6) Bonuses are the core source of our damage. These effects are unique in the game: Some of the DoT duration on the target is taken away and the damage is dealt instantly instead.
  • Quetzalcoatl is effectively doubling the DoT damage ticks as they deal their full damage in half the normal duration.
  • Lakumba's Ornament and Sacred Harvester combo is used to gain up to 80% damage reduction, as well as a massive amount of Intelligence, Armor, Life Recovery and Movement Speed from all the Soul Harvest runes.
  • Ring of Emptiness is another core item we do not want to miss out on as it provides us with a crazy 300% damage buff as long as the target is affected by either Haunt or Locust Swarm. This should always be the case as Haunt is our main damage dealing skill.

Global Stat Priorities

6573 Jade Bonuses Dmg
Jade (2) Bonus Haunt Spam DPS &
Jade (6) Bonus Soul Harvest Nuke

Due to the Raiment of the Jade Harvester (2) Bonus Attack Speed does matter and we want to reach certain Breakpoints. The faster we can spam Haunt on enemies, the more often the damage from the (2) Bonus will be applied. In speedruns with 5 Echoing Fury stacks we reach the 18 frames Breakpoint. For the push setup we can remain at way lower Breakpoints around the 28 frames mark without needing any Attack Speed rolls on our gear.

Aim for as much Area Damage as possible as this will allow you to deal massive burst damage with Soul Harvest through the Raiment of the Jade Harvester (6) Bonus. Both (2) & (6) Bonuses of Jade Harvester can proc Area Damage. Extra Cooldown Reduction is also helpful to do this more often and cast Spirit Walk more often.


GR Solo Speeds
GR Solo Push
Echoing Nightmare
Jade Solo Speeds

In this speed focused setup we use Echoing Fury to significantly buff our attack speed. This in combination with Haunting Girdle and Resentful Spirits and allows us to release 3 Haunts at a time and DoT up enemies much faster!

Be quick, keep up your toughness buffs and pay attention to Elite affixes as you want to keep up your Squirt's Necklace to maximize damage output. Maintain Soul Harvest and Horrify Frightening Aspect buffs. Group on Elites and Spirit Walk as often as you can for unhindered movement. Spam Haunt, Big Bad Voodoo and Soul Harvest after creating a pull with Piranhas Piranhado.

If you want to play on really low Greater Rift levels you can also add in Wormwood to automatically apply Locust Swarm to enemies every second while moving through them and Soul Harvest the DoT damage with the Raiment of the Jade Harvester (6) Bonus.

Select Build Version

Fire Variant
Jade Fire Solo Push

This is the setup described in the main sections of the guide. Soul Harvest should have a low cooldown that is further reduced by Grave Injustice and the Raiment of the Jade Harvester (4) Bonus.

Keep up your Horrify Frightening Aspect and Soul Harvest buffs at all times. Create huge pulls and use Piranhas Piranhado to group them tightly for Area Damage. Spam your Haunt and Soul Harvest as much as you can to maximize Raiment of the Jade Harvester (2) Bonus and Raiment of the Jade Harvester (6) Bonus. Kite around a lot due to the low toughness of this build and utilize Oculus Ring buffs whenever you can. Ideally you move in there with Spirit Walk to burst enemies down.

To add a lot more toughness, you could replace Ring of Royal Grandeur and Captain Crimson's Trimmings for Unity and Haunting Girdle. As an offensive option, you can replace Horrify with Big Bad Voodoo Slam Dance or Ghost Trance.

Echoing Nightmare Setup

For more information, check out our full Echoing Nightmare Guide and take a look at our Echoing Nightmare Build Tier List and our META post for the best builds and strategies! This build is bad for this game mode. Typically we utilize a Greater Rift speed build with a few tweaks.


  • Drop Horrify for Big Bad Voodoo to increase damage.
  • Replace Piranhado with Wave of Mutilation to increase the range at which you apply the damage debuff.
  • Swap Molten Wildebeest's Gizzard for Bane of the Powerful since you have Spirit Walk to keep Squirt's Necklace.


  1. Click Speed Pylon instantly to boost your mobility and dodge Green Meteors.
  2. Around Wave 90, click Channeling Pylon and Power Pylon.
  3. After Wave 100, use Conduit Pylon.
  4. At Wave 122, stop attacking and run to the corner to let the timer run out.

We have awesome Echoing Fury, Big Bad Voodoo and Spirit Walk uptime as we are constantly killing enemies with Grave Injustice. You can spam Soul Harvest but unfortunately this build heavily lacks AoE. For maximum damage output keep on Haunting the enemies to proc Raiment of the Jade Harvester (2) Bonus. Use Spirit Walk wisely to damage burst with Shukrani's Triumph.



  • Put together the core items and acquire the full Jade Harvester set.
  • DoT enemies up as much as possible and use Soul Harvest on cooldown.
  • Scales with Area Damage but lacks large AoE damage.
  • A half decent speed build with Echoing Fury.

This build is fun to play but lacks damage in comparison to other builds such as the Mundunugu Witch Doctor. If this unique playstyle is buffed it can well make it into quite the different group META. Cheers!


Introduction by Chewingnom.
Guide by Rob with help from wudijo.
Updated by Chewingnom.

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