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Jeweler Gems & Socketing

Season 7 - Season of Witchcraft

Last Updated:March 9, 2025|Changelog

The Jeweler has everything you need to craft powerful Gems and socket them into your gear to boost your character's stats, be it more Damage, Resistances, or Main Stat. The best part is that you can change your mind at any time! The Jeweler can un-socket your Gems from your gear without ruining them, for later use. Let's learn more about the Jeweler.

Finding the Jeweler

The Jeweler

The Jeweler can be found in Kyovashad immediately after starting your adventure at level 1. However, when your character reaches level 20, you receive a Priority Quest objective to go and see the Jeweler in Kyovashad. Here you are given the task of upgrading Ruby Fragments into a Chipped Ruby. You're given Ruby Fragments and need a small amount of Gold to craft your first Gem.

But now where do you put this Gem? As you adventure, you will come across items that already have Sockets in them. Sockets can roll as a bonus stat and allow you to put Gems inside to benefit from the stats listed on the Gem. Your Helm, Chest, Pants, Rings, Amulet, and Weapons can all have Sockets (head, chest, pants and two-handed weapon have 2, the rest 1). Killing a World Boss or Treasure Goblin may reward you with a Scattered Prism that can be used to add Sockets to your gear.

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Meet Kratia: Kyovashad's Jeweler


The Jeweler

There are many types of Gems in Diablo 4 that each provide different stats when socketed into your gear. The gear slot you socket these powerful gems into decides how they empower your character. Generally speaking, socketing your weapon provides some additive damage effect, main stats if socketed into your armor, and Resistance/Armor to your jewelry.

Crafting these gems requires you to collect fragments, such as Sapphire Fragment. These fragments can be found when slaying elite enemies, opening the Tree of Whispers Cache, interacting with Ore Veins, and opening normal chests. Gem fragments can also be converted to fragments of other gem types.

Below is a table of all existing gems in Diablo 4, containing their crafting costs and function when put into specific gear slots.

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Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + % Damage Over Time
Armor: + % Barrier Generation
Jewelry: + % Shadow Resistance
Chipped AmethystAmethyst Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
AmethystAmethyst Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless AmethystAmethyst Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal AmethystAmethyst Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand AmethystAmethyst Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.
Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + % Ultimate Damage
Armor: + All Stats
Jewelry: + % Resistance to All Elements
Chipped DiamondDiamond Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
DiamondDiamond Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless DiamondDiamond Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal DiamondDiamond Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand DiamondDiamond Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.
Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + % Critical Strike Damage
Armor: + Dexterity
Jewelry: + % Poison Resistance
Chipped EmeraldEmerald Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
EmeraldEmerald Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless EmeraldEmerald Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal EmeraldEmerald Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand EmeraldEmerald Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.
Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + % Overpower Damage
Armor: + Strength
Jewelry: + % Fire Resistance
Chipped RubyRuby Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
RubyRuby Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless RubyRuby Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal RubyRuby Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand RubyRuby Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.
Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + % Vulnerable Damage
Armor: + Willpower
Jewelry: + % Cold Resistance
Chipped SapphireSapphire Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
SapphireSapphire Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless SapphireSapphire Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal SapphireSapphire Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand SapphireSapphire Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.
Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + Life on Kill
Armor: + % Healing Received
Jewelry: + Armor
Chipped SkullSkull Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
SkullSkull Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless SkullSkull Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal SkullSkull Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand SkullSkull Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.
Stats on GearGem QualityCrafting Cost
Weapon: + % Basic Damage
Armor: + Intelligence
Jewelry: + % Lightning Resistance
Chipped TopazTopaz Fragment x10
1,000 Gold.
TopazTopaz Fragment x100
10,000 Gold.
Flawless TopazTopaz Fragment x1,000
100,000 Gold.
Royal TopazTopaz Fragment x10,000
1,000,000 Gold.
Grand TopazTopaz Fragment x100,000
10,000,000 Gold.


The Jeweler

You may want to upgrade the Gems you currently have in your gear, or swap to different ones to gain a stat you don't currently have. Luckily, the Jeweler allows you to unsocket Gems from your Gear free of charge! This removes the Gem for later use and reopens the slot to allow a new Gem to be Socketed into it.

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To unsocket, press the button and then the item in your inventory.

Adding Sockets

The Jeweler

If you find an awesome piece of gear that did not generate with Sockets in it, you're in luck. For the cost of a Scattered Prism, the Jeweler can add Sockets to your gear. Scattered Prisms have a chance to drop from World Boss Events, Loot Goblins etc. and you only need 1 to add a Socket to a piece of gear. Not every gear slot can have Sockets added to them. The list below shows which slots can, and how many Sockets they can have.


  • Helm - 2 Socket
  • Chest - 2 Sockets
  • Pants - 2 Sockets


  • Amulet - 1 Socket
  • Ring - 1 Socket


  • 1-Handed Weapon - 1 Socket
  • 2-Handed Weapon - 2 Sockets
  • Bow - 2 Sockets
  • Focus - 1 Socket
  • Shield - 1 Socket
Sockets in the Cap, Tunic, Pants, Jewelry and Weapons
Sockets in the Cap, Tunic, Pants, Jewelry and Weapons

Rune Transmutation

The Jeweler

In addition to crafting gems with fragments, a recent addition to the Jeweler is a section called Rune Crafting. Rune Transmutation allows you to take three of a specific Rune and convert it to a random Rune of the same Quality, with a chance of upgrading it to a higher quality.

Rare and Magic Runes have an 85% chance to retain their Quality when crafted. However, you also have a 15% chance to upgrade the Quality to the next level. This means that the random Rune you generate will not risk dropping in quality, but might increase the quality of lower-quality Runes. You can also convert your unwanted Legendary Runes into random Runes in case you are missing a vital one for your build!

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Mythic Crafting

The Jeweler

You can also find Mythic Crafting under Rune Crafting, and it allows you to combine Runes and Resplendent Spark to convert them into a specific Mythic Unique. For example, Tam x6, Qax x6, and Zan x6 together with two Resplendent Spark becomes Andariel's Visage. To find the rest of the recipes, head over to our Crafting Cheat Sheet.

Compared to the random Mythic crafting option at the Blacksmith, this allows more farming from the player as the required Runes could be hard to come by. However, it also allows full control of the outcome and could thus be preferred as Resplendent Spark is challenging to come by.

Before you craft your Mythic Unique, make sure you head over to our build guides and find what Mythic Unique you need to elevate your build to the next level.

Mythic Transmutation 346 X 506
Converting three Eom Runes to a random Invocation Rune


The Jeweler
Wudijo's video on the topic of Upgrade Breakpoints


  • The Jeweler allows you to craft Gems, Socket your gear, and remove previously socketed Gems.
  • Runes can be used at the Jeweler to craft other Runes and Mythic Unique items.
  • Gems typically add damage to your Weapons, Main stats, and Resistances or Armor to your Jewelry.
  • Adding a Socket to your gear requires a Scattered Prism, which has a chance to drop from World Bosses and Treasure Goblins.
  • If you decide to upgrade or change your Gems at any time, you can un-socket your gear to fit what you need for your build.


Maintained by Avarilyn

Written by Macrobioboi

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