Echo of Andariel
Last Updated:October 14, 2024|Changelog
Welcome to the Echo of Andariel Boss Guide. Here you will find all the information to gather summoning materials, summon the Boss, and successfully defeat it.
Basic Information
- Requires Torment 1 or higher.
- Activity Required: Collect components by defeating The Beast in the Ice and Lord Zir.
- Summoning Material: 2x Pincushioned Doll (from The Beast) and 2x Sandscorched Shackles (from Lord Zir). Note: Only the player that summoned The Beast & Lord Zir receives these items!
- Element Type: All
- Cosmetic Reward: The Smoldering Brimstone Mount

Summoning Requirements & Location
In order to summon Andariel, collect 2x Pincushioned Dolls (from The Beast in Torment 1+). Then collect 2x Sandscorched Shackles (from Lord Zir in Torment 1+). Again, only the player that summoned The Beast & Lord Zir receives these items!
Once you have these you can travel to Tarsarak, and head east to the Hanged Man's Hall where you can summon Andariel to fight.
Before heading to the fight, drop by the Alchemist to pick up a resistance potions that help your lowest resistance value.

Health Bar & Stagger

Each Boss's health bar has multiple breakpoints. Once a breakpoint is reached, the red arrow flips up and turn grey. This indicates that you are in the next phase of the fight, while also dropping multiple healing vials. Each phase is more challenging than the last.
Stagger Bar Mechanic
Immediately beneath the health bar is a stagger bar, this slowly fills when Crowd Control (CC) is dealt. Once full, the Boss is rendered helpless for a short window of time. Use this opportunity to unleash as much hell as you possibly can.
Boss Mechanics and Strategy
Pay attention to each of the attacks used by Echo of Andariel! The following section guides you through the boss's most dangerous abilities.

Andariel's Abilities
Being hit by any of Andariel's abilities gives you a stacking Tormented debuff that increases your damage taken, so avoid them at all costs!
- Basic Attack - Andariel strikes with her arm. After a short delay 3 blood projectiles shoot from behind her in a cone pattern.
- This is difficult to avoid, but doesn't hit very hard.
- Heavy Attack - Andariel gives a backhand slap to the player Knocking them Back. After a short delay 3 groups of 3 blood projectiles fire towards the player from behind Andariel's position.
- This attack also deals no damage but Knockback effect can cause you to get hit by other attacks.
- Stay out of melee range or be mindful of what's behind you.
- Poison Nova - Andariel conjures a Poison orb in her right hand. After a brief delay she jumps either away or through the player and releases a semicircle of slow moving Poison projectiles.
- This attack is very easy to avoid by standing in the gap between projectiles if you move a bit further away.
- On the other hand, if you happen to be at the point of it's origin you can be hit my multiple projectiles at once, taking heavy damage!
- Ground Circles - Andariel conjures a large runic circle underneath the player. The circles explodes after a short delay, dealing heavy damage and knocking the player back. At the same time two waves of progressively smaller smaller runic circles are created around the first one, which also detonate one after another.
- Standing just out of range of the initial circle is an easy way to avoid all of them.
- This attack can combo with itself when bigger circle pushes you into a small one that detonates just a moment later. If you can't completely avoid the attack, at least try to make sure that there's no secondary circle directly behind you.
Intermission Phase
Throughout the fight, Andariel sometimes disappears, summoning 3 Effigies of Anguish. The effigies have a Suppressor field and do not attack you but they need to be destroyed for the fight to proceed. While you try to destroy the Effigies you are assaulted by different attacks:
- Dust Storm rages on the edge of the arena, dealing damage over time to everything within, effectively limiting the size of playable area.
- Lightning Sparks are scattered randomly around the arena and slowly rotate counterclockwise. These deal minor damage on contact.
- Blood Stripes are created on the floor that deal heavy damage over time when you stand on them. (<40% HP)
- Green Phantoms periodically appear and run at the player. They explode when entering melee range, dealing damage and knocking the player back.
- Giant Laser Beam periodically shoots across the entire arena dealing heavy damage.
The first Intermission Phase happens when Andariel goes below 80% HP, second - at 40%. After that Intermission Phases will happen periodically if the fight goes on long enough. Dust Storm and Lightning Sparks created during the first Intermission Phase stay on the arena for the rest of the fight. Additionally, after the second Intermission Phase, Andariel summons two floating skulls at the opposite edges of the arena. The skulls are connected by a Fire Beam that splits the entire arena in two and slowly rotates.
To see our best Boss killers, check out our Boss Killer Tier List!
Loot Tables and Rewards
Each Boss has a different loot table of Uniques and cosmetic item(s).
Unique Loot table
The items listed below have an increased chance of dropping from this Boss. You can still find items that aren't on the list, and you are not guaranteed to find a Unique every time you kill the boss.
- Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty
- Tempest Roar
- Dolmen Stone
- Black River
- Blood Moon Breeches
- Cowl of the Nameless
- Scoundrel's Leathers
- Flamescar
- Blue Rose
- Sepazontec
- Rod of Kepeleke
Multiple Classes:
- Godslayer Crown
- Flickerstep
- Tibault's Will
- X'Fal's Corroded Signet
- Soulbrand
- Banished Lord's Talisman
- Azurewrath
Mythic Uniques
Basic Information
- All bosses have a chance to drop Mythic Unique items.
- These items are very powerful and very rare.
Most endgame builds use one of these items. Thankfully, all of the bosses above have a greater chance to drop them. This means you can focus on any boss that has the regular Unique item you are looking to obtain or upgrade and still have a chance at a Mythic Unique.
- Check out our Unique and Mythic Unique Guide for more details and more ways to obtain these truly Mythic items.

- Doombringer (All)
- Shattered Vow (All)
- Shroud of False Death (All)
- Ring of Starless Skies (All)
- Melted Heart of Selig (All)
- Andariel's Visage (All)
- Harlequin Crest (All)
- Tyrael's Might (All)
- The Grandfather (Barb, Necro)
- Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander (Druid, Sorc)
- Nesekem, the Herald (Spiritborn)
If you want a handy reference for the items you can farm from each of the endgame bosses, check out our Boss Cheat Sheet!
Cosmetic Reward
You can unlock the following exclusive cosmetic reward when you defeat Echo of Andariel.

Echo of Andariel boss fight video guide.
Echo of Andariel boss guide covers everything you need to know about where to go, and how to complete this encounter.
- Collect 2x Pincushioned Dolls from The Beast in the Ice and 2x Sandscorched Shackles from Lord Zir. Remember, only the player that summoned The Beast & Lord Zir receives these items!
- Then head to the Hanged Man's Hall East of Tarsarak.
- Make sure your gear is the best it can be with Upgraded Armor and Gems.
- Andariel's attacks deal different forms of elemental damage, try grabbing Elixirs which increase your Resistance.
- You can target farm many rare Uniques from Andariel, including Mythic Uniques!
Written by Northwar
Reviewed by Avarilyn