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Raiment Generator Monk Guide

Last Updated:February 4, 2025|Changelog


Raiment Solo Push
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All the way back to Season 4, Shenlong's Spirit got reworked to massively buff the damage output of Generators, which allowed "Gen Monks" to become a strong META build. Meanwhile first iterations of Gen Monk were playing Mangle, some players eventually found out during the Season that Static Charge in combination with Fists of Fury was way stronger.

In groups, it turns out that any player in the party could proc Static Charges applied by the Gen Monk, as any damaging hit with a proc coefficient on a monster affected was able to proc a Lightning tick to all other monsters affected by Static Charge, this chance being affected by the proc coefficient (which is why Fists of Fury was used in solo). Say no more, with that crazy damage scaling, Static Monk dominated all the Season 4 leaderboards before getting hit hard by the nerf hammer in Season 5 to never be seen again.

Since then, Gen Monk has been used as a Rift Guardian Killer for a few Seasons, while being the top dog for solo Monk leaderboards. But it eventually fell out of relevance as other builds got buffed. Anyway, welcome to the Raiment of a Thousand Storms Generator Monk, a build that uses Dashing Strike to give our Spirit Generators a massive DPS boost. Simply put, this build is far behind every other Monk build and I would not recommend using it unless you're feeling frisky. But if competitive play and toughness aren't your thing, then let's find out how we can bring back its glory!

Very Fast ✔
Fun to Play ✔
Not Cooldown Dependent ✔
Most Furious Fists in the Game ✔

❌ Hard to Play Well
Needs High Attack Speed
Requires Strategic Play for Pushing

Core Setup

Core Item Build


  • Raiment of a Thousand Storms (2) Bonus attack 25% faster with Spirit Generators as well as granting them 400% increased damage.
  • Raiment of a Thousand Storms (4) Bonus makes Dashing Strike cost 25 Spirit but refunds a charge on use.
  • Raiment of a Thousand Storms (6) Bonus gives our Dashing Strike 60,000% damage for 6 seconds after using a Spirit Generator, and every time we use Dashing Strike our Spirit Generators will do 14,000% more damage for 6 seconds as well.
  • Shenlong's Spirit makes our Spirit Generators do 2% more damage per point of Spirit we have. It also drains our Spirit once it gets full and gives us a 350% damage increase until we run out completely.
  • Flying Dragon doubles our Attack Speed most of the time.
  • Depth Diggers gives 100% increased damage to our Spirit Generators.
  • Spirit Guards reduce our damage taken by 60% after using a Spirit Generator.
  • Convention of Elements for 200% damage during our Lightning cycle.

Season 34 Sanctified Items

Originated from Season 27, Angelic Crucibles are new consumables that drop anywhere once you're Level 70 in Season 34. Using them on items reforges them into Sanctified Items with Primal Ancient stats, and adds one of three new unique Class Powers listed below. For full details on how they work, check out this Seasonal Guide by Chewingnom!

Let's look at our Class Powers and see how they apply to our build:

  1. The best power for us is the Sanctified Way of the Hundred Fists in combination with Hands of Lightning this boosts our DPS by almost 15x, making Raiment Monk one of the strongest builds in the game! It has a small downside in that Way of the Hundred Fists has smaller AoE than Crippling Wave but the damage more than compensates for it.
  2. The Sanctified Wave of Light power doesn't help us, so go for the one listed above.
  3. The Sanctified Seven Sided Strike power doesn't help us, so go for the one at the top.

Since you can only equip one of them, choosing the right item to craft it on matters! Great candidates are Weapons, Offhands, Jewelry or any item with an important multiplier. With that in mind, we recommend Sanctifying one of the following items:

  • Shenlong's Fist of Legend
  • The Compass Rose
  • The Traveler's Pledge

Global Stat Priorities

Our offensive priorities are: Attack Speed > Area Damage > Fire Damage > Critical Hit Chance/Critical Hit Damage, along with as much Crippling Wave damage as possible. The vast majority of our damage comes from our Crippling Wave, our Dashing Strike is just used to get a further buff for it and mobility. With Attack Speed taken on every piece of gear in combination with our Attack Speed boosting skills and Flying Dragon, we should almost always be at the 5.0 Attack Speed breakpoint.


GR Solo Push
GR Group DPS
Solo Push

In solo we have to pull everything, stay alive, and kill everything by ourselves but the style of play is the same as covered in the main gameplay section of this guide.

Make sure to use your Crippling Wave every 10s to get Combination Stirke buff and use Dashing Strike at least every 6 seconds. Cyclone Strike is here to help stack enemies together before we start a Shenlong cycle. Make sure that you commit to gathering large packs of enemies before attacking, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to deal significant Area Damage. If any elites survive after the trash is dead, drag them forward to another giant pack before DPSing. When the Rift Guardian spawns just continuously attack to build Bane of the Stricken quickly.

At 3000+ Paragon you can drop Ring of Royal Grandeur for Convention of Elements, and then lose Cyclone Strike for Fists of Thunder. If you're struggling to survive you can drop The Witching Hour for String of Ears for more toughness.

At even higher Paragon (6,000+) you can go for full damage setup simlar to one used in groups, dropping Unity, Endless Walk, Lefebvre's Soliloquy and The Witching Hour for Bastions of Will, Captain Crimson's Trimmings, and Squirt's Necklace.

Group DPS

In Season 34 Raiment Monks are so ridiculously strong that they can plow through anything in tier 150 Greater Rift, be it regular mobs, elites, or Rift Guardian. This build still has survivability issues but with Esoteric Alteration, Serenity Ascension, and support buffs it becomes somewhat manageable.

Here we use Bastions of Will and Squirt's Necklace because the damage is so high that waiting 20s for the Convention of Elements is simply not viable. This makes our gameplay very straightforward: use each of your extra generators once to get Combination Strike buff and then hold down Way of the Hundred Fists. Keep up the Dashing Strike buff and use Serenity if things get hairy.

At low Paragon one of the Monks in the party might need to replace Esoteric Alteration with Bane of the Stricken to kill the boss faster. Eventually though, the fight gets so fast that stricken is simply unnecessary.

If you absolutely can't survive, replace one of your generators with a defensive skill such as Epiphany Desert Shroud, Inner Sanctuary, or Mantra of Salvation Agility.

Video Guide



  • Obtain the Raiment of a Thousand Storms and Shenlong's Spirit sets in full before trying this build out.
  • Group up enemies by running around and then using Dashing Strike and Cyclone Strike before unleashing with your Spirit Generators. Use your other cooldowns to maintain your Spirit as much as possible and to keep your toughness up, try to time things so that you spend as much time at full Spirit as you can!
  • This build is quite squishy compared to a lot of others and can be difficult to play. It has quite a unique style but can be satisfying and fun with some practice.
  • Or if you're looking for something more powerful put together Patterns of Justice Tempest Rush or Sunwuko Wave of Light and dominate everything!

Town Is Lava!


Written by Raxxanterax & Northwar. Introduction by Chewingnom.

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