Unholy Death Knight Raid Guide

11.1 - Undermine(d)

Last Updated:March 3, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

Welcome to the Unholy Death Knight Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight
Unholy Death KnightRaid
Single Target
Unholy Death Knight Best in Slot

Hero Talents

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight
  • On pure Single-Target Rider of the Apocalypse is currently slightly ahead but in this raid there is only 1 pure single-target fight meaning that on the majority of fights you are playing San'layn as it is the best on anything with more than 1 target with your new tier bonus.
Rider of the Apocalypse
Offensive Nodes
  • Rider's Champion - Each Rune spent gives you a 10% chance to summon one of the following Four Horsemen:
    • Mograine
      • Puts up a Death and Decay that follows him.
        • You gain the benefit of Mograine's Might and Unholy Ground if you are standing in this.
    • Whitemane
      • Undeath is a disease with a 24 second duration that spreads and gains 1 stack every time you use Scourge Strike on the infected target.
    • Trollbane
      • Repeatedly casts Chains of Ice over his duration that gets shattered by Scourge Strike with Trollbane's Icy Fury.
    • Nazgrim
      • Grants you 5% Strength, increasing by 1% for every Rune spent while Nazgrim is active.
  • Apocalypse Now
    • Summons all 4 Horsemen for 20 seconds after casting Raise Abomination. This lines up with every other use of Dark Transformation and Apocalypse making for extremely large burst windows especially when combined with on-use trinkets.
      • If a Horsemen is already out, it extends the current duration by 20 seconds instead.
        • Mograine does not recast his Death and Decay but all other Horsemen recast their abilities.
  • Fury of the Horsemen or A Feast of Souls
    • Fury of the Horsemen increases the duration of your Horsemen when spending Runic Power which has incredible value for Unholy due to Mastery interactions with the Horsemen's abilities. A Feast of Souls enables larger Death Coils and Epidemics but is not strong enough on single target to make it worth it.
  • Hungering Thirst
    • Passively increases the damage of your diseases, Virulent Plague as well as Frost Fever and Blood Plague while playing Superstrain, and Death Coil damage.
  • Mawsworn Menace
    • Increases Scourge Strike and Clawing Shadows damage by 10% as well as reducing the cooldown of Death and Decay by 10 seconds allowing you to use 2 charges of Death and Decay during Dark Transformation in AoE without being punished.
      • This reduces the cooldown of Defile by 5 seconds if you are playing it instead.
Defensive Choice Nodes
  • Death Charge or On a Paler Horse
    • On a Paler Horse does not work at all in this raid so you always choose Death Charge which is not a bad thing as this greatly increases your mobility and allows you to break roots and slows.
  • Horsemen's Aid or Pact of the Apocalypse
    • Horsemen's Aid depends on the value of Anti-Magic Shell during the fight as this can be incredibly potent allowing you to pre-immune debuffs or randomly absorb high amounts of magic damage. On the other hand, Pact of the Apocalypse grants you a 5% damage reduction per Horsemen out or a 20% damage reduction during your cooldowns with Apocalypse Now. Due to the situational value of both of these, there is no auto pick for this as it just depends on the fight.
Offensive Nodes
  • Vampiric Strike
    • Death Coil, Epidemic, and Death Strike have a 10% chance to transform your next Scourge Strike in to Vampiric Strike.
    • Vampiric Strike heals you for 1% of your max HP, triggers Infliction of Sorrow, and grants you 1 stack of Essence of the Blood Queen.
  • Infliction of Sorrow
    • Causes Vampiric Strike to add 3 seconds to the duration of Virulent Plague and deal 10% of its' remaining damage on the target.
    • After Gift of the San'layn expires you get a buff causing the next Scourge Strike to consume Virulent Plague and deal its' remaining damage immediately.
      • This damage is affected by Plaguebringer, Ebon Fever, Foul Infections, and other damage modifiers making them incredibly important talents while playing San'layn as this becomes a massive amount of burst every 1m30s.
  • Gift of the San'layn
    • Dark Transformation now grants you Gift of the San'layn which replaces Scourge Strike with Vampiric Strike for its' duration.
    • Essence of the Blood Queen effectiveness is also increased by 100% during Dark Transformation.
  • Blood-Soaked Ground
    • While standing in your Death and Decay the proc chance of Vampiric Strike is increased to 15%.
  • Frenzied Bloodthirst
    • Allows Essence of the Blood Queen to stack up to 7 and increases your ‍Death Coil damage by 3% per stack.
  • Visceral Strength
    • Consuming Sudden Doom procs grants you 6% strength for 8 seconds.
  • Pact of the San'layn or Sanguine Scent
    • Pact of the San'layn simply deals more damage overall as Sanguine Scent only increases the chance to gain Vampiric Strike in execute which you can already get the majority of the time.

Your damage is maximized by using Dark Transformation to gain Gift of the San'layn on cooldown to stack and maintain Essence of the Blood Queen as well as increasing the duration of Virulent Plague and taking advantage of Infliction of Sorrow during your cooldowns. This happens every 45 seconds, but is especially powerful every 90 seconds as this lines up with Raise Abomination, Unholy Assault, and your on-use trinkets.

Defensive Choice Nodes
  • Vampiric Speed or Newly Turned
    • Newly Turned has the potential to be nice but overall you are not normally the person combat rezzing while Vampiric Speed increases your movement speed and that of nearby allies slightly which is always good.
  • Bloody Fortitude or Vampiric Aura
    • In Raids, Bloody Fortitude increasing the potency of Icebound Fortitude is simply too good to give up as 2% Leech sometimes increasing to 4% even for 4 allies is just not good enough.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight
Pure Single-Target
Single Target
San'layn Unholy Death Knight Talents for Multi-Target

When to Use This Spec

This is the default loadout going into most bosses in Liberation of Undermine as all but one of the bosses have priority adds. This build is extremely strong in 2 target cleave and has the best damage profile this spec can offer.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Plaguebringer
    • Makes your diseases tick faster, dealing more damage.
  • Infected Claws
    • A factor in why you don't constantly have to press Festering Strike as this gives roughly 8 Festering Wounds per minute.
    • Every hit in multi-target situations from Sweeping Claws has a separate chance of applying a Festering Wound, meaning you don't have to constantly Festering Strike multiple targets.
  • Apocalypse
    • Bursts up to 4 Festering Wounds on the target, summoning 4 ghouls that deal damage for 15 seconds.
  • Raise Abomination
    • Replaces Army of the Dead, instead summoning an abomination that applies all diseases when it spawns in a small radius around it and applies a Festering Wound on each of its' auto attacks for 30 seconds.
  • Unholy Assault
    • Puts 4 Festering Wounds on your target and Increases your damage by 20% for 20 seconds.
  • Morbidity and Superstrain
    • Morbidity Increases the damage taken by targets with your diseases and Superstrain puts up 2 extra diseases.

Class Tree

  • Soul Reaper
    • Used rotationally when hitting enemies under 35% health.
  • Cleaving Strikes
    • Allows Clawing Shadows to hit up to 7 additional enemies while you are standing in Death and Decay or when you have the buff from recently standing in your Death and Decay.
  • Abomination Limb
    • Grips enemies to you for 12 seconds with a minimum range of 8 yards and a max range of 20 yards as well as dealing a decent amount of damage over the duration.
  • Runic Attenuation
    • A very nice source of passive Runic Power generation to help smooth your rotation out.
  • Anti-Magic Zone and Assimilation
    • Your raid cooldown that lasts for either 8 seconds or until 150% of your maximum health has been absorbed in total by everyone standing in the zone.
    • Talenting into Assimilation makes this absorb 10% stronger, 165% of your maximum health, and have a 30 second reduced cooldown.
  • Null Magic
    • Reduces your magic damage taken by 5% and reduces the duration of harmful magic effects by 35%. While the reduced magic damage portion of Null Magic works against all magic damage, the reduced duration of harmful magic effects does not work on the vast majority of debuffs in the raid as that could simply break too many things.
  • Death's Echo
    • Gives you 1 extra charge of Death and Decay, Death's Advance, and Death Grip.
      • Gives you 2 charges of Defile if talented instead of Death and Decay.
  • Will of the Necropolis
    • Reduces all damage taken by 35% when below 30% health, including the portion of the hit that takes you below 30%. For example, if you take a hit that takes you from 60% to 10%, the portion of the hit below 30% of your health is reduced by 35%
  • Unholy Endurance
    • Transforms Lichborne into a defensive cooldown and increases its' duration.
  • Gloom Ward
    • Increases all absorbs on you by 15%, this is incredibly powerful as it increases the absorb of spells like Anti-Magic Shell and Power Word: Shield and other similar abilities.
Rider of the Apocalypse Unholy Death Knight Talents for Single-Target

When to Use This Spec

This is the default loadout going into any pure Single-Target boss

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

  • Added
    • Clawing Shadows
    • Magus of the Dead
    • Unholy Aura
    • Commander of the Dead
  • Removed
    • Plaguebringer
    • Morbidity
    • Superstrain
    • Ebon Fever
San'layn Unholy Death Knight Talents for Single-Target

When to Use This Spec

While this build is never strictly the best Single-Target build, if you enjoy playing San'layn more it is not far behind.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

  • Added
    • Magus of the Dead
    • Unholy Aura
    • Commander of the Dead
  • Removed
    • Improved Death Coil
    • Morbidity
    • Superstrain


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! increasing the damage of your Death Coil and Epidemic by 3% stacking up to 10 times. Death Coil and Epidemic have a 15% chance to remove Winning Streak!
  • 4-Set: Casting Dark Transformation grants up to 10 stacks of Winning Streak! and while Dark Transformation is active the effectiveness of Winning Streak! is increased by 100% and no longer has a chance to reset.


Rider of the Apocalypse


  • Your goal in the opener is get in to Dark Transformation and stack up Gift of the San'layn quickly to begin your actual burst phase. You don't start dealing much damage until Gift is stacked up and you begin spamming Death Coil and Vampiric Strike.
Example San'layn Single-Target Opener
  • Sometimes you are running in and Raise Abomination does not reach your target by the time you get there as it is very slow. When that happens use Festering Strike to apply a Festering Wound instead of waiting for Raise Abomination to apply it.

During Dark Transformation Priority List

While this is very simple, getting the most out of your Season 2 Set Bonus during Dark Transformation is the most important part of you dealing the most possible damage. Do not cast Festering Strike during this time as it is not worth it.

  • Cast Death Coil if you have Sudden Doom and at least 3 stacks of Gift.
  • Cast Vampiric Strike if Gift of the San'layn is not at 7 stacks.
  • Cast Death Coil
  • Cast Vampiric Strike

Base Priority List

  • Cast Apocalypse and Dark Transformation on 45 second cooldown windows, they should always be paired together, but always Apocalypse before Dark Transformation. Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault should be used in combination with the others on 1m30s windows.
  • Cast Scourge Strike when the final Infliction of Sorrow buff can be used
  • Cast Vampiric Strike when you get a proc.
  • Cast Death and Decay when the remaining duration of Gift of the San'layn will not last until your next Dark Transformation cast.
  • Cast Death Coil when you have more than 80 Runic Power or a Sudden Doom proc.
  • Cast Outbreak if any diseases are missing.
  • Cast Death Coil when the remaining duration of Gift of the San'layn will not last until your next Dark Transformation cast.
  • Cast Soul Reaper if the enemy is below 35% health or will be by the time this expires.
  • Cast Scourge Strike if Plaguebringer is missing.
  • Cast Festering Strike when you have 2 or less Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Death Coil
  • Cast Scourge Strike when you have 3 or more Festering Wounds.


  • Your goal in the opener is to get your high value casts out of the way so you can get your cooldowns started immediately as you want to get into your normal rotation and begin taking advantage of your cooldowns. Below, you see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Rider of the Apocalypse Single-Target build.
Example Riders Example Single-Target Opener
  • After this opener, there is a lot of Clawing Shadows and Death Coil spamming with some Festering Strikes sprinkled in.

Priority List

  • Cast Dark Transformation and Apocalypse on 45 second cooldown windows, they should always be paired together. Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault should be used in combination with the others on 1m30s windows.
  • Cast Soul Reaper if the enemy is below 35% health or will be when this expires.
  • Cast Death and Decay if you are not standing in Mograine's Death and Decay and your cooldowns are active.
  • Cast Death Coil when you have more than 80 Runic Power or when Sudden Doom is active.
  • Cast Clawing Shadows when you have 1 or more Festering Wounds and Rotten Touch is on the target.
  • Cast Festering Strike when you have 2 or less Festering Wounds.
    • While Raise Abomination is active, you only cast Festering Strike when you are at 0 Festering Wounds
  • Cast Death Coil if Death Rot is about to fall off.
  • Cast Clawing Shadows when you have 4 or more Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Death Coil.
  • Cast Abomination Limb if you have nothing else.


  • On Single-Target, you do not refresh Virulent Plague unless it is with Dark Transformation or Raise Abomination as there are only a couple seconds of downtime between Virulent Plague falling and casting Raise Abomination. If there is considerable downtime between your cooldowns, you end up needing to refresh as it is worth the cast at that point.
  • Rotten Touch has >95% uptime on the target when you are able to consistently hit the boss so normally you spend down to 1 Festering Wound.


Rider of the Apocalypse

In this Raid, but especially on Heroic and likely Mythic as well, there are no scenarios where you would realistically play a full AoE build so that will not be focused on in this guide.


  • Your goal in the opener is get in to Dark Transformation and stack up Gift of the San'layn quickly to begin your actual burst phase. You don't start dealing much damage until Gift is stacked up and you begin spamming Death Coil and Vampiric Strike.
Example San'layn Single-Target Opener
  • Sometimes you are running in and Raise Abomination does not reach your target by the time you get there as it is very slow. When that happens use Festering Strike to apply a Festering Wound instead of waiting for Raise Abomination to apply it.

When looking at this raid, there are no opportunities to execute a true 'burst' and 'building' phase. Therefore, this guide doesn't follow the same approach as you would in Mythic+, and while the priority is similar, it is far more condensed.

Burst Phase

If priority damage matters more than adds dying, press Death Coil instead of Epidemic.

  • Cast Death and Decay if it is not already down.
  • Cast Dark Transformation to begin your burst.
  • Cast Epidemic if you have Sudden Doom or less than 2 Runes and there are 5 or more targets, otherwise cast Death Coil.
  • Cast Vampiric Strike.
  • Cast Epidemic if there are 5 or more targets, otherwise cast Death Coil.

Normal Phase

When adds are not up and it is single-target, return to this priority list.

  • Cast Apocalypse and Dark Transformation on 45 second cooldown windows, they should always be paired together, but always Apocalypse before Dark Transformation. Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault should be used in combination with the others on 1m30s windows.
  • Cast Scourge Strike when the final Infliction of Sorrow buff can be used
  • Cast Vampiric Strike when you get a proc.
  • Cast Death and Decay when the remaining duration of Gift of the San'layn will not last until your next Dark Transformation cast.
  • Cast Death Coil when you have more than 80 Runic Power or a Sudden Doom proc.
  • Cast Outbreak if any diseases are missing.
  • Cast Death Coil when the remaining duration of Gift of the San'layn will not last until your next Dark Transformation cast.
  • Cast Soul Reaper if the enemy is below 35% health or will be by the time this expires.
  • Cast Scourge Strike if Plaguebringer is missing.
  • Cast Festering Strike when you have 2 or less Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Death Coil
  • Cast Scourge Strike when you have 3 or more Festering Wounds.

In this Raid, but especially on Heroic and likely Mythic as well, there are no scenarios where you would realistically play a full AoE build so that will not be focused on in this guide. With that being the case, there are only a few fights you would press Epidemic for a short amount of time due to fight design. On these fights, you play a slightly different talent build that focuses more on diseases rather than Clawing Shadows so that is what this section will focus on.


  • Your goal in the opener is to get your high value casts out of the way so you can get your cooldowns started immediately as you want to get into your normal rotation and begin taking advantage of your cooldowns. Below, you see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Rider of the Apocalypse Multi-Target build.
  • While this is a Single-Target opener, there are no fights in Nerub-ar Palace with immediate AoE on pull.

Single-Target Priority List

  • Cast Dark Transformation and Apocalypse on 45 second cooldown windows, they should always be paired together. Raise Abomination and Unholy Assault should be used in combination with the others on 1m30s windows.
    • Cooldowns can be held for AoE scenarios if they are up within a reasonable amount of time.
  • Cast Outbreak to refresh your diseases if you are not about to cast Dark Transformation or Raise Abomination.
  • Cast Soul Reaper if the enemy is below 35% health or will be when this expires.
  • Cast Death Coil when you have more than 80 Runic Power or when Sudden Doom is active.
  • Cast Scourge Strike when you have 1 or more Festering Wounds and Rotten Touch is on the target.
  • Cast Festering Strike when you have 2 or less Festering Wounds.
    • While Raise Abomination is active, you only cast Festering Strike when you are at 0 Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Death Coil if Death Rot is about to fall off.
  • Cast Scourge Strike when you have 4 or more Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Death Coil.

Multi-Target Priority (When Adds are up)

  • Cast Death and Decay if it is not already down.
  • Cast Outbreak if any targets are missing diseases.
  • Cast Epidemic when Sudden Doom is active.
  • Cast Scourge Strike if any targets have Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Epidemic if there are no no remaining Festering Wounds.
  • Cast Scourge Strike.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

How to Use Your Cooldowns in Raid

As an Unholy Death Knight, your main strength is using your cooldowns together to extract the maximum potential from your most potent abilities. This section shows you how to properly use them together for both Hero Talents.

Rider of the Apocalypse


  • On pull, follow the opener in the rotation section. If Essence of the Blood Queen falls at any point in the fight, you can follow that priority when you get in to your next Dark Transformation window.

45s Window

  • When in the 45 second window all you want to use is Death Coil and Vampiric Strike as casting Festering Strike is simply not worth it. You want to set up for this window by having as many Festering Wounds as possible on your target so your Festermight stacks gained from Apocalypse last for the entirety of your burst window.

90s Window

  • In the 90 second window, due to your opener, your cooldowns are likely to be slightly offset because you might not have been able to immediately cast them on cooldown on your previous window(s). The only thing you need to make sure of is that you cast Apocalypse before Dark Transformation and that your Raise Abomination lasts the entirety of your burst window, otherwise these will be slightly fluid based on timings. Make sure you have as much Runic Power as possible for your Unholy Assault and House of Cards window.

45s Window

Unholy Death Knight 45s Cooldowns Example in Raids

1m30s Window

Unholy Death Knight 1m30s Cooldowns Example in Raids
  • Your objective here is to not waste a global cooldown overcapping on Festering Wounds as Apocalypse summons 4 ghouls as long as there is at least 1 Festering Wound on your target, but popping more at once is always better.

Casting Death Coil vs Epidemic

  • When you are in an AoE situation, you should switch to using Epidemic over Death Coil at 4 stacked targets. However, when you are talented into Improved Death Coil this changes to 5 stacked targets. This is not a common issue as you are not regularly talented into Improved Death Coil while being in situations where you want to press Epidemic constantly.

Pet Positioning

  • When you empower your ghoul with Dark Transformation, it is essential to see and manage where your pet is at all times due to the interaction between Sweeping Claws and Infected Claws as this can put Festering Wounds on all targets hit by Sweeping Claws. This increases your power dramatically in any multi-target situation as you gain a ton of additional Festermight stacks from this interaction when you start bursting them with Death and Decay and Scourge Strike.
  • Managing your pet positioning is also necessary while you are talented into Commander of the Dead as it only has a 100 yard application range to your summoned minions. While this is not ordinarily an issue, occasionally bosses like Volcoross existed in the past and pets like to move to the back of the boss, putting them far out of the 100 yard application range.

Anti-Magic Shell Runic Power

  • Anti-Magic Shell has the ability to grant you up to 40 Runic Power based on the amount it absorbs. This is incredibly powerful as these single target builds can get starved of Runic Power so you want to use this to your advantage as often as possible on bosses where Anti-Magic Shell isn't needed for purely defensive purposes.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

Liberation of Undermine

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

← Scroll for more Bosses

One-Armed Bandit
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Vexie in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • Use Anti-Magic Shell when targeted by Spew Oil.
  • Spew Oil spawns a Oil Slick puddle, position it in a way so the Geargrinder Bikers get stunned.
  • During the second phase wait for the Pit Mechanics to spawn before popping your cooldowns and hit 5 of them with Frostwhelp's Aid.
    • Interrupt Repair.
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Cauldron of Carnage in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • Use Anti-Magic Shell when you soak the Scrapbomb.
    • If you pop Icebound Fortitude or Lichborne with Anti-Magic Shell, you can avoid getting the following Molten Phlegm.
  • Cleave both bosses during Colossal Clash, but be wary and dodge the Zapbolt and the Fiery Wave.
    • Cleaving Strikes does not cleave in this phase as they are too far apart.
  • You can crowd control the Voltaic Image withChains of Ice if they get too close and Death Grip to help your group.
    • Make sure to not Death Grip the one fixated on you, it will instantly kill you. This is purely to help others out.
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Rik Reverb in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • On this fight you use your Anti-Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, or Lichborne whenever you soak an Amplifier to decrease the damage intake from Lingering Voltage.
  • The boss has a deadly frontal on the tank always position yourself behind the boss.
  • Make sure to have both stacks of Death's Advance for Phase 2, this is a very high mobility phase and you need everything you can get here.
    • If you are in the circle when the Amplifier explodes and knocks your entire group up but you do not get knocked, you are still safe. It not knocking you is just a bug.
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Stix Bunkjunker in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • Use Anti-Magic Shell on every other use of Incinerator, this prevents you from getting the debuff.
    • Avoid the Garbage Piles on the ground at all costs before the boss casts Incinerator in case you get targeted, even if Anti-Magic Shell is up, it still explodes Garbage Piles if you are standing on them.
  • If you get targeted by Rolling Rubbish pre position yourself so that you can get as many Garbage Piles as fast as you can, and destroy the Discarded Doomsplosive once you reach maximum Energy.
  • Death Grip in the Territorial Bombshells once they hit 75% health
    • Make sure to do this before Short Fuse triggers.
  • Interupt the Scrapmasters Scrap Rockets.

Death Grip

  • Death Grip does not work on all adds on this boss, it only works on
    • Territorial Bombshells
    • Junkyard Hyena
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Sprocketmonger Lockenstock in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • Rotate between Anti-Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, and Lichborne when Sonic Ba-Boom is up and you trigger Foot-Blasters.
  • Pyro Party Pack is fall off damage based on your distance from you and the tank with it, if for some reason the boss is debuffed tank is tanking the boss move away from the boss.
  • Drop the Screw Up away from melee if you get targeted.
  • Death's Advance prevents you from being moved on the conveyor belts in the room.
    • Make sure you have a charge for Beta Launch so you can quickly run back to the boss over the conveyor belts.
Unholy Death Knight Talents for One-Armed Bandit in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • Always watch out for the Pay-Line, they will come from the boss and from another person that is rolling the chips back.
    • You get High Roller! if you are close to the path of the coin.
    • If you get stunned, you can Icebound Fortitude out of it (if you live)
  • Dodge the Traveling Flames that come out of the Superheated Coils.
  • You can help stack the Dynamite Booty and the Fiery Dynamite Booty with Death Grip.
    • Do not Death Grip them in to other players as they can fixate melee.
    • The Premium Dynamite Booty is not affected by any crowd control.
  • Interrupt the Reel Assistants Overload!.
  • Use Anti-Magic Shell, Icebound Fortitude, and Lichborne on Flame and Coin.
    • Anti-Magic Shell prevents you from getting stacks while it is up, so maximize the amount you can absorb by stacking DR's.
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Mug'zee in Liberation of Undermine

Boss Tips

  • While you are on Zee's side use Anti-Magic Shell for Goblin-guided Rocket.
  • On the Mug side Soak the Earthshaker Gaol and kill the Gallagio Goon.
  • If you get targeted by Frostshatter Boots go behind a wall spawned from Earthshaker Gaol to avoid the Frostshatter Spear.
Unholy Death Knight Talents for Gallywix in Liberation of Undermine

This boss has not yet been tested. Be sure to check back after the Race to World First for updates on this boss!

Stat Priority

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as an Unholy Death Knight. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Unholy Death Knight's Stat Priority in Raid

As a Rider of the Apocalypse Unholy Death Knight, your stats generally end up being this until the highest end of gearing due to Mastery overtaking Strength. Clawing Shadows and the Mastery interactions with your Horsemen's abilities makes this stat incredibly strong, while Haste remains consistently strong and necessary for a long time.

Higher Item Level Items are Better in Most Scenarios

For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft!

A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your current gear.

  • All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight
Best in Slot
Farmable Alternatives
This is an Absolute BiS List

While these are the items that you should be aiming to acquire for your absolute Best in Slot, these items will not always be the best until you achieve this exact combination of items.

For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft whenever you get what can be an upgrade!

HeadCauldron Champion's CrownTier / Catalyst
NeckStrapped Rescue-KegThe Great Vault
ShoulderCauldron Champion's ScreamplateTier / Catalyst
CloakConsecrated CloakCrafted
ChestCauldron Champion's RibcageTier / Catalyst
WristEverforged VambracesCrafted
GlovesCauldron Champion's FistguardsTier / Catalyst
BeltCoin-Operated GirdleOne-Armed Bandit
LegsGalvanized Oxxein LegguardsThe Great Vault
BootsCauldron Champion's GreatbootsCatalyst
Ring 1The Jastor DiamondGallywix
Ring 2Miniature Roulette WheelOne-Armed Bandit
Trinket 1Eye of KezanGallywix
Trinket 2House of CardsOne-Armed Bandit
WeaponBest-in-SlotsOne-Armed Bandit

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadApogee Inventor's GogglesOperation: Mechagon
NeckStrapped Rescue-KegCinderbrew Meadery
ShoulderUnyielding Combatant's PauldronsTheater of Pain
CloakElectrician's Siphoning FilterOperation: Floodgate
ChestMuckdiver's Wading PlateOperation: Floodgate
WristStonefury VambracesThe MOTHERLODE!!!
GlovesPower-Assisted VicegripsThe MOTHERLODE!!!
BeltLightning-Conductor's BandsThe Rookery
LegsGalvanized Oxxein LegguardsTheater of Pain
BootsCauldron Champion's GreatbootsCatalyst
Ring 1Footbomb Championship RingThe MOTHERLODE!!!
Ring 2Radiant Necromancer's BandPriory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket 1Viscera of Coalesced HatredTheater of Pain
Trinket 2Sigil of Algari ConcordanceThe Rookery
WeaponElectro-Arm BludgeonerThe MOTHERLODE!!!


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.

Active Trinket Alternative

  • Funhouse Lens

Unfortunately with the cooldown timings Unholy has, there are only 2 options for active trinkets this tier. Between Funhouse Lens and House of Cards, House of Cards is better but use what you can as they are the only options.

Passive Trinket Alternatives

  • Suspicious Energy Drink
  • Mechano-Core Amplifier
  • Shadow-Binding Ritual Knife

In The War Within Season 2, Unholy has very few truly viable trinkets with the best coming from Delves. Unfortunately, this means it is quite simply impossible to truly farm your best non-raid trinkets as you only get 4 attempts per week.


  • Elemental Focusing Lens

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 675 item level and regular items are 678 on max item level therefore it is not normally beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x Embellishments.
    • While you are gearing up and do not yet have 678 pieces of gear in all slots, especially with your best stats, use your ‍Gilded Undermine Crest to craft 675 pieces with Haste and Mastery on slots that do not have them.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight
  • Phials
    • Flask of Alchemical Chaos -- Maximum DPS.
  • Food
    • Chippy Tea -- Maximum DPS
    • Feast of the Divine Day -- Small loss
  • Combat Potion
    • Tempered Potion
  • Health Potion
    • Algari Healing Potion -- A big burst of healing
  • Weapon Oil
    • Algari Mana Oil
  • Augment Rune
    • Crystallized Augment Rune
  • Sockets
    • Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique
    • Rider of the Apocalypse
      • Quick Onyx
    • San'layn
      • Masterful Emerald


NeckMagnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace
ChestEnchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance
WristEnchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance
LegsStormbound Armor Kit
BootsEnchant Boots - Scout's March
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Radiant Mastery
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
WeaponRune of the Fallen Crusader
Unholy Death Knight Enchantments in Raids

You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

For min-maxing an Unholy Death Knight in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Berserking -- Troll
    • The best racial for an Unholy Death Knight in The War Within as this lines up perfectly with your highest points of burst during Army of the Dead or every other use of Raise Abomination.
    • Reduce the duration of movement-impairing effects by 20%. This was only useful once in the recent history of progression raiding but is still worth noting.
  • Combat Analysis -- Mechagnome
    • Currently an extremely strong racial due to the high value of Strength. This ramps up over the course of a minute and stays at the max value for the rest of the fight.
  • Ancestral Call -- Mag'har Orc
    • While this does not line up with your cooldowns perfectly, it is an extremely strong burst racial granting you 6.5k of one of your two highest stats.
  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.


If you only play Unholy, I recommend that you play Troll as it is the highest DPS racial for Unholy. However, if you also play Frost, I recommend that you play Mag'har Orc as it is the best racial for Frost and only slightly behind for Unholy.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

Discover recommended macros for an Unholy Death Knight during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Anti-Magic ZoneCasts Anti-Magic Zone at your Cursor position.

/cast [@cursor] Anti-Magic Zone

Death and Decay - Casts Death and Decay at your cursor position.

/cast [@cursor] Death and Decay

If you do not like Death and Decay on your cursor you can replace [@cursor] with [@player] and it will instead put it at your feet. Having either of these is important as it removes the targeting reticle and allows you to get it out faster.

/cast [@player] Death and Decay


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Unholy Death Knight, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Unholy Raid Interface Mxr 1024 X 635
Unholy Death Knight Interface in Raids

Changes this Patch

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Unholy Death Knight


Written By: Miniaug

Reviewed By: Revvez

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