Assassination Rogue Mythic+ Guide
Welcome to the Assassination Rogue Mythic+ guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.0.7! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!
Hero Talents
- Your Ambush marks your target with 3 stacks of Deathstalker's Mark.
- You can only have 1 Deathstalker's Mark active.
- Consume a stack of Deathstalker's Mark by using a 5 Combo Point or more finisher.
- You can only apply the Deathstalker's Mark with Ambush from Stealth or Subterfuge. Blindside does not work.
- After consuming the last stack of Deathstalker's Mark, or if a mob dies while the Deathstalker's Mark is active, you gain Darkest Night..
- When Darkest Night is up, always make sure your next finisher is an Envenom with 7 Combo Points, unless you are playing Supercharger, which case finish at:
- 6 Combo Points or more with 1/2 and Supercharger active.
- 5 Combo Points or more with 2/2 and Supercharger active.
- When you consume Darkest Night, you gain Deathstalker's Mark again.
- When Darkest Night is up, always make sure your next finisher is an Envenom with 7 Combo Points, unless you are playing Supercharger, which case finish at:
Additionally, there are a few more capstones in the tree that are important.
- Clear the Witnesses
- You want to use Fan of Knives even in your single target when you have the buff up.
- Fatal Intent
- This talent is pretty interesting but undertuned currently. Very similar to Dribbling Inkpod trinket from the past. Works in combination with Shiv.
- Bait and Switch
- A defensive node that makes Evasion even stronger in an M+ setting. Ethereal Cloak is also interesting but much more fight specific.
- Much like in the Deathstalker tree, every 5 Combo Point or more finisher that you use has a chance to flip a coin.
- Landing on Fatebound Coin (Heads) increases your damage by 10%. Additional flips landing on Fatebound Coin (Heads) increase damage by 2%. Stacking
- Landing on Fatebound Coin (Tails) does Cosmic damage. Additional flips increase Fatebound Coin (Tails) damage by 10%. Stacking
- Fateful Ending
- Very strong stat buff that you want to get as soon as possible in a fight.
Neither of these flips offer much in terms of gameplay, and you could do without tracking any of them, but there is some minmaxing you can do with the talents in the Fatebound tree.
- Inevitability.
- This could in theory make you hit your Fateful Ending earlier by using Cold Blood when you are at 5 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Heads) or Fatebound Coin (Tails). More on this in the Deep Dive section.
- Double Jeopardy.
- Rolling double of the same coin when you break Stealth or Vanish. Can be used in combination with Inevitability.
- Edge Case.
- Rolling both flips for the next finisher can be pretty useful to get closer to your Fateful Ending capstone.
- Fate Intertwined
- This is a pretty bad talent if the adds are not important damage, but decent otherwise.
- Delivered Doom
- Similar to Fate Intertwined, Fatebound Coin (Tails) does less damage if there are mobs nearby, or 30% more with no mobs, if you prefer to read it that way.
When to use this Spec
- This is pretty much your main build for M+. There's a few other variations, but this one specifically picks up most of the important talents, while having access to utility such as Iron Wire which is very strong and niche to the spec.
- For max output, drop Iron Wire for Sudden Demise.
Gameplay Altering Talents
Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.
Spec Tree
- Indiscriminate Carnage
- This talent enables your cleave and is especially powerful when you can re-stealth between packs as you get to spread your Garrote and Rupture immediately. Picks the closest mobs to you without a Bleed active, then uses smart distribution by debuffing targets without Bleeds.
- Caustic Spatter
- One of the strongest talents in your kit. Similar to Blade Flurry, but instead cleaves from your target with the debuff.
- Kingsbane
- Your shorter cooldown burst ability. This is particularly strong when combined with Deathmark every two minutes. Use this on cooldown ASAP ideally on the mob that dies last in a pack.
- Deathmark
- Your big cooldown. Doubles your Garrote, Rupture, and Lethal Poisons on your target.
- Rapid Injection
- A new talent with The War Within, making you always want to Envenom before the buff it puts up expires. Especially strong with Darkest Night.
- Dragon-Tempered Blades
- Enables the use of an additional lethal and non-lethal poison.
- Seal Fate
- Helps with building up your Combo Points for a finisher which is another reason why Crit is a good stat for you.
- Crimson Tempest
- Very strong AoE finisher dot.
- Scent of Blood
- Agility amplifier that gives a lot of power when paired together with Indiscriminate Carnage.
- Iron Wire
- Very strong utility. If you need the extra damage, you can drop this for Lightweight Shiv.
Class Tree
- Thistle Tea
- Enhances your Mastery while boosting your Energy which is crucial during your cooldowns.
- Supercharger
- The new talent replacing Echoing Reprimand. Adds a bit of flavor to Shiv but doesn't significantly change your playstyle.
- If you are trying to hit Darkest Night, finish at:
- 6 Combo Points or more with 1/2 Supercharger.
- 5 Combo Points or more with 2/2 Supercharger.
- If you are trying to hit Darkest Night, finish at:
- The new talent replacing Echoing Reprimand. Adds a bit of flavor to Shiv but doesn't significantly change your playstyle.
- Cheat Death / Elusiveness
- If you are learning a key, and especially in lower levels, I recommend playing Cheat Death as it allows for mistakes and its less punishable. Elusiveness is simply required at higher key levels to live certain mechanics.
Hero Talents
- Lingering Darkness
- Significantly better than Symbolic Victory.
- Shadewalker
- This is very useful when you have to move around. Meanwhile the alternative, Shroud of Night, doesn't offer much, unless you have a tight skip in your route.
- Bait and Switch
- A very nice addition to our kit that makes Evasion useful in a raid enviroment.
- Ethereal Cloak can also be decent if you need a longer Cloak of Shadows for a specific mechanic.
- This build uses the following Poisons:
- Deadly Poison
- Amplifying Poison
- Numbing Poison
Not recommended.
When to use this Spec
This variation of the spec is tuned a bit further behind Deathstalker and is currently not recommended.
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Class Tree
- Added
- Removed
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Class Tree
- Added
- Lethality
- Sudden Demise
- Removed
- Without a Trace
- Master Assassin
Tier Set
- 2-Set: When your bleeds deal damage, they have a chance to grant you Vile Tincture for 8 sec, increasing your poison damage by 1.0% per stack (up to 10 stacks).
- 4-Set: While you have 5 or more stacks of Vile Tincture, Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest deal 10% additional damage.
- Your goal is to keep Envenom and Shiv up for the entire duration of your cooldowns. Below, you see an example of how your opener looks when using the recommended talent spec.
- The following graph assumes you have Darkest Night from a previous pack dying. If you do not have Darkest Night, start with Ambush.
- If you are playing with Lightweight Shiv, Shiv after your Deathmark instead of Mutilate.
- If you are playing Treacherous Transmitter, try to fit it in a few globals before your Deathmark, and depending on what you got, pick up the buff right after your Deathmark, around the time when you apply Shiv or Kingsbane.
- If you play an on use trinket such as Skardyn's Grace, simply use it before your first Envenom with your Tempered Potion.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Use Ambush to apply Deathstalker's Mark.
- Keep up Rupture and Garrote throughout the fight.
- Do not overwrite your Improved Garrote and instead apply Garrote as soon as the buffed one expires.
- Always Envenom at 7 Combo Points with Darkest Night up.
- Only use Shiv during your Kingsbane.
- Be ready to use your Vanish to apply Garrote, Deathmark and Kingsbane as soon as they come off cooldown, start preparing for them once they have approximately 8 seconds remaining on their cooldown.
- You can also opt to save your Vanish and use it on trash or during an add spawn instead.
- Press Mutilate if not at 5 Combo Points.
- Press Fan of Knives with Clear the Witnesses buff.
- Your goal is to keep Envenom and Shiv up for the entire duration of your cooldowns. Below, you see an example of how your opener looks when using the recommended Single Target talent spec
- If you are playing with Lightweight Shiv, Shiv after your Deathmark instead of Mutilate.
- If you are playing Treacherous Transmitter, try to fit it in a few globals before your Deathmark, and depending on what you got, pick up the buff right after your Deathmark, around the time when you apply Shiv or Kingsbane.
- If you play an on use trinket such as Skardyn's Grace, simply use it before your first Envenom with your Tempered Potion.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Keep up Rupture and Garrote throughout the fight.
- Do not overwrite your Improved Garrote and instead apply Garrote as soon as the buffed one expires.
- Use Cold Blood on Cooldown if talented outside of your opener.
- Only use Shiv during your Kingsbane.
- Be ready to use your Vanish to apply Garrote, Deathmark and Kingsbane as soon as they come off cooldown, start preparing for them once they have approximately 8 seconds remaining on their cooldown.
- Press Mutilate if not at 5 or more Combo Points.
- In your opener, your goal is to DoT up every mob with your Rupture and Garrote for the duration of your Indiscriminate Carnage, and then set up a Crimson Tempest that ideally hits every target, before going into a Mutilate to proc your Caustic Spatter and start your normal opener.
- The following graph assumes you have Darkest Night from a previous pack dying. If this is your first pull of the dungeon, start with Ambush.
- If there are more mobs without your Garrote on them, keep using Garrote over any other builder during your Indiscriminate Carnage window.
- Ideally your main target gets 23~ sec Garrote before you use your cooldowns.
- If you are playing Treacherous Transmitter, try to fit it in a few globals before your Deathmark, and depending on what you got, pick up the buff right after your Deathmark, around the time when you apply Shiv or Kingsbane.
- If you play an on use trinket such as Skardyn's Grace, simply use it before your first Envenom with your Tempered Potion.
Priority List
- Ambush first global if no Darkest Night is active, or Deathstalker's Mark is active on a different mob.
- Spread your Garrote and Rupture on all mobs through the Indiscriminate Carnage window.
- Use Crimson Tempest on 2 targets or more.
- Mutilate to apply Caustic Spatter.
- Keep up Rupture and Garrote throughout the fight on all enemies that are going to live its duration. Rupture has priority, Garrote outside of Indiscriminate Carnage is almost never worth it in AoE.
- Use Fan of Knives as your builder
- On single-target if you have Clear the Witnesses buff.
- On 3 targets as a builder if your Caustic Spatter won't drop.
- Use Envenom if every DoT is up.
- In your opener, your goal is to DoT up every mob with your Rupture and Garrote for the duration of your Indiscriminate Carnage, and then set up a Crimson Tempest that ideally hits every target, before going into a Mutilate to proc your Caustic Spatter and start your normal opener.
- If there are more mobs without your Garrote on them, keep using Garrote over any other builder during your Indiscriminate Carnage window.
- Ideally your main target gets 23~ sec Garrote before your pop.
- If you are playing Treacherous Transmitter, try to fit it in a few globals before your Deathmark, and depending on what you got, pick up the buff right after your Deathmark, around the time when you apply Shiv or Kingsbane.
- If you play an on use trinket such as Skardyn's Grace, simply use it before your first Envenom with your Tempered Potion.
Priority List
- Spread your Garrote and Rupture on all mobs through the Indiscriminate Carnage window.
- Use Crimson Tempest on 2 targets or more.
- Mutilate to apply Caustic Spatter.
- Keep up Rupture and Garrote throughout the fight on all enemies that are going to live its duration.Rupture has priority, Garrote outside of Indiscriminate Carnage is almost never worth it in AoE.
- Use Fan of Knives as your builder on 3 targets or more, and only Mutilate to refresh Caustic Spatter.
- Use Envenom if every DoT is up.
Deep Dive
Min maxing Your Envenom Uptime
Due to the new talent Rapid Injection, in combination with Darkest Night on Deathstalker you now always want to use Envenom before the buff expires, ideally during it's Pandemic window. Envenom uses a dynamic pandemic window, similar to Rupture, where the pandemic is calculated with the Combo Points of the new cast.5 Combo Points: 1.5s6: 1.8s7: 2.1s
This means that you want to create a chain of Envenoms throughout the fight, maximizing its uptime and never letting it drop. However, due to the random nature of the class with Seal Fate and Blindside procs, you hit moments during the fight where you might not get either of these procs making it extremely difficult to keep chaining Envenoms. When that inevitably happens, you have to build up to the maximum Combo Points or be 1 away from the maximum, then pool your Energy until you hit 70% to 75%, before using Envenom again. This ensures that you can establish a new chain of Envenoms.If you are not talented into Rapid Injection, Envenom chaining becomes less relevant and you do not need to clip you Envenom anymore.
When to Refresh Your Garrote and Rupture
- With Shadow Dance removed from Assassination Rogues, you are no longer able to snapshot your bleeds, with the exception of Garrote with Improved Garrote. Because of this, you need to follow a few rules when refreshing Garrote.
- If your current Garrote is buffed with Improved Garrote, do not overwrite it and leave it to expire before applying it again.
- If your current Garrote is not buffed with Improved Garrote, you do not have cooldowns running, and it has less than 5.2s left on it, refresh it.
- With Rupture being a Combo Point based finisher, it uses a flexible pandemic. This means that regardless of how many Combo Points the current Rupture on your target was used with, the pandemic is calculated with the Combo Points of the new cast of Rupture. The list below are the rules to follow for optimal refreshing:
- If you currently have 5 Combo Points, you can safely refresh your Rupture at 7.2s or less.
- If you currently have 6 Combo Points, you can safely refresh your Rupture at 8.4s or less.
- 1: 2.4s
- 2: 3.6s
- 3: 4.8s
- 4: 6s
- 7: 9.6s
- 8: 10.8s
- 9: 12s
- 10: 13.2s
- As Deathstalker, because of Corrupt the Blood, your Rupture has 3 extra seconds, meaning the Pandemics for the relevant Combo Points are such:
- 4: 6.9s
- 5: 8.1s
- 6: 9.3s
- 7: 10.5s
- 8: 11.7s
- 9: 12.9s
- 10: 14.1s
Maximizing Your Deathmark and Kingsbane window on bosses.
- Envenom needs to have 100% uptime during your cooldowns and the same goes for Shiv. It is important that you do not drop Shiv at all, with the last ticks of Kingsbane being the most important.
- Use 2 charges of Thistle Tea when both Kingsbane and Deathmark are up, with your 1 minute Kingsbane window getting only one use of Thistle Tea at less than 6 seconds remaining on the duration of Kingsbane.
- If you have Master Assassin and Subterfuge talented, use your Vanish on the last 12 seconds of Kingsbane during your opener.
Outside of your Opener, your 2 minute cooldown usage is very similar, this is the most important rule to follow when setting up for Deathmark. This can happen often in a dungeon where you are pulling a boss and your cooldowns are coming up half-way into the fight:
- Always refresh your bleeds before using Deathmark if they have 18 seconds or less at the moment that you press it. In particular:
- Refresh your Rupture at 6+ Combo Points.
- Sync up your Vanish so that you cast an Improved Garrote over an existing Garrote on your target to get the full pandemic benefit.
- Mutilate to 6-7 Combo Points then Envenom before pressing your Deathmark.
Below is an example of using your Deathmark correctly when they are not ready on pull.
- If you are playing with Lightweight Shiv, Shiv after your Deathmark instead of Fan of Knives.
- This is not a fixed rotation; This is just one example of how to play during your Deathmark window. Critical hits can potentially alter the ability usage.
Maximizing your Deathmark and Kingsbane Window Between Packs in Mythic+.
Following graphs assume you have Darkest Night running.
- If there are more mobs without Garrote and Rupture, keep spreading them during your Indiscriminate Carnage.
- If you have Cold Blood talented, use it after your Edge Case rolls in your opener.
In the case that you have 4 or more Combo Points stored from a previous pack, you can start with a Rupture, such as:
- If you are playing with Lightweight Shiv, Shiv after your Deathmark instead of Fan of Knives.
Again, an opener like this is meant to serve as quick way of using your cooldowns in smaller packs that don't won't live long
You do not always have cooldowns going into every pack. When your Deathmark and Kingsbane are on cooldown, your first casts going into a pack look like the following:
- During your Indiscriminate Carnage windows, you want to be using Garrote as your builder on the mobs that do not already have it, and Rupture as your spender.
- In higher keys, spreading your Bleeds like this is going to be optimal as mobs will be living longer than your cooldowns.
- If you have Cold Blood talented, use it after your Edge Case rolls in your opener.
Maximizing your chances of hitting your Fateful Ending Capstone with Cold Blood.
While in M+ you are most likely to have the capstone eventually, getting during a long Tyrannical boss fight in a higher key is very important if you don't already have it, here is an explanation of the opener:
To clarify, Fatebound Coin (Tails) could be Fatebound Coin (Heads) too with the same outcome, and vice versa.
To explain what is happening a bit further
- You gain 2 stacks with your first Rupture because of Double Jeopardy.
- Your first Envenom in this case is hitting 3 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Tails).
- After using your Deathmark, Edge Case is going to give your next finisher a guarantee of rolling both stacks
- Using your Vanish before your first Envenom after pressing Deathmark guaranteees a double stack roll with Double Jeopardy on the first Edge Case proc. So in this specific case, you will get:
- The first finisher after your Deathmark will give you 5 Fatebound Coin (Tails), and 2 Fatebound Coin (Heads).
- On the second finisher you will randomly roll one one of the two. This is the part where you might lose your chance on getting Lucky Coin. In this specific case, you get to keep 6 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Tails).
- After using your Edge Case finishers, you press Cold Blood, and due to Inevitability, you guarantee 7 stacks and Lucky Coin for the remainder of the fight.
- What happens if you first Envenom does not roll into a 3 stack, and instead you get 1 stack.
- This the worst case scenario:
- Your first Envenom drops you 2 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Tails) into an 1 stack of Fatebound Coin (Heads).
- Your Edge Case window starts with 1 stack
- In your first Envenom you get 3 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Heads) and 2 of Fatebound Coin (Tails) due to Double Jeopardy.
- On your second Envenom you get unlucky again and instead of rolling Fatebound Coin (Heads) and hit 4 stacks, you roll Fatebound Coin (Tails) and end up with 3 stacks before your Inevitability window.
- At that point, you press your Cold Blood as always and end up at 5 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Tails). You will not get your Lucky Coin during your Kingsbane, and unless Mean Streak works in your favor and you roll 2 Envenom into 7 stacks of Fatebound Coin (Tails), you won't get a much better chance at rolling it either.
The opposite of that would be getting to keep your Fatebound Coin (Heads) after your second Envenom in your Edge Case window, as such:
- At that point, your rolls will look like this.
- In this case, you are simply 1 Envenom away from your Lucky Coin.
- In short, getting to keep your stacks in your second Envenom of your Edge Case is crucial to maximizing your chances at getting Lucky Coin in your opener.
There are obviously more variations of this, it's merely intended for you to understand the mechanic.
Understanding Mechanics
Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.
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Boss Tips
- Always use Feint on Alerting Shrill.
- Avoid kiting Starved Crawlers into the boss else the boss receives Insatiable.
- You can drop the fixate with Vanish, while also double dipping on the use by spreading your dots with Indiscriminate Carnage on them. Ideally you only do this on a hard wave.
- Alternatively you can use Evasion and tank them.
- You will most likely have to move with your tank to avoid spawning bad Gossamer Onslaught.
- Always avoid Burrow Charge.
- You can use your Feint with Elusiveness or Evasion with Bait and Switch to lower the damage of Infestation.
- Kick and kill Bloodstained Webmages asap
Ki'katal the Harvester
- Use your Feint if you are talented into Elusiveness or Evasion with Bait and Switch while you're affected by Cultivated Poisons since it hits like a truck!
- Also, try to position yourself in a way so that when the waves go out, they don't hit any of your party members.
- When the boss starts casting Cosmic Singularity, run into one of the black puddles on the ground before the cast ends. Generally, you have a bit of time, so don't waste too much uptime, but also play it safe.
- Once you get into a puddle, you will be rooted in place with Grasping Blood. After the boss cast is done, use any form of CC such as Blind on the add to free yourself off the root.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Resonant Barrage from Trilling Attendant.
- Horrifying Shrill from Ixin.
- Revolting Volley from Bloodstained Webmage.
- Venom Volley from Blood Overseer.
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Alarm Shrill from Sentry Stagshell
- A really long cast that needs to get disrupted.
- Massive Slam from Nerubian Hauler and Hulking Bloodguard
- A short stun that ramps in damage done per cast.
- Alarm Shrill from Sentry Stagshell
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
Orator Krix'vizk
- When you getShadows of Doubt try to position yourself in a way so that you don't hit any of your party members.
- Use your Feint on Vociferous Indoctrination.
Fangs of the Queen
- Make sure to spread your bleeds on both mobs during your Indiscriminate Carnage window before they start dashing around.
- Use your Cloak of Shadows on the Ice Sickles ability if available.
The Coaglamation
- Use your Feint for Dark Pulse. This happens at 100 boss energy.
- Soak the dark orbs so that they don't heal the boss.
- Use your Shadowstep after the knockback to gain uptime on the boss.
Izo, the Grand Splicer
- Using your Vanish on the Umbral Weave root is decent as you get to multi-dot the remaining of them if the rest of the group hasn't cleared them.
- Use your defensives for Splice since it's the highest damage event during this fight.
You can also just shift your Cloak of Shadows use to when you have Cooldowns running so that you don't waste energy and a global on Feint.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Web Bolt from Sureki Silkbinder.
- Grimweave Blast from Covert Webmancer.
- Mending Web from Covert Webmancer.
- Twist Thoughts from Herald of Anurek.
- Void Wave from Sureki Unnaturaler.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
- Always stack up to spawn Volatile Spikes close together to ensure you can detonate them all with 1 Refracting Beam.
- Use Feint whenever it's ready for this ability.
- Use Feint for Earth Shatterer.
- You can make sure of your Cloak of Shadows on Volatile Spike on the floor if you haven't cleared them all and the boss is casting Earth Shatterer.
- Depending on your comp, you might have to end up sitting on the Crystals quite a bit. Do not kill more than 1 at the same time, as Crystalline Eruption will kill you.
- Use your Feint before Unstable Crash happens or while you have multiple stacks of Unstable Energy.
- Make sure to pick up the orbs so that you can damage the shield during Void Discharge.
- Void Discharge is the best time to use your Cloak of Shadows, or alternative use your Feint to mitigate its damage.
Master Machinists Brokk and Dorlita
- Make sure to spread your bleeds on both targets during your Indiscriminate Carnage window. When one of the boss goes away, you will have to reapply them once they are back. Have full uptime on them throughout the fight.
- Lava Expulsion hitbox is pretty big, make sure you are not in the way and dont stand too close to the boss.
- Kick Molten Metal.
- Use your Feint Exhaust Vents and Blazing Crescendo.
Void Speaker Eirich
- You might want to delay your cooldowns a bit until after you've dropped off your debuff near a portal, then Shadowstep on the boss to use them.
- Use your Feint on Entropic Reckoning.
Trash Tips
- Focus down Earth Burst Totem from Cursedforge Stoneshaper. They have a low amount of health but are not affected by AoE abilities.
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Howling Fear from Ghastly Voidsoul.
- Censoring Gear from Turned Speaker.
- Piercing Wail from Void Bound Howler.
- Restoring Metals from Forgebound Mender and Cursedforge Mender.
- Arcing Void from Cursedheart Invader.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
Speaker Shadowcrown
- Use your Kick on the boss's Shadowbolt cast.
- Be mindful of the movement pattern you will be following as the boss is casting Obsidian Beam. You can use your Cloak of Shadows or Shadowstep on a target that is somewhere safe if you get yourself in a difficult spot.
- Move in a way so that Dark Orb has a long travel distance and doesn't instantly hit a wall. Regardless, make use of your Feint when it explodes as it still deals significant damage.
- Use your Feint for the Shadowy Decay channel.
- When you get targeted by Rolling Acid, check where the beam is going towards and place it so that you don't hit any of your party members.
- The side that the beam will shoot towards is the side your line is on.
- In Phase 2 the beam removes the Spinneret's Strands and creates smaller green pools on the floor, so be mindful of that.
- Move onto one of the sides of the boss and try to place the Spinneret's Strands.
- Use your Feint on Erosive Spray.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Night Bolt from Nightfall Shadowmage.
- Ensnaring Shadows from Nightfall Shadowmage.
- Tormenting Beam from Nightfall Darkcaster.
- Umbral Barrier from Nightfall Darkcaster.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
Ingra Maloch
- Interrupt Spirit Bolt every time a non-tank player is targeted.
- Ideally use your Feint on Repulsive Visage or Evasion so that you take minimal damage during it.
- Always try to proc Darkest Night when Droman Oulfarran is nearing 25%~, then keep it while dotting up the boss, otherwise you are going to lose your Deathstalker's Mark.
- Pre-Apply your bleeds and try to line up your cooldowns with Droman Oulfarran's Droman's Wrath to gain a huge DPS boost. This happens when Droman Oulfarran reaches 20% health.
- Blind the Illusionary Vulpins to prevent them from reaching their target.
- If your group is not crowd-controlling the Illusionary Vulpins use Crippling Poison for this fight and try to multi-dot them with Vanish.
- Use your Feint or Cloak of Shadows during the Guessing Game.
- While you are moving towards the add that needs to die, make sure to watch the boss for the lines as they can be very deadly if you get hit by multiple, and its easy forget about them with the boss at the opposite side of the room.
- You can try to stay on your tank to minimize movement on this fight. Generally, the boss's hitbox is very small and you want to minimize the amount of spread from Acid Expulsion.
- With Mind Link being always on tank now, try to look for the timer and spread out before it happens.
- Multidot the adds as they come closer, you can save your Vanish for that point.
Trash Tips
- If you apply your Deathstalker's Mark on Tirnenn Villagers before first boss you will need to proc Darkest Night sometime around 25%-30%, and save it since they go friendly at 20% and don't die.
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Spirit Bolt from Drust Harvester.
- Harvest Essence from Drust Harvester.
- Nourish the Forest from Mistveil Tender.
- Bramblethorn Coat from Mistveil Shaper.
- Stimulate Regeneration from Spinemaw Staghorn.
- Stimulate Resistance from Spinemaw Staghorn.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
- Evasion if you're targeted by Heaving Retch. Feint if you do not have it.
- You can also use your Cloak of Shadows with 1 second left on the cast to immune it.
- Use Crippling Poison on the worms if your group doesn't have anything better to deal with them and try to avoid them as much as possible.
- You can save your Vanish for the adds to kill them quicker. Use it on a harder wave.
Amarth, The Harvester
- Iron Wire is pretty strong the adds, and generally using a Vanish when they spawn will make killing the wave much easier.
- Try to use your Shadowstep to Kick the Reanimated Mage adds that are far away, its very important that you get them close to the boss quickly.
Surgeon Stitchflesh
- Save your cooldowns for when you hook Surgeon Stitchflesh down.
- Ideally you proc a Darkest Night on the add before Surgeon Stitchflesh comes down to not lose your Deathstalker's Mark. If you have Vanish free, you can also just Ambush instead and then Apply the buffed Garrote.
Nalthor the Rimebinder
- This is one of the hardest bosses to keep your Deathstalker's Mark on since you get sent down so fast. You could look at the timer and wait with your Darkest Night a bit. Otherwise if you end up losing your Deathstalker's Mark, just use your Vanish on the boss when you get back up.
- You can use your Cloak of Shadows on Comet Storm
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Drain Fluids from Corpse Harvester and Corpse Collector.
- Necrotic Bolt from Zolramus Sorceror & Zolarmus Necromancer.
- Rasping Scream from Skeletal Marauder.
- Frostbolt Volley from Reanimted Mage.
- Goresplatter from Corpse Collector.
- Repair Flesh from Flesh Crafter.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
Chopper Redhook
- Line up your cooldowns with the boss walking over Bombs which afflict him with Heavy Ordnance.
- Spread your dots as much as possible during your Indiscriminate Carnage window, and otherwise keep Ruptures running on every mob.
Dread Captain Lockwood
- Focus down the Ashvane Cannoneer during the phase change to quickly use Unstable Ordnance to get the boss down from the ship.
- If you have Crippling Poison on she won't jump far and instead Gutshot the tank instead of random people.
Hadal Darkfathom
- If you can't find a safe spot for Tidal Surge you can also use Cloak of Shadows to immune the waves.
- If you can't avoid the water on the ground, use your Feint.
- You can use your Cloak of Shadows if you have Putrid Waters on you to help your healer with dispelling.
- Spread your buffed Garrotes on both the Demolishing and the Grippling tentacle.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Brackish Bolt from Irontide Waveshaper.
- Watertight Shell from Irontide Waveshaper.
- Water Bolt from Bilge Rat Tempest.
- Choking Waters from Bilge Rat Tempest.
- Bolstering Shout from Ashvane Commander.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
Boss Tips
General Umbriss
- You can use your Cloak of Shadows if you get caught in Shadow Breath.
- Always Feint before Commanding Roar.
- You can utilize Shadowstep either on teammates or on boss to move quickly on this platform.
Forgemaster Throngus
- Use Feint during Blistering Heat and Forge Weapon.
Drahga Shadowburner
- Use Feint during Twilight Buffet.
Erudax, the Duke of Below
- Use Feint during Abyssal Corruption and Void Surge.
- You can use your Cloak of Shadows to soak up all the tendrils on the floor. Save your Sprint for that too.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Earth Bolt from Twilight Earthcaller.
- Mass Tremor from Twilight Earthcaller.
- Shadowflame Bolt from Twilight Beguiler.
- Sear Mind from Twilight Beguiler.
Pre Dungeon Start
- Always try to find a mob to attack for Combo Points, get to 7 and the use your Slice and Dice. You san safely Vanish off afterwards and start the key.
- The idea is that you get you start the key with a Slice and Dice running so you don't need to waste a global and Combo Points.
- You may also want to use a Tempered Potion right before the Dungeon starts.
The Affix system got revamped going into The War Within Season 1 retiring most Affixes as well as introducing new kiss-curse ones while also changing on which key level these appear.
- +2 Affixes -- Rotates on a weekly basis
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- +4 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +7 Affix
- Challenger's Peril
- +10 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis, is always the opposite of the +4 Affix
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +12 Affix
- Xal'atath's Guile -- Replaces the +2 Affix
Following you get some useful tips for handling different Mythic+ Affixes as an Assassination Rogue.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- You can use your Blind with Airborne Irritant talented to gain the buff, but try to wait as much as possible to maximize the potential. Make sure you target an enemy and not an orb as it would then only kill the single orb.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- Try to DPS the add down quickly when it spawns as it casts Dark Prayer and buffs nearby mobs. After it dies, you get a 20% crit chance for 20 seconds. This is a great time to use your cooldowns.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion -- Soak the orbs
- Simply try to soak as many of them so they don't reach the mobs as they buff them. Everyone gets the stacks of the buff regardless of who soaks them. Stacks up to 10.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- You can use your Algari Healing Potion if you drop too low.
- Cloak of Shadows works on the debuff.
- Crimson Vial can be useful to clear the healing absorb.
Stat Priority
Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Assassination Rogue. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.
Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.
All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!
- Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
- Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing.
- Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Whispering Mask | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
Neck | Trailspinner Pendant | Mists of Tirna Scythe |
Shoulder | K'areshi Phantom's Shoulderpads | Tier / Catalyst |
Cloak | Wings of Shattered Sorrow | Rasha'nan |
Chest | K'areshi Phantom's Nexus Wraps | Tier / Catalyst |
Wrist | Rune-Branded Armbands | Crafted |
Gloves | K'areshi Phantom's Grips | Tier / Catalyst |
Belt | Rune-Branded Waistband | Crafted |
Legs | K'areshi Phantom's Leggings | Tier / Catalyst |
Boots | Whisperer's Echoing Steps | City of Threads |
Ring 1 | Seal of the Poisoned Pact | Queen Ansurek |
Ring 2 | Cyrce's Circlet | Siren Isle |
Trinket 1 | Treacherous Transmitter | Princess Ky'veza |
Trinket 2 | Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg | Ovi'nax |
Weapon | Blood-Kissed Kukri | The Bloodbound Horror |
Weapon | Everforged Stabber | Crafting |
Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Hood of the Hidden Path | Mists of Tirna Scithe |
Neck | "Emergency Stop" Keychain | The Stonevault |
Shoulder | Epaulets of the Clipped Wings | The Dawnbreaker |
Cloak | Troggstitched Drape | Grim Batol |
Chest | Cursed Skardyn Vest | Grim Batol |
Wrist | Scheming Assailer's Bands | The Dawnbreaker |
Gloves | Wharf Warden's Gloves | Siege of Boralus |
Belt | Sapgorger Belt | Mists of Tirna Scithe |
Legs | Glimmerthread Pantaloons | Grim Batol |
Boots | Whisperer's Echoing Steps | City of Threads |
Ring 1 | Umbriss Band | Grim Batol |
Ring 2 | Seal of the City Watch | Siege of Boralus |
Trinket 1 | Skardyn's Grace | Grim Batol |
Trinket 2 | Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj | The Dawnbreaker |
Weapon | Windwalker Blade | Grim Batol |
Weapon | Windwalker Blade | Grim Batol |
Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the mythic+ dungeon.
Active Trinket alternatives
- Skardyn's Grace
- A bit worse than transmitter.
Passive Trinket alternatives
- Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
- Dead-Eye Spyglass
- This is a great alternative to Ara-Kara Sacbrood with some passive agility ontop.
- Ara-Kara Sacbrood
- Pretty decent passive trinket.
- Bottled Flayedwing Toxin
- A bit worse to the previous two, but still decent.
- Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension on weapon.
- Writhing Armor Banding
- Dawnthread Liningx2
Remaining Sparks
- Crafted items are 636 item level and regular items are 639 on max item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.
To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.
- Phials
- Flask of Alchemical Chaos -- maximum DPS.
- Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
- Food
- Feast of the Divine Day
- Combat Potion
- Tempered Potion
- Health Potion
- Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
- Weapon Oil
- Ironclaw Whetstone
- Augment Rune
- Crystallized Augment Rune
- Sockets
- Quick Onyx
- Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
- Deadly Emerald
- Quick Ruby
- Always consult a sim before changing your gems.
Head | Nerubian Gemweaver |
Neck | Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace |
Chest | Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance |
Wrist | Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance Nerubian Gemweaver |
Waist | Nerubian Gemweaver |
Legs | Stormbound Armor Kit |
Boots | Enchant Boots - Scout's March |
Ring 1 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Ring 2 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Mastery Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Weapon | Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths |
Weapon | Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths |
You buy Nerubian Gemweaver from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.
For min-maxing as an Assassination Rogue in Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.
- Stoneform -- Dwarf
- One of the most potent racials in Mythic+ currently and historically.
- Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs.
- Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
- Also one of the most potent racials in Mythic+ historically.
- Use-cases
- Run past basically any mob and then cast Shadowmeld to make them reset. Even works on mobs that have stealth detection if you get enough distance before you Shadowmeld.
- You can also re-stealth during trash, but not during boss fights.
- Rocket Jump -- Goblin
- Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
- While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
- Berserking -- Troll
- Strong DPS racial but lines up poorly with Deathmark
- Blood Fury -- Orc
- Strong racial for damage that very competitive now since it scales with level and lines up with your Deathmark.
- 20% reduced stun duration on you which can be useful in some situations.
- Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
- Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate it again to teleport to it.
- Maximum range of 100 yards.
- Entropic Embrace -- Void Elf
- Decent passive trait.
- Combat Analysis -- Mechagnome
- Fairly strong passive trait that scales with level, hence why it's so strong now.
Dwarf and Night Elf abilities have such a big impact on your Mythic+ experience that you need to use either of them if you're serious about pushing keys with your Assassination Rogue.
Discover recommended macros for Assassination Rogues during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.
Mouseover Macros
Focus Macros
Utility Macros
Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Assassination Rogue, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

Changes this Patch
Patch 11.0.5
Q: What is the best time to use Shiv during cooldowns?
Written By: Perfecto
Reviewed By: Stove