Frost Mage Raid Guide
Welcome to the Frost Mage Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.0.7! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!
Hero Talents
- Spellslinger is the main hero talent used in both single and AoE scenarios. Frostfire is currently slightly behind in overall performance.
- The main feature of the Spellslinger hero talent tree is the addition of a new passive spell, Frost Splinter, and your interaction with it. Frost Splinter is a projectile that applies a debuff that stacks and deals frost damage over time.
- You can trigger it with a variety of ways:
- Splintering Sorcery triggers it whenever you consume Winter's Chill.
- Augury Abounds causes Icy Veins to conjure 8 Frost Splinters and procs an additional one whenever you conjure a Frost Splinters during the effect.
- Splintering Orbs allows your Frozen Orb to conjure them.
- Shifting Shards grants your Shifting Power the ability to fire a barrage of Frost Splinters at random enemies around you.
- Signature Spell conjures additional Frost Splinter whenever you consume Winter's Chill wtih Glacial Spike.
- On top of that, there are a bunch of passive interactions that grant you some damage, cooldown reductions and other stuff:
- Controlled Instincts makes your Frost Splinters splash if they hit a target under the effect of Blizzard.
- Volatile Magic makes embedded Frost Splinters explode whenever they are removed.
- Spellfrost Teachings grants you a chance to reset the cooldown of Frozen Orb and increase its damage from the direct damage of Frost Splinters.
- Splinterstorm triggers whenever you have 8 or more embedded Frost Splinters and shatters them all. This deals their remaining periodic damage instantly and has a chance to grant Brain Freeze.
- Frostbolt is replaced with Frostfire Bolt.
- Frostfire hero talent tree revolves around new Frost and Fire mastery buffs. You get a bunch of new interactions with both of them and the only way to gain those effects is to cast a relevant spell school for the mastery. So for Fire Mastery that is going to be fire spells and for Frost Mastery frost spells, except for Frostfire Bolt which generates both of the mastery buffs.
- There are 2 passive effects that interact with Frost and Fire mastery in the Frostfire tree:
- With Excess Frost reaching maximum amount of Frost Mastery stacks causes your next Flurry also cast Ice Nova at increased effectiveness and on top of that, when you consume Excess Frost, the cooldown of Comet Storm is reduced by 5 seconds.
- With Excess Fire reaching maximum amount of Fire Mastery stacks causes your next Ice Lance to apply Living Bomb at increased effectiveness. When this Living Bomb explodes, you gain Brain Freeze.
- The rest of the passives in the tree interact with you casting certain spells and gaining different buffs:
- Isothermic Core makes your Comet Storm to also call down a Meteor onto your target's location.
- Frostfire Infusion makes your frost and fire spells have a chance to trigger an additional bolt of Frostfire Bolt which generates both Frost and Fire mastery.
- Due to Severe Temperatures, casting damaging frost and fire spells increases the damage of your next Frostfire Bolt.
- Frostfire Empowerment makes your frost and fire spells to have a chance to activate a buff that causes your next Frostfire Bolt to be instant, deal increased damage, explode and gain you maximum benefit of Frostfire Mastery.
- Flash Freezeburn makes your Icy Veins grant you Frostfire Empowerment.
Gameplay Altering Talents
Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.
Spec Tree
- Fingers of Frost
- Causes your next Ice Lance to deal damage as if the target is frozen.
- Shatter
- Greatly multiplies the critical strike chance of your spells against frozen targets.
- Glacial Spike
- Allows you to consume Icicles and deal massive amounts of damage to your target.
- Requires 5 Icicles.
- Icy Veins
- Your main offensive cooldown.
- Grants 20% haste and summons a water elemental which also increases your frost damage by 15% with Frigid Empowerment buff.
- Thermal Void allows Ice Lance and Glacial Spike to extend Icy Veins duration.
Class Tree
- Quick Witted
- Makes your interrupt spell have a lower cooldown if you successfully landed it and be the best interrupt in the game.
- Time Manipulation
- Allows your Dragon's Breath be on a very short cooldown so you have it up for every trash pack where you need stops.
- Ice Cold
- Paired with Cryo-Freeze functionally makes you immune for the duration of Ice Block without losing ability to cast compared to normal Ice Block. There are very few situations where this doesn't work.
- Shimmer
- Allows you to blink during casting, your main mobility feature and should be made use of at all times.
Hero Talents
- Slippery Slinging
- Your default pick since other talent interacts with a very niche ability that is currently not played.
- Reactive Barrier
- Has more general use compared to the other choice but both talents could be good in different situations.
- Volatile Magic
- Outperforms Unerring Proficiency.
- Signature Spell
- Outperforms Shifting Shards.
When to use this Spec
Use this spec if you're fighting 3 or more enemies and need AoE damage.
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Spec Tree
- Added
- Ice Caller
- Freezing Rain
- Coldest Snap
- Removed
- Frozen Touch
- Ray of Frost
- Cryopathy
Tier Set
- 2-Set: Ice Lance damage increased by 8%.
- 4-Set: Damage dealt by Fingers of Frost enhanced Ice Lances invoke a Frigid Pulse, dealing Frost damage to nearby targets. Damage reduced beyond 8 targets.
- Your goal is to maximize extending your Icy Veins while not overcapping on procs such as Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost. Below, you can see an example of how your opener may look like using our recommended Spellslinger talent build:
- Opener may vary depending on Splintering Cold procs which will lead to earlier Glacial Spike cast.
- Always keep an eye on your Brain Freeze or Fingers of Frost procs and make sure to spend them and not overcap. More about priority of your procs in Deep Dive.
- With the addition of Spellslinger hero talents, don't miss out on Frozen Orb getting refreshed by Spellfrost Teachings and extra Brain Freeze procs from Splinterstorm.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Icy Veins on cooldown.
- Cast Comet Storm if your previous cast was Flurry and Icy Veins is NOT active.
- Cast Flurry if the target has no Winter's Chill and either
- The last spell you have casted was Frostbolt.
- The last spell you have casted was Glacial Spike.
- Cast Frozen Orb on cooldown if Icy Veins is active or it's cooldown is longer than 22 seconds.
- Cast Glacial Spike at 5 Icicles if you have Flurry available or Winter's Chill present on the target.
- Cast Ray of Frost if there is 1 stack of Winter's Chill on the target.
- Cast Shifting Power if all of the following is true
- Icy Veins cooldown is longer than 10 seconds.
- You have no Flurry charges available.
- Icy Veins is either NOT active or it's duration on you is longer than 10 seconds.
- Cast Ice Lance with Fingers of Frost or if Winter's Chill is up on the target and when your previous cast was NOT a Glacial Spike.
- Cast Frostbolt.
- Your goal is to maximize extending your Icy Veins while not overcapping on procs such as Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost. Below, you can see an example of how your opener may look like using our recommended Spellslinger talent build:
- Cleave for Spellslinger is considered to be a fight with up to 2 targets.
- Cleave rotation is identical to single target rotation with an exception of using Flurry on secondary target whenever you cast Glacial Spike to shatter it on both targets if you already have Winter's Chill on main target.
- This is just an example of the opener as it may heavily vary depending on how many procs you can get.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Icy Veins on cooldown.
- Cast Comet Storm if your previous cast was Flurry and Icy Veins is NOT active.
- Cast Flurry if the target has no Winter's Chill and either
- The last spell you have casted was Frostbolt.
- The last spell you have casted was Glacial Spike.
- Cast Flurry on your secondary target if the main target has Winter's Chill and
- The last spell you have casted was Glacial Spike.
- Cast Frozen Orb on cooldown if Icy Veins is active or it's cooldown is longer than 22 seconds.
- Cast Shifting Power if all of the following is true
- Icy Veins cooldown is longer than 10 seconds.
- You have no Flurry charges available.
- Icy Veins is either NOT active or it's duration on you is longer than 10 seconds.
- Cast Glacial Spike if you have Flurry charges or Winter's Chill is up.
- Cast Ray of Frost if there is Winter's Chill on the target and Icy Veins not up.
- Cast Ice Lance with Fingers of Frost up and when your previous cast was NOT a Glacial Spike.
- Cast Frostbolt.
- Below, you can see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Spellslinger spec in AoE with 8 enemies:
- AoE for Spellslinger is considered to be a fight with 3+ targets.
- The opener may slightly vary depending on the amount of targets you fight and if you have Time Warp or not. If so, follow priority list and change accordingly. In general, it just means that you may cast Blizzard and Frozen Orb 1 or 2 extra times in your opener.
- AoE rotation can be overwhelming and bloated with many procs, just make sure to cast Blizzard, Frozen Orb and Comet Storm as often as possible.
Priority List
- Cast Icy Veins on cooldown.
- Cast Cone of Cold if your previous spell was Comet Storm and you have Frozen Orb on cooldown.
- Cast Flurry if the target has no Winter's Chill and the last spell you have casted was Glacial Spike.
- Cast Frozen Orb on cooldown.
- Cast Comet Storm on cooldown.
- Shatter it with Ice Nova, Frost Nova or pet Freeze, if it's possible and mobs are freezable, and Cone of Cold is on cooldown.
- Cast Blizzard on cooldown.
- Cast Shifting Power if Icy Veins is on cooldown for longer than 10 seconds.
- Cast Glacial Spike if either
- You have Flurry charges.
- Winter's Chill is up.
- The targets are freezable. In that case follow it up with an Ice Nova, Frost Nova or pet Freeze to trigger the Shatter effect.
- Cast Ice Lance if either
- Fingers of Frost is up and your previouis cast was not a Glacial Spike.
- Winter's Chill is up on the target.
- Cast Flurry if there is no Winter's Chill on the target.
- Cast Frostbolt.
Deep Dive
Winter's Chill and Procs
Frost Mage's rotation is centered around optimizing Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost.
Casting Ice Lance with the Fingers of Frost buff into a target affected by Winter's Chill is pointless and should be avoided. In situations where you have both Fingers of Frost and Flurry charges, your goal is to spend Fingers of Frost procs first and only after that cast Frostbolt into Flurry.
However, sometimes you may find yourself sitting with both Fingers of Frost and Brain Freeze procs, due to Frostbolt proccing each of them at the same time or a Frozen Orb giving you Fingers of Frost while you already have Brain Freeze. In that case you should always prioritize Flurry over Ice Lance and never risk gaining another Brain Freeze proc and wasting it.
Utilizing Flurry
There are two things that are important to know about Flurry. First is to know that Flurry travel time is shorter compared to Frostbolt or Glacial Spike. Because of this, Flurry doesn't need to be casted before but can be casted right afterward. Another thing is that Flurry consists of multiple projectiles, each applying a stack of the Winter's Chill debuff, you can have maximum amount of stacks on the target while also buffing your previous cast with a shatter effect.
Minmaxing Water Jet
One of the most important abilities related to your water elemental pet from Icy Veins is Water Jet. While it may seem negligible, if you truly want to achieve the maximum performance for your class, you should remove it from auto-casting and press it manually whenever you need it. Aside from just damage, Water Jet also generates you a Brain Freeze proc, most powerful proc you can get. So it's important to not overlap it with your actual procs and wasting the proc.
Shattering means utilizing your Shatter talent in variety of ways. It's very important to keep using Shatter combos since the whole Frost Mage spec depends on it. While it's easy to do on single target and done passively through Fingers of Frost proc and Winter's Chill debuff from Flurry, it's important to remember that you can also achieve it through spells like Frost Nova, Ice Nova and Freeze on any mob that can be frozen.
Below you can see an example of Shatter combo, where Ice Nova is being used instead of Flurry and you have no charges left of it for Glacial Spike:
During AoE you also should be aiming to Shatter your Comet Storm with Frost Nova and Ice Nova, if you have more than 50% haste, or Freeze if you don't, since it's off GCD and comes from a pet in case your Cone of Cold is on cooldown.
Below you can see an example of AoE Shatter combo, where Freeze is used instead of Cone of Cold if it's on cooldown:
Spymaster's Web
By far the strongest on use trinket this season which also works in a unique way.
You passively generate stacks that grant you Intellect. Later on you can trade accumulated stacks for a 20 second Intellect buff which gets stronger the more stacks you've traded.
The play with this trinket would be to wait for maximum amount of stacks and then use it with your Icy Veins.
Understanding Mechanics
Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.
Nerub-ar Palace
← Scroll for more Bosses →
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Be aware of all the movement that is needed on this fight. Use Shimmer well to not lose uptime throughout the entire fight.
- During Ready to Feed utilize Alter Time to quickly feed the boss multiple times.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Delaying cooldowns as a Frost Mage is extremely bad, that's why you just use them on cooldown regardless of the group you are assigned to.
Defensive Cooldown Usage
If you're assigned to Group 1:
If you're assigned to Group 2:
Boss Tips
- You can use Shimmer and Alter Time to teleport over the Spewing Hemorrhage if needed.
- Shimmer and Alter Time could also be utilised to get over Black Blood during the Goresplatter cast without losing any hp.
- Jumping over Black Blood with Slow Fall can cause you to take zero damage from it.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Use defensives whenever you are targeted by Decimate or Decimates are about to hit Cosmic Simulacrums.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Don't forget to use Cone of Cold on the adds to reset the cooldown of your Comet Storm and Frozen Orb.
- The boss flies away at 1:27, 3:07, 4:47 and 6:20 minutes. Whenever one of these timers are approaching you should start pre-moving on your instant casts to minimize downtime while running.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Use Ice Barrier to quickly cleanse yourself from Unstable Web. This is doable because of the Energized Barriers talent.
- Be careful and look around while doing so to not splash Web Eruption onto anyone else.
- Remember that Mass Barrier may also be used to remove Unstable Web if normal Ice Barrier is on cooldown.
- This only works on you though.
- Don't be lazy with Counterspelling Poison Burst since as a Frost Mage you are very mobile and have one of the best interrupts in the game.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Defensive Cooldown Usage
- Cast Mirror Image and Ice Barrier ~5 seconds before the pull.
- Make sure to always have Ice Barrier active whenever you are targetted with spells like Assassination, Twilight Massacre or Regicide.
- If you are targetted with Assassination, then use Ice Barrier for the initial hit and Alter Time for the DoT damage after it.
- If you are targetted with Twilight Massacre, then use a Greater Invisibility paired with Ice Barrier and Alter Time if available. It can only happen once during 1 iteration of the phase.
- Save Mirror Image for every intermission phase.
- Rotate Ice Cold and Mass Barrier during intermissions. Try to use only one of those during each, so you always have something for every intermission phase. Keep in mind that due to Barrier Diffusion talent, you can cast Ice Barrier -> Mass Barrier -> Ice Barrier back to back and cover 3 Regicides in a row.
Boss Tips
- Multiple stacks of Queensbane can be quite dangerous. Consider calling an external.
- The main thing to keep an eye out for on this boss is the position of each Nether Rift. Their placement dictates how much you get pulled towards them. Try to position yourself in a way that each Nether Rift is at a similar distance to you.
- Be careful with using Shimmer during the Nether Rift pulls as it may result in an unexpected way. Best way is to get used to dealing with that mechanic without any blinks.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Defensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Use Alter Time to teleport back instantly after getting pulled in by Web Vortex to save yourself some movement.
- Alternatively, use Demonic Gateway to negate the pull in effect if available.
- Try to get some good distance from the adds that spawn from Call of the Swarm since they fixate the closest target.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Defensive Cooldown Usage
- During P1, always have Ice Barrier up for every Silken Tomb and Frothy Toxin cast.
- During Intermission, you can hard assign Mass Barrier for the first Wrest and Ice Cold for the second Wrest.
- During P2, use Greater Invisibility before the Gloom Touch dispell or whenever you are assigned to go through the Shadowgate if you are assigned to one.
- During P3 just rotate your defensives whenever you need one. Keep in mind that you can utilize Mass Barrier not just for yourself but for 3 other people targetted with Royal Condemnation with a proper positioning. Royal Condemnation is the scariest damage event in this phase.
Boss Tips
- Use Blink to remove Silken Tomb roots. You will still drop a puddle at your destination of the blink, so aim accordingly.
- Greater Invisibility can also be used to remove the root if needed.
- During Frothing Gluttony, you can use Blink to get over the ring without taking a portal. That will allow you to avoid getting Abyssal Reverberation debuff and save some space for the rest of the raid to spread more comfortably.
Stat Priority
Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as a Frost Mage. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.
Be careful to not get too much Critical Strike as its value drastically drops once you reach more than 30% due to Shatter talent.
For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft!
A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your current gear.
- All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!
- Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
- Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
- Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Hood of Violet Rebirth | Tier / Catalyst |
Neck | Sureki Zealot's Insignia | Sikran |
Shoulder | Beacons of Violet Rebirth | Tier / Catalyst |
Cloak | Wings of Shattered Sorrow | Rasha'nan |
Chest | Runecoat of Violet Rebirth | Tier / Catalyst |
Wrist | Consecrated Cuffs | Crafting |
Gloves | Jeweled Gauntlets of Violet Rebirth | Tier / Catalyst |
Belt | Acrid Ascendant's Sash | Queen Ansurek |
Legs | Coattails of Violet Rebirth | Tier / Catalyst |
Boots | Assimilated Eggshell Slippers | Broodtwister Ovi'nax |
Ring 1 | Seal of the Poisoned Pact | Queen Ansurek |
Ring 2 | Cyrce's Circlet | Siren Isle |
Trinket 1 | Ara-Kara Sacbrood | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
Trinket 2 | Spymaster's Web | Silken Court |
Weapon | Sovereign's Disdain | Queen Ansurek |
Off-Hand | Vagabond's Torch | Crafting |
Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Abominable Visage | The Necrotic Wake |
Neck | "Emergency Stop" Keychain | The Stonevault |
Shoulder | Reanimator's Mantle | The Necrotic Wake |
Cloak | Anvilhide Cape | The Stonevault |
Chest | Arachnofrost Vest | City of Threads |
Wrist | Crimsonborne Bracers | Grim Batol |
Gloves | Gory Surgeon's Gloves | The Necrotic Wake |
Belt | Cord of the Pious Warder | Siege of Boralus |
Legs | Archaic Venomancer's Footwraps | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
Boots | Membranous Slippers | The Dawnbreaker |
Ring 1 | Experiment 08752's Band | City of Threads |
Ring 2 | Devout Zealot's Ring | The Dawnbreaker |
Trinket 1 | Unbound Changeling | Mists of Tirna Scithe |
Trinket 2 | Ara-Kara Sacbrood | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
Weapon | Modgud's Blade | Grim Batol |
Off-Hand | Overflowing Umbral Pail | The Dawnbreaker |
Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.
Active Trinket alternatives
- Treacherous Transmitter
- Good on-use trinket that lines up with Icy Veins but requires you to do "tasks" that may become a slight hindrance at times.
Passive Trinket alternatives
- Unbound Changeling
- Very strong passive trinket that buffs all secondary stats.
- Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
- Very strong passive trinket that buffs a random secondary stat.
- Candle Confidant
- Very strong passive damage trinket from delves. Only downside to it is it's limited maximum ilvl and that it loses value in a higher target count scenariouses.
- Gale of Shadows
- Good stat stick that ramps up over time.
- Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg
- Good passive stat stick.
- Harvester's Edict
- Good passive trinket that either deals some damage or buffs your Mastery.
- Hadal's Nautilus
- Good passive damage trinket.
- Satchel of Misbegotten Minions
- Good passive damage trinket.
- 1x Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension
- Only crafted on your main hand or off-hand weapon. Craft it on your main hand for more power early on or on your off-hand for long-term BiS.
- 1x Writhing Armor Banding
- The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Boots or Waist depending on your available gear.
- 1-2x Elemental Focusing Lens
- Deals a decent amount of damage in Single-Target.
- The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Boots or Waist depending on your available gear.
- 1-2x Dawnthread Lining
- The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Boots or Waist depending on your available gear.
To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.
- Phials
- Flask of Alchemical Chaos -- maximum DPS.
- Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
- Food
- Feast of the Midnight Masquerade -- default
- Combat Potion
- Tempered Potion
- Health Potion
- Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
- Weapon Oil
- Algari Mana Oil -- default
- Oil of Deep Toxins
- Augment Rune
- Crystallized Augment Rune
- Sockets
- Masterful Emerald
- Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
- Masterful Sapphire
- Quick Onyx
- Masterful Ruby
- Masterful Amber
Head | Nerubian Gemweaver |
Neck | Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace |
Chest | Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance |
Wrist | Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance Nerubian Gemweaver |
Waist | Nerubian Gemweaver |
Legs | Sunset Spellthread |
Boots | Enchant Boots - Scout's March |
Ring 1 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Ring 2 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Weapon | Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths |
You buy Nerubian Gemweaver from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.
For min-maxing a Frost Mage in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.
- Stoneform -- Dwarf
- Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.
- Rocket Jump -- Goblin
- Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
- While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
- Berserking -- Troll
- Weak DPS racial for a Frost Mage which lines up poorly with Icy Veins.
- Reduce the duration of movement-impairing effects by 20%. This was only useful once in the recent history of progression raiding but is still worth noting.
- Blood Fury -- Orc
- Strong DPS racial but lines up poorly with Icy Veins.
- 20% reduced stun duration on you which can be useful in some situations.
- Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
- Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate it again to teleport to it.
- Maximum range of 100 yards.
In general, it's safe to say that if you care about min-maxing your DPS, you should go with the highest DPS racial. That being said, the story is a bit different if it's about progression raiding. Some help out massively to speed up the progression on certain bosses. Notably, Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift and Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned.
Discover recommended macros for Frost Mages during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.
Cursor Macros
Cursor Blizzard -- Casts Blizzard on your cursor without confirmation.
/cast [@cursor] Blizzard
Icy Veins & Freeze -- Allows you to have both Icy Veins and Freeze on the same keybind and have Freeze at your cursor. Useful since you can't use Freeze unless you summoned your water elemental with Icy Veins and put it on cooldown so they are self excluding.
/cast [nopet] Icy Veins; [@cursor] Freeze
Mouseover Macros
Utility Macros
Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Frost Mage, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.
![Frost Mage Interface in Raids](
Changes this Patch
Patch 11.0.5
Patch 11.0.2
Patch 11.0
Q: Why is my Water Jet always on cooldown?
Written By: Wexi
Reviewed By: Hopeful