Enhancement Shaman Mythic+ Guide
Welcome to the Enhancement Shaman Mythic+ guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!
Hero Talents
- Tempest
- Your Lightning Bolt turns into Tempest after either
- You spend 40 Maelstrom Weapon.
- You get 4 stacks of Awakening Storms.
- The main idea of this Hero Tree is to cycle through as much Maelstrom Weapon as possible and cast as many Tempest as possible.
- Your Lightning Bolt turns into Tempest after either
- Arc Discharge
- Tempest causes your next Chain Lightning or Lightning Bolt to be instant cast, deal 40% increased damage, and cast an additional time. Can accumulate up to 2 charges.
- Storm Swell or Supercharge
- Storm Swell
- Tempest grants 10% Mastery for 6 sec.
- Supercharge
- Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Tempest have a 35% chance to refund 2 Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
- Storm Swell
- Rolling Thunder
- Tempest also summons a Nature Feral Spirit.
- Conductive Energy
- Casting Tempest applies Lightning Rod to your target.
- The rest of this tree are passives that do not affect your gameplay much.
- Unlimited Power
- Spending Maelstrom Weapon grants you Haste.
- Voltaic Surge
- Increases the damage of your Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning by 10%.
- Stormcaller
- Increases the critical strike chance and damage of your Nature spells by 5%.
- Unlimited Power
- Surging Totem
- Summons a totem that pulses a large amount of damage every 6 sec, reduced by Haste.
- Whirling Elements
- After summoning your Surging Totem your next:
- Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, or Elemental Blast unleashes 3 Surging Bolts at your Surging Totem.
- Direct damage of your next Flame Shock is increased by 300%, and it is applied to 5 nearby enemies.
- Your next Lava Lash or Fire Nova grants you Hot Hand for 8 sec.
- After summoning your Surging Totem your next:
- Lively Totems
- Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem that shoots Searing Bolts at a nearby enemy
- Frost Shock empowered by Hailstorm, Lava Lash and Fire Nova makes your Searing Totem shoot a Searing Volley at 5 nearby enemies.
- Lava Lash has a chance to summon a Searing Totem that shoots Searing Bolts at a nearby enemy
- The rest of this is passive and does not affect your gameplay much.
- Totemic Rebound
- Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Elemental Blast has a chance to empower your totem and deal extra damage.
- Imbuement Mastery
- Increases the chance of Windfury Weapon to be triggered by 5%, and its damage by 8%.
- When Flametongue Weapon triggers from Windfury Weapon attacks, it has a chance to trigger a whirl of flame around the target, dealing 300% of its damage to all nearby enemies.
- Amplification Core or Oversurge
- Amplification Core
- While Surging Totem is active, you deal 3% increased damage and healing.
- Oversurge
- Surging Totem deals 50% more damage during Ascendance.
- Amplification Core
- Totemic Coordination or Earthsurge.
- Totemic Coordination
- Increases your Searing Totems' critical strike chance by 15%, and its critical strike damage by 30%.
- Earthsurge
- Casting Sundering causes your Surging Totem to create a tremor at 100% effectiveness.
- Totemic Coordination
- Pulse Capacitor
- Increases the damage of your Surging Totem by 25%.
- Totemic Rebound
Gameplay Altering Talents
Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.
Spec Tree
- Flowing Spirits
- Your damaging spells have a 10% chance to summon a Feral Spirit for 8 sec.
- Replaces Feral Spirit, making it passive.
- Elemental Assault
- Causes Stormstrike, Lava Lash and Ice Strike to have a 100% chance to generate 1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
- Stormblast
- Stormstrike now has 2 charges.
- Stormsurge now also causes your next Stormstrike to deal 25% additional damage as Nature damage, stacking up 2 times.
- Static Accumulation
- 20% chance to refund any Maelstrom Weapon spent.
- Generate 2 Maelstrom Weapon every sec while in Ascendance.
- Thorim's Invocation
- Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning deals 20% increased damage.
- While Ascendance is active, Windstrike automatically consumes up to 5 Maelstrom Weapon to cast a Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning, whichever was most recently casted.
Hero Talents
- Tempest
- Your Lightning Bolt turns into Tempest after either
- You spend 40 Maelstrom Weapon
- You get 4 stacks of Awakening Storms.
- Your Lightning Bolt turns into Tempest after either
- Supercharge
- Tempest, Chain Lightning, and Lightning Bolt has a 35% chance to refund 2 Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
- Rolling Thunder
- Tempest also summons a Nature Feral Spirit.
Spec Tree
- Sundering
- Sundering triggers Earthsurge, and with the new reworked Molten Thunder, it has a chance to reset its own CD when used.
- Feral Spirit
- You do not pick Elemental Spirits, which means all your wolves will increase your Physical damage dealt.
- Flowing Spirits
- This gives your spells a 10% chance to spawn Feral Spirits instead of having to press it.
Hero Talents
- Earthsurge
- Sundering now triggers a Tremor at 100% effectiveness. This tremor happens at the location of Sundering, not where the Totem is.
- Whirling Elements
- After using Surging Totem, your next Lava Lash will trigger Hot Hand.
Tier Set
- 2-Set: Your spells and abilities have a chance to activate a Winning Streak! incresting the damage of your Stormstrike, Lava Lash and Doom Winds by 5%, up to 25%. Maelstrom Weapon spenders have a 1% chance to remove Winning Streak! per Maelstrom Weapon spent.
- 4-Set: When you lose your Winning Streak! the winds shift into Doom Winds for 4 sec. When Doom Winds deal damage, your next Crash Lightning deals 18% increased damage, up to 90%. This effect can be stored up to 10 stacks. Additionally, Crash Lightning deals 75% more damage to your main target.
- Your opener is very simple and the only variance is when you are able to cast Tempest. You cast it manually with 8+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Your goal is to cast Windstrike whenever possible.
- If you get a Tempest and you are at 10 Maelstrom Weapon you cast it manually.
- Thanks to the reworked version of Stormblast you will be able to mainly cast Windstrike otherwise fill with Crash Lightning.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Tempest at 8+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Cast Windstrike during Ascendance.
- Cast Lightning Bolt at 8+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Cast Stormstrike on cooldown.
- Cast Ice Strike on cooldown.
- Cast Voltaic Blaze if available.
- Cast Frost Shock on cooldown.
- Cast Flame Shock on cooldown.
- Your goal in your opener is to activate Hot Hand and get to 10 Maelstrom Weapon as quickly as possible so you can spend and activate Legacy of the Frost Witch.
- You want to cast Lava Lash whenever you can. During Hot Hand this is every second global.
- If you get to 10 Maelstrom Weapon before using Doom Winds, you want to instead spend it on Primordial Storm to trigger Legacy of the Frost Witch.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Surging Totem on cooldown.
- Cast Flame Shock if it is not up on your target.
- Cast Lava Lash on cooldown.
- Cast Primordial Storm at 10 Maelstrom Weapon if Legacy of the Frost Witch is about to run out.
- Cast Lava Burst at 10 Maelstrom Weapon if Legacy of the Frost Witch is about to run out.
- Cast Lightning Bolt at 10 Maelstrom Weapon if Legacy of the Frost Witch is about to run out.
- Cast Doom Winds on cooldown.
- Cast Sundering on cooldown.
- Cast Stormstrike on cooldown.
- Cast Lava Burst on cooldown.
- Cast Lightning Bolt at 5+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Cast Frost Shock on cooldown.
- Cast Flame Shock on cooldown.
- Your opener is very simple and the only variance is when you are able to cast Tempest. You cast it manually with 8+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Your goal is to cast Windstrike whenever possible.
- If you get a Tempest and you are at 10 Maelstrom Weapon you cast it manually.
- Thanks to the reworked version of Stormblast you will be able to mainly cast Windstrike otherwise fill with Crash Lightning.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Tempest at 8+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Cast Chain Lightning at 8+ Maelstrom Weapon.
- Cast Doom Winds on cooldown.
- Cast Stormstrike on cooldown.
- Cast Crash Lightning to keep the buff up.
- Cast Voltaic Blaze if available.
- Cast Ice Strike on cooldown.
- Cast Frost Shock on cooldown.
- Cast Flame Shock on cooldown.
- Your goal in your opener is to activate Hot Hand and get to 10 Maelstrom Weapon as quickly as possible so you can spend and activate Legacy of the Frost Witch.
- You want to cast Lava Lash whenever you can. During Hot Hand this is every second global.
- You cast an early Crash Lightning and then keep the buff up throughout the fight.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Surging Totem on CD.
- Cast Flame Shock if it is not up on your target.
- Cast Lava Lash on cooldown.
- Cast Primordial Storm at 10 Maelstrom Weapon if Legacy of the Frost Witch is about to run out.
- Cast Lava Burst at 10 Maelstrom Weapon if Legacy of the Frost Witch is about to run out.
- Cast Chain Lightning at 10 Maelstrom Weapon if Legacy of the Frost Witch is about to run out.
- Cast Crash Lightning to keep the buff up.
- Cast Doom Winds on cooldown.
- Cast Sundering on cooldown.
- Cast Stormstrike on cooldown.
- Cast Crash Lightning on cooldown.
- Cast Lava Burst on cooldown.
- Cast Chain Lightning.
- Cast Frost Shock on cooldown.
- Cast Flame Shock on cooldown.
Deep dive
Using Chain Lightning vs. Elemental Blast/Lightning Bolt
The way you spend Maelstrom Weapon varies based on the number of targets you are fighting, whether your priority is killing a certain target, and which build you are playing.
- If you are specced into Elemental Blast
- You use Chain Lightning if
- You are fighting 3 or more targets and you do not need to focus on killing a certain target.
- You are fighting 2 targets and Elemental Blast is on cooldown or you do not have Feral Spirit active.
- You use Elemental Blast if
- There is an important target that needs to die quickly, even if there are more than 5 targets. This results in less overall damage output but it is worth it to kill dangerous priority enemies.
- You are fighting 2 targets and Feral Spirit is active.
- You use Chain Lightning if
- If you are specced into Tempest Strikes
- You use Chain Lightning if
- You are fighting 2 or more targets and you do not need to focus on killing a certain target.
- You use Lightning Bolt if
- You are fighting 1 target.
- You use Chain Lightning if
Flowing Spirits
- With Flowing Spirits, if you are playing Elemental Spirits, you will only spawn wolves from the type of spell you cast. This means if you are only using Stormstrike, Crash Lightning, Chain Lightning and Tempest on AoE, you will only be spawning Lightning wolves.
- This is why you will see extreme variance where you have close to 10 lightning wolves up and no other type of wolf.
- With the recent nerfs to Elemental Spirits, making it 10%, this will likely not matter, as you will not choose Elemental Spirits anymore, making you always spawn Physical wolves.
Stormbringer vs. Totemic
- Stormbringer and Totemic are currently performing very close off one another on Single-Target and which becomes stronger will depend on each fight.
- Stormbringer is similar to how it was played in 11.0, with the main difference being that generators are stronger than before and is therefor a higher priority now.
- You now play Legacy of the Frost Witch to get more Stormstrikes. This is now also an important buff to keep up at all times when playing Stormbringer.
- Stormbringer could be slightly ahead on Single-Target fights if you have good timings to use your Ascendance.
- Totemic has been reworked from the incredibly burst playstyle from 11.0. You know play an extremely consistent build, with the playstyle being similar to how you played in Amirdrassil. Lava Lash is now your most used spell and you no longer play Ascendance.
- This version of Totemic has incredibly high passive AoE damage while doing its Single-Target rotation, which means this build has a high likelyhood of being very strong on cleave fights in the raid, aswell as in Mythic+.
- Totemic becomes better with multiple targets as Molten Assault and Ashen Catalyst giving a way to funnel damage into your main target.
Understanding Mechanics
Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.
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Boss Tips
Brew Master Aldryr
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Throw Cinderbrew.
- Make sure to dodge out of Blazing Belch, a frontal cone of the boss.
- During the intermission at 66% and 33%, use your Wind Rush Totem to help your group deliver the beers quickly.
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Spouting Stout.
- Use Earthbind Totem to slow the Brew Drops.
Goldie Baronbottom
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Let It Hail! cast from the boss. This does a lot of damage so be ready to Off-heal as well.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Free Samples? from Taste Tester.
- Boiling Flames from Venture Co. Pyromaniac.
- Rejuvenating Honey from Flavor Scientist.
- Failed Batch from Flavor Scientist
- Bee-stial Wrath from Bee Wrangler
- Honey Volley from Royal Jelly Purveyor.
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Volatile Keg from Hired Muscle
- Reckless Delivery from Careless Hopgoblin
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
Ol' Waxbeard
- Make sure not to stand on the rails.
- Instantly swap onto the cart when it spawns.
- If you get targeted by Reckless Charge, try to run the adds over and hit a nearby wall.
- Always make sure to hit a candle with Enkindling Inferno.
- If you get targeted by Wicklighter Barrage, you have to move very quickly if you are close to the boss, as the travel time is decided by the distance to the boss. Use Spirit Walk to make it easier.
The Candle King
- If you get targeted by Darkflame Pickaxe, hide behind one of the statues.
- Use Wind Shear on Paranoid Mind.
The Darkness
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Eternal Darkness and Shadowblast.
- Use your Wind Shear on Call Darkspawn cast that spawns adds.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Mole Frenzy from Lowly Moleherd.
- Explosive Flame from Blazing Fiend.
- Flaming Tether from Sootsnout.
- Drain Light from Shuffling Horror.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
Tussle Tonks
- A lot to dodge on this platform, watch out and try to keep uptime on the boss.
- If you get targetted by Maximum Thrust, try to hit the closest wall without hitting any party members.
- Make sure not to pop cooldowns when Platinum Plating is on.
- Spread when you get targetted by Air Drop.
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Explosive Leap
- During the Venting Flames cast, hide behind one of the boxes, and try to keep hitting the boss. As long as you have Hiding Behind Junk you are safe.
Machinist's Garden
- Interrupt Giga-Wallop.
- The Inconspicuous Plant shoots on the nearest target so be ready with defensives if you are taking too much damage.
King Mechagon
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Mega-Zap and try to stand still.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Giga-Wallop from Mechagon Tinkerer.
- Tune Up from Mechagon Mechanic.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
Big M.O.M.M.A.
- Interrupt Maximum Distortion from the adds.
- Try to line up your cooldowns with Jumpstart as the boss takes 200% increased damage.
Demolition Duo
- If you get targetted by Barreling Charge, make sure to hit as many barrels at possible. You can save your Spirit Walk for this one.
- Use your Astral Shift to minimize the damage taken from Kinetic Explosive Gel when you are getting dispelled.
- Make sure to coordinate with your group as to which side you are dodging towards since you will be linked with Razorchoke Vines.
- Use your Astral Shift during Awaken the Swamp cast from the boss and dodge the Rushing Tide.
Geezle Gigazap
- When you get targetted by Leaping Sparks, make sure to guide your Spark towards the water on the floor.
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem Giga Zap.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Trickshot from Mechadrone Sniper.
- Surveying Beam from Venture Co. Surveyor.
- Bloodthirsty Cackle from Darkfuse Hyena.
- Blood Blast from Darkfuse Bloodwarper.
- Restorative Algae from Disturbed Kelp.
- Lightning Bolt fromVenture Co. Electrician.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
Captain Dailcry
- Break the shield of the add and use your Wind Shear.
- Use your Wind Shear on Battle Cry.
- Make sure to dodge Hurl Spear.
Baron Braunpyke
- Use your Wind Shear on Burning Light.
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem on Sacrificial Pyre.
Prioress Murrpray
- Break Barrier of Light asap and then use your Wind Shear on it.
- Make sure to look away when the boss casts Blinding Light.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Cinderblast from Taener Duelmal.
- Fireball Volley from Risen Mage.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
- Generally you always want to be spread out during this boss.
- When the boss casts Crashing Thunder, stay away from melee to help your group spreading
Stormguard Gorren
- Make sure to dodge Crush Reality.
- During Chaotic Corruption, make sure to be close to other people to pass the debuff on.
Voidstone Monstrosity
- Try to hit as many Voidstone Fragments as possible with Null Upheaval.
- Try to line up with cooldowns with Void Shell after you break the shield.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Lightning Bolt from Cursed Thunderer.
- Void Bolt from Void Ascendant.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler
- Make sure to pop cooldowns when there is at least 2-3 stacks of Blazing Azerite on the boss.
- Spread out and kick the Footbombs into the boss as quickly as possible.
- Kite the Earthragers close to the boss and be ready to swap to the one that gets Azerite Infusion.
- Rotate Astral Shift and Stone Bulwark Totem onResonant Quake.
Rixxa Fluxflame
- Make sure to clear the room with Propellant Blast.
Mogul Razdunk
- Avoid spreading Homing Missile if you are targeted.
- Avoid the rockets at all costs as they one shot. The tank should be pre-placing the boss in a safe spot.
- If you get targetted by Drill Smash, make sure you hit a Big Red Rocket.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Toxic Blades from Hired Assassin.
- Iced Spritzer from Refreshment Vendor.
- Rock Lance from Venture Co. Earthshaper.
- Furious Quake from Stonefury.
- Transmute: Enemy to Goo Venture Co. Alchemist.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
Boss Tips
An Affront of Challengers
- Make sure to dodge Decaying Breath.
- Spread out with Searing Death.
- Interrupt Necromantic Bolt.
- Use your Astral Shift on Mighty Smash.
Xav the Unfallen
- Use Ghost Wolf if there are banners up and you are still slowed when you have to dodge.
- Use your Astral Shift on Draw Soul
- Spread out with Well of Darkness.
- Interrupt Necrotic Bolt.
- Use your Astral Shift on Tenderizing Smash initial hit and then move out of the circle.
- You can bait the Oozing Leftovers outside when they are close to dead so they spawn the pool outside when they die.
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
- Use your Astral Shift on Manifest Death and spread out.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Necrotic Bolt from Battlefield Ritualist.
- Demoralizing Shout from Ancient Captain.
- Bind Soul from Shackled Soul.
- Necrotic Bolt Volley from Maniacal Soulbinder.
- Bone Spear from Bone Magus.
- Spirit Frost from Nefarious Darkspeaker.
- Withering Discharge from Blighted Sludge-Spewer.
Pre Dungeon Start
- If you are playing Stormbringer, you can stack Tempest before the dungeon starts. The easiest is to get close to 40 Maelstrom Weapon spent and 3 Awakening Storms stacks.
The Affix system got revamped going into The War Within Season 1 retiring most Affixes as well as introducing new kiss-curse ones while also changing on which key level these appear.
- +4 Affixes -- Rotates on a weekly basis
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar
- +7 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +10 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis, is always the opposite of the +7 Affix
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +12 Affix
- Xal'atath's Guile -- Replaces the +4 Affix
Following you get some useful tips for handling different Mythic+ Affixes as an Enhancement Shaman.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- You can use Thunderstorm or Capacitor Totem on these.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- Should be focused down as fast as possible.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
- Wind Rush Totem and Spirit Walk are both great to soak these easier
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- Poison Cleansing Totem is great for dealing with this affix.
Stat Priority
Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as a Enhancement Shaman. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.
Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.
All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!
- Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
- Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a great tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your own spells.
- Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Gale Sovereign's Charged Hood | Tier / Catalyst |
Neck | Semi-Charmed Amulet | Rik Reverb |
Shoulder | Gale Sovereign's Zephyrs | Tier / Catalyst |
Cloak | Cloak of Questionable Intent | The Motherlode |
Chest | Gale Sovereign's Clouded Hauberk | Tier / Catalyst |
Wrist | Glyph-Etched Vambraces | Crafting |
Gloves | Gravi-Gunk Handlers | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock |
Belt | Gale Sovereign's Ritual Belt | Catalyst |
Legs | Gale Sovereign's Pantaloons | Tier / Catalyst |
Boots | Treads of the Galvanic Skysoarer | The Rookery |
Ring 1 | Cyrce's Circlet | Siren Isle |
Ring 2 | The Jastor Diamond | Chrome King Gallywix |
Trinket 1 | Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker | Operation: Floodgate |
Trinket 2 | Eye of Kezan | Chrome King Gallywix |
Main-hand | Gallywix's Iron Thumb | Chrome King Gallywix |
Off-hand | Charged Slicer | Crafting |
Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Amphitheater Stalker's Hood | Theater of Pain |
Neck | Strapped Rescue-Keg | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Shoulder | Skystreak's Hidden Missiles | Operation: Floodgate |
Cloak | Cloak of Questionable Intent | The Motherlode |
Chest | Bront's Singed Blastcoat | Operation: Floodgate |
Wrist | Consecrated Baron's Bindings | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
Gloves | Swift Pneumatic Grips | Operation: Mechagon |
Belt | Maniacal Monarch's Girdle | Operation: Mechagon |
Legs | Chemical Blaster's Legguards | The Motherlode |
Boots | Treads of the Galvanic Skysoarer | The Rookery |
Ring 1 | Footbomb Championship Ring | The Motherlode |
Ring 2 | Fleshfused Circle | Theater of Pain |
Trinket 1 | Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker | Operation: Floodgate |
Trinket 2 | Signet of the Priory | Priory of the Sacred Flame |
Main-Hand | Crusher of the Unsettled | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Off-Hand | Hyperactive Stormclaw | The Rookery |
Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the mythic+ dungeon.
Active Trinket alternatives
- Treacherous Transmitter
- Great on-use trinket alternative.
Passive Trinket alternatives
- Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
- Great passive choice, almost as strong as your best options.
- Dead-Eye Spyglass
- Great passive choice, one of your most solid options.
- Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg
- Great passive choice, one of your most solid options.
- Dawnthread Lining
- Duskthread Lining
- Both of these are your overall best embellishments, depending on what stats you currently need.
- The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Boots, or Waist depending on your available gear.
Remaining Sparks
- Crafted items are 636 item level and regular items are 639 on max item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.
To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.
- Phials
- Flask of Tempered Swiftness -- maximum DPS.
- Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
- Food
- Feast of the Divine Day
- Combat Potion
- Tempered Potion
- Health Potion
- Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
- Weapon Oil
- Windfury Weapon
- Flametongue Weapon
- Augment Rune
- Crystallized Augment Rune
- Sockets
- Deadly Onyx
- Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
- Quick Ruby
- Quick Sapphire
- Masterful Emerald
Head | S.A.D. |
Neck | Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace |
Chest | Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance |
Wrist | Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance S.A.D. |
Waist | S.A.D. |
Legs | Stormbound Armor Kit |
Boots | Enchant Boots - Scout's March |
Ring 1 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Ring 2 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Main-Hand | Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths |
Off-Hand | Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths |
You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.
For min-maxing a Enhancement Shaman in Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.
- Stoneform -- Dwarf
- One of the most potent racials in Mythic+ currently and historically.
- Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs.
- Blood Fury -- Orc
- Good DPS racial that lines up poorly with Ascendance.
- 20% reduced Stun duration on you which can be useful in some Mythic+ dungeons.
- Rocket Jump -- Goblin
- Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
- While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
- Berserking -- Troll
- Strong DPS racial that lines up perfectly with Ascendance.
- Reduce the duration of movement-impairing effects by 20%.
- Ancestral Call -- Mag'har Orc
- Good DPS racial that lines up poorly with Ascendance.
- Reduces the duration of poisons, diseases and curses by 10%.
- Haymaker -- Kul'Tiran
- Stuns your target for 3 sec and knocks them back, not the coolest for raiding
- 1% Versatility which makes this race decent for DPS.
Dwarf abilities have such a big impact on your Mythic+ experience that you need to play it if you are serious about doing higher Mythic+ keys as an Enhancement Shaman.
Discover recommended macros for Enhancement Shamans during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.
Totemic Projection -- Casts Totemic Projection on your cursor without confirmation.
/cast [@cursor] Totemic Projection
Wind Rush Totem -- Casts Wind Rush Totem on your cursor without confirmation.
/cast [@cursor] Wind Rush Totem
Primordial Wave -- Casts Primordial Wave on your mouseover or target.
#showtooltip Primordial Wave
/cast [@mouseover, exists] Primordial Wave; Primordial Wave
Flame Shock -- Casts Flame Shock on your mouseover target.
#showtooltip Flame Shock
/cast [@mouseover, exists] Flame Shock; Flame Shock
Focus Mouseover -- Puts whatever you mouseover on focus
/focus mouseover
Hex -- Casts Hex on your mouseover or target.
#showtooltip Hex
/cast [@mouseover, exists] Hex; Hex
Healing Surge -- Casts Healing Surge quickly on an ally by mouseovering or targeting.
#showtooltip Healing surge
/cast [@mouseover, exists] Healing surge; Healing surge
Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Enhancement Shaman, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

- ElvUI -- Full User Interface replacement
- A user interface designed around user-friendliness with extra features that are not included in the standard UI.
- Alternatively, you can also use Shadowed Unit Frames (SUF) and an action bar addon of your choice or of course the stock UI.
- LittleWigs -- Generic Boss Mod
- BigWigs is a boss encounter add-on. It consists of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules; mini add-ons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific Raid encounter.
- WeakAuras -- Jack of all trades
- WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft's user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information. This addon was created to be a lightweight replacement for Power Auras but has since introduced more functionalities while remaining efficient and easy to use.
- Plater -- Advanced Nameplates
- Plater is a nameplate addon with an extraordinary amount of settings, out of the box debuff tracking, threat coloring, and support for scripting similar to WeakAuras and wago.io + the WeakAuras-Companion for Mod/Script/Profile updates.
- Details -- In-depth Damage Meter
- Most powerful, reliable, handsome, damage meter.
- OmniCD -- Party track addon
- Helpful addon for Mythic+ to check the available cooldowns of your party.
- Bartender4 -- Action bar addon
- Bartender4 gives you more customizable action bars.
Maelstrom Bar
Shows your current Maelstrom Weapon stacks.

Elemental Spirits Tracker
Shows what type of Wolves you have up. Particularly useful when Elemental Spirits is talented.

Changes this Patch
- Enhancement
- Developers' notes: Enhancement Shaman currently have Maelstrom Weapon spending abilities that potentially do very high damage, while their melee abilities are not hitting as hard as we would like them to be. We're redistributing some of your overall damage to be less weighted towards Maelstrom Weapon spenders and more damage towards your melee abilities, and making some buffs like Feral Spirits always grant bonuses to your physical damage abilities regardless of what talent options you have chosen.
- New Talent: Primordial Storm – Primordial Wave transforms into a single use Primordial Storm for 15 seconds after it is cast. Devastate nearby enemies with a Primordial Storm dealing Flamestrike, Froststrike, Stormstrike damage, and unleashing a Lightning Bolt or a Chain Lightning at 150% effectiveness (100% in PvP combat). Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Consumes all Maelstrom Weapon for increased damage.
- Molten Thunder has been updated – Sundering has a 40% chance to reset its own cooldown, increased by 12% for up to 5 targets. Each consecutive reset reduces these chances by half.
- Developers' notes: Molten Thunder proc rates were a bit too unpredictable, causing significant shifts in damage output, especially with the Totemic hero talent tree. We're making adjustments to make it more predictable while preserving its functionality. Additionally, we're transferring some power away from Tremor and Earthsurge into other abilities alongside the proc trigger adjustments.
- Elemental Spirits has been updated – Your Feral Spirits are now imbued with Fire, Frost, or Lightning, increasing your damage dealt with that element by 10%, but now only increase your Physical damage dealt by 10%.
- Voltaic Blaze has been updated – Tempest, Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning have a high chance to make your next Flame Shock become Voltaic Blaze.
- Developers' notes: With this change, we're aiming to make Voltaic Blaze procs more consistent, allowing them to align better with the Enhancement Shaman rotation.
- Voltaic Blaze damage now scales with Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
- Voltaic Blaze chance to trigger has been slightly reduced.
- Lashing Flames has been updated – Lava Lash and Sundering increases the damage of Flame Shock on its target by 100% for 20 seconds.
- Primordial Wave has been updated – Now deals a high amount of damage to all targets affected by your Flame Shock.
- Developers' notes: Primordial Wave is a complicated spell to manage and get optimal use out of. We're adjusting it to be more of a big damage impact upon activating the ability rather than priming your next Lightning Bolt to hit many targets.
- Primordial Wave generates 5 Maelstrom Weapon stacks.
- Primordial Wave is now disabled and enabled on the action bar depending on the availability of Flame Shock targets.
- Stormstrike is now learned at level 10 (was a talent).
- Developers' notes: The primary resource system, Maelstrom Weapon, was not very noticeable as a passive in the spell book. To address this, we're making Stormstrike the introductory ability for those choosing the Enhancement specialization and replacing its spot on the talent tree with Maelstrom Weapon. Alongside this update, we're allowing Stormstrike to be cast without an offhand weapon for the new player experience.
- Stormstrike can now be used without an offhand weapon, dealing only its main hand weapon damage.
- Maelstrom Weapon passive is now the first node on the talent tree.
- Stormstrike damage increased by 50%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
- Ice Strike damage increased by 100%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
- Lava Lash damage increased by 60%. Does not apply to PvP combat.
- Chain Lightning damage reduced by 15%.
- Windfury Attack damage reduced by 10%.
- Crash Lightning initial damage increased by 200%.
- Elemental Blast damage increased by 20%.
- Healing Stream Totem healing increased by 100%.
- Flametongue Attack now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- Molten Assault now spreads Flame Shock up to 5 nearby enemies (was 4).
- Ashen Catalyst now increases the damage of Lava Lash by 8% per stack (was 12%).
- Chain Lightning now increases the damage of next Crash Lighting by 10% per target struck (was 20%).
- Electrostatic Wager now increases the damage of Crash Lightning by 15% per stack (was 18%).
- Hot Hands duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Ice Strike now generates 1 Maelstrom Weapon.
- Swirling Maelstrom no longer causes Ice Strike to generate Maelstrom Weapon.
- Deeply Rooted Elements is now a small percent chance per Maelstrom Weapon stack consumed, rather than being a flat chance per Maelstrom Weapon stack consumer.
- Developers' notes: This change should no longer make it seem advantageous to always try to cast as many spells as possible while at exactly 5 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Any amount of Maelstrom Weapon stacks consumed grant the same linear chance towards getting an Ascendance activation.
- Maelstrom Weapon no longer highlights spenders when they become instant cast at 5 stacks.
- Developers' notes: The constant highlighting of Maelstrom Weapon spending abilities has become a hindrance in understanding how to play Enhancement Shaman, causing too much information overload that is often inaccurate. Our goal here is to let the fundamental design of the specialization speak for itself, similar to our other specializations, and be more deliberate with procs that require immediate actions. Moving into Undermine(d), we will be rolling back most of the highlights on the main resource system, and start relying on UI overlays (Top) and personal resource display to show the current state of Maelstrom Weapon. We do not take these changes lightly, and realize there will be an adjustment period. We are excited for you to experience Enhancement Shaman in this new way and look forward to hearing your feedback.
- Maelstrom Weapon will display a UI overlay at the top for when it reaches 10 stacks, overriding the 5-stack display (was at the bottom).
- Maelstrom Weapon will not be highlighting Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning and Elemental blast at 10 stacks.
- Developers' notes: After the user experience improvements in the 20th Anniversary Update, which dedicated the UI overlay space exclusively to Maelstrom Weapon, we no longer believe that highlighting your baseline spender abilities is necessary. The initial five stacks for Maelstrom Weapon will be displayed at the top as usual. Upon reaching ten stacks, another visual will override the five-stack display, utilizing the visual previously used for the mastery reset on Stormstrike's cooldown.
- Maelstrom Weapon highlights Tempest when it is at 10 stacks.
- Maelstrom Weapon will highlight Primordial Storm when it is at 10 stacks.
- Maelstrom Weapon and Stormweaver spender abilities will now indicate in their tooltip that they consume Maelstrom Weapon or Stormweaver to increase cast speed, as well as damage or healing if talented into.
- Static Accumulation will highlights Maelstrom Weapon spenders for a short duration when the refund effect triggers.
- Arc Discharge will highlights Maelstrom Weapon spenders while its active.
- Forceful Winds now increases the damage of Windfury Weapon by 15% per stack (was 20%).
- Legacy of the Frost Witch duration is increased to 8 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Rank 1 of Legacy of the Frost Witch talent now grants 15% increased Physical and Frost damage.
- Developers' notes: After the Maelstrom Weapon economy pace adjustments and the increased access to Stormstrike, Legacy of the Frost Witch has significantly fallen in power compared to other 3rd gate talents. We're adjusting the value gained from investing 1 talent point into it.
- Ice Strike now highlights Frost Shock.
- Ice Strike buff is no longer on the personal resource display.
- Lava Lash now consumes Whirling Earth if it activates Molten Assault.
- Crash Lightning's visual, animation and sound has been completely revamped.
- Fire Nova spell visual updated.
- Lightning Rod's visual has been updated.
- Ice Strike empowered Frost Shock visual and sound updated.
- Ice Strike impact sound updated.
- Glyph of Spirit Raptors now function with Flowing Spirits.
- Doom Winds damage now scales with Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
- Doom Winds now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.
- Doom Winds is no longer on personal resource display.
- Hot Hands is now on personal resource display.
- Fixed an issue causing Hot Hands to grant 50% increased damage to Lava Lash through Whirling Elements when not talented into Hot Hands.
- Fixed an issue causing Hot Hands to display 0% value on its aura tooltip.
- Some talents have moved locations.
- Splintered Elements is now a 2-point talent and moved to Primal Maelstrom's location.
- Some talent icons have been updated.
- Primal Maelstrom has been removed.
- Stormbringer
- Tempest damage increased by 15%.
- Tempest secondary target damage reduced by 15%.
- Awakening Storms damage increased by 20%.
- Awakening Storms will now grant Tempest every 4 times it occurs (was 3).
- Arc Discharge now stacks up to 2 times (was 1).
- Conductive Energy now causes Primordial Wave to apply Lightning Rod to its targets.
- When Conductive Energy is talented, Chain Lightning will apply Lightning Rod to one of the secondary targets if the main target is already affected by Lightning Rod. If all secondary targets are already affected, the duration of Lightning Rod on the main target will be refreshed.
- Voltaic Surge now increases the damage of Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning by 10% (was 15%).
- Lightning Rod now deals 8% of the damage dealt by Maelstrom Weapon spenders (was 10%).
- Totemic
- Searing Bolt damage increased by 40%.
- Searing Volley damage increased by 12%.
- Surging Totem Tremor damage reduced by 32%.
- Imbuement Mastery now increases the chance for Windfury Weapon to trigger by 5% (was 10%).
- Imbuement Mastery now increases the damage of Windfury Weapon 8% (was 15%).
- Oversurge now increases Surging Totem damage during Ascendance by 50% (was 150%).
- While active, Surging Totem is replaced with a relocation spell that summons your Surging Totem nearby. This spell has a 6-second cooldown and does not trigger the global cooldown.
- Sundering from Lava Lash Reactivity procs now trigger Earthsurge at 50% effectiveness.
- Earthsurge now causes a Tremor at the target area at 100% effectiveness (was 200%).
- An issue causing Reactivity Sundering not to trigger Windfury Weapon has been resolved.
- Pulse Capacitor now increases the damage of Surging Totem Tremor by 18% (was 25%).
A: It shines on fights where you have short AoE burst windows, such as Rasha'nan and Broodtwister Ovi'nax. If you time a Sundering on each add wave you will see a massive spike in damage due to Earthsurge.
Keep in mind that Earthsurge triggers where you cast Sundering and not where the totem is.
Written By: Clickz
Reviewed By: Perfecto