Demonology Warlock Raid Guide

11.1 - Undermine(d)

Last Updated:February 25, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

Welcome to the Demonology Warlock Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock
Demonology WarlockRaid
Demonology Warlock Raid Best in Slot

Hero Talents

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock
  • Diabolist and Soul Harvester perform similarly in both single-target and AoE. With Diabolist your burst damage through Summon Demonic Tyrant becomes a lot stronger and Soul Harvester emphasizes Implosion and AoE damage.
  • Since both Hero Talents are extremely close in performance Diabolist is the recommended pick as it has a lot less variance in damage and is less punishing if you make mistakes.
Soul Harvester
  • Spending a Soul Shard starts a cycle of one of 3 different Diabolic Rituals.
    1. Diabolic Ritual: Overlord
    2. Diabolic Ritual: Mother of Chaos
    3. Diabolic Ritual: Pit Lord
    4. Starts on 1. again.
  • Only 1 Diabolic Ritual can be up at a time and each turns into their respective Demonic Art after it expires which is triggered after you spend your next Soul Shard:
    • Demonic Art: Overlord
      • A Fel Lord jumps at your target and applies Cloven Soul for 15 seconds.
    • Demonic Art:Mother of Chaos
      • Deals damage to your target and turns your next Shadow Bolt into Infernal Bolt which generates 3 Soul Shards.
    • Demonic Art: Pit Lord
      • Summons a Pit Lord that attacks your target with Felseeker and turns your next Hand of Gul'dan into Ruination which summons 3 Wild Imps at a 0 Soul Shard cost.
  • Your Summon Demonic Tyrant windows become a lot more important with Abyssal Dominion.
  • Succulent Souls empower your Hand of Gul'dan and makes it apply Soul Anathema.
    • Succulent Soul
      • Every time you generate a Soul Shard it has a chance to give you a Succulent Soul.
      • Summon Demonic Tyrant grants you 3 Soul Shards and 3 Succulent Souls.
    • Soul Anathema
      • Hand of Gul'dan applies Soul Anathema to all targets hit.
      • Consuming a Demonic Core applies Soul Anathema to your current target.
    • Shared Fate
      • When you consume a Demonic Core your target gets afflicted by Shared Fate.
      • During AoE scenarios it's important to never cast Demonbolts on targets that are too far away to benefit from Shared Fate AoE damage.
    • Sataiel's Volition
      • Combined with Demoniac you now have a 15% chance per Wild Imp to receive Demonic Core after casting Implosion.
      • Make sure to be on a low amount of Demonic Core stacks before casting Implosion.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock
Diabolist Single-Target
Diabolist Cleave
Diabolist AoE
Diabolist Demonology Warlock Single-Target talents in Raids

When to use this Spec

Use this spec if it's a pure single-target scenario.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Call Dreadstalkers
    • One of your key abilities which is enhanced by a multitude of talents.
    • Wicked Maw empowers other damaging spells like Implosion.
    • Carnivorous Stalkers significantly increases the uptime of Wicked Maw.
    • Demonic Calling allows you to cast Call Dreadstalkers for free and without cast time.
  • Demonic Strength
    • Strong AoE burst cooldown which requires no setup time like Implosion & Summon Demonic Tyrant do.
  • Power Siphon
    • Significantly boosts your influx of Demonic Cores.
    • Make sure to always have 2+ Wild Imp before you use it.
  • Fel Invocation
    • Makes your Soul Strike generate 1 Soul Shard, keep this in mind to prevent overcapping.
  • Summon Demonic Tyrant
    • The main cooldown for Demonology, synergizes with the majority of spells within the spec.
    • Reign of Tyranny enables you to empower 5 additional Wild Imps.
  • Grimoire: Felguard
    • The most important demon to empower with your Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  • Summon Vilefiend
    • One of your key demons to empower with Summon Demonic Tyrant.
    • Mark of F'harg makes your Summon Vilefiend deal significantly more single-target damage.
  • Doom
    • Demonbolt leaves a strong DoT which also spawns a Wild Imp when it expires.
    • This talent emphasizes swapping targets between each Demonbolt.

Class Tree

  • Curses of Enfeeblement
    • Gives you access to Curse of Tongues and Curse of Exhaustion which both have many different use cases.
    • Get in the habit of applying curses when you are forced to move without any Demonic Cores available.
  • Soulburn
    • Empowers a multitude of utility spells, mainly used for Demonic Circle: Teleport, Demonic Gateway & Healthstone.
  • Sweet Souls
    • Only works if other people use the Healthstones that you created.
  • Soul Conduit
    • Alters your cast sequence by refunding Soul Shards.
  • Pact of Gluttony
    • Massive for survivability since it alters your Demonic Healthstone to be usable multiple times per combat.
Diabolist Demonology Warlock Cleave talents in Raids

When to use this Spec

This spec should be used on any 2-3 target cleave as it's more or less single-target except for being able to apply Wicked Maw on all targets for stronger Implosion.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Dreadlash
      • Huge boost to your stacked AoE damage, also applies Wicked Maw to all targets which buffs Implosion.
    • Antoran Armaments
      • Significant boost to passive cleave damage from your Felguard.
    • Flametouched
      • Also more passive cleave from Call Dreadstalkers.
  • Removed
    • Imp-erator
      • Removed for Dreadlash.
    • Impending Doom
      • Removed for Flametouched.
    • Pact of the Ered'ruin
      • Removed for Antoran Armaments.
Diabolist Demonology Warlock AoE talents in Raids

When to use this Spec

This spec should be used whenever there's significant AoE that's mostly stacked to get good value from Shadow Invocation.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Dreadlash
      • Huge boost to your stacked AoE damage, also applies Wicked Maw to all targets which buffs Implosion.
    • Shadow Invocation
      • Another passive boost to your stacked AoE damage.
    • Antoran Armaments
      • Significant boost to passive cleave damage from your Felguard.
    • Flametouched
      • Also more passive cleave from Call Dreadstalkers.
  • Removed
    • Sacrificed Souls
      • Removed for Shadow Invocation.
    • Imp-erator
      • Removed for Dreadlash.
    • Impending Doom
      • Removed for Flametouched.
    • Pact of the Ered'ruin
      • Removed for Antoran Armaments.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Your spells and abilities have a chance to hit a Jackpot! that summons a Greater Dreadstalker at 265% effectiveness. Casting Summon Demonic Tyrant always hits a Jackpot!
  • 4-Set: ‍Casting Hand of Gul'dan causes your active Dreadstalkers to cast Dreadbite at 50% effectiveness. This damage is increased by 10% for each Soul Shard spent on Hand of Gul'dan.


Soul Harvester


Soul Strike and Felstorm are assumed to be on autocast and are therefore not included in any Openers & Priority Lists.

  • The goal of your opener is to empower and extend Call Dreadstalkers, Summon Vilefiend and as many Wild Imps as possible with Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  • Below, you can see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Diabolist Single-Target build and depending on the number of Soul Conduit procs, among other factors.
Diabolist Demonology Warlock single-target opener in Raid
  • Pre-cast Power Siphon when you have 2 Wild Imps ideally with 8-10 seconds left on the pull timer / until combat.
  • Use your active trinkets, Tempered Potion and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking in combination with Summon Demonic Tyrant.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Cast Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend and Call Dreadstalkers before Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  2. Cast Summon Vilefiend on cooldown.
  3. Cast Call Dreadstalkers on cooldown.
  4. Cast Demonic Strength after Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  5. Cast Power Siphon when you have 2 or less Demonic Core stacks and 2+ Wild Imps.
  6. Cast Ruination if Ruination is up.
  7. Cast Hand of Gul'dan if you are about to overcap on Soul Shards.
  8. Cast Infernal Bolt if you are below 3 Soul Shards and Infernal Bolt is up.
  9. Cast Demonbolt if you have 2+ stacks of Demonic Core.
  10. Cast Hand of Gul'dan with 3 Soul Shards.
  11. Cast Shadow Bolt to generate Soul Shards.


Soul Strike and Felstorm are assumed to be on autocast and are therefore not included in any Openers & Priority Lists.

  • The goal of your opener is to empower and extend Call Dreadstalkers, Summon Vilefiend and as many Wild Imps as possible with Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  • Below, you can see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Diabolist Single-Target build and depending on the number of Soul Conduit procs, among other factors.
Soul Harvester Demonology Warlock single-target opener in Raid
  • Pre-cast Power Siphon when you have 2 Wild Imps ideally with 8-10 seconds left on the pull timer / until combat.
  • Use your active trinkets, Tempered Potion and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking in combination with Summon Demonic Tyrant.

Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

  1. Cast Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend and Call Dreadstalkers before Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  2. Cast Summon Vilefiend on cooldown.
  3. Cast Call Dreadstalkers on cooldown.
  4. Cast Demonic Strength after Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  5. Cast Power Siphon when you have 2 or less Demonic Core stacks and 2+ Wild Imps.
  6. Cast Hand of Gul'dan if you are about to overcap on Soul Shards.
  7. Cast Demonbolt if you have 2+ stacks of Demonic Core.
  8. Cast Hand of Gul'dan with 3 Soul Shards.
  9. Cast Shadow Bolt to generate Soul Shards.


Soul Harvester


  • Below, you can see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Diabolist AoE build and depending on the number of Soul Conduit procs, among other factors.
Diabolist Demonology Warlock AoE opener in Raid
  • Pre-cast Power Siphon when you have 2 Wild Imps and ideally 8-10 seconds left on the pulltimer / until combat.
  • Use your active trinkets, Tempered Potion and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking in combination with Summon Demonic Tyrant.

Priority List

  1. Cast Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend and Call Dreadstalkers before Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  2. Cast Summon Vilefiend on cooldown.
  3. Cast Call Dreadstalkers on cooldown.
  4. Cast Demonic Strength on cooldown.
  5. Cast Power Siphon when you have 2 or less Demonic Core stacks and 2+ Wild Imps.
  6. Cast Ruination if Ruination is up.
  7. Cast Hand of Gul'dan if you are about to overcap on Soul Shards.
  8. Cast Infernal Bolt if you are below 3 Soul Shards and Infernal Bolt is up.
  9. Cast Demonbolt if you have 2+ stacks of Demonic Core.
  10. Cast Implosion on 2+ targets with 6+ Wild Imps.
  11. Cast Power Siphon when you have 2 or less Demonic Core stacks.
  12. Cast Hand of Gul'dan with 3 Soul Shards.
  13. Cast Shadow Bolt to generate Soul Shards.


  • Below, you can see an example of how your opener looks like using the recommended Diabolist AoE build and depending on the number of Soul Conduit procs, among other factors.
Soul Harvester Demonology Warlock AoE opener in Raid
  • Pre-cast Power Siphon when you have 2 Wild Imps and ideally 8-10 seconds left on the pulltimer / until combat.
  • Use your active trinkets, Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking in combination with Summon Demonic Tyrant.

Priority List

  1. Cast Grimoire: Felguard, Summon Vilefiend and Call Dreadstalkers before Summon Demonic Tyrant.
  2. Cast Summon Vilefiend on cooldown.
  3. Cast Call Dreadstalkers on cooldown.
  4. Cast Demonic Strength on cooldown.
  5. Cast Power Siphon when you have 2 or less Demonic Core stacks and 2+ Wild Imps.
  6. Cast Hand of Gul'dan if you are about to overcap on Soul Shards.
  7. Cast Demonbolt if you have 2+ stacks of Demonic Core.
  8. Cast Implosion on 2+ targets with 6+ Wild Imps.
  9. Cast Power Siphon when you have 2 or less Demonic Core stacks.
  10. Cast Hand of Gul'dan with 3 Soul Shards.
  11. Cast Shadow Bolt to generate Soul Shards.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

Implosion Cycles

Implosion is a unique spell, making it potentially confusing. Here are some tips and tricks:

  • Best Usage:
    • For maximum damage use Implosion with at least 6 ‍Wild Imps.
    • Always use ‍Implosion when targets have the ‍Wicked Maw debuff.
    • You sometimes need to use ‍Implosion without this debuff due to low amount of ‍Carnivorous Stalkers procs.
  • During ‍Demonic Tyrant:
    • For maximum uptime of empowered Wild Imps you should avoid using Implosion until the end of Demonic Tyrants duration.
    • If most targets die before ‍Demonic Tyrant expires, use ‍Implosion earlier.
    • If you have 10+ ‍Wild Imps that expire soon, use ‍Implosion earlier.


For an ideal Implosion cycle, ensure you have at least 2 Demonic Cores. After casting the last Hand of Gul'dan, wait for the Wild Imps to spawn or use a filler global before casting Implosion.

Demonology Warlock Raid Implosion Cycle

When you don't have the luxury of having 2+ Demonic Cores you have to settle for 2 Hand of Gul'dans between each Implosion.

Demonology Warlock Raid Implosion Off-Cycle

Felguard Priority List

Your Felguard has these four key spells:

  • Demonic Strength
  • Felstorm
  • Guillotine
  • Soul Strike

When your Felguard is casting Felstorm, Demonic Strength, or Guillotine, it cannot cast the other two until the current spell's duration ends. This creates a priority list for these three spells to optimize damage, applicable in both single and multi-target scenarios:

  1. Cast Felstorm
  2. Cast Demonic Strength
  3. Cast Guillotine

Soul Strike is not included in this list because it can be cast during the effects of the other spells. Note that Soul Strike generates 1 Soul Shard, so plan accordingly to avoid overcapping.

Minmaxing Doom and Pact of the Ered'ruin

When Doom expires you have a chance to spawn a Doomguard. This talent combination gives a few important things to keep in mind to maximize your damage output.

  • Single-target
    • To ensure maximum uptime of Doom it is beneficial to keep at least 1 Demonic Core in the back pocket to avoid periods of downtime on Doom.
    • While doing this it's important to not overcap on Demonic Cores as the maximum amount of charges is 4.
  • Multi-target
    • When facing multiple targets, prioritize applying Doom to different targets for a higher chance of spawning Doomguard. During large pulls, tab between each Demonbolt to cycle through targets.
    • Even if a target dies before Doom expires, it can still spawn a Doomguard, which is beneficial for boss damage in add-heavy fights.

Demonic Tyrant Mechanics

Your Demonic Tyrant is a so called Guardian pet that works a bit differently compared to your primary pet called Felguard that is a combat pet. Demonic Tyrant targets whatever your Felguard targets.

Guardian Pet Stat Update

Demonic Tyrant like many other Guardians does update dynamically with stat increases such as haste but sometimes does so very slowly.

Time Warp is cast at 0:02 but your Demonic Tyrant doesn't update his haste until 0:04. The same applies to all stats and damage increases.

This is just an example of an inconsistent mechanic and might not be accurate in every scenario!

Extending Duration of Wild Imps

  • Whenever you cast Demonic Tyrant it extends the duration of any active demon by 15 seconds. This does not work for Diabolist demons or Doomguard.
  • However, Wild Imps that are spawned after Demonic Tyrant still get their duration extended for as long as your Demonic Tyrant is up for. This works for a maximum of 10 Wild Imps, 15 with Reign of Tyranny.
    • Technically Wild Imps don't get extended, they just don't consume their Energy.

Reign of Tyranny Snapshot

The amount of % damage increase your Demonic Tyrant gets from Reign of Tyranny is calculated when your Demonic Tyrant spawns and does not change for the entirety of its duration even if you spawn more demons.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

Liberation of Undermine

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

← Scroll for more Bosses

One-Armed Bandit
Demonology Warlock Vexie talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • Tune-Up can be delayed or sped up depending on how fast you deal with the adds. Use Summon Demonic Tyrant accordingly.
  • Place a Demonic Gateway to help your raid move out with Spew Oil.
Demonology Warlock Cauldron talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Ideally your Demonic Tyrant expires at the end of Colossal Clash so you can Implode all your Wild Imps right before the bosses split up again.
  • During Colossal Clash you want to move all your demons to the middle so that your Felguard cleaves both bosses.

Defensive Cooldown Usage

  • When you are on Flarendo's side you should use either Dark Pact or Unending Resolve when soaking the Scrapbomb.
Demonology Warlock Rik Reverb talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Look for opportunities to cast Implosion whenever there are multiple Pyrotechnics stacked, especially on the sets that line up with your Summon Demonic Tyrant.

Boss Tips

  • Dark Pact when you have multiple stacks of Lingering Voltage.
  • Place a Demonic Circle in the middle of the room to reposition during the intermission between Blowout!.
  • Blowout! knocks you slightly backwards so use this to your advantage by turning your back against the next Haywire Amplifier.
  • During the intermission Rik hasSound Cloud which makes him take 99% reduced damage but you can still build resources and ramp up your damage for when the intermission ends.
Destruction Warlock Stix talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Your cooldown timings may vary from pull to pull depending on when you get targeted by Rolling Rubbish.
  • Look for opportunities to cast Implosion whenever there are multiple stacked adds.
  • Use Axe Toss whenever you see a Scrapmaster casting Scrap Rockets.
Demonology Warlock Sprocketmonger talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Boss Tips

  • Place Demonic Circle: Teleport and Demonic Gateway to quickly get back to the boss after Beta Launch.
Demonology Warlock One-Armed Bandit talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Apply Doom to as many Reel Assistants as possible whenever they are up.
  • Use pet attack on Reel Assistans to maximize cleave uptime, the boss has a big hitbox which makes it easier to cleave.

Boss Tips

  • Stand close to Pay-Line to get as high uptime as possible on High Roller!.
    • This is extra important during your cooldowns.
Demonology Warlock Mug'Zee talents in Raids
Demonology Warlock Gallywix talents in Raids

Stat Priority

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as a Demonology Warlock. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Demonology Warlock Stat Priorities in Raid

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

  • All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is a bad tertiary for you since most of your damage is from your pets.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock
Best in Slot
Farmable Alternatives
HeadSpliced Fiendtrader's TranscendenceTier / Catalyst
NeckStrapped Rescue-KegCinderbrew Meadery
ShoulderSpliced Fiendtrader's Loyal ServantsTier / Catalyst
CloakTest Pilot's Go-PackSprocketmonger Lockenstock
ChestSpliced Fiendtrader's Surgical GownTier / Catalyst
WristConsecrated CuffsCrafting
GlovesSpliced Fiendtrader's Demonic GraspTier / Catalyst
BeltRingmaster's CummerbundOperation Mechagon: Workshop
LegsSpliced Fiendtrader's Skin TightsTier / Catalyst
BootsDeranged Alchemist's SlippersTHE MOTHERLODE!!
Ring 1The Jastor DiamondChrome King Gallywix
Ring 2Cyrce's CircletSiren Isle
Trinket 1House of CardsThe One-Armed Bandit
Trinket 2Eye of KezanChrome King Gallywix
WeaponStix's Metal DetectorStix Metal Detector
OffhandVagabond's TorchCrafting

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadInventor's Ingenious TrifocalsOperation Mechagon: Workshop
NeckStrapped Rescue-KegCinderbrew Meadery
ShoulderMoneymaking BusinessmantleCinderbrew Meadery
CloakCloak of Questionable IntentTHE MOTHERLODE!!
ChestSaboteur's Rubber JacketOperation: Floodgate
WristHyperthread WristwrapsOperation Mechagon: Workshop
GlovesPunctured Apiary GlovesCinderbrew Meadery
BeltRingmaster's CummerbundOperation Mechagon: Workshop
LegsRowdy Reveler's LegwrapsTHE MOTHERLODE!!
BootsHyperthread BootsOperation Mechagon: Workshop
Ring 1Bloodoath SignetTheater of Pain
Ring 2Wick's Golden LoopDarkflame Cleft
Trinket 1Signet of the PrioryPriory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket 2Sigil of Algari ConcordanceThe Rookery
WeaponVoltaic StormcallerThe Rookery


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Signet of the Priory
    • Strong on-use trinket that lines up with your cooldowns.
  • Soulletting Ruby
    • Strong on-use trinket that lines up with your cooldowns.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Reverb Radio
    • Good passive stat proc trinket.


  • Writhing Armor Banding
    • Empowers any Nerubian embellishment by 100%.
  • Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension
    • Gain a random secondary stat stacking up over time.

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 675 item level and regular items are 678 on max item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock
  • Phials
    • Flask of Tempered Swiftness -- maximum DPS.
    • Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
  • Food
    • Feast of the Divine Day
    • Feast of the Midnight Masquerade
  • Combat Potion
    • Tempered Potion
  • Health Potion
    • Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
  • Weapon Oil
    • Algari Mana Oil -- Better on AoE
    • Oil of Deep Toxins -- Best on single-target
  • Augment Rune
    • Crystallized Augment Rune
  • Sockets
    • Versatile Ruby
    • Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
      • Quick Sapphire
      • Deadly Emerald
      • Quick Onyx


NeckMagnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace
ChestEnchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance
WristEnchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance
LegsSunset Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Scout's March
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Authority of Radiant Power
Demonology Warlock Enchantments in Raid

You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

For min-maxing a Demonology Warlock in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.
  • Rocket Jump -- Goblin
    • Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
    • While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
  • Berserking -- Troll
    • Strong DPS racial but lines up poorly with Summon Demonic Tyrant.
    • Reduce the duration of movement-impairing effects by 20%. This was only useful once in the recent history of progression raiding but is still worth noting.
  • Blood Fury -- Orc
    • Strong racial for damage because of both Command and Blood Fury which lines up with Summon Demonic Tyrant.
    • 20% reduced stun duration on you which can be useful in some situations.
  • Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
    • Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate it again to teleport to it.
    • Maximum range of 100 yards.
Demonology Warlock 5min ST Race sims in Raid


In general, it's safe to say that if you care about min-maxing your DPS, you should go with the highest DPS racial. That being said, the story is a bit different if it's about progression raiding. Some help out massively to speed up the progression on certain bosses. Notably, Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift and Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

Discover recommended macros for Demonology Warlocks during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Guillotine -- Casts Guillotine on your cursor without confirmation.

/cast [@cursor] Guillotine

Demonic Strength / Bilescourge Bombers -- simple macro to have both Demonic Strength & Bilescourge Bombers on the same keybind while also casting Bilescourge Bombers on your cursor without confirmation.

/cast [known: 267171] Demonic Strength
/cast [@cursor][known: 267211] Bilescourge Bombers

Shadowfury -- Casts Shadowfury on your cursor without confirmation.

/cast [@cursor] Shadowfury


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Demonology Warlock, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Demonology Warlock Raid Guide UI
Demonology Warlock Interface in Raids

Changes this Patch

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Demonology Warlock


Written By: Wolfdisco

Reviewed By: Xerwo

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