Blood Death Knight Mythic+ Guide
Welcome to the Blood Death Knight Mythic+ guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!
Hero Talents
- San'layn and Deathbringer are both very competitive with each other and influence your gameplay in different ways. San'layn requires you to utilize Dancing Rune Weapon on cooldown while Deathbringer only introduces a new ability that augments Marrowrend but does not otherwise change your gameplay.
- Deathbringer has better output and is easier to use, so the rest of this guide assumes you have this talent.
- Reaper's Mark
- The explosion grants you Exterminate.
- Grim Reaper
- This allows you to apply an additional Soul Reaper to targets below 35% HP.
- Bind in Darkness and Blood Fever
- Transforms Blood Boil to deal Shadowfrost damage and gives Blood Plague a chance to deal extra Shadowfrost damage therefore contributing more stacks to Reaper's Mark.
- Exterminate + Painful Death
- With this talent combination, Reaper's Mark empowers your next 2 Marrowrend casts.
- Marrowrend now costs 1 Rune and summons two scythes dealing damage to all enemies around your target, applying Blood Plague and dealing considerable damage to them.
- Additionally, they have a 30% chance to apply a new Reaper's Mark to the target.
- Exterminate does not stack above 2 which means you need to use up all procs before a new Reaper's Mark explodes.
- With this talent combination, Reaper's Mark empowers your next 2 Marrowrend casts.
Defensive Choice Nodes
- Pact of the Deathbringer or Rune Carved Plates
- Pact of the Deathbringer is not a good enough talent to consider. Rune Carved Plates is incredibly strong as it is a passive damage reduction based on what abilities you use.
- Death's Messenger or Expelling Shield
- Death's Messenger is the clear choice here as Expelling Shield does not work in PvE content on casts where it matters.
- Vampiric Strike
- Death Strike has a 10% chance to transform your next Heart Strike into Vampiric Strike.
- Vampiric Strike heals you for 1% of your max HP and also grants you 1 stack of Essence of the Blood Queen.
- Blood-Soaked Ground
- While standing in your Death and Decay, you take 5% less physical damage and the proc chance of Vampiric Strike is increased to 15%.
- Frenzied Bloodthirst
- Allows Essence of the Blood Queen to stack up to 7 and increases your Death Strike damage by 3% per stack.
- Visceral Strength
- Consuming Crimson Scourge procs grants you 6% strength for 8 seconds.
- Gift of the San'layn
- Dancing Rune Weapon now grants you Gift of the San'layn which replaces Heart Strike with Vampiric Strike for its' duration.
- Essence of the Blood Queen effectiveness is also increased by 150% during Dancing Rune Weapon.
You maximize your damage through Essence of the Blood Queen which is maintained by using Dancing Rune Weapon on cooldown.
To keep the buff active 100% of the time, you need to get 1 Vampiric Strike proc outside of your Dancing Rune Weapon window and use it to extend the duration for another 20 seconds.
Because of the nature of RNG, this does not always happen. When you are in Dancing Rune Weapon you want to build your stacks back up as quickly as possible if they have fallen off, or press Vampiric Strike to extend the duration of the buff immediately if you are at max stacks.
Defensive Choice Nodes
- Vampiric Speed or Newly Turned
- Default pick since it's a nice bonus to mobility, Newly Turned can be swapped to if you are the main combat resser.
- Bloody Fortitude or Vampiric Aura
- Bloody Fortitude increasing the potency of Icebound Fortitude is simply too good to give up as 2% Leech sometimes increasing to 4% even for 4 allies is just not good enough.
When to use this spec
This is the default loadout going into any Mythic+ unless specified otherwise. You have to adjust the class talent tree based on the utility needed for the dungeon. To make your life easier, dungeon-specific talent loadouts are available in the Dungeon section.
Gameplay Altering Talents
Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.
Spec Tree
- Bone Collector
- Gain 1 charge of Bone Shield when pulling an enemy.
- Ossuary
- While above 5 charges of Bone Shield your Death Strike costs less Runic Power.
- Improved Vampiric Blood
- Improves all aspects of your Vampiric Blood.
- Heartbreaker
- This provides a nice bonus to your Runic Power generation.
- Hemostasis
- Blood Boil gives you stacks to improve your Death Strike. The more enemies you hit the more beneficial this is.
- Insatiable Blade
- This is crucial for reducing your Dancing Rune Weapon cooldown. See the Deep Dive for a more detailed explanation!
- Everlasting Bond
- Duplicating Dancing Rune Weapon magnifies this cooldown's potency.
- Reinforced Bones
- With this, you now can have a maximum of 12 charges of Bone Shield.
- Red Thirst
- This provides a huge cooldown reduction for your Vampiric Blood.
- Shattering Bone
- Makes it so that losing stacks of Bone Shield deals a lot of damage to nearby enemies.
- Purgatory
- A Cheat Death every 4 minutes.
Class Tree
- Improved Death Strike
- Very important talent to make your Death Strike much stronger.
- Cleaving Strikes
- Enables Death and Decay to cleave more targets and extend your Death and Decay duration. Details in the Deep Dive.
- Anti-Magic Barrier
- Lowers the cooldown of your Anti-Magic Shell and makes it stronger.
- Icy Talons
- With this, you obtain a new buff to upkeep.
- Grip of the Dead
- Death and Decay now has a huge slow.
- Unholy Endurance
- Lichborne now becomes a potent defensive ability.
- Insidious Chill
- This reduces the enemy's attack speed and is more or less your party buff.
- Death's Echo
- This grants you an additional charge of Death and DecayDeath Grip and Death's Advance making them easier to use and juggle correctly.
Hero Talents
- Rune Carved Plates
- Provides you with a nice bonus damage reduction .
- Death's Messenger
- Offers both defensive and offensive value.
- Wither Away
- Numerically the best pick.
- .Painful Death
- Grants Exterminate a 30% chance to apply Reaper's Mark on the target.
Tier Set
- 2-Set: Each time you take damage you have a chance to activiate Luck of the Draw! causing you to cast Icebound Fortitude for 4.0 sec. Your damage done is increased by 15% for 8 sec after Luck of the Draw! activates.
- 4-Set: Luck of the Draw! has 2 sec increased duration. While Luck of the Draw! is active, Death Strike costs 10 less Runic Power and can strike up to 2 additional nearby enemies.
- The Goal of your opener is to make sure you have all the benefits of Death and Decay active while min maxing Bone Shield stacks with Dancing Rune Weapon and Tombstone + Bonestorm to maximize CDR through Insatiable Blade while also getting all your offensive cooldowns rolling.
- Deathbringer adds one more button to your opener.
- Death's Caress has a travel time and should be cast while running in for the pull.
- When casting Tombstone and Bonestorm make sure to stand in your Death and Decay to gain the maximum benefit from Shattering Bone.
Priority List
This is the standard priority list, follow this unless a Boss or scenario requires you to hold some abilities listed here.
- Never drop your Bone Shield! Use Marrowrend or Death's Caress to keep it active.
- Maintain 5+ Stacks of Bone Shield to make use of Ossuary, dropping below 5 is ok if Dancing Rune Weapon is coming up soon.
- Cast Abomination Limb + Raise Dead on cooldown unless a fight requires you to hold it.
- Keep up your Death and Decay buff, check out the Deep Dive section for more info.
- Use Reaper's Mark on cooldown.
- Consume your Exterminate buffs before casting the next Reaper's Mark.
- Cast Soul Reaper if the Target is below 35% HP.
- Or you have the buff Reaper of Souls from your Reaper's Mark application.
- Cast Dancing Rune Weapon on cooldown.
- Cast Tombstone on cooldown under the following conditions:
- You are standing in Death and Decay for Shattering Bone.
- You have 5+ Stacks of Bone Shield.
- Your Insatiable Blade talent provides you with 20/25 seconds of cooldown reduction for Dancing Rune Weapon.
- Cast Bonestorm on cooldown under the following conditions:
- You are standing in Death and Decay for Shattering Bone.
- You have 10+ Stacks of Bone Shield.
- Your Insatiable Blade talent provides you with 20/25 seconds of cooldown reduction for Dancing Rune Weapon.
- Spend Runic Power on Death Strike when you are about to overcap or Coagulopathy is about to fade.
- Cast Consumption on cooldown.
- Cast Blood Boil to avoid overcapping on stacks.
- Cast Heart Strike to consume runes as a filler.
Defensive Cooldowns
- Vampiric Blood
- Most of the time you want to use Vamp Blood as much as possible when you take any form of damage. Holding it is only really required if you need to survive a big hit or are about to have downtime on the Boss, and it can't get full value.
- Dancing Rune Weapon
- Generally use this on cooldown unless you need the parry for some special situation, more detailed info is in the Deep Dive below.
- Anti-Magic Shell
- One of the strongest defensives when it comes to magic damage. In general, it can be used when taking magic damage, in a lot of scenarios delaying it and using it to immune mechanics is the best usage this ability can have. Make sure to keep an eye out during the specific sections on what to immune and how to make the most out of Anti-Magic Shell.
- Icebound Fortitude
- An amazing defensive for general damage reduction, use this as much as possible in a fight without overlapping it with other cooldowns unless it's needed. It can also be held to immune a stun mechanic, but this is rather rare.
- Lichborne
- Nice and small defensive when specced into Unholy Endurance provides you with 10% Leech and 15% DR which makes it a good button to press when you just need a little bit of help, in an AoE scenario it becomes more worthwhile since leech is really strong in AoE. Also, if you get feared for some reason, press it!
Offensive Cooldowns
- Abomination Limb on cooldown, every time it tries to grip an enemy you get 1 stack of Bone Shield because of Bone Collector.
- Reaper's Mark
- New Hero Talent make sure to press it on cooldown.
- Tombstone on cooldown under the following conditions:
- 1. You are standing in Death and Decay for Shattering Bone.
- 2. You have 5+ Stacks of Bone Shield.
- 3. Your Insatiable Blade provides you with 25 seconds of cooldown reduction for Dancing Rune Weapon.
- Bonestorm on cooldown under the following conditions:
- You are standing in Death and Decay for Shattering Bone.
- You have 10+ Stacks of Bone Shield.
- Your Insatiable Blade talent provides you with 20/25 seconds of cooldown reduction for Dancing Rune Weapon.
Deep Dive
Death Strike Healing and Absorb
Death Strike is what makes you a Blood Death Knight. This ability is the core of your class! Understanding how it works and how to properly use it is very important for maximizing your damage, staying alive, and being the best tank out there through your incredible self-sustain.
- Death Strike heals you for a % of your maximum HP and the healing is increased this healing based on your damage taken in the last 5 seconds. This makes Death Strike an ineffective source of healing when you haven’t taken a meaningful amount of damage in the last 5 seconds.
- Environmental and friendly fire damage are not counted in the damage taken formula and are the main cause of self-healing issues. Environmental damage can come from a lot of sources such as Boss room AoE damage, and affix damage like Storming.
- Your healing from Death Strike is now multiplied by a lot of different abilities and stats:
- Versatility is a multiplier for Death Strike healing.
- Voracious also increases your Death Strike healing as well as your Mastery: Blood Shield value.
- Hemostasis only multiplies your Death Strike healing, but does not increase the size of your Mastery: Blood Shield.
- Mastery: Blood Shield is the other important mechanic of Death Strike:
- The generated Shield from Mastery: Blood Shield is based on the full healing value which includes overhealing.
- The absorb is purely physical and does not work on magic damage at all.
- The absorb is increased by your Mastery stat value.
- Voracious increases the Healing and value of your Shield, whereas Hemostasis does not.
- The maximum value that Mastery: Blood Shield can have is your max HP. This dynamically updates with HP buffs such as Vampiric Blood and Rallying Cry for example.
Managing Death Strike
Now that you learned how Death Strike works, let's talk about how to use it to gain the most damage and survivability out of it.
- For damage, you want to use Death Strike when you are getting close to overcapping your Runic Power or when you can afford to spend all your Runic Power to just do damage to a target.
- If you want to use Death Strike properly to heal up or counter certain mechanics, it all comes down to a good gameplay flow:
- Take your damage taken in the last 5 seconds into account when Death Strike is being used. Most of the time you want to Death Strike after tank mechanics or taking a lot of damage. This benefits you with both a big heal and big absorb shield right after using Death Strike.
- Most of the time, using 2 Death Strikes back to back is not a good idea since using 1 already tops you and gives you a big absorb. There are scenarios where you would want to use Death Strikes back to back, but they are rarer than just using 1 with precise timing.
- Timing Death Strike correctly against magic damage is very important, since your Mastery: Blood Shield does not help you at all against this type of damage.
- Stacking up the absorb to be ready for tank mechanics can be quite handy but often comes at a great cost since generating big shields takes a long time if you don't take enough damage to feed into your Death Strike healing.
With all this info you are ready to fully understand and utilize Death Strike to the max. Always keep in mind tanking is not set on a rotation or rigid flow of abilities, getting a good gameplay flow going and having proper Death Strike usage comes with experience and practice.
Death and Decay Optimization
- Maintaining high uptime on Death and Decay is important for both your damage and healing done as a Blood Death Knight because of these effects:
- Unholy Ground and Sanguine Ground.
- Because of Shattering Bone, whenever you use Bonestorm or Tombstone stepping out of your Death and Decay effect costs you a lot of damage.
- The main idea is to always use Death and Decay whenever it's not active, and you have it off cooldown. Cleaving Strikes grants you a lot of extra duration and quality of life benefits for your Death and Decay.
- Here are the advantages provided by Cleaving Strikes:
- You walk out of Death and Decay and retain the benefits for 4 seconds.
- Death and Decay duration runs out and this buff appears afterwards.
- Walking in and out of Death and Decay always refreshes the buff regardless of Death and Decay duration.
- Due to Cleaving Strikes giving you another 4 extra seconds of Death and Decay the rotation to upkeep this effect is very nice and smooth even without Death's Echo.
- The average uptime without Death's Echo is around 93% which is already very good.
- With Death's Echo you never drop the Death and Decay buff when playing correctly.
- Here is a timeline of how a good Death and Decay usage with Cleaving Strikes looks. Just pressing it off cooldown.
Dancing Rune Weapon
Dancing Rune Weapon is one of the most important spells in the Blood Death Knight's arsenal and has a lot of things that are not that obvious at first!
It is essential for both damage and defensive value when playing the class, and these are the key features you should know about the ability.
- The Weapon more or less counts as an untargetable "guardian" and always follows the target you used the ability on. This means when that target dies it follows you and attacks your current target.
- Dancing Rune Weapon spawns behind the target so it can pull more enemies when used on far away targets.
- Each weapon you summon duplicates certain spells and gives you the benefits, so let's talk about them:
- Marrowrend grants you 9 Stacks of Bone Shield (3 Stacks per weapon).
- Death's Caress grants you 6 Stacks of Bone Shield (2 Stacks per weapon).
- Heart Strike grants you 15 Runic Power instead of 5 (each weapon casts Heart Strike generating 5 Runic Power).
- Blood Boil now applies 3 individual debuffs of Blood Plague (1 Debuff per weapon extra) the health transfer does not increase you still only benefit from your own Blood Plague.
- The same goes for Blood Plague applied from Death's Caress.
- Death Strike does more damage as the ability is copied by the weapon but the heal is not increased.
- Reaper's Mark does NOT get copied but, Soul Reaper on the other hand does. (1 Soul Reaper per weapon extra when the Mark expires or explodes)
All of these great benefits in addition to getting a 40% parry chance buff makes gaining Cooldown Reduction on Dancing Rune Weapon one of the most important things you can do. Keep that in mind while playing and make the most out of your CDR and your Dancing Rune Weapon.
Understanding Mechanics
Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.
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Boss Tips
Brew Master Aldryr
- Keg Smash is the tank mechanic. It does physical damage and leaves pools of Hot Honey on the ground.
- In the intermission Happy Hour make sure to bring the Cinderbrew infront of the boss to the Thirsty Patrons across the room.
- This fight contains two mechanics you'll have to pay attention to as a tank. Firstly Bottoms Uppercut does physical damage and knocks you back.
- Secondly, when the boss starts casting Spouting Stout you should try to move him away from any Brew Drops.
- Be careful to not get knocked into the direction of any Brew Drops, as the boss will follow you and most likely consume a Brew Drop, resulting into an immediate wipe.
Benk Buzzbee
- As a tank you will be targeted by Honey Marinade, make sure to place the residual Flaming honey on the edges of the room, so you and your group have an easier time guiding Ravenous Cinderbee's through these Flaming honey pools.
Goldie Baronbottom
- Aim the Cash Cannon towards barrels on the ground, make to only hit one volatile barrel at the time, but feel free to hit multiple barrels without a glow.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Venture Co. Pyromaniac - Boiling Flames
- Royal Jelly Purveyor - Honey Volley
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Venture Co. Patron - Mean Mug
- Stacking bleed debuff, make sure to start kiting early enough.
- Worker Bee - Final Sting
- If too many are being casted on you, make sure to use a defensive cooldown.
- Venture Co. Patron - Mean Mug
Boss Tips
Ol' Waxbeard
- Rock Buster is the tank mechanic. It does physical damage and leaves a 25% increased physical damage taken debuff for 6 seconds.
- This boss is very simple, just make sure to always be in melee range of the boss, otherwise he will start casting Blazing Storms dealing groupwide fatal damage.
The Candle King
- Make sure to interrupt Paranoid Mind.
The Darkness
- On this fight it is important to always stand in Candlelight but make sure to not pick the candle up as a tank as it makes you unable to perform any action while lifting.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Blazing Fiends - Explosive Flame
- Shuffling Horror - Drain Light
- Royal Wicklighter - Flashpoint
- Sootsnout - Flaming Tether
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Rank Overseer - Overpowering Roar
- This cast will knock you and any enemies without it's radius, spreading out the pull, make sure to leave beforehand.
- Corridor Creeper - Eater of the Dead
- Do not tank these mobs near enemy corpses, as they will devourer them and gain a stacking damage increase.
- Rank Overseer - Overpowering Roar
Boss Tips
Captain Dailcry
- Before engaging this boss, you and your group have the choice to make which mini-boss to fight alongside the boss. Depending on which mini-boss you decide on, this fight will contain different mechanics.
- The boss itself will always have his abilites, that will not change depending on which mini-boss, but the mini-boss themself have different abilites to deal with.
- Pierce Armor is the bosses tank mechanic, it does phyiscal damage and leaves behind a bleed for 10 seconds.
- The boss will cast Battle Cry make sure to interrupt it.
- Elaena Emberlanz alive:
- Casts Repentance, make sure to interrupt.
- Adds another tank ability with Divine Judgment.
- Holy Radiance deals groupwide AoE damage.
- Sergeant Shaynemail alive:
- Make sure to dodge Brutal Smash on the ground as it stuns you and does fatal damage when hit.
- Do not stack with other people because of Lunging Strike.
- Taener Duelmal alive:
- This mini-boss adds a lot of additional kicks to the fight, firstly Cinderblast and secondly Fireball.
- On top he starts casting Ember Storm, watch out and dodge fire swirlies on the ground.
- Elaena Emberlanz alive:
Baron Braunpyke
- Make sure to interrupt Burning Light.
- While the boss has Vindictive Wrath active, make sure to counter with defensive abilites as he has increased physical damage done.
Prioress Murrpray
- During the bosses Blinding Light cast, make sure to stand with your back towards the boss so you do not get disoriented.
- Use your interrupts against Holy Smite.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Devout Priest - Inner Fire
- Devout Priest - Greater Heal
- Forge Master Damian - Heat Wave
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Guard Captain Suleyman - Shield Slam
- This ability knocks you back and does huge amount of physical damage.
- Ardent Paladin - Consecration
- Make sure to always move the mobs out of Consecration.
- Sir Braunpyke - Blazing Strike
- Guard Captain Suleyman - Shield Slam
Boss Tips
- Dodge Grounding Bolt on the ground.
Stormguard Gorren
- Run away from the boss while he casts Dark Gravity.
- After the boss has casted Chaotic Corruption make sure to stand close to the player that has been targeted by this ability, so its debuff jumps to you at least twice during its existence.
Voidstone Monstrosity
- This fight contains two tank mechanics. Firstly Oblivion Wave which is a frontal so make sure to not aim it towards your group and secondly do not leave the bosses melee range as he will start casting Entropy dealing fatal groupwide damage.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Cursed Thunderer - Lightning Bolt
- Unruly Stormrook - Energized Barrage
- Cursed Rooktender - Lightning Surge
- Void Ascendant - Feasting Void
Boss Tips
Big M.O.M.M.A.
- Electrocrush is the tank mechanic. It deals nature damage and leaves a debuff for 10 seconds dealing additional nature damage every 1 second.
- Make sure to dodge Sonic Boom as it drags you further away from the boss and silences.
- Use your interrupt against the Darkfuse Mechadrone's cast Maximum Distortion.
Demolition Duo
- Use defensives against Bront's Wallop.
- While targeted by Barreling Charge make sure to hit as many Bombs on the ground as possible.
- Sludge Claws does a small amount of magical damage on top of a huge amount of physical damage. It also leaves a big healing absorb on you, so make sure to use a defensive.
Geezle Gigazap
- This bosses tank ability is Thunder Punch, knocking you back and inflicting you with a huge amount of physical damage over 4 seconds.
- While being fixated by Leaping Sparks make sure to kite it through Dam Water pools on the ground.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Mechadrone Sniper - Trickshot
- Venture Co. Diver - Harpoon
- Disturbed Kelp - Restorative Algae
- Darkfuse Bloodwarper - Blood Blast
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Shreddinator 3000 - Shreddation
- Make sure to start moving at the end of this cast so you do not get hit by the blades spawning.
- Disturbed Kelp - Jettison Kelp
- Use Death Grip or Blinding Sleet to interrupt this cast.
- Shreddinator 3000 - Shreddation
Boss Tips
An Affort of Challengers
- Dessia will occasionally cast Mortal Strike which deals physical damage and leaves a dot behind reducing healing taken by 50% for 5 seconds.
- Use your interrupt against Sathel's Necrotic Bolt.
- Dodge green swirlies on the ground caused by Paceran's Noxious Spores cast.
- Hateful Strike is the tank mechanic. It deals a large amount of physical damage, make sure to use a defensive against it.
- Do not get caught by Meat Hooks crossing the arena.
Xav the Unfallen
- This boss will cast Brutal Combo as its tank ability, it's a 2.5 second long cast inflicting multiple physical damage hits in a short time.
- During Might of Maldraxxus the boss will cast 3 different abilities that you should dodge.
- Make sure to not aim this bosses tank abilty Necrotic Eruption towards your group and use a defensive for it.
- While afflicted by Draw Soul stack up with your group to spawn all Lost Souls together and use your Death and Decay slow Grip of the Dead so the adds do not reach the boss as it does fatal group wide damage.
Mordretha, the Endless Empress
- Reaping Scythe is a huge tank buster.
- Use your interrupt to interrupt Death Bolt casted by Deathwalker.
- After the boss reaches 50% HP, he will occasionally summon Ghostly Combatants which cast Ghostly Charge, running from one side of the room towards the other, make sure to dodge them.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Blighted Sludge-Spewer - Withering Discharge
- Maniacal Soulbinder - Necrotic Bolt Volley
- Bone Magus - Bone Spear
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Putrid Butcher - Devour Flesh
- Use a defensiv for this ability.
- Putrid Butcher - Devour Flesh
Boss Tips
Tussle Tonks
- While being targeted by Platinum Pummel try not minimize movement and use a defensive ability.
- When The Platinum Pummeler gains a stack of Platinum Plating bring him near a Piston Smasher and make sure you active it when the boss is underneath, so it smashes and removes the stack of Platinum Plating.
- When Gnomercy 4.U. reaches 100 energy make sure to aim his Maximum Thrust towards a nearby wall.
- The boss will occasionally spawn B.4.T.T.L.3. Mine, feel free to move away from mines when too many have spawned.
- Before the boss casts Venting Flames make sure to move him towards a box to stand behind.
Machinist's Garden
- When the boss spawns a Inconspicuous Plant, make sure to move him on top, meanwhile try to dodge the rest of the boss abilities.
King Mechagon
- In Phase 1, make sure to dodge Plasma Orb.
- While the boss is casting Take Off! make sure to not stand directely underneath him as it does fatal damage.
- In Phase 2, if targeted by Mega-Zap make sure to use a defensives.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Bomb Tonk - Detonate
- Mechagon Tinkerer - Giga-Wallop
- Mechagon Mechanic - Tune Up
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Waste Processing Unit - Puncture
- Physical damage taken hit and leaves a bleed for 6 seconds dealing damage, make sure to use a defensive.
- Waste Processing Unit - Puncture
Boss Tips
Coin-Operated Crowd Pummler
- While the boss casts Coin Magnet make sure to not be near any coins on the ground.
- Make sure to tank the boss near Earthrager and help your team with Chains of Ice and your Death and Decay slow from Grip of the Dead.
Rixxa Fluxflame
- Do not stand in front of the boss while he casts Propellant Blast.
Mogul Razdunk
- In the intermission while being targeted by Drill Smash make sure to stand next to a Drill.
Trash Tips
- Important abilities to interrupt in this dungeon are:
- Refreshment Vendor - Iced Spritzer
- Hired Assassin - Toxic Blades
- Venture Co. Earthshaper - Rock Lance
- Stonefury - Furious Quake
- Venture Co. Alchemist - Transmute: Enemy to Goo
- Pay extra attention to these casts:
- Azerite Extractor - Puncture
- Physical damage taken hit and leaves a bleed for 6 seconds dealing damage, make sure to use a defensive.
- Hired Assassin - Fan of Knives
- Use Death Grip or Blinding Sleet interrupt this cast.
- Azerite Extractor - Puncture
The Affix system got revamped going into The War Within Season 1 retiring most Affixes as well as introducing new kiss-curse ones while also changing on which key level these appear.
- +4 Affixes -- Rotates on weekly basis
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Pulsar
- +7 Affix -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +10 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis, is always the opposite of the +7 Affix
- Tyrannical
- Fortified
- +12 Affix
- Xal'atath's Guile -- Replaces the +4 Affix
Following you get some useful tips for handling different Mythic+ Affixes as a Blood Death Knight.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
- Blinding Sleet as many orbs as possible.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
- The Void Emissary follows you, keep it close to the pack and target it whenever it's up.
- Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
- This is a healing absorb that can be dispelled, you passively deal with it.
Stat Priority
Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Dungeons as a Blood Death Knight. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.
Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.
All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!
- Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
- Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing.
- Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. This makes managing certain mechanics a lot easier.
In general, Leech is really strong for tanks, especially in AoE scenarios it can be by far the best stat you can have.
Avoidance is great but most of the time tanks are not struggling to survive the typical Area of Effect abilities.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Fullthrottle Facerig | Vexie and the Geargrinders |
Neck | Flickering Glowtorc | Darkflame Cleft |
Shoulder | Cauldron Champion's Screamplate | Rik Reverb / Catalyst |
Cloak | Test Pilot's Go-Pack | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock |
Chest | Cauldron Champion's Ribcage | Sprocketmonger Lockenstock / Catalyst |
Wrist | Everforged Vambraces | Crafting |
Gloves | Cauldron Champion's Fistguards | Cauldron of Carnage / Catalyst |
Belt | Everforged Greatbelt | Crafting |
Legs | Cauldron Champion's Tattered Cuisses | Stix Bunkjunker / Catalyst |
Boots | Devoted Plate Walkers | Priory of Sacred Flame |
Ring 1 | Ritual Bone Band | Theater of Pain |
Ring 2 | Ring of Perpetual Conflict | Theater of Pain |
Trinket 1 | Tome of Light's Devotion | Priory of Sacred Flame |
Trinket 2 | Cinderbrew Stein | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Weapon | Best-in-Slots | The One-Armed Bandit |
Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Apogee Inventor's Goggles | Operation: Mechagon |
Neck | Flickering Glowtorc | Darkflame Cleft |
Shoulder | Foam-Ridden Pauldrons | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Cloak | Trashmaster's Mantle | Operation: Mechagon |
Chest | Abdominal Securing Chestguard | Theater of Pain |
Wrist | Pit Fighter's Wristguards | Theater of Pain |
Gloves | Gauntlets of Absolute Authority | Operation: Mechagon |
Belt | Automatic Waist Tightener | Operation: Mechagon |
Legs | Leadplate Legguards | The MOTERLODE!! |
Boots | Devoted Plate Walkers | Priory of Sacred Flame |
Ring 1 | Ring of Perpetual Conflict | Theater of Pain |
Ring 2 | Ritual Bone Band | Theater of Pain |
Trinket 1 | Tome of Light's Devotion | Priory of Sacred Flame |
Trinket 2 | Cinderbrew Stein | Cinderbrew Meadery |
Weapon | Drustlord's Greataxe | Theater of Pain |
Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.
Active Trinket alternatives
- Chromebustible Bomb Suit
- Strong defensive on-use trinket that provides a big shield.
- Ringing Ritual Mud
- This trinkets cooldown is approximately 1.5 minute, it is a great alternative to Chromebustible Bomb Suit.
- Tome of Light's Devotion
- Passive trinket that has its biggest value offensively, make sure to always have the "The 50 Verses of Radiance" buff up.
Passive Trinket alternatives
- Azerokk's Resonating Heart
- Passive trinket that gives you a big amount of main stat for 15 seconds.
- 2x Elemental Focusing Lens.
- Nice damage proc.
Remaining Sparks
- Crafted items are 675 item level and regular items are 678 on max item level, therefore, it's a small loss to equip crafted items outside of your 2x Embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.
To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.
- Phials
- Flask of Alchemical Chaos -- maximum DPS.
- Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
- Food
- Feast of the Divine Day
- Feast of the Midnight Masquerade
- Combat Potion
- Tempered Potion
- Potion Bomb of Power -- Group potion, this is a DPS loss for you.
- Health Potion
- Algari Healing Potion
- Mana Oil
- Algari Mana Oil
- Augment Rune
- Crystallized Augment Rune
- Sockets
- Deadly Sapphire
- Elusive Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem colour to enhance your Blasphemite.
- Versatile Emerald
- Versatile Ruby
- Versatile Onyx
- Culminating Blasphemite is the best raw output option but using Elusive Blasphemite can help you maintain uptime and dodge mechanics easier. This is an extremely minor dps gain in exchange for a valuable 8% movement speed.
Head | S.A.D. |
Neck | Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak - Chant of Leeching Fangs |
Chest | Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance |
Wrist | Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Leech S.A.D. |
Belt | S.A.D. |
Legs | Stormbound Armor Kit |
Boots | Enchant Boots - Scout's March |
Ring 1 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Ring 2 | Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Weapon | Rune of the Fallen Crusader |
You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists and Belt.
For min-maxing a Blood Death Knight in Mythic+ Dungeons, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your characters. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.
- Stoneform -- Dwarf
- Is very valuable because you can dispel yourself or remove dangerous bleed effects.
- On top of that using Stoneform gives you 10% physical DR which can be used as a small extra 8 second personal when tanking.
- Use-case examples:
- Mean Mug, Venture Co. Patron (Cinderbrew Meadery)
- Pierce Armor, Captain Dailcry (Priory of Sacred Flame)
- Puncture, Azerite Extractor (The MOTERLODE!!)
- Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
- Can be very useful when doing any kind of skip in Mythic+
- Run past basically any mob and then cast Shadowmeld to make them reset. Even works on mobs that have stealth detection if you get enough distance before you Shadowmeld
- Rocket Jump -- Goblin
- Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
- While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
- Arcane Torrent -- Blood Elf
- Strong racial to dispel or purge enemies, the value is very limited but sometimes can come in handy.
- Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
- Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate again to teleport to the rift.
- Maximum range of 100 yards.
As a tank picking a racial for damage is a small gain that it's not worth it most of the time. If you care about min-maxing your DPS go with the highest DPS racial.
That being said the recommended race for Mythic+ is either Night Elf or Dwarf both offer unique features one being more tactical with Night Elf skips and the other being more reliable when it comes to your survivability.
Discover recommended macros for Blood Death Knight for Mythic+ and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.
Taunt Macro --- This macro either casts Dark Command at your target or your mouseover (very handy to pick up mobs)
#showtooltip Dark Command
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Dark Command
Boss 1 Taunt --- Casts Dark Command on Boss1
/cast [@boss1] Dark Command
Boss 2 Taunt --- Casts Dark Command on Boss2
/cast [@boss2] Dark Command
Chains of Ice --- This macro either casts Chains of Ice at your target or your mouseover
#showtooltip Chains of Ice
/cast [@mouseover,exists,harm][@target,exists,harm] Chains of Ice
Mouseover Grip --- Casts Death Grip at your mouseover target
/show tooltip
/use [@mouseover] Death Grip
Mouseover Focus --- This macro sets your mouseover as your focus
/focus [@mouseover]
Mouseover Battle Res --- This makes it so you can use Raise Ally as mouseover on your frames
#showtooltip Raise Ally
/cast [@mouseover,help,dead][]Raise Ally
Focus Grip --- Casts Death Grip at your focus target
/show tooltip
/use [@focus] Death Grip
Focus Kick --- Casts Mind Freeze at your focus target
#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/cast [@focus,harm,nodead][] Mind Freeze
Mouseover Focus --- This macro sets your mouseover as your focus.
/focus [@mouseover]
AMZ Macro --- Casts Anti-Magic Zone at your Cursor position
/cast [@cursor] Anti-Magic Zone
DND Macro --- Casts Death and Decay under your character
/cast [@player] Death and Decay
Mass Grip Macro --- This casts Gorefiend's Grasp either at your mouseover or character
#showtooltip Gorefiend's Grasp
/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead][@player] Gorefiend's Grasp
Control Undead --- This allows you to recast control undead without targeting your pet.
/target pet
/run PetDismiss()
/use Control Undead
Cancelaura BoP --- This cancelaura's Blessing of Protection on you very useful to have when playing with a paladin ever
/cancelaura Blessing of Protection
Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Blood Death Knight, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ to make your life easier.

- Shadowed Unit Frames (SUF) -- Full User Interface replacement
- Addon to replace your Unitframes and other UI Elements with a more clean look. Takes quite some time to configure but there are plenty of pre-done profiles that you can easily import and check out.
- BigWigs -- Generic Boss Mod
- BigWigs is a boss encounter add-on. It consists of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules; mini add-ons that are designed to trigger alert messages, timer bars, sounds, and so forth, for one specific raid encounter.
- Weakauras -- Jack of all trades
- WeakAuras is a powerful and flexible framework that allows the display of highly customizable graphics on World of Warcraft's user interface to indicate buffs, debuffs, and other relevant information. This addon was created to be a lightweight replacement for Power Auras but has since introduced more functionalities while remaining efficient and easy to use.
- Plater -- Advanced Nameplates
- Plater is a nameplate addon with an extraordinary amount of settings, out of the box debuff tracking, threat coloring, and support for scripting similar to WeakAuras and + the WeakAuras-Companion for Mod/Script/Profile updates.
- Details -- In-depth Damage Meter
- Most powerful, reliable, handsome, damage meter for World of Warcraft.
- MRT -- Notes, Raid cooldowns, and more
- Helpful addon for raiders, especially for raid leaders and officers.
- Echo Raid Tools -- Notes, Raid cooldowns, and more
- Echo Raid Tools is a World of Warcraft addon designed by Echo Esports to enhance raiding efficiency. It offers "Echo Approved" WeakAuras for each raid boss accessible through an in-game Dungeon Journal interface, allowing easy import and customization.
- Bartender -- Action Bar Changer
- Bartender4 is a comprehensive action bar replacement addon for World of Warcraft. It allows full customization of action bars, including scaling, alpha settings, and visibility based on macro conditions.
Blood Death and Decay
It tracks when you have the Death and Decaay buff active, and shows its timer.

Changes this Patch
Death Knight
- All ability damage increased by 20%.
- Death Knight
- Hero Talents
- Deathbringer
- New Talent: Reaper's Onslaught – Reduces the cooldown of Reaper's Mark by 15 seconds, but the number of Marrowrends/Obliterates empowered by Exterminate is reduced by 1.
- New Talent: Swift and Painful – If no enemies are struck by Soul Rupture, you gain 10% Strength for 8 seconds. Wave of Souls is 100% more effective on the main target of your Reaper's Mark.
- New Talent: Reaper of Souls – When you apply Reaper's Mark, the cooldown of your Soul Reaper is reset, your next Soul Reaper costs no runes and it explodes regardless of the target's remaining health. Soul Reaper damage increased by 20%.
- Grim Reaper has been updated – Reaper's Mark initial strike grants Killing Machine/3 charges of Bone Shield. Reaper's Mark explosion deals up to 30% increased damage based on your target's missing health.
- Wither Away has been updated – Blood Plague/Frost Fever deals its damage 100% faster, and the second scythe of Exterminate applies Blood Plague/Frost Fever.
- Dark Talons has been updated – Marrowrend and Heart Strike/ Consuming Killing Machine or Rime has a 25% chance to grant 3 stacks of Icy Talons and increase its maximum stacks by the same amount for 6 seconds. Runic Power spending abilities count as Shadowfrost while Icy Talons is active.
- Bind in Darkness has been updated – Rime empowered Howling Blast deals 30% increased damage to its main target. Blood Boil deals 10% increased damage, and is now Shadowfrost. Shadowfrost damage applies 2 stacks to Reaper's Mark and 4 stacks when it is a critical strike.
- Painful Death's effects are now baseline to Exterminate. Exterminate empowers 2 Obliterates/Marrowrends to summon the scythes baseline.
- Rune Carved Plates now reduces the magic and the physical damage you take by 1.5% per stack (was 2%).
- The following talents have been removed:
- Blood Fever
- Painful Death
- Swift End
- Deathbringer
- Blood
- San'layn
- Gift of the San'layn has been updated – While Dancing Rune Weapon is active you gain Gift of the San'layn (was Vampiric Blood).
- Death Knight
- Death Strike can now only heal the Death Knight for a percentage of damage taken from a given damage event once. Death Strikes that heal the minimum health amount do not count as using damage events in this way.
- Unholy Strength (Rune of the Fallen Crusader) now heals for 4% maximum health (was 6%).
- Enfeeble reduces damage dealt to you by 12% (was 15%).
- Null Magic reduces Magic damage taken by 8% (was 10%).
- An issue causing Raise Abomination to deal less damage than it should has been fixed.
- Blood
- All damage increased by 10%.
- A new aura, Coagulating Blood, shows the amount of recently taken damage that will be used to calculate the value of your next Death Strike. The aura description lists the value as a flat amount and the number of stacks shows it as a percentage of your current health.
- Blood Shield's cap is now 50% of the Death Knight's maximum health (was 100%) and the cap is no longer temporarily increased by Vampiric Blood.
- Bone Shield increases Armor by 100% of Strength (was 80%).
- Leeching Strike now heals for 0.25% maximum health for each target hit (was 0.5%).
- Dancing Rune Weapon increases Parry chance by 35% (was 40%).
- Each active Dancing Rune Weapon generates 3 Runic Power when mirroring Heart Strike (was 5).
- Everlasting Bond increases Dancing Rune Weapon's duration by 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Blood Drinker reduces the damage the enemy deals to you by 15% (was 20%).
- Bonestorm damage increased by 20%.
- Bonestorm heals you for 2% of your maximum health (was 3%), up to a maximum of 10% (was 15%).
- Bonestorm now consumes up to 5 Bone Shield charges (was 10).
- Bonestorm now lasts 2 seconds per Bone Shield charge spent (was 1 second).
- Consumption's Blood Plague damage occurs 30% more quickly (was 50%) and duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 8 seconds).
- Rapid Decomposition's Blood Plague and Death and Decay now deal damage 15% faster (was 18%).
- Coagulopathy now increases Blood Plague damage by 25% per stack (was 30%).
Death Knight:
- All talent trees have had many talents move locations or have had their pathing updated.
- New Talent: Subduing Grasp – When you pull an enemy the damage they deal to you is reduced by 6% for 6 seconds.
- New Talent: Osmosis – Anti-Magic Shell increases healing received by 15%.
- New Talent: Null Magic – Magic Damage taken is reduced by 10% and the duration of harmful Magic effects against you are reduced by 35%.
- New Talent: Vestigial Shell – Casting Anti-Magic Shell grants 2 nearby allies a Lesser Anti-Magic Shell that absorbs magic damage and reduces the duration of harmful Magic effects against them by 50%.
- New Talent: Ice Prison – Chains of Ice now also roots enemies for 4 seconds but its cooldown is increased to 12 seconds.
- New Talent: Runic Protection – Your chance to be critically struck is reduced by 3% and your Armor is increased by 6%.
- New Talent: Unyielding Will – Anti-Magic Shell's cooldown is increased by 20 seconds and it now also removes all harmful magic effects when activated.
- Chains of Ice is now learned at level 13 (was a talent).
- Anti-Magic Shell is now learned at level 14 (was a talent).
- Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle can now be Runeforged on 1-handed weapons.
- Abomination Limb no longer grants Bone Shield, Runic Corruption, or Rime based on specialization.
- Rune of the Apocalypse has been updated:
- War Effect – Damage taken increased to 4% (was 1%) and duration increased to 10 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Pestilence Effect – Damage increased by 500%.
- Famine Effect – Damage dealt to the caster reduced to 5% (was 2%).
- Death Effect – Healing reduction increased to 5% (was 1%).
- Icebound Fortitude cooldown reduced by 60 seconds.
- Cleaving Strikes now also retains bonus effects for being within your Death and Decay for 4 seconds when leaving its area.
- Veteran of the Third War now grants 20% Stamina (was 10%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
- Icy Talons now increases attack speed per stack by 6% (was 3%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
- Unholy Bond now increases effectiveness of Runeforge effects by 20% (was 10%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
- Assimilation now reduces the cooldown of Anti-Magic Zone by 30 seconds. No longer increase Runic Power when absorbing damage.
- Suppression now grants an additional 6% damage reduction to area of effects when you suffer a loss of control effect. Moved to gate 3.
- Blood Scent Leech increased to 5%.
- Blood Draw now also grants a buff reducing damage taken by 10% and reducing Death Strike cost by 10 for 8 seconds when falling below 30% health. Now a 1-point talent.
- Blood Draw cooldown reduced to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes).
- The following talents have been removed:
- Might of Thassarian
- Merciless Strikes
- Clenching Grasp
- Empower Rune Weapon
- Rune of Hysteria
- New Talent: Bone Collector – When you would pull an enemy, generate 1 charge of Bone Shield.
- New Talent: Ossified Vitriol – When you lose a Bone Shield charge the damage of your next Marrowrend is increased by 15%, stacking up to 75%.
- New Talent: Carnage – Blooddrinker and Consumption now contribute to your Mastery: Blood Shield. Each time an enemy strikes your Blood Shield, the cooldowns of Blooddrinker and Consumption have a chance to be reset.
- New Talent: Bloodied Blade – Parrying an attack grants you a charge of Bloodied Blade, increasing your Strength by 0.5%, up to 4% for 15 seconds. At 8 stacks, your next parry consumes all charges to unleash a Heart Strike at 200% effectiveness, and increases your Strength by 10% for 6 seconds.
- Crimson Scourge is now learned at level 21 (was a talent).
- Death's Caress is now learned at level 23 (was a talent).
- Tightening Grasp now Silences enemies for 3 seconds when they are pulled and no longer increases the damage enemies take from you when they are pulled by Gorefiend's Grasp.
- Blooddrinker now reduces the damage the enemy deals to you by 20% while channeling and for an additional 5 seconds after a channeling it fully. Now also generates 20 additional Runic Power over its duration.
- Consumption now also causes your Blood Plague damage to occur 50% more quickly for 8 seconds and generates 2 Runes.
- Bonestorm no longer costs Runic Power. Costs up to 10 Bone Shield Charges and lasts 1 second for each charge consumed. Generates 1 Bone Shield charge every 1 second while active.
- Reinforced Bones now also lets Bone Shield stack 2 additional times.
- Heartbreaker's Runic Power per target hit increased to 2 (was 1). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
- Perseverance of the Ebon Blade's Versatility bonus increased to 6% (was 4%). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
- Red Thirstreduces the cooldown on Vampiric Blood by 2 seconds (was 1 second). Now a 1-point talent (was 2).
- Shattering Bone is now a 1-point talent (was 2).
A: You didn't use Death Strike correctly or didn't press enough defensives. Make sure to read the Deep Dive for more info!
Written By: Skövte
Reviewed By: Miniaug
- February 25, 2025
Updated fo Patch 11.1.
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