Beast Mastery Hunter Raid Guide
Welcome to the Beast Mastery Hunter Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.0.7! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!
Hero Talents
- The new patch brings about a newly reworked Dark Ranger hero talent tree that outperforms Pack Leader in AoE and is a slight loss in Single-Target.
- Your Kill Shot is replaced by Black Arrow.
- Just like Kill Shot you can only use Black Arrow whenever your target is at a certain HP threshold. Normally this is 20% but changes once The Bell Tolls is talented allowing for use above 80% and below 20%.
- Also since Beast Mastery Hunter's gained access to Deathblow this patch there are multiple new hero talents that reset Black Arrows cooldown.
- Bleak Arrows
- Ebon Bowstring
- The new talent tree also gives you massive amounts of passive AoE damage. Currently the largest source from the tree is Bleak Powder with Shadow Surge being a smaller amount.
- Your capstone Withering Fire, is entirely passive. This should still be tracked though because in AoE it will contribute to a large portion of your damage and in ST it's a bonus that allows you to do the rest of your rotation without having to worry about Deathblow for a few seconds.
- Also with the amount of passive shadow damage that we now do Embrace the Shadows is an interesting choice vs Smoke Screen.
- Every other Kill Command you cast also casts Vicious Hunt.
- During Call of the Wild you always have Vicious Hunt active.
- Additionally whenever Vicious Hunt is triggered your next Barbed Shot causes your pet to also use its basic attack regardless of its current focus.
- Your Kill Command is further empowered through Frenzied Tear.
- Your Frenzied Tear also has a chance to proc Furious Assault.
Gameplay Altering Talents
Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.
Spec Tree
- Animal Companion
- Large single-target increase since your secondary pet now casts Kill Command.
- Thrill of the Hunt
- This is a crucial buff to maintain through proper Barbed Shot usage.
- Hunter's Prey
- Causes your Kill Shot to do 20-30% more damage and hit 1 extra target.
- Venom's Bite
- Since Black Arrows cooldown is reset so often this allows for a nice 4% bonus damage through Basilisk Collar.
- Barbed Scales
- Free cooldown reduction for Barbed Shot since we cast Cobra Shot quite a bit.
- Dire Beast
- Medium amount of damage on a short cooldown.
- This also gives you access to Huntmaster's Call which is a large single-target increase.
- Further buffed through Dire Frenzy.
- Killer Cobra
- Large single-target increase during your Bestial Wrath windows as you aren't relying on random resets to cast the maximum amount of Kill Commands.
- Basilisk Collar
- A large passive damage increase as you always have 2-3 DoT's on your target at all times.
- Scent of Blood
- Small ST increase, mostly quality of life.
Class Tree
- Padded Armor
- A large survivability increase since you gain an extra charge of Survival of the Fittest.
- Scout's Instincts
- Nice quality of life passive in case there are slow effects during encounters.
- High Explosive Trap
- Can be exchanged with Implosive Trap if you need a knockup effect instead.
- Emergency Salve
- A survivability increase on encounters with poisons or diseases present.
Hero Talents
- Shadow Hounds
- A more consistent damage source vs Soul Drinker.
- Ebon Bowstring
- Phantom Pain is useless on ST because of the dependence it has requiring more than 1 target.
- Embrace the Shadows
- Since we have loads of passive shadow damage built into our kit now this is a good passive leech source. If you want the more proactive choice Smoke Screen is still good.
When to use this Spec
Use this spec if you're fighting 4 or more enemies for an extended period of the fight.
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Spec Tree
- Added
- Multi-Shot
- Only casted to maintain Beast Cleave.
- Beast Cleave
- Your main source of AoE damage.
- Wild Call
- Adds a couple more uses of Barbed Shot during an encounter. This rises in priority because of Crit becoming a better stat this patch.
- Kill Cleave
- Large AoE increase since Kill Command is your #1 damage source.
- Killer Instinct
- Large ST increase while in execute.
- Call of the Wild
- 2 minute dps cooldown only taken to access Bloody Frenzy.
- Bloody Frenzy
- Gives you Beast Cleave for the duration of Call of the Wild. Lets you do your normal rotation without worrying about refreshing Beast Cleave.
- Brutal Companion
- Small AoE and ST increase.
- Multi-Shot
- Removed
- Thrill of the Hunt
- Removed for Multi-Shot.
- Venom's Bite
- Removed for Beast Cleave.
- Barbed Scales
- Removed for Kill Cleave.
- Training Expert
- Removed for 1 point in Killer Instinct.
- A Murder of Crows
- Removed for Wild Call.
- Killer Cobra
- Removed for 2nd point in Killer Instinct.
- Bloodshed
- Removed for Brutal Companion.
- Scent of Blood
- Removed for Call of the Wild.
- Venomous Bite
- Removed for Bloody Frenzy.
- Thrill of the Hunt
When to use this Spec
Use this spec if you're fighting a singular enemy for an extended period of the fight.
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Spec Tree
- Added
- Snakeskin Quiver
- Interacts with Barbed Scales for more Barbed Shots.
- Snakeskin Quiver
- Removed
- Hunter's Prey
- Removed for Snakeskin Quiver.
- Hunter's Prey
- Hero Talent Changes
- Swapped Dark Ranger for Pack Leader.
When to use this Spec
Use this spec if you're fighting a singular enemy for an extended period of the fight.
Talent Adjustments
Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.
Spec Tree
- Added
- Serpentine Rhythm
- Combining this and Snakeskin Quiver give you an 8% damage buff for around 40-50% of a fight while also passively buffing your Cobra Shot damage.
- Killer Instinct
- Gives Kill Command added execute value below 35%.
- Call of the Wild
- Main 2 minute burst cooldown.
- Added interaction with Wild Instincts.
- Serpentine Rhythm
- Removed
- Training Expert
- Removed for 1st point in Killer Instinct.
- Wild Call
- Removed for 2nd point in Killer Instinct.
- 1 point in Basilisk Collar.
- Removed for Serpentine Rhythm.
- Bloodshed
- Removed for Call of the Wild.
- Venomous Bite
- Removed for Wild Instincts.
- Training Expert
- Hero Talent Changes
- Swapped Dark Ranger for Pack Leader.
Tier Set
- 2-Set: Barbed Shot further increases your pet's attack speed by 5%.
- 4-Set: Your pet's attacks have a 10% chance to increase all pet damage you deal by 10% for 10 seconds.
- Your goal is to cast as many Kill Commands as possible while also keeping at least 1 Barbed Shot charge on cooldown.
- Use your active trinkets, Tempered Potion and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Bestial Wrath or Bloodshed proc.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Bestial Wrath.
- Cast Dire Beast.
- Cast Kill Command.
- Cast Black Arrow.
- Cast Barbed Shot if Kill Command is on cooldown. This can take priority over Black Arrow if Thrill of the Hunt is going to expire.
- Cast Cobra Shot if Barbed Shot and Kill Command are on cooldown.
- Cast Explosive Shot.
- Your goal is to cast as many Kill Commands as possible while also keeping at least 1 Barbed Shot charge on cooldown.
- Use your active trinkets, Tempered Potion and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Bestial Wrath or Call of the Wild proc.
Priority List
This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.
- Cast Bestial Wrath.
- Cast Dire Beast.
- Cast Kill Command.
- Cast Kill Shot.
- Cast Barbed Shot if Kill Command is on cooldown. This can take priority over Kill Shot if Thrill of the Hunt is going to expire.
- Cast Cobra Shot if Barbed Shot and Kill Command are on cooldown.
- Cast Explosive Shot.
- Your goal is to cast as many Kill Commands as possible while maintaining uptime on Beast Cleave.
- Use your active trinkets, Tempered Potion, and racials like Blood Fury or Berserking after using Call of the Wild.
Priority List
- Cast Multi-Shot if Beast Cleave isn't active or expires in less than 2 seconds.
- Cast Black Arrow. Always have Beast Cleave up before casting this.
- Cast Call of the Wild.
- Cast Bestial Wrath.
- Cast Kill Command.
- Cast Barbed Shot if Kill Command is on cooldown. Try to use these on different targets.
- Cast Explosive Shot if there are 4+ stacked targets.
- Cast Dire Beast.
- Cast Cobra Shot if Barbed Shot and Kill Command are on cooldown.
Deep Dive
Maximizing your damage output during Bestial Wrath
- Ensure you are going into Bestial Wrath with at least 1 charge of Kill Command, but having 2 is best.
- Make sure you don't focus starve yourself by weaving in Barbed Shots during this window and not letting it over-cap on charges.
- Try to line this damage window up with either of the buffs provided by Huntmaster's Call. These are quite large and Bestial Wrath windows are further buffed by these.
Tracking Thrill of the Hunt and knowing when to use Barbed Shot
- Unless you have 1 point in Scent of Blood, never cast 2 Barbed Shots back-to-back.
- Outside of Bestial Wrath you want to have at least one spell cast between Barbed Shot casts.
- The amount of casts you should have between Barbed Shots increases the less haste you have.
- High Thrill of the Hunt uptime comes from doing these things and just naturally spacing out uses of Barbed Shot.
Below, you find an example of how to correctly manage Barbed Shot casts.
Maximizing your damage output during Bloodshed
- The damage you deal during Bloodshed should be consistent because you should always pair it with Bestial Wrath.
- Since you are pairing Bloodshed and Bestial Wrath together you also follow the Bestial Wrath rotation.
Below is an example of what happens when you correctly manage your Bloodshed window and you are talented into Killer Cobra.
- This is not a fixed rotation; This is just one example of how to play during your Bestial Wrath window. War Orders procs can increase your amount of Kill Command resets without needing to cast Cobra Shot along with Wild Call increasing the amount of Barbed Shot resets you can have.
Understanding Mechanics
Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.
Nerub-ar Palace
← Scroll for more Bosses →
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- You can immune Stalker Netting with Aspect of the Turtle if you need to clear space for your raid.
- Use Disengage or Aspect of the Cheetah to resist the pull in from Carnivorous Contest.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Defensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Always line up Exhilaration for Crimson Rain and Survival of the Fittest with Gruesome Disgorge.
- You can use Aspect of the Turtle to immune the damage of Goresplatter making it so you won't have to run out.
- Try to stay on the outer edge of the platform if you get targeted with Grasp From Beyond so that you aren't taking up the melee's space.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Use Exhilaration if you are targeted by Phase Blades.
- You can also use Survival of the Fittest if you are targeted by Decimate. Try to use this toward the end of the cast as you will likely have the Cosmic Shards debuff as well.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Move out with Spinneret's Strands and use either Disengage or Aspect of the Cheetah to get back in quickly.
- Use either Survival of the Fittest or Exhilaration if you are targeted by Rolling Acid.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Use Disengage to remove Unstable Web from yourself.
- Use Binding Shot on the Blood Parasite egg stack. This keeps them stacked for AoE while they are near the boss.
- Use Counter Shot to interrupt Poison Burst.
- Rotate between your defensives for Experimental Dosage and Unstable Web.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Generally you should use your defensives for Assassination and Twilight Massacre as these also apply Queensbane.
- The main thing to keep an eye out for on this boss is the position of each Nether Rift. Their placement dictates how much you get pulled towards them. Try to position yourself in a way that each Nether Rift is at a similar distance to you.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- In Phase 1 you should try to use a defensive for each Venomous Rain as this is the only constant damage source in this phase.
- You can use Disengage after getting pulled in by Web Vortex to save yourself some movement. On Mythic don't do this, because you will spawn a Mote of Overwrought Paranoia from where you were pulled in.
- Alternatively, if one is available you can use Demonic Gateway to negate the pull in effect.
- In Phase 2 and 3 your defensives aren't as hard assigned. Generally you should use one on Web Vortex and whenever the damage of Stinging Swarm starts to become lethal.
- Try to get some good distance from the adds that spawn from Call of the Swarm since they fixate the closest target.
Offensive Cooldown Usage
Boss Tips
- Utilize Disengage and Feign Death to immune every Silken Tomb of the fight.
- You can also use a pet that gives you access to Master's Call so you can freedom others and then quickly swap back to a Fortitude of the Bear pet before you are knocked to the 1st platform of Phase 2.
- Use whatever defensive you've assigned to Reactive Toxins 1-2 seconds after all of them have been triggered to cover the hit from Frothy Toxin as well.
- You can use Binding Shot for the Gloom Hatchlings that spawn in Phase 3. This is mostly just a failsafe incase cc isn't used quick enough and they start running towards the boss early on.
Stat Priority
Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as a Beast Mastery Hunter. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.
Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.
- All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!
- Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
- Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. The damage of your pets does not heal you thus Leech is an awful tertiary for you since most of your damage is coming from your pets.
- Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Lightless Scavenger's Skull | The Silken Court / Catalyst |
Neck | Sureki Zealot's Insignia | Sikran |
Shoulder | Hook-Barbed Spaulders | Siege of Boralus |
Cloak | Wings of Shattered Sorrow | Rasha'nan |
Chest | Lightless Scavenger's Tunic | Broodtwister / Catalyst |
Wrist | Throne Defender's Bangles | Sikran |
Gloves | Lightless Scavenger's Mitts | Sikran / Catalyst |
Belt | Glyph-Etched Binding | Crafted |
Legs | Lightless Scavenger's Stalkings | Nexus Princess / Catalyst |
Boots | Rasha'nan's Grotesque Talons | Rasha'nan |
Ring 1 | Cyrce's Circlet | Siren Isle |
Ring 2 | Seal of the Poisoned Pact | Queen Ansurek |
Trinket 1 | Skardyn's Grace | Grim Batol |
Trinket 2 | Ara-Kara Sacbrood | Ara-Kara, City of Threads |
Weapon | P.0.W. x2 | Crafted |
Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.
Slot | Item | Location |
Head | Wildhammer Riding Helm | Grim Batol |
Neck | Trailspinner Pendant | Mists of Tirna Scithe |
Shoulder | Hook-Barbed Spaulders | Siege of Boralus |
Cloak | Anvilhide Cape | The Stonevault |
Chest | Coagulum Cuirass | City of Threads |
Wrist | Penumbral Rimeguards | City of Threads |
Gloves | Corpseleecher Grips | The Stonevault |
Belt | Cinch of Lingering Influence | City of Threads |
Legs | Entwined Chimeric Legguards | City of Threads |
Boots | Silksteel Striders | The Dawnbreaker |
Ring 1 | Band of the Ancient Dredger | Siege of Boralus |
Ring 2 | Devout Zealot's Ring | The Dawnbreaker |
Trinket 1 | Ara-Kara Sacbrood | Ara-Kara, City of Echoes |
Trinket 2 | Skardyn's Grace | Grim Batol |
Weapon | Recurved Hull Impaler | The Dawnbreaker |
Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.
Active Trinket alternatives
- Mad Queen's Mandate
- This is the best on-use raid option. The crit it gives is already very good for Single-Target and the on-use effect can crit for upwards of 12-13 million.
- Treacherous Transmitter
- Requires you to meet certain requirements before giving you a very large amount of main stat. Some examples so far are jump 3 times or find an orb on the floor.
- Ovi'nax's Mercurial Egg
- A worse option than the rest simply because it has no main stat baseline and you won't have the main stat it gives reliably while it stacks.
Passive Trinket alternatives
- Empowering Crystal of Anub'ikkaj
- Large amount of a random secondary.
- Dead-Eye Spyglass
- As long as you hit the target this proc's on it's very strong.
- Bottled Flayedwing Toxin
- Passive effect that gives you an average amount of overall damage.
- x1 Darkmoon Sigil: Ascension and Writhing Armor Banding
- This combo gives you 1600 of a random secondary stat once fully ramped and is by the best DPS option.
- 2x Dawnthread Lining
- It is a good choice if you have over 80% health most of the time and during your cooldowns.
- The optimal slots to craft on are Wrists, Waist or Boots depending on your available gear.
Remaining Sparks
- Crafted items are 636 item level and regular items are 636 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.
To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.
- Phials
- Flask of Alchemical Chaos -- maximum DPS.
- Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
- Food
- Feast of the Divine Day
- Feast of the Midnight Masquerade
- Weapon Oil
- Algari Mana Oil
- Combat Potion
- Tempered Potion
- Health Potion
- Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
- Augment Rune
- Crystallized Augment Rune
- Sockets
- Deadly Onyx
- Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
- Masterful Sapphire
- Masterful Emerald
- Masterful Ruby
Head | Nerubian Gemweaver |
Neck | Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Cloak | Enchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace |
Chest | Enchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance |
Wrist | Enchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance Nerubian Gemweaver |
Waist | Nerubian Gemweaver |
Legs | Stormbound Armor Kit |
Boots | Enchant Boots - Scout's March |
Ring 1 | Enchant Ring - Cursed Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Ring 2 | Enchant Ring - Cursed Haste Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x |
Weapon | Enchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths |
You buy Nerubian Gemweaver from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.
For min-maxing a Beast Mastery Hunter in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.
- Stoneform -- Dwarf
- Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.
- Rocket Jump -- Goblin
- Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
- While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
- Berserking -- Troll
- Strong DPS racial but lines up poorly with Call of the Wild.
- Reduce the duration of movement-impairing effects by 20%. This was only useful once in the recent history of progression raiding but is still worth noting.
- Blood Fury -- Orc
- Strong racial for damage because of both Command and Blood Fury which lines up with Call of the Wild.
- 20% reduced stun duration on you which can be useful in some situations.
- Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
- Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate it again to teleport to it.
- Maximum range of 100 yards.
In general, it's safe to say that if you care about min-maxing your DPS, you should go with the highest DPS racial. That being said, the story is a bit different if it's about progression raiding. Some help out massively to speed up the progression on certain bosses. Notably, Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift and Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned.
Discover recommended macros for Beast Mastery Hunter during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.
Cursor Macros
Binding Shot -- Casts Binding Shot on your cursor without confirmation.
/cast [@cursor] Binding Shot
Tar Trap - Uses Tar Trap on your cursor position without confirmation.
#showtooltip Tar Trap
/cast [@cursor] Tar Trap
Mouseover Macros
Pet Macros
Utility Macros
Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Beast Mastery Hunter, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Changes this Patch
Patch 11.0.5
Patch 11.0.2
Patch 11.0
Q: Why is my Thrill of the Hunt uptime low / stacks dropping?
Written By: Shodam
Reviewed By: Soda