Arms Warrior Mythic+ Guide

11.1 - Undermine(d)

Last Updated:February 25, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

Welcome to the Arms Warrior Mythic+ guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior
Arms WarriorMythic+
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Best in Slot

Hero Talents

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior
  • Colossus is stronger in AoE, while Slayer is stronger on single target. Both are great options for Mythic+.
  • Demolish
    • Gets significantly buffed by Colossal Might.
  • One Against Many and Practiced Strikes
    • Cleave deals by far the highest overall damage of our abilities in sustained AoE scenarios, and with Colossus you invest further into Cleave.
  • Dominance of the Colossus
    • Your Demolish gets its cooldown reduced, making it a bit tricky to line up with your other cooldowns sometimes.
  • Slayer's Dominance
    • You attacks have a chance to proc Slayer's Strike, which applies Marked for Execution.
  • Unrelenting Onslaught
    • Consuming Marked for Execution reduces the cooldown of Bladestorm.
    • You can use Storm Bolt while channeling Bladestorm because of this talent, and since Storm Bolt does some damage it is a DPS increase.
  • Overwhelming Blades
    • Consuming Marked for Execution, getting a Reap the Storm proc or using Bladestorm applies Overwhelmed.
  • Imminent Demise
    • Every third Slayer's Strike procs a Sudden Death. This Sudden Death that comes from Imminent Demise does not need you to have the talent Sudden Death selected.
  • Opportunist and Slayer's Malice
    • With so much extra power invested in Overpower it takes a prominent role in your rotation.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior
Colossus Talents
Slayer Talents
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents
  • Swap Warbreaker for Blunt Instruments if you need single-target damage more than AoE.

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Anger Management
    • You get to use your cooldowns significantly more often with this talent, and it puts some value on the act of simply spending rage by itself.
  • Ravager
    • When paired with Unhinged it is a strong cooldown for both single-target and AoE.
  • Merciless Bonegrinder
    • Further buffs your cooldowns, and Cleave can sometimes have incredible burst damage when you also have overlap with Collateral Damage.
  • Executioner's Precision
    • Makes Mortal Strike stay relevant throughout entire single-target fights including the Execute Phase.
  • Rend
    • Deals good damage over time.
    • You can apply Rend to many enemies with Thunder Clap.

Class Tree

  • Thunderous Roar
    • Thunderous Words buffs all your bleeds while Thunderous Roar is active.
  • Avatar
    • Your primary big DPS cooldown to plan around. It also has a root dispel which can be useful sometimes.
Slayer Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents
  • Swap Warbreaker for Blunt Instruments if you need single-target damage more than AoE.

When to use this Spec

Use this spec if you need more single-target damage.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Bladestorm
  • Removed
    • Ravager

Hero Tree

Changed from Colossus to Slayer, for more info visit the Hero Talent section above.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

Tier Set

  • The War Within Season 2: 2-Set: Your abilities have a chance to begin a Winning Streak!, increasing the damage of Overpower by 5%, stacking up to 10 times. Overpower has a 15% chance to end your in a Winning Streak!
  • The War Within Season 2: 4-Set: When your Winning Streak! ends you gain 2% Haste and your Mortal Strike and Cleave damage is increased by 2% per stack of Winning Streak! you had for 12 sec.
  • The 4-set buff is called Pay Them Back.


Pre-Execute Phase

  • Cooldowns are covered in the Deep Dive section.


  • Delay your first Demolish until late in the Colossus Smash debuff window in order to get stacks of Colossal Might.
Arms Warrior Colossus single-target opener in Mythic+

Pre-Execute Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight before the target hits 35% health.

  1. Use Overpower if you have any of:
    1. 2 charges of Overpower available.
    2. Pay Them Back is just about to run out.
    3. Winning Streak! is at max stacks.
  2. Use Mortal Strike on cooldown.
  3. Apply Rend if it is not already up, and if Colossus Smash is not up.
  4. Use Overpower on cooldown.
  5. Refresh Rend if it has less than 40% its time left.
  6. Use Cleave if Merciless Bonegrinder is up.
  7. Use Slam.
  • Cooldowns are covered in the Deep Dive section.


  • Your goal in the opener is to apply Rend and then use your cooldowns, ideally in the order shown below.
Arms Warrior Slayer single-target opener in Mythic+

Pre-Execute Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight before the target hits 35% health.

  1. Use Execute with a Sudden Death proc if you have any of:
    • 3x Marked for Execution.
    • Sudden Death at 2 stacks or if the buff is running out.
    • Juggernaut is running out then refresh it.
  2. Use Overpower if you have any of:
    1. 2 charges of Overpower available.
    2. You have a Pay Them Back that is running out and Winning Streak! is active.
    3. Winning Streak! is at max stacks.
  3. Use Mortal Strike on cooldown.
  4. Apply Rend if it is not already up, and if Colossus Smash is not up.
  5. Use Overpower on cooldown.
  6. Refresh Rend if it has less than 40% its time left.
  7. Use Slam.

Execute Phase

  • Cooldowns are covered in the Deep Dive section.

Execute Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain when the target is below 35% health.

  1. Use Mortal Strike if you have 2x Executioner's Precision
  2. Use Overpower if any of this applies:
    • You have a Pay Them Back that is running out.
    • You have high stacks of Winning Streak!, 7+.
  3. Use Execute if you have more than 80 rage.
  4. Use Overpower if you 2 charges, or less than 40 rage.
  5. Use Execute.
  • Cooldowns are covered in the Deep Dive section.

Execute Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain when the target is below 35% health.

  1. Use Mortal Strike if you have 2x Executioner's Precision
  2. Use Overpower if you don't already have 2x Martial Prowess and any of this applies:
    • You have a Pay Them Back that is running out and Winning Streak! is active.
    • You have high stacks of Winning Streak!, 7+.
  3. Use Execute if you have more than 80 rage.
  4. Use Overpower if you 2 charges, or less than 40 rage.
  5. Use Execute.


  • The single-target priority lists apply when fighting 2 targets, with some alterations:
    • Keep up Sweeping Strikes as much as you can.
    • Apply Rend with Thunder Clap instead if you don't have Sweeping Strikes up.
    • Use Cleave as a filler instead of Slam because of Fervor of Battle.
  • Shown below is an example of a 2-target opener for Colossus.
Colossus Arms Warrior 2-target opener for Mythic+
  • The single-target priority lists apply when fighting 2 targets, with some alterations:
    • Keep up Sweeping Strikes as much as you can.
    • Apply Rend with Thunder Clap instead if you don't have Sweeping Strikes up.
    • Use Cleave as a filler instead of Slam because of Fervor of Battle.
  • Shown below is an example of a 2-target opener for Slayer.
Slayer Arms Warrior 2-target opener for Mythic+


  • Cooldowns are covered in the Deep Dive section.


  • Delay your first Demolish until late in the Colossus Smash debuff window in order to get stacks of Colossal Might.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ AoE opener

AoE Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain when fighting at least 3 targets.

  1. Apply Rend with Thunder Clap if it is not already up.
  2. Use Overpower if Collateral Damage is up and you don't have 2 stacks of Martial Prowess.
  3. Use Cleave on cooldown.
  4. Use Overpower on cooldown.
  5. Use Mortal Strike if you have 2x Executioner's Precision with Sweeping Strikes up.
  6. Use Execute when Sweeping Strikes is up.
  7. Use Mortal Strike when Sweeping Strikes is up.
  8. Use Thunder Clap on cooldown.
  9. Use Mortal Strike if you have 2x Executioner's Precision.
  10. Use Execute.
  11. Use Mortal Strike on cooldown.
  12. Use Slam.
  • Cooldowns are covered in the Deep Dive section.


  • Apply Rend and then use your cooldowns. It is good to throw in an early Cleave as shown on the timeline, in order to get Mastery: Deep Wounds for your Thunderous Roar cast.
Slayer Arms Warrior AoE opener in Mythic+

AoE Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain when fighting at least 3 targets.

  1. Apply Rend with Thunder Clap if it is not already up.
  2. Use Overpower if you have Collateral Damage buff up, but not 2x Martial Prowess buffs.
  3. Use Cleave on cooldown.
  4. Use Execute if you have any Marked for Execution.
  5. Use Overpower on cooldown.
  6. Use Mortal Strike if you have 2x Executioner's Precision when Sweeping Strikes is up.
  7. Use Execute when Sweeping Strikes is up.
  8. Use Mortal Strike when Sweeping Strikes is up.
  9. Use Thunder Clap on cooldown.
  10. Use Mortal Strike if you have 2x Executioner's Precision.
  11. Use Execute.
  12. Use Mortal Strike on cooldown.
  13. Use Slam.

Deep dive

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

Cooldown Usage

Single-Target Pre-Execute Cooldowns


Cooldowns as a priority list:

  1. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  2. Use Ravager on cooldown.
  3. Use Avatar if the Colossus Smash debuff is active on your target or if Warbreaker has less than 5 seconds remaining cooldown.
  4. Use Warbreaker on cooldown.
  5. Use Demolish if Mortal Strike is on cooldown.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Single-Target Cooldowns

Cooldowns as a priority list:

  1. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  2. Use Avatar if the Colossus Smash debuff is active on your target or if Warbreaker has less than 5 seconds remaining cooldown.
  3. Use Warbreaker on cooldown.
  4. Use Bladestorm if the remaining cooldown of Warbreaker is greater than the duration of Bladestorm (4 GCDs). --- Basically, don't use Bladestorm just before Warbreaker is ready, but any other time is good.
Slayer Arms Warrior Mythic+ Single-Target Cooldowns

Single-Target Execute Cooldowns


Cooldowns as a priority list:

  1. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  2. Use Ravager on cooldown.
  3. Use Avatar together with Warbreaker.
  4. Use Warbreaker on cooldown.
  5. Use Demolish if your Colossus Smash debuff is up.
  • The exact timing of Unhinged within the rotation changes depending on your haste levels, since the duration of Arms Warriors Ravager is set on cast, but your global cooldown duration changes when you apply In For The Kill or get other haste buffs.
  • As a rule you can aim for 2x Executioner's Precision, then move over to Overpower until you noticed the Executioner's Precision was consumed, then you move back to Execute.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Execute Cooldowns

Cooldowns as a priority list:

  1. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  2. Use Avatar together with Colossus Smash.
  3. Use Warbreaker on cooldown.
  4. Use Bladestorm if you have 2x Executioner's Precision.
Slayer Arms Warrior Mythic+ Single-Target Execute Cooldowns

AoE Cooldowns


Cooldowns as a priority list:

  1. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  2. Use Sweeping Strikes on cooldown.
  3. Use Ravager on cooldown.
  4. Use Avatar on cooldown.
  5. Use Warbreaker on cooldown.
  6. Use Demolish on cooldown.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Multi-Target Cooldowns

Cooldowns as a priority list:

  1. Use Thunderous Roar on cooldown.
  2. Use Sweeping Strikes on cooldown.
  3. Use Avatar on cooldown.
  4. Use Warbreaker on cooldown.
  5. Use Bladestorm on cooldown.
Slayer Arms Warrior Mythic+ Multi-Target Cooldowns

Generating more Rage

If you are new to Arms Warrior you should skip this section since even when rage-starved it is a lot of effort for a minimal gain, and if done poorly it is a big DPS loss.

Becoming rage-starved should be a rare occurrence, but can happen sometimes if you are holding onto cooldowns, playing an AoE focused talent build on single-target, or if your group does not have Skyfury. Consider these two ideas to be your very last priority, if the choice is between doing this or doing nothing.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

← Scroll for more Dungeons

Cinderbrew Meadery
Darkflame Cleft
Operation Mechagon: Workshop
Operation: Floodgate
Priory of the Sacred Flame
Theater of Pain
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

Brew Master Aldryr

  • Save Heroic Leap for the intermission so you can quickly appease the Thirsty Patrons. This happens at 66 and 33% boss health.
  • Your main damage taken from this boss is Throw Cinderbrew during the main phase, and Rowdy Yell during the intermission.
    • Use Spell Reflection when affected by Throw Cinderbrew.
    • Be in Defensive Stance in the intermission to reduce damage taken from Rowdy Yell.


  • Don't let the Brew Drop reach the boss, use Thunder Clap to slow if you are playing Mountain Thane, also use Storm Bolt if needed and cleave them down before they reach 100 energy.
  • Spouting Stout is the most important cast of this boss, as it both spawns the adds and is your main damage taken during the fight. The timeline below is a good way to plan your cooldowns for this fight, saving Die by the Sword for when the healer is struggling.

Benk Buzzbee

  • Jump on defeated Ravenous Cinderbee and guide them to destroy Honey Barrels. Honey Barrels will spawn additional Ravenous Cinderbee every 30 seconds.
  • Your main damage taken in this fight is likely Fluttering Wing, which is cast exactly 25 seconds apart so you can always have Spell Reflection for it.

Goldie Baronbottom

  • Use defensives when you have multiple stacks of Cindering Wounds or if you have a Cindering Wounds and Let It Hail! overlap.

Trash Tips

  • Focus damage on Exploding Kegs to defeat them before they finish their explosion cast.
  • Make sure to interrupt with Pummel:
    • Free Samples? cast by Taste Tester, especially important if they are buffed by Spill Drink.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

Ol' Waxbeard

  • Defeat Dynamite Mine Cart before the cast is completed.
  • Use defensives when affected by Luring Candleflame. It deals significant damage on its own, and also makes all the Menial Laborers fixate you.
  • You can have the Minecarts, Reckless Charge or Cave-In kill Menial Laborers.


  • Use defensives if you have several stacks of Enkindling Inferno, or if needed for Dousing Breath.

The Candle King

  • Your damage taken in this fight is almost entirely from Eerie Molds, and so how you use your defensives depends on how clean your group keeps the room. With many wax statues up you should use bigger defensive cooldowns.
  • Make sure to interrupt Paranoid Mind, getting feared can easily cause a wipe. Pummel has too long cooldown to cover every single cast.

The Darkness

  • Your main damage taken is from Eternal Darkness, use Spell Reflection to counter it.
  • Use a big defensive for Shadowblast.
  • The Wriggling Darkspawns spawn at a good interval that lines up with our damage cooldowns.

Trash Tips

  • Use Pummel to interrupt:
    • Mole Frenzy from Lowly Moleherd.
    • Wicklighter Bolt from Royal Wicklighter.
    • Flaming Tether from Sootsnout.
    • Drain Light from Shuffling Horror.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

Tussle Tonks

  • Ground Pound deals very high physical damage, be ready to use a defensive if not topped.


  • To be safe from Venting Flames you need to have the Hiding Behind Junk buff. This buff you get from hiding behind the junk, but you can also get it by almost hiding behind the junk and still being able to attack the boss.
    • If you are pushing high keys I would recommend getting a weakaura to track this buff, and play around with the exact positioning to find a safe spot where you can still attack. If the cast is about to happen and you didn't find the spot, save yourself and just hide behind the junk.
  • You can use Heroic Leap to not take damage from Explosive Leap.
  • Blazing Chomp deals a massive amount of damage to the group and is too frequent to always be covered by Spell Reflection. If needed you can alternate Spell Reflection and Defensive Stance.

Machinist's Garden

  • Use Storm Bolt on Inconspicuous Plant to stop the Blossom Blast.
  • The Inconspicuous Plant is summoned shortly after pull and then every 45 seconds.

King Mechagon

  • Use a defensive when targeted by Mega-Zap.

Trash Tips

  • The Shield Generator can be used to greatly reduce damage taken.
  • If you pull both Spider Tanks at the same time make sure to first kill the one further ahead, when defeated it triggers the RP to start and you can fly over to the next area quicker.
  • Use Pummel to interrupt:
    • Detonate from Bomb Tonk.
    • Giga-Wallop from Mechagon Tinkerer.
    • Tune Up from Mechagon Mechanic. Can also be stopped with any crowd control.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

Big M.O.M.M.A.

  • Try to line up damage cooldowns with Jumpstart. Jumpstart happens when you have defeated all the Darkfuse Mechadrone summoned by the boss.
  • Use Spell Reflection to reduce damage taken during Jumpstart.
  • Interrupt Darkfuse Mechadrone when they cast Maximum Distortion.

Demolition Duo

  • Focus damage on Bront when possible, since he is away charging for long periods of time his health is otherwise going to be a lot higher than Keeza Quickfuse. When one is defeated the other gets a 20% damage buff stacking every 4 seconds.


  • Most of your damage taken in this fight is through Razorchoke Vines, but there is an overlap of Razorchoke Vines and Awaken the Swamp happening every 30 seconds, this is when you want to use Spell Reflection as shown on the timeline below.

Geezle Gigazap

  • Gigazap and Turbo Charge deal high damage. The timeline below is a good example of how to play it defensively, using Spell Reflection to cover Gigazap, and Die by the Sword or Defensive Stance to cover Turbo Charge.

Trash Tips

  • Warp Blood cast by Darkfuse Bloodwarper deals very high damage, try to cover it with a defensive cooldown.
  • Interrupt with Pummel:
    • Trickshot cast by Mechadrone Sniper. Can also be reflected.
    • Blood Blast cast by Darkfuse Bloodwarper.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

Captain Dailcry

  • Focus damage on Captain Dailcry, the fight ends when he is defeated.
  • Interrupt Battle Cry.

Baron Braunpyke

  • Interrupt Burning Light.
  • Dodge together with tank when boss casts Castigator's Shield or Hammer of Purity, it is easy to lose uptime.

Prioress Murrpray

  • Turn around on the Blinding Light cast.
  • At 50% health Prioress Murrpray teleports away, shields herself and channels Embrace the Light. While the channel holds adds spawn, so it is a good idea to have damage cooldowns ready to break the shield and interrupt.

Trash Tips

  • Interrupt with Pummel:
    • Cinderblast cast by Taenar Duelmal.
    • Greater Heal cast by Devout Priest.
    • Fireball Volley cast by Risen Mage.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips


  • Use Spell Reflection when Kyrioss casts Crashing Thunder to reduce damage taken.
  • When Kyrioss goes to the middle, try to stack on top of other melee in order to more easily dodge pools from Lightning Torrent.

Stormguard Gorren

  • Use defensives when you have an overlap of the Chaotic Corruption debuff with the Crush Reality cast.
  • Ideally move as a group to bait the Crush Reality along the walls, so that you don't get trapped by the pools.

Voidstone Monstrosity

  • Be ready to spread around the room as Null Upheaval is cast so that your group can destroy all Voidstone Fragments with Stormrider's Charge.
  • Use defensive cooldowns if you are not full health when Null Upheaval is cast.

Trash Tips

  • Use Pummel to interrupt:
    • Lightning Bolt cast by Cursed Thunderer.
    • Void Bolt cast by Corrupted Oracle and Void Ascendant.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

Coin-Operated Crowd Pummeler

  • Use offensive cooldowns when the boss is affected by Blazing Azerite.
  • Static Pulse deals high damage, and you can always cover it with Spell Reflection to reduce damage taken.


  • Focus damage on the Earthrager buffed by Azerite Infusion cast by Azerokk. When this buffed add is alive you take a lot of damage from Pulsing Azerite, this is also a good time to use defensive cooldowns such as Spell Reflection.

Rixxa Fluxflame

  • Use Spell Reflection to reduce damage taken when targeted by Propellant Blast.

Mogul Razdunk

  • Use defensives in the intermission to survive Buster Shot from Venture Co. Skyscorcher.

Trash Tips

  • Stop Activate Mech cast by Mech Jockey.
  • Use Pummel to interrupt:
    • Iced Spritzer cast by Refreshment Vendor.
    • Rock Lance cast by Venture Co. Earthshaper.
    • Furious Quake cast by Stonefury.
    • Transmute: Enemy to Goo cast by Venture Co. Alchemist.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ Talents

Boss Tips

An Affront of Challengers

  • Interrupt Necrotic Bolt cast by Sathel the Accursed.
  • Make sure to spread when affected by Searing Death. This is a good time to use a defensive cooldown.


  • It can be dangerous for your group to stack up a lot because of Leaping Thrash.

Xav the Unfallen

  • Your main damage taken in this fight is from Might of Maldraxxus. It deals physical damage.
  • When it comes to damage cooldowns the main thing to be cautious of is to not use them just before you get thrown into the arena by Blood and Glory, and so in the timeline below the second Avatar use is delayed.


  • Your main damage taken is likely from Well of Darkness. You don't get affected by all of them since it only goes on 2 party members, but you can cover most of the damage with Spell Reflection.
  • Below is an example of how you can play your cooldowns for Kul'tharok.

Mordretha, the Endless Empress

  • At 50% Echoes of Carnage is cast dealing significant damage, and then constant low damage for the rest of the fight.
  • The overlap of Grasping Rift and Manifest Death together with the constant damage of the second phase is a dangerous moment, in the timeline below marked with Die by the Sword.

Trash Tips

  • Use Pummel to interrupt:
    • Demoralizing Shout cast by Ancient Captain.
    • Necrotic Bolt Volley cast by Maniacal Soulbinder.
    • Bone Spear cast by Bone Magus.
    • Withering Discharge cast by Blighted Sludge-Spewer.
  • Stop or Interrupt:
    • Bind Soul cast by Shackled Soul.


The Affix system got revamped going into The War Within Season 1 retiring most Affixes as well as introducing new kiss-curse ones while also changing on which key level these appear.

  • +2 Affixes -- Rotates on a weekly basis
    • Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
    • Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
    • Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
    • Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
  • +4 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis
    • Tyrannical
    • Fortified
  • +7 Affix
    • Challenger's Peril
  • +10 Affixes -- Alternates between each other on a weekly basis, is always the opposite of the +4 Affix
    • Tyrannical
    • Fortified
  • +12 Affix
    • Xal'atath's Guile -- Replaces the +2 Affix

Following you get some useful tips for handling different Mythic+ Affixes as an Arms Warrior.

  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Ascendant
    • Use Shockwave, Storm Bolt and Pummel to clear the sparks and get the big haste buff.
  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Voidbound
    • Use Sweeping Strikes and cleave Execute from the Void Emissary. Have it as your main target.
  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Oblivion
    • Watch behind you and collect any orbs flying into melee, intercept them before they hit any enemies.
  • Xal'atath's Bargain: Devour
    • This is a healing absorb that can be dispelled by Bitter Immunity. Use Impending Victory if needed.

Stat Priority

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Mythic+ dungeons as an Arms Warrior. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Colossus Arms Warrior Stat Priority in Mythic+

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior
Best in Slot
Farmable Alternatives
HeadFullthrottle FacerigVexie and the Geargrinders
NeckFlickering GlowtorcDarkflame Cleft
ShoulderEnforcer's Backalley ShoulderplatesRik Reverb / Catalyst
CloakConsecrated CloakTailoring
ChestEnforcer's Backalley VestplateSprocketmonger Lockenstock / Catalyst
WristEverforged VambracesBlacksmithing
GlovesEnforcer's Backalley CrushersCauldron of Carnage / Catalyst
BeltEnforcer's Backalley GirdleCatalyst
LegsEnforcer's Backalley ChaussesStix Bunkjunker / Catalyst
BootsSabatons of Rampaging ElementsThe MOTHERLODE!!
Ring 1The Jastor DiamondChrome King Gallywix
Ring 2Cyrce's CircletThe Siren Isle
Trinket 1House of CardsOne-Armed Bandit
Trinket 2Improvised Seaforium PacemakerOperation: Floodgate
WeaponBest-in-SlotsThe One-Armed Bandit

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadWaxsteel GreathelmDarkflame Cleft
NeckStrapped Rescue-KegCinderbrew Meadery
ShoulderSkyscorcher PauldronsThe MOTHERLODE!!
CloakCloak of Questionable IntentThe MOTHERLODE!!
ChestSlashproof Business PlateCinderbrew Meadery
WristStonefury VambracesThe MOTHERLODE!!
GlovesJumpstarter's Scaffold-ScrapersOperation: Floodgate
BeltVenture Contractor's FloodlightOperation: Floodgate
LegsGalvanized Oxxein LegguardsTheater of Pain
BootsSabatons of Rampaging ElementsThe MOTHERLODE!!
Ring 1Cyrce's CircletThe Siren Isle
Ring 2Bloodoath SignetTheater of Pain
Trinket 1Improvised Seaforium PacemakerOperation: Floodgate
Trinket 2Signet of the PrioryPriory of the Sacred Flame
WeaponCircuit BreakerOperation: Floodgate


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the mythic+ dungeon.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • House of Cards
    • The best on-use trinket.
  • Funhouse Lens
    • Good alternative from delves.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Eye of Kezan
    • The best trinket for raiding, but loses signifcant value in M+ since you sometimes drop combat.
  • Mechano-Core Amplifier
    • Great trinket but can be difficult to farm from delves.
  • Improvised Seaforium Pacemaker
    • The best trinket from M+ currently.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ 5 minute, 5-target AoE Trinket Simulation


  • 2x Duskthread Lining or Dawnthread Lining
    • Which one is best depends on your current gear, the BiS list is using Dawnthread Lining.

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 675 item level and regular items are 678 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 636 item level and regular items are 639 on max item level, therefore, it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior
  • Phials
    • Flask of Alchemical Chaos
  • Food
    • Feast of the Divine Day -- Primary stat food is the best option at low item level.
    • Feast of the Midnight Masquerade -- Primary stat food is the best option at low item level.
    • Outsider's Provisions -- In high item level gear secondaries start to become competitive with or superior to Strength.
  • Combat Potion
    • Tempered Potion
  • Health Potion
    • Algari Healing Potion
  • Weapon Temporary Enchant
    • Algari Mana Oil -- Generally the best option, but the attack power enchants are very close in value.
    • Ironclaw Whetstone -- If you have a bladed weapon; a Sword, an Axe or a Polearm.
    • Ironclaw Weightstone-- If you have a blunt weapon; a Mace, a Staff or a Fist Weapon.
  • Augment Rune
    • Crystallized Augment Rune
  • Sockets
    • Deadly Emerald
    • Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
      • Quick Sapphire
      • Quick Ruby
      • Quick Onyx


NeckMagnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace
ChestEnchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance
WristEnchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance
LegsDefender's Armor Kit
BootsEnchant Boots - Scout's March
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Radiant Critical Strike
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Council's Guile
Arms Warrior Enchantments in Mythic+

You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

For min-maxing an Arms Warrior in Mythic+, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Escape Artist -- Gnome
    • Root and Snare dispel.
  • Shadowmeld -- Night Elf
    • Drop combat in order to avoid spells being targeted at you.
  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Removes all Poison, Disease, Curse, Magic, and Bleed simultaneously.
  • Arcane Torrent -- Blood Elf
    • Dispels 1 beneficial effect from all nearby enemies at the same time.
  • Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
    • Activate to spawn a shadow traveling in the direction you are facing. Activate again to teleport to it.
    • Maximum range of 100 yards.
Colossus Arms Warrior Mythic+ 5-target AoE Races Simulation


Dwarf and Night Elf abilities have such a big impact on your Mythic+ experience that you need to use either of them if you're serious about pushing keys with your Arms Warrior.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

Discover recommended macros for Arms Warrior during Mythic+ dungeons and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video

Bladestorm and Ravager Macro --- If you have Ravager talented then you use Ravager on your cursor, if not then you Bladestorm.

/cast [known:228920,@cursor] Ravager; Bladestorm

Thunderous Roar and Champion's Spear Macro --- If you have both abilities talented then Champion's Spear is prioritized, and if you have Champion's Spear talented it is cast on your cursor.

/cast [known:376079,@cursor] Champion's Spear; Thunderous Roar

Heroic Leap Macro --- Leap on your cursor without the extra mouse click.

/cast [@cursor] Heroic Leap


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Arms Warrior, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Mythic+ dungeons to make your life easier.

Revvez Arms Warrior M+ TWW Prepatch UI
Revvez Arms Warrior Interface in Mythic+

Changes this Patch

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arms Warrior


Written By: Revvez

Reviewed By: Swag

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