Arcane Mage Raid Guide

11.1 - Undermine(d)

Last Updated:February 27, 2025|Changelog|FAQ

Welcome to the Arcane Mage Raid guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! This guide covers everything you need to know to understand your character! Are you starting out and leveling up from 70? Check out the leveling guide!


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage
Arcane MageRaid
Arcane Mage Raid Best in Slot

Hero Talents

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage


Spellslinger is the main hero talent used in both single and AoE scenarios. Sunfury is almost identical in Single Target but falls behind slightly in AoE. As such, the rest of the guide assumes Spellslinger is being played.

  • Splintering Sorcery
    • The entire fantasy of Spellslinger revolves around shooting dozens of spikes at your enemy during combat. Most of the hero tree talents are passive effects and you do not play around anything specific.
  • Slippery Slinging and Look Again
    • Generally, default to Slippery Slinging as you would need to drop some utility in the class tree to pick up Displacement. If you ever were to have Displacement however, Look Again is the default pick.
  • Phantasmal Image
    • This talent synergizes extremely well with Reduplication potentially making your Mirror Images more potent and a very short cooldown.
  • Spellfrost Teachings
    • Be ready to react to all the free extra Arcane Orbs you get while playing Spellslinger. Especially in AoE, you gain tons of free Arcane Barrages.
  • Splinterstorm
    • When playing Spellslinger, this trait contributes to changing your rotation in a quirky way. Shifting Power becomes the first button pressed after going into your first big burn!
  • Spellfire Spheres
    • This is the defining aspect of Sunfury. The entire playstyle revolves around generating as many Spellfire Spheres as possible. The more Spellfire Spheres generated, the more damage in single and AoE.
  • Invocation: Arcane Phoenix
    • Your Spellfire Spheres are spent through this talent. The bird popularly known as "Arlo" takes the generated Spellfire Spheres and cast spells such as Arcane Surge and even Flamestrike.
  • Burden of Power and Glorious Incandescence
    • These two talents go hand in hand and are the main reason why the playstyle revolves around generating as many Spellfire Spheres as possible.
    • Thanks to Glorious Incandescence, the arcane charges lost from casting Arcane Barrage are regenerated instantly.
  • Memory of Al'ar
    • After Arcane Surge ends, the Arcane Soul buff is gained dependent on how many Spellfire Spheres were used. This buff allows the use of multiple fully charged Arcane Barrages in a row without depleting arcane charges and giving a stack of Clearcasting for each cast.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage
Spellslinger Single Target
Spellslinger Cleave/AoE
Spellslinger Arcane Mage Single-Target talents in Raids

Gameplay Altering Talents

Discover all talents that significantly alter your gameplay within the Spec and Class Talent trees. This section gives a concise overview of these talents and their applications but for a more detailed look check out the Rotation and Deep Dive sections below.

Spec Tree

  • Arcane Surge
    • This is your major cooldown as an Arcane Mage. Granting you massive spell power and mana regeneration.
  • Touch of the Magi
    • This is a short cooldown that accumulates 20% of your damage to the target for 12 seconds. Thus, making it one of the most important spells to play around in your rotation.
  • Intuition
    • This talent allows you to cast an empowered Arcane Barrage that also refunds your arcane charges.
  • Magi's Spark
    • In most cases this talent is completely passive, just remember in AoE situations you need to cast Arcane Blast at least once during your Touch of the Magi window.
  • Aether Attunement
    • This talent allows every third cast of Arcane Missiles to deal increased damage and cleave onto other targets. This is your only Arcane Missiles that is fully channeled (more about clipping in deep dive).
  • Arcing Cleave
    • A majority of the cleave/AoE damage comes from this talent. Be sure to make good use of the Arcane Barrage spell.
  • Orb Barrage
    • Reacting and playing around this proc is very important in Cleave and AoE scenarios to not lose potential Arcane Charges as each Arcane Orb should fully regenerate your Arcane Charges.

Class Tree

  • Shifting Power
    • This spell is a channel used after your cooldowns to reduce all your spells by 12 seconds.
  • Spellsteal
    • There are a lot of magic mechanics you can Spellsteal to gain their benefit.
  • Time Anomaly
    • Be ready to react to the procs acquired get from this talent, they can impact the rotation differently depending on when they proc.
  • Mass Barrier
    • Make sure to use Mass Barrier to give your teammates Prismatic Barrier!
  • Shimmer
    • This talent node is the main reason Mages in general have such high mobility. Being castable while casting and off the GCD, it is essential you manage your Shimmer well to achieve 100% uptime on DPS during any encounter.

Hero Talents

  • Slippery Slinging
    • Generally better but if you do find yourself using Displacement, feel free to swap to Look Again.
  • Signature Spell
    • Numerically the better option.
  • Reactive Barrier
    • Generally the better option but some dungeons you can get more value out of Mirror Image and Phantasmal Image becomes more attractive of a talent.
  • Volatile Magic
    • Numerically the better pick.
Sunfury Arcane Mage Cleave/AoE talents in Raids

When to use this Spec

Use this spec whenever there is more than one target present at any point during the encounter.

Talent Adjustments

Listing all the changes within the Class and Spec tree compared to the default build.

Spec Tree

  • Added
    • Charged Orb
      • Gives an extra Arcane Orb charge and increases its damage.
  • Added
    • Resonance
      • Improves your main spenders damage in AOE.
  • Added
    • High Voltage
      • Gives you more Arcane Charges to cast more Arcane Barrages.
  • Removed
    • Time Loop
  • Removed
    • Energized Familiar
  • Removed
    • Consortium's Bauble


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

Tier Set

  • 2-Set: Your spells and abilities have a small chance to hit a Jackpot! granting you Clearcasting and 5% increased spell damage for 12 seconds. Casting Touch of the Magi always hits a Jackpot!
  • 4-Set: When you hit a Jackpot!, you also gain Aether Attunement at 100% effectiveness.

This provides a nice minigame to play around with reacting to extra Aether Attunement procs while also giving you on demand damage whenever you cast Touch of the Magi.



High Voltage Opener

  • The goal of the opener is to enter the Touch of the Magi window as fast as possible. This assumes you enter the opener with 0 Arcane Charges, if you already have 4, simply cast barrage before Touch of the Magi. Be sure to cast Touch of the Magi before the Arcane Barrage hits the target.
Arcane Mage High Voltage Single-Target opener in Raid
  • Evocation is casted 4 seconds before the pull happens.
  • Arcane Missiles is casted 1 second before the pull.
  • Touch of the Magi is off the GCD.

High Voltage Priority List

This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

All Arcane Missiles are clipped except ones empowered by Aether Attunement (more about clipping in deep-dive).

  1. Cast Arcane Barrage if Intuition or Arcane Tempo will expire before your next cast.
  2. Cast Shifting Power after your Arcane Surge expires.
  3. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have over 12 stacks of Arcane Harmony and 1 or 0 stacks of Nether Precision.
  4. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting if you have Aether Attunement and are about to cast Touch of the Magi.
  5. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting when you don't have Nether Precision or if you have less than 4 Arcane Charges.
  6. Cast Arcane Orb when you have less than 3 Arcane Charges.
  7. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Intuition.
  8. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have 4 Arcane Charges andClearcasting available and either:
    1. You have 1 stack of Nether Precision and either:
      1. Aether Attunement is ready.
      2. Your target is below 35% health.
  9. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Arcane Orb available and 4 Arcane Charges and either no Nether Precision stacks or no Clearcasting stacks and 1 Nether Precision stack.
  10. Cast Arcane Blast.
  11. Cast Arcane Barrage if you are out of mana.

No High Voltage Opener

Arcane Mage Single-Target opener in Raid

No High Voltage Priority List

  1. Cast Arcane Barrage if Intuition or Arcane Tempo will expire before your next cast.
  2. Cast Shifting Power after your Arcane Surge expires.
  3. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have over 18 stacks of Arcane Harmony and 1 or 0 stacks of Nether Precision.
  4. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting if you have Aether Attunement and are about to cast Touch of the Magi.
  5. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting when you don't have Nether Precision.
  6. Cast Arcane Orb when you have less than 3 Arcane Charges.
  7. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Intuition.
  8. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Arcane Orb available and 4 Arcane Charges and either no Nether Precision stacks or no Clearcasting stacks and 1 Nether Precision stack.
  9. Cast Arcane Blast.
  10. Cast Arcane Barrage if you are out of mana.




  • The goal of the opener is to enter the Touch of the Magi window as fast as possible. This assumes you enter the opener with 0 Arcane Charges. If you already have 4 Arcane Charges, skip the Arcane Orb and Arcane Missiles.
Arcane Mage AoE/Funnel opener in Raid
  • Evocation is casted 4 seconds before the pull happens.
  • Arcane Orb is casted 1 second before the pull if you have less than 2 Arcane Charges.
  • Touch of the Magi is off the GCD.
  • Every Touch of the Magi has an Arcane Barrage casted before if you enter Touch of the Magi with 4 Arcane Charges.
    • Be sure to cast Touch of the Magi before the Arcane Barrage hits the target.

Funnel Priority List

This is considered the funnel rotation, but it is recommended to perform this in raid because the sacrifice to AoE damage is not worth the single target damage lost. This is a general priority you aim to maintain throughout the fight.

All Arcane Missiles are clipped except ones empowered by Aether Attunement (more about clipping in deep-dive).

  1. Cast Arcane Blast once during your Touch of the Magi to proc Magi's Spark.
  2. Cast Shifting Power after your Arcane Surge expires.
  3. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have over 12 stacks of Arcane Harmony and 1 or 0 stacks of Nether Precision.
  4. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting if you have Aether Attunement and are about to cast Touch of the Magi.
  5. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting when you don't have Nether Precision or if you have less than 4 Arcane Charges.
  6. Cast Arcane Orb when you have less than 3 Arcane Charges.
  7. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Intuition.
  8. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Arcane Orb available and 4 Arcane Charges.
  9. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have Clearcasting available and 4 Arcane Charges.
  10. Cast Arcane Barrage if your target is in execute range.
  11. Cast Arcane Explosion if you have 0 or 1 Arcane Charges.
  12. Cast Arcane Blast.
  13. Cast Arcane Barrage if you are out of mana.

Pure AoE Priority List

IMPORTANT - Currently, the Pure AoE rotation does less single target and AoE compared to the funnel rotation. This is here incase tuning changes or for low level content. A good rule of thumb is if your Touch of the Magi target is dying before it explodes in AoE, use this rotation.

  1. Cast Arcane Blast once during your Touch of the Magi to proc Magi's Spark.
  2. Cast Shifting Power after your Arcane Surge expires.
  3. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting if you have Aether Attunement and are about to cast Touch of the Magi.
  4. Cast Arcane Orb whenever you have 0 Arcane Charges.
  5. Cast Arcane Missiles with Clearcasting if you do not have Nether Precision.
  6. Cast Arcane Barrage if you have 4 Arcane Charges.
  7. Cast Arcane Explosion if you have exactly 0 Arcane Charges.
  8. Cast Arcane Blast.
  9. Cast Arcane Barrage if you run out of mana.

Deep Dive

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

Mana Management

Generally, the only part of the rotation where mana is an issue is after the second Touch of the Magi of the fight in Single Target if you lusted on pull. In this situation, it is best to cast Arcane Barrage if Arcane Blast can not be casted due to lack of mana. Build back up Arcane Charges with Arcane Orb and continue the cycle. You can enter your Arcane Surge Touch of the Magi combo with 0% mana as Arcane Surge gives you all of your mana back. Generally, mana is not a big concern anymore compared to previous iterations of Arcane Mage.

Shimmer Cast Immunity

Shimmer is very unique as it gives the caster a small grace period of being able to cast spells while moving. This lets Mages perform some technical maneuvers in order to lose zero damage during knockbacks or other events where casting is required and the Mage needs to move small steps. At a basic level, you achieve this by first casting a spell, using Shimmer, taking the small step then standing still and resuming casting. When using this on a knockback, you first start casting a spell, use Shimmer right before the knockback and Shimmer again as soon as the knockback goes off. If done correctly, the cast should not have canceled and you have achieved full uptime during a knockback without Ice Floes!

Clipping Arcane Missiles

  • Clipping refers to intentionally canceling your Arcane Missiles channel in order to cast another spell.
  • Currently, it is best to clip every Arcane Missiles besides ones empowered by Aether Attunement in both Single and AoE. This is done because the buffs you obtain from using Arcane Missiles is far more important than the damage Arcane Missiles does. The spell is also designed in a way where you stop casting on a tick of Arcane Missiles so it is very efficient.

Orb Barrage Minmaxing

There is a trick you can use to maximize your Orb Barrage efficiency in AoE scenarios. I have coined this trick the "7-10 Split".

DISCLAIMER: This trick is highly technical and mechanically taxing. I do not recommend trying this trick unless you are proficient at Arcane Mage already.

7-10 Split

The 7-10 split refers to casting multiple fully charged Arcane Barrages with a singular Arcane Orb. This is only usable when there are 8 or more targets. The difficulty is dependent on how stacked the mobs present are. The looser the stack, the easier it is to use this trick. You can achieve this when the mobs are almost fully stacked but it is extremely difficult.

You can achieve this majestic feat by first having an Arcane Orb headed towards 8 or more targets. When the Arcane Orb hits 4 enemies, send a Arcane Barrage before the Arcane Orb damages the rest of the enemies. You want to stand around 20+ yards from the mobs (this distance depends on your haste, the higher your haste, the closer you can stand) in order to not lose globals waiting for the Arcane Orb to hit the targets.

Here is a clip from S2 Dragonflight showcasing this very well. Even though it is a previous patch, the concept is the same as Orb Barrages has not changed.

As you can see, the mobs are fairly stacked and every global during Touch of the Magi is filled with fully charged Arcane Barrages even when getting average procs.

Understanding Mechanics

Rotational min-maxing is just one aspect of mastering a specialization, but there are numerous other key mechanics that influence your performance. Use the following guides to improve them.

Liberation of Undermine

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

The following tips are mainly applicable to Heroic Bosses. Mythic tips are released after our progression concludes.

← Scroll for more Bosses

Vexie Fullthrottle and The GearGrinders
Cauldron of Carnage
Rik Reverb
Stix Bunkjunker
Sprocketmonger Lockenstock
One-Armed Bandit
Arcane Mage Vexie Fullthrottle and The GearGrinders talents in Raid

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Send your Arcane Surge on cooldown but hold for the dmg amp that happens throughout the fight.

Boss Tips

  • Use your Shimmer and Alter Time to get away with Spew Oil quickly and not spawn it close to the boss.
  • Use your defensives whenever you're affected by Incendiary Fire.
Arcane Mage Cauldron of Carnage talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Timings work out pretty well from what we've seen on PTR, send your Arcane Surge when they clash in the middle holding it slightly sometimes.

Defensive Cooldown Usage

  • Rotate your defensives for each Scrapbomb soak. You get only 3 Scrapbombs per phase meaning you can cover call of them easily as a Mage by alternating Greater Invisibility, Ice Cold and Mirror Image with Alter Time.
Arcane Mage Rik Reverb talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Generally send Arcane Surge on cooldown, if a barrel wave is coming and your Arcane Surge is ready, consider holding for a couple of seconds to get funnel value.

Boss Tips

  • Use your defensives on Sound Cannon or when you're about to get hit by Resonant Echoes.
  • If you can't make it to an Amplifier before Blaring Drop hits you during the intermission, you can just blink through it with a Shimmer. Similar can be also done with an Alter Time which is also safer due to it teleporting you for a longer distance.
Arcane Mage Stix Bunkjunker talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Your Arcane Surge timings can be a little tricky on this fight due to different guilds having different strategies and adds coming to the boss at different times. Try to line up Arcane Surge when the majority of the adds on on or near the boss as best you can.

Boss Tips

  • Look out for Scrapmasters and interrupt them whenever they are casting Scrap Rockets. Counterspell is the best interrupt in the game by far and you, as a Mage, should be never slacking with kicks like that.
  • Use your defensives whenever you're afflicted by Incinerator.
Arcane Mage Sprocketmonger Lockenstock talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Send your Arcane Surge on cooldown throughout the fight.

Defensive Cooldown Usage

  • Use your defensives on overlaps of Sonic Ba-Boom and Foot-Blasters explosions.

Boss Tips

  • Use Alter Time right before Beta Launch goes off to quickly reposition yourself.
Arcane Mage One-Armed Bandit talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

  • Your Arcane Surge lines up generally well with the adds that spawn. Be sure to hold a couple of seconds if needed in order to line up your cooldowns with adds spawning.

Boss Tips

  • Use defensives whenever the Reel Assistants cast Withering Flames on you. This together with Pay-Line explosions is dangerous.
  • Interrupt Overload! as late as possible to avoid potential Withering Flames casts.
Arcane Mage Mug'Zee talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Arcane Mage Gallywix talents in Raids

Offensive Cooldown Usage

Stat Priority

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

Understand your secondary stat priority and the tertiary stats needed for optimal performance during Raid boss fights as an Arcane Mage. For more detailed information, visit the Stats and Attributes guide.

Arcane Mage Stat Priorities in Raid

Higher Item level items are better in most scenarios. For an accurate representation of what item to equip you should use Simcraft! A static "Stat Priority" is just a starting point and can easily shift depending on your individual gear.

  • All secondary stats are affected by diminishing returns. Click here to learn more!


  • Avoidance - Great stat to reduce the damage intake of "Area of Effect" abilities.
  • Leech - Provides additional healing through damage dealing. Leech is a great stat tertiary stat to have, especially on AoE.
  • Speed - Niche tertiary that can be very useful and has been proven useful in the past. Makes playing certain mechanics a lot easier.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage
Best in Slot
Farmable Alternatives
HeadAspectral Emissary's Crystalline CowlTier / Catalyst
NeckSemi-Charmed AmuletRik Reverb
ShoulderAspectral Emissary's Arcane VentsTier / Catalyst
CloakTrashmaster's MantleOperation Mechagon: Workshop
ChestPetticoat of the Self-Stylized Azerite BaronTHE MOTHERLODE!!
WristConsecrated CuffsCrafting
GlovesAspectral Emissary's Hardened GraspTier / Catalyst
BeltRingmaster's CummerbundOperation Mechagon: Workshop
LegsAspectral Emissary's TrousersTier / Catalyst
BootsConsecrated SlippersCrafting
Ring 1The Jastor DiamondChrome King Gallywix
Ring 2Wick's Golden LoopDarkflame Cleft
Trinket 1Mug's Moxie JugMug'Zee
Trinket 2Eye of KezanChrome King Gallywix
WeaponNeural Synapse EnhancerOperation Mechagon: Workshop

Below you are presented with a good list of farmable alternatives that are obtainable outside of WoW’s weekly lockout system. While replaced in time as you progress, these offer immediate character power.

HeadInventor's Ingenious TrifocalsOperation Mechagon: Workshop
NeckStrapped Rescue-KegCinderbrew Meadery
ShoulderMoneymaking BusinessmantleCinderbrew Meadery
CloakCloak of Questionable IntentTHE MOTHERLODE!!
ChestSaboteur's Rubber JacketOperation: Floodgate
WristHyperthread WristwrapsOperation Mechagon: Workshop
GlovesPunctured Apiary GlovesCinderbrew Meadery
BeltRingmaster's CummerbundOperation Mechagon: Workshop
LegsRowdy Reveler's LegwrapsTHE MOTHERLODE!!
BootsHyperthread BootsOperation Mechagon: Workshop
Ring 1Bloodoath SignetTheater of Pain
Ring 2Wick's Golden LoopDarkflame Cleft
Trinket 1Signet of the PrioryPriory of the Sacred Flame
Trinket 2Sigil of Algari ConcordanceThe Rookery
WeaponVoltaic StormcallerThe Rookery


Below you can find active and passive alternatives to our recommended trinkets. Do note that some trinkets are better than others depending on the raid boss.

Active Trinket alternatives

  • Signet of the Priory
    • Strong on-use trinket.
  • Soulletting Ruby
    • Strong on-use trinket.

Passive Trinket alternatives

  • Reverb Radio
    • Good passive stat proc trinket.


  • 2x Elemental Focusing Lens

Remaining Sparks

  • Crafted items are 675 item level and regular items are 678 on max item level therefore it's not beneficial to equip crafted items outside of your 2x embellishments unless you don't have access to other high item level gear on that slot.


To find the best combination of gear available to you or identify the best possible upgrades, visit our Simcraft guide to learn how to utilize Simcraft easily and effectively.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage
  • Phials
    • Flask of Alchemical Chaos -- maximum DPS.
    • Flask of Tempered Versatility -- less DPS but more survivability.
  • Food
    • Feast of the Divine Day
    • Feast of the Midnight Masquerade
  • Combat Potion
    • Tempered Potion
  • Health Potion
    • Algari Healing Potion -- a big burst of healing
  • Weapon Oil
    • Algari Mana Oil -- default
  • Augment Rune
    • Crystallized Augment Rune
  • Sockets
    • Versatile Emerald
    • Culminating Blasphemite -- Unique, use one of each gem color to enhance your Culminating Blasphemite.
      • Quick Sapphire
      • Quick Onyx
      • Quick Ruby


NeckMagnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
CloakEnchant Cloak - Chant of Winged Grace
ChestEnchant Chest - Crystalline Radiance
WristEnchant Bracer - Chant of Armored Avoidance
LegsSunset Spellthread
BootsEnchant Boots - Defender's March
Ring 1Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
Ring 2Enchant Ring - Radiant Haste
Magnificent Jeweler's Setting 2x
WeaponEnchant Weapon - Authority of the Depths
Arcane Mage Enchantments in Raid

You buy S.A.D. from the Great Vault Vendor to add sockets to your Helm, Wrists & Waist.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

For min-maxing an Arcane Mage in raiding, different racial traits can provide a tremendous benefit to your character. If this is not your top goal, picking a race that fits your style works just as well.

  • Stoneform -- Dwarf
    • Dispels Magic and Bleed debuffs. Has been useful in the past on some bosses with Bleeds.
  • Rocket Jump -- Goblin
    • Do a small jump in the direction your character is facing.
    • While you're in the Rocket Jump animation you are placed on a global cooldown until your character lands.
  • Spatial Rift -- Void Elf
    • Spawn a shadow traveling into your facing direction, and activate it again to teleport to it.
    • Maximum range of 100 yards.
  • Hyper Organic Light Originator -- Mechagnome
    • Works the same way as Mirror Image in terms of threat.
Arcane Mage Race sims for Raid


In general, it's safe to say that if you care about min-maxing your DPS, you should go with the highest DPS racial. That being said, the story is a bit different if it's about progression raiding. Some help out massively to speed up the progression on certain bosses. Notably, Dwarf with their Stoneform helped out on Tindral Sageswift and Fyrakk the Blazing in the latest Race to World First by having easy access to dispelling yourself at crucial points of the fights mentioned.


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

Discover recommended macros for Arcane Mages during Raid encounters and watch a quick video guide on creating simple macros for your character.

Macro Import Guide Video


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage

Below, you see a screenshot of the author's User Interface for their Arcane Mage, outlining which addons are used and how they are utilized in Raids to make your life easier.

Arcane Mage Raid UI
Arcane Mage Interface for Raid

Changes this Patch

Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage


Patch 11.1 - Undermine(d)
Arcane Mage


Written By: Hopeful, Wolfdisco

Reviewed By: Soda

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