Affliction Warlock Leveling Guide
Affliction Warlock Leveling Guide
11.1 - Undermine(d)
Last Updated:February 25, 2025|Changelog
Welcome to the Affliction Warlock leveling guide for the World of Warcraft patch 11.1! In this guide, you find a small overview of good talents to pick, a simplified rotation as well as a shopping list to prepare you for your leveling journey!
If you are already level 80, don't hesitate to check out the Mythic+ or Raid guide instead!
Affliction Warlock
HellcallerLevel 70
Spec Tree
- Seed of Corruption
- To mass applyWither.
- Vile Taint
- To mass apply Agony.
- Summon Darkglare
- Is your main cooldown every 2 minutes.
Class Tree
- Shadowfury
- To AoE stun enemies during a large pull.
- Lifeblood in combination with Pact of Gluttony gives you a lot more sustain even if you stay in combat for a longer period.
Hero Talents
- Hellcaller performs better than Soul Harvester while leveling due to the fact that it has more passive damage and is easier to play.
- Corruption is replaced with Wither.
- You have access to a 1-minute cooldown called Malevolence that increases your haste!
Leveling Talent Points
Milestones: 0 / 10
- Choose Hellcaller as your Hero Talent.
- Pick Blackened Soul.
- Pick Hatefury Rituals.
- Pick Seeds of Their Demise
- Pick Malevolence
- Pick Xalan's Ferocity
- Pick Aura of Enfeeblement
- Pick Mark of Xavius
- Pick Xalan's Cruelty
- Pick Zevrim's Resilience
- Pick Mark of Peroth'arn
Affliction Warlock
- You want to spend as many Soul Shards as possible during your opener.
- Replace Vile Taint with Agony in the opener if you have it on cooldown.
- Always keep up Unstable Affliction, Agony and Wither.
- Don't overcap on Soul Shards.
- Use Drain Soul to finish your target to gain a free Soul Shard.
- In general, you should use Agony to tag and gather the mobs and follow it with a Seed of Corruption cast to apply Wither.
- Always cast Wither and Agony unless it was already applied by Seed of Corruption or Vile Taint and it lasts for at least 6 seconds.
- Don't overcap on Soul Shards.
- Snipe enemies that are about to die with Drain Soul if you are low on Soul Shards.
Shopping List
Affliction Warlock
Milestones: 0 / 12
- 20x Phial of Tepid Versatility
- 40x Fried Bonefish
- 40x Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power
- 80x Potion of Withering Dreams
- 4x Howling Rune
- Dreambound Augment Rune -- Requires Reputation
or - 10x Draconic Augment Rune
- 20x Goblin Glider Kit
- Nice to either prevent yourself from dying to fall damage or to fly over small gaps without mounting up.
- 20x Gunshoes
- Use to gain a 200% movement speed & water walking buff for 25 seconds.
- Use the "walk" toggle to slow down if you want to hand in quests.
- Buy 1x Light-Step Hoofplates and use it as your mount equipment.
Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.
- Horde/Orgrimmar: Banner of Cooperation
- Alliance/Stormwind: Banner of Cooperation
Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.
- Horde/Orgrimmar: Standard of Unity
- Alliance/Stormwind: Standard of Unity
Buy this Banner on your faction's Guild Vendor.
- Horde/Orgrimmar: Battle Standard of Coordination
- Alliance/Stormwind: Battle Standard of Coordination
Written by: Wexi
Reviewed by: Xerwo